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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
PIATTSIIOFTH SEEI-WEIELY J0TJB1TAL I 1530. A i J i I '4 1 1 1 1 Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Keadera . ECifi -"UZZ - L f 1- 3 The best credential man c&n offer is proof savings account. mm Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected hy he State Guaranty Lavv MURRAY STA1 All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. A. Young was a Piattsrnouth vis itor Saturday afternoon. Itichard Frederick id numbered among the sick this week. A popular reel at the hall .Satur day evening. I'opuiar prices. You will miss it if you rt. not s it. What? The show Saturday c ve r.itiir. Fred Beverage took a truck load of timothy seed to the Omaha mar kit lat Tuesday. L. II. Puis was if'cr busiress matters in Manky las' Tuesday afternoon. i- nit fail to see "The Gun Fight ire: Gentleman" at the hall Saturday nisht. It will pleasp you. J .- Cham ers was iooldi.e a ft er si.tue bn.-ines.-- matters at Fr.i.-n and Nekawka tl.e first of the week. ?( Harry ;in y in "Ti Out Firinitia Centiemur.." It wili be given Fre h g-. t 1 ! ' 7 i ha ha !1 'tMtrday e tied a truck ver, b-a i :i r d On Wed!ie d;, hwe.-t of Guy W:h ray. Word h Gerald R ni eeri th: Mur- as : Vill re- ived t sli Js from Mrs. improving V. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale D3tes far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OS 170 PAY! REVERSE ALL CALLS Telephone 425 Plattsmonth Exchange Shirts for the Men: Real cold weather bargains in men's heavy shirts are in stock and at prices which are in keeping with the times regardless of their wholesale cost to us. Men's work shirts, heavy cheviot, blue and gray colors. Sizes 142 to 19 .' $1.25 Men's blue flannel twill, finel3r made and a real bargain. Sizes 15 to 17 1.75 Men's extra heavy flannel shirts. Brown color, fancy pockets and a real bargain 3.50 Boys' blue and gray work shirts, sizes 10J2 to 12 .60 Hi ail MURRAY, Ttt ( g fi i $ Iff? 6 nit fntfJt jll tiu ord'j'""" any young of a good it sienines pood habits, amDi- tion, thrift and perseverance all worthy characteristics that employers appreciate. A savings account is not only a good character reference, but it is also a good business investment. So decide today net to delay. E n i3 1 lot? L as well as possible or such a peric-t..- operation. Trunk Good has where the telephone o! merly i:- -.-.ted v.v.- home there. Charles Ilitt, dr.. rent exe! roo:r. . i ii ir h:-i'.trd- t c Wii-on ( 'i .rrn at . out heii: tl in..:-- u v.-a. ( I,'-. (). Pan;' ray I v ( I '! i ; -i tout it Vl-l i n c or m dov. n ?.:or 1 ron o tl: e ii-rd of ng. net for where he CO v. of Albert A W. Ami'k li'-t '.'c(iT,e. for a while -:!! I h"i e f : ::-rr t ; ot : Lin c:ay and visit pn .e ! l.i :,k'. 111 'V o l.a 1 - he r. . n. i i vs. n h v.ra ! v ere ?! tne; . y ZVi o th- t ness. ;r:ncr n-1 'he j.. rur - :n your (XT'1 mooev en 'or'', to apply rn ' t ' t 1 " iir sji'-c-i; here. F. prices c f all go: i ( ug: T. W51-' n. Frank S r-1 1 ictin i hi- ferdinit h.ts. a .Li n:H":a If: of i:cr-: ; last Thu' ra r t : 'he 'ia'. that A. ir.g f'l -s day R: u' h On which i nj oa the day. . A. Tbc i .Tohns"n v. ho is vbi in Murray for cnte time, wae a e-. tr to Nebraska City last To- J w'. ere i:e was the guvt of T.'i'.l r.c rr'r for tiie day. Hishcst j.riees for butter. and cream. Murray ; Stat ion. l- Cream tf. vis-tor l nomas J. ureniiei vns a in Plattsmonth iast Tuesday, h I? ?rtt NEBRASKA mi'rA aiia. i:i a'.TfiHhiiu-e at the n;e(-iinp: c-f the KH..-., wlure thej' reHved a lnrr.i elus into ti.'Cinlx rsliip. W. L. Hat.-, of Weening Witter, was ;i vi- :;rr in .Murray for a thort time !::-; Mond-.y and visited 1 r. C H. 1 1 1 t : r- while on his way to llatt iijciitI to l.i..; ii f i it s'.inu' Ijiiine.vs. ba i v of Mr. ;;d Mrs. Frd ijn:t v. hiK' hop e i. i ; r'-p'-rtei iis be ins; Kirk and ..; not dungerous. it is tlie tl:;r many friends that lie a siKr-dv reeoverv. 1. Jlcrtn: :i tlr.r.siuer and family from :ri i hv. st !f Mirray. were the cr.ests :i' tii.- of W. H. Puis and fam ily, -ndin.s: tin day and enjoying th" ti:iit- v. i;h the hospitable family. W. lii ";ic'-;( r v.; s pjokine: aft'.r s'liie biisin ss luatters in the county :t las: ! uefiay and also attt-ndeJ wii ti a larfe ree work 1 7). The cured f (n'lipany have '.' ir(ir,v, Jr.rrv Canv in "1 i Fighting CenTU-tnan". A v ry pic in re sliinv w Cnrh Sri-.ta t i. ; ' ! t e ! ".lh 1.1H-:!.- r l.i 'nt.-- i Fnch I'.nn.i- ;: n the ;.Usjr.g and xciinc: motion play that you will like. Th.e ill tart promt-tiy at S:..0. ' it E'lir1!. living near th? -! !:'! n: beast of I'nion, is 1 as l)iii;; ncit the be-t i" ut-l ha hem bedf::st for- a f days. io is reported as ..dh-mmI t!ie first of the" week. .lcs-- MeVey. who mikes his t th." IJrrger. has 1 een -:ck list f'r tlu past few days d urine a portion of the time very f-ick. H l a? made sour ini ' t a:.d hone' in a short tin.o he a CTeat ! :1 btt-r. ; rt for rot that we, will allow u j :i extra t wo ecu's per pound : every p u:"1' of butter fat traded "lit rvr ,-T're which you nave d to ui;r Incal produce buyer. J. A. :;:?'. P.rin in th- checks and :!' 'Mra two cents per pound. ! i J. V.". Hrend'-l of Avoca. was n - in Murray at the l.'n;e of Iks ts for ;i s'Krt time lact Tues n 1 ii's j ('rove to Omaha, where : I . .1., . ; i I Ic T 1 . f f i a ( ti .u.--mess to look alter. stoT-pt fr. h;s way ciii-M-th to attend the home i.t "meet in 2, e Elk. i"z vrur prof'.'t'e to the Murrr.y Tit Vm ha- -f'tK'r. . 1o" Cfiell. tl. Jr.'i'i-on ef Oklahoma, v.-her; i'.e h:.-h: me for some titr." :t who has repent Iv remove:! t. 1 ::ln. havir.'r sebi hi-, lioldiiifs i:hc::;. v-;;s a visitor at t h of his ;-ter. Mrs. .J. W. IVr-Murr-y f r a short time dur- c C tl ir- t of ihe week. I.eui V,i)l---". 7 of 1 (o- IV e pi tiled :y An the n t.'K iant cas! if 'iiTiiy. nceoio 'f Lloyd, ware a;-e-.tit'C of the Elk a ast Tue-dav evening. i ht'-n :th 1 Mr. m- , f tl .If i, 1 )m t t t-e L.hyd bing one of the cln? f.e, 1), U:V.'T! 'he U''S.'eries e dii'-'is i f the f'd-r. rva I '-i.r '- r took a lead i f ttn to tl f. Me"'ia-.I 'i Oi'i- r:)-ket Tn--'I'V for Edward Kniss. nverTf-d iot "n pinmh e"irh. 'c making l.oio potnid. On T''-d''v .'"vii- took a load to 1h '!'!!'' market for his brother Etl LtiP raster, .larva's is enjoyina a good !V-''l'":; i" 'lis ive c-'or-Jf l -i 11 1 'Tl c. Carl S. Ficrn. member of the f.rm of Hot and Morgan. I'aul M or can 'e'nsr the other member, of Hay Sorinsr. wr.s a v' itrr in Murrny at tl'e ofh.c-e of Dr. Gi'more last Tuesday I'f'erno'H) and wa aceonmanied by 1 is mother. Mrs. Fhiiliu Horn, driv ing down from 1 'lat tsniout h. where they were visit insr at the home of Mrs. Frank J. Morgan. Tor Ssle. cream by the quart. Milk end jert Young. Al- A New Arrival. Monday morning bright and ear ly, there arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCulloch. one of , the finest little baby girls one would j wish to see and the young Miss who ! tipped the scales at 1 0 ixiunds. greet ed her parent? with a merry good ! morning and immediately announced that their home suited her and that ;.he wc u'.d continue to abide there. . The parents were greatly pleased by her arrival and all are in holiday at tire t the McCulloch home now. j Barred Plymouth Rock Cockrels I I have for sale some pure bred, ! Barred Plymouth Rock cockrels, at ! ?" each. D. A. Young Murray phone I 1 T1 1. Murray, Neh. tf T"s sw. A Thankful Man ' In fact we never met Wm. Sey boldt when he looked anv other wav than thankful that he was alive arid .enjoying the best of health and good ! nature. Whife he was placed on the ! ticket for road overseer, he was glad i to receive the manifestations of his ; many friends in the shape of votes which elee'ed him. lie did not want j the office and did not want to have his name on the ticket, but when I elected, two roads were open, one I to accept and tbe other to resign, jlie took the latter and tendered his resignation, which was accepted, and i he va? arain thankful. There has i been no appointment for the position : though there are several candidates. For Sale. few Duroc boars Young. A for 545. Al- i bert fl till : 1...- l i Wit. li l - , , i l!;.rry Car'-y. in "The (Inn I inr j im b tiiai!." whni; will b at th.' I'uis liall on ii":; K:iturda i vc:i:;f, is i n e.,f thj li;is' p:ctur-? is i: i:!.:r 'lie ro'Tiili.-.. Y.ui car.-V.,-i afi'onl i - ni.-..- it. i V.'t pay ca.-li !r cream, produce 1 btitt'r and eggs. M urra v Cream Sta- ? i. 7! I:., t; If try of the waders of the Journal knot" of any social event or iwm of imprest in this vicinity, and will mall gvoie to this office, it will ap pear under this heading. We want all news i Lenin Ewtoh Will Arrange a Big Club. There will be a meet ins of t he community club In the near future und at the meeting there will be a number of things taken up that will b" for the benefit of the community an dalso for each individual living in and near Murray. It is being talked at this time of organizing a pig rdub which will award prizes for the best pigs raised. The boys and girls can compete as well as the old er folks. Keep the meeting in mind and do not forget to be there. ! Will Have It Saturday Evening:. i The ladies of the Christian church j are hustling at this time in order ' tr niake a 5-uecers of the entertain- i. lent and bazaar that they will giv I iit the parlors of the Christian church on next .Saturday evening. At That time they will serve dinner at the noon hour and in the evening they will also sere supper. Any one who has had the good fortune to have eaten at one of the dinners j or suppers which have been served by the ladies of the Christian church, know just how worth while they are. They will have fancy work for sale during the afternoon and evening as well as aprons and articles of needle work which are needful about the house. You cannot afford to miss this entertainment. Apples Fcr Sale. We have some good New York F.aldwin apoles for sale. Apply at Banning & Xickles. or J. W. Edmonds t Murray. tf s-w. W. P.. Banning. Announcement. I wish to announce to the public that we are not handling cream at he "Wilson Service Store", but that we h.tve turned our business in that linp over to Mr. J. A. Scotten who is " his time and attention to the n-atter of the produce business. Mr. Seotton is a capable and courteous frc ntlemn who will carefully and ac "'iratelv look after your business in. hat line. We bespeak for him your I'm-ine's in tha lire. But remember we give you an extra two cents per found of butter fat on all cream, checks which you trade out at our place of business. We also guar antee you the best goods at the spe cial low price w ho are now ma kins. F. T. WILSON. Has Secured Heir. Mike Rys who came to Murray com- time aro and engaged in the bluek smith Misirece. has done su"h an excellent line of work and has al ways heen reliable, that he has at tracted to his shop more work in bis line than he-can well attend to. He he secured the assistance of Mr. Rak er, who has made his home east of Murray, who is an excellent helper, and therefore they will be able to care for all the work, including korseshoing. that may come their way now. Rhode Island Reds For Sale. I am offering some fine Rhode Idand cockiels. this year's stock. Mis-Etta Nickies, Murrav phone IS 11. tf" T's s-w. The Fun Cane High. Last Saturday night someone ; thinking more of fun than they did for the safety or welfare of his . friends and neighbors, stretched a i wire across the walk near the home f II. A. Root, with the result that ' when Mrs. W. S. Smith was return ing from the Presbyterian bazaar. ! she was tripped by the wire, and fall i ir.g broke a glass dish which she was j carrying and cut her wrist very bad. It was fortunate that the glass did not : sever an artery near which it cut a . very bad gash. It does not seem that ; the perpetrator of this very rude trick ; would derive any enjoyment when 'he sees that good woman with her hand tied up and suffering from his j thoughtlessness. Roys, or whoever I you are. take a thought next time i and do not do this for it is a very mean tncK and cannot be really called fun. For Sale. Duroc Jersey boars, $5.00. Young, Murray, Neh. Albert Speaks Well For Murray. Last Sunday the Rev. Mitchell of Red Oak. la., was in Murray and held services at the Presbyterian church, coming because he had heard of the excellent community spirit which has been obtained in this community. He was coming with the purpose, it suited, of making his home in Mur ray. He had in mind from whtrt he had heard that this was a community church and was coming for that pur pose, as he thought there would be nn excellent field in which to work. The members of the church thought he was coming as a Presbyterian and were expecting to secure him if possible. He proved a very able men. but on account of the misunder standing could not be secured. We have never been very tenacious for any sectarion or denominational church. They are all good and it seems like one community church with the broad minded people would be plenty and those that could be supported and made a very great suc cess. People think about this mat ter. It is fellowship, it is Christian ity and the best of practice for the entire community. . Was a Great Success. The ladies of the Presbyterian church who held a bazaar at their church parlors last Saturday after noon and evening, were very success- I ful with their entertainment which netted them some two hundred and thirty dollars, besides having a very enjoyable evening:. Celebrated Birthday Friday. The friends of Miss Blanche Scot ten gathered at her home last Friday evening and made the evening merry by the celebration of her lifteentli birthday. There was a large crowd and a very pleasant evening was spent. They had music and played games such as delight the young folks and were seryed with delicate refreshments which added to the joy of the occasion. Those to enjoy and assist in the evenings pleasure were: Misses Leona Farrls. Mable Howard, Hazel Davis. Flora Wiekhara, Marie, and Elsie Puis, and Miss Blancho Scotten, and Messrs. , Everett Spang ler. Will Minford. Claire Farri. Francis Cook. Glen Edminson, Lloyd Leyda. Chester Shrader and Lest r Long. Feeding Many Cattle. -Harry Todd is feeding some three hundred cattle at the farm south of Murray which he will return to the market when they are in condition. I'ncle J. W. Edmonds is making some twenty feeders for the feeding of t in grain and other concentrated foods, and is doing an excellent job of the work. Mr. Edmonds is a workman who is not ashamed of the work he puts out and when the contract is completed Mr. Todd will have a very convenient way of feeding the cattie and will also save much of the food which otherwise would go to waste. Making the Hens Lay. We believe in the best of chickens and the pure bred ones at that. Rut they will not lay for some time just after they have been moved from one place to another, without some en couragement. Not so long ago two ladies of Murray became intensely interested in a certain strain of the domestic chick and secured twenty five each. They were petted and cod dled, and fed the best of food, and given Dr. Hezekiah Hemmingway"s egg producer, but to no effect. Their husbands were disappointed "as well as the wives, but they could not see the women folks grieving and get ting no eggs' with Christmas coming on very rapidly. They endeavored to purchase some eggs in the open market, but found no offers and were at their wits end when one of the swains found a basket in the cellar with eggs packed in oats fen- keeping against just such ill luck as was coming their way. He slipped the eggs out and placed them in the nests where the chickens frequented and the "Missus" who had been making trips to the hennery every 21' minutes, one her eighth trip that morning found two eggs in one nest and five in another. You should have heard the telephone jingle then and let the other lady know that "we have gotten seven eggs today. The hens have started to lay in ear nest." There was happiness in the home for that day. but the next day the discovery was made of the eggs gone from the cellar. Now somf one is trying to play even, and they will. Murray Christian Church. Services next Lord's day as fol lows: Bible school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Sub ject of sermon, "Safe Insurance." Last Sunday we made a special study of the church as promised in the Old Testament. Next Sunday we expect to take another similar line of study of the church and so on each Lord's day. We expect this to beccnie very interesting in the near future as we expect to have drills in connection with this work to injure each attendant getting as much knowledge as possible besides giving much pleasure. A. C5. Hollowell, Minister. Murray School Notes. Mabel Howard spent Sunday in Plattsmout'a. Edward Howard was absent from school all last week. Lois Scotten visited Saturday night and Sunday in Union. Carl Die tl has been . absent from school for several days. Margaret Dietl was absent from school Monday morning. Lloyd Leyda was a visitor" Weening Water, Sunday. SElizabeth McCracken visited with Blasche Scotten Friday. Florence BartleU was absent Mon day on account T)f illness. Hazle Wickbam spent Thursday evening with Elsie Puis. Hazle AVickham spent Sunday at the home of Hazle Davis. Lester Gansemer visited Charles Howard Saturday morning. Gladys' Mrasek was a visitor at the home of Elsie Puis Sunday. Florence Wickham was a visitor in Plattsmouth Saturday evening. Chas. Howard stayed over night with Lester Gansemer. Saturday. Nita Cook spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Florence Wickham. Elizabeth McCracken was a visiter at the heme of Margaret Puis, buii day. We are glad to welcome Florence (Continued on Page 7) Will Serve Lunch! CI will serve Lunch, Tobac co, Cigars, Cigarettes and all needed Refreshments at Pub lic Sales this season. Make dates with Col. W. R. Young. Jailer, -:- Nebraska scar iVlUITay e AUTO PAINTING! Best of Service Work Guaranteed Price Reasonable Call Puis Garage or Phone Same Jesse Chambers, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA At the Cream Station! We guarantee the price as against all lines of com petition for cream. We are devoting our entire lime to the matter of caring for the cream and country produce. We are here all the time. Call us for prices and bring in your cream and produce. J. A. SCOTTON, PHONE NO. 27 Hardware Bargains! Here is a list of articles, any one or all of which will save you money. Clay cooking ware, 1 1 piece set. . . .$1.59 Diamond Red barn paint 2.19 Ralston hog trough 1.19 Heavy tin copper bottom wash boiler 4.99 Galvanized buckets, each 59 Heavy galvanized buckets, each. . ; . .89 Dr. Lee's Herm powders, 50c can. . .39 Iver Johnson No. 410 gun 12.00 We have a few heating stoves left which you can buy right. Also, we are prepared to furnish you very close figures o nthe installation of furnaces. .We do all kinds o furnace work. When in need of any hard ware come in and see us. H MURRAY You Can Save Money BY COMING TO OUR STORE TO TRADE A FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 9 lbs. of sugar for 4 bars of Bob White scap for 3 lbs. navy beans for 2 cans of fancy sweet corn for 2 cans fancy peas 2 cans pork and beans 1 lb. pink salmon, per can Omar Wonder flour. 4S lb. sack Puritan flour, 43 lb. sack 10 lbs. white syrup for 5 lbs. white syrup for Good broom for Outing: flannel, heavy, per yd Victcr percale, per yd Toile du Uoid gingham, per yd Our Leader, bleached muslin, per F. T. WILSON, Prop. MURRAY MANICURE SETS Just a Few Rflore Days Tiii Ohnsfmas! Just a few days till Christmas. We have a good assortment of gifts to choose from, and they're priced right. A complete line of books, late and , popular copyrights; also Children's and Youths books; Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Leather Goods, Per fumes, Toilet Articles, Stationery, etc. Come in and see what your home merchants have be fore buying elsewhere It will save you money. Murray PERFUMES si) i J Fistula-Fay When Cured 4! tij j.-STSiJ V.iTA A mll)J WVHttm of treatment that cure Pi) f 5y Kisirla mnd other kectal I im e In m non " Ttiis. vltliout a mvpm xurjrii-ul operation. N Cnlnniform. Rther nr .t!ir ceneral aniieihetl ned A cure iniartnteed In every rP ac-pted for treatment, an 1 no money to b paid until cured. Writ- for honk on P.eetal I '!?. wiM) nan.. and teimODIfcia of naore than 1 000 prominent peorle who hae Veen prmi nently rured DR. K. R. TAR KY. SHruunrlnm. Peter Truat Bide. (He. WOg.). O&LAILA, MS. - Dr. Ji. a. JuUuston. McdicaJ Director. MURRAY, NEBR. U LS NEBRASKA . yd." $1.00 . .25 . .25 . .25 . .25 . .25 .. .20 . 2.78 . 2.78 . 1.00 . .55 ... .80 .25 . .25 . .25 .. .30 NEBRASKA TOILET SETS Drug Co. STATIONERY