The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 08, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    f- 1 I
Tbe plattsmoutb journal
ICntfieil at i'ostofrice. IMattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publiaher
Governor Cox was defeated for
president. Hut, how?
Harding is elected president. He is
as much our president as yours.
Don't be contented with your lot
that is, not until you have built a
house on it.
Trices in the va'wlous stores are
tumbling, but some things are still
out of reach.
-:o: '
A Frenchman marries when he
needs help; an American marries
when he can afford it.
The coroner's jury said that Mac
Swiney died of heart failure. That's
what everybody dies of.
Regardless of all o campaign
prophets may say, the most doubtful
stale is the state of matrimony.
Leon Bourgeois, the French states
man, says that Europe does not re
gard Article X of the league of na
t ions as vital.
Bergdoll, the deserter, is -still at
large. Our suggestion is that the
secretary of war put "Hard Boiled"
Smith on his trail.
Owing to recent reductions iu
men's clothing, it will not be neces
sary for the stronger sex to go en
tirely back to nature.
Another American has been mur
dered in Mexico. Oh. well, maybe
we will murder a Mexican in this
country in a few days.
There is no excuse for murder
now adays. By waiting a while, you
may live to read that your enemy
killed himself with his motor car.
- :o:
Jimmy Cox finished the campaign
feeling like a young goat on a new
tin mom. The nation admiics him
tor the gallant fight he has made.
Harding will be O. K. if he will
turn his back on such radicals as
Penrose, Lodge. Borah and some
others and stand by the American
Regardless of who is elected, the
sun will keep right on shining, the
birds will sing in the trees, and the
flowers will bloom in the springtime,
Fleanor Olyn, author of "Three
Weeks." has come to America in
search of a superman. Will some
body please tell Fleanor that we are
not at home?
Some girls are envying the New
York woman who found a diamond
in a piece of candy; but others are
taking the candy and expecting the
diamond later on.
Speaking of the Canadian border,
as Herbert Corey so frequently does,
Jimmy Montague, the well known
professor of Kipling, calls it "Our
far-flung bottle line."
; o ; -
A press dispatch says that troops
have occupied Bokara. That's one
of the places where the oriental rugs
that are never worth the price asked
for them come from.
jHonestly, we don't caro a cuss
what Jimmie Cox said about the Sat
urday Fvening Post. That publi
cation has utterly destroyed our
taste for good literature.
Nebraska is fortified, come what
may. We have plenty of sweet po
tatoes, corn, sorghum, hogs and po
tatoes. Therefore, we will eat re
gardless of what happens.
$ik better
tft O , ...
Si- & have le:
have learned
that there are two
ways to care for
clothes. They are
learning to take
care of them.
It is quite amanuerly thingto take
care of your clothes investment and
protect it up to the limit. Having
your clothes carefully dry cleaned
will improve their wear and help to
prolong the life of their stylish lines.
g ; Getting acquainted wjth our work
means getting in touch with a real
money saving service.
Goods Called for and Delivered
Goat: Anything of yours that
your enemy gejs.
We shall soon have again two liv
ing ex-presidents, something rather
If a man falls off a roof Le cer
tainly has an excuse for eaves drop
ping. (
Apropos to jazz music, it is sig
nificant that no man has ever learned
to whistle it.
Just as fast as it grows easier for
a man to do without friends, he finds
that their number increases.
: o:
Despite the fact that a cat rarely
moves, it seldom becomes as fat as a
dog would under similar circumstanc
es. -
If men grow bald because of the
intense activity of their brains is
that why women have no whiskers
on their chin?
. :o: j
One American in every eight has j
a telephone, according to statistics.
And there are times when they are j
all talking at once.
:o: j
Many a man who doesn't know
enough to go in when it rains knows
enough to raise the best umbrella
he can get his hands on.
o:o !
They say a woman cannot keep
a secret. That is why we believe
in having them in politics. We are
in favor of pitiless publicity.
A singular omission in the matter
of legal rormalities is the failure of
laws of the United States to provide
a president-elect of his election.
Oil man hurt by fall, says a head
line. But what fell? The man or
the price of oil? The man, appar
ently, since there was no fatility.
The only things we have against
those beautiful chrysanthemums you
see in the show windows is that their
name is so confounded hard to spell.
Thanksgiving is not far o;, and
after that, comes the holidays.' Guess
we will have plenty to do as we
await these events, and worry won't
be in it.
We had a forecast of what is going
on in Ireland today a few years ago,
when the Molly Maguires were ter
rorizing the mining regions of Penn
sylvania. :o:
It isn't too early to start your
Christmas shopping. If you begin
now you will escape all that nagging
the newspapers indulge in during the
last eight weeks of the year.
The press dispatches have told us
all about the death of the king of
Greece from blood poisoning due to
a monkey bite, but they fail to tell
us what became of the monkey.
"The gowns of tcday require per
fect fitting underware," says a fash
ion note. That takes a mighty load
off our mind. We had begun to fear
that underwear had been abolished.
Judging from the pictures of so
ciety girls printed i nthe Sunday
papers the photographers are in such
a hurry that they won't even wait
for the dear things to get dressed.
:o: -
A California Indian more than 100
years of age, died recently from burns
caused when a pipe ignited his cloth
ing. And now the opponents of the
use of tobacco can point to another
horrible example.
A Georgia girl, sentenced to serve
a year in jail for shoplifting, avoid
ed doing the greater part of her term
by eloping with the jailer. Next
time she faces such a choice, she prob
ably will choose the shorter sentence.
Governor McKelvie will be in pow
er two more years, lie had a hard
fight, but he fought a good fight.
We have frequently said in these
columns that there has been worse
governors In the gubernatorial chair.
Better be looking up some new
topics of conversation. Now with
the baseball season behind us, the
League of Nations settled, the elec
Hon over and old II. C. of L .on the
run. what will we talk about, in
come tax?
:o: -
Jerry Howard, who has been con
tinually elected to the legislature In
Omaha for the past ten or twelve
years, is this time snowed under,
Fries, of St. Paul, who has been
elected continually for about the same
time, also got lost in the snow drift
When Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt re
nounced allegiance to the democratic
party and declared her intention of
voting for Harding, it was the first
that most of us knew she belonged
to the democratic party. The Vander
bilt family has not been noted for
its allegiance to democracy in the
past. The departure of Mrs. Vander
bilt causes no sorrow.
The retailers insist that the whole
salers make all the profits. The
wholesalers insist that the manufac
turers make all the profits, and the
manufacturers insist that they are
getting nothing at all; that after the
producer of the raw material is
through profiteering the wholesaler
and the retailer get all that is left.
Verily, business is traveling In a
circlethese days.
tell the difference! J&' tf VA A: ' A O
This test of direct compari, Mnak Y10 VK - SSSSeSSa
son was made by Anna Case, Wl uSC & X ' Vv vV r
world-famous soprano, be- ' ' ' VT
onM?rchoTT920.CS?e vSS Wf '' " VU
the three diagram sketches J ' Y' '' ' VVl ;llPk .tood betide tht ' X'5 (Sfl ' llk
NewEison and sang. , r. 't 'WSRVV
the Uzhtowent out, but Mitt TsX " -gML -'M' ,Vi jIBIlk
CaseWcewentsmoothlyon. "fc. VliBt
the lights went on again. Miss f ff lh V sV fT'm
Case was gone. The audience .xiV 1 film Xtt" t--- - VC?" T Jt gts. f fe.
gasped with surprise to find I film ""'rC3rrT'J .Tiftf lfsS$ll22l$2$
that her voice had been com- sS I tfl Vl j -p I fflf8 ifT
' VvM' m "Milium
- - -. t
We want you to see it, listen to it,
test it for yourself. This marvelous
phoncyjraph can give the family more
pleasure than any other instrument
you can buy them for Christmas.
Here is why :
Tkis phonograph has actually proved
that it can match the performance of
the living artist, and match it so
perfectly that no one can tell its Rs
CREATioNfromtheliving performance.
It did this on March 10, 1920 before
2500 people at Carnegie Hall, New
YorkCity-with Anna Case, the world
famed soprano. It did this on Sep
tember 30th, 1919, before 2500 people
at Carnegie Hall, Eittsburgh with
Marie Rappold, prima donna of the
Metropolitan Opsra Company. It
did this on November 5th, 1919,
before 6500 teachers at the State
Armory, Albany with Mario Lau
renti of the Metropolitan Opera
Company. It did this over 40C0
other times, with more than fifty
great vocalists and instrumentalists.
Y ou can read the facts of these
amazing achievements in the leading
newspapers of the United States and
Canada. They are the talk of the
music and scientific world.
And the phonograph? It's the Official
Laboratory Model of the New
Edison, "the phonograph with a
soul." Every Official Laboratory
Model in our store is an exact dupli
cate of the famous original Official
Laboratory Model which cost Mr.
Edison three million dollars to per
fect. It is capable of sustaining the
test of direct comparison; we guar
antee this.
Get an Official Laboratory Model
for Christmas. You will have the
one phonograph which brings you
the living performances of great ar
tists exactly as those artists have
given them. You know this is so!
The proof ha3 been given! The ab
solute, scientific proof!
Say the word, and we'll save an
Official Laboratory Model for you,
and deliver it in time for Christmas.
jthc Phonograph whh a Soul"
Test It Yourself
Money Help
Prices (
Youll be able to recognize its superiority
with your own ears in every kind of vocal
and instrumental music. Come in and
see whether this isn't so. We'll gladly give
you Mr. Edison's famous Realism Test.
Ask about our Budget Plan. It shows you
how to make best use of your Christmas
money. It brings your New Edison for
Christmss , and makes 1921 help pay . Care
ful, systematic spending always makes
money go farther.
There is no inflation in Edison Prices.
"Edison stood the Gaff" to keep his favor
ite invention within the reach of everyon.
The football game yesterday be
tween Glenwood and Plattsmoutb. op
ened with what seemed certain vic
tory for the local aggregation but the
boys from Keg creek were able to
come right back and tie the score and
the final result was seven alike for
the two teams.
In the opening quarter the Platts
moutb team got busy and annexed
their touchdown in the first few min
uates and had the visitors played off
their feet. Joe McCarthy , begin the
offensive that brought the touchdown
when he pulled off a thirty yard. end
run that brought the ball far in the
territory of the visitors from Iowa
and Carl Schneider repeated with an
other good run that brought the ball
to within a. few feet of the Glenwood
goal and from where it was easy to
push over the ball for the needed
tally.' Dovey was successful in kick
ing goal and left the score seven
good ones for the home boys and
created unbounded enthusiasm
among the fans who had assembled
to cheer on the team.
On the kick off by- Plattsmoutb
Harry Hanks, full back of the .vis
itors proceeded to gain much ground
as thel locals seemed unable to hold
him and when finally downed he had
advanced to the center of the grid
iron. On downs the Glenwood team
lost the ball and then the tragedy
occurred as Hanks intercepted a pass
of the locals and tore down the field
to cross over the Plattsmouth goal for
a touchdown Hanks also kicked
the goal that tied up the game.
After the first two touchdowns
the game was much more hatly con
tested and both teams played a
clever defensive game. The visitors
relied largely on thsir. punting to se
cure their advances while the locals
were more successful in their end
runs. A number of passes by both
teams were incomplete and proved
fruitless in. gaining ground.
In the last quarter the ball was
brought into the Plattsmouth terri
tory and in attempting an end run,
Howard Bishop. playing one of the
half back positions for the visitors
attempted . an end -run and was ser
iously hurt as he was tackled by one
of the Plattsmouth team, being
kicked or striking the back of his
head so seriously that-he was taken
from the field in an unconscious con
dition and did not recover sufficiently
to resume the game and was removed
to the office of a physician for treatment.
On last Saturday the. Rev. Levi V.
Scott family returned from an auto
trip to. Oklahoma. At Chandler they
visited with the B. E. Conley family,
where Mr. Conley is superintendent
of the city schools.
Rev. Scott says they have the fin
est and best equipped schools there
he has ever seen and that Mr. Conley
is doing great work and the-people
are well pleased and predict the best
school year in the history of their
The family also visited at Edmond,
with relatives. They took in some
of the frontier day programs at Okla
homa City. Mr. Scott says every
thing is booming there, especially in
the oil and gas business. Crops are
good, but the cotton market is a
little backward.
Samples of cotton and persimmons
were brought back and left at this
office, which are a curiosity to the
good many people.-er-Echo.
-Elmwood Lead-
30,000 acres of land located in the
highlands of Louisiana. See F. G.!
Egenberger, Agent, Plattsmouth. j
ja w.,
Good barn in the best of shape.
Inquire of Fred G. Egenberger. tf-d.
We write bonds, fire, tornado, burg
lar, accident and compensation in
surance. Let us quote you our
ol2 lm. J. P. FALTER & SON.
See F. G. Egenberger for the cele
brated Hawkeye tires. Any tize for
any make of car. A tire that will
give you service.
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