The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Head Widening' Cuts and Strengthen
ing Bridges cn 0"Neill-Sions City
line Rcundliccse at O'Neill.
"H. EES,;.
9 tr' 11
0me in and see
a New Edison
mvkick hears-cL
Signed by Messrs Collins and Harlan
them exact duplicates in tonal quality of the instrument
used at the Parmele Theatre and capable of sustaining with
absolute success the same test of direct comparison with
their voices. By signing this Certificate, they declare them
equal, in every respect, to the instrument which stood be
side them on the stage at the Parme'e and amazed all
Let us show you and play for you these Official Laboratory
Models, which have proved their supreme realism. Come
in today. We shall deliver with each Official Laboratory
Model the Certificate of Authenticity, which Messrs Collins
and Harlan have signed for it. You will prize this New Ed
ison above all other musical instruments. It will not only
be your means of access to the real voices cf the world's
great artists, but also a peculiarly precious memento of two
of the most renown singers of their time.
Ask for the Certified Official Laboratory
Why the Audience at the Parmele
was so amazed by
No one in the audience could tell Mr. Collin's living
"The Phonograph, with a Soul
This was the test made by Arthur Collins.
He sang. Suddenly the lights went out, and when they voice from its Re-Creation by the New Edison,
came on again, Mr. Collins was gone, but the singing con- The Phonograph has" achieved that marvel of marvels
tinued during the dark interval.
perfect realism.
Why not let us deliver -today one of these New Ed(sons
with Certificate of Authenticity? You can arrange con
venient payments. There's no time to lose.
O'Xtill, Nob.. Nov. lfi. Intima
tion?, from semi-official sources that
construction of the proposed exten
sion of the IUirlinsrton Sioux City
rX:;il line from O'Neill to Thod
:ord. Nib., where it will connect with
the Lur!:ijson main line, may be he-
Mir. nrxt summer received partial
confirmation hy the activi'ies of the
com nu:y alotr-c the present line c-J
i:..-ject i.m of the Sijux T'ity
f'N ill line, concluded ly hish
( ii:ls ;f t he road last week.
The company has been at work
pnd lias maintained work trains and
vork'Crevs all summer widenins all
cuts in -hape for heavy traffic and re
inforcintr and strengthening all
hridpes. particularly the one at Allen.
The work was inspected la.t week by
a p ;rty including General Superin
tend;!! Flynn of the lines west of
the Missouri; Division Superintend
( nt H. ('. Allen, Trainmaster Con Roatlniaster Hurlhest and Mas
ter 'irpentcr Fred Horidraperen.
They came to O'Neill Thursday
nipht in the private car of the gen
era! superintendent and left t arly
Friday mors ins: on the inspection en
pin." of the general superintendent
that they might make a more close
ami careful inspection of the new
Commercial oluf. officials and local
hu-iness men were not informed of
the contemplated arrival of the party
and while in the city the officials did
not discuss railroad matters, hut in
spected the local yards and the forty
acres of ground acquired some time
ego for roundhouse and yard enlarge
ment. The activities along the line
this summer and fall, and the recent
application of the company to issue
,J,fM'0.oftO of securities for develop
ment work indicate intention of early
construction of the Thedford exten
sion., which has been a part of the
development scheme of the road for
P.atio cf Increase in "western States
SIiov. s Decline in Last 10 Years
Hawaii Has 43 Per Cent.
rn un
Right at the "Kick Off of
winter, starter off right
stay in the big game of beat
ing old man winter, with a
good, comfortable, w d r m,
They are the same old
friendly pre-war coa, with
an added touch of sfyle, you'll
look well, feel right, and if
you buy it here now you'll
save at least $7 tc $15. The
downward revision is still on. Score now, and knock
the blocks from under I. M. Zero Esq.
ti:e population both
an-! in r iati:
( .ii;f:;niia.
i Ijtion of '
t4:. or ;;.'
p:uod with
of 41.
Read the Daily Journal
Owing to the bad weather and the poor condition
of the roads we have decided to extend our sale until
Saturday, November 20th, thereby enabling those to
take advantage of our 20 discount, who were unable
to come to town during the rains.
We also wish to apologize to our customers for the
poor delivery service cf late and wish to say we have
the mules on the job and they with our tin Elizabeth
ought to be more than able to deliver the goods.
Says Fanners Do Not Need to Get $3
a Bushel for Wheat $2.25
to $2.40 Enough.
Columbus. O., Nov. 10. The for
tieth annual convention of the Farm
ers' National congress opened here
today to continue through Friday.
"I believe the farmers of this great
country are justified in refusing to
sell below cost of production," said
O. G. Smith. Kearney, Neb., in his
annual address as president. "I am
not one of those who believe we must
have $3 for wheat. If farmers in the
wheat belt can procure $2.25 to $2.40
they will raise and sell in the mar
kets all the wheat necessary to feed
the world."
"One system of marketing that has
been suggested is the Ftoring of wheat
on the farms, and protecting the sam,e
by insurance, and also some arrange
ment to be made to allow the owner
to draw a part of its value as is done
on warehouse receipts, and not rush
their grain into the markets as has
been done in the past. This most
unfair deflation was the result of a
well organized conspiracy on the part
of the grain gamblers and some of the
captains of finance which was intend
ed for a general drive tol over levels,
and the farmers were again made the
i'We' must adopt some method
whereby country life can be more
satisfactory to our boys and girls."
"The federal farm loans were of
great benefit to th-e farmers. It is
to be deplored that all progress in
the operation of the banks was stop
ped by the suit brought by the Bank
ers' Mortgage association attacking
the constitutionality of the act. This
congress should go on record praying
for a favorable decision for the far
mers in this suit."
"I hope that we can go on record
here at this congress demanding that
our national congress be requited
to enact a law prohibiting the future
option trading in ail food products,
and more particularly that of wheat
and its products as now permitted
by the various boards of trade and
grain exchanges in the United
"I am thoroughly convinced that
American Farm Bureau Federation
is the organization through which
all individual farmers' as well as all
organizations can speak as one
voice." i
Good clean rags wanted at the
Journal office. tfd.
The Muray school-will give a pro
gram and box social at Puis' hall
Wednesday evening. November 24,
1920. Everybody come. Every girl
and every woman, one hundred ears
of age or less, please bring a box.
ashington, I. C, Nov. 1G. The
nese population cf the three Pa
coast states California. Oregon.
Washington has increased at a
r rate since 1910 than it did be
ll II 0 0 and l!lo, ti satires an
ced todcy by the census bureau
cd. In Hawaii, however, there
a decided increase, and nearly
he population cf the islands is
up of Japanese.
nt-.m. her cf Japanese women in
:;:- 'a ifc coast states and in
a: i .-bowed a heavy gain over
in totals
to the number of male
with a total population
. showed a Japanese pop
0.1 tn. an increase of 2S.
per cent since It' in. com
a Japanese total in 1910
which was an increase
over 1!H0 cf l.20". or "07.4 per
cent. The Japanese population in
1!10 cr nsttttited 1.7 per cent of the
r.;: pop u! a ion . compared with 2
pcr cent this year.
Tn Halaii the total population - of
all mors is 2S5.912. of which 100r2G9
are Japanese. The increase iivJap
:.t;o?o since 1910 is 29.a96. or C7.1
pcr cent, compared with IS. 564. or
"o.i per cent during the preceding
Japano.e number 17.114 in Wash
inrtor. cut of a total population of
1 .;'r.G.'i21. a srain of 4,1 S5 during the
der-ade. or P.2.4 per cent. Between
I'j'M.) and 1010 the Japanese popula
tion in Washington has increased
7. "12. or 130.2 pcr cent.
Japanese in" Oregon -when this
year's census was taken totaled
4.22 of a total population of 7S3.-
"S9. This was an increase of C04.
or 17.7 per cent, half the rate of in
crease for 1900.1910 decade.
The census bureau's figures dis
closed that on the Pacific coas.
where females constituted not more
than G per cent of the Japanese pop
ulation in any state twenty years
ago. women now make up 3G.8 per
rent of the Japanese total in Califor
nia. 34.7 per cent in Washington,
and 32.3 per cent in Oregon. In Ha
waii the ratio of Japanese women to
nim is nearty uounie mat oi jiiuu,
and now is 42.7 per cent females.
and order, does not countenance nor i
condone unlawful acts and is not re
sponsible for things done or words
spoken by individuals acting on their j
own initiative. Legion men must :
take extraordinary care that neither
themselves nor any one else shall
take part in any conduct or make
any statements involving the good
name of the American Legion.
The American Legion has its ene- :
mies. rney cannot nnc iauu wim i
its declared purposes and principles
nor with the actions of its trovern-
ing bodies. They grasp then tor any- ;
thing upon which they can base a
charge against it. Enemies of the
Legion have in these matters seen
an opportunity to hit heiow the belt
tr.'l to foul and they have taken it.
American Legion members should
always be found supporting the duly
constituted officers in the mainten
ance of law and order; protecting
the constitutional guaranty of free
speech and a free press; and main
taining "a hundred per cent Ameri
canism based on fair play and a
square deal for all." By doing so
the ex-service man can continue to
serve himself, his former broth ers-in-arms
and his countrv.
Department Commander.
Department Adjutant.
P 0 B L I G S A L E I
I will offer at public auction on th"
Black farm, tw i:,:)-s i..:th and oi,"
and thrt e -q ua r , e: s u.ilri- vvst !' .M;::
ray, and two mil-.- .-'''.r!'. a:.i uvi
miles west of Mynard. con me ncing a
lu o'tlock a. in., on .Mai.aay, Novci-a-ber
22, the following de-cribed pro
perry, to-wit : .
Three Head of Mules One span oT
mules, five and six years old. weight
2200 , one cornir..-' two-year-old mule.
Two Hi ilk cov s. t're.-h. one v. m
ing two-year-old heifer, t vent y-: v
htad of shea's, two : o-?. " i :i
its one yea r i.' s. r.
Machinery Or. :.'-iv
hay rack, one M-.C.rn.!'.
feed grinder, one I. cr !i
Cormick mower. two
troughs, one top la:;: try.
Lind cultivator, one ?w,-t
ter, C'ne set furrow open
nure spreader.
About r'.l'tein tons
: er.
. , w
' v
one .sta;k oat
ta and
straw ,
one i:
i i .-1 . '
e .
ne Old Ti .
iitary ci ue!i a
numerous to m
The merchant wto Coesn't adver
tise only when business Is good will
ventually quit it entirely.
Department Commander of American
Letrioin Deprecates Personal Acts
That Reflect on Organization
The American Legion was organ
ized for service to all discharged men
and service to the common country.
Complaint has be;en made that
members of the American Legion
veer guilty of acts of disorder in and
toward certain political meetings of
the last campaign, stating that they
were doing fn in the name of the
American Legion.
It is not the purpose of this state
ment to discuss the truth or falsity
!of ther-pecific charges, although thor
' ough investigation has show n that
the specific instances charged are un
true. But because of them the par
ties have charged the American Le
gion w ith these acts.
Legion members should bear in
mind that the American Legion
stands for the maintenance of law-
New York, Nov. 1C.. President
Wilson has accepted honorary life
membership in the National Demo
cratic club. His letter accepting the
membership was made public today.
It follows:
"It is with a sense of very deep
and genuine appreciation that I ac
cept the honor the National Demo
cratic club has conferred upon me by
electing me an honornrv life member.
I am proud to have this evidence of
the club's confidence and esteem."
rie hay.
One almost new hc-a:
cabinet, one bu!'i e t . un
coek stove, one d rc.-T
ty incubator, o
other articles too
Lunch will be served at noon.
Terms of Sale: Or amount:- und
$10, cash in hand: on amounts (x
ceeding $10 a credit of six months
will be given, pure Laser giving noie
with approved security i caring inter
est at eight pcr cent frun date. "
preperty to be reimv.'d from th
premises until .settled fr.
Col W. R. Young, audienccr.
W. G. Boedeker. clerk.
C. F. DeJUNG. Owner
There will be a program given by
the pupils of district No. 2 at the
Horning school house on Friday eve
ning, November 19th. Lunch will
be served. Every one invited to be
present. Admission 2.rc. Elizabeth
Bajeck, teacher. nlfi 4td ltw.
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! At Journal office.
Boston. Mass.. Nov. IK. The Wo
man's Foreign Missionary society of
the Methodist Episcopal church had
receipts of $2.000,K31. said the re-
! port of Mrs. Jennie Brown f-pacth.
'submitted today to the chruch coun
cil. Of this all e.((p! $13.49S cane
from the branches of the society. Tne
greatest single amount. $41",. 217,
came from the northwestern branch,
which covers Illinois, Indiana. Michi
gan and Wisconsin. Next in order
was the Cincinnati branch, with
$2K,",2.':i. This biaeh covers Ohio,
West Virginia. Kentucky. Tennessee,
Alabama and Mississippi.
' "I ( 1
til e i i
Ctt - -
r . r- r. - lit
f '
Auto Painting!
Stop! Look! Let me give you an estimate on re-
painting your car.
6th and Pearl Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb.