The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1920, Image 1
cal Society i&J iJI jL IT! Jbt. I. VOL. NO. XXXVII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMEER IS, 1D20. NO. 34 MURRAY IS AGAIN VISITED BYJOBBERS WHO FORCE ENTRANCE SATUR DAY NIGHT TO THE STORE OF HIATT & TUTT. The activities of the unto bandits over the county continue and this time they have once more made Mur ray I tie target of their operations and the store of Iliatt & Tint was the loser by some $200 worth of their stock, which was taken from the shelves and show rases and evidently tarried away by auto. The robber secured entrance to the store by breaking the glass in the front door of the building, crawl ing in and then opening the rear doors, through which the spoils were curried. From indications found of the work of the burglars on the rear dcx.r of the store they had evident ly attempted to use that way of getting into the stour in the first place but a ere foiled in their efforts. Holes had been drilled near the lock that allowed the catch to be sprung, but two large wooden bars were used to hold the door in place and these the burglars were unable to move and had to resort to breaking the glass in the front door in order to get into the building. As far as could be ascertained from the 1 1 n t y inventory of the stock, there is something like $20u worth of merchandise missing from the store and this is composed large ly of leather coats, cigars and ciga rettes, as well as a few sweaters and orlier articles of clothing. In the rear of the store in the alleyway two of tlie leather coats were found, hav ing evidently been dropped while being loaded into the auto of the robbers. The robtiers did not tamper with the safe in the store although they had evidently overhauled the cash register, but there was nothing aside from a few pennies in this and they did not bother to take the small coins. The night callers were evidently particular as to their cigarettes, for they took only the Camels in the stock, leaving the others untouched. The general aspect of the job is similar to th robbery committed a lew weeks ago at the Sheldon store in N'ehawka. the same methods of at tempting to gain entrance to the store having been used only in this case they were not able to force the rear door as easily as they did at the Sheldon store. It is thought that the robbery oc curred about !::',( Sunday morning as several of the residents of Murray I . t 1 1 l 11111 I lit Ileal U I lie IUIWU 111 i ar. automobile engine about that time' oi the night and this was without doubt the car of the unwelcome visi tore. The robbery was not discovered un til yesterday morning and by that tin.e the gang bad plenty of oppor tunity to seek refuge in their hang outs in Omaha or Lincoln, as they were evidently a part of the auto bandits that have been operating in the small towns of this part of the state. BIRTHDAY CLUB ENTERTAINED From Monday's Daily. The members of the Birthday club of this city were very pleasantly en tertained ye.-terday afternoon at the beautiful home of Mr. and" Mrs. James H. Donnelly in Omaha, the oc casion being the birthday anniver sary of Mrs. Donnelly, and the ladies following their custom of the past several' years assisted lor in seeing that it was properly observed. The IVinMy home was charmingly " ar ranged with decorations of chrysan thmums throughout the rooms and being featured in the table decoration-. One of the pleasant features of the occasion was the delicious ! o'clock dinner served by the hostess and which was appreciated to the fullest extent by the friends who had come from the old home in Platts mouth to help celebrate the natal day. Those attending from this city were Mrs. J. A. Donelan. Mrs. C. G. Kricke, Mrs. R. W. Clement. Mrs. J. S. Livingston. Miss Dora Fricke, Miss Verna Leonard, the Omaha members of the club attending were Miss Jnl:a Herman and Mrs. Russell Har ris. TO RECEIVE EXAMINA TION AT ST. LOUIS From Monday's Da 11 v. Kdward W. Rebal will depart this afternoon for St. Louis, where he will undergo an examination at the hands of the examining board of the war risk insurance department of. tlie uovernment. Mr. Rebal has not been in the best of health for some time as a result of his exposure and service in the navy during the war, and has been operated on twice in Omaha for an affection of the air passages, but which has proven un successful and he will now be sent 'o St. Louis to have a further ex amination and may undergo another operation if it Is thoucht it will give him the dwired relief. DOINGS IN COUNTY COURT A hearing was had Saturday in the county court before Judge Beeson on the matter of the probate of the estate of E. K. Reece. deceased, of near Creenwood. The court, after hearing the evidence submitted, granted the prayer of the petitioners and appointed Mrs. Sadie Reece. the widow, and a son, as the administra tors uf the estate which is valued at $2a.(MM). A marriage license was issued Sat urday afternoon to Charles A. Cobb, of Omaha, and Miss Kosa M. Ander son of Weeping Water, being the lirst li.'onse issued in the past two weeks. The bride-to-be is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Anderson, prominent residents of near Weeping Water. FUNERAL OF MRS. C. E. M'BRIDE HELD Yesterday Afternoon at the Chris tian Church Many Friends Were in Attendance. From Monday'B Da II v. Yesterday afternoon the funeral services of Mrs. Charles E. McRride were held at the Christian church ind were attended by a large num ber of the old friends and neighbors who gathered to pay their tribute of love anu esteem to the memory the departed lady. There was a short service held the home of Rev. A. C Hollowell oi at at 1::'0 which v. as attended by a num ber of the neighbors and following which the body was taken to the church. Rev. Hollowell in his remarks paid a tribute to the beautiful character of the departed ladv and her untir ing devotion to the members of the' family that she had so tenderly cared for and the home that she had loved I so much. To the sorrowing relatives' and friends the minister held up the promise of the Maker that all the' pain and seperation of death should! he swept away in the future when they should come to dwell in the house of many mansions, which the. Redeemer had gone before to pre- j pare for the coming of those who believed in him and these words! brought a sense of comfort to the. sorrowing relatives who hal mourn ed so deeply the passing of this good woman. During the services the choir of the church gave two of the favorite hymns of the departed. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and "God be with You 'Till We Meet Again." Miss Thelma Hudson gave as a solo, ' Tire Home of the Soul." At the conclusion of the service at the church the body was conveyed to Oak Hill cemetery where it was laid to rest. YOUNG MEN HUNT ING GET IN TROUBLE Omaha Parties Shoot Pigeon at Farm of Lawrence Stull and Turned Over to Sheriff. From Mordny's Dally. Yesterday morning Sheriff C. D. Quinton was called out to the home of Lawrence Stull. north of the city, by a message announcing that two young men had shot a pigeon on the Stull farm and that the power of the law was desired to punish them for their shortcoming. The sheriff made ' the trip and found on his arrival there that the two young men were Harry Palmer and Ed Kelso, who gave their residence as Omaha, and that they had come down to hunt ducks along the Platte, but found considerable ice in the river and did : not put their boat in the stream, leaving it on the auto truck that they brought with them and while await ing the flight of any stray ducks hail saw the flock of pigeons and decided to take a shot at them and with the result that they had killed one and this brought a protest from Mr. Stull, jon whose lond they happened to be I at the time. The sheriff brought the two young men in to this city and they made arrangement to come down next Saturday and talk the mat ter over with the county attorney, as the offence was not serious and the boys were wt.rking in Omaha and could not afford to lose the time to remain over.' Sheriff Quinton allow ed them to return home and to appear later and discuss the matter with County Attorney Cole. MOVES BACK TO CITY. From Tuesday' Daily. William P. Sitzman and family yes terday completed the moving of their household goods from Weeping Water to this city and are now located in the residence property of Frank Sitz man on South 10th street. Mr. Sitz man has for the past month been em ployed as make up man on the Eve ning Journal and has been hoping to have his family moved here but was delayed in securing a suitable home and is now feeling much more satis fied that the family are all together back in the old home. The many friends of the Sitzman family will be pleased to welcome them back to Plattsmouth where they resided prior to movinp to Weeping Water. DREAM OF LONG STAND ING REALIZED AMERICAN LEGION LEASES CLUB ROOMS OVER NEB. GAS & ELECTRIC OFFICE. From Monday's Dully The dream that has been upper most in the minds of the officers and members of the local American Le gion post ever since, its inception nearly a year and a half ago the outfitting of a club home is about to be realized. On Saturday afternoon a commit tee from the Legion effected a two year lease on the upper half of the Leonard building over the Nebraska CJas and Electric company's office. Possession is to be given December 1st, and already a committee is bus ily engaged looking after the secur ing of furnishings for the new club rooms. Paint and paper are includ ed in the plans for making the place as inviting as possible. The upstairs is partitioned into two large rooms at present, and with the exception of a kitchen at the rear of the building no change will be made in the interior arrangement. The front room will be made into a lounging, reading, writing and meet ing room, ami the plan is to keep it heated at all times. Hack of this will be the athletic room, where a wrestling mat and other parapher nalia will be installed as rapidly as the finances of the Legion will per mit. Here also will be stored the folding chairs necessary to seat those present at meetings of the entire post. The bulletin board will be remov ed to the new location soon and will be placed on the wall in the opening leading to the stairway, where the members may keep posted on late information without having toeven climb the stairs. The furnishings will be arranged with a view to making the place as home-like as possible and consistent with the limited resources available, The athletic equipment will also necessarily be limited in quantity at the start, on this account, but it is hoped that friends of the Legion will be responsive to their needs and aid the boys in properly outfitting a place of meeting. In this, the ladies of the Auxiliary will have a part, and the rooms will be placed at their disposal for meetings. As soon as possible after posses sion is obtained, and probably about the middle of December. a house warming reception will be given to which all the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity will be invited. The building being centrally lo cated makes it easily accessible and it is certain that the executive com mittee of the Legion could not have made a more satisfactory selection. The Journal takes pleasure in con gratulating the Legion boys upon the acquisition of club rooms and trusts the business men and citizens generally will show their apprecia tion of the services they performed during the late war by aiding and assisting them in outfitting their new home. AGED LADY DIES AT MASONIC HOME Mrs. Elvira Snell Passed Away This Morning at the Advanced Age of Seventy-Nine Years. From Jlonnay's Dally. Mrs. Elvira Snell. one of the aged residents at the Nebraska Masonic Home in this city passed away at 4:30 this morning after a prolonged illness and which culminated in a stroke of paralysis some four months ago, just after the admission of Mrs. Snell to the home. The deceased lady was born in Wallingford, Vermont, November 22, 1841 and within a week would have celebrated her seventy-ninth birth day. She had been a resident of Lin coln for many years and was well known in that city where she had passed so many years of her life time. Some four months ago she was ad mitted to the home here on the re quest of Lincoln lodge No. 19 A. F. & A. M. and at the time of her ad mission was in very poor health and shortly afterwards suffered a para lytic stroke that left her bedfast and her condition had gradually grown more serious until death came to her relief. A daughter. Miss Eva Snell and a close friend. Mrs. Fredericks, arrived this morning from Lincoln and will accompany the body of Mrs. Snell back to her old home where the fun eral services will be held. The fun eral party left for Lincoln this after noon on the 1:S8 Burlington train. MOVES TO OLD STAND The McMaken Transfer company, has moved their offices from the O. K. ' garage on Washington avenue to the former location at 120 South 6th street and anyone desiring to reach the company may do fo at this location. DOING VERY FINE From Monday's Daov. Mrs. W. W. Coates. who has been in the city visiting for the past few days reports that Mr. Coates is enjoy ing much .smces-, in his bu.-iness ven tures in Kansas City, where he has been located .since moving north I'r.iiii Oklahoma, and his Silo company has been a much greater success than was anticipated. Tl:e Coates family i njoy Kansas City very much and timi that it is an id -a I cit for a home. While lore Mrs. Coates en joyed the opportunity 'i meeting a number of the old nds visit proved very pleasant. a nd i he NEHAWKA YOUNG MAN IS MARRIED Glenn Rutledge, Well Known Here, Joins Ranks of Benedicts at Lincoln a Week Ago. From Monday Married Si Dallv t urday. 'ovemher ith. 1!2. Miss Alvin Ruth monv was Helen S. P.ray to Ob-nn h;e. Thr wedding cere performed 1)V ColltitV ! Judge Keid ;:l his office in the court house in Lincoln at ll::;t .i. m.. onl a few friends of the contracting par tics being present. The wedding was a surprise to even their own parents, as they kept close their secret until within a few hours of the wedding. ! The bride is the daughter 'ami .Mrs. Ucorge t'.ray of S- of Mr. She is a graduate of tin Syracuse 1 in tha; high school, and was rai-u village. Glenn is the eldest soil of and E. S. Rutledge. of Vehawka. ami I is too well known in this vicinity to need comment. ; What iii the name of Cupid can! we say anyhow? When lightning j strikes that close to an editor liTnij without warning, he is apt to le more: or less br.mfuzzlcd and get things: j mixed, or in printers', '.ansuage pied. ui course we are giai to nave ;i daughter in the family. We were not fortunate to be blest with one. so of course it remained; for our son to bring one in. This he did last Sun day night and the. snVi'' tht-t had taken possession of pa and ma was broken by meeting their first and' only daughter. And. though some daughters-in-law may have difficulty in finding grace in the sight of their newly ac quired parents, it was not thus with Helen, who appears to measure up to all the standards that a daughter-in-law should. The young couple after a few days' visit with relatives in Lincoln and N'ehawka. returned to Lincoln Wed nesday where they immediately wen: to housekeeping, and where the hus band has secured a position as. lino type operator with the Daily State Journal. N e h a w k a News-Ledger. HAS SEVERE ACCIDENT WHEN TEAM STEPS UP Anton Nitka, one of the employes of the street commissioner's depart-, meat of the city government is wear-' ing his head well swathed in band-' ages as the result of his encounter with a part of the cobble stone pave ment of Main street late Saturday -afternoon. Mr. Nitka had been driv-j ing one of the city wagons and was having his team stand a few moments near the corner of the Hotel Wagner. when th move off team suddenly started to at a brisk walk and Mr. Nitka and the seat on which he was sitting stopped, the result being that the unfortunate man struck his head with great force against the curb ing, his right ear being almost sev ered from bis head. I Mr. Nitka was' able to reach the office of Drs. Livingston, where the injury was dressed and he is now able to be around but is unable to! resume his duties for the city and it, will ne some time neiore lie is in shape to take up his work. YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED IS OMAHA SATURDAY The wedding of two former Platts mouth young people occurred in Om aha on Saturday when Miss Minnie M. Evers. of Council HlutTs. and Mrr Fred H. Verhule. of J-incoln. were united in the bonds of wedlock. The bride is a daughter of .Mrs. Mary Evers and has for the past few years been making her home with the mother in the Iowa city. She spent her girlhood days in this city and was a student in the schools here. The groom is a ton of George Ver hule of this city and is at present in ine employe oi me uuriingion as ai brakeman. running out of Lincoln. The friends here of the young people will learn of their marriage j with the greatest of pleasure and1 wish them well in their future life j as one. BASE BURNER FOR SALE I have a nearly new large size, for sale phone 3G14. base burner, cheap. Call 2td 2tw. W. T. NOLTE. Daily Journal. 15c per week. I him" mhm " SEA fibnuoo TO LIVE HER! MISS MARY HALUZA ARRIVES IN CITY TO MAZE HEU HOME WITH SISTER. MRS JAMES PAK'OS On SiiMinlny city Mi.-s Mary arrived in. in ! Moravian hill-; here arrived in this I tallica, who lias just r old home amid the in tile new Czeeho- Slovokia icpuhlic to live here in this ci'y at lhe home of her sister. Ai!. .Taints I'anos and family. The story rf the life in the little old world city whil the trag-dy of war wa-. 'langing ov. r Europe is wi" of intci - J and gives one the inside siory vht conditions were in that portion ;f the Austria-llunuurian monarchy luting the period of the war. This iady resided at Komna. in the state of Aloravia. a town that numbers be tween 2. 'too and ::.otto inhabitants, 'ind this community suffered greatly !'rt in he effect.-, of the war as the in hibitan's v. '-re not in sympathy wi'b the c.'. i t of their masters and while they were many of them engaged in 'he army of the Central powers their hearts were longing for the day of in dependetice. When the war had broke out the food and other sup plies w?re ordered turned over to the government and the residents were put on rations, only a certain amount o; fnndsTuu' lieir.g allowed and this was gradually reduced as the war 'e;t on ever the course of four years. Many times the lines at the stores awaiting the opportunity to p:; e'aunge their ration tickets for the small amount of foodstuffs allowed, would exttnd for miles. The grain ration prr day was one-half pound to rarii person and this was in the unnround grain that shrank greatly in the grinding and in most cases was far insuHW ient to permit it being made into bread. To avoid the tak-i-ig of all the feed supplies the resi dents resorted to ail manner of sub terfuges to save their food from fall ing into the hands of the government ofl'cials. Often strawstacks would be !Vi-vt the-food buri.wl beneatfc the ground and the stacks placed back to cover the ?pot and even the con cealment of the food in boxes buried in piles uf manure and in the winter time in the deep snow drifts was re sorted to by the residents of Komna and vicinity. The penalty if anyone was caught concealing the food was ten years imprisonment and if there was any hiding places of the food un earthed by the Austrian government the party burying the food was cer tain not to claim it. Durinsr the worst of the privations the residents resorted to the use of parched rye in what limited e.uanti ties they could secure for coffee while eo v.- beets were boiletl and the juice -ecured for sweetening purposes. The ise of straw ground un very fine was .-esoited to as a .substitute for flour in the dark days of suffering and ev en these pitiful food substitutes were often denied to the residents of that portion of the country. In speak ing of the clothing supply during the war Miss Haluza states that paper substitutes for cloth was used but this was not waterproof and many a handsome costume was soaked off in a heavy rain storm. Th residents were cheered by the entry of America in the war and on the 2Sth of October when the crumb ling of the Austrian monarchy as .suted their independence the resi dents of Bohemia and Moravia were wild with joy and great demonstra tions were held in all the towns and villages of the country. Everyone old and young joined in the festivities and the end of the conflict brought the realizations of hundreds of years of weary waiting for a free country. The residents were compelled to display the yellow and black flags of Austria during the war but as the rrVimhling fortunes of that country m;ub' themselves clear these flags were consigned to huge bonfires and figures clothed in the Austrian uni forms were also burnt at the stake so intense was the feeling of rejoicing. Since the establishment of the Czecho-SIovikia republic the con ditions have much improved and the old terror of the rulers has vanished and the conditions are gradually ad justing themselves although the cost of food and clothitiur is still high it can lie purchased if desired at the price. The people are more content ed and feel an undying gratitude for the part America had in freeing them from their former masters. Miss Haluza sailed from Rotter dam. Holland on October 2?Hh and nr rived in New York on November 10th and as soon as released by the immigration authorities started west ward for the home of the sister she httd so longed to se? in the far off state of Nebraska. Miss Haluza is twenty vests of age and previous to coming to this country had not trav eled very extensively but was for tunate in having a number of friends and neighbors in the party that she came over with and these settled in Chicago and Omabi. while this young !rdy -nme on to F!r!ttsmouth. With her she brcught some of the prunes rnd walnuts from the farm of her father, John Haluza and which are a , pleasing show ing of a part of the ' cror.s grown in the old country and to Mr.1?. Panos was a much enjoyed romemberanco of the old home. She litis not fully realized what she thinks of the l'nited States as its immensity has rather dazed her and on the journey west her happiness at ai riving in the laud of liberty was so great that she ft'ilcd to sei much at the country, being constantly awaiting the nay that' siie might reach I'lattsmouth and meet the sis ter she had not seen for a great many yea rs. One incident related by this lady Jhows that after all the world is not so large as one might thing. Dur ing tne war Mrs. I'anos made up a Red Cross bag that wa.s sent to the Czech soldier, fighting in Siberia and in this was enclo.-ed a card giv ing the name of Mr. and Mrs. I'anos and their home in the old country and a young man who had been a playmate received the package and recognized in the name the little girl with whom he had gone to school. The Red Cross bag had traveled more than half way across the world and by good fortune found one who was an old friend of the lady making the bag. FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN THE WEST Frank Eaton. Old Time Employe of the Burlington Dies at Colorado Springs After Short Illness Th4 announcement has been re ceived in this city by relatives of the death at his in Colorado Springs, of Frank Eaton. fcr many years a well known resident of I'lattsmouth and whose death will bring great regret to the older residents of the citv and with whom he was associat ed. Mr. Eaton at the time of his death was seventy years of age and has for the past thirty years resitled in Colo rado, where he has been in charge of the air break works at the Colo rado Mildand shops in Colorado Springs, having taken up work there after several years in the same line of work in the Burlington fdiops in this city. The death of Mr. Eaton occurred Friday following a compli cation of diseases, although his con dit Jia -been iriou foronly-a short time. To mourn his los he leaves a wife and several children and one sister. Miss Alice F. Eaton of this city. The deceased a brother-in-law of Mrs. Eaton of Plattsmouth. was also Alice M. was very all those The departed gentleman pleasant and well liked by whom he was associated and during his residence here in the late eighties made many warm friends who will learn of his death with great regret. The funeral services were held at the late home and the body laid to rest at Colorado Springs. KEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Melvina Alton to L. A. Tyson, war ranty deed, lots S. 9, 10, part of lot 7, Elmwood. Consideration. $:.fu0. C. W. Hixon to Olaus Speck, quit claim deed, part NW'4. SWU tion 2S. township 10 range 14. sideration $1. Blanche Rish to J. W. Colbert , see-Con- war- ranty deed. W' of SWU of T.-10-11. Consideration $14,000. Annie M. Treat to L. W. Staton, warranty deed, lot 1. block 34. Weep ing Water. Consideration, $1. C. 11. Treat, et al, to L. W. Sta ton. warranty deed, lots 3 and 4. block 33. Weeping Water. Cousid "ration, $1. Gerry Treat to L. W. Staton. war ranty deed, lots 2 and P., block 34, Weeping Water. Consideration $1. L. W. Staton to C. G. Davis, war ranty deed, lots 1. 2. 3. lots 3. 4. block 3, Nickey's addition to Alvo. Consideration $l.r0o. 1 y oukcicj (Slvision" if Your Standing invitation! You are always welcome at the I'irst National Bank. Every department is at your service. Do not hesitate to ask the advice and counsel of our officers or to utilize their personal services. All the year 'round, this invitation and welcome holds good here. We are at your -alwavs. servict The First national bank THE BANK WHERE? 'vOU FCGL AT HOME PJATTSMOUTH mi'H'JB'PBJI'ltw-!-LA'H!g"g ENJOY A VERY PLEASANT TIME Daughters of the American Re volu tion Met at Home of Mrs. L. 0. Minor Last Night. From Tiievin Da l IV. Tin' KwtiielSt ilr Daughters of ih" lion of this city pleasant 'e-i.-ion 1; home of Mr-. !.. O. casion proved one chapter of Ih" tiler iv a Ifevolu- enj ye 1 a ery t evening ili'' .Minor am! t he oc- o!' nr: h pleas. un -who bad lakeii nd- n ess to t he laii i vantage of the occasion to he present. A very i tit erest i n t; paper on I lie reparation for the celebration of the .'looth a n ni versa ry of the land ing of the Pilgrims was read by Mrs. George A. Dodge in which was lol I the plans that lhe city of Plymouth had made for the proper observance of the notable event in the history M' the new world. In accordance with the fall pro gram for the discussion of the lives of the notable leaders of history, Mrs. Earl A. Stanlield had charge and presented a very pleasing story of the life of the great Napoleon, which ws made more interesting by the use of pictures depicting the life of the famous French genera! and emperor. During the business session of the society it was decided to have the Rev. S. Mills Hayes, of Lincoln, rec tor of the church of the Holy Trin ity, come to this city during the win ter and deliver a lecture on "Amer icanization" on which subject Dr. Hayes has spent much study and thought. This lecture will be for the public and will be one of the best of its kind that has ever been heard in the city. The ladies were also treated dainty refreshments served by to the Pol hostess assist ed bv Miss Alice lock. Mrs. Marshall, of Lincoln, was a guest of the local chapter and told of the work of the D. A. It. in the cap ital city. LEAVES FOR THE WEST. From f on 0 a y'a Datly. Mr. and Mrs. John Hirz departed yesterday morning from Omaha over the Union Pacific for Salt Lake City, where they will visit at the home of a sister of Mrs. Ilirz. Mrs. J. V. Egen berger. Jr.. and family for two or three weeks. From Salt Luke they will go to California and visit the iifferent coast cities for a few weeks and expect to remain at Long Beach. California, for the winter. SMALL WRECK OCCURS. ""rotn Monday's Dally. The Burlington this morning had a -mall wreck near Oreapolis when two west bound freights side swiped at the crossing of the "V" wast of the Oreapolis station. No. S7 west hound from this city struck an extra westbound freight from Omaha and is the result of the sideswiping four tock cars of the extra wire derailed. The wreck was cleared up a lew lours after, the mix up and the line s now open for tratfic. RHODE ISLAND REDS FOR SALE Males for sale at $2.00 White Wyondottes. Rose and ""onib Rhode Island Reds, and each. Single Koin.ti lucks. J FLIT'S REINKE, lm-w. South Bend. Nth. You've heard to much about th" "anions Culbransen Playei piano. Why not hear one in you- home? Write or phone A. Hospe C.i., Omaha, .'or full particulars. 2s Itw. m NEBRASKA. QEOBSSCSZQi