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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1920)
PAGE FIVE T-IOirDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1920. DEATH OF I0WAN THE BEST AT WEST POINT PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MURDOCK DEPMR TMEMT i J PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. ALL DEPOSITS GU AR ANTEED UNDER THE DE POSITORS GUARANTY FUND OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. that and the the young p?cp!e of Murdoch uot vv ithstanding the fact roads were a little rough weather threatening. M-s. A. Teters. wife of the man ager of the Murdoch Kioe-tric com pany, was over to Murdoch lust Fri day assisting her husband in the natter of the boks at the office. Thev drove bruit to their home at attended, I and a daughter in 1905. The fun eral services were held at the Louis ville church northeast of Murdoch and was conducted by the Rev. L. I. Lair.tdv. castor of that church and the one at Murdoch Interment was made at the church yard at the Louis ville church. il . 'e il the Cf We conduct a general commercial banking; busi ness and solicit your account. We pay five per cent interest on time deposits. Deed, mortgages, conveyances and contracts are alwa3rs given careful attention. If you need such work done, come in. Don't forget that the income tax for the year 1920 will be due shortly after March 1 st, next, and that we are here to assist you in this matter. It would be well to get your figures to gether now, and then complete them as soon as possible after January 1st, and get this matter out of the way. i The IBank of burdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HEXSY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTEKAKN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHHASN, Cashier 'fs -? !& . -v2ai m . 2 Ch ?m 'i ?Jr' lj T. ter fJ BST e7 A t OCT J a e?rai .f; tr 25 i !"! r evening. Mr. pxsI Mrs. J.sse Laroholra have t:c-d into the hou-e which has en oerupir-ti l;v Mr. and Mr?. Char!? Loni,-. and has been vacated by tht.-t peep1;- movinp into their own home v libit has just hftn com pleted by Mutt Thimgan and son Victcr. i G.,r:e A. Mills, living northwest : of town, where he hr.s made his ; home for several ye0. vs. hrss rented the farm to his son Janes, who will ' fnrnj i? the cet-mlpg tevsoi. Mr. and ; Mrs. tteorge Mills will soon, depart for the vest ard will iperd the win der in California. j The m:tter of wirirc; the houses fey electric lierhts is going on rap ' idly, there httvine: h---en a number of : place? prepared for the r-'-ct-ption of i the lights wIp:; the circuit .rets here, j The Murdoek Mercantile fomrany. jtwo houst s of Steph n leis and an i other ev e now beir. a: worlrod on. j Pcrdirnnd I-ironkow and wife were ; visit'-; in Orriaha !asr Saturday, po- I ire to see little Laurr: Gable, titeir niece, who is at : Licsoirui me: v h.-ro sh.e rvte:s.iy underwent an oierat ion for sppendicii i?. and al-o to vifit with Mr. H.-nry Gable who had an cieratio- for the removal cf a erowih on 1 is brr-w which was nrfer:r.r w ith cr.e of his eyos. Jasper K". McEeynolds, Fonnerly of Mills County, Passes Away at Home of His Son. Help.! Themselves to the Gas. The other evening: two men giving their heme as Omaha, came to the home of Mr. George Buell and asked to be served with some gas, as tney aid they had run out on their way home ana naa to nave some :n oraer t-- get to town. Charles Buell went with them and took one two gallon an and a one gallon can. taking three gallons to the car. They told Charles thev would return the can ps they drove past the house and that he would not needto go to the cor with them. They did return the i ai d a number of times and a? the t3nk was locked, they tilted it r f.nd run the gas out of the hole, spilling a quantity cf it besides what tluv look. Mr. Buell does not ob- to accommodating those who are out or ga nv tne saie 01 some, out ho does not like some miscreant to. c; me and steal what he has pur- ::?ed for his own use. THE DUSTERKOFF SHOPS Iviurdock Nebraska (! or; : Ptn'tz of Milf ord. was .-. Murdoch with friends dur past wt-e',;. ; Williams was employed :: r- i t ion of la-t we 1; re-i- roof on the lumber yard. borne 3 V arn-r spent r r;i the stitte university, to k':u:io o la?t Mon- ' r .'1 I.o rnc aioi r :' o.r Klmwood iy atundir r th; a. ::'v-s. .! I :o ic liaU'T is Lorn- ' ? hi r s:?,tc-r -,Ton -if Oman t!ire tor tl: i"n. rorne wtre over sale of Mr. visit ins at Mrs. V.'m. havins been a p;-st wvfk. Will Mi vers and Carllon Zink. who - attending the Mate university. a wt-ro vi:t; 0::v at tl:.' -Or-o O. Line i-ln V the litto wt f l- s wit Mi---s Tnil vorc Murcio-k over Sunday last week, en- j Win. lleier. J. C. Smith ji.yiue ttic time with their parents. A. (". .Tiwe-il c:f Elm-wood, er.rne cvr 1,.' Friday for the purpose of am nctr.g t ne ;;!- rs over Saturday nnd Sun tr h( mis in Murdoek. J. Pot hast departed for "ednesrVy. where- siie t-vA ;r.e wiil rpen:l sme two h fruTius and relatives. Vtheriue and Margaret visitors at their bom? in Fremont rn;l also the home of Dr. Ballspeiler of Tobias. Charles Lone has moved into his. new liome that w;ls nsruct eel dar ing the past summer, and has one of the most comfortable and con venient homes in this portion of t lie country. Mr. Wra. Kunz ci Elr-wood, was a visitor in Murdoek last Friday, ro:ui:'g over to vi.-it with his ::ariy frieru's and also to a Fend the sale v "nich -.vr..' h-id at the home of II. Y. Keev. s. II. E. Itordman. from west e-f nim wocd. was a visitor in Murdoek last Friday, coming over to attend th-. sale of Mr. Reeves, pud also to visit with his numerous friends. He ciiliag on his old time friend, Mr. V.'m. Burke. J. JoBpnscn has been very nu-y 'for the past fw d; ys and is :-ii! ' hauling and distributing the poles (for the new line which is tr furr.i-h j the eleetric lights for Murdoek. Th: work (f sftting the poles is rapidly Will Hole1 Another Election. On a 'cot'nt of a tec hnicr l:iy in f) -...r,!lrr , f , no f.,11 th.. f-'pf- ti.n for the ifuam-c- of bonds for th c .ntrucTk--. of an electric lightin line intf Murdoek and while the for mer election was carried by a three to one v.ite. atjoiher (ne has to be had which hos been calied for the 21st of December. Y. itn a foitn whrch ri-r oves mountains, that the ce mine vote will confirm the for- m v or:e. the peon!? ;.re gf ing for " rd in the e.-ntrttct'on of the line will lose no time in getting the Le- o ar.d the use of the lights. der th:" the servire can be ::.e winter, when most nee ?-!r.rdcck Municipal Light Company. The Murdoek Municipal Lighting Company will have the matter m nd of the lights, and will sell to 'h consumers in town and also to those in the country who desire lights. The matter of construction of country lines for such companies a? ma'- desire light service in the urnl districts, will be looked after Mr. A. Peters and all wishing to form companies for country service in see Mr. Peters, who -" ill take the n:?trer up ana give au assistance te; cied for such service. ! Jasper Newton McP.eynolds was ! born in Mills county, Iowa, January! 9, 1862, and died suddenly at the home of his son Curl near West Point,! Nebraska, November 24, 192. j He was united in marriage with! Margaret Lambert on December If'J 18SC. To this union five children; were born, Mrs. Ora Osborn, Glen- wood; Mrs. May Holsclaw. Santa l Ann, California; Mr:;. Pearl Warner.: Pender, Nebraska; Carl McReynolds. I West Point, Nebraska, and Chester, I who died in infancy. j .Practically all of the life of Mr. j McReynolds was spent in Mills coun-j ty. He and his. wife went to Cali-i fornia in the fall of 1913 and this spring came to West Point, Nebraska, ; and Mr. McReynolds put in a crop, while making their home with their; son. He was planning to return to Glenwood after his crop was gather ed. 1 He has been a faithful member of the Christian church for a good many years. Besides the wife and four, children Mr. McReynolds is survived by a half sister, Mrs. Myrtle Edmons. Wash ington ,and half-brothers. Will Iroy. Glenwood; Edward and Alfred Irby, Twin Palls, Idaho; J. F. Irby. Wash ington; two brothers-in-law. George Scxtt, Glenwood and J. W. Scott, of Sioux City; two shters-in-iaw. Mrs. C. C. Stivers. Sioux City and Mrs. A. L. Conner, Plattsmouth. Four grand children, many neighbor? and friends who w ill miss him. Funeral services were hld Friday. WABASH HAPPEKINGS :1 :e et rii .-.Irs. giving Mrs riving spent Thanks- ea. Conducting the Xestaurant, ' en who at d cook as con duet the pninttr. an excellent well, tias been employed to mi epir ho-.ise for the feed- Wutchinok. by the way. i Louis Hess m Llmwooa. J. C. Brown spent Thanks in Omaha with her sister. .i nun her from here attended the rociai given south of Eimwood. The M. E. ladies met at the home f Mrs. II. P. Hinds Thanksgiving vt-ning. Mrs. S. A. Jacobson epent Thanks ;iving with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Van Every. Mrs. A. M. Van Every spent ;i- x of thoe emnlovod rn the con- struction of the line which is to fur nish the cirtt'.it for the electri: 'iprits fr.r Mudook. The eatin: h :i:-M v.'hic'i js a pool f.seooiation oi the nu n. i ; ing conducted in the room of ' o F.i riuors- Vv ic n buildint vhio'.; rr.:k'-s a good place for the pi'rp've. Mr. V'ut(hinek is caring November church in Rev. D. S Rev. J. F. 2. from the Christian Glenwood. conducted by Thompson. assisted by Stille, and many came to pay their tribute of reepeet for or.e who had been a friend to them. Burial was in the Glenwood cemetery. MEET WITH MILS. MEL. tr.e pit e in the best ef man:tr. . Gocd Crov u and s Good SIiov-. Tie Mi! Concert Company. ho 1i r n o- ti n e n 1 1 tain t P'l l : "i ri mo. 7 !"C ;;n n.-0 r. ;nn-o'tif at the ,0!! Itr.Ii lo t Thursd.-y. f-i:vpa--sed by arv e iven in MurtlCtt for hrr- v:i.-. nn excellent ! s!i were v.-'i pleased dt.-' I:; ycd. The course wh.ich vas held :n the north of town. Mr. ot.d Mi visiiin? a the pie's brother, and V. A. Moekenhaupt, all of near Alvo, wen visitors in Murdoek last FrieL y, look ing after seme business ; nd also vis it- of H. W. Reevosjiting with their many friends. Thfy part were incidentally attending the sale r.s well, while here. O. Gii'.e-pie are j Last Friday evening there vns of Mrs. Gilies- !:eld at the North Cailih;:i school, a McNarcara, at box social at which a number of the 'o.-; (".)!- rljiintirtio- v. iiieli the enter- sing c;:7er. li jvc 1-cen providing. t r'-' trg erv sueeesfu! and i' er c-! not ;ilene ;n er.erain' ot. bii ;i feature of the instruc- tl: c crtv woi! w(;rtli vvi.i.e. r and da . Re Wf'P TT I. H. an as; e 1 1 . 'C-. , iktcves Has a A. Wiiiipnts of Eimwood ooiote. were over last Fri- r t':e sale of Mr. H. A tl the sale week or so with her son Edd in the ! hospital at Lincoln. i-.!r. and Mrs. Theodore Miller spent ihtsnksgiviirg day in Lincoln with heir sn anil daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ohm took li.tner with Mr. Ohm's mother near Einiweod Thanksgiving- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and hafcv spent Thanksgiving day with r:.;. Jones parents, Mr. and Mrs. ij osv.-ort u. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Keliey are .-I'ing at the home of Mrs. Kelley's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman. .'Irs. Caygiil left Monday evening rnr t-'lpHvnn.l rT". rr1 u r chA lfft fnr .""ert Morgan. (o!t)raclo, te visit at he home of A. H. Waltz an ! son. The ladies of the M. E. church ,vi!) fi rve a dinner and hold a bazaar m Lie M. . A. hall on Saturday. eceuihcr 1 1th. Every cne is in- k'iteei tt attend. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert and family took dinner with Mrs. Col- )c: s sister ana ramlly in Haveiocic Thanksgiving day. Mr. snd Mrs. D. R. Mitchell spent Thursday with their daughter and i The Loyal Workers of the Chris tian church held their regular meet ing Wednesday afternoon and were very pleasantly entertained by Mes. d?mes E. E. Niel-cnd John Sheldon, at the home of Mrs. Niel. The la dies held their regular business ses sion during the eariy hours of the afternoon.' at which time various business matters were attended to and final plans and arrangements were made fcr the bazaar and chick en pie dinner which will be given by the ladies during this month. After the business session the ladies devot ed the fleeting moments to a most delightful social time. Mrs. Philip Hi hp of Hugo, Colo., who is visiting relatives and old time friends in the city was in attendance. Mrs. Rihn wpf a former member of this society ard her associates enjoyed having her in their m'dst asrain. The hos-tes-. served a very delicious lunch em. which was likewise thoroughly :trpreeiated by the large number in attendance. J'SESBYTEHIAIJ LADIES MEET The parlors cf the Preshyterian church was the scene cf a very plea sant gathering on last Wednesday afternoc-n when th1 lrdies auxiliary r a . V.. b r ro Will Ball Band ttnH V r? S. Rubhsr Company ii 'Sff fc td i&3r fcjyTJ cloth top, A f'en's cloth tcp, i CUCJ Char go Prce . . . $4.50 ... 3.10 . . . 4.50 . . . 4.S5 ... 6.50 Lash $4.00 2.C0 4.00 4.35 6.00 kle buckle rubber, black, 4 buckle All rubber, red, 4 buckle Ail rubber, red, 4 t-jckle 20Tc DISCO UOT on Men's, Ladies and Childrens Kr ht weight overshoes, etc. Men's 4 buckle black, all rubber army overshoes now on sale at$3.50. he " ceo tints e r'teo !y -or. il. a. fjiutn- ra:.-:. It evioent then that they were rivinxr t lie pec pie the ha. ha, ha. The gentlemen ore all pood lif.iured men and cared for the sale 'n the be-t possible manner. The ..'tendance was cond. but the weather w; s far from nleasant. but the bid- flio.rr wtos fairJv spirited, though a tlisoosit ion to wait was manifested. were entertained by Mesd-ames Mike Tritsch. V.. W. Wcsby and Monte Streight. The aitenebuice was ejuite largo and everyone was more' than delighted with the gracious hospital ity f:'ordcrJ tber.r by their hostesses. The tables were very prettily ar ranged with patriotic decorations. f!a.-3 and the red. white and bine napkins being used in the decorative scheme. Mrs. Streight had also ar ranged very dainty and beautiful favors in small bouquets of the bright red berries cf the reason and which :amily, Mr. and Mrs. Otcar Griffith. proved an attractive rememterance ;-. r. 2 m v;rs u. K Mr Jir.a toos . cu uie loeastine amruoou. linnt'r at the home of Mrs. EJd Van! Every and sister. Laura. In the af 'crroon they visited with Ecd and Mr. Wood in the hospital. Miss Minnie Stevens, who has for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hannon and the past two terms been a member son, Kay. and Mrs. Maddox spent t of the faculty of the Plattsmouth Thanksgiving day in Havelock with 'high school, has resigned her posi- EESISNS POSITION Tlurdock Should Mave a Hotel. F'rven traveling men and the wri ter v.tte f t Mu''do"-k at the noon hour las Fridt.v and with no hotel to look after the wt,nt of hc- traveling pub ic in Ihe . O. E. '.c iordook ieroeniils Oo: iV.urdock, Nebraska ner con put i" tioti. hod lime in is takinc 11 as he way of furnishing a din- McDonald, the man who the soft drink parlor, has lunch counter in connec- ii) ore than he could do for s rving hot wiennies. He cure '.f tho proposition as e:.", but the town of Mur- .Mrs. Hanson's sister and family. In the afternoon they visited EJd Van Every and Mr. M. V. Wood, who are iu the hospital. Esther Jacobson. J. p.. Ella and rul derbeling so.-ent Thanksgiving m Llmwooa. Thev were "ic- eempunied home by Walter ant Edna Wood. They had planned on coining honte on the midnight train, but as Mr. Wood was in town in his jitney and offered to bring them home. they accepted it as the quicker way of getting there and every one en joyed the ride. tinn and will return to her home at York Nebraska. Miss Stevens has been in charge of the mathematics ! deportmeut of the high school dur ing her time in this city aLel her res ignation has made it necessary for , the board of education to make oth- or arrangements to care for the work. , Mrs. George B. Mann, formerly one .of the efficient teachers in the high school has been secured to handle jthe work of the department for the present at; least. Mil g I hmmft & Fii rS S3 P5 j W K.:KTE1 M a rX We are ceiling Eizicks, Dodges and Mitchells. There are" no more reliable czss on the market. Ask for a demonstration. We are always at your service. A full line cf tires and accessories always on hand. The best of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in. Hi w Phone 35-B Murdoek, Neb. Ran K6 Your c?T3 e 1 raeter NOW! WE GIVE YOU A YEAR TO PAY, AND POSITIVELY PROTECT YOU AGAINST LOSS IN CASE OF A DECLINE IN PRICE. COME IN AT ONCE AND LET US EXPLAIN OUR NEW PLAN. The Titan 1 0-20 has led the three-plow tractor field for the past five years. Farmers have bought over $70,000,000 worth of Titans art hah MURDOCK NEBRASKA We Are Here to Serve! Mr. Consumer: Why not buy 3'cur beef by the quarter, and your pork as -veil? We sell either by quarter, half or the -vhole carcass. We will also make 3:our sausage and render ycur lard for you if ycu wish. We are selling frcch pure leaf laid at lb cents per pound. See us for service. n JOHANSEN, THE MARKET MURDOCK, NEBR. (-:f !.I1 r . .: t t 1 ii ' ter i he a close i r. c: f: b)--y tllle.-.l 1 con: ben' ; a hotel and som ; .ui.'l f,e;t aft - r the ii, -:t ot1. a it woub rt to the town. A "vTILL ASK PASBOK FOE IITJ?.DEEEH DEAE0FF RETTJHH3 TO CIVIL LIFE AFTER 4 YE AILS IN ARMY oe ' tii ca t reascnable price un'l s'-in''-T.r- int'-'-es o-.l in the town would get ohtniiieJ at a it lok lik' the welfare of husv. t ;c: for er. .incoln. Neb., Dec. C. .pplica for a pardon for Cyrus H. Dear . sentenced to the penitentiary life feir the murder of his ',-oth- Eesth I,'t' r i r, t g.irrte I.u ritizt'ns f tc re; cf Mr.-. Trzi. LurtcLcns. the pas? v,ek, Mrs. Mar cher.s. one of the pioneer f this was laid Sh h.-.d livc;l in this por- rntiy fur the past forty 'At.. will be made to the new board of : into being on January 1, it was an nounced yesterday. Deardoff was sentenced from Lancaster county. His wife has since died and left four children, and this is being used as a reacon for granting the parden. the an; tion of the c vea r s Mrs. Li: etch ens was born in "!tl country. February 7th. 1840. wps united m marr'ne with Mr. Tred Lue'cbcris in ISfiT. Thev came tt Amcrici and settled near Louis vi. U in 1ST4. and have made their home there ever since. During that ttmr thr-v liavp en iit-tw1 iua f r i r 1 rl . ship of . larpte number of people j I have placed a furnace in my wr.n Ftiu enjty ti.e rnenrtiv ti?F. 1 J L ? Mrs Luetcbers had been sick fori home, arid nave ror sale an ex Borne weeks prior to her death and ceHent largc Jewel Base Burner had received the best of care. Those) - . lft to luourn her death are two sosn. jfor Sale. J. L. rVicriLGH. t rea. jr.. arta v m. L.ueicnens. ner husbaud Laving passed away in 1ES6, ixcsllenf Stove Bargain! Hastings, Neb., Dec. 3. Captain ijohn Macigett has returned to take I up his residence :n Hastings t.fter I serving two years and one month in I the cmcc of the inspector general of war department at Washington. C. ! Captain Madgetl. who is a brother !of the former mayor of Hastings, has been in the service continuously since June, 1916. Shortly after his arrival in Camp Cody, in August, 1917, he became assistant division in spector, and on October o. 1918, he was transferred to the department office in Washington. Lsght for the Farmers! C; Farmers wishing to form a community organization fcr the purpose cf cbtsinirrj electricity for lights and power, should rjet in communication with the undersign ed who is equipped to construct lines radiating from Murdoek to serva the farming community. Information, specificatior.s and estimates will be cheerfully furnished. MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA HfTJBi ICK Murdoek, Neb. WA2JTED. 1 Icmjj -J Girl for general housework, washing, good wages. - Call John "VV. Falter, phone 337. No Mrs. tfd. ii flllli 3 r PI ' '- i.s T 1 mmm bmiii 4 JmKtl flw i Willi iaJM J When yoa tnink cf printing, ycu can't help but think of us. Mrs. Edna, Shannon, county regis- ter of deeds, was tiuoug those going j to Omaha thU morning to visit for . a few Lours with friends. j THE DUSTERKOFF SHOPS Murdoek Nebraska k. -tfTK An. sr; ysfsw m at s m r a . v. 1