The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 11, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Jair-.s H. P?vrclly. Fr Yr.
! Enter En: hirer Hvilx.
; I:
I0C.4I :ZFJE vTTH :s :-iE-viizi:s
:guth cy.i:
! .j:
' i n
( '! ;
- l;M--'s I 1,1 i! V
.... !ypT"i j
& r a . . . . .
LAI id 0 A14 k msit li
& R ii
"TESSRS. Collins and Harlan have certi---Mied
all of the Official Laboratory Mod
els of the New Edison that are now in our
store. They have signed one of these Certi
ficates of Authenticity to he presented with
each instrument. It guarantee that such in
strument is an exact duplicate of the New
Edison which triumphed at the Collins and
Harlan tone-test given recently at the Par
mele Theatre, and that it is capable of sus
taining the same test.
We have just six of these Official Labor
atory Models, as follows:
Serial Number 121321 (Chippendale
Serial Number 1C261 (William and
Mary Cabinet)
Serial Number 115774 (Chippendale
(5 he
4 k mU 1
Serial Number 013
c:ial Number 127725 (Chippendale
Serial Number 124113 (Chippendale
Cabinet )
8? I
"The Phonograph With a Soul"
Come in and inspect these six instruments which have been
certified by Messrs. Collins and Harlan.
St d .IT3 l
jg g
Wait for me and get the big,
red, juicy fellows!
i am shipping a car ronday, November
Sth, direct from the Cushman orchards in
Missouri. This car is due to arrive in Platts
mouth the middle or latter part of the week.
Watch dzily for announcement.
When you tmnk of printing
can't help but think of ns.
you : Wc can furnish you 'blar.h books j
: of all kinds. The Journal, I
t.2 1
gkuio Painting!
Let me give you an estimate on re
painting your car.
Gth and Pearl Strei. . PIattmoutr, Neb.
ti:i :. 'r ; (
a (( I :
haiM. i
1 --- c-l
h: 1. ) i'i."
In ti
I i: ; t:-'
i r : ( r
I" r' !
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vie .
:s 1:
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iii i ! :: r vi: L 1; i
1 c h:- : t-rvi- i
i ri ; ! i fi; ';
i'i -st Ti! i if;
( rn- : M ;'
tf..::r;i in , !
ii t'i Ci v;
M iv. 1 vi- . 1 ;
i i '.in
' ;mf in iii-- a f .
I s'iritijr j lie v.r-y (
minitriii ii i: ' !' f: '
Mr. I --;r,' ily w .1-
c;T:,"r;! j; s ;: JiVP
had f:i;.n'" f T
: r'. .' :: ';: i: h:
: i'-:r:. i; t v, - !
Lis worV: i si r-tv ' ' !
rein: '.'(! 1' " :n i '! :i
: 1'"' t!i ! r.'-f
th H-ai- -.f Nf'.:.:
:y. Mr. i.-.r.::- Ily
. t i : ii i i :'; 1 i j
:.!:: !
:) : I 1 i
Tin " 1' f
v. : i :; u i !: ; -
1; in r.
'.y h:' f r .. 'it iy
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they niat :ijtir !.i.u;c : v ;: i.inu
if) f yf ars :; l : s: nff if-vh! i:sj j:i Mi:-a)'--i
l.e ha-- ved ii;a'!- fia t ! "ri: u:
cft't rs ti fnjrr.L!" in :!; liarikin. I i - i -r."-
and lia- (! d ;! ':)'.: 'in i!)'
ix;i; ion ('iTf'fl Itv i In- S; ' .a';V. !'
Oiiiaiia. The niaiiv M )ri"':u- litre
.ill i-o j,i"asf'i in !" -ir ( I:.- 'U"c .
and the institution wit!- !.
i:.-- ri-' ir: !;(!. ; ;.- : 1-c c'n-
rraTnl 't-.: ? ;:-it - ."
:1;.' and f riifin-n- r.. iuj:; t a;- i-'
in 'lie Ki:i;:a:'.ni-u: of il.iir a;!aii.
AW Sut Clrcf f r.d Tv.-o T.:cn:br.r Tcn
I ocr Their resignation ar.d Dcart
! m:r.t i- Wuhoin Llcmbcrship
The Pia'.'-n".i:: ii o!nii:' r iir (le
iarMriir t-!.iy ciiisis nf thn-e
!:;. tab'r-. t":;it S :'t aini I'ratik
S-'iaika. Jr.. ;;:ifi i-M '.'!iT. at.d t lie
:Ia-i two a:- . rv i . "iii;. tin .-i."-t
! t :!;; 1 1: a : w " " i . wl;i'ii ' ii . i" ' i rm
'ii :.ftive .-.rt ":'! xjiire ;;ii'l t-n-'
a :?'"( iiciii to n :i-" ! 'iiorar lUfii;-
TI f a '. ' i. !i t lat r- ;ilH (! in I l.e
;i-lac'ical dis.'lvin.-r .f the I'epart
; m--nt oecui red " -vi r.'mn when the
: devart ra'-n' lielii their rtsu'iir Tneet
; in t : er and trail t sii' h
i .t,.,, a : l.e fisir.n.T ' i hi ikisi h- na-.
la . v n. tj.- :. i -.if
k -i3 tin i :!..- !(!.! i 1. . Ii.
' ? t . .-I.-;: v' - nj y'i ; t . t:t I;
(:.-.;.!,;, - ! : !: : '. a . ; a : t ; ; v ti
I'liai'."! t''f rtj'i.-- i;:..'i.f- a
r ; f 11. e ::e.;s'n io: l:: town-.
The ljrj-Tt ra;! e f':ita: i ;r, a! Mm
i:irc v. a.- fronf ,' '!a t i . tno n ; Ii . N"
City and Omaha. and Ilie
i-l ;tt-n:- !: and N'elira-ha t'ny d 1-
f.:. i t - '! a( c:.ii'ia:.ied ly funds
'.. i.ia'i t v :i id ti:e ( .-a.-i''n and
iv a .it ::;( nstrat ian el' ihe fa at ttotM
ti i wi a- i ie:, were aiive and ;ti
t!.f j ,.
Th.:.-- ci'.-' had t ei: t -eii.!. t iiHin
; . veil a-tht- lian-i in their dele-
::a :!;!' and t he turn t.ut was hircer
':a.i tn a j: y iiii'T ctty owtside of
: ':. - h 0J;;a i jcr'V a ai:." in -y- h -f
e;ry. .' 'nraka it' va- n i-
i':e:iu(i i.y a d leua : ii n (;f tiiii-'y-"
n a.;.:- with t lt ir hand a n d
l.i i f.VC itif- Jit'. fe-'S'd t" JlTlt ll:e
a :-ie ; o: : I." 1.: ! in S iiit h tow n
( :.r:nsr tlitir i-. a y lhere a :: d 'loir eT
!..r' i : rear : :.i"t-d j-; tile word-?
:' ;-r;. .. i.(eid from the sjitaKers
!' , he t enitis.
f i : a;i ti. Mann, pa -1 ara u wor
tny ircsi'i-nt and iiead of 1 1 - - niein
h"t ship anti.: imi wa ihe prineipal
I"ai- r . f tlie e.nin!; and hi-- ad
!: a- one cf the I - -1 eer d. !iv-
( 1 .i ( !i '111' sulijirt of tile Kazles jt ;
a n o-.h Mi. .! atin stfe s d t l.e
ta-i ' A t:;erica:. iza. t ion princi--
p i i t h- ..rde- alr.i the s'.det.'ild
:: : ';a- !!:a she Kai;!es had ri spoiid
( ' :. thf'r ciinii r cal! in lime f
n fd Th" var v. i Ii (otv any va.
': '':.!ci! .1. pril 1 !' 1 7 and on
.j.:il lT'h the "ratoi ari" had
a i . - i i i : io'i (teatitia a patriotic
; :.: Ironi v.hi'ii tif neare-t. lelative
, ;' tj... !f?"il.ers faliiiif. in M e war
M.e:i. ... '"ike $l.inut 1'ren. "lie or-i!.'.-
a n ; ni liera nee (,t i h" sarid
ff. s ) !.. ly made 5;y fie hroiher F-'.a-From
this fund f 1 ..".oii.'oki p,tl
, i e .!: e'e.i and air. ady J 1 .Mi.hihi
had h' ' 'i d:.-M-i:oit"d to tl.e reiative
v-i'ii .. nurnher ot otlor (iaiins oui-
Tlie-;e ciaitli- had heeu
i. : id iv. Fn.n-e. Ktiulaid. Hdieniia,
I-; ';.. Cr.ece. :'i ii'iin, Sweden and
l'-nniaik atid -poke nf the areat
.a-!-. 'a f '.i'ii per f tit A tnerica n -iriu
ni a ir a i a d hy the nfilT Ilia'
d ' a iiuh 1 ' t he no ml" r-h ip 1 1f
li ve of c !!.': iha! had prompted a
c-ervin e.e-i unto death. A? the
''I'l'-eak of the var i:',.Mio meinhers
of 1'ie -Hsle vol u n ! eerad in the
sc r ie d the army and navy and
many other thousand.- eaine into the
h'my in the draft thai tlie
strength .i the Kilt!':; in the servire
'.en 4r,.(i(i(). Mr. Mann in his re-
' n::-tnher i tl.e depart m-:it
i i h i r rielit-; tl:.'f h.-.'l) i - 1 I" 1 fie
I v n.arKS pai.. a ioiu 'iioiiie 10 i in-
i ',a ' " sum, it Ii aero-, i-, wlio-ij
a triltd 'ho a wa ken i :. r iii'erei in
v- i t Ii to a cri au-r or less d-re'
the new city ordinance ami the ac
; if of tlo- city e u : ' 1 in hoi a way
v.i'ii the (,!!;.-cs cf i!;e I'l.rc'ii-'ii of tlo
vaiicms lios- a rt ihat hve lnt:
In n a par; ; f the . au.i n ;.a t ion ui 1 1: e
liepari nier.t and f .r 'l.i-:i ih" !i:e:u
li"is receied the -alary k,f .?.'. r.. per
quarter. The firci:i"n w re let in
. tlu he.- of humor at t": . t. i-.inu; away
'of 1h. pfix-iieae of s- o --tins the fire
u i 1 1 and vertina th. is richt i
mayor of th." cry an was emlue'lfd
! in the ordir.a i;c adopted last win'r:
; and a' that tin, -f-.-' ra' rubers
. dissolved their cnntieft i.-.n with the
(iepart rnent. The selectinr, of dele
gates to the -'ai" c; nvetition whicli
v-as one of tlo- hon-- of -ont-:tt io i
, in he ordinane was another ot tl.e
.many prievieuces tl'.at led to tlie ten-deriti-;
of the re-i-vnat i';n of the iueni
i hers of the- (h parttiK r.t. The fact
j that the lire department was r.;T
i izivon tlie pidvi!. ;-e cf select':. Ih-'
S 4ri ver for t he new tire true',:
'Ms to arrive in a few days s'-nt-.l a!.-o
! in hasten th: parting of ti.e ways far
j l he firemen.
As the matter now sti.tu'.s v. ill; the
!(X"epti.:n of t.'.e thre in, mix-r-s
named above the city 1.2 - tire (ie
.parMuetit ar.d until the arrival o: tlie
i lire truck there will he only f'ae v"i
i mitecr efitrts cf tl:" citizens t; carry
j (n the work of the dt partno nt.
j The members of the fire "p:-r1-;
meut who are employ;! in the iiop-
j have also had the additional difr.enl
jty f fret tin? away frrm th( ir v.'i : 'r. in
as- of fire nr. They are;.el-d to
lore their time from ti: .-in ps :r.
M;;se of letitr called rut and v-.h"h!-s their service pra' i;cnny 'ni
pt ssi hie.
the w-rK c!' th" Haaies in the Mate
nd '!; - ni.irl-oi'd'. crawili was t"tn -'.'
i;-- ''!' -der ecu Id I" well
or. ,id of and wa- a area! achieve
ment ,!'.- tit- I "la : t .-iiiout !i aerie.
WVr hy f'-tate l'i "-ident ,. 1'. Mi.r
an i" N't hra-ka C::y also euuipli-n.e-.fil
I'l.:t tsni' ;:Mi on its arowth in
nn :r.!eflip and ured all those wiio
( i:', d t s. -e tha' their .it-ra- were rep
: - ri.-j a' P!att!!!'n: h at 'tie state
ii"-;. in Mv oi the c.ciiiiija year.
AYothy .:;.'e Vi( (-I'resident Wil
li: tn I'.a relay, extended to the mein
!': ; f tit order present an invita-'i,.-:
1-1 the pjs; s"a.'e ta t '.ering and
P t i- d Mtut th.e city and ; he'PIat ts
: -r ! ; rit w.-uld see tlot the vis
itcrs " ."ere veil reefived and etiter
tait e,i and uri;"d that every aerie
!,.. : , i,re-eti ed at the n;eetiti2.
Tlie S'irh (triiaiia ai ri" initiated
t w-f-1 -t liree tien ni'tahi-rs. the work
,i- y. i n ! the d 1 i 11 1 am of that
t'iy : ad the l laMsmouth orches'ra
iurui-hit.;: the indieentHl mil: if for
i work. At the cunciii-ior. of the
-t e f'i ni ahitiir the nu-mhers of the
p.. v w "-treated to ati Mepant feed
wai h -erve 1 t bring t o t he climax a
u.o t delightful evening.
The int-ml ers from this city and
N l.;.i-ka City returned mi the mid
nirht train.
For ai-y pain. hum. reald or
Pruiv-. apply !r. Thomas' Kelectric
f i i -the honehld rem dy. Two
sir.e.-. "c and t'oc. at all drug stores.
Proin Wednesday f raily. ,
Yesterday af'errinon Jii'lge liegh y
called the docket for th.e November
, term of the district court and the
different case- were a--ign(d for
: trial and the preliminary work for
. :1if opening A the jury term arrniig
j ed. The jury has been called lor
l Tm sday. Novemher Hith. The Jiiry
j will liave a nuruber of very import -iit.t
cases to conie before iluui includ
' irrr the rlamace sui's of Mrs. Kuna
T.i.v'...r. Klmer Tayi'-r and Mary
F'ifint v. JohirK'-.ika!. el a!, as will
:. - t he mai'er of t he esta'e of John
. Web'm r. dec-:;s( (.. aim ;.i the la.-t
I (: a nwmhor of n ae.l -; ial is - -!
wil! ' " , t--: if- a- to t in
ahiiity of the decea-ed to make a will.
' Thti " t e tiiio , f th.e cou'
w ;;- on upied in louring th" matioi
'e'ere ,y variola- attorney-, on the
6 litigation that is pending on the ti e 1-
t . j
Saturday, Mo v.
action weakens f he luiwfis. h a'!.- tn
Old Hens, per lb 20r chronic ( n at ipation. (J--t I loan 'r
Springs, per lb 20r Ueulets. Thev operate easily. line
Eoostcrs. per lb lie at ',,,ros-
Eemember Saturday
Lutz's Store store.
"e Iht- iitfvv.line of lad it-? teady-
. i r -. .
ta-v.ear g&Miif-'.s at t:.e m. rang"::
Dozens of Brand New
Just Arrived!
ALo everything in the
At the Paint -Store.
UrS 6th Street