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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1920)
L HOITDAY. NOVT3IEEE 15, 190. PLA.TTSMOTJTH EMI-WEEXY JOURNAL PAGE THBEE ;1I T MURDOCK The Bank of Rflurdock The wise man, and the successful man, invariably is very careful in the selection "of his bank and his doctor. Me knows that his life may depend on the judgment and ability of his doctor. He fully realizes that the life and success of his business, be it professional, merchandising or farming, may depend on his banker. There is no question but that we shall pass through an adjustment period, bordering on a panic, within the next few years, present conditions foreshow this, and the man who has not already tied up with an established, re liable bank a bank whose officers have successfully with stood times of stress, may shortly regret his lack of judg ment. Select a bank that is able to take care of you in times of plenty, as well as in times of famine, and you can then rest easy. Remember the solid, dependable things of life are not based op promises, but on deeds. Our past record is what counts. We have the above necessary qualities to offer our customers, besides personal services whenever our opinion is desired on business or personal matters of our friends. All deposits in this bank is guaranteed by the depos itors guaranty fund of the State of Nebraska. The Bank of EU3urdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL. President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier Supt. J. H. Harwell spent the week end at his home in Lincoln. Will Meyers was a visitor at Mur dock for Saturday and Sunday. .Artistic modern wall paper at the Dusterhoff shops, at a savins reduc tion. 2t Ts w. Misses Catherine and Margaret Tool were enjoying a visit at home for over Sunday. F. I. I,awton, of Omaha, was a visitor in Murdock last Wednesday at the home of his brother. Miss Kva Sorich. of Lincoln, was a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. 11. II. Lawton. several days during the past week. The two teachers. Superintendent J. II. Rurwell. and Principal George Warren, are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. J. Johansen. The town board met last Friday evening at the Bank of Murdock to further consider the work of building the electric line into Murdock. A W. O. Gillespie is having the porch Tin the rear of the home where they live enclosed in order to make it better and more comfortable for the winter. Will O. Schewe and Will Klyser Kpent one night and a day at the hunting grounds or hunting waters, whichever you might call it. and had as a result, thirteen ducks and one goose. Homer II. Iawron who lias been picking torn for Frank Host-now. is getting his hands in shape so that he is able to bring in a good average each day. Harry V. McDonald and wife de parted last Friday for a few days visit i at Hampton, where they visited at ! the home of their son Gale McDonald and family. Louis Schmidt is going after the corn picking in the right way and last week had five teams at work and would use twice that number of they could be gotten. Henry Uornemeier and Henry Klemme are reported as being through with their corn picking and fortunate are they in this early com pletion of their work. M. 11. Pollock of Omaha, was the guest of W. O. Schewe for a number of days last week, they putting in the time hunting at the Platte river, where they surrounded a number of ducks who immediately surrendered. lut not until they had forfeited their lease of life. O. W. Gillespie and son Harry, and I. G. Hornbeck spent two nights and one day at the shack during the past week, going down on Monday eve ning and returning home Wednes day ad found excellent shooting, re turning home with some twenty-one ducks as the result of their trip. They say the hunting was excellent and they enjoyed the outing to the limit. Artistic modern wall paper at the Dusterhoff shops, at a saving reduc , tion. 2t T's w. &20 Reduction O r 1 ON WALL November 15th to 27th Oatmeals at 1 2c per single roll and up. Bed Rooms at 8 " " 44 " " Highest grade artistic wall papers. We carry the selections always. You will not be able to buy these ar tistic goods again at these prices. The Dusterhoff Shops Murdock, PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Principal George Warreu was an over Sunday visitor at his home in University Place. John Scheel has his corn all in the crib and is ready to assist some of his more backward neighbors. Mrs. Jesse Landholm went to Dun can last Friday for a visit with Mr. Landholm. returning home Sunday C. V. Hite unloaded two cars of coal last week, one for the lumber yard and the other for the Farmers elevator. E. W. Thimgan was looking after .-ome business matters at the county seat last Monday, driving down in his car. You can restore the finish of your car until it looks like new by using Pratt & Lambert's "Effecto," sold at the Dusterhoff shops. H. A. Guthman was a visitor in Omaha last Friday evening and also looked after some business matters at the county seat last Saturday. Miss Lydia Wutchinek of Lincoln, accompanied by M. It. Ellington, were visitors in Murdock last Sun day, being guests at the home of Joseph Wutchinek and of Max Dus terhofl' and Fred Oehme and wife. They returned home Sunday evening. At the business place of Wm. Gehrts there has been made some changes, which are for the better, by arranging so that the business In the office can be cared for to more advantage. The desk which has heretofore occupied the northeast corner of the room. Is now placed in the northwest and elevated some what above the other portion of the room by a board floor. Other chang es are being made for the betterment of the working conditions. This firm is always in for something better. and they are getting it. Will Give Thanksgiving Service Arrangements have been completed for the giving of a Thanksgiving service which will include a pro gram consisting of music, songs, made up of solos, duets and chorus sing ing, with readings and addresses. This w ill be under the auspices of the Evangelical Association and will be held in their church In Murdock on the evening preceding Thanksgiving. At this service there will be received an offering which will go to feed the starving babies in Europe, Irrespec tive of that nation, but wherever it is required. Weighed Ten Pounds. Yes. thank you. Just tipping the scales at ten pounds, a young Amer ican arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rau. coming to gladden thei home, and doing so. as one woul 1 know that some great Joy had enter ed the borne from tjie radiant smil which came from the face of both the happy parents. The littles tranger i rapidly making himself at home and winning the hearts and affections i all whom he meets. PAPER! I J Nebraska DEPMR TMEMT Which Will Be the Line Pertinent to the installation- of the, electric light service In Mur dock, which Is assured at thi time, the question arises as to what route the line -will traverse from the junc tion, of the Louisville-Weeping Wa ter line, to Murdock. The shortest line 1.4 on the road north of Murdock and while this is true and many have evinced a desire for service, there are still more on the line south, but which as it is longer, will cost more to construct. With the competi tion strong the south line which tra verses the state highway, may win out by a little extra work. The amount of subscriptions at this time has not ent irely Justified the project in piloting the line to that road, but It is hoped by those now interested that others will be interested and that the line will be located on that road, but more work will have to be done and at once to insure the line tbtre. Will Open a Restaurant. Mr. A. Peters, the man who will have charge of the constructing of the new electric line into Murdock, on account of the absense of an eat ing house of a public nature, will open a restaurant, probably in the Fanners building, and will hire a couple of cooks, preferrably a man and wife, to care for it and will serve the meals to the workmen while the line is under construction. Attended the Bankers Association H. A. Guthman of the Dank of Murdock. was attending the state bankers association which convened in Lincoln last week, remaining dur ing the session and meeting many of the banking fraternity with whom he was acquainted and with the ex change of views was able to return to his work here better equipped for the work of serving the commun ity than before. It would seem that one could hardly be better equipped for the best service of the public than this bank with its two hard workers for the benefit of the people of the community. Heard Great Music. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool were in Lin-oln last Tuesday where they at tended the concert given by the great "Sousa'3 Band" an organibation of world renown, and who only give ex hibitions in the larger cities of the country. Mr. and Mrs. Tool were well pleased with the rendition which was given by this aggregation. Children Had a Great Time The young people of the Murdock high school held a hard time social at the high school building last Thursday evening as a fitting close to the Armistice day celebration that was participated in by the schools during the afternoon, when a patri otic program was presented. The program consisted of recitals, read ings and songs, in which all Joined with enthusiasm and made the day one long to be remembered. Many and varied costumes were worn to the social in the evening and all In attendance had a mighty good time. Neighbors Enjoy Meeting The members of the Koyal Neigh bors of America enjoyed a pleasant afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Rusk last Tuesday afternoon, when they met in regular session to look after the business of the society and to enjoy the sociability of the occa sion. After the business had been disposed of. the ladies plied their needles busily while social conversa tion held eway. Near the close of the afternoon the hostess provided a delicious luncheon which heightened the pleasure of the occasion. Many People Have Measles There seems to be an epidemic of measles that has been going the rounds of this vicinity during the past few weeks, but while many have been extremely sick the patients all seem to be getting along nicely at the present time. At the home of Ray Boldan, the entire family was sick at the same time, with the ex ception of Ray. Mrs. Boldan, who is not very rugged, had the worst siege with the malady, but is now on the road to recovery. Two of the child ren are still broken out. Bobbie Stock was sick the past week with the disease but is better, as is Miss Bernie McCrorey, who was confined to her bed with them. Celebrated First Anniversary Last Saturday Mrs. C. Moomey returned home from Byrne. Kansas, where she had been visiting at the i nm o rf Vi or Hancliter 'fr TTnmer Hess, and incidentally, attended the "elebration of the first birth anniver sary of her grandson. Master Edgar Hess, whose birthday occurred on October 7th. The visit was one of much pleasure, both for Mrs. Moom ey and her daughter's family. Secures a Good Man The Village board has secured the services of Mr. A. Peters, an experi enced and efficient lineman to con struct the new electric light line leading from Manley to Murdock. Mr. Peters has just completed lines running from Louisville to Weeping Water and from Louisville to South Bend. He has established his office in the small building Just south of the Bank of Murdock, where he will maintain headquarters during the time that the line is being built. He Is hopeful of having the street lights burning: in Murdock by the first of the vear. and savs he will endeavor to 'rush the construction so as to give them to our people tor a Christmas i present. Certainly no more pleasing I gift could be chosen for the majority of our citizens than these long- took . ed for electric lights. LOUISVILLE GIRL TO TEACH IN JAPAN Miss Rachel Stander Receives Flat tering Offer While in Tokyo, and Decides to Remain. Vr nml Mrs. P. C. Stander receiv ed a telegram from Seattle last week from a man returning from the World's Sunday school convention in Tokyo. Japan, informing them that their daughter. Miss Rachel Stander, who was also a Nebraska delegate to the convention, had accepted a posi tion to teach In Tokyo at the same year. She was expected to land in Seattle last week ana Knowing ner r!rent would be expecting to re ceive a telegram from her from that city, she had instructed one ot tntir r.nrtv to send the teletcram and a brief letter has since been received with further particulars. The ofter she acceDted came un- dvnpctpiilv lust as she was about to board her ship and she had less than an hour's time to decide and her letter was necessarily brief, but the next steamer will no doubt have u missive of greater lengm. Miss Stander Is highly accomplish fi nml iss snlendidlv uualitied to ac cept any educational position and her many Liouisviiie menus con gratulate" her unon the oDDortunitv afforded her to broaden her experi ence by spending a year in the Orient. She will no doubt let them hear from her through the columns of the Courier as she has done since her departure from this country. Miss Stander will make her home with an American family in Tokyo. who are there as missionaries and who are not entirely strangers to herself. The Courier wishes her the best of success and feels assured that she will make the most of her unus ual opportunity. Louisville Courier mr.wWspWno M0NEYN ELECTION And Therefore It Can't be Charged He Contrived to Purchase His Own Defeat. Arthur G. Wray, independent can didate for governor, reports to the secretary of state that he spent nothing in the recent campaign for the furtherance of his election to the office of governor. Governor Mc Kelvie and ex-Governor Morehead have not filed their expanse accounts Auditor George W. Marsh reports the expenditure of $336.60; Attor ney General Davis, $552.06; Lieuten ant Governor P. A. Barrows. $1S5; State Superintendent John M. Mat zen, 5626; Judge George A. Day, 5450; Chief Justice A. M. Morrlssey, $1,040; Grant Martin, I6S2.53; R. ('. Hunter, democratic candidate for attorney general. ?163; Land Com missioner Dan Swansou. $300.4 6. Congressman O. F. Reavis reports that he received $1,500 from the na tional congressional committee and he paid out $110 to county republican committees. All other expenses in curred by him he says were without the corrupt practices act. ORGANIZING NEW ELKS CONGERT BAND Prof. Edward Schnlhof in Charge of Organization Holding Its First Practice Last Night. After a season of idleness the mu sicians of the city are to Joiu in a new band which will be known as the Elks concert band and be com posed of Elks and eons of Elks. One of the best musical instructors in this portion of the state. Prof. Ed Schulhof, will have charge of the new organization. . The band will be composed of eighteen of the best musicians of the city and their practicing has com menced in' the Elks club, which has been placed at their disposal for this purpose and the band will carry the name of Plattsmouth lodge No. 739. The new musical organization will fill a long felt want and give the city the high class concert band that they are entitled to have. The opening concert of the band will be awaited with interest by the resi dents of the city and the musicians I will receive the hearty support of the public in their work. For a Disordered Stomach When the stomach fails to perform its functions the Doweis necome ce ranged, the liver and kidneys con gested. The lniDortant thine is to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition ana ior this pur pose Chamberlain's Tablets are ex cellent. Give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. "Something to be Thankful For' DE FORD'S JAZZITEERS will play for a Thanks giving day dance at COATES HALL, PLATTSMOUTH ! K. . G. WAR DECLAR ED ON HOME BREWED BEER INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU CLAMPS LID ON SALE OF MALT AND HOPS. Washington. D. C, Nov. 12. The internal revenue bureau in formal statements today . confirmed reports that a crusade against home-brewing of alcoholic beverages is planned by the government's prohibition en forcement agencies. The bureau did not reveal, however, the means it proposed to employ in the campaign nor admit that it had approved pre liminary instructions by Prohibition Commissioner Kramer directing that sales of malt and hops be restricted to bankers and confectioners. "If malt extract, hops, isinglass. gelatine or other materials are sold or advertised for sale for use in the unlawful manufacture of intoxicat ing liquor," said a statement Issued tonight by Commissioner Williams of the internal reverue bureau, "it is the purpose of the bureau to pros ecute persons so offending. "The so-called home brew beer manufactured in the home for bev erage purposes, even though for the sole use of the family and bona fide guests is, under the bureau's con struction of the law. illegal, and the sale of materials for such manufac ture is likewise illegal." Mr. Kramer was still absent from the city tonight, and no authorita tive statement of the nature of such instructions as he has already is sued in the anti-home brew cam paign was obtainable. The state ment of the federal prohibition di rector of Ohio, however, that he had received instructions from Mr. Kramer to prevent sales of malt and hops except to bakers and to confec tioners has not been denied by the internal revenue bureau, although it is understood that Commissioner Williams has not as yet approved these specific orders. There was an apparent difference of opinion between officials of the bureau of internal revenue and Com missioner Kramer's staff of advisers as to the powers granted under the Volstead act with respect to prohib iting the sale of articles employed in the manufacture of beer at home. Commissioner Williams conferred during the day with aides familiar with the act, and this was followed by numerous other conferences in the bureau, the nature of which was not disclosed. PRESIDENT ISSUES THANKSGIVING CALL Retiring Chief of Nation Says Return of People to Peaceful Pursuits Abundant Cause for Gratitude Washington. Nov. 12. President Wilson issued his Thanksgiving proc lamation tonight, saying that "in plenty, .security and peace, our vir tuous and self-reliant people face the future," and setting aside Thursday, November 25, for the usual obser vances, he text follows: "The season approaches when it behooves us to turn from the dis tractions anil preoccupations of our daily life, that we may contemplate the mercies which have been vouch safed to us and render heartfelt and unfeigned thanks unto God for his manifold goodness. "This is an old observance of the American people, deeply imbedded in our thoughts and habits. The burdens and the stresses of life have their own insistence. "We have abundant cause for thanksgiving. The lessons of 'the war are rapidly healing. The great army of free men, which America sent to the defense of liberty, return ing to the grateful embrace of the nation, has resumed the useful pur suits of peace as simply and as promptly as it rushed to arms in obedience to the country's call. The equal justice of our laws has received steady vindication in the support of a law-abiding people against various and sinister attacks which have re flected only the baser agitations of war, now happily passing. "In plenty, security and peace, our virtuous and self-reliant people face the future, its duties and its appor tunities. May we have vision to dis cern our duties; the strength, both of hand and resolve, to discharge them, and the soundness of heart to realize that truest opportunities are those of service. "In a spirit, then, of devotion and stewardship we should give thanks in our hearts and dedicate ourselves to the service of God's merciful and loving purposes to his children. "Wherefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, president of the United Sljates of America, do hereby designate Thurs day, the twenty-fifth day of Novem ber next, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and I call upon my coun trymen to cease from their ordinary tasks and avocations upon that day. giving it up to the remembrance of God and his blessings and their duti ful and grateful acknowledgment." Serious Results from Colds Colds not only cause a tremendous financial loss but are also a serious injury to every one who contracts them as they lower the vitality and prepare the system for the more ser ious diseases. It is not at all un usual for people who have serious lung trouble to say, "I had a hard cold last winter." Why not take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can. If it's in the stationery line, call at the Journal office. THE We are selling Duicks, Dodges and Mitchells. There are no more reliable cars on the market. Ask for a demonstration. We are always at your service. A full line of tires and accessories always on hand. The best of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in. J5 Ph 35-B one if Violin Lessons! I will give violin lessons during the winter months for beginners and also the more advanced pupils. See me or call phone 19-G. Joseph Wutschinek, MURDOCK, NEBR. HARDING'S PLAN IS CALLED CHILDISH By South American League Delegate , Now m Pans, Says Killing Pact is Dangerous. Paris, Nov. 12. Suggestions from the United States that the present league of nations should be super- seded by another world body are not ' likely to be met with approval by the assembly of the leagun at Ge-j neva, in the view of Ir. Mariano Cornejo, head of the Peruvian dele gation to tho assembly as expressed in an interview in L'Eclair todaj. Although President-elect Harding has spoken of the "decease" of the league, he might be mistaken. Dr. Cornejo said. To wish to kill a building organization, he continued, in order to create another appeared to him a dangerous and childish proceeding, even though the people of the United States may have voted rejection of the league plan. "The Peruvian and Bolivian gov ernments on November 1." he con tinued, "asked the league to exam ine the treaties Peru and Bolivia were forced to sign with Chile in 1SS3 and 1904. There is nothing in these requests which can wound Chile, a member of the league, since j these three countries naturally have: confidence in their respective rights and have-accepted the obligations of the pact contained in Article 19. (This article provides that the as sembly of the league "may, from time to time, advise the reconsidera tion by members of the league of treaties which have become inappli cable and the consideration of inter national conditions whose continu ance endanger the peace of the world.") "Nothing would prevent one or the other of them," he said, "from applying -this doctrine to the grave difference dividing them, which do-js not appear likely to be settled by any other peaceful method. 3 The TITAN J Keep in mind that we are handling the famous "TITAN" Tractor, and have a few on hand that we can deliver on short notice. CjfAsk us for a demonstration, or any thing pertaining to these tractors or the work they will do. WM. Murdock BEST Murdock, Neb. "We must hope that Chile will be the first to support with good grace the requests made on this question. However that may be, Peru and Bolivia have only in view the main tenance of South American peace. "The league of nations would do an inestimable service to the cause of justice in general by acting in a case so characteristic as this and ef fecting a settlement of these old scores." Referring to the question as to whether the league had the means to make Its decisions respected he said : "You will observe for the moment we only ask that the treaties in dis pute be studied, but an institution In which the governments of the principal powers are represented cannot lack the means of affirming its authorit." ONLY FOUR CEME TERIES IN FRANCE Suresnes, Romagne. Belleau Wood and Bony to Be Ptimanently Maintained. Washington. Nov. 12 Decision of the war department to authorize the maintenance of only four permanent cemeteries in France was announced today. These wlil be at Suresnes. on the outskirts of Paris; at Ito magne. in the Argonne region; at Pelleau Wood, where American sol diers and marines met the Germans In the first important engagement, and at Hony. in the Department of the Aisne. which shall be known as "Flanders Field." A permanent cemetery also will be established near London for those soldiers who died in Great Britain while en route to France. No distinction as to rank will bo made in the grouping of bodies, and the headstones will be identical ex cept for the inscription and the cross or the "star of David" to indicate re ligious faith. TRACTOR 5 1 Nebraska GEHRTS