The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 22, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Do You Know?
That THE RANK OF MURDOCK is the only bank in Murdock
in which your deposits arc protected, and guaranteed, by the De
ji witi rs' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska?
That THE BANK OF MURDOCK is managed by experienced
bankers, that the DIRECTORS, who are also the officers, give their
entire time to the management and care of this one bank?
That these officers an directors always concentrate their
entire efforts, abilities, time and resources on this one bank, and
:!iat in so doins they have built up one of the soundest and most
reliable banks in Cass county?
That THE BANK OF MURDOCK pays FIVE per cent on
r. or.ey deposited on CertiGcates of Deposit? That our service on
checking accounts is unexcelled, ledger and statements being kept
by the most modern bookkeeping machine, and that you can obtain
a statement' cf your account, at any time you want it, in a very
few minutes? 9
Thatjthe only safe and reliable manner of paying bills is by
checking account., as the canceled checks automatically become re
Cfipts. and show you have paid any bills, which may later on be
And further, in ease you lose, or destroy ur canceled checks,
and need evidence of having issued a certain check on THE BANK
OF MURDOCK. we have the proof for you. THE BANK OF MUR
DOCK gives close attention to details, which most banks neglect,
on account of additional work. We keep a complete record of
every check drawn on. and raid by our bank, as we record every
duck you give on us. by keeping a record in detail, showing by
v h'.mi the check is given, and to whom it was made payable, to
gether with the amount of same.
With the ordinary bank, when you get your canceled check,
v.. i! have the only complete record the bank has, but with THE
n.NK OF MURDOCK you still have a permanent record of the
i";:cts and figures.
That you, are cordially invited to drop in and see us, at any
time, whether on pleasure, or business? "We are always ready to
sirve vou to the best of our abilitv. and make your interests our
interests. "VVe are, VERY CORDIALLY YOURS.
The Bank of ElQurdock
"The Eank where Ycu Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANK, Cashier
to town where they secured the need
ed materials and repaired the auto
and had it performing its ordinary
duties by the next day.
Returns the Strong Box.
I-ast Wednesday, J. E. McHugh re
ceived the strong box. which was a
part of the safe which was taken at
the time of the robbery of the Mur
dock Mercantile company's store some
weeks ago. The box contained all
the articles which had been left in it,
being papers, insurance policies,
deeds and things which were placed
there as a fire protection. The box
was found near Springfield some two
weeks ?go, but was not sent to Mur
dock until last week.
Wiener Roast at Rose Valley.
A crowd of the town kids of Mur
dock last Wednesday secured a sup
ply of the makings of a "wiener
roast"' and departed for Rose Valley,
where they enjoyed the evening to
the limit. They prepared their sup
per in the open and played games,
sanp: songs, and had an excellent
ness was received bis daughter, Mrs.
Schmidt and little daughter Hilda,
immediately departed for the bedside
of the father and grandfather. Mr.
Eichoff continued to grow worse until
on Thursday morning the call came
and one of the pioneers of Cass coun
ty was numbered among those who
had finished his earthly taska. Fri
day evening Mr. Herman Schmidt and
son Louis, and two daughters. Misses
Leah and Esther, departed for Enid
to be present at the funeral of Mr.
Eichoff which occurred last Saturday
afternoon. Mr. Eichoff had rheu
matism of the heart.
Daniel I'anske completer! picking cn Saturday, went out and picked
hi.- corn last Friday. j corn at the home of Leo Rikli.
C.-nrad Daumgartner. living north- Miss Dorothy Combs of Pierce, and
west of Murdock. completed the gath- Miss Elizabeth Hubbell of Valentine,
tring; of his corn crop last Friday. j who are students in the state uni-
F. W. Tool was a visitor in Lin- versity, were visitors at the home of
coin la-t week, where he was attend- j Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool of Murdock
ins the shriners meeting of the Ma- j durine the week end of last week.
I. V. McCrorey and I. Ci. liornbecK
' Anigwert was a visitor in
lat Friday, where he was
after some business matters
and havns fume dental work done.
Kenne-.h Tocl, who is attending
;i:e state university where he is
completing his course in law, was
a visitor at home for the week end
at week.
Carltcn Zink. who is attending the
state university, was a visitor at the
home of his parents over Sunday,
returning to his studies last Monday.
Willis'ii Meyers. John Taul Pick-wr-H.
;i'Ki Walter Raumcartner, who
are s:i;ii rts r,f tire state university,
win- victors in Murdock during the
wet k end.
Fr :l Kupke. who has been attend
ing school ?t Omaha, arrived home j
f-r a vacation of a few days, visiting
with the f-dk- until after the Thanks
givir. v: holidays.
E.'D. Pot has and wife were vis
iting in Murdock from their home in '
Liner In during the past week, the
frue-ts at the home of their ron. O. J.
IY:hat and wife.
Ralr-h Keekler and famly were in
town from their home nar Weeping
Water last Friday evening doing some
shnppinc. and the children were tak
ing their music lessons as well.
Meppi-s J. TI. Rurwell, superintend
ent of the ?,Iurdock consolidated
ichrv;ls. and George Warren, the prin
cir,?. drraned for their home last
Friday, where they spent the week
TvTre. A. Peters of Louisville, wife
c f the superintendent of the construc
tion of the Murdick electric lisrht ser-
were in Lincoln last Friday, where
they were in attendance at the Ma
sonic conclave, where the higher de
crees were conferred upon a number
of candidates and which was followed
by a banquet.
Henry A. Tool and son Richard,
were visiting in Lincoln last Thurs
day and looking after some business
matters. While there they were the
guests of Mr. Kenneth Tool, who is
attending the law department of the
I state university.
Mrs. H. K. Hanson, who has been
vi-ritins with her daughter, Mrs. O.
J. Pothast. for the past two weeks
will remain for Thanksgiving and,
will be joined by Mr. Hanson for a
short visit before they return to their
home at Sioux City, Iowa.
Mrs. J. E. McHugh and-children
were visiting in Lincoln last Friday
and Saturday, where they went to
see a brother of Mrs. McHugh, Ra5".
Towle. who has been in poor health
for the past two sears and whose
condition is very far from the best.
Henry A. Guthman of the Bank of
Murdock, accompanied by his family,
were visitors in Plattsmouth being
guests at the home of Mr. Guthman's
mother. Mrs. F. R. Guthman during
the week end, driving down to the
county seat in their car last Friday
M?x Dusterhoff was busy during
the past week decorating his home
and place of business, which be made
very artistic in the designs which he
has worked out in the exterior as
well as the interior. Take a glance
Enjoyed Community Dance
The young people of Murdock en
joyed a community dance at the M.
W. A. Hall last Wednesday in which
a lance number of the folks partici
pated. The music was supplied by
the people of Murdock and the oc
casion provided a very merry time
for those who participated in the
Will Spend Winter in West.
Last Friday. H. A. Eveland, brother
of Frank Eveland of Murdock, arrived
here from his home at Perry, Iowa,
for a short visit with his brother, be
ing on his way to Los Angeles, where
be will spend the winter. He vis
ited for a short time in Elmwood be
fore coming to Murdock and from
here departed for Big Springs, where
he joined Peter Eveland and wife,
where they will visit for a short time
at the home of daughter, Mrs. Kuehn,
and all will depart for the west where
thev will raak an extended visit.
Little Child Barns Feet.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Gustav Bornemeier. less than two
years of ape. while playing about
the house climbed into a pail in which
some hot ashes had been placed when
they were taken from the stove, with
the result that the little one bad
its feet very badly burned. The
child has received the best of treat
ment but still suffers greatly. Mrs.
Bornemeier, who but recently return
ed from the hospital where she was
receiving treatment, is making pro
gress toward recovery.
Community Program Tomorrow
The Murdock schools will give,
tomorrow eevning. a community pro
err.m which will be the first of this
kind and which, it is hoped, will con
tinue to be a feature of the entertain
ment of Murdock and vicinity. A de
tailed account of the entertainment
will be given in the next issue of the
vice line, was a visitor in Murdock ' at tfcp work as it appears, and see
last Tr'ir-d-M- bei-r a truest of M- I now vou would lite to nave some oi
Peters this fine work done in your home.
Mrs. Luechens. mother of Messrs
Fred and Will Luechens. has been
very ill f-r Mip past few days, but is
rpori'd a- b.-ir.e somewhat better a
this wri ii.r-, but is still feeling very
La-; Sa'r.rdav. J. Johanson. th
Went Into the Ditch.
Last Friday evening while a num
ber cf the young people who have
been picking corn at the home of
Leu is Schmidt, were coming to town.
'the car which they were driving be-
marker man. who is also the bustler longing to Mr. Schmidt, went into
in carrying the children to the schools the ditch disabling the wagon for the
in Murdock. being able to get away itime, but the boys made haste to walk
Heavyweight Blue Overalls
and Jackets
Limited lot of Men's Jackets in steifel stripe
11 i .7S
Enjoyed Honse Party.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Tool a week ago, was given a house
party by their daughters. Misses
Catherine and Margaret Tool, to some
of their friends of the state univer
sity. The party was made up of Mis
ses Clara and Louise- Kula. Messrs.
Vernon Upton and Chester Larson,
and Misses Catherine and Margaret
Tool. The occasion was one of much
pleasure and enjoyed by all present.
Edward Hempke Dies at Lincoln.
Edward Hempe. who had not been
feeling the best for some time, was
taken to the St. Elizabeth hospital at
Lincoln last Saturday week, where he
wrs given treatment for an internal
cancer which had been giving him
much trouble, and with the result
that the young man died at the hos
pital last Friday morning. The re
mains were brought to Murdock,
where the funeral was held last Sun
day at the church north of town, the
services being conducted by the Rev.
J. W. Peters, who is pastor of the
church cf which Mr. Hempke was a
member. The interment was also
made at the cemetery near the church
where Mr. Hempke's father was laid
to rest several months ago. Mr.
Hempke made his home here for many
years and has a large number of
friend? who extend sympathy for the
family at this time of their sorrow.
of Murdock, Uebr.
Charter No. 15J6 In the State . of Ne
: braska at the close of business
on November IS. 120.
Loans and discount!! $ 43.S2!.f.S
Overdrafts 633.62
Finn kins house, furniture and
fixtures S.O00.OO
Current expenses, taxes and
interest paid ,3SU.r6
Ine from National
and stale banks.. t fi,0O.P.O
Checks - and items
of exfhanfte Sfi8.riT.
Currency 89S.OO
Oold coin 5.00
Silver, nickels- and
TOTAL I 63.161.84
CapitaJ stock paid in
I nnividod pronto
Individual deposits
subject to check. .$'23.67.45
Time certificates of
; deposit
$ 16,000.00
.? C3.1C1.S4
f s.
.gtate of Nebraska
County of Cass J
T O J. Pothast. Cashier of
the above namert bank, do hereby
swear that the above statement is a
correct and true copy of the report
made to the State Kureau of Hiinkiiip.
Attest: Cashier.
L. NEITZEL. Director.
Subscribed and sworn -to before me
this 17th dav tf No vernier. M2n.
(Seal) ' Notary Public.
My commission expires Mar. "o, 1926.)
of Murdock, Nbr.
Making Some Good Records.
The boys are making some good
records in the matter of picking corn
and are hustling the crop into the
cribe. notwithstanding the price that
the srrain is bringing. John Scheel
has been averaging nearly a hundred
bushels per day, some days going
over a little and again not quite mak
ing that amount. Albert Theil. last
week for the first five days, made a
record of 505 bushels which would
be just 101 bushels per day. Mr.
Scheel was picking at the home of
Louis Schmidt, -while Mr. Theil was
husking at home. At the home of
Louis Bornemeier. who completed his
corn harvest last Saturday. Jesse Mc
Bee. who is working here, coming
from Missouri, made a record when
he picked 120 bushels last Thursday.
Made a Good Drive.
Last Friday when word was re
ceived of the death of Mr. L. C. Eic
hoff of Enid Oklahoma, Mr. Herman
Schmidt was at Plattsmouth serving
on the jury in the district court, and
the word was telephoned to him. Mr.
Charles Schaefer departed for Platts
mouth to bring Mr. Schmidt home in
order that he might depart for Enid
with the rest of the folks for the fun
eral which was to occur the follow
ing day. Mr. Schaefer made the
round trip with the soft roads, in
one hour and fifty-five minutes.
Will Open a Restaurant.
O. E. McDonald, who is enterpris
ing, and a hustler, has arranged
to come to the rescue of the hungry
ones in Murdock and will open an
eating house here immediately.' He
has placed in his business house a
lunch counter, and will provide a
dining hall in the rear of the build
ing where he can serve meals. Mr.
M r-Donald has secured the services of
Joseph Wutchinck. as his chef and
who has had experience in the line
of cooking from London to Singa
pors. and is capable of doing all
kind of cooking, and all who go
therefor something to eat, will finti
themselves well served.
Will Wire Rouses Soon.
A. Peters has arranged for the wir
ing of twenty of the residences of
Murdock anrl will begin on the work
as soon as the needed materials ar
rive. There are many other homes to
prepare for the installation of elec
tric lights. The poles and other ma
terial for the construction of the
line into Murdock. and the installa
tion of the service here has been or
dered and it is expected that it will
begin to arrive during this week.
With the installation of the electric
service in Murdock, she will be in
line for other improvements.
Artistic modern wall paper at the
Durterheff shops, at a saving reduc
tion. 2t T's w.
Charter No. 67K in the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
on November 13, 1S20.
Ijonns and discounts t
Bonds, securities, judgments,
claims, etc.. including all
covernment bonds-
Hanking house, furniture and
Current epefuses," taxes and
interest paid
Due from National
and state banks.. $ 2!.663.C1
Checks and items
' of exchange i-4.7ri
Currency 2. .".. '
Gold coin 437. .M
Silver, nickels and
pontu S3!1. 47
Liberty loan bonds
held as cash re
st rve 1.600.00
.'47,661 4
277. 5i
Capital stock paid in $ 20.000.00
Surplus fund 5.000.00
Undivided profits 1,138.86
Individual deposits
subject to e!iek..$ 50.145.11
Time certificates of
deposit '. . . 173.66C.1 1
Cash ier's li e v k s
outstanding 1.152.16 264.963.3 k
Depositor's guaranty fund... 2.021.23
State of Nebraska
Senator Norris Says He's for Soldier
Compensation Raised from the
Pockets of the Rich.
County of Cass J
I. H. A. Guthm:mn. cashier oT the
above named bank do hereby swear
, that the above statement is a correct
anu true copy OI inf irpi'i i iiiauvr
the State Bureau of Banking.
Attest: Cashier.
J. E. G UTH MANN, Director.
. HENRY A. TOOL. Director.
Post Adjutant Elmer A. Webb of
Hugb J. Kearns post No. 56, Ameri
can Legion. has received a letter
from Senator G. W. Norris replying
to numerous post cards on the soh
diers' adjusted compensation law
which have been mailed by local
Legion members to both Nebraska
senators, stating that he is willing
to go to almost any length either in
the proposition of homes and farms
for the soldiers, or a cash bonus if
that can be worked out by a tax on
He further states in answer to a
query from the adjutant regarding
his view as to the prospect of a bill
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me
Ulns ISth dav of November, 1920.
Seal) Notary Public.
My Commission expires Mar. 25, 1926.)
Jnry Out 18 Hours Court Officers
Stop Demonstration when the
Verdict is Announced.
After deliberating eighteen hours,
embodying the four-fold compensa-, -
i .in .m Omaha, sass the orld-Heralcl.
ion that it will not be as difficult to; ,. , r
. . isj , . , . , - The jury went out at a o clock
ffK as'iVwm hVt' iTp ThurSdar ,fToon and reported at
Will Have the Folks Home.
At the home of L. Ncitze.1 and
wife, there will be a merry time on
Thanksgiving day as all the children
and their families will be prestnt to
cheer and regale the happy.father and
mother during this pleasant season.
The practice of getting togetl cr on
such occasions as these is a nice one
and one which it has been the prac
tice of Mr. Neitzel to keep as the
years roll along.
iurdock iercantile Co.,
Murdock, Nebraska
Louis C. Eickhoff Dies at Enid.
Word was received in Murdock last
, Sunday of the illness of Mr. Louis C.
I Eichoff. formerly a resident of near
Murdock. but who has been making
his home in the south for some time.
Mr. Eickhoff visited in Murdock with
i his daughter. Mrs. Herman Schmidt,
j some tw-o weeks ago and was in ap
I parently good health when be return
ed home. When the newB of. his ill-
session for any constructive legisla
tion, because as a matter of fact,
there is but little more time than is
necessary for the passage of the
necessary appropriation bills. The
coming session will end on the 4th
of March, but I suppose that a spec
ial session will be called soon after
the 4tl of March and I should think
that sometime during that session,
the question in which you are inter
ested will be definitel determined."
To date no reply has beos received
to a similar letter and caras address
ed to Senator Hitchcock, although, he
promised the adjutant when he was
here a few weeks ago that he would
write a letter setting forth his views
on the bonus matter in detail at
an early date.
A Reliable Remedy for Colds
and Croup
It woutf surprise you to know the
number of people who use and recom
mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedj-,
Mrs. J. N. Rose, Verona; Pa; writes
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been used by myself and husband for
a- number of years lor coughs and
colds. I also gave it-to my- little
granddaughter three and - a half
years of age when- she bad. croup
last winter. It broke up the attack
at once. I have recommended this
remedy to many of my friends and
neighbors who have also used it with
good- results."
court room when the verdict was
read, but this was promptly stopped
by the ccurt officers.
: " Mrs. Tierney was tried for the
murder of her son-in-law, Ray Dun-lap-
in her South Omaha home, fol
lowing closely upon the elopement
of Dunlap and her daughter and sub
sequent marriage performed here by
County Judge Allen J. Beeson. The
evidence of the defense was along
the lines that the woman was de
mented when she fired the shot.
As the clerk read the words "not
guilty," Mrs. Tierneys head sank
slowly forward on her breast, and
she sobbed quietly. After the ver
dict was read and as the jury filed
out of the court room, Mrs. Tierney
thanked several of them that she
was able to reach -in the crush of
We are selling Buicks, Dodges and Mitchells. There
are no more reliable cars on the market. Ask for a
demonstration. We are always at your service. A full
line of tires and accessories always on hand. The best
of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
We Now Offer the Famous
TITAN 10-2O Tractor on a
New Time-Payment Plan!
This new plan is temporary,
to relieve the present unusual
financial situation, and is there
fore subject to withdrawal at
any time.
We also guarantee you the
benefit of possible lower prices.
With every Titan 10-20 trac
tor purchased bet ween now and
May 1, 1921, we will give our
written guarantee that if the In
ternational Harvester Company
of America reduces its price on
Titan 10-20 tractors on or be
fore May 1, 1921, we will re
fund the purchaser the amount
of such reduction.
H m. Gehrts
Why wait? You can't lose Murdock, Nebraska
by ordering now. Come in and
see us.
Farmers have invested over $70,000,000 in the Titan
10-20 Tractors.
Violin Lessons!
I will give violin lessons during the winter months
for beginners and also the more advanced pupils. See
me or call phone 19-G.
Joseph Vtfufschinek,
London. Nov. 18. Sir Hamman
Greenwood, chief secretary for Ire
land, stated in the house of commons
today that during a recent raid in
Ireland troops captured a document,
sent bythe commander-in-chief of the
Irish republican army to his chief of
staff, containing a series of remark
able and horrifying statements r?-garding-the
spreading of typhoid
among the troops and glanders
among the cavalry horses.
Henry A. Guthman. the Murdock
banker, was a visitor in the city to
day with his mother, Mrs. F. R.
Guthman and looking after some mat
ters of business.
Attorney Charles L. Graves, of
Union, came up last evening to en
joy a visit with his friends in the
county seat and to look after some
matters of business.
Miss Marie Kaufmann was among
those going to Omaha this morning
to spent the day pursuing the spec
ial art work studies that she is
taking this year.
Denver. Colo.. Nov. 16. H. II.
Tammen and F. G. Bonfils of Denver
quit the circus business today when
they sold the Sells-Floto circus, which
they have owned many years, to Jerry
Mugivan of Denver. Mugivan is the
owner of the Hacenbeck-Wallace cir
cus, the John Robinson shows, the
Howes London and the Yankee Rob
inson circus. The consideration was
not made public.
Excellent Stove
I have placed a furnace in my
home, and have for sale an ex
cellent large Jewel Base Burner
for sale. J.E. McHUGH.
Murdock, Neb.
For a Disordered Stomach
When the stomach fails to perform
its functions . the bowels become, deranged,-
th liver and kidneys con
gested. The important thing is to
restore the stomach and' liver to a
healthy condition -and for this pur
pose - Ctaraberlain's Tablets are ex
cellent. Give them a trial. They
only cott a quarter. "
The: most exquisite line of birth'
da; ami gift card to be found, any-
j where! At Journal office.
A3 o jixeauttiuii
November 15th to 27th
Oatmeals at 12c per s:ngle roll and up.
Bed Rooms at 8 " " " "
Highest grade artistic wall paper?. We carry the
! selections always. You will not be able to buy these ar-
tistic goods again at these prices.
The Dusterhoff Shops
' Murdbck, Nebraska