The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    J r
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'jus. wh' m !!
Murray Department
If wt of the readers of the
Journal kDor of any social
event or item of Interest in
this Ticlnlty. and will mail
s use to this office. It will ap
pear under this headier. Ws
want all news Items Editob
r -
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
i The best credential any young
I k X I prooi or a gooa
ifjjvAi savings account.
It signifies good habits, ambi
tion, thrift and perseverance
all worthy characteristics that
employers appreciate.
A savings account is not only
a good character reference, but it
is also a good business investment.
So decide today not to delay.
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four pr cent interest on time deposits.
Cur deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Phillip Lambert for the past week,
departed last Monday for the west,
poinp: via train to Los Angeles, where
they will spend the winter.
There s ill he a meeting of the Li
brary association or. Monday after
noon. N vemhcr Sth, when they wii!
take tip and diEp.ise of such business
as may come in fore tho association,
among which is also the election of
the officers for the coining year.
J. 11. Burton or better known as
"I'ncle Joe", who has been con lined
'to his bed mih last summer with a
j broken hip. progressing likely and
i'". a' in .s lime o:e 10 su no un ;t-4
short time. It is he peel that he will
socT: be able to be about again.
T. J. I'.renJel and Jarvas Lancaster
were looking after soni business
matters at Avoca last Wednesday af
ternoon, they driving over in the
truck of 1r. Lancaster, who does an
excellent trucking business and if
one of the moat reliable workmen in
his line.
The Ladies Aid society of the
C hristian church will meet, at the
I home of Mrs. Frank Moure's on Wen
, nenla of next week. All members
!f the society are requested to be in
! ! t : f ft .i '-f :i tl.ii is business of
t'i soiiety to look after, and a rkh!
tini is assured to all who attend.
T. .1 TiNon w;is a visitor in Vep
it Water 1:r-t Saturday, where be
;: terclcd the fine In. 5 sale hy Wade
Porter. Mr. Tilson purchased a fine
I P.iluinl 'liini tiiinr mil' of a Tri7C
animal he h.o' so'.l about a year ngo.
! Mr. Wilson in purchasing this ani
mal knew just th good qualities of
the animal which he was securing.
Mrs. Cubem Vincent of Oruaha. ad
dressed the people of Murray at the
Puis hall last Saturday on the sub
ject of the league of nations and
made an excellent address. The
speaker was met in Plattsniouth by
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young, who
brought her in their car to Murray,
where she remained their guest while
t0i stayed in Murray.
The missionary society will meet
at the home of Mrs. Albert Younc
on the afternoon of November 12th,
and 'will be entertained by Mrs.
Young. Mrs. 11. ('. Iyong and Mrs.
W. A. Royal. There will, be some
business of importance to look af
ter and also a good time is in store
for all who are in attendance. Corn
and enjoy a pleasant afternoon.
signed his position and accepted one
with the Cannon Sales company of
Lincoln, and is working with them
in their disposition of .stocks of goods.
This company will find Mr. Baker an
excellent man and he will give them
excellent service.
Hogs For Sale.
,cale. pure bred Duroc Jersey
two hundred pounds for 50.
Murray. Neb.
Murray Christian Church.
Services next Lords Day as fol
lows: Bible school at 10 a. m.
Subject of lesson, "Principles of
Christian Living."
Preaching at 11 a. ru. Subject of
sermon, "Man's Work in Christ's
Church." All are cordially inviteJ
o attend these services and the men
are urged to be present.
A. O. Hollowell.
J. 1. Fai'er was in attendance- at :
the spraki:ig at Murray last Sa'ur
d;.y evening. :
A f'.v while leghorn tVckrels i ri
s.'h at $ 1 each.
.ilrs. Alt in Young.
.Mrs. L. H . Pnlo v i.s reported as
bing among those who were sick
dining the week. '
AMert Young sold and shipped
three head of his fine hogs to -u-- !
tin. ts in Iowa last Tuesday.
Mrs. I,eha Queen of Pl:rtt?mo;zth.
was a g:iest of friends in Murray at
the spfaking last Saturday evening.
Karl and Cecil Ainick were visit
ing jr. Plat t.-mout !i I;i.-t Tuesday,
where they were watching the evic
tion i. T'irii- and were the guests of
Nickoh-.s Vr r.rci and vifr were
visiting in Omaha lat Tue day eve
ni: g. being pas'ngcrs to hat plarf?
n til- ,-vining train of the Pur
ling t in .
A. .1. Vi!sr,n. who some time ago
MilT'Tf! a !. by fire, which was
ciiii-ed by the "t urning of paper, took
(in some lumber last Wednesday to
rial.-- the ti'Ti-ssarv repair; cs-used liv
w. r. vera
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Te!cpho-ic 42S Flattsmoulh E:cchang:c
the fire.
V.. S. Tutt and wire were visiting
with friends in Omaha last Sunday
and remained over night, returning
home last Monday morning, having
enjoyed an excellet time with their
friends there.
Little Kichard Brendol. son of Dr.
and Mrs. J. F. Brenricl. has been
very si-k at their home for the past
few days, but is later reported as be
long considerably improved, and is
continuing 'o mend.
JVse McYey of Platls-mouth and
Henry He-ebner of Cedar Creek, were
both in town lart Tuesday, coming '
down to cast their vote for their ,
choice of the Americans who are to '
! e rulers or tne country.
Ray Chandler and den. u. Trook of
Avoc?. v. ere in Murray last Wednes
day, bringing a load of chickens to
the market here where t hy were
mI:', to the chicken dealers who come
to Murray weekly from Omaha.
J. A. Scotten's concrete mixer
wandered away from home last Sat
urday night and found a resting
place be ween the Puis store and the
V.. nk where it vs easily raptured
by the-owner Sunday morning.
.loan Kppings and wife, with their
iiitie daughter, were visiting in Ne
br ika City last Monday, where they
were looking after some business and
also consulting a specialist at that
plaee as to the condition of the health
ef Mr. Kppings.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Uamsey of Oma
ha, where Mr. Ramsey is assistant
city attorney, were gutsts of friends
in .Murray ' iast Saturday at which
, time Attorney Ramsey addressed a
meeting here in the subject fo the
lea.rue of nations.
John Papkus anil wife of Freep.ut.
Ill . who have been visiiing for some
t i in" at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Enjoyed a Wet Hunt.
Harry Barrows of Omaha, who is
a 1. rot her of T. S. Barrows of Mur
ray, and a numlnr of companions of
thwit city, down the river Tast
Saturday evening and enjoyed a bum
as Hindi as they e.iuid for the weath
i r. which was far from the most
pleasant, as it was raining most of
he lime. They camped out for the
;iight when it set in raining and
when it became unprofitable as far
as enjoyment was concerned, they
all came over to Murray and visited
with Ted and family until in the
evening when they went to Platts
rnouth where they took the trair
or onian a.
The Spirit cf Youth.
The youthful pranks of the citi
zens of Murray was demonstrated
last Saturday night, when some of
the fellow-s got together for a little
of the old time enjoyment. They
o'k an ancient buggy which was
nice the property of Ir. G. II. Gil
more and placed it in front of the
post office, in order that it might be
utilized as a hitching rack. It has
remained there since, as those who
placed it there uo not care to return
it to its wonted place, and no one
else will. They took the auto of
James ! Pat diet t and plared it on the
railroad track and a farm wagon
they dismembered, placing the hind
portion on the culvert just east of
town, while the front wheels and
tongue, they took some two miles
northeast where they left by the
way side. Some way the corn of
Or. J. F. Bren.lel. J. W. Berger and
James Ilatchett got in the Missouri
Pacific stock yards. No particular
damage was done.
Men's Union Suits!
This year wc have a nice line to select from in the
v inter weight unions. In fact any weight you want
and at prices that arc below today's market.
Men's heavy weight, heavy fleece unions, $3
values go at $2.50
Men's wool process unions, soft finished and
comfortable. A $3.50 value
Men's part wool unions. A bargain price,
value on sale at
Men s medium weicht, Iicht lleccmg, ?ray color,
nicely made and a fine suit. $3 value
Wright's Health unions, mostly wool construe
tion. Reduced to. ... ,
Hiait .
! Makes Trip to Colridgc
W. II. Puis was in the northern
portion of the state where he visited
at and near Coliidgo for a few days
I last week. Mr. Puis found a very
bad ;peci rfi'weather which was not
as bearable as that furnished here.
He hastened home to avoid the snow
which was falling.
Srrvrd an Excellent Dinner
The ladies of the Christian church
of Murray on election day last Tues
day, served at the library building
an oT.eillMit dinner and supper which
was like mother used to serve, and
which was enjoyed hy the large
crowd of voters who luol struggled
through the muddy roads fr the
purpo. e of crowing, their votes. The
ladies of the church are adept at
:-e!"vr; and Hiose who ate with them
were greatly p!e;i.ofi with the dinner
and supper that they secured. The
ladis realizerj about eighty dollars
from their efforts.
Will Hold Services Sunday.
Rev. Ren wick, who lias often held
fcrvices at the Presbyterian church
in Murr.-y and who is well and fav
orably known, will conduct services
at that place on next Sunday, both
morning and evening. In addition
there will be excellent singing and
musi and those who attend are
promised an excellent servic. Come
, and bring a friend with you and
enjoy the discourse of this excellent
' speaker.
Former Cass County Girl Married.
Miss Naomi Adams and Mr. George
West, both residents of Bethany,
Neb., were married at Lincoln. Neb.,
October 27.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. I). L. Adams, who were residents
r this place for many years. She is
.veil known in this community where
die has a host of friends who will
join in wishing the young people
nuch happiness and prosperity.
School Notes.
Wickham visited
is visiting in
ast Friday.
Mabel Howard
"lattsmouth today.
Lloyd Leyda was a visitor in Weep
ng Water Monday.
Marie Puis is going to Plattsniouth
Tuesday to visit the dentist.
Miss Mabel Howard is absent from
chool n account of the pink-eye.
Barnev Smith, former pupil of
his school, was visiting the graiu
nar room last Monday.
Hazel Davis arrived home Sunday,
fter several weeks' visit in the
outhern part of Missouri.
Elsie and Marie Puis were Platts
uouth visitors last Tuesday and
vhile there went to visit the dentist.
The ninth and tenth grades are
ow studying one of Tennyson's beau
iful poems, "The Passing of Ar
hur." Margaret Dictl went to Platts
nouth Saturday night and while go
ng through Murray, saw several
We had "clean up day" last Fri
lay. We raked the yard, fixed the
ennis court and made several huge
Nita Cook was a visitor nt the
ionic cf Marie Puis Sunday. In the
lfternoon the girls went down to
.Vita's home.
We are planning to have a box
urper about Thanksgiving. Each
oom is going to do its share toward
riving an interesting program.
There will be if school in Miss
ians. Miss Wilson's and Miss Gage's
ooms Thursday a.nd Friday, because
he teachers are going to the teach
ers' association.
Several of the pupils of the Mur
ay high school went to the box so
ial Kiven at the Pleasant Hill school
Friday night. They thought the
irocram was very interesting.
The high "school will have school
mly two days this week, as Miss Van
Oeusen is going to the superintend
ent and principals meeting Wednes
iay and stay for Thursday and Fri
day. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh
ind eighth grades had a school party
'ast Friday afternoon. They played
sanies, told ghost stories, ate pop
orn and apples and had a general
rood time.
Evelyn Moore of Union, came to
visit Lois Scotten and Leona Hatchet t
Saturday afternoon and returned
home Sunday morning, accompanied
by Lois, who visited with her over
Sunday, returning on the afternoon
In order to close out broken lines, we are offering EXTRA SPECIALS for
the remaining days of this sale. Look over those listed and come here to shop.
Toile du Nords and other good ginghams 27c p
r yd.
is special sale price
Zepher cincham, 60 and 70c values
Chevoit shirtings, a few pieces left
Cotton bats very special -
Men's overalls, Master and O. K. brands, on sale at
Men's jumpers. Master and O. K. brands, also going at
Men's stifle stripe overalls cheaper than you can buy the denim in them
Men's stifle stripe jumpers priced equally as low
Men's unionalls and covertalls, the big roomy kind, cut full (? .
Boys fine blanket lined coats, warm ana comfortable, to go at
. 39c per yd.
. 26c per yd.
. . . 1 7c each
..... 19
. . $1 .93
. .$1.93
3 Shoes and Overshoes!
Men's overshoes, single buckle style. Red rubber mlc (o $3.00
Men's overshoes, single buckle style. Black rubber sole $2.75
Men's overshoes, four buckle style. Rc:l rubber role $3.59
Men's overshoes, four buckle st3'lc. Black rtibbcr sole ' $4.25
Men's U. S.brand red all rubber overshoes, four buckle s'.ylc :r $1.25
Boys' red all rubber overshoes, four buckle style. Special price '.$3.79
Lots of Sugar and Butternut Coffee as Advertised.
Vallery & Wilson,
1. .
I am offering for sale, for imme
iiate delivery, two nine bred short
horn bulls and a number of pure bred
Duroc Jersev boars, all readv for ser
vice. " SEA TIL DAVIS.
r9 6t sw. Murray, Neb.
Do you need a fresh cow? Come
nd get it at the auction Saturday,
November 6.
You've heard so much about the
famous Culbransen Player piano.
Why not hear one in your home?
Write or phone A. Hospe Co.. Omeha.
for full particulars. o28 4tw.
Buy a cow at the auction in Platts
niouth. Saturday. November 6th. and
put your wife to work. Sale held
at the Gouchenour barn commencing
at 2 p. m.
Ed Doran of Eagle, was a visitor
in the city today bring in the re
turns from Tipton precinct to the
office of County Clerk George Sayles.
A few pure bred White Leghorn
cockrels for sale at SI apiece,
tf sw. Mrs. Albert Young.
Pure bred
tf sw.
For Sale.
Duroc boars' for 550.
Albert Young.
W. F. Gillespie was a business
visitor In Omaha today, going on
the early Burlington train this
JIurrav Man Accents Position, i morning.
I A. L. Baker, who has made his ;
i home in Murray for a number of i W. E. Hand of Greenwood, was in
' years and has been with the Ser- j the city today bringing in the re
vice f tore for a long time, has re- turns from his precinct.
There were always imitators, in
all branches of art, manufacture,
etc., two thousand years ago just as
today. The Latin poet Horace in his
"Epistles" published 8bourthe year
10 B. C. inveighs against his imita
tors in the famous words, "Imitatores.
servum pecus (Ye imitators, a servile
herd)". Good poems are imitated,
good remedies are imitated, but the
result is always the same: every im
itation is poor. If you want to buy
a good remedy, you must buy the
original. If you are in search of
relief from poor appetite, constipa
tion, headaches, nervousness, etc..
you must buy the original Triner's
Bitter Wine. This remedy is not an
empty name, it means many years of
mwt "careful studies, innumerable
tests and painstaking experiments
which have resulted in reaching the
great accomplishment known today
as Triner's Bitter Wine. Ask your
druggist or dealer in medicines al
ways for the original Triner's reme
dies! Joseph Triner Company,
1333-45 S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago,
What? The big milk cow auction,
to be held in Plattsmouth on Satur
day, November 6th, at the Gouch
enour barn. Sale commences at 2
p. m. Buy a fresh milk cow.
I have a nearly new base burner,
large size, for sale cheap. Call
phone 3614.
2td 2tw. W. T. NOLTE.
W. It. Young, the auctioneer, de
parted on the early morning Burling
ton train today for Omaha and where
he was called on some business mat
ters of importance.
Cjj Wc still have a small quantity
of Lincoln Paint on hand that wc
will close out at $3.75 per gallon.
Some colors are sold cut but still a
good assortment to choose from.
C$ Corn husking will begin in a few
dciys. We have a good husking
lotion for the hands, and liniments
and bandages for sprains, etc. But
ler get lined up on these goods now.
orray urn
model touring car. Price
Inquire at Terryberry gar-
Nl 4td.
Daily Journal, 15c per week.
Old Hens, per lb -20
I Springs, per lb 20c
Roosters, per lb lif
Remember Saturday Lutz's Store
Give Your Wife
a OhanceS
Arc you in need of a new cook stove? Our as
sortment of ranges is unsurpassed. Come in and sec
what we have to offer you. Unusual values!
The time for heating stoves is also fast approach
ing. Do not wait until it is cold and then make the
family suffer while you come in to look aftci getting a
stove. Preparedness pays, you know.
Remember, we carry a full line of the best shelf
and heavy hardware which we sell at prices that will
not only permit but encourage it's being used.
Drs- IViach & firlach, The Dentists p
ft t 4ygyjw The largest and bet equipped dental offices in Om?!n. 'j)
- tt W T 1 - 1 .
Experts in charge o! all woik. Lady attendant, l-no-erate
Prices. Porcelain fillings just Lke tooth. Inctru- h
mnfs rarrfuliv sterilized after ur;n2. "
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild irvftem rf treatment th f)r PO"
Fietula ar.d other I.ectal rlsfHe in a ii-rt
time. wtthPU a sever mrciciil operation T-
Chiorofurr F",v-.r or othtr gencra. anaestfcetla
used A cure d irs aver? "fcae accept, i Ir trett-i:it. a:.a no money to ba
ra'd -td cue si v nt tor lock r.D Kecta.1 1'. - .'h tsan. and testimonial
ft more thn li pro:tiinert pecpie w ho hav;. 1-erms;nr.t!y "l,d .
UB. C H. TAKK1, Satuito'iuin, Tetera Trust IlMy. B'd.), OM-VHA, ia
Dr. B. a. John Ion, alctiioitl DxrecUv.