The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 13, 1920, Image 1

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    er8?lcft State Eiitoii-
cal Society
NO. 41
From Thursday s Daiij
Yesterday at 11:20 a. m. occurred
the marriage of one of the fair
young daughters of Cass county.
Miss Doris J. Vallory to Mr. Charles
T. Stretton of Scottsbluff. Nebraska,
at the charming country home of the
Vallery family near Mynard. where
the bride has been reared to woman
hood. The wedding was very simple and
quiet, only the immediate relatives
of the contracting parties being pres
ent to witness the ceremony that was
to join for life the hearts and for
tunes of these two estimable young
The marriage lipes were read by
the Rev. II. G. McClusky. pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of
I'lattsmouth. and the impressive ring
service used in the solemnization of
the wedding ceremony.
The bride was very beautiful in
an exquisite dark brown traveling
suit and carried a bouquet of bride's
roses and wore a very Ftriking pic
ture hat in keeping with the cos
tume. The groom was attired in
the conventional dark suit.
Following the wedding ceremony
the members of the bridal party and
the guests were entertained at a very
charming three-course nuptial din
ner which had been arranged by the
mother of the bride. Mrs. J. R. Val
lery and the sisters of the bride. The
table decorations were in pink roses
and made a very pretty setting tor
the happy occasion and the dinner
one of the most delicious.
The bride and groom enjoyed a
short visit with the members of the
family and in the afternoon motored
to Nehawka, from where they de
parted over the Missouri Pacific for
Lincoln and from there go to their
future home In Scottsbluff.
Mrkth Mr nnri Xt r Stretton n
. . - . . - ------ " 3
well kjiown and popular in university
circles at Lincoln, where they have
been students at the state university
and it was there that their acquain
tance was formed which later de
veloped into the romance culminat
ing in their marriage.
The bride is well known in Cass
county, where she has spent her life
time and is one of the most wealthy
and prominent families in the coun
ty. The groom is one of the pro
gressive young business men of the
western Nebraska city, being engaged
in the drug business in Scottsbluff
and is a young man very popular
among those who have the pleasure
of knowing him.
Mr. and Mrs. Stretton will carry
with them in their new home the
heartiest best wishes for their future
welfare and happiness from the host
of friends throughout Cass county.
Cass Camp No. 332 of This City Hold
Annual Election of Officers Last
Evening and Select Leaders.
From Thursday's Dally.
' Last evening the members of Cass
Camp No. 332. Modern Woodmen of
America held their meeting at the
lodge rooms in their building at
Sixth and Pearl streets and follow
ing the opening of the lodge the reg
ular election of officers for the en
suing year was taken up and the
following chosen:
Venerable Consul C. F. Schmidt
mann. Worthy Advisor George Klinger.
Banker William Hassler.
Clerk H. F. Goos.
Escort Will Nolting.
Sentry Henry Nolting.
Watchman H. M. Wilcox.
Manager for Three Years Harry
S. Barthold.
Th lodce has been fortuante in
the fact that they have been able
to rt-tain the services of their bank
r. clerk and manager, who have all
done yoeman service in the cause of
woodrr.-ift and Mr. Hassler has filled
th nositinn of. .hanker for the nast
twenty years?'while Mr. Goos has
been clerk ojtb organization lor
almost the same length of time and
has with Mr. Hassler shared the re
sponsibility of conducting the fin
ancial affairs of the lodge in the
best possible manner that could be
asked. Mr. Barthold has long served
on the board of managers and was
one of those responsible for the se
curing of the splendid building now
owned fcv th Modern Woodmen And
which has proven an excellent in
Males for sale at $2.00 each.
White Wyondottes. Rose and Single
Comb Rhode Island Reds, and Rouen
lJD-w. South Bend, Neb.
Journal want ads pay. Try them,
An action has been filed in the
district court by Harriett E. Wolfe
vs. Raymond Theordiski. et al. in
which the plaintiff asks for the set
tlement of claims against property
situated in Louisville. Alvo and
Plattsmouth and to which the plain
tiff holds claim. The plaintiff is the
sister of the late Andrew Jackson
Seamen, the Omaha recluse and tax
ritle dealer, and is the heir of the
estate left by Mr. Seamen at his
death several months ago. The ac
tion is to clear up a number of tax
claims held by the late-Mr. Seamen.
Passed Away at Her Home in This
City After Illness Covering Per
iod of Several Days Duration.
From Thursday' Dally.
Last evening at 10:30 the death
messenger visited the home of E. B.
Snodgrass in this city and took from
the family circle the wife and moth
er, who has for the past two weeks
been in very serious condition. The
death comes as a very severe blow to
the bereaved husband and the seven
little children, the youngest of whom
is the babe of two weeks as well as
to the brothers and sisters who are
parting with their loved one until
the dawning of a better day.
Minnie Ault. the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ault.
was born in Mills county. Iowa, and
was at the time of her death thirty
two years of age, and has resided for
her lifetime in Mills county and in
this city where she was united in
marriage to Edward Snodgrass. To
this union were born seven children,
Eugene, Ellwood, La Verne. Emmett,
Margaret. Albert, and the little babe
of two weeks, who with the husband
survive the death of the estimable
lady. Two brothers. James and
Charles Ault of this city and three
sisters. Mrs. Frank Sheehan of Fort
Collins. Colorado, Miss Emma Ault
of Glenwood and Mrs. William Men
denhall of Plattsmouth are also left
to mourn her passing.
Tlx? body of - Mr.. Snoderep.3 "will
be taken to Glenwood Saturday
morning on No. 4 over the Burling
ton and will be laid to rest in the
cemetery in that city where the fath
er and mother of the departed lady
are buried. There will be a short
service here at the home at S:30 Sat
urday morning.
In the hour of their sorrow the
bereaved family will receive the sym
pathy of the entire community in
the close that has come to them and
the many friends of this kindly lady
who have known her for her lifetime
will find her place hard to fill in
their circle of friendship.
Round Table Dinner at M. E. Church
in Interest of Epworth League
Campaign Proves Successful '
From Thursday's Dally.
Last evening at :la the members
of the Epworth League and their
friends gathered at the Methodist
church to enjoy one of the very in-
tertaining and pleasant meetings of
the week's campaign in " in My
Chum" week which is now being con
ducted by the society. The attend
ance was very pleasing and the in
terest shown was a testimony to the
fac that the young people of the
church were fully awakened to the
spirit of the campaign.
The meeting was led by E. H.
Wescott and was very interesting
throughout in leading to the iiispir
ational thoughts of the week's cam
Two young people at the meeting
signified their intention of joining
in the life of the church and proved
a very pleasing addition to the mem
bership of this excellent organiza
tion of young people.
The luncheon which was served
was provided by the committee of
the league and the members did
themselves proud in the manner in
which they conducted the pleasant
From Thursday's Dally.
William Stohlman, one of the
prominent business men of Louis
ville, was in the city yesterday after
noon for a few hours. .This is the
first visit of Mr. Stohlman here since
his return from the Methodist hos
pital in Omaha, where he was oper
ated on for an injury sustained a
number of years ago when he was
kicked in the face by a horse and as
a result of which small portions of
the bone of the nose were found to be
pressing on the nerves leading to the
eyes with the result that he was
threatened with blindness. He was
operated on and while the operation
war. a very 6evere one, he came
through nicely and is now feeling
much better and rapidly regaining
the full use of his eyes. This will
be pleasing news to the many friends
over the county and they trust that
their old friend may continue to improve.
George W. Holdrege, one of the
best known railroad men in the west,
has signified his retirement from his
position as general manager of the
Burlington lines west of the Missouri
The retirement of Mr. Holdrege
will be learned of with much regret
in this city where this able railroad
leader first entered into his life work
that has led him into one of the high
est positions in the western railroad
systems. From the time that Mr.
Holdrege entered the service of the
Burlington as a clerk in the offices
in Plattsmouth he has been a warm
friend oT this city and its interests
and the splendid service he had given
his aided in making the shops here
an important part of the system.
His resignation was made known
Thursday aftefr.oon in the following
announcement.issued from his office
in Omaha:
To personal friends in the terri
tory served by the Burlington rail
road between the Missouri river and
the continental divide:
For fifty-one years, since Septem
ber. 1869. it has been my duty to aid
in the mutual development of the
Burlington system west of the Mis
souri river and the country it has
the good fortune to serve.
I shall retire from active service
December SI, 1920. and want to most
sincetely thank the people living in
this vast area for their kindly co
operation in this work, which has
been an inspiration and a pleasure,
and to add that it is my intention to
continue to make my home in this
I intend, also in the future, as in
the past, to be of assistance as far
as possible, in the mutual interests
of the Burlingtou railroad and the
people it serves.
Concerning the departure from ac-!
tive service of Mr. Holdrege. a well
known official of that road, long in
the service under Mr. Holdrege. says:
"No man ever left such a position
with more loyal co-workers regret
ting his departure than George W.
Holdrege. Somehow he begat loy
alty. Men who worked under him
thought of the road first, and when
they thought of the road that was
thinkin gof Holdrege. working for
Holdrege and doing his bidding. lie
was a strict disciplinarian, just and
impartial, and no one ever went be
fore him with a real grievance who
did not get a hearing."
The Story of a Busy Life.
George Ward Holdrege. general
manager of the Burlington & Missou
ri River railroad lines west of the
Missouri river, was born in New
York citv. March 20, 1847. son of
Henrj- and Mary Holdrege. His early
education was acquired in private
schools, principally in Stebbens' aca
demy lrvingtc?nJon-the-Hud;n)n where
he prepared for college. He took
the regular academic course in Har
vard university and graduated in
In the fall of 1869 he located in
Nebraska as paymaster and store
keeper in the office of the Burlington
& Missouri Railroad company at
Plattsmouth. A year later he was
transferred to the offices of the com
pany at Burlington. Ia.. and entered
the train service, serving for one
year as conductor of a train on the
main line. He was then made super
intendent of construction of the Char
iton branch westward from Clariton.
In 1S72. Mr. Holdrege was made
trainmaster at Burlington, was ap
pointed assistant superintendent
with headquarters at Plattsmouth
in 1873. and when headquarters were
transferred to Lincoln, in 1S7S, be
became general superintendent of
the lines west of the Missouri river.
Mr. Holdrege's advancement from
a minor position to one of the highest
of the offices of the great system was
due to his complete mastery of details
of his positions as well as to remark
able executive ability. His superior
officers soon recognized in him the
material for the making of a thor
ough railroad man, and the great net
work of railroad west of the Missouri
river comprising the Burlington sys
tem has grown up under his manage
ment. The' early building of the Burling
ton lines over a very large part of
Nebraska was a primary factor in the
development of the state. In the ac
quirement of right-of-way the diplo
macy and business tact of Mr. Hoi
drege was aparent. It was his pol
icy to encourage by all legitimate
means every industry that promised
to be beneficial, and this has been
especially true of the chief interest
of this state, its agricultural re
sources. During the trying times resulting
from the general business depression
and failure of crops, the liberal pol
icy pursuea py me tjuriington sys
tem under Mr. Holdrege's manage
ment was of the greatest value in
enabling the people, especially in the
newer portions of the state, to held
their own until the return of better
conditions. The work of construc
tion was never abandoned during the
hard times, and trom'1892 to 1894.
a period of general suspension of
railroad building, the line of the
Burlington from Nebraska to Bill
ings, Mont.. 'as constructed.
Popular With Employes.
Employes uude" Mr. Holdrege.
from the lowest to the highest in po
sition, hold him 'in high regard, both
personally and officially. He has been
aptly characterized thus: George
Holdrege is chain lightning without
the thunder. Hv is unostentatious
and courteous. n.'idet unt! compan
ionable. He is a man of few words,
with the faculty of saying much by
silence, and his business cares rest
lightly upon hiiu. During his col
1 ge days he wcsTond of fieid sports
and acquatis. and in these he has
never lost interest, lie is fond of
hunting and his occasional vacations
are given up to his sport more than
to any other. Wnih- f nd of agree
able companions, he is not known ;is
a society or' club man. but on the
other hanl is d'.-vottd to his homo
and family. -y
Mr. Holdrege "-".as married April
11. 1 872. to Mifs Emily Atkinson,
daughter of Prof. William P. Atkin
son, of Boston. She died November
14. 1 S T 3 . leaving, one son, Henry A.
Holdrege. an electrical engineer of
Chicago for severe! years, but. now
general manager tf the Omaha Elec
tric Ligi:t and Power company. Mr.
Holdrege was agcjnst married Aprjl
11. 1S77. to Miss Frances Tl. Kim
ball, daughter of Thomas Kimball,
late manager of the Fnion Pacific
railroad. Three daughters have been
born to them. May. Susan and Leeta,
who are all living. In politics Mr.
Holdrege has always been a republi
can, but has nenr sought office or
political prominence.
For more than twenty-five years
Mr. Holdrege yielded a political pow
er that no man before him or since
has essayed in Nebraska. Governors
and United State? senators, not to
mention rrrany other minor state of
ficers, were made and unmade in his
office in rnaha. In that period be
tween the eclipse of Van Wyck and
the rise of George Sheldon and Norri?
Brown he reigned supreme. No man
thought to run .for any important
state office until after he had gone
to Omaha to see George W. Holdrege
and his office -wai the mecea of leg
islators and oth fv active in repub
lican politics:" '
Sought No Personal Advantage
Mr. Holdrege differed from the tra
ditional political boss in that he nev
er sought profit personally by reason
of the power he wielded. A Bur
lington man first, last and alway?
his power was employed solely to ad
vance and protect the interests of
that railroad. He made no alliances
with disreputable elements. He made
no effort to conceal either what he
was doing or how he did it. Him
eelf he kept always in the back
ground. Very rarely did he appear
at Lincoln when the legislature was
in session, or at other times. He
dealt largely through agents. J. H.
Ager. who recently died in Lincoln,
being his most trusted man for many
The machine operated by Mr. Hol
drege was organized along business
lines, in each county through which
the road ran it was represented by a
group of active politicians, all of
whom were holders of annual pas
ses. One of the group, usually a
lawyer or a banker, was the chief
pass distributor for the county. He
was supplied with blank bonks
passes issued in Mr. Holdrege's name,
and he w-as free to use these as he
pleased, but that power was subject
to the rule that it must not be em
ployed recklessly or unwisely. If h
used it so he lost his power and his
pass, and they passed to another
The same fate awaited him if he fail
ed to bring the delegation from that
county to the state convention, and
could not offer a reasonable explana
tion therefor.
This group was usually composed
of one or two lawyers, hankers, busi
ness men, a doctor or two. men who
knew the political game and how to
play upon the prejudices and ambi
tions of men. They made up the
local machine, which fattened on its
power to award offices and give out
passes. Through the tax system of
primaries by which delegates to coun
ty conventions were selected, an or
ganized group, except where a vital
issue that stirred voters to action,
could invariably get control of the
county conventions. They sot up
dummy candidates in precincts in or
der to control the votes of the pre
cinct delegation, and then put these
into a pot with the delegates brought
in by the candidates thev had pre
viously decided to nominate and thus
controlled without any trouble.
Their principal job was to bring
in the county delegation to the state
convention, and thus the railroads
controlled that gathering. They also
recommended or picked candidates
for the legislature, and were also
permitted to salve their vanitv be
setting up as little local bosses, sub
ject to correction and punishment
for abuse of power.
The railroads had been in politics
from the beginning of the state, but
they never appeared so strongly in
the open as they did after they had
replied first the granger movement
that lifted Van Wyck to eminence
and later the populist movement.
From then until 1906 a republican
state convention, packed by railroad
pass-holders, dictated party policies
and the personnel of state officers.
The Burlington was the'er fore
for a number of years, due to the
leadership of Holdrege, but in time
the Union Pacific and Northwestern
challenger its snppremacy and in a
number of state conventions the bat
tle was less between candidates than
it was between railroads, as to which
should control and dictate the prin
cipal nominees.
End of Railroad Politics.
This condition of affairs was gen
erally known and accepted and it
was not until 190C, when Sheldon
as a candidate for governor and
Brown as a candidate for senator
challenged the right of the railroads
to opemte the state government and
name the men who should fill the of
fices. The battle was a hot one. It
was really lost in Lancaster county,
where just before the convention the
two contending forces, each desirous
of getting a foothold in the state
convention and each being fearful
of defeat, had agreed on a truce by
which the delegation was to be split.
When Mr. Holdrege was informed of
this agreement, sensing with his keen
vision of politics that a victory in
Lancaster was necessary if the con
vention control was to be gained, he
ordered his lieutenants to fight it
out. They did. and lost by the nar
row margin of a dozen votes in a
convention of over 80 0 delegates.
The railroads were routed in that
tate convention and the next leg
islature put them out of politics by
adopting a number of new laws.
principally the direct primary and the
abolition of the pass. Mr. Holdrege's
reign ended then. It was only by
the pass and the convention system
that the railroads could control.
Past successes had convinced ambi
tious young men that political prefer
ment could Le gained only through
the existing railroad machine, and
when the fetich was destroyed along
with the organization, it ended all
hope for the sort of controlled poli
tics that had existed for so many
Accepted New Conditions.
No rail manager ever accepted ab-
solutelv chanaed conditions more
readily than Mr. Holdrege. Some
of his friends said that taking poli-
tical work away from railroads came
as an absolute relief to the Burling
ton general manager. He devoted
himself to railroading more arduously
than ever, matters of railroad de- j
velopment and transportation re
ceiving attention that formerly had !
been divided by attention to matters
political. :
When the Hill ownership came
many said that a manager schooled
as Mr. Holdrege had been in the old
way of doing things could never take
up the newer ways. To the surprise
of some who knew him least he at
once became a manager of the Hill
type, an exponent of the Hill ideas
in railroading, a manager who fitted
in well in the new regime. He. re
organized his. forces and began the
campaign of rebuilding and better
ment that started with Hill owner
ship as energetically as he had en
tered the campaign of new building
and expansion of the system in the
rush building period of the SO's.
Hill ownership and Hill methods had
preceded' the legislature of 1907,
which put the railroads out of poli
tics, and Mr. Holdrege found no lack
of work to be done after he had been
relieved of his political responsibili
ties. Mr. Holdrege Has no regrets.
In an interview in 1914. Mr. Hol
drege was asked if he were to start
life over again if he would be a rail
road man.
"I have no reason to say I would
not be,' was the reply. "I like the
work and always have."
"Are there opportunities today for
the young man to forge ahead in
railroad work as there were when
you entered the service?"
"There is always a chance for
young men to forge ahead." he said.
"The future of our country is great
and will become more important as
time goes on."
"Would you advise a young man
to enter railroad business for a life
"That depends on the circum
stances. There are splendid oppor
tunities for young energetic men to
day in our business Just as there al
ways have been. If a young man
likes the work I can see no reason
why he should not choose it for his
calling. I can say this: The rail
road field is a good one for any ener
getic young man of today. To sue
ceed in it requires hard work and
plenty of it fidelity to duty and a
willingness to learn everything poi
sible that can be learned about all
that have to do with railroading."
F"rm Friday's Dally.
The attendance at the American
Legion dance last night was rather
slim, but those who were present
enjoyed very much the fine music
furnished by Holly's Syncopating
Hrick Dunn, of Nebraska City, who
was to have joined the organization
at the start, as trap drummer, and
whose place has formerly been filled
by Harvey Tetan, of Nebraska City,
was present last evening and his
work was more than pleasing.
To the fact that the Advent sea
son is now on, was largely due the
smallness of the crowd, the spectator
tickets far outnumbering the dance
tickets, which is an unusual occasion.
The result is a considerable deficit
in meetins the expense incurred.
Read the Journal want-ads.
From Thursday's Dally.
This morning Henry Hirz, one of
the prominent farmers of this por
tion of Cass counts- died at this home
west of this city following an illness
of several months and death was
caused by a complication of diseases.
Death came at 10:10 o'clock this
morning, closing a life filled with
actively and usefulness to the com
munity in which the deceased has 60
long resided.
Henry Hirz was born in Germany,
Februayr 10. 1854, aod was reared
to manhood in his native land, learn
ing the butcher's trade and working
at that for a number of years until
ambitious to realize a greater future
he cam to America in 1&72, arriv
ing at New York in the fall of that
year after a long voyage over the
Atlantic. He stopped for a time at
Philadelphia, where he was employed
at his trade and later went to Day
ton, Ohio, and from there to Pektn.
Illinois, where a large number of
his old friends had located- He en
gaged in farm work for a time and
in September 1675 came to Platts
mouth for the first time. Joining a
surveying party here and going to
the western part of the state where
he assisted in surveying for several
months and then returned to this
city to take up the agricultural pur
suits and has since resided in this
locality. His energetic nature en
abled him to overcome the hardships
that were thrown in his way and in a
few years his thrift and industry
enabled him to purchase a farm of
his own and take up the life work
at which he has been exceptionally
In October 1880, Mr. Hirz was
united in marriage to Miss Catherine
Horn, who after a long and very
happy married life was called to her
final reward three yeafs apo and
since that time the husband has re-'
sided with his daughters at the old
home, awaiting the time when the
Master might permit him to join his
helpmate in the great beyond. To
mourn the death of Mr. Hirz there
remains two daughters and one son.
Misses Km ma. aud Elizabeth and
Philip Hirz. all of whom reside near
this city Two brothers and two
sisters are also left to mourn the
death of this good man, John Hirz,
Plattsmouth. Mrs. Catherine Stohl
man of Long Beach, California, Mrs.
Winnie Freddley of Baltimore. Mary
land, and Philip Hirz of Elberta.
Alabama. One sister bas preceded
her brother in death. 1
During his residence here Mr. Hirz
has been a firm believer in the prin
cipals of the democratic party and for
years has been cne of the faithful
workers in the cause of bis party.
The death of Mr. Hirz brings a
6ense of great regret to the many old
friends throughout Cass county, who
have known and loved this genial
and straight-forward gentleman
whose word has been as good as his
bond among those with whom he has
been associated.
The funeral services as far a-s
could be determined today by the
family will tfe on Sunday at one
o'clock from the late home.
L. R. Snipes has lost the belt for
duck shooting and big stories as be
can't hold a catdle to Jim Fitzpat-
Counsel With national
Dank Officers
Our membership in the Federal Reserve
System places us in close touch with current
financial and business conditions.
When you counsel with us. j'ou receive
comprehensive advice gleaned from a know
ledge of national as well as local conditions.
Advice of such character is often especially
helpful and you are invited to consult with
us freely;.
The First m&ional Bank
i:k when it conie to hooting diicks.
While Jim was at the depot Wednes
day morning he 'saw sonic winged
foul fly over the depot and light in
the creek. He hurriedly got a guti
and was soon seen coming back froru
the creek carrying his game and the
question arose an to ha.t kind of a
duck it was that Jim had haivgt-d but
ere long (lie batcher. F. A. liurih.
wa out hunting several Muskegu
ducks that, had escaped from his ptcs
at the nii.rket. There was only one
thing for Jim to do and that was to
pay the price lor the duck which he
did but said thXt people who had
tame ducks that would fly over tree
tops should keep theru labeled. Am
the duck wasn't large enough for a
meal for the Fitzpatriek family. Jim
raffled it off to pay itn- freight.
When Henry Cliri:eii.-en marled
his sheller Wednesday muming at
the Wiles elevator, one of this same
breed of ducks was scored from the
sheller where It had taken quarters
for the night. V.Vi ping Water re
Mr. and 2Hrs. Clarence Atkinson
After Visit Here. Started Yes
terday on 2.400 Mile Drive
From Thursday's uaily.
lesterday afternoon mi: and Mrs.
Clarence Atkinson departed for the
Pacific coast, going to their former
home at Del Monte. California, af
ter a visit here during the fall
months with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson made the trip
from the coast to this city iii the
late summer in the Dodge roadster
and will return in the same car
which will give th car a run of
some 4.800 miles by the time th
party reaches Del Monte and thij
does not include the many trips that
they have made in the car over Cali
fornia and while here in Nebraska.
During their stay here Mr. Atkin
son has been employed a part of the
time in Lincoln and learning that
the roads to the coast were in goot'
shape decided to get away from tbc
cold weather that comes to this por
tion of the globe in the winter s:a
wn.. They go from luxe lo Unhal-
tan, Kansas, over the Corn busker
trail and thence to California over
the old Santa Fe trail through Texas
and Deming, New Mexico, to the laud
of the petting sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pease who
made the trip to the coast to winter
there have written back that the
roads are excellent and that they h;d
a very successful drive across the
continent and a most interesting vis
it at the places of interest along the
way. Their letter encouraged Mr.
and Mrs. Atkinson in starting na
the long trip westward.
Charles Mullin, district manager
of the American Live Stock associa
tion, of Omaha, has been in the city
for the past few days assisting Fred
G. Egenberger, the local agent, iu
looking after the wants of the farm
ers of this locality in the way of in
surance on their live slock. The two
gentlemen have closed a contract
with A. S. Will, one of the large
stock feeders of this locality to in
sure his e.tock and prevent loss to
the herd through death and disease.
Mr. Mullin is an uncle of Mrs. T. K.
Hates of this city and this was his
first visit to the city and one much
If vnn want p-nod nrinrin! let
do your work. Best eauiirped job
shop in southeastern Nebraska.