The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 15, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1920.
, I
f i
r, .3
1 !
V 8
j. A. Shaffer went to South Bend
Finer Rosenow was in Lincoln on
Luhiess Thursday.
Mr. and .Mrs. George Rraun were
Lincoln visitors Friday.
L. R. Appleman returned from
Omaha Wednesday evening.
Miss Alta Linch, of Lincoln, visit
ed home folks Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Isola Kennedy went to Lin
coln Sunday returning home Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman spent
Saturday night ami Sunday in Lin
coln. Mrs. Glenn Sliger has been sick
the paot week, but is slowly improv
ing. I'nclc George Cook returned Wed
nesday evening from Omaha, where
ho visited relatives.
Miss Blanche Moore visited her
parents over Sunday returning to
Lincoln Monday evening.
Miss Opal Cook, of Lincoln, visited
home folks Tuesday, returning to
school Wednesday morning.
Mr. and'1 Mrs. Chas. F. Itosenow
ti! sous were dinner guests Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Skinner.
All of the teachers of our schools
attended the State Teachers conven
tion at Omaha last week and feel
well repaid for the time spent there.
Mrs. Nellie Beck and daughter,
Mrs. C. P. Xuber, and niece Miss
Iowa Thomas went to Omaha Tues.
day on No. 3S, returning on No. 37
Mrs. I. I. Jamison writes that she
lias returned safely to her home in
I'orurville. California, Sept. 20. She
also reports the birth of a son to
Mr. and Mrs. Max Jamison recently.
Word reached Mr. and Mrs. Sam
('.isii;i( r November sth that a son,
Robert Alton was born to their
grandson. Alvin Cashner and wife,
ai Kl 1'aso. Texas, where they now
reside. Everyone well and happy.
Alvo iifi'.'i Greenwood precinct was
the only place in the United States
that was normal on election day.
The gain for Cox and the democratic
state and county ticket was 80 votes
over the election two years ago.
Among those returning from Lin
coln Wednesday on the "Jersey,"
were .Mrs-, ueorge i foreman ana
son. Charles Foreman; Miss
uying Grain and Stock!
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
ust deceived I
orse Blankets
and Auto Globes!
Tho Sink f liiruiei"
We believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We
are always ready to make good farm loans for long
terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre
pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage
ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which
a farmer must now deal.
Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund
of the State of Nebraska
The Farmers and Uerchanis Bank,
. r. Iioi I.KS i'rcn. 1MI.I-: S. IIOI I.K.S, nubler I'l.OKA H.CA.NX, laat.
A. SI. lUiVI.KS, Ice-frrw. (Alll, U. (JA.NZ, VIce-PrCM.
The Alvo National Farm Loan Association
S C noVLES, I'rHi1ent UALK H. BOVLKij, Secy-Trfii.
UHLi; & UWZ, Atturucyv-at-LatT
Lee Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. S. . John
son, Rev. E. A. Knight, Mr. and Mrs.
S. C. Boyles, Harley Toland, Mrs.
Mart Nickell and daughter, Miss
The Ladies Aid society of the M.
E. church will hold a bazaar and
serve an old fashioned supper Sat-
urday evening. November 20th at
the Boyles building. Supper will be
served at 6 o'clock. Anything offer-!
ed by friends for sale at the bazaar
Kill be appreciated. Everyone in-
vited to attend.
Obituary Mrs. Henry Thomas
Sylvia C. Palmer was born in,A1,n . X' . 1 . T..1.. 1
nauiauua luuiujr, icw i ui n., JUljl,. , . , ,. t. 5 lnu
!5. 1839. and at the ace of 4 years'1"" '-V ""J" " "
moved with her parents to Boone ;one, Ie,s Vca olit !lnn "ncle! '" morning the injured young man w
! . rtllll LI I III' MKI' 111 vt'1IM . i HI i: H niiu aBBw
countv. Illinois, where she crew to.a"u u"'vu . ' able to walk to the train for h
vn.unmonhnnrt l.afpr tli fnnitlv ! f,arr: tOOK . . nveiiiory I . alt hollch not fully recovered.
moved to Clinton countv. Iowa, and th,n ,e overea that there wns,two g ago thls young man w
it was there she united with the a. we 1 1".,ne ce,1?r .am .,n.ulf "'e . thrown from a truck, striking
Baptist church at the aee ok IS.
In 1S61 she was united in marriage
to this union
pn. four girls
to Ilensy Thomas and
were born eight children
parted this life, save Fred Thcmas.
of Courtland and Mrs. N. Beck. of
Los Angeles, California.
Mrs. Thomas later united with the
Christian church and was an active
member until they moved to Alvo,
and there being no Christian church
here, she helped what she could with
the work at the Methodist church.
She died on Monday, November 1st.
1920, and funeral services were held
at the Brethren church and she was
laid to rest in the Alvo cemetery.
Card of Thanks
We wi.h to thank the many friends
and neighbors for their kind help and
for the bountiful flowers. Henry
Thomas. Fred Thomas, Mrs. N. Beck.
For Sale.
Pure bred Duroc boars for $50.
tf sw. Albert Young.
Land for sale in the highlands of
Louisiana. Price $10 to $35 per
acre. Good terms to purchasers. For
particulars see F. G. Egenberger. tf-d.
4 I I' I M 1 W t t'HH i
" i
, . . . . I
Fred Creamer went to Lincoln on
Monday to sec his wife who is in the
an operation. At present sue is
getting along nicely.
L. G. Langhorst writes friends that
" " . " . , "'"vltion was so al
io is enjoying ranch life in Colorado j . atne j
ind that he is accumulating quite a;.ie(j the youn
bunch of cows and calves and will
reed out a nig ouncn mis winter.
On Sunday someone made an en-
trance tnrougu me sine uoor at me
Tyson Drug store and got away with
some cash, candy and ether articles,
It is understood that a like thing
has happened in one or two other
i places of business. It looks as though
in wouiu De a wise ming ior home
one to lay off of ruch capers as this.
The other
day Harry Williams was
furnace at his home in
firing up the
1 1" - un'"",e . .AM:
foot fore-' ,
nif, umuuMi in.- uii-K" "
an1 down. " wen,t striking the
bottom some distance below An ln -
aboUt A8 nCl 68 in ' ?1
course the question amse as to w
Of ,
er it was realiv a wen or
trance to an ancient still.
Mr. end Mrs. George L. Berger
celebrated their golden wedding at .
their home at Crange, California, on 1
Wednesday, November 3. Many of,
their Neoraska friends knowing this
sent mem carus or congratulation
Mr. Berger is a native of Ohio and
came to Nebraska by steamboat on
April 28. 1S57. Mrs. Berger, then a
notitrn .f Tllinnic pamp to Pass Pnnn -
ty in a covered wasun June 20. I860,,
her maiden name being Florinda
Kil-ore. Thev were married Novem- j
her .1. 1S70. near Louisville, bv Jamesi
Crawford, then justice of the peace J
of South Bend precinct. They are
111. lit. I'l iv'- , -
snomlinir I ho i!f-Hninir and well-
e irneu years or meir me in i aii
fornia and are the two happiest peo
ple in" the world.
George Lamson. the Walthill fight-
ins Indian, will make his training
headquarters in Papillion. He has
rented the old Sarpy House and is
equipping it with an up-to-date
gymnasium outfit for both wrestling
and boxing, savs the IMpiilion Times.
He is booked for several hard goes
during the winter.
The Louisville friends of Mr. and
Mrs. George Stohlnian. of Fremont,
will be interested to learn of the
birth of a fine boy weighing seven
pounds al their home on October 21,
19 20. Mr. Stohln'an's mother, Mrs.
Iouise Stohlman, lias returned home
from a visit with her son and fam
ily and reports them well and pro:;-
jprrinp; and says her little grandson
(is the finest ever. The Courier ex
tends congratulations,
j Mr. and Mrs. C W. Uergc are now
settled in their home in Richfield,
i where Mr. IJorge was transferred
! from South Bend by the Rock Island
company to the station at Richfield,
which ,is a better paying position.
Their many South Rend friends re
gretted their departure but were
pleased to know that Mr. Rerge had
( received the promotion. Mrs. Rergc's
i mother. Mrs. William Anderson, of
Louisville, and her sister. Mrs. Karl
iRaum, of 1'rague. visited her last
week and Mrs. Rautn came on to
j Louisville for a visit with her par
ents. i Mrs. R. (I. Metzger and daughter.
Miss La Verda. of Sarpy county, were
shopping in Ivouisvillo last Friday
'afternoon. Mis? La Verda is teach
ing her first school this year in the
: Oak Grove district w est of town and
(boards with the W. A. Oliver family.
She is having splendid success and
j likes her work and surroundings
j very much. Her mother drives after
I her every Friday when the weather
; is at all favorable and so far she has
not mLssed a week end at home.
I Fre Heil of near Cedar Creek
called last week and had his name
J enrolled on our list of new subscrib
ers. Fred is one of the younger sons
of Mr. and Mrs. endell Heil. pio
neer citizens of Cass county. He is
one of seven brothers and only two
re unmarried and left at home, his
brother Walter also living at home,
although both conduct their own
farms.' Mr. and Mrs. Heil also have
three daughters who are married, so
their family is much smaller than it
was a few years ago-
The creek and Jameson's lake
were frozen over Wednesday morn
ing when the thermometer register
ed 18 to 20 above zero. This morn
ing (Thursday) seemed much cold
er on account of the wind, but the
thermometer showed about 2 degrees
warmer. The cold snap followed
several days of rainy weather.
Mrs. Lester Shrader returned Wed
nesday evening rrom Omaha with her
little two-year-old daughter, where
she had been the last eight weeks at
a hospital, where the daughter had
been treated for the injuries received
by being run over by an auto. The
child seems to be getting along nice
ly now, and it i3 thought that her
limb may be saved, but for a time it'ed in case of fire.
was doubtful whether it could be'
saved. They took the baby to the I CDPI4I Sl C RE Dl MIQC?
home of her aunt. Mrs. Chas. Hobson. ' H OrLtjIAL OMLC Uf DLUUOLO
where she will be cared for until thei
roada and weather permit her being! Elegant sample line of ladies fine
taken to the far nihome northeast of blouses. $3.95 to $6.85. All high
town, grade blouses, purchased at a sacri
The Louisville high school basket nee aud sold the same way. Come
ball teams, both boys and girls, were early, they're going fast,
detained here for a short time about THE LADIES TOGGERY.
12:30 Friday night by the illness of
I rvn a nf tlioir mpmhpra. Da v ShneTfin.
X The two teams had been to Otoe for
n Vv. 1- knll rm rrt t TIT Vl OTA Vli- V A O m O
u aro ilafeatml the hovR 1 R tr K and
Lhe girl3 25 to 4 During the game
Shogren got knocked out and was
enselCBS for a time. A physician
CSLllei and it was thought the
young man couiu mane me trip nome,
a a
but before they reached Weeping
Water he got very sick. His condi
tion was so alarming that they stop-
N. Hunter home, car
; man in and called a
I physician. After a diagnosis of the
i uo .1rlPtnr recommended leav-
. h natipnt where he was until
, f , Supt. Hawk and Min-
- c-
fofd McDonald were the volunteers to
j s,)end the rest ot the night with the
. .. mr8cle and the members of the
t mnnberlne sixteen, proceeded
. . in the Ford truck ,hicil
u Qnl conVeyance for the en
Ufa mirir nnmhprine ninetpen. in-
J cludIne the driver and the three
iiawk. Mi Marv Mr-
Ividd. The next
rendered him uncon-
onions for a time. it was tnouent
, mnst nave
:hcad at .this t
struck this spot on his
Farm Bureau Campaign.
The date for the campaign in Cass
i COUntV
is Boosters Day, December
- ... . t
13th, then tne solicitors win worem
the county the rest of the week. ou
will soon get information in the
county newspapers and by letters
written for it.
. .
H"f cinuc-ia
ty. Don't wait until hogs arc sick.
l3o something now.
Culling Time.
No wis the time to full your flock.
Get rid of the boarders now and
don't feed them all winter.
i Women to Have Part in Big Meeting.
I.) Ill tf II iXlK IU ilX C X 11 ILiipiJl ictlll
Part. the meetings of Organized
! Agriculture at Lincoln, January 3 to
In addition to attending the gen-
oral session on Wednesday they will
uaP , v
?wn; nRinP Tuesday The Ne-
I ' . . "WUUU"V ?a"l"'".u"
nd Nebraska Homemaker's Associa
tion are co-opcratirtg in a joint ses
sion. Several farmers' wives and
specialists of the State College of
Agriculture and the United States
Department of Agriculture are on
the program to discuss subjects of
vital interest to women. Now that
politics are out of the way for a
while the women will turn their at
tention to home and community prob
lems. Kvery farmer attending the
meetings of Organized Agriculture is
supposed to bring his wife and
County Agricultural Agent.
Apparatus Erought Down from Om
aha Yesterday by Chairman Mc
Carthy and Alvin Jones.
The long expected lire truck which
is to place the lire fighting equip
ment of the city on a modern basis,
arrived yesterday afternoon from
Omaha, being brought to this city by
Chairman L. L. McCarthy of the fire
and water committee of tK"o" council
and Alvin Jones, who did the driv
ing of the machine.
The truck was secured of the An
derson company cf Omaha and (he
chasis is built by the Douglass
company and is one that is especially
designed for the work on the long
and steep hills of tha city while the
truck has been prepared wiih two
chemical tanks, hose, ladders and
other necessary equipment by the
Anderson company.
It is a fine looking pic;o of equip
ment and will fill a long felt want in
this .city, where the old fashioned
hose carts that were hauled to fires
by hand have long been in use, and
the new fire fighting equipment will
enable the fire department to reach
a fire quickly and do eiTective-work
during the early stages of the blazC before a great deal of damage
has been done.
The department has been handi
capped in the last few months by the
fact that members of the department
working in the shops have found it
difficult to get away from their
work without a great sacrifice of
their wages and with the fire truck
and equipment it will be possible for
a few men to handle ' the ordinary
class of fires that occur in this city.
The fire truck will be kept at the
Rauer garage, owing to the fact that
the fire house has no heating facili
ties and the equipment will be under
the supervision of Alvin Jones, who
is an expert in the care of motor
vehicles, and who will also handle
the truck at all daytime fires, while
at night a driver will be supplied by
Leonard Terryberry.
It is a great improvement in the
, city and one that will be aDDreciat-.
1 m w
Burlington Woman Overjoyed at the
Way Tanlac Has Restored
Her Health.
"I am a well and happy woman
oiicp mnrp aftpr T had almost iriven I
i, i.nro nf nvnF hoitiir anv iot t pr " !
said Mrs. M. V. Robinson of C07
trude street, Burlington, Iowa.
"A year ago last March I had a
severe attack of influenza and it left
me dreadfully weak. My stomach
was badly disordered and everything
I ate seemed to hurt me. I suffered
from terrible cramoine: sDells and
g3s would form till I could hardly '
stand it.
"My heart
would palpitate ter-
ribly and at times I felt like I was
smothering. I also had a bad case
of rheumatism that troubled me a ;
long time. My legs ached and my
knees were so stiff I could hardly
got up or down. My feet swelled so
at times I could hardly wear my
"Tanlac put an end to those days
of suffering. The very first bottle
helped me and I continued to take
it until now I am free from all my
"My digestion is perfect, every
thinsr tastes eood and gives me
strength and energy. Mv heart ac-trouDie ior some time pasi.
tion is normal and my breathing is' Many of the young people of Man
free and easy. The swelling and j ley and vicinity were in attendance
stiffness have disappeared and
id I nev-:at
er feel a trace of the rheumatism
any more."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by" the Murray Drug company
and the leading druggist in every
If it is in the mnrket it is at tire
Journal, is the saying in regard to
tho Thanksgiving decorations and
novelties which is borne out by a look
at our large and complete stock.
Judge Archer Rounding Out Service
of 30 Years as Police Magistrate
of the City of Plattsmouth
As long as the memory of the
present generation covers there has
been but cne man presiding over
the police court of this city and that
hs3 been the present occupant of the
office. Judge M. Archer, who is round
ing out thirty years of service and
fcas just been elected by a practi
cally unanimous vote for a:i addi
tional term in the office. Judge
Archer has also served 32 years as
justice cf the peace.
In the by gone days the office cf
police judge was a plum much
pnuht after in the city political circle-,
but Judge Archer, who is a
rock ribbed democrat, has always
turned i;p a winner at the election
with but one exception when the of
fice v.-;s secured by William Weber,
who held it for one term, but the
pecple decided that the brand of jus
tice handed out by the venerable
judge wes the real article and he
was elected again and has held of
fice continuously since that time.
During his service to the city as
presiding officer of the police court
Judge Archer has given the fullest
measure of service and the office ha-s
been open every day for the transac
tion of the business of the court.
I p. the past few years many of the
eld familiar figures who were often
on hand to greet his honor with
"good morning judge" have disap
peared from the scene of activity and
the business has been cut down to a
great extent by the taboo on the wild
women a nd prohibition, but still
Judge Archer has been able to secure
a neat sum for the city treasury each
Jur'.tre Archer will have passed his
eighty-fourth milestone on December
3rd and is still alert and capable of
handling the affairs of the office to
which he has brought such splendid
service in J.he past. Incidently
while other city officials have re
ceived salary boosts, the venerable
Judge is still receiving the same sal
ary, $30 a month, that he has for the
past fifteen years and this seems a
very unjust amount for the splendid
service that our old friend has given
the city of Plattsmouth.
A Reliable Remedy for Colds
and Croup
It would surprise you to know the
number of people who use and recom
mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Mrs. J. N. Rose, Verona, Pa., writes
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been used by myself and husband for j
a number of years for coughs and I
colds. I also gave it to my little I
granddaughter three and a halfi
years of age when she had 'croup
last winter. It broke up the attack!
at once. I have recommended this,
remedy to many of my friends and
neighbors who have also used it with !
good results."
Before placing your fire insurance ;
call on us and let us explain our '
new method, both on city, and farm!
ol2 lm. J. P. FALTER & SON. j
"Somcthiiu to be Thankful For"
will play for a Thanks
giving day dance at
K. K. G.
I John Flciseliman was a visitor in
! Lincoln last Tuesday, w here he had
some dental work done.
Herman Dall was looking
Fome business matters at
M unlock
er-(last Thursday, driving over in his
Miss Lena Stander of Omaha, was
a visitor for a short time in Mauley
and guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter
. O'Brien.
l The light plant for the St. Patricks
church and parsonage was placed in
excellent condition last week by a
August Krecklow was a visitor at
the county seat last Tuesday, where
he was looking after come business
matters for a short time.
Adolph Steinkamp and Charles
Gerlich were looking after some
business matters in IouisviPe last
Wednesday, going over on the train.
Wm. Stohlman of Iyouisville was a
visitor in Manley last Friday looking
after some business matters for a
short time.
Miss Mablo Coon was a visitor in
Omaha one day last week, going to
have her eyes tested for glasses, her
eyes having been giving her some
tne recital oi me ciass piay wnicn
was given at the LouisviHe scnooi
last week. Many of the young peo
ple are students in the Louisville
fchool this year.
Miss Louise Bourke, who has been
in Manley for some time, remain
ing after having been in attendance
at the funeral of her mother, Mrs.
Michael Rourke, to look after some
business, returned to her home at
York last Monday.
The hoys who have heen treating
a disturbance at the mid-wetk meet
ings are cautioned that they are cul
tivating some trouble and it would
he well for them that they refrain
from the practice, for the penalty
will be pretty severe.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Asch, who now make their home
at Weeping Water, but who formerly
were residents, and the children at
tending school at Manley, were vis
iting at the school and with friends
here for the day last Wednesday.
Whether from exposure to the late
sudden cold snap, or from the shock
of the recent election, no one is ex
actly determined, but from some
cause or other Joseph Wolpert has
been numbered as one on the sick
li.-t, but it is hoped from whatever
rourca 1-i- m:lady arrived, it will be
of but short, duration.
At the examination which was
given to the scholars of the public
schools of Manley, testing their eyes,
it was found that the most of them
had normal eyes and with nothing
the matter with their vision. A few-
are in need of glasses for the correc
tion of their vision, but the per cent
was high of those being normal.
The quarterly examinations at the
school were had last week and show
ed on the average a very fair state
cf progress and while some were very
good, some wei-e not as high as thzy
should be. Let those who were not
up to the average apply themselves
a little more vigorously to their tasks,
and win for themselves a better
Frank Rergman and family, and
Phillip Flemming and family, were
in Plattsmouth last Tuesday at
tending the funeral of Mr. John
Rergma:i. who passed away at the
Emanuel hospital at Omaha, where
he underwent an operation for can
cer of the stomach. The folks hero
drove over in their cars and found
the roads very bad.
The Sensation of the
66 v M C
Goates Hall, Plattsmouth
Thursday Evening, Nov. 18
Miss Minnie Peters, who has been
teaching at the Union schools dur
ing this year, was a visitor in Man
ley last Saturday, and the guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Harms, and with others of her many
friends here, she having taught in
the Manley schools. She departed
for her home, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Harms, who also
spent Sunday at her home in Tal
mage. Karl Quinn and Wm. Heebner
were attending the sale of Mr.
Scliroedcr near Avoca last week and
found things going at a very low
price. Evidently the people are
looking for a lower price in all com
modities and we are of the opinion
that they will be realized, for the
rule of high prices have been In
vogue for some time and the people
are looking for a change. Just like
the political arena, the change was
demanded and it came, and it will
come in the commercial world as
Hand Much Improved
Ray Steinkamp, who has been hav
ing such a serious time with one of
his hands which became infected by
reason of a slight injury, and pro
duced a bad case of blood poisoning,
is showing mttWi improvement at
this time. Mr. Steinkamp was at
Omaha a few days ago to have the
member dressed by Dr. Derniady,
w ho is a specialist on such cases.
Have Sympathy of Community.
The people of Manley and vicinity
are holding a feeling of sympathy
for the family of Frank Rergman
in their loss occasioned by the death
of the father of Mr. Frank Rergman,
who passed away at the Emanuel,
hospital at Omaha a week ago. John
Rergman had been taken to the hos
pital for treatment and there it was
found that an operation was neces
sary, which was performed and from
which he did not recover.
Judge Dan Bourke, Now.
Mr. Daniel Rourke has qualified
as a Justice of the peace and now
center precinct and Manley have a
judge to look after her Judicial af
fairs. Judge Rourke is Just about as
level headed a young man as would
be found in a day's travel, and will
make an excellent official.
Sacrament of Confirmation.
At the St. Patrick's Catholic
church, the lit. Rev. Charles J. O'Ri
ley, Rishop of Lincoln, at the early
session of the church at High Mass,
conferred the Sacrament of Confirma
tion on a large class of the church.
In his discourse at the confirmation.
Father O'Riley spoke in referance to
the confirmation, explaining the in
tentions and the value of such a sac
rament and grew eloquent in the ela
boration of his subject. He was very
-earnestly listented to by the large
number of the parishoners who were
privileged to listen to the discourse.
Following the services there was a
banquet given by the ladies of the
parish end who also papered the
church building for the occasion by a
very elaborate decoration which
trasformed the room into a bower of
beauty. The banquet was served in
the town hall and a very interesting
and pleasing program had been pro
vided for the occasion which con
sisted of music, both instrumental
songs, being solos, duets and choruses
and addresses. The Rev. Father Hig
pins sang high msss. The Rev. Fath
er Corcoran of the parish at Elm
wood, whs in attendance at the cele
bration of the day.