The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 15, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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With Departure cf Fritz. Ccrridois
oi County Eastile Present a
Deathlike Silence.
Tin Cass county jail does nut seoni
the same as it has for t lit past four
y.-arf- as SherLY (Juintoii has lost his
nM,Kt and most faithful boarder.
Fritz Deitl. For the past four years
and three mouths the ouuty prison
has bi-i'ii home to Fri:. ami all of
fer: s of the sheriff and i'Uht miunty
officials to .cot him to !i-;ivo tur-jail
havi- proven fruitless until I'.'f t":ii-.-,
1 State un eminent decided that as
Fritz "made in C.ermany." back
! lu rt' ! should go ami accordingly
,T H. Cha'ker. representing 'he im
migration lit partment. arrivil in the
. . Yv. a co ami departed
v, the sherius guest and he is
. . j t eilinc to Fllis Inland to await
tli.- ! iha: will take him hack to
his native land and r-lbve the tax
payers of the burden of earing for
1 i iiii.
FriTz was t.:ken up a little over
'..!- .(:-- hsii as a and giv-
n a short jail sentence in the hope
thai he miuht become ilisuusted and
leave t ti i r- porti'n of the country, but
in-f-ad of I i!ic disgu.-ted he seem
. .! veil i! fed with the excellent
food provided by the sheriff and re
iv -ee 1 be sent forth when his sen
tence expirt-il. In an effort to loosen
his hoid en the jail he was ih:i sent
to the county farm but his dislike of
7!'-"i.!ai labor soon dis-gusTed Super
intendent Tains, as Fritz would not
work and .'pint the time lousing for
the vacant cell in the county bastilc
and accordingly he returned to dwell
und'T the wine of the sheriff.
'. wi's o!i-e more sent forth to
i t i
hi o a n hook, but after
f ..! i-ral v. i'i1 his condi
i',:e that it was neces
nl.'ie him in jail again, as
'o--;i iTn his clothing and
; i ii: ': I for t li carr of
J lis de"i;tit at re! urning
eaUei.v".. ilo- perisieiicy
: i I..
'.! ir
arge was too moca :"UI
i : : ' :i;.:i:!'.d there until a -t Ion wa
in d from the fe deral go-, eminent
tie C -rman officials will now
e him to deal with..
I" r rr i Tl -.rf.iavii Taily.
sierday was th birthday anni
. . .' f Mr. K. c. Jahrig and in
! ; ,r . ;" i '-car i';n a number vt
':-( fii.-.iis neivti'ors wire i:i-
vi' ! " . ' :ss;f in -: inc that 'he
i t v.-;; properly ..1-s: rved. Tis
;. ft .::::! v.'t's ;c;.t i:i social eo'ivcr
; i I at a ".'.tab!" hour do-
;..u r. f v -hment- wit.' served
.-i.ied t; th- delights of the after
!.'iin. TC3 iIMiY HEGTEB;
In or !'-r to settle n number of tie
w i I r ':!inor office-, oyer the
coun'y. '.:n.ty Clerk (Jeorce Sayles
s --,: i: it ::inMu:; i-ment s to the
parlies involved that lie will conduct
a dr.iwing at the court house on
November 20th at 2 p. in., and
iistribute the various justice of t lie
P-ace and constable jobs for which
then- were tie votes 'in the various
prec iner
In the 2nd Rock Hhiff prec'tici
t!Lre ii a tie for justice of the peace
boiween (. eorce ti. Smith and 'ap
t '.in Harrison Caver, while in W'eep
i"g Wat-r precii.ct thTe is a ti.
l'''Aen William V.'e'bT. Ci.irenc-l'a::-or,
Fred Klr-jiser ail Cus
JIulica. In Mt. Pleasant precinct.
Wiison Ci'more. Lee Hrown aiid F.
M;-M-y have a tie vote.
Whil" it is unlikely tiiat any of
ti e parties who have had their names
v. :i;teti in by their friends .-.nd voted
l'-r. v.ii I'pfuar. the cotintyy clerk
have to hold the drawing and
v. ish tlie hor.or on someone.
Kit year- folks in your bcality
V-iv- been buying piano-, from A.
Mo-re Ci.. Omaha. Ti-.ey handle the
.T. i us 'nibra tisen Player. Write or
ri'.i"'." tlo-Pi for particulars. o2S 4tw.
All the j opular copyright bookt
on sale at the Journal oe.
. B I i' 3
ums win
fix my cold
T ALWAYS keep Dr. Kin'3Nw
Discovery handy. It breaks up
" hard, stubborn colds and stops
the paroxysrr.3 of coughing." Kf
harmful drups, but just good
medicine. At your drug-gists.
COc and $1.20 a bottle.
Wot colds andcoughg
-IB"". 1- y
b Ij n m it Ti &
Stufiborn Bowels Tamed
Leaving the system unclcancd, clogged
bowels unmoved, results in health de
struction. Let tlie gently stimulating
Dr. King's I'iils bring to you a regular,
normal bowel ar.d liver functioning.
Same old price, 25c. Alldrugjijts.
prompt! Wontunpo
rKinO's Pills
Iew .Discovery
Yield Estimated at 34 Bushels Ter
Acre, Total of Quarter Bil
lion in State.
A corn crop ranking first in both
yield and production since 1005
leaves no argument to the fact that
"corn is kins" in Nebraska this year.
According to the November 1 repor:
of A. K. Anderson of the bureau of
imp estimates and Leo Stuhr of the
department of agriculture, the pre
liminary estimate of yield is 3 4 bush
els per acre. Last year the yield
was i'tf.2 bushels and the ten year
average is 23.7 bushels. The total
production is 2S0.MSS.000 bushels as
compared to 1 S4.1 Sti.000 bushels last
ear and the ten year average of ITS.
"o:!.o(iO bushels. This year's crop
tanks fifth in size sunce 1S65.
Kven though this year's corn crop
is approximately 36.1 per cent larg
er than last year's production, its to
fal value is about 3 2 per cent less
based upon prices now and a year
Hurt. Dodge. Douglas and Fillmore
counties si.are alike in first honors
with average yields of 45 bushels
per acre. Other counties averaging
40 fo 44 bushels are Dakota. Stanton.
Hamilton. Sarpy. Saunders. Seward
and Washington. The quality is
gfcnerally gcod although there was
slight damage to some late corn
from frost. The quality as well a.
yields was reduced somewhat from
drcuth in north central counties.
Approximately 7 per cent of last
year's crop is still on farms.
The average weight per measured
bushel of winter wheat is 57.5
pounds: spring wheat 53 pounds,
oats 33.3 pounds; and barley 47
pounds. The light tests of wheat,
peculiarly spring wheat are due u
shrinkage caused by black stem ills-
Potatoes average 07 bushels pe:
a.-re a(- ordir.g to the preliminary es
timate of yield. Last year they av
eraged ."." bushels. The total pro
dui tion is 10. OSS. ooo bushels as con'
pared to the ten year aerate of 3.
5;2.000 bushels. Some of the coun
ties have lower yields than expected.
The average yield of flax is S bush
els. The condition of sugar beets at
the time of harvest was 100 per cent
The total production af apples is 4i
per cent. "
The condition of most of the win
ter wheat and rye is excellent. Win
ter wheat was damaged by droutl
and hi.2h winds in some of the coun
ties. ,
Preliminary estimates for tli
1'ni'ted States are as follows: Coin
3.10TM2G.OOO bushels compared t
2.:17.4 5O:Oi0 bushels last year ami
2.7Sj.iJ4.ri.ot'0 bushels the 1014-H
average. All wheat. 750.54S.OOl
luheis compared to 940.iS7.00l
bushels last year and the 1014-U
avcrace of S 42.o:;;.lMiO bushels. Oat
1,144.362.000 bushels compared tc
1,402.064.000 bushels last year and
1.386.S50.000 bushels the 1014-1!
a verage.
'Mrc. Joseph H. Burton of Murray Die;
at St. Joseph Hospital in Omaha
After Serious Operation.
From Friday's Dally,
j The death of Mrs. Joseph H. Hur
i ton. ne of the old and well known
residents of Murray, occurred at the
J St. Joseph hospital in Omaha on Wed-
re-.-1;iy afternoon and the bodv
brought to the old heme at Muirav
where the funeral services wi'.l be
: held tomorrow morning from the
heme conducted by Rev. W. A. Tayloi
of Fnion.
The deceased lady whose maiden
name was Lucy Dable. was born Junt
-. 1S57. in the state of Michigan
and resided there during her girl-
1 hood days. In 1S70 she came tc
Nebraska and on February 22. 1S73,
I was married at Plattsmouth to Mr.
.Io fph H. Hurton. the wedding cere
mony being performed by Rev. Cyrus
A. Alton, then pastor of the Christian
church in this city of which faith
Mr. and Mrs. Hurton were lifelong
memlnrs. To Mr. and Mrs. Hurton
there came nine children all of who
with tiie father survive" the death
of the mother as follows: Mrs. Fan
nie Cook. Hadar. Neb.; Mrs. Alice
Joiner. Nebraska City; J. W. Hur
ton, Arlington. Neb., Mrs. Howard
Craves, Plattsmouth;. Cuy Hurton.
Palmyra. Mark Hurton. Nebraska
City; Ray Hur'on. Henry K. I).; Roy
Hurton. Plattsmouth, Vance Hurton,
For several nioitths Mrs. Hurton
has been suffering from cancer and
in the hope of giving her relief she
was taken to the hospital in Omaha
en last Friday and operated on Wed
nesday, never recovering from the
operation and sinking into death
The death has brought a lasting sor
row to the member.'', of the family
and the many old friends in the com
munity where she has so long made
her home and to the husband the
death comes as a very severe, blow
as he is in very poor condition, hav
ing been injured in an accident
three months ago and is now just
abie to be i;p and around the house.
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
"Stnrlhiii'i be Thankful Tor"
will play for a Thanks
giving day dance at
K. E. G.
From Thnisdav's iaily.
Klmer Wetenkamp was a visitor in
Omaha today, going up on the atler-
iionn Burlington train:
John Iiirz and wife .lejiarted
morning for Om aha to spend a
hours visiting with mends.
Kd S. Tutt of Murray was in
citv vesterday afternoon lor a
few i
hours loe)kii.g after some matters of
business. j
J. v. Hurton. oi Murray, was in
the city yesterday afternoon attend
ing to some matters of busines.; for
a few hour?.
William Ferguson, who is now re
siding at Karl in g. Jowa, came over
yesterday afternoon to see if it were
possible to secure a good corn sh tick
er in this city to in caring for
his corn crop.
fro'n Friday's I'ally
Sheriff C. I). Quinton went to
Greenwood this morning to spend a
few hours visiting am! serving some
papers for the county.
Mrs. W. II. Seybert departed this
morning for Omaha, where s".:o v.ili
visit for the day with friends and
look after some matters of !u-u-r.ess.
James Gilmore, who has been hcTc
for a short visit at the honi-.' of hi.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gilmore.
returned this morning to Sioux City.
Iowa, where he is now employed.
The Christian Kndeavor societies of
this city received a very pretty ami
very urgent invitation from tlie City
C. K. I'nion of Aurora. Net: . to at
tend the state convention there No
vember 11 to 14. These wore print
ed in red. on neat white paper - -thu.--arrying
out the ( K. color scheme
.if red and white. Delegates from,
the Intermediate society of Preshy
orian church are Miss Viola Arch' r.
Miss Wol lfaitli. and -heir su
periv.: :nK i.t. .Miss Clara Wevrich.
SVhib- Mr. Frank Cl.udt g-.os from the
Senior t-ociety. From tlie Christian
hurch, Mi.s 'l"m Ni-1. their e;l:."i,-n!
ccie-ty president, goes as dt-iea'e.
Others r.'.ay at'end friun this society.
Tlie jolly crowd leaves on the Stdaiv
!er trai?i this afternoon. We an
ilad that Plattsmouth will be w P
re -pre:-1 nt r-d at this big gathcrai-.
Aurora is expecting about :J0" young
oerple there this week.
Di-nartmei-.t Conim mder J. II. Pres--on,
lias calie(i tlie attention o' C. A
;i. po.sts to the aiinual eliCtioli ol
tl':cers at the lirst ti'.eeting in lb
-til:!.' r. He -:' ; the pormanene.-t
ind usef ulne.-s the Grand Army '
he repub.lic deptnd upon the ioyil
ty ainl faithfulness of the loenl po.t.
lis order to th.e jKist "Tiie
attendance, enthusiasm and succe
f the ;i e National Kncamnment at
!udianapidis assure us tlmt tin
Jrand Army will keep its w l!-i ir:.' !
d ire in the country for many year
vet. Let us help to vi;ntain i'
tr.imih. If'Ui" post l-eci.t!K'S we;'.';
r be.."aue of deaths and removals. )'
is who remain redouble ' r efforts.
ir..i. if nee-led. enlarge our sa vW,.
hat the old t'.ag ii.ay bo kept tty
ng. and the name of our 'i abid
n the roll i-f the Grand Army oi" t:o
R." public.
Tlie ladies of I !i St. Luke's Guild
net on Wednesday afternoon at th"
feasant home of Mrs. F. S. White
ri North Sixth :treer. .Mrs. White
icing assisted by Mr.-.. J. II. llalde
:nan in entertaining. Th.e afternoon
,vas spent in plying the bu-y needle,
he ladies preparing aprons will
e offered for sale at tlie Christina:
diop to be given by tlie Kpiscopal
adifs in the !iiing month. At ;
niitable hour very enjoyable refresh
ments were :;erved by the host esse
hut added to the enjoyment of the
evasion. .Mr;. J. il. Donnelly, of
Omaha, w as present at this meet ins.'
is a guest of honor.
r am offering for sale, for imme
liate delivery, two pure bred short
'lorn bulls and a number of pure bred
Duroc Jcrseoa rs. all readv fur ser
vice. " isKAHL DAVIS.
9 tit sw. Murray, Neb.
Gash Garry Grocer
Carry Your Groceries;
Pay Cash and
$5.00 OK OVER
Buy a good sark of fiour $3.45
3 lbs. granulated sugar for 1.00
11 lbs. hand picked navy beans 1.00
3 lbs. gocd rice for 1.00
Vz kraut, per can l."
' Van ('amp's pork-beans:!'b'
N'o. 2 Van Camp's pork-beans i.m;
No. 2 tlrint pork and beans, :;
cans for :',.":
.o. oiS toniatijcs. :
No. 2 ;mi (crn, 7 cans
c:-ris for.
for 1
0 c
Large pkg. torn 15a !;:? 2 0c
Large ps;. roiled oats : : c '
large bottle tomato catsup L'lic'
i boxes matches 25C;
10 bars Klec. Spjirk soap OSc
lt bars 1'earl White soap .r)0c!
A-l F.nglidi v. alnuts, per lb 3Sc
I Offer a good Lot of N. Y. !
Apples at per. lb. 4c ;
South Siith Street
j g j 1
Jt the Realism Test
1 heip ou "measure"
other phonograph? Come
in and ask for the "Per
sonal Favorites" Real
ism Test. We've said that
listening to the New Edi
son is the same as listening
to the living artist. We've
said you get the same
emotional thrill when you
hear your favorite music
Re-Created by the New
Edison, as when you hear
riiO LiBEflTY
Amy PLines Whiz Over Glaciers
ami Wooded Wildernesses
O.OCO-Kile Journey.
Ford-built Liberty motors carried
the tour army airplanes which on
!)( toiler competed the IMtOO mile
isia iii.
i rom
to N
Mitchell Field. Long
in . Alaska, ami re-
t o rn.
ileo! w;is greeted over
ity iy a flotilla of forty
: whii"h escorted it to
N.-w York
aniiy plane
'Miii'ol.i. Tie returning planes
.touched tle-ir wheels to earth at
;; : 1 in t;1- ernoofi.
! The Alaskan Flying Kxpeditton.
j . "ommandeil bv Captain St. Clair
! St eet. uiidertook the journey to
J demonstrate the durability of modern
j airplane.-, a-id motors, and to effect
jtlie establishment of an eT!al route
to tii( Northwestern corner of the
'American mii'ient and Asia. Such
a route v. ouid, bring mai! from Alaska
.to the States' in two or three days,
.whereas the present method of trans-!iiis-ion
rc'iuires thirty days.
i lalK -je.out service," saul aptain
jSfr'ft. "Those planes and- motors
sure - io-id up. Why, the only trou
ble we had on the entire trip was
j Mi'p'i d by the worst bit at woatlier
I've f v -r f'own through or want to
!i'v 1 1-i-.-.m ., L . '(; ,ad everything
, rain, snow, hail ami sleet, clouds,
fog and mist. Hut. we kept right on
"The miles of glaciers we tra-
jv -s.. d v :is a wonderful sight, but
, there would have been little hope
i for rescue h;:d we cracked up in
,that wilderness. Altogether it was a
rough trip. I never want to fly thru
. y.'icii v.e;;thtr J'aiu, but Ihe planes
; stood it magnificently. Instead of
: battered hulks. Hopping to earth after
i winded t'iqht, they looked brand new.
j I'ven 'lie t urnbiickles were polished
and the motors looked as if they
had jiiL-t come oif the testing block
: " A. L-wr changed a spark plug.
Never clinder niissnl on us the
cntite trip. The motors are in as
K WOULDN'T you like to know why
the family will get more enjoyment
out of the New Edison than out of any
Every New Edison is a Period Cabinet
Select from 17 Models
SSB i ir
it Dy trie living artist. Jacobean
good condition today' as when we
set out."
F.efore the flight. all the pilots
asked for ships equipped with Ford
made Liberty motors.
Due to the nature of tiie work
which engaged the expedition, tlie
fit Tt required a period of three
months to complete the trip. Since
iall of the original motors completed
the journey without repairs or re
placements, this is believe dto be a
record for aerial navigation. It will
i be recalled that during the war it
: was generally the practice to over
haul the airplane motors after ap
! proximately each twenty hours of
I flight.
I This is the second notable event
! in which Ford Liberty motors have
j figured prominently, the lirst being
the trans-Atlantic jump of the Ford
! Liberty-equipped N. C. 4. a feat
I which commanded world-wide in-
from Fridays uaiiy.
The ladies aid society of the Meth
odist church were most delightfully
entertained yesterdav afternoon at
the church parlors, Mesdames John
V. Crabill. Alice Cowles and li. II.
Cotton being hostesses of the after
noon. The ladies have been enjoying a
number of excellent programs during
the fall season and tlie one yesterday
was especially pleasing as it consist
ed of a number of musical select ioi.s
by members of the vocal class of Mrs.
K. II. Wescott. Those participating
in the program were Misses Sylvia
Noble, Fae Chase. Thelma Hudson,
Mesdames Ed Human and II. P. Ilal
ya. The ladies gave solo numbers
which were much enjoyed and the
program one tha t will long be 3ry
pleasantly remembered. During the
afternoon dainty refreshments were
served that added much to the en
joyment of the large number pres
Miss Kdith "Wallengren who is at
the Iiv.jnanuel hospital recovering
from the etfects of an operation for
appendicitis, is reported as doing
nicely and is now on the highway to
The Realism Test will help you test these
claims for yourself.
If you find what we've said is true, you
will know the New Edi
William Mary
The early Christmas shopper can
find the latest Christmas novelties
cards, stationary and books at the
Journal office as well as a complete
line of the most attractive and hand
some Christmas decorations that is
carried anywhere in the west. Do
voiir shopping early and call at our
Christmas shop to make your selections.
Prices still talking here!
Men's flannel shirts
or two for five dollars.
Boys' j'ersey
turtle neck.
Caps for boys
with pulldown
Men's fine broadclorE caps
in blue, brown or green; fur bands
Men's brown woolen sox
for work; rib top.
Men's 2-thumb husking mitts, knit wrist, $1.60
C. E. Wescott's Sons
son is the phonograph
your family wants for
Christmas. You know
they'll get more enjoy
ment out of the New
Edison than out of any
other musical instrument.
Xmas Tip! Investigate
our Budget Plan. It
brings your New Edison
for Christmas makes
1921 help pay.
j John Cory who was badly injure. I
Thursday afternoon by falling from
!a ladder, is now showing some im
jprovement although he is still con
I fined to his bed. Mr. Cory is suf
j fering from two broken ribs vwhlrh
I gave him a great deal of pain ami is
!also badly bruised but is thought in
ja few days he will be able to bo up
and around.
sweaters with
Small sizes only
5 7c
Jotj men
for ears.
and girls' fine
stocking caps