The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 22, 1920, Image 1

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Hebrasa State HMi
cal Society
NO. 35
.ttSt'l'IO initio
Council Bluffs, la.. Nov. 17.
Fred E. Poffonberger. aged nineteen,
of this city, has ben arrested in con
nection with the mail ear robbery
here Saturday night. He was taken
into custody by federal peace ofii?"rs
and posioftice men and it is said lias
confessed to bavins taken part in
the robbery. His arrest is said to
have resulted from statements made
by Merl Phillips.
Potfenberger was arrested late last
night and is said to have been hotly
questioned throughout the night by
government men and today confessed
to having assisted in the robbery.
In Poffenberper's confession he
states, it is understood, that it wis
himself who cut open the one stolen
mail sack which was found and
which is known to "have contained
approximately threo-quarters of a
million dollars in government bonds
I'offenberger refuses to say what
became of the bonds.
Omaha, Nov. 17. According tc.
an announcement this afternoon by
postal inspectors working on the
"mail cnr robbery that occurred in
Council Bluffs last Saturday night
the unopened registered sack
dropped by the bandits in their
flight contained 542H.O0O while the
contents of the one recovered sack
which was found with the content?
missing, contained $430,000.
It was the r-ight of the unopened
sick containing the $426,000 lying
along the right of way Saturday
night that first led to the discovery
of the robbery, which according tc
a postal inspector today, will take
rank as oiu of the greatest mail train
robberies ever staged in the Uniter
Following an independent investi
gation of the robbery of the Burling
ton nail car- in Council Rluft's Sat
urday night, the Omaha World-Herald,
an evening newspaper, today
published an article declaring a con
servative estimate of the amount
secured by the robbers is $1,000,000.
"The car." says the article, "was
a 'storage' car that is one sealed in
the west at the start of its journey
across the continent and was carry
ing a big shipment of money from a
California tVderal reserve bank to a
federal reserve bank in Washington.
D. C.
The article adds that it has been
learned that the theft was planned
in San Francisco and executed in
Council Bluffs in accordance with
previously outlined arrangements,
but does not disclose ti e source of
this report.
Passed Away This Horning at Home
Near Enid, Oklahoma, After Ill
ness of Some Duration,
From Thursday's Pally.
This morning a message was re
ceived by Herman K. Schmidt, of
Murdock. who is one of the jury
panel and serving on the jury trying
the Taylor-Koukal damape suit, an
nouncing t lie death at Knid. Okla
homa, this morning of his father-in-law,
Louis C. Eickhoff. after an ill
ness of some duration.
Mr. Eickhoff was for many years
one of the prominent residents of
Louisville precinct, where he pos
sessed one of the linest farms in that
portion of the county, and was for
two terms county treasurer of Cass
county, being elected on the republi
can ticket the first time Jn 1891 and
r,. -elected in 1S93.
Iyouis C. Eickhoff was born in Han
over, Germany, April 15, 18 47, and
was the youngest of the family of six
children of Frederick and Mary Eick
hoff. In 1S55 the family came to
America to make their home and
spent some time in Chicago, coming
to Ca?s county in 1S59 and locating
en a homestead. Ivouis Eickhoff
w?.s married in 1867 to Miss Sophia
Brur.ko. who passed away some
thirty years ago and is buried at the
cemetery near the old home near
Louisville. To this union three sons
and two daughters were born, only
one of whom. Mrs. II. R. Schmidt, re
sides in Cass county, the remainder
of the family living near the father
in Oklahoma.
During the years of his residence
near Louisville. Mr. Eickhoff was
very active in public affairs and
served as supervisor and assessor for
a number of terms until his nomin
ation for the office of county trea
surer. Following his retirement from
public office Mr. Eickhoff decided to
seek a home in the south and located
in Oklahoma, first at Waukomls and
later moving to Enid, where he has
made his home since that time.
Following the death of his first
wife he was re-married end leaves
th widow and two sons of his second
ttarriiffa as -well as the children of
nls flrt marriage to mourn his loss
In religion he was a member of the
Evangelical church and remained in
that faith until his death.
The funeral services will be held
at Enid on Saturday and the body
laid to rest there. Mrs. Schmidt, the
daughter, departed for Oklahoma a
few days ago and reached there be
fore the death of the father.
From Thursday's Dally.
Friends in this city have received
the announcement of the arrival of
a line little son and heir at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knutson
near Louisville. All parties are do
ing nicely and as this is the first
child in the family it is the object
of much admiration. Mrs. Knutson
was formerly Miss Fern Grassinan.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grass
man, formerly of this city.
?rom Tlmrsdav's taily.
The case of William S. Doughty
vs. Parr Young, which occupied the
ittentiori cf the district court yes
erday was decided-by the jury last
-veiling in favor the plaintiff and
lamages in the sum of $2,500 award
ed by the jury. In this action the
olaintiff had asked the sum of 35,000
or damages as the result of an as claimed to have been made on
'he pbiinHf'f by the defendant during
ugust. 1910. on the highway near
Nehav.ka. The case attracted some
Mttle attention from the neighbor
hood in which the parties resided
'nd a lurge number were in cttend
'nce at the trial.
This morning the damage suit of
?dna Taylor vs. John Koukal. et al,
was called for trial in the district
-curt and the selection of the jury
-ccupied the first hour of the court.
The following were selected to try
he eae: Ben Dill. Carl E. Day. II.
H. Schmidt. A. J. Deitrich. William
boatman, F. H. Gorder. W. A. Bou
on. Charles Bailev. John Bramlett,
Yed Nolting. B. Wolph. F. B. Shopp.
This case is the first of three ac
'ions brought by Edna Taylor, Elmer
Taylor. and Mrs. Mary Blount
against John Koukal. et al, as the
-esult of an automobile collision with
he buegy of the plaintiffs and in
which it is claimed Mrs. Taylor and
Mrs. Blount were injured. Damages
re asked in the sum of $5,000. in
he case of Mrs. Taylor and Mrs.
Blount and the result of the first case
will doubtless determine the outcome
if the other cases which are of a sim
ilar nature.
The accident out of which the liti
gation arises occurred west of the
city on August 2 4, 1919. when the
buggy in which Mrs. Taylor and her
mother, Mrs. Blount, were riding, was
'ruck by a car belonging to Mr.
Koukal and which was driven by Au
gust Koukal. a son. The plaintiff
i lieges that the car was without
'iglits and driven in a careless man
ner. There are a large number of wit
nesses in the case for both the plain
tiff and the defendant and the entire
neighborhood in the locality west of
the city where the parties reside have
been summoned to give their testi
mony in the case.
Attorney W. A. Robertson appears
for the plaintiff, while Mr. Koukal is
represented by Attorney D. O. Dwyer.
The thirty-second reunion of the
Scottish Rite Masons opened at Lin
coln on Tuesday and the occasion
was marked by the initiation of a
class of 150 memDers of the Masonic
order who were given the advanced
degrees. In the class are numbered
some twenty residents of Cass coun
ty who have been advanced to the
higher degrees.
The new members come from the
central and southern portion of the
county and are as follows: Harold
Glen Andrus, Seward F. Day,rFrank
J. Domingo, James M. Teegarden,
Frank II. Johnson, Alva E.. Marshall,
Harvey W. Swindle. Harold S! Mey
ers, Arnold" O. Specht, Lloyd P. Wol
cott. Weeping Water; Carl A- Bal
four, Robert W. Chapman. Nehawka;
Louis Carlson. Claude W. Fahues
tock, Edgar T. Gerhart, John H. F.
Ruhge, Avoca; Willis C. Bartlett,
William H. Hardin, Elmwood; Wal
ter II. Frost, Alexander 11. Humble,
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Miles Allen in the south part of.
the city was visited by the Btork who
left in their charge a fine little son
and heir. The mother and little one
are doing nicely and Miles is feeling
well pleased over the addition to his
family circle.
Journal want as pay. Try them.
From Thursday's Dally.
The social meeting of the Royal
Neighbors of America held last even
ing at the Modern Woodman hall
proved one of the most delightful
that the organization has held for
many weeks and was one of the most
largely attended of any gathering
held by the order.
The ladies in charge of the social
had arranged the hall in a very at
tractive manner for the happy event,
the colors of the Royal Neighbors,
purple and white, serving as the
chief features of the color scheme,
and these colors were festooned over
the dance floor in streamers while
the American flags added a patriotic
touch to the occasion.
The opening portion of the even
ing's entertainment was occupied
with a very pleasing program of
music, songs and readings that were
most heartily enjoyed by everyone.
Mrs. Jennie Tulene, one of the of
ficers of Maple Leaf I'ump, gave a
short address of welcome to the
members and the guests of the even
ing, which was very pleasantly re
ceived and served as a fitting opon
ing of the happy event. Mrs. O. C.
Hudson gave a very pleasing piano
number and that was followed by
Misses Helen, Minnie and Pearl Hild
with a piano trio that reflected the
greatest of credit upon these talented
young ladies. Mrs. Allen J. Beeson
and Miss Esther Godwin each gave a
reading that was much enjoyed and
proved a pleasing addition to the
well balanced program. One of the
delightful features of the entertain
ment was the number on the piano
and drums bv Helen and Edgar Wes
cott and which afforded the young
people an opportunity of demonstrat
ing their musical talent. Vocal num
bers were,) given by , Misses Alefa
Stenner and Thelma Hudson, which
added to the delights of the evening.
Following the program, the mem
bers of the party who desired to en
joy the dance were given the fullest
opportunity as an excellent orchestra
had been provided and which played
until the homegoing hour. For those
who preferred to enjoy the evening
more quietly cards served as the
means of entertainment and much
delight was derived at this form
of amusement and a large number
took the opportunity of enjoying the
As the evening was drawing to a
close the members of the party were
treated to a very dainty luncheon
which the ladies had prepared and
which served to complete a very en
joyable occasion and one in which
the ladies of the Royal Neighbors
demonstrated their skill as hostesses.
League of Several Teams Will
Formed Among Lodges and
Societies of the City.
The coming basket ball season bids
fair to be the best in the history of
the city and with the greatest in
terest taken in this sport among the
young people of the city. The plans
are now under way for the formation
of a league that will include many
of the lodges and societies of "the
city and which should provide a
series of very interesting games.
The Elks, the Eagles, Knights of
Columbus and two teams from the
American Legion are among the
prospective material from which to
form the league and in addition the
young men's classes of the Sunday
schools may be interested in the
organizing of teams, as well as one
or more business firms who have de
clared their willingness to outfit a
team playing under their name.
A league of this kind is certain to
create more interest than has ever
been shown in the city before in this
sport as well as provide clean, heal
thy exercise for the young men of
the community.
The high school basket ball team
will also help out the basket ball
spirit as they have the same team
that was so effective last season, and
which played in the final class C con
tests at Lincoln with the Havelock
team tor the championship of the
There is nothing more stimulating
than clean athletics and every pos
sible aid should be given to the socie
ties and lodges in getting their teams
organized and in supporting the
teams by patronage when they are
ready to launch the playing season.
Raymond Larson of the Legion or
ganization is one of the chief boost
ers of the proposition and is one of
the expert players of the city as
You've heard so much about the
famous Culbransen Player piano.
Why not hear one In your home?
Write or phone A. Hospe Co., Omaha,
for full particulars. o28 4tw.
Miss Olive Jones, the efficient li
brarian at the city library, is back
at her desk after a vacation of
some four weeks during which time
and has been enjoying a visit with
her brother, Dal Jones and family,
of Chicago, and al;r at Kansas City
with Tier niece," MfJ. Floyd R:lston
and family.
The patrons of the library are
pleased to have .Ii;s Jones back at
her duties as her king service has
made it seem a stnnge place with
out the quiet and -tlTicieni manner
of the librarian in looking after the
interest.? of the subscribers.
Cass County Will Unite With 20 Oth
er Counties in Nebraska Farm
Bureau Federation Campaign
j Buring the week u December 13,
the Cass County Form Bureau and
the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federa-
. tion, will conduct a membership cam
paign in the county, which County
Agent L. R. Sniper states will be
i about the biggest thing that has ever
been attempted in this section of the
.' state.
Twenty men will tome to the coun
ty during "Farm Bureau Week" and
will a.-sist the local men in putMng
j.on the membership campaign, which
I will be managed by J. A. Crawford of
I Beardsley, Kansas.
The Farm Bureau Movemtnt is
sweeping the country like wildfire
and Cass county is fortunate to have
an opportunity to hook up with a
I farmer's organization like the Ne
braska and American Farm Bureau
Everybody in Cass county knows
what has been accomplished by tbe
Farm Bureau Agent here, but what
will the Nebraska Farm Bureau Fed
eration do for the farmers on" a larger
sr-ale? This question is heard on all
sides. The Nebraska Farm Bureau
Is organized to strefy.hen and corre
late the work ol the county farm bu
reaus; to encourage and promote co
operation of all representative .agri
cultural organizations in every effort
to improve facilities and conditions
for the economic and efficient pro
duction, conservation. marketing,
transportation and distVibution of
farm products; to further the stinly
am) enactment of constructive agri
cultural legislation; to advise with
representatives of the public agri
cultural institutions co-operating
with farm bureaus in the determina
tion of nation wide policies and to
inform farm bureau members regard
ing all movements that effect their
To judge the possibilities of the
Farm Bureau, to know that every
farmer in Cass county and the state
of Nebraska should be a member for
his own good and his neighbor's
good, it is only necessary to study
for a minute what the Farm Bureau
has done and is doing. Roughly, its
work may be divided into national,
state, county and township affairs.
Again it classifies itself as social and
economic. In the national field the
Farm Bureau is successfully concern
ing itself with co-operative marketing
of grain and live stock, and plan
are under way by which it is hoped
to work out a system whereby the
farmer will get his cost of production
plus a fair profit and will be released
from bondage to the big: packers and
the big gamblers. It is also active
in meeting the car shortage problem
and has succeeded in getting an
equalized rate for grain by rail and
water to the eastern seaboard from
the Great Lakes, thus releasing to
the mjldle western farmers thousands
of cars for grain shipments. In ad
dition it has successfully reeured fin
ancial aid from the federal reserve
tanksto help the wool growers hold
their clip until it can be marketed at
a fair -price.
In the same field, but in a political
activity, it has succeeded In repeal
ing the daylight saving law, and de
livered a body blow to the Nolan tax
bi'. It advised with the platform
farmers of both national parties and
secured greater recognition for the
farm industry iu the national plat
forms than has ever before been giv
en. The Farm Bureau movement is the
outgrowth of plans set in motion by
the United States Department of Ag
riculture several years ago to stimu
late organization and co-operation
among farmers. It continues as a
state and federal movement, receiv
ing some aid from both the state and
federal governments.
The present activities of both the
state and national organizations have
now entered many fields in order to
provide practical service for their
What the Farm Bureau has done
for other states it can do for the far
mer in the state of Nebraska and
Cass county.
Girl for general housework. No
washing, good wages. Call Mrs.
John W. Falter, phone 337. tfd.
! Blank books! Yes yon can get
most any kind at Journal office.
The proposition that has been
broached several times of free city
delivery of mail in l-'laUsmouth has
been discussed by a large number of
the residents of the city and they are
enthusiastically in favor of getting
after the matter a::d having it placed
before the postal authorities to see if
it is nor possible to place this modern
method of handling the mail in the
reach cf the residents of this progres
sive little city.
The postoffice here has grown so
that the receipts now reach the $10,-
000 mark that is required by the
1 otofiice department for cities hav
ing free delivery and also the exten
sive campaign ofpuhlic improvement
among the residents and home own
ers has resulted in many miles of new
permanent walks being installed in
all parts of the city that will permit
a carrier getting over the city with
:-.pced and dispatch.
The advantages of the city delivery
are so manifest that a discussion of
them would be unnecessary and es
pecially among those who have lived
in the cities where they have enjoyed
this advantage of modern handling
of the mail. As it is at present it is
necessary for some member of the
family calling at the postoffice for
mail and in many caes seevral mem
bers of the same family will call
during the day and make a large
mount of unnecessary work for the
clerks as well as making it annoying
for the patrons and this would all be
eliminated in handling the mail by
carriers as two deliveries a day over
t !-,e city would give a prompt and
much appreciated service to the com
munity. The installing of the delivery sys
tem would also give at least two ad
ditional employes at. the, postaffice
and add materially to the progress of
the city.
To secure this service there should
be a concerted movement of the citi
zens, business men and patrons of the
office to see that it is placed in the
bands of the postoffice department
for their action and there little
doubt but that there will be some
favorable action taken in the mat
t er.
Many places much smaller than
Plattsmouth enjoy this feature of the
mail service and have had it for a
number of years and it is time that
it was taken up earnestly in this
city and out across. .:
Those Who Have Not Yet Enlsited
Their Dollar in Cause of Help
fulness May Do So Now.
The Red Cross drive for the fourth
roll call is still on and will continue
until Thanksgiving day, so that those
who have not opened their hearts
and donated the much needed dollar
in the cause of humanity may have
the opportunity of so doing by calling
at the Plattsmouth State hank or the
Cass County Monument Works.
In the fourth roll call the work of
donation has been purely voluntary
and what funds have been subscribe
through the sale of the 1921 member
ships have come from those who have
studied and realized the full scope of
the work of the Red Cross in peace
and in war and which shows that in
the hour of disaster or suffering the
Red Cross has responded nobly to the
call made on them.
In this city of over 4,000 inhabi
tants, there has been 200 enrolled in
the membership for the coming year
and this does not reflect very cred
ibly on the city as other communities
have swung into line with large list
of memberships.
During the fourth roll call Mrs. F.
H. Dunbar, the secretary, has been
unable to have active charge of the
work and the greater amount of the
work has devolved upon Mrs. H. W.
Smith and the credit for the work of
the campaign has been due to her ef
forts and those of the ladies assist
ing in the work.
Those who have failed to subscribe
should get busy and be enrolled be
fore Thanksgiving day in the army
cf helpfulness.
Mrs. Wesley Davis of Weeping!
Water last week, while looking for'
eggs at the barn at home, slipped!
and fell while ascending the ttepSi
leading to the basement, falling some;
eigbt feet and bruising herself quitoi
"badly. So serious were her injuries ;
that she could not get cround for aj
lew days, out 13 now aoie to ne aooui'
although not feeling very good. It
is hoped she will soon regain her
iormer condition.
From Friday's Pally.
The case of the Bank of Union v..
Cary L. Stoiler. et al. which wa..-. m
h:.e been placed on trial imrnedial"!
h; owing tin? completion of the iay
lor s. Koukal ease, is in the proces-:
Hit .-t settlement and by agreement
among the pa; ties wijl probably be
cl.-missed and ill at least not go :i
'.: al at this time.
.udge Bog.'-.y this morning ex
cused all the Jury panel save those
who were out in the Taylor-Koukal
case and they were allowed to go to
their homes. The Jury paniel is ex
cused until Monday, November 29th,
when they will report for duty us
the Webber case will be tried before
Plant of Myers Crushed Stone Com
pany Began Operations the
First of the Week.
The hum of industry was going on
here right merrily the first of the.
week when the Myers Crushed Stone
Company's plant was started up un
der its newly acquired electric mo
tive power. A representative of the
machinery equipment company was
here to test out the plant to see that
everything was properly installed
and found that nothing could have
been more perfect.
For this winter no large amount of
crushing will be done. That part of
the plant which is producing the
ground lime stone will be run 24
hours a day from the very start and at
least enough crushed stone will be
gotten out to keep it going.
The opening of this big quarry
with its splendid plant is a big thing
for Weeping Water and we should all
hope for its success and prosperity.
In equipment the plant is not sur
passed by any we know of in the
state. Its big crusher heads a No.
S and two No. 5's of the gyratory
type, and a No. 4 of the Jaw type; Its
six big electric motors of a total of
some 320 horse power; Its steam shov
el and other equipment certainly
speak for efficiency and success.
Weeping Water Republican.
Eoys Intermediate Class of Christian
Church Entertains the Girls
Class Last Evening.'
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the Christian church
was the scene of a very pleasant so
cial gathering when the boys inter
mediate class of the Sunday school
acted as the hosts of the evening to
the girls of the church and the
pleasant evening will long be a de
lightful recollection to all those who
were in attendance.
Throughout the evening games of
all kinds were enjoyed and much
merriment was derived as the young
people whiled away the hours and
the event was topped off with a very
dainty and delicious luncheon served
by the members of the party.
The pleasing event was planned
largely by Cassius Carey, and Miss
Aleta Stenner, two of the members
of the entertainment committee and
their excellent work was shown in
the exceptionally delightful enter
tainment. P. A. Hild of near Mynard. came
up this afternoon to spend a few
hours attending to some matters of
Tlirco Hundred Years!
It was thre hundred years ago that the
Pilgrims landed upon the rock-bound coast of
New England.
This added significance will result in a
notable celebration of Thanksgiving day thru
out. America.
As a nation and a people we may well
be thankful for what three centuries have
wrought and can confidently look forward to
the future knowing that progress and security
will be recorded so long as we maintain the
principles for which our forefathers fought.
The first wionalBank
From Friday Dally.
The fire department of the city !
being re-organized following the res
ignation of all but three of the mem
bership and already a number have
signed up and Mayor II. A. Schneider
has assurances that will enable tin
department to enroll twenty-five in
the membership, this being the num
ber that it is thought will be suffi
cient to handle the work of fighting
the flames.
The fire department has been in
more or less of an unsettled condi
tion since the adoption last winter of
the new ordinance governing the fire
department and which in a number of
cases took away privileges that had
heretofore been enjoyed by the mem
bers of the fire department and among
these was the election of chief of the
department which was made appoint
ive under the terms of the ordin
ance. With the securing of the new fire
truck and chemical engine there was
more feeling engendered in the secur
ing of a driver for the truck and
dissatisfied with the manner of hand
ling the matter, all but three of tin
members had placed in the hands of
Mayor Schneider their resignations.
It was to overcome this condition
that the chief executive of the city
proceeded to get busy and had plans
for a rejuvinated department noon
under way. The matter of enlisting
the business men on Main street in
the department was undertaken and
with very pleasing success and almost
every business house in the city will
have at least one representative In the
new department. This relieves what
has Ions been a very disagreeable fea
ture to the work of the firemen and
this is the getting away of the fire
men from their work in the shops.
While the firemen have responded in
splendid shape when called upon,
they have been compelled to make
heavy personal sacrifices, as they lost
the amount of their wages during the
time they were absent from the shops
as well as damage and Injury to their
clothing and as a result to belong to
the department was a detriment rath
er than anything else while the mem
bers were employed in the phops.
In the new department Emil J.
Weyrich will be placed in charge of
the chemical work on the new fire
truck and his experience in this line
will prove very valuable to the de
partment. All of the new members
will be instructed in the use of the
chemicals and placed in a position
to fight a fire with the most modern
Yesterday. L. J. Lanktree. repre
senting the Nebraska Inspection bu
reau of Omaha was here looking over
the situation as regards fire insurance
risks and was much pleased over the
plans for the new department and
also in the fact that the city lias a
modern fire truck. This fire truck
will probably result in the ciiy se
curing a much better rate for their
insurance risks as soon as the rates
can be adjusted as it tends to make
the loss by fires much less.
Males for sale at $2.00 each.
White Wyondotte. Rose and Single
, Comb Rhode Island Beds, and Rou-n
. ducks.
lm-w. South Bend, Neb.