I .. THHP.SDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1920. PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAG'C TEHEE Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. THERE'S NOT A MAN IN THIS COM MUNITY WHO DOESN'T NEED THE SERVICE A GOOD, STRONG BANK HAS TO OFFER. This is a strong, conservative institu tion, and we have an earnest desire to serve you. Call on us at any time with your financial problems, and it will be a pleasure to try and help you solve them. A Friendly, Serviceable Bank ank of Unioni UNION NEBRASKA bi' made at the alley, thus domR away with the pols in the streets. This will make main street the better and will add much to the service of the patrons as the underground circuit will do awav with trouble. Kir. Clarke was a v:? la-t Friday visiting at i: is parents for the day. Sheriff ( D. Quinton itor the in I'nion home i was a visitor m t'ni n one day last week looking after some legal matters. "W. 15. I'.anning: had a car of ap ples on track last Monday which he was selling at 52.00 per bushel. I'harles Hemphill of Nehawka was a visitor at the home of Frank An derson last Monday between trains: Miss Eula Frans was the guest at home of her friend. Miss Lena Klaurens at Nehawka over Sunday. On account of the inclemency of the weather last Sunday there was no service held at the Sciota school house. Misses Bessie LaRue and Lydia Clarke visited with friends in Omaha Saturday and also done some trading as well. Mrs. Garretson of Omaha was a Joe Bauer at their home in I'nion last Sunday. Thomas Moore of Walthill. was a ivisitor in I'nion for a few days during the past week, spending the time j with friends here. The Farmers store had a car load of potatoes on track last Monday which were selling at 11.40 a bushel and going rapidly. , J. F. Wilson has jut completed the painting of a barn at the home of I John MrCarroll. w hich he has made f look like a new one. ' Mr. M. K. Phepherdson. living near the Sciota school, is reported as being very sick at his home, and has been for several days past, j C. W. Clarke and A. I. Hathaway were looking after some business mat ters at Omaha last Monday evening, going on the train to that place. H. ll. Becker who has been in the ( ' west all fall, returned home several iitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i days ago and reported the west pros- "That Baby Overland" we have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity tor the "Baby Overland." which you must see and ride in' to appreciate. "We also carry' Oldsomobile Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full stock of tires and accesories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or repair work. ROBERT WILLIS, UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, FOR COLORADO SALE! LAND We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in Lincoln County, Colorado, at this tim. Come, see land, where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Saturday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land and at a price where any one can pur chase and at prices where ane one can pay. CHAS. BOWUISH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. ! pering. but not equal to Cass county, j Miss Ora Clarke who is attending i a musical conservatory at Lincoln ! was a visitor at the home of her par ents, C. W. Clarke and wife. Sunday. Eugene Roddy was a visitor in I'nion over Sunday, coming down to spend the day with his folks and re turning to his work in Omaha Sun day evening. ; Harry Zirk of Norfolk, an optome trist, was a visitor in I'nion for a hort time last Monday while on his way to Texas, where he expects to spend the winter. There will he services at the M. E. church at the regular hours next Sunday and a cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy and profit by them. i jonn f . rorier anu w ne. w iiu their little son. William Harry, of ( 'nar Avoca. were visiting at the homes of W. H. Porter and I). B. i J'orter over Sunday. lir. C. M. Swab was a visitor in Omaha for a short time last Sunday and remained over for Monday, re turning home on the afternoon train ' i;f the Missouri Pacific. ) Joe Banning was looking after some business matters at Nebraska Citv last Mondav and among other tilings was having some much needed dental work done while there. Bert Clarence. John Frans and James L,ewin were visiting and look ing after some business matters at Nebraska City last Monday, going to that city on the morning train. Mrs. H. I... Swanson and two child ren were visiting in Eagle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Renner. who are the parents of Mrs. Swanson. they remaining over Saturday and Sunday. Otville McQuinn. O. W. Finney, and Ira Clarke, were out on the Mis souri for a time last Sunday and re turned with some thirty-two duck. They say the shooting was fine and the results show it. Mrs. Etta Bryan and Mrs. Lynn Hammerston and son Bobbie, of Oma ha, spent Sunday and Monday at the home of their friend. Mrs. W. M. Bar ritt of I'nion. They enjoyed an ex cellent time while here. Ellis LaRue and Kemper Frans, who have accepted positions in the Burlington shops at Flat tsmout h and are employed there at the present time were spending the week end at the home of the folks m l nion last Suila v. Messrs. J. H. Miller and Henry Cruder, of Nehawka. wore visiting in Union for a short time last Mon day, and while here inspected the work recently done on the home of W. H. Porter. They were on their way to Omaha to look after some business matters. Reuben Hathaway reports that a duck while en route from the north to the "Sunny South' alighted in his cornfield and became mired in the mud. Mr. Hathaway was afraid to say much about it. fearing W. H. Porter or Fred Clarke would go out and kill the poor thing. J. C. Paling and W. J. Miller, both of Nebraska City, were in I'nion lat Monday morning looking after some business matters for the Keystone Pipe company and were in consulta tion with V. B. Banning, who is secretary for the company whose main factory is in Nebraska Citv. The Modern Woodman hall is be ing prepared to accommodate travel ine road shows and numerous "vaude ville" acts may be looked for during the long winter months. This will in no way interfere with the enter tainments being put on by Messrs. Willis and Lindsay, which have so far proven excellent. Fred Clarke. Glen Austin. Ira Clarke and Blair Porter were out hunting ducks last Tuesday morning and hunted at the barber shop lact Monday, in their talk, practicing for the event of the day following. Suf fice to say they got enough ducks in their anticipations, but how many in the actual trial we do not know. Mrs. E. .1. Mauzey. Mrs. E. G. Todd. Miss Elsie Taylor and W. H. Porter were in attendance at the Cass county Sunday school conven tion which was held at Elm wood on last Monday and Tuesday. Owing to the bad weather the delegates from here did not get to go until Tuesday, thereby missing out on the first day's program. Made a Good Drive. The committee which was ap pointed to look after securing funds. ! for the Salvation Army drive, and of .which L. G. Todd is chairman, has succeeded in collecting a considerable amount of money for the work. A balance of .t7, left on hand from other drives was applied to this fund, and with the contributions made a .total of $118.50. The contributors 'and amounts were as follows: F. H. 'McCarthy and L. G. Todd, $10 each; W. P.. Banning. $": Mont Robb and Joe Banning. $? each; Robert Willis, ?2; W. C. Carraher. lr. C. M. Swab, 'll. L. Burbee, K. I Stine, J. M. Pat terson, J. A. Talkington. Frank H. Bauer, Jessie Todd. !.. K. Upton. Jack Lidgett. C. F. Harris. Ii.-rwoud Lynde. E. W. Keedy. W. O. Burbee. A. 11. 'Austin. Geo. Eaton and I. W. Fos ter. $1.00 each: C. W. Chirk, .". notwithstanding his protets he was elected to the position. Mr. Taylor who is a minister of the gospel, and by virtue of that position, his mission is t heal difference betwc-n friends and neighbors, nut try th"m i a e;!f of law and for that rearTi he N not accepting the position. lie i expressing his warmest thanks to those friends who .-o gmcionly sup ported him for the ofti-.-e. supposing that he would accept it. While feel ins detply irrateful for t he expression of t ! i . ; r iriendship. he inn-t i.-ui ? them th;:t lie cannot accept the p,;-:-ti-..n. n- Will Take Easiness Course. Herbert L.iKue will di parr for I coin nc.' Sunday evining to In git' a li;iiiit-- course in the Lincoln Bu : :ess College, preparatory to eu'erltii; a business car" -r. Hi rbert ha.- t ti native abiiit v a l: (I we a re sure h- v i:i ma k -UCC his e!i'i-":i .!: Women Ac-know If dge Kindness '!'! ladi-.- of the M-t !! dist -Inirch. who st rved dinner ami --upper ;:t the I CUR STORE as and Mitts, Salt and time to clo that Painting. For Groceries, General Hardware BY COINING TO cr G.ov Now 13 ihs Hus DO NOT LET WINTER CATC OUT O? COAL .T . We h turriiy. ave it now V-. tc.kc of ; oe A GOOD STGQK r... c- lore v l advantage I .. r,r.v mean to OF COOTS tffl SHOES 'r.- YOU the oppor- without. Money A. r vm U fc 4 UNION NEBRASKA Will Return to Union. Earl Dawson, who has bei n mak ing his home near Walthill. wh re he has been employed as a farm hand, was a visitor in Un.on f,-r a few days and with Mrs. Dawson, were guests of friends here, departing- last Mon day for Plattsmout h w ii.-re they vi--ited for a short time at the home of C II. Frans and w:f.. of that pla'-e tit-fore departing for the n rth. When Mr. Dawson .-hall have con. pitied the picking of the crop of corn, he and his wife will return to Union to mak' their home. He declares that he likes the vicinity -f Union the ! t-ter. W' : 1 mi hnl ( Vt Kinil in; Ui. W i elect at k : i v ml P..- ' l! a l t-Tpt : me:; i l!'T ; 1 ::'.. 'A , : l.al.Ks e and c, .-ted in ii'---s i' : c!, .p-r. fh. mi on ,ii to 11 and wi-h ti li all Who. b x ri out Sorts, i T': T in At :endtd the Ttrchcrs Institute S'.;pe: intt. nden of the Union Prof. S-'V-ryn. attended tht rs institute at Omaha la-t wtk f. utile of days and during that Th (::!, p p.- ,e 4'1J. !.' r:ate-Inrs j. -ihar : i arnvi '.:t-. - la; Win My e Kf.--or: Li'fl: of : i v. i - of th- I fie Chum h l.-.lV ; ll L: T .!. i 1 :: n l!i C ?. rr. r?i d i r ' . ( 'i: r:.-i No.. '.-i v. ' ,.!ol . !.' pUVp Did Not Want th Unknown to the liev lor. his friends placed the ballot for justic- ,f OlFice . YV. A. Tay his name on t lie pence and s h tea for : iiii i a-h. is-' ; --cho: 1 ! f Mi i llHVp ' scieri y v, ct i r 1 1 - ::d::j i :: : iie ' v s ! Ml ll v t lie .-cho ils were c'o- h" succeeded in t : !'i r t he vacancy d In the facultv ,f Is ;' o- son-e time, in t Gen rude i? -riven. ed. While .securing a wliich had ttie Uni in ie j rson who w; ill chat f 1 he history a schools nd d.i Ti ll re. es! if Miss for hav ; -til ' i.'-h- v :K ! the Up in t lo will h 'a rnes to nvi ; i n Ti 1 1 '! t:o 1 I:-( with th Li j:a---r 1; ml U t I 1 and i ! v ' ll,.- last i; i : I " e ! ' : l.itl, t he Ci, 11 i ; j. i: -v Nov. I'l 1 ' i ! -:" . 'o : ' lor , what i .- r. d r m - !' r . : . f.T . th ; :!.e,:.ti vim: - to mi. : . tie ;!' c . - w ; noi- i- that th nuea to MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE OUR ATTENTION 78 Retail Stores and 4 Factories give Kinney's enough volume to undersell, sold every day by this great concern save its customers nearly one-half. The' thousands of pair; Let xis r.aY'e you money of shoes too! Extra SneciaU Men's Rubber Boots! Are you prepared for them? Now is the time to get ready for cold weather and snow. Give us an order for storm doors and storm win dows before a storm strikes you. Better fix up the sheds and barns. Neglected stock will show the results. How about the chimneys on the house? More fires are started from defective flues than most any other cause. Look 'em over NOW. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Frans Bros'. Lumber Co., Telephone Company Will Improve The I'nion Telephone company will in a short time make some very radical changes in the handling of their lines in the city. They have on the way some 2.000 feet of cable which will he installed in the city in the course of a few weeks. The ca ble will be laid from the pole near the exchange east to the home rf L. O. Todd and also extending one block south and two blocks north of that place. The cable will be laid under ground and connections will You Can Eat ! We are carrying Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods! Also Working Clo he and Boots and Shoes! We will have Fresh Meat from this date on. Bring in Your Fresh Produce BEST PRICES!- Black knee length rubber boots that are worth easily double our scle price. This week onlv. at Me len s booi?. ucca three-quarter 9 ! J : cua: ,u no. FULL LINE RUBBERS FOR MEN, WOMEN u Lrb REGULATION U. S. flRKY SHOES Russet calf dress shoes. Every pair in spected. An excel lent shoe for winder. 5T1 $6.98 pair. . . t - - V L. EUSen's Dress Shoes Men's black and tan dress shoes blu cher or English styles. A rare bargain, at, per pair Children's Department! Infants' Shoes Tan or black calr l.ice, n!i sizes ial up to 6. Verv i rr all week, ;.t V Chiidrera's Shoes Black all size ace srun metal 1 s. cry tf tf 11 ,..l Xk. JT at r4 an .49 :- I e sh 78 Retail S tores and 4 factories! Ladies' High Louis heel in bl graT and combina tion. Worth doublt this price iigh Shoes! brown. ack. $5.98 700 Pairs of Ladiss' High Shoes High heels, all all colors and binations at . . , size:, com- Shoes for Growing Girls! In bu)ing shoes for the grow ing foot, precaution must be taken again.vt early cramping, hy select iii cnlv those l;uilt around cor rectly foot r.iwz.j Slice; Low heels : shaped last-. ; tf reatt Y hild'i our c consiceration in b)a; or tan, i ana medium correct shapes owiri3 feci . . . and up to $G.98 calf or kid $4.98 SOUTH SIXTH STREET Plattsmouth, CUTH SIXTH STREET 'as ( i . i : Mil I vi v ol !i(!!l-lo:j ! eo:i veji il to- i o 1 1 ' on . ! se 'ing .1! en he V and r. ;n -o-and n li o- i-1. i ti I UNION R. D. STINE, UNION -:- -:- NEBRASKA NEBRASKA