THUP.5DA.Y, aOVUrlEEP. 1920. PlATTSHOTJTH SE3TI-WEEZ1Y JGUESAL PAGE THEEE 5 n v- i I Union. Departmienll Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. THERE'S NOT A MAN IN THIS COM MUNITY WHO DOESN'T NEED THE SERVICE A GOOD, STRONG BANK HAS TO OFFER. This is a strong, conservative institu tion, and we have an earnest desire to serve you. Call on us at any time with your financial problems, and it will be a pleasure to try and help you solve them. were home spent from A Friendly, Serviceable Bank anh of Union UNION NEBRASKA Robert Willis old and delivered ; tor of the Hotel Union, was looking an overland ear to Forest Frans one after some business matters at N'e- (lay last week. Lemiel Barrett. who is attending the state university, was a visitor at home for over Sunday. T. W. Swan and son and daughter, were visiting at Omaha last Satur day, driving up in their car. Miss Edith Frans of Xehawka. was a visitor at the home of her par ents east of town for over Sunday. Mrs. C. II. Fuller was a visitor in Nebraska City last Monday, where ."he was a visitor wih friends for he day. James Lewin. who recently return ed from the northwest, is engaged in picking corn at the home of George Hathaway. Miss Alice Todd visited last week at the home of her friend. Miss Rach el Taylor, who is attending school at University Place. Christian. W. Clarke, the proprie- braska City Mrs. B. A. Omaha for a guest at the last Monday. Taylor was a visitor in few days last week, the home of her son. Attor ney C. H. Taylor, of that place. County Judge Allen J. Beeson and city attorney of Plattsmouth, were in Union last Wednesday looking af ter t lie political fences of the former. Mrs. O. W. Finney and children were visiting in Union for a short time the first of the week, guests at the home of Mrs. Clarke. Tlie election was held in the down stairs room of the Modern Woodmen ; her friends greatly, j J. 11. Morehead. candidate for Gov I ernor on the democratic ticket was a 'short visitor here last Sunday while j enroute to his home in Falls City ; from the state capital. Herbert Thacker and wife 'vi.-iting for a short time at the of In Thacker, where they the week end, driving down their home near I'lattsmouth. J. H. MeMullen of Council Bluffs. Ia.. arrived in Union last Monday and immediately went to work at the home of John Becker, where he will assist in picking the corn crop. Miss Mable Harris, who is a vry efficient worker, was looking after the collection of the accounts of the telephone company during this v.eek for the proprie'or, W. B. Banning. ; I). B. Lynde and wife spent last Sunday at the home of the laiter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall at Nebraska City, where they had :' very pleasant visit for the week cT.d. The election returns were received at the Missouri Pacific station and carried by messengers to the res taurant of Frank Boggs. where they crowd interested in the returns were waiting. Misses Gladys Clarke and Violet Sidwell were passengers last Monday morning for Nebraska City, when they spent the day looking aftei some business matters and visitinp with friends. A. D. Hathaway, who has been spending the past summer in Colo rado, arrived in Union a few day age and is encaged in picking corn for Jesse Dvsart, who lives Just ovei in Otoe county. Ellis LaRue. who :s taking reat ment at a hospital in Council Bluffs Iowa, is reported as getting alon? very nicely at ;reent and it is iuie that he will soon he able to reiur to his home h?re. Miss Ellen Chapman was a visiloi at home over Sunday, being brough1 home bv her father and brother driving over to Lincoln for her ii being, lneir car- "ss cnen returneu v votalthe Missouri Pacific. Mrs. J. I), cross, wno nas neer visiting for some time at Nodaway Kansas, returned home last Monday a verv interesting ann piea-nnt pro gram. The program consisted of readings and songs which-were en joyed by all in attendance. Lucien l.aRue sang "When a Feller Needs a Friend", and was encored and gave another very enjoyable number. Mas ter's Warren. Pearsely, Marion Clark and Reynold Dvsart each gave very interesting readings which were fill ed with merit as to the numbers and their rendition. The program was concluded bv Misses Iva La Rue and Mildred Clarke, giving a most en joyable duet which was very appro priate for the occasion. Then came the fast which was ht for the Gods ind which was enjoyed to the fullest ty the hundred or more in attend ance. Purchases Excellent Pcrker. Joseph Lidgett. who i? a breeder md raiser of Chester White hogs. ias made the purchase of a tine white oar from Dunlap. Iowa. Mr. Lid gett went over ana viewed the ani mal and was well plensrd with it. The purchase is one of the best and vas sired by the famous Denver Gl int Chester White, which sold for 8.000. This is an excellent animal Ahen the parent brings ?S.00). Mr. '.idgett knows a good hog and will iave no otner on ins iarm. ree .Mr. '.lidgett's ad in another column. Movies Twice a Week. Union is with the others now, en- ;oying a movie snow twice a ween. he venture being made by Bert Wil is and Bud Lindsay. They started he show lan week, but owing to the act that the ladies were using the tall did not give the entertainment last Saturday. The show will lie liven hereafter on Wednesday and Saturday. Red River Ohio Potatoes at $1.25 A car load of Red River Early Oiiio otatoes has been received and will ie sold trom tne car to tnosp mra- Kng them at !.. per nusnei. get tnem wnne getting is A. L. Becker, R. E. Foster. W. C. Carraher. lie Swan school, gave a very suc cessful box supper at the school house last Friday evening, which ,vas weil attended. An interesting program had neen prepared ior tiu occasion and it was enjoyed by all. When it came to auctioning off the boxes, bidding was spirited for cer tain favorite ones, which helped to 'nerease the sum realized. In addi tion to the boxes there were two ioxes of candy one of which wa 5 sold outright and the other given the most popular young lady tlir i he sale of votes. This latter box was voted to the good looking teach er. Miss Dysart. Visits Relatives Here Mrs. John Goddard, of Jackson ville, Mo., is visiting her many reh--! ives and friends in and near Union j for a short time, being a guest a the home of her sisters. Mrs. N. M. ' Grimes and Mrs. R. D. Stine. of thi-. ! jlace and Mesdanies Herman arrl Jeorge ( timer, living northeast t tow n. You Can Save SVloney BY COMING TO OUR STORE For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt and General Hardware. Now is the time to do that Painting. DO NOT LET WINTER CATCH' YOU OUT CF COAL We have it now. Better take advantage of the oppor tunity. You know what ii may mean to be without. A GOOD STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Our Store Will Save YOU Money A, !CKER, UNION NEBRASKA Excellent Immune Hog For Sale I am no.v offering my pure br" 1 Chester White boar. J. 1! Hodel tS',;7ft grandson of the Wildwoo i :rince. Jr., Mr. Hlack's "oar. This animal won at Mi-'s Sackley's room, ."in and fith grades --Madge ar.d Harriet Cheii'-y were passengers to Nehawka Friday evening. We have a new pupil in our room. $6,000.0 j Charlotte Uoardman. We ;ire glad the Flat vto welcome her to our room well fair this year and also at the ('as; ounty exhibit at Weeping Water, first honors in the senior yearlin ; class. Come and see some of th-; finest rnring pigs in the Mate, which are sired by him; also one good May as i-evc I Two of had their seats but not because with the promi Ina LaRue is other new members, the members of the changed thi class Week, er Ret- good. boar, a long, stretchy follow, sired i a folder which bv this hog, and whose dam is Anna; niestic science May 1 See her, she speaks for herself. Also have two good marc colts, one coming three years old ind the other coming four, fine con dition, and one Shetland pony. ' JOSEPH H. LIDGETT. n7-nl2 Union, Neb. of r'ad behavior, but e of good behavior the proud owner of -he made in the do class. We consider i her unite fortunate as she stuck hu-r finger twice in the making of it. 'stunts were rather spooky, we man i Senior class The twelfth grade' aged to keep up our courage pretty !has discontinued their review class, j v eil and later did full Justice to the i having finished the reading course! eats which consisted of popcorn, up land will not take uu the next subject I Pies, pumpkin pie and cocoa. At a Friday aftt-rno'in. The walls were decorated in autumn leaves ami h'erce looking Jack o'lanterns added greatly ;o thr- attractive appearance f the :(;(. m. The children all en joyed the party very miii'h, especial ly the big fat popcorn balls wrapp d in yellow paper and resembling liny pumpkins very much. All the sophmores attended a Hal lowe'en party last Saturday niht. October ":!. given by some of the sophniore and freshman girls at the haunted house on the Frans farm east of town. A delightful time was had by all and though some of the building and there was a good rep ! after having enjoyed a very plea and she got here in tun mjontitinn nf t ti a rfttl'n if rpll ft tl of jsani lMlt I to cast her vote. Miss JLeatha Porter was a guest I .:UHl 0,5 u-ith -j numt-ior rf lior frieiliU at ' Visit ing 31 . 1111 1 1 l.h. 111UI 1 V ..V. " - .J - , hawka from last Friday until Monday morning and enjoyed the time with That Baby Overland" We have accepted the agency In Union and vicinity ror the "Baby Overland." which you must see and ride in to appreciate. We also carry Oldsomobile Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and Trucks. ' We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full stock of tires and accesories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or repair work. ROBERT WALLAS, -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA UNION 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO LAND FOR SALE! We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in Lincoln County, Colorado, at this time. Come, see land, where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Saturday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land and at a price where any one can pur chase and at prices where ane one can pay. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. YCxM Pickwell. who has bee the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. John Armstrong ior som time Dast. has been confined to he bed for the past few days with very severe attack of la grippe. Loutie Crawford, the carpenter has been busy for the past few div putting an addition to the house own ed bv Ed Shaw, and in which C. H Fuller lives. The room which is be iing built is to be used for a kitchen. Third trick man. McCowen of tin Missouri Pacific, is having a furnac placed in his residence cn the north west portion of the city and which will add greatlv to the comfort am convenience of the home when com pleted. E. R. Foster and family were vis itors at Omaha last Thursday, driv ing up in their car to visit with Mrs Foster's brother, Ralph Larson, wlu is in the hospital recovering aftei having underwent an operation foi appendicitis. The work on the new home which is being constructed by V. B. Ran ning. Is being pushed with the great est celerity, there being now three carpenters on the job. they beinf Messrs. Dan Lynn. Joe Ranning. an' Joseph Lidgett. Fred G. Egenberger of Platts mouth, who is engaged in the rea estate and insurance business of that place, was a visitor in Union las Mondav interviewing the union citi zens and looking after some busi ness matters in his line. It is reported that R. D. Stine i a Geometrical engineer, as he wa.- able to construct a corn crib from a bundle of fencing wire, which wil hold corn after it has been placed therein, but will not go and get the corn from the field. This has to Ik hired done. Last Tuesday the ladies of thf Methodist church served both din ner and supper at the rooms of tht Modern Woodmen hall and were re inforced by the members of the F.p- i worth League, who made and sold 1 candv to those who were awaitinc for the returns of the election. The Rev. Dr. J. Is. l ames, who has been conducting services at the Methodist church in Union, delivered two very telling discourses last bun dav. The coming Sunday he wil! nrearh ii the evening only. :i5 he wPI conduct services at the e'eurch :i Wyoming during the morning. Will Build a House Now. A. L. Becker, who has been busy or some time past nuiiaing a nam n his farm northeast of Union, has he structure about concluded and is ow starting on the construction of house for a tenant, which he is go ng to construct aoov.t a quarter 01 i mile east 01 tne piace wnere ne ives. This edifice will be some six- een by twenty-eight feet and will iave tour rooms. 1 Gasoline That Would Burn. The car of Mr. Exa Frans. living outhwest of Union and just in Otoe ounty, run out of gasoline last Sat- irdaand in order to make the ani- ual navigate it had to be filled with ;as. as it had run on its reputation ong enough, so -Mr. rrans went 10 ill the car and took a lantern with urn and hat drawn the nve gaiion an about half full, the barrel set 'ing out of doors, when the fumes "nmi the gasoline were ignited ly he flame of the lantern and it burst d into flames seriously burning him. The barrel was located close to the ob house which was consumed c.y he fire. The neighbors seeing the lame, and were also called, ru.-ned o the place in cars and assisted in avmg the residence wni?:i smou ome distance away. Fortunate in ed. was Mr. Frans, that the home was not consumer ana mat ne aped from being burned to He is sure now that gasoline Tlosive. School Notes. The study of Alsebra is becoming pretty stiff for some of us as we are now taking up multiplication. Fern Deles Dernier had charge of Miss Peters' room Friday afternoon. We have finished our three weeks examinations in history and English. We have two new pupils in our room: Edith Boardman and Floyd A gee. We too. have several new pupils in . i. i ,Y T, 1 our room: James anu aneiuy iioai Lillian. Sophniore notes The attendance of the sophniore class has been per fect since the beginning of school. Freshman notes Green and white! Green and white! Freshies. Freshies. they're all right! Mi-s Dohrner. the substitute teach er from the University left us Friday. All the classes were sorry to see her leave. until a teacher is obtained. The freshies have had two tests in English since school began. Thanks to our instructor in English for piv ing us a review which resulted in 'every one having a good grade In the Ait test. i Miss Peters' room. .Ird and 4th ; grades Mary Donnelly Rob!) has i been absent from school this week as the result i f an accident while play ' ing on the merry-go-round lat Fri iday. We all hope she will soon be back. I Miss Rogenrief's room. 7th and Sth grades Louis BurLee has ust I received notice that he won second I prir.e -on a neck tie rack in a manual i training exhibit at the State Fair. ( We fee! this is a pretty good begin , ning for last year was the first time ; manual training had been put in our j high school. I Miss McCarrol's room, 1st and 2nd grades Miss McCarroll gave the pu i pils of her room a Hallowe'en party later hour we each declaring tlid hostesses. journeyed home w: rd. the girls to be Kpleh- C0WS! COWS! COWS! COWS! Seventeen head of fresh milk cows to he hold in Plattsmouth. Nebraska. , . l i.l. CV . 1 .i . . on isaturuav. .ovemuer t.ui. naie n le held at Goucher.our's barn, and will start promptly at - p. ni. Herd con.-i;-,' - of Shorthorns. Holsteins. Guernseys and Jerseys. Terms lo suit. J James T. Reynolds of -near Union, was in the city today for a few hours attending to some business matters and scanning the election return u the ollice of the couiry clerk. See F. G. Egenberger for the cele brated Hawkeye tires. i.ny size for any make of car. A t:re that will aive you service. mm mi m&y r r wmmJmUmm r is es- death. is ex- Entertained Her Class Miss Elsie Taylor, who is presi- lent of the Primary league. er.Ur- ained the members of the league at ier home at a Hallowe'en party lat ?aturdav evening. A most enjoyable ime was had. the little ones enjoy "ng themselves at games. A delic- ous luncheon was servea iy lost ess. Given Surprise on Birthday The friends of Miss Viola Willis. 'aking advantage of the visit ol this oung lady at the home of her broth er and sister in the country, prepren surprise in honor of her seventeen- h birthday which occurred on last i Mondav. The evening was pleasint-; !v spent with games and a luncheon ; that was served near the close or the evening's enjoyment. Sixth and Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Better Shoes for Less Money for Men, Women and Children! Men's, Women's and Children's OVERSHOES! One, two and four buckle all sizef. $1.19 to $4.98 Are you prepared for them? Now is the time to get ready for cold weather and snow. Give us an order for storm doors and storm win dows before a storm strikes you. Better fix up the sheds and barns. Neglected stock will show the results. How about the chimneys on the house? More fires are started from defective flues than most any other cause. Look 'em over NOW. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Frans Bros'. Lumber Co., Concludes Interesting Meeting At the P.aptist church during the past week there have been some in teresting meetings conducted by Rev. Phillips, of Bolliver. Mo., who has been giving the gospel in a very traight manner. The attendance lias been good and all speak well of the ibility of tha speaker. Gave Excellent Entertainment The ladies of the Koyal Neighbor of America, gave to their husbands and friends last Saturday evening, a royal banquet at the Modern Wood men hall which was preceded with Men's U. S. Army Shoes $4.98 to $6.98 Women's Footwear, black or brown, with low, medium or high heel all sizes, $4.98 to $7.98 You Can Eat ! We are carrying Frosh Groceries and Canned Goods! Also Working Cloches and Boots and Shoes! We will have Fresh Meat from this date on. Bring in Your Fresh Produce BEST PRICES! L. K. T. Club Entertained Miss Frances Bauer entertained at er home last Saturday evening the nenihers of the E. T. K. club at a Hallowe'en social, at which the young people held hish revelry as the hours flew swiftly by. The games 'vere of a nature suited to the season. and the two course luncheon which 'was served by the charming hostess' it the close was enjoyed by the, voting people whose appetites seeni-' ed to have grown wonderfullv tlur-! ing the course of the evening. Give Hallowe'en Party Last Wednesday at the pleasant home of George Everett, southeast of Union. Master John Everett and sis ter. Miss Margaret Everett, enter tained their friends of the Epworth League of the Methodist church, at a very enjoyable Hallowe'en party. The guests appeared in various wierd and striking costumes and spent the evening most Pleasantly in games appropriate to the occasion. The time passed rapidly and the midnight honr had arrived all too soon. As a fit ting conclusion to the altogether de lightful occasion, the host and hos tess served their guests with a most appetizing luncheon. RnuQ' hnctQ' Boys' Schocl Shoes that 8land SSL!!!.8:: ,he w.ea': $2 .98 to $4.98 ! Infant's Shoes i ! From the smallest to the largest tan, black and ! combination colors, I $1.98 RSen's Work Shoes! For the one that does the hard work tan or black calf, all sizes, $3.9, F7 0 A n u R. D. STINE, UNION NEBRASKA V7 Supper Nets Nice Sum czizio UNION