The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 13, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1920.
Cbe plattemoutb lournal
Entered at I'ostofflce, Plattamouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The greatest distance at which
thunder can be heard is 15 miles.
Card playing may be wicked, but
there isn't a black heart in the
Christmas comes but once a year,
old and young ought to be of good
Any woman can fool a man, but
it's sometimes difficult to keep him
Jhe eyes of the little ones, also
many of the older ones, are on the
shop windows.
Never in the history of Platts
mouth was Christmas goods more
plentiful and varied.
"When you hear a man say that
every man has his price, that man
is anxious to sell out.
American politics consists, of the
rolling of logs, the pulling of wires
and the laying of pipes.
A boy never gets much comfort
out of his first cigar, but he gets
a. great deal of experience.
. :c
The fat face of Santa Claus greets
us from the' advertisements. What
would Christmas be without . the
Christmas advertisements, anyhow.
When the bride promises to love,
honor and obey, she is just as earnest
as when she kisses the bridegroom's
Eggs are so high nowadays that
when you talk about a burglar the
children in the family think you
mean the grocer.
Don't fail to buy Red Cross Christ
mas seals. Each one of these littla
seals is a bullet fired at mankind's
most dreaded enemy, tuberculosis.
Austria has been admitted to the
league of nations, but Austria will
not require as much room as she
would have needed a few years
The. expenses of the woman's
party in the presidential campaign
amounted to only $664,208. The
women have a lot to learn about
. :o:
Our position is simply this: A
nice girl should not go automobiling
on a chilly night in a flimsy cobtumo
unless she expects to snuggle up to
the driver.
Now that congress has the elec
tion off its mind it really doesn't
seem too much to expect from it few
er stump speeches and more activity
of a brass tack nature. .
A San Francisco man has sued u's
wife for a divorce because she in
sists on taking a pet Hon to bed with
her. Hubty is right. The lion rosy
be afflicted with fleas.
The treasury estimates it will take
seven and one-half million dollar?
fo enforce the Volstead law next
year. This year's kind of enforce
ment, or some other kind?
A one-armed paper hanger with
the itch is never kept quite so busy
as the family cook, when she is try
ing to keep a healthy family sup
plied with hot flapjacks.
A puritanical Sabbath is being
urged by the reformers, and they are
planning to carry the fight to con
gress. In other words, they want to
take the sun out of Sunday.
Warren G. Harding is tackling
a big Job the biggest job in the
world and he needs all the know
ledge he can possibly get. No man
ever faced a presidential job with
more urgent need of information.
Flimsy lingerie and bare knees are
the cause of many pneumonia deaths,
says the coroner at Chicago. Well.
.what are the poor girls to do? Fash
ion decrees that they must wear
those things.
The efficiency of the medical
corps of the United States army dur
ing the world war is shown by the
report stating that out of a total of
224,089 men wounded. 15S.5S5 were
returned to duty, and the mortality
rate was only 8.26 per cent, as com
pared with 13.6 par cent during our
civil war. Our number killed in
battle was 34.249.
There is money in the motion
picture business but not everybody
who makes an investment therein
gets a dividend. The National As
sociation of the motion picture in
dustry has issued a bulletin stating
that worthless stock amounting to
' more than a billion dollars is t he
annual offer of the wildcat motion
picture concerns to the United
States. Fortunately, none of it is
in our safety deposit box. We don't
even own an interest In Mary Tick?
There Is at least one sheriff In
the United' States who knows how
to frustrate a mob. When a band
-of lynchers visited the Jail at Wise,
Va., they found a machine gun
mounted in front of the prison and
a. gunner in charge who was Instruct
ed to shoot to kill. The negro was
not lynched.
It looks like the Balkins will soon
be balking again.
Talk isn't cheap when you hire a
lawyer to do It for you.
Seven thousand men enlisted in the
U. S. army last month.
Waiting for rich relatives to die
is a wretched way to Jive.
Father views with alarm the us
ual hideous flood of Christmas neck
ties. :o:
Twenty-three bank failures in
South Dakota. To much non-partisan
News is mighty dull these days.
Hardly any of the movie stars are
getting divorces.
If you want to know what to buy
during the Christmas shopping, read
the Plattsmouth Dally Journal.
It will add very muc'J to the
beauty of your letters to adorn them
with Red Cross Christmas seals.
Don't forget to tell your wife oc
casionally that you love her. Oth
erwise she might not find it out.
Man laughs at woman because she
follows the fashions, and woman
laughs at man because he follows
The young lady charged with
shooting an aged millionaire should
have been taught not to shoot off her
One of the most trying jobs of a
jazzing wife is deciding on what new
records to buy on the first of each
. :o:
In making up your Christmas es
timates, do not .orget those unfor
tunates who have no resources to es
timate. o:o
That story about American gun
men operating in Ireland is abso
lutely ridiculous. The casualty list
is too small.
When a fellow begins to complain
that he isn't "understood", it's a sign
somebody has been guessing at him
pretty accurately.
Measured by the gold standard,
the silver dollar is coming back;
measured by the egg standard, it is
still a long way off.
Congress convened at noon Monday
and already the leaders have formed
their plans to do nothing during
the next three months.
The women voters should be told
that this talk about collective bar
gaining does not mean bargain sales.
It is just the opposite.
s :o:
It is a ten to one that Albert
Burleson will not engago in the mail
order business after he retires from
the postoffice department.
To judge from the amount of whis
y being released from bonded ware
houses for medicinal purposes. Uncle
Sam is the sickest man in the world.
Statistics prove that native born
of native parents have a much lower
mortality Tate than either foreign
born or native born of foreign par
ents. :o:
It is absurd to encourage immi
gration to this country on the the
ory that the newcomers will go to the
farms. They invariably flock to the
Every week the papers explain
that Jim Jones broke his arm "while
cranking his Ford." although that
is about the only way In which arms
are broken nowadays.
Father humps over a desk six days
in the week and yet friend wife ex
pects him to straighten up on Sun
days and look as chipper as the hero
in a motion picture play.
Filipinos conducting a propaganda
for independence are said to be back
ed by a fund of $500,000. And it's
a tolerably safe guess that the money
originally came from Japan.
The Republican proposal to cut
down the representation of southern
states in congress has a sound basis
in equity, but on second thought,
ought Tennessee to be included?
"I think no more of running for
mayor than I would for cleaning
house," says a Massachusetts woman
who is running for that office. Nat
urally not. Both are easy jobs.
:o: -
King Constantine's plan for com
ing back is not the first of its kind.
Bob Fitzsimmons, Jim Corbett, Jim
Jeffries and Jack Johnson 'all tried
it without success.
Apropos of the deficit in the re
publican campaign fund. Nobody
need worry. Will Hays Is a shrewd
business . man. He will quickly
shake down the amount from repub
lican pie hunters.
The United States department of,
agriculture has issued a bulletin say
ing that pork should be cooked well
before eating. Just' furnish us with
the pork, and we will certainly see
to Its proper cooking.
j One of the bills to be introduced
j when congress reassmbled Monday
I was one to increase the membership
of the house. The ' country will
hope it was referred to one of thoBe
congressional committees that never
. :o:
If you want to get your 6hare of
the Christmas holiday trade, tell the
public what you have to sell. The
cheapest, most direct and .effective
way of reaching the public is through
the adveitis'ng columns of the Platts
mouth Journal.
Even if you are a sinner, the pas
tor of the congregation will be glad
to see you at church Sunday. The
churches are primarily for sinners.
No pastor wants to waste his time
preaching to a congregation com
posed exclusively of Christians.
A press dispatch says that auto
mobile accessories are to be cheaper.
We 'would also like to hear some
thing about a reduction rate for put
ting patches on our old shoes and
repairing the rearward of our trou
sers. -
Here's a problem in economics:
If a merchant pays $1 for an article,
the wholesale price drops to 50 cents
arfd he sells his stock on the basis
of replacement value, does his reduc
tion in price to 4he consumer lose
him money? Hadn't he already lost
:o: 7
Mr. Ford's latest discovery is of a
world wife plot on the part of all
those of Jewish decent to seize the
governments of the world. Mr. Ford
is greatly alarmed, and does not ap
pear to know just exactly how to go
about getting us out of their
t.V.C.Ki. OTKK
To Raymond Theodorski.
Theodorski. real name unknown (wife
of Raymond Theodorski): Henry
Thomas, Sylvia C. Thomas (wife of
Henry Thomas); Anna C. Kyle. M. H
Kyle, real name unknown (husband of
Anna C. Kvlet: W. W. Windham, trus
tee for M. L. Woodruff: M. L. Wood
ruff, real name unknown: Max I'reis:
Grace Johnson. Johnson, real
name unknown (husband of Grace
Jolmsonl: Martha Johnson
Johnson, real name unknown (husband
of Martha Johnson) and the heirs,
devisees, lepatees. personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of the following- named
persons, whose names are unknown,
to-wit: Raymond Theodorski.
Theodorski. real name unknown (wife
of Raymond Theodorski): Henry
Thomas. Sylvia C. Thomas (wife of
Henry Thomas); Anna C. Kyle, M. H.
Kyle, real name unknown (husband of
Anna C. Kvle): W. W. Windham, trus
tee for M. L. Woodruff: M. L. Wood
ruff, real name unknown; Max I'reis;
Grace Johnson. Johnson, real
name unknown (husband of Grace
Johnson): Martha Johnson
Johnson, real name unknown (husband
of Martha Johnson); Lot three hundred
nine 309 VillaKe of Louisville, as
surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass
county. Nebraska: and Lot six (6) and
the south one (1 foot of Lot five (5),
in Block four (-1), in the VillaKe of
Aivo. as surveyed, platted and record
ed in Cass county, Nebraska; and Lots
eleven (11) and twelve (12), Block two
hundred twenty-one (221) in the City
of Plattsmouth, as surveyed, platted
and recorded in Cass county, Nebraska;
and Iots one (1). two (2). three (3),
four U. five (5) and six (6) in Block
eivrhty-five (S5, in the City of Platts
mouth, as surveyed, platted and re
corded in Cass county, Nebraska: and
all persons claiming any interest of
any kind in said real estate or any
part thereof:
You and each of you - are notified
that on the 6th dav t December, 1920.
Harriett V;. Wolfe, ' as plaintiff, filed
her petition in the District Court In
and for Cass county. Nebraska. and
that you and each of you are parties
defendant, the object of the action so
broupht licinsr to foreclose four 'sepa
rate tax certificates, covering the fol
lowing described parcels of real estate
in Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: Iot
three hundred nine (309). Village of
lyouisville, as surveyed, platted and re
corded in Cass county. Nebraska; and
lAt six (6) and the south one (1) foot
of Lot five (5). in Block four (4). In
the Village of Alvo, as surveyed, plat
to 1 and recorded in Cass county, Ne
braska: and Lots eleven (11) and
twelve (12). Block two hundred twenty-one
(221), in the City of Platts
mouth. as surveyed, platted and re
corded in Cass county, Nebraska, and
Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four
(1). five (5) and six (6) in Block
eighty-five (8.",) in the City of Platts
mouth, as surveyed, platted and re
corded in Cass county, Nebraska; and
that you anil each, of you be fore
closed of all title, claim, lien, rltilit of
redemption or other interest in said
property or any part thereof, and that
the plaintiff have such other and fur
ther relief as she may be entitled to
and to the Court may seem meet.
You and eachof you are required
to answer this petition on or before
the 24th dav of January, 1921.
By Plaintiff.
d9-5w. Her Attorney.
m better
( that there are two
ways to care for
?TM learning to take
S ' care of them.
It is quite a mannerly thing to take
care of your clothes investmeut and
protect it up to the limit. Having
your clothes carefully dry cleaned
will improve their wear and help to
prolong the life of their stylish lines.
Getting acquainted wjthour work
means getting in touch with a real
money saving service.
Goods Called for and Delivered,
To, Joana Coleman and
man. her husband, real name unknown:
Charles Greenwich Howard and
Howard, his wife, real name unknown; W. MrCombs and Mc
I Combs, his wife, real name unknown;
William N. MrGinley and Mc-
Oinley, his wife, real name unknown;
Hester Ann Pearson and Pear
son, her husband, real name unknown;
Joseph F. Pearson and Pearson,
his wife, real name unknown; Mary
A. Dufray and Dufray, her hus
band, real name unknown; J. W. An
derson, real name unknown, and
'Anderson, his wife, real name un
known: Emily K. Anderson and
Anderson, her husband, real name un
known: Hugh A. Dufray and :
Dufray. his wife, real name unknown;
Ebenezer J. Coleman and Cole
man, his wife, real name unknown;
Mary Warren and Warren, her
husband, real name unknown: Harry
K. Coleman and Coleman, his
wife, real name unknown: Hellen K.
Lemon and Lemon, her husband,
real name unknown; Amanda H. Saun
ders and Saunders, her husband,
real name unknown: Albert D. Welton
and Welton, his wife, real name
unknown: Catherine Bealer and
Bealer, her husband, real name un
known: Tacie A. Laughlln and
Laughlin, her husband, real name un
known; Edward E. Cuapln and
Chapln. his wife, real name unknown;
Jesse O. Chapln and Chapln, his
wife, real name unknown; Roy M.
Chapln and Chnpin. his wife.
real name unknown: May E. Chapln
and Chapln. her husband, real
name unknown; Florence B. Chapin
and Chapin, her husband, real
name unknown: Ira Chapin and
ChaplrV. his wife, real name unknown;
Oscar W. Laughlin and Laugh
lin, his wife, real name unknown:
Michael Cooney and Cooney, his
wife, real name unknown: John 11
Croxton:' Robert E. Farmer; Jane Mc
Neill and McNeill, her husband,
real name unknown: E. A. Wlggen
horn. real name unknown, and
Wiggenhorn, her husband, real name
unknown; Marshall D. Abbott and
Abbott, his wife, real name un
known: Meriden Rose I'earson and
Pearson, her husband, real name
unknown; D. Matilda i'earson and
. I'earson, her husband, real name
unknown: Adeleska B. Pearson and
I'earson. her husband, real name
unknown: Rosa B. Pearson and
Pearson, her husband, real name un
known; Stephen S. Abbott and
Abbott, his wife, real name unknown:
Lewis M. Abbott and Abbott.
his wife, real name unknown: Ahijah
C. Abbott and Abbott, her hus
band, real name unknown: Dana C.
Pearson and Pearson, his wife,
real name unknown; Fredrick Koch
erhans and ' Kocherhans, his
wife, real name unknown; Edna
Stevenson and Stevenson, her
husband, real name unknown: Estejle
Doom and Doom, her husband,
real name unknown: Belle Rich and
Rich, her husband, real name
unknown; Marion Abbott and
Abbott, his wife, real name unknown;
Mary Abbott and Abbott, her
husband, real name unknown; Emma
D. Abbott and Abbott, her hus
band, real name unknown; L. M. Ab
bott, real name unknown and
Abbott, his wife, real name unknown;
John. Brown and Brown, his
wife, real name unknown: Nancy A.
Waters and Waters, her hus
band, real name unknown: E. B. Cole
man, real name unknown, and
Coleman. his wife, real name un
known; Helen Cecilia Lewis and
Lewis, her husband, real name un
known; Jane Dunn and Dunn,
her husband, real name unknown;
Reuben A. Chapln and Chapln,
his wife, real name unknown, if alive,
or if dead their unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representatives
or other persons interested in their
respective estate, the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The southwest quarter ' of the
northwest quarter. (SW4 NW4)
and the northwest quarter of the
southwest quarter NWi SW)
of Section twenty-eight (28). and
the southeast quarter of the north
east quarter (SE4 NE4) and the
northeast quarter of the south
east quarter fXE',4 SE',i of Sec
tion twenty-nine (29).-also thirty
(30) acres off the east side of the
northeast quarter of the north
east quarter SE NE'4 of Sec
tion twenty-nine (29), all in Town
ship twelve (12) North, Range
nine (9), East of the 6th P. M.;
The northwest quarter of the
northwest quarter (NW-i NW4)
of Section twentv-elght (28), Town
ship twelve (12) North, Range
nine (9). East of the 6th P. M-.
except the Chicago, Burlington &
iulney Railroad right of way;
f The northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter (NE'i NEH) of
Section thirty-three (33), Town
ship twelve (12) North. Ranee
nine (9), East of the 6th P. M
except a private road sixteen (16)
feet wide on the tOD of the bank
on the east side of Greenwood
Creek, south from the public high
way on the --north side Of said
northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter, following the meanderings
of said creek south to all the land
Ivlng east of said creek belong
ing to the west half of the north
east quarter of said section, all in
("ass county, Nebraska:
and all persons claiming any interest
of anv kind in said real estate or any
part thereof, as well as the defendants
Walter A. Laughlin, administrator of
the estate of Reuben A. Chapin, de
ceased, and Lombard Investment Com
pany, a corporation, defendants:
You and each of you will take notice
that on the 28th day of July. 1920,
John K. Lambert filed his petition in
the District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, against you and each of you.
as weir as Frank S. Ashcraft and Mary
A. Ashcraft, his wife: Nlles O. Coleman
and Mvrtle M. Coleman, his wife, and
Harvey D. Coleman and Mary E. Cole
man, his wife, defendants, the object
and prayer of which is to remove clouds
cast upon plaintiff s title 10 me lanus
named as defendant by false claims of
the personal defendants and each of
them to some right, title, estate or
interest therein or to some part there
of, and to quiet and confirm the title
to the defendant real estate in the
plaintiff and that the personal defen
dants and each of them and all per
sons claiming bv, through, under or
In privity with them and each of them,
mav be forever barred and enjoined
from claiming any right, title, lien,
estate or interest fcn or to said land or
any part thereof; that the defendant
real estate and all persons navmg any
interest of anv kind In said estate or
anv part thereof may be bound and
concluded bv the degree herein as to
all matters herein adjudicated.
It Is alleged In said petition mat
I lie defendants snecifically named in
this action each falsely claim to have
some right, title, lien, estate or inter
est in said real estate or some part
thereof, the exact nature and extent
of which claims are to the plaintiff
unknown but that the same are effec
tual to and do cast a cloud upon the
title of plaintiff to said real estate;
that said defendants and each of them
have no rlirht. title, lien, interest or
estate and If any they ,-ver bad the
same, has lonir been divesteu Dy tne
adverse possession of said land by the
piaintin ana nis grantors ir more
than ten years last -past and the same
accrued more than ten years prior to
the commencement of this action;
That said petition further alleges
that the defendants J. H. Croxton,
Lombard Investment Company, a cdr-i
poration. Robert E. ' Farmer, Jane Mc
Neil and E. A. Wiggerrtiorn each false
ly claim some riKht.' title, lien, estate
pr ;1n,tertst'iii jandt to-. Maid real estate
ly 'reason ' of -qrtfcih j mfortgage Jrfeeda
Hereinafter aescriDea. cxecui.ea on caies
as hereinafter set forth.' and recorded
In the office of the Tleglster of Deeds
of Cass . county," Nebraska, ap herein
after designated and which each cover'
sahl real estate or some part thereof,
to-wit: A mortgage executed by Mar
shall D. Abbott-and wife to the Lom
bard Investment Company, dated Feb
ruary 11,. 1884. for I124.C0, recorded In
Book P at page 639; a mortgage- or
deed of trust executed by ' Friedrich
Kocherhans to John H. Croxton. dated
September 15, 1858, for the sum of
9280.00 -and recorded in Book A at page
107; a mortgage executed by J. L.
Brown to Robert E. Parmer, dated
I April 15,-1870. for the sum of $229.00.
recorded in Book K at page 16; a
mortgage executed by M. D. Abbott to
Jane McNeill, dated November 28, 1874,
for $261.00, recorded in Book G at page
158 and purporting from the record to
be assigned to E. A. Wlggenhorn,
and plalntltt avers that all indebted
ness which said mortgages were given
to secure has in every instance long
since been rully paid and the said
mortgages should be fully cancelled
and discharged of record; that said
defendants and each of them still
falsely claim some right, title, lien,
interest and estate in and to said real
estate aforesaid.
You are required to answer said pe-titlo-.i
on or before Monday, the 20th
day of December, 1920.
By Thomas, Vail & Stoner,
His Attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of James
Clement Stevenson, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on December
20th. 1920. and March 21st. 1921, at 10
o'clock a. m. of . each day, to receive
and examine all .claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 20th
day of December, A. D. 1920, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 20th day of De
cember, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 10th day of
November, 1920.
(Seal) nll-4w. County Judge.
The State f Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Emmor
K. Reece, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room In Platts
mouth In said county, on the 11th day
of 'December. 1920, and the 12th day
of March, 1921. at 10 o'cloek a. m. on
each of said days to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the lth
day of December, A. D. 1920, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 11th day of De
cember. 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said county Court, this 13th day of
November. 1920.
(Seal) nl8-4w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
August Noltlng. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the 7th day
of December, 1920, and the Sth day of
March, 1921, to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said estate
Is three months from the 7th day of
December, . A. D. 1920, and the time
limited for payment ojt debts is one
year from said 7th 'day of December,
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 9th day of
November, 1920.
(Seal) nl5-? County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
David, Z. Mummert, Plaintiff, vs. Carl
Baumgart et al. Defendants.
To the defendants Carl Baumgart
and Mrs. Carl Baumgart, his wife, first
and real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees legatees, personal rep
resentatives an all other persons in
terested in the estate of Carl Baum
gart. deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives, and ail other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Carl Baumgart.
deceased: the unknown claimants and
all other persons interested In Lot
twelve (12), in Block forty-nine (49),
In the City of Plattsmouth. Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; Lot twelve (12). in Block
forty-nine (49). in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and all
persons claiming any interest of any
kind in said real estate or any part
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that on the 30th day of October,
A. D. 1920. Plaintiff filed his petition
and suit in the District Court of Cass
county. Nebraska, the object and pray
er and purpose of which Is 'to fore
close the lien of a tax sale certificate
on Lot twelve (12). in Block forty
nine (49). in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, and for attor
neys' fees, costs and equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of the said District Court. You
and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before the 17th day
of January. A. D. 1921, and in failing
so to do. your default will be duly
entered therein and judgment taken as
praved for in laintlff's petition.
By Plaintiff.
dC-4w. His Attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In' the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Herrmann, deceased.
. To the creditors of sahl estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
inouth in sahl county, on the lOlli dav
of January, A. D. 1921. and on the 11th
day of April, A. I . l'J2l, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon of each day, to receive
and examine all claims airainst said
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time limited
for the presentation of claims against
said estate is three months from the
10th day of January, A. D. 1921, and
the time limited for payment of debts
is one year from said 10th' day of
January, A. D. 1!J1.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Count v Court, this 8th day of De
cember, . 1920.
ALL KS J. i5i:i:sox,
(Seal) . County Judge.
Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy
Vnw la tliA timet to lav In u Kiinnlv
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
is almost sure to be .needed before
the winter is over. You will look a
good while before you find a better
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and
u'hnnnin? nniich or one that is more
Dleasant to take. It meets with favor
Euy it now and be pre-
University 6f Nebraska Barred
Rock Cockrels for sale, $2.00 each.
Phone-3422. . ' i
-" MRS. S. RAY' SMITH. j
8t aw. - ' Plattsmouth, Neb.
Although journal want-ads cost
but little the results they bring are
wcnderfuL Trr them.
?f crass
The holidays are approaching rapidly. It's a good
idea to buy your gifts early. We make this suggestion
because the next few weeks will be busy ones for you.
A visit to our store will give you more ireas than you
will get in a month at home.
Why Not "A
CnilfADn OiinRPDIOC;
Services Held This Morning at Late!
Home on Wintersteen Hill and
Body Taken to Glenwood
From Saturday's Daily.
This morning the funeral services
of Mrs. Ed Snodsrass were-held at
the lata home on Wintersteen hHl
and quite largely attended 03- the
friends of this estimable lady who
had gathered to nder their last
tribute of love to her memory and
to share with the grief stricken
family the sorrow that has come to
The floral remembrances -were
beautiful and in their beauty ex
pressed the deep sense of sympathy
felt by the community in the loss
that has come to the large circle "of
friends in the death of this splendid
Rev. A. G. Ilollowell of the Chris
tian church, of which the departed
had been a most faithful member,
was in charge of the service and
spoke from the text, "If a man dies.
Shall he live again?" from Job 14:14.
The minister brought to the sorrow
ing ones a sense of comfort in their
loss with the vision of the hereafter
where the partings and griefs of this
mortal plane shall vanish in the
light of the Son of Man.
During the services two of the old
and "well loved hymns. "Suu of My
Soul" and. "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me,"
were given by Mrs. A. G. Ilollowell,
Mrs. Minnie Pickard and Miss
Thelma Hudson.
At the conclusion of the services
at the home the body was taken to
ur Cash Price for Immedi
ate Delivery
Phone 54
Wrist Watches
Cut Glass
- Chains
I Cuff Links
I Stick Pins-
Emblems of All Kinds
Gift that Lasts?"
I the Burlington station where it was
j taken on No. 4 to Glenwood to rest
i in the cemetery there beside the
Par,?nt3 nf he Parted lady, -who
an sleeping their last long sleep.
Pleasant vav to
breakup colds-
EVEnYON'S in C.r fcir.ily can
rely on Dr. King's New Dia
coverv, the stan&'ird remedy
for the last fifty years, to break
up ccushr, grippe end stubborn
colds. Ko harn:f::l c!rj3. At
your druggists, COc and $1.20.
.For ccl&gzndcaughg
New Discovery
Sallow Skin Not Pretty
Constipation destroys the completion,,
making it yellow and ugly. Kr.p the
bowels at work cleaning out the system
daily by using Dr. Kind's Fills. They
do the work thoroughly and cr.t.!y
Iiuy a bottle today, 25 cents.
and 54
TT PromptWont Gilpo