The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1920, Image 1
Hebraa Me Histori cal Society 5 Platte 5 n life mow omn VOL. NO. xxxvn. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1920. NO. 30 DISTINGUISH ED PRELATE A VISITOR HERE RT. REV. ERNEST VINCENT SHAY LER SPEAKS AT THE ST. LUKE'S CHURCH Frorn Monday-B r-ftJ-.y. This city bad the honor yesterday or mrerraining one or the most t :.'i:iii-sneu cnurcii leaders in the west when the lit. Rev. Ernest V. Shayler. hi.-liop of Nebraska visited St. Luke's parish of the Episcopal church and -I'l k at the service at the church in the evening. Despite the gloomy and disagreeable veather that had pre vailed all day and continued during the evening, the- church was filled by a luri;e number of the members of the rhurch as well as other residents of t!i city who had availed themselves of the opportunity of hearing the able head of the church discuss the recent meeting held in London and at which he had been present. Tho meeting known as the Lam beth Conference, was one of the most important that has been held in the church history and embraced repre sentatives of the Episcopal faith from all parts of the world and its message to the church at large was delivered bv the distinguished bishop last eve n n z. The various questions of church organization and government was discussed and the relations of the church to mankind and the duty of the people of the world to each other was taken up at some length by Bish op Shayler. who appealed for a great er spirit of interest in the welfare f tlie fellow man and less oT the IfSh-centered interest that made one of the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the world at the pres ent time. The address of Bishop Shayler was thu-oTifchly enjoyed bv the congre gation and his words, filled with wis dom will long be remembered by those who were in attendance and which cannot but aid in making better men and we. men by their realization. At the morning service at St. Luke's church J. .S. Hedlund. one of the leuriers In th naiion wide cam paign of the church, spoke for a short time on the importance of the work eif the campaign and urging a greater interest in the securing of the benefits of this great movement which the church has boen conduct insr for the past year. While in the city Bishop Shayler was a guest at the St. Luke's rectory of Father W. S. Leete and family, returning this mcrning to Omaha. CAUGHT WITH A QUART OF BOOZE lory of the young friend who had been Harrv Vanderpool of Near Thunnan.'ild ' his final reward - ! Th. r.f. vr k-u. rfTf.rfi hv the Rev. Iowa, and George Reading are Picked Up by Police. A quart of the white beverape that U lured from the fertile corn of master of the troop of boy scouts of Iowa and Nebraska proved the cause J which Robert had been a member, of Harry Vanderpool and George Rev. Hunter took as his text, "Be Reading setting entangled in the Prepared." the motto of the scouts, meshes of the law last evening. (and spoke on this theme as it applied The two gentlemen were discover- to the preparation of the lives on ed in the alley at the rear of the earth for the future reward when Iovey store, where they had their the brief life here had been merged i". r 1 car stationed and when Officer into the greater life of the hereafter. Alvin Jin5 approached the car the) During the services, the male quar-i::-' were standing out of the car ; tet of Frank Cloidt, Don C. York, and he heard a suspicious sound as Rev. H. G. McClusky and Rev. A. tho-.ieh a bottle had struck against V. Hunter sang two of the old the windshield of the car as it was hymns, "Jesus Savior, Pilot Me", and withdrawn. ("Rock of Ages". Mrs. E. H. Wes- When Mr. Jones came up to the'eott and Mrs. Mae S. Morgan also ' ar. Vanderpool and his companion ' pave a duet. "Somewhere the Sun is were standing near the car, Mr. Van- Shining." .lerpool having his hand ou the gas! At the conclusion of the church control of the car while George was services the body was taken to Oak preparing to crank the Ford. .Hill cemetery where it was laid to The officer flashed his light on the rest, and beneath the wealth of beau r.ene and the beams of the flashlight tlful flowers which spoke silently of revealed the fact that a bottle was the love of the community, the Kin- e.n the ground close to where young man sleeps his last long re Reading was standing and Officer pose of earth. Jones inquired as to what was in the bottle and both men denied any LN APPRECIATION Knowledge of the strange appearing flagon. We wish to acknowledge with cork wps withdrawn and the odors of the liquid that has caused men to leave home was wafted on the chilly night air and the policeman became convinced all was not well and Van-.with derpool and Reading were escorted to the city bastile. where they await- el the coming of "his honor" Judge -M. Archer. .This morning the two men were arraicned in court and the judge in view of the evidence offered decided th;it $100 and costs apiece, which totaled the sum of $225 should be forthcoming before the matter could be cleared up. BARN IS BURNED Saturday afternoon the frame I barn on the property of J. W. Parker in the south part of the city was dis- covered to be in flames and as a re- suit the entire building was consurn- ed. The cause of the fire is un- known and as the building was fir outside of the present fire limits there was no chance to Eave it. The loss will amount to $500 and the owner had no insurance on the building. SUFFERS SERIOUS INJURY A message has been received at Nehawka by Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Shra der announcing the serious injury of tlif-ir son. Hov. vhn resides near Heaver City. Neb. The message did ; not give the full particulars of the J accident but it is reported that the young man was operating a siliago cutter and had one of his arms caught in the machine and had it al most entirely torn off as the result of the lacerations received in the ma chine. The father of the young man land a sister. Mrs. Charles Chriswis- I Ser of Nehawka. left at once for . Heaver City to he present at the bed- dis-,side of the injured young man ENJOYS DELIGHTFUL HALLOWE'EN PARTY Miss Delores Wiles Entertains Num ber of Young School Friends Last Evening at Country Home. frtm Tuesday's Dally. Last evening the charming country home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wiles was the scene of a most delightful Hal lowe'en party when the daughter. Miss Delores entertained a number of her young school friends. The home had been profusely decorated In the attractive Hallowe'en black cats, wtiches and Jack o lanterns. while in the dining room the decorative scheme was enhanced by the use of the orange colored candles which shed over the scene a very pleasing glow of warmth and comfort. The evening was spent in games and music and in the prize for the Hallowe'en guessing game Miss Helen Wurl was awarded the prize and in the second guessing contest Miss Catherine Schneider proved the win ner. At a suitable hour a dainty two course luncheon was served in the dining room and which proved a de lightful feature of the evening. Those in attendance were: Misses Violet Begley, Catherine Schneider. Edith Quinton. Helen Wurl, Edith Todd. Olive Hollowell. Sylvia Noble and Helen Clement. FUNERAL OF ROBERT BAIRD YESTERDAY Large Number of Friends of the Fam ily Gather at Methodist Church to Attend Services. Prt.m Monday's Daelv. Yesterday afternoon the funeral services of Robert Baird was held at the First Methodist church of which the deceased young man had been a member and the auditorium was fill ed wi'h the friends of the famuy : who had gathered to pay their trl ibute of love and' respect to the mem- W. S. Leete. rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church while the sermon was delivered by Rev. A. V. Hunter. pastor of the church and also seout- thoughtful acts performed and ser-j vice3 rendered us by our friends and neighbors during the past few days, when we were called upon to part our beloved son. Robert, I Especially do our hearts respond in keenest appreciation to the men of the Burlington shops, who. by their beautiful floral tributes ex- pressed their regard and sympathy, j For these things, and the helpful ministries so frequently and kindly tendered by many to our dear boy. Robert, during his life in the com- munity. we are profoundly thankfuL MR. AND MRS. WM. BAIRD. LOST PACKAGE On auto road between Murray and Plattsmouth, election day. Leave at Journal office. ltd ltw. W. T. NOLTE. ESTRAY NOTICE Straye-d from my pasture, 2 12 miles east of Louisville. on coming 2 year old whits faced ster, very wild. If sen call A. O. AULT, Cedar Creek, Neb. TRAIN WRECK ON BURLINGTON KILLS FOUR TWO ENGINEERS OF BURLINGTON IN LIST OF DEAD AT STAN TON. IOWA, WRECK The wreck of the three Burlington trains early Sunday morning, at Stanton, three miles east of Red Oak. la., took toll of the livej of three railroad men and one unidentified tramp who was stealing a ride on the blind of No. 1. The dead are C. E. Tindall. engineer. Lincoln. Charles S. Conklin, engineer and B. B. An derson, fireman, both of Creslon. In speaking of the wreck the State Journal has the following account: Engineer C. E. Tindall. 3415 Ran dolph street, was a well known Bur lington engineer whose record in the service was said to be absolutely clear. Nevertheless, on the face of the reports from the scene of the wreck railroad men could deduce but one cause for the accident, and that was that in some way No. 10 had run by a stop signal. The road at that place is double track and block signalled. The freight train ahead of No. 10 had set the signals. No. 10 ran into the freight train. No. 1, then about due, probably had the signals set against it by the wreckage piled over on the westbound track, but the train was so near that it could not stop. The accident, involving three trains, could not have happened on a single track, yet every precaution known to signalling, had been employed to prevent trouble of this kind. As the accident happened on the lines east direct reports were not re ceived at Lincoln. Lincoln officials of the road had no official informa tion concerning the accident. Egineer Tindell was well known among railroad men and was highly regarded as an efficient, safe and re liable runner. He was young in years but old in railroad experience and had worked his way from the bottom to a passenger run. Mr. and Mrs. Tindall had just rea lized a long cherished project when they left their apartment at S31 South Eleventh street and moved into their own home at 3415 Randolph street. They had one child, a boy five years old. Word from Creston. Ia., late this afternoon, was that the remains of Engineer C. E. Tindall would be brought to Lincoln Monday night on No. ai, arriving here at 1:50 a. m. No. 10 was not the regular equip ment of that train. No. 10 out of Denver Sunday had trouble east of McCook. being blocked for seven or eight hours by a freight derailment ahead of it. A stub No. 10 was made up at Lincoln to carry he equipment from No. 44 from the northwest, and this was delivered to the lines east at Omaha and run through. The regular No. 10 passed through Lin coln about 6 a. m. as one section of No. 6. C. Conklin. engineer on No. 1. who was killed, lived at Creston but be cause he ran to Lincoln was well known here and highly regarded. Railroad men who read the account of the accident said that Conklin nev er had a chance, being inside the block when the wreckage was thrown over on his track. Conductor Joseph Marshall of Lin coln, was in cbafge of No. 10. He was not huTt. He lives at 1446 S street. Burlington reports showed that two men only had been killed, and that both firemen had been seriously hurt. Press reports indicated how ever, that the fireman cn No. 1 had been killed. GIVES PLEASANT SHOWER Saturday afternoon Mrs. Fred Pat terson gave a miscellaneous shower for her granddaughter. Miss Rosa Baker, who will be one of the late fall .brides. The most pleasing feature of the afternoon was the mock marriage in which Miss Baker was bride. Miss Georgia Hull acted as groom. Mrs. Robert Patterson took the part of the best man. Miss Clara Wickman act ed as maid of honor, and Miss EfTa Patterson took the part of the min ister. A very delicious luncheon was served by the hostess assisted by several of the company. Miss Baker received many useful presents which she will cherish in the years to come. Those present were Misses Lois and Erma Smith. Jessie and Violet Gouchenour, Olive Fulton, Georgia and Catherine Hull, Velma and Hel en Slagle. Clara Wickman. Effa Pat terson, Mrs. Barbara Ruhn and daughter, Mrs. Robert Patterson, Mrs. W. D. Wheeler, Mrs. William Patterson. Mrs. M. Archer, Mrs. Frank Hull. Mrs. . G. P. Eastwood, Mrs. Jack Brittain. Mrs. Frank Sla gle, Mrs. Oscar Wilson, Mrs. BvKet elsen. Mrs. William Baker and daugh ter. Leona, Mrs. Jean Setz and Mrs. Fted Patterson. LAND FOB SALE 30.000 acres of land located in the highlands of Louisiana. See F. G. Egenberg'er, Agent, Plattsmouth. daw. TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL Fro.n Mupilay'i Dal! v. This afternoon Mrs. John A. Schul hoff depaited for Omaha where she will enter the Ford hospital in that city to take treatment as she 1ms not been in the best of heulth for some jtime and it is hoped that .she may de rive benefit from the course of treat ment. Mr. Schulhof and Miss Norine Schulhof accompanied Mrs. Schulhof to the hospital. The family and friend.-? are hopeful tlie patient may find the relief desired in the course of treatment and be enabled shortly to return to her home in this city. HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT THE GALE HOME Miss Opal Cole Entertains Party of Young People at the'S. 0. Cole Home Near Mynard. A very delightful Hallowe'en party was enjoyed on Saturday evening at the country heme cf Mr. nnd Mrs. S. O. Cole near Mynard. when tlu-ir daughter. Miss Opal, entertained a number of her young friends. The rooms of the home had been very prettily arranged in the Hal lowe'en decorations and black tats, witches and pumpkins were used ex tensively in the carrying out of this portion ef the decorations. Yellow chrysanthums were also a pleasing note in the decorative scheme of the rooms. The dining room was a spot of great beauty where over the snow y linen and sparkling, silver the soft glow of the candles from the jack o'lanterns made a charming touch to the scene. The ceeterpiece cf the table was a witch, made from sev eral pumpkins and which was a very novel and attractive feature cf the decorations. The young people enjoyed the time in games of all kinds, fortune tell ing making a pleasing hit with t'nr young people as the future was re- t vealed to them by the fortune t fi ler, while the raisin race was anoth er of the amusing games. . I:i the nut contest. Miss Mattie Gapen was awarded the prize cf a dainty basket laden with the delicious contents, while in the contest to pin eyes on the pumpkins Glen Vi?ei -was award ed the prize and was presented with a doughnut that he was compelled to eat before a large circle r.f the merry young people. Musical " numbers on the piano r. -well as a number of songs also served to pass the time delightfully ui'.il ; late hour when a very dainty and delicious luncheon was served by Mrs. S. O. Cole, assisted bv Mrs. C. L. Wiles. Those in attendance were: Messrs Harley Wile. Howard Wiles. Charles 1 1 eiui i iigs. irM i ei i . uniist on- der. Jr.. Elbert tte. Glen Wins. Raymond Coik. Mis?e Mildred an.! Ienora Snyder. DeElla Verner. Helen Pontius, Mattie Gapen. Elsie Tyson of Elmwood, Nellie Wiles and the hostess. Miss Opal Cole. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE Whereas, Dr. E. W. Cook, for nuiny years a citizen-of Plattsmouth and one of the best and most progressive citizens: one who was ever aleat in the best interests of the town, and always with a ready ear for the an swer of distress, giving his life and his services freely for the benefit eif his fellow man, and Whereas, He being a member of the Plattsmouth Arie number 3fi." and was always one of the best and most respected members, contribut ing of his time and means for their progress, and the betterment of man kind, and Whereas. The Father of All. in 111 wisuoui. HUM wiiru iiuinei r... W. Cook to himself, and we are left to mourn his departure as well as the family and friends. Be It Resolved. That the Platts mouth Arie Number 365. through their committee, extend to the be reaved wife and son. their sympathy and condolence, as sharers of the1 loss of one of the most excellent of men, a sympathetic husband, father and brother, that a copy of these resolution be published in the Even ng Journal, a copy be sent to the wfe and son of the late lamented brother, and spread upon the records of this Arie, as a testimony of our and respect to his memerv. C. C. Burbridge. L. C. Hess. B. G. Wurl. Committee. RECEIVES BAD BRUISES. Will Rice, the deliveryman at the lumber yard of E. J. Richey. is spending the last two days confined to his home as the result of a very severe accident sustained last Satur day afternoon. Mr. Rice was riding on a load of lumber and in its shift ing he fell from the top of the load to the ground, causing him to re ceive a number of severe bruises and otherwise Injuring him so that he has since been kept confined to his bed. There has been no broken bones sustained apparently and Mr. Rice and his family are hopeful that he may soon be up and around. LAND FOR SALE 30.000 acres of land located in the highlands of Louisiana. See F. G. Egenbergefj agent, Plattsmouth. FORTiER CASS COUNTY GIRL IS MARRIED In Lincoln, on October 27th. oc curred the marriage (,f Mi-s Naomi Adams, to Mr. George A. West, with Kv. S. W. Woodburn olliciat i ng. The bride wore a iiat-lii:i; suit of navy blue with bat an match : :iii car ried American Beauty roses. Mrs. West i the charmitig daugh ter of Air. and Mrs. I). L. Adams, and has a l.ire cicle i;f of friends in the vicinity of Murray v. he- she re sided until about i'uur ug when she removed with ht-r parents to Bethany. The is a pretiiirent young iiian cf l;euia:iy arid the son ef Mr. and Mrs. T. (J. West. The mot her of the bride entertain ed the happy couple at supper Wed nesday evening. Thursday. Mr. anel Mrs. West departed for Omaha where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ITobhs. sister ami bro' her-i n-law of tne bride, atul v.iil 1 e at li.ine i:i Hethanv after November 4. MARRIAGE OF POP ULAR YOUNG FOLKS Miss Eva Stava and Kenneth Mc Carthy Take ths Vows That Unite Tliem i.i Wedlock. From Uonday's IaIIv. This morning two ef the popular an 1 well known young people cf this community. Miss Eva Stava and Mr. Kenneth McCarthy, were united in the bonds of wedlock at the office of County Judge Allen J. Beeson. The bridal couple was accompanied by Miss Luca S-ava and Tom Stava, sister and brother of thfc bride. The young people were married by the genial county judge in his usual pieasing manner and following the ceremony returned to the home of the bride's parents. The bride is a daughter of'Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Stava residing south vt this city arid is well, known te a l?rge circle cf warm friends. The prooia is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCarthy and is one of the worthy young men of the commun ity where he has been reared te manhool. Mr. McCarthy- Mr -ntr-f x-wervic man and a member of the local post of the American Legion, having (i.iring tie war been a member of Battery B. 127th field artillery. Since his return from service he has been in the employ of the Burlington in the brass foundry in this city, and is a young man of industry and wort h. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy will make their home in this city, where th" groom has a new home awaiting the coming ef his helpmate. ATTACK ON CUSTOMS OFFICERS Bo.-ton. Nov. 1 Customs officers who made a raid on the White Star Cretic today for contraband liquor, were set upon bv members of the crew and beaten back with crowbars and other weapons. Police beats and a (ietail of patrolmen responded to a riot call, and a request was made em the navy yards for a sejtiad of ma rines. With the aid of detail of sailors armed with bayonetted ri fles, the otfieials overpowered the rew. some of whemi attempted to re sist with knies and found 400 brt tles ef cognac under the floor of the engine room, where (100 bottles wer removed yesterday. A quantity (T drugs secreted in garlic also was found. LANDI5 PLASTERS A BIG FINE Chicago. Nov. 1. "This man ap parently is determined not to go O.ry," commented Federal Judge K. M. Landis today as he imposeil a sentence of thirty months in the fed eral penitentiary at Leavenworth nnd a fine of $20,000 upon Charles M. Scmmers. owner of the Birchmortt hotel and of the St. James grill. Som mers and his cousin, William Soru- mers, who was sentenced to ninety days in the county Jail and fined j $10,000 pleaded guilty to conspiracy I to violate the prohibition laws and for selling liquor. "I for one will do my duty in such matters," said Judge Landis. WILL YOU TAKE ADVICE? The Department of Agriculture says that good milk cows will be scarce this winter. Take good ad vice and buy a fresh milk cow at the auction sale of seventeen head of Shorthorns. Holstfeins. Jerseys and Guernseys, to be sold in Plattsmouth, on Saturday, November 6th at 2 p. m. Sale at Gouchenour's barn. Terms to suit. Come and see and be con vinced. A child can operate the famous Culbransen Player piano. Easy ped alling, and it's fool proof. Can be had from A. Hospe Co., Omaha, White or phone them for terms. o2S 4tw. t ARMISTICE DAY DANCE if Given by American Legion -W JLL JLL VISITS CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR M. Dwight Uigbee, Field Secretary for the Nebraska Christian Endeavor I'nion, was a visitor in the city Sun day, coining for a conference with Gertrude L. Morgan, president of Dis trict No. .'. C. E. Cnion. He also held a conference for the officers of the local Christian Endeavor socie ties Sunday afternoon and visited the ("hirst ian and, Presbyterian C E. meetings in the evening. Mr. Uig bee is a very earnest worker in Christian Endeavor and ;i brilliant speaker. mm DAMAGE IS DONE TO WINDOWS Stores of Earl A. Stanfield and Mrs. Eima Pease Have Windows Bad ly Damaged Last Night. From Tuesday' Daily. The large plate Rlass windows in the stores of Earl A. Stantield and Mrs. Emma Pease in the Coates block, were badly damaged last night by what seems to have been particles of the links from mud chains of an automobile. The breaking of the windows was eiiscovered late in the evening by Mr. Stanfield and in front of his place of business the sidewalk was covered by several small links of what seems to have been an automo bile chain. Mr. Stanfield states that he had noticed a car standing in front of his place of busitu-ss and thinks that the chain became frozen to the pavement and when the car was started the chain broke and the result was that the particles of the broken chain were hurled into the large plate glass windows. The windows of the Stanfield store are badly riddled by the holes and it will be necessary to have a new win dow placed in at least one side as a large crack extends from the top tc the bottom of one of the windows. At the store of Mrs. Pease the damage was not quite so serious al though there are several holes in the glass. The damage will amount to sev eral hundred dollars at the lowest possible figure. Several months ag the windows in the Journal building as well as in. the store rconi cf H. M Soennichsen were 'damaged In a sim ilar manner but at that lime it was thought Mhat it might have been from a sling shot tut the result at the Stanfield s'ore looks as though the cause was the same in both cases. CLARA RAINEY VERY ILL The many friends of Miss Clara Rainey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Rainey of this city, will re gret very much to learn of her very serious condition at the Ford hos pital in Omaha. Miss Rainey waF taken ill very sudeienly Saturday af ternoon by a severe case of appen dicitis anel was taken to Omaha on the 7:30 Missouri Pacific train and hurried to the Ford hospital where fhe was at once operated on. P was found that the appendix haa burst ed and the patient in a very ser ious condition. She is reported this morning as being as well as could possibly be expected but as yet her condition is very grave. Miss Rainey has been employed as one cf the teachers in the school near Murray and her friends and pupils there will regret very much to learn cf her serious condition. MYNARD CHURCH NOTICE Rev. J. M. Eads. a former pastor, will preach at Mynard, Sunday morn ing. A good attendance is hoped for. Lost articles are found, work is obtained, help Is secured, real estate is sold, through Journal Want Ads. viMi.uir m Better Live Stock for Cass County! In keeping with its policy of co-operation with the farmers, the First National Bank de sires to assist in bringing the livestock of Cass county to a higher standard. Every farmer who wants to improve his livestock is cordially invited to come in and talk with us. Whether you are now a cus tomer of this bank does not matter. You are always welcome and we will be glad to co operate with you in securing better livestock. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHEPE YOU FEEL AT HOME PLATTSMOUTH IT NEBRASKA. FINDS GASOLINE IS EXPLOSIVE Exa Frans of Near Union Badly Burn ed and Outbuilding Destroyed When Cm of Gasoline Catches Fire A very serious accident occurred on last Saturday at the home of Exa Frans. southwest of Union, over th Otoe county line and as the result of which Mr. Frans was seriously burn ed and an outbuilding on hi farm destroyed by fire. The car of Mr. Frans had run out of gasoline and after night it become necessary for the owner to use the car and he was compelled to go out anel have the tank filled up in order that the car might be able to navi gate. Mr. Frans carried an open lantern with him and had gone to the tank where the gasoline was kept Ftored out in the open. He had a five gal lon can about half full and had set it down for a moment and failed to notice that It was near the lighted lantern. In a few minutes the fumes of the gasoline had reached the lantern and the can bursted Into flames, enveloping Mr. Frans in a -heet of fire and badly burning his face as well as igniting his clothing, but fortunately he was able to put out the fire on his clothes before his body was burned by the flames. The blaze spread to the large tank of gas oline anel this started the cob house nearby to glazing and soon a good sized fire was raging that attracted the attention of the nearby neigh bors. The cob house wits consumed by the blaze but fortunately the neighbors were able by heroic efforts, to prevent the fire spreading to the residence of Mr. Frans, only a short distance away. While the accident was serieus 3nough. Mr. Frans is thankful that he escaped so easily and that his home was not consumed in the de luge of fire. He is firmly convinced now that gasoline is something that has no business around a lire cr open ligit. WANTED How would yeui like to be a part ter in my firm and represent us in 3ass county? We don't require any thing of you. but the honesty which vour mother gave you, and an old -ar. Age cuts no figure. Irop me i line and I'll beat Brigham Voting's vives gossiping about our business. Mcse Allen, Sales Manager. Western Boiler Pipe Company, Monmouth, Illinois. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY I will offer my 6 room house and ne acre cf ground in Mynard for HfGu. This place has a un room, ouilt in book cases, colonades. storm vindows. screens, cement walks, barn lf.x32 with haw mow. garage, deep cave and all needed improvements. If not sold very oon I am going to wreck the house and ship to Omaha. This house would cost $4,000 to build without anything else. Act quickly f interested. W. B. PORTER, 3027 Larimore Ave. 2tw 2td. Omaha. Neb. With a Culbransen Player piano, your home would be brighter, hap pier. Handled in this territory only by A. Hospe Co.. Omaha. They've sold pians for 45 years. Write or phone them for terms on the famous Culbransen. 2S 4tw. A bit of chivalry out of the land where they grow it by the bale in this from Bermingham (Ala.) Age Herald: Mrs. George Bass Is not only a wheelhorse of democracy, but, bless her heart, she looks it. i