The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 01, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    I '
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-'-rfrrmiw.-iii iiihw., iiM,ii, , , L 3
Prices Talk!
&Ve are going to
make them elequent
in here. Watch our
ads and govern your
self accordingly.
Ladies, Misses
Childrens Coats
at prices you cannot hope to find
elsewhere, for the simple reason they
bear a very small part of our store expense.
Children's coats in velvets;
velours and mixtures, with
belt and stylish make
and Upwards
Misses' New Fall Coats
homespuns, velours, Po
lo cloth and rich velvets
, latest models,
and Upwards
Ladies seal plush coats,
full cut, big sweep, big
wide roll collars, very
stylish and comfortsble,
and Upwards
Compare these prices with your catalogs or with
stores and save the trouble of going out of town
Motro Car of Roadmaster of M. P.
Collides With Engine of Work
Train Near Weeping aWter
for your coat when you can come in here and pick it out at your convenience.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
They are Endorsed by Organized Labor and Organized
Farmers The Following is the Platform Study
It Studiously and Carefully.
a r. ii
We favor the exemption of
improvements from taxation,
limitcl exemption from taxa
tion of all homes.
2. We favor state ownership and
operation of packing plants, flour
mill, stockyards, creameries, termin
al elevators and beet sugar factories,
in so far as necessary to restore com
peiitiuii and break monopolistic con
trol. 3. We favor municipal ownership
of c-jld storage plants, warehouses,
and of all public service utilities.
f. We favor state ownership and
d"elopinent of the water power of
Nebraska, and state or federal own-
rship and operation of telephone
and t'lograph lines.
F. We favor co-operative banks,
end bettor and cheaper credit facili
ties f'-r farmers and working men.
6. We favor all possible legisla
tive encouragement to the organiza
tion of farmers and wage earners co
operative associations.
7. We favor state inspection of
d-ickage and grading of grains and
other products.
S. We favor the right of collec
tive bat gaining by farmers and work
ing men through their own chosen
representatives and up-to-date labor
legislation that will insure decent
hours and working conditions.
M. We favor better schools and an
increase in pay for all fcehool teach
ers in accordance with the import
ance and responsibility of their
(Political Advertising)
10. We favor added guarantee
of freedom of .speech, freedom of
assembly, freedom of religion and
freedom of the press.
11. We iavor public ownership
cf the railway systems of America,
as proposed by the Plumb plan, and
the retirement to private life of sen
ators and congressmen who voted for
the Cummins-Ksch Bill.
12. We condemn proposal No.
333 Ballot No. 38, submitted by the
Constitutional Convention to the vot
ers, which makes possible the cre
ation of an industrial court.
13. We condemn the activities
of the Nebraska Fair Price Commis
sion as no woperated, as useless,
needless and an economic waste.
14. We condemn the "Code Bill"
as written and administered, as a
dangerous centralization of power.
15. We favor the adoption of an
anti-injunction law, limiting the
power of courts to grant Injunctions
and prohibiting the issuing of re
straining orders and Injunctions in
lalfor disputes.
16. We favor equal suffrage for
17. We favor a bonus to soldiers,
by both the federal and state gov
ernment, and to be paid in the main
by the sixteen thousand additional
millionaires created by the war.
18. We favor and jrge co-operation
between the city worker and the
farmer in electing oflicials and se
curing progressive legislation.
i.i:i;i. nu'ik i:
Notii-t- tti nii-r-ilt-tit i!.-l'-inla n I
tlti-ir heirs. IfKalei-.". J'vis-;-s. risoi.a!
representatives and all oilier jmsii:
int.M'estetl in their estates.
To INierly Throckmorton. If living,
if iei eased, his unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representatives
ami all other persons inteiested in his
estate; Josephm" Th roi kmort on. is liv
ing, if deceased, her unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all othr persons i n teres; e.'.
in her estate: Peter .Mcf!'rey, if livin.u.
if deceased, his unknown heirs, devi
sees, lef;;itee. personal representative:
and alj other per.- -ns interested in hi:
estate: Josephine .McAITrey, it' livint.-.
if deceased, her unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representative.--and
all other persons interested in he!
estate: .lhert It. Jenkins, if living, i ;'
deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested iti hi
estale: the northwest owarter iXW, i
of Section eighteen (l.s. 'i'ownsl.i;
ideven 1 1 I . North Kanm' twelve IJ.
east of the i'.tli I. -M . 'a-s county.
Nebraska. and all person l.iim:'.u
any interest of an.c kind in said i ca !
state, or any part thereof:
Von and each of you arc hcrct.v
notified that Frank J. Spanttler, as
plain till', on the 11th day of Octol.i.
1!L', f'led his petition in the J'istitci
.Court of I'ass county, Nebraska, where
in you and each of you are defendants,
the object and prayer of which peti
tion are that you and each of you and
all persons claiming by, through or
under you. adversely to plaintiff.
adjiidfrol to have no interest, rifilit,
state, or lien, in or to:
The northwest iiuartcr ( N W 1 ,
of Section eighteen tl. Township
eleven 1 1 , North Cane twelve
ll.' . east of the Ktli 1. M.. Cass
county. Nebraska
or "any part or portion theieof. and
that plaintitf Frank J. Spanitler, t
jichT with his grantors, be adjudged
to have been in the adverse possession
of said land, and every part of it, for
nior- ten years last past, and
that the l.-giil title thereto has become
fully vested in Frank .1. Spanler, not
withstanding the claims of yon and
each of you, or any one elaimini; by.
through or under you, and that Un
title to said land be I'orev. r niietcil in
said Frank J. Spanvrb r, as aainut yi.:,
iiml each of you, and that each and all
of said defendants named. and tho.e
whose names are unknown and not
stated, be lorever barred from claim
ing r asserting; any rijlit. title, in
teiest or estate in amf to said real es
tate, xu" any part thereof, and for sue!,
other and further relief as to tl.
court may seem just and equitable.
You anil each of you are furthei
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition oa or before Mon
day the Mill dav of I cccin her. f.t'').
Plaint ill.
C. A. h.WVhS.
nl-lw. Ally, for Plaintiff.
M. L. Melson, Missouri Pacific
roadmaster on this division was in
stantly killed Saturday morning just
tins siue ol the u street crossing
south of town iJjen his motor car
collided with fne engine of the pile
driver work train.
The engine with nothing but a ten
dor attached was backing out from
Avoca" bringing workmen out to the
bridge on which they were working.
The crew were not conscious of hav
ing reaped their grim harvest of
death until they stopped at the bridge
and discovered the wrecked motor
car still clinging to the rails and
partly telescoped upon the tender.
They immediately rushed Lack to
ward Avoca and found the badly mu
tilated body of the roadmaster at the
curve just north of the O street road
It is presumed that Mdson was
hurrying to get into Avoca in plenty
of time ahead of the north bound
Omaha passenger and as lie had plen
ty of time for that, thought there
was no other danger. It is thought
hik might een have been sitting with
his back to the wind thinking there
i was nothing to be on the look out
for. In fact it was a very unusual
thing for the work train to be cut
on the line until after the passenger
had gone through and they made
the trip this, particular morning just
to take th? workmen out and were
to hurry leak to Avoca immediately
to clear for the passenger. Ji the
roadmaster had been traveling under
orders the accident probably would
have been avoided. However, he left
Weeping Water before the operator's
Mine to come onto the job.
. The body was taken to Avoca and
placed in charge of our Weeping Wa
ter undertakers until that evening
when it was shipped via Auburn
where his home was. to the old home
of both himself and wife at Monroe
City. Mo.
In his immediately family he leaves
only the wife to survive him. He
had been roadmaster on this division
for three years. He made his terri
tory much of the time on the trains
and only a shcrt time ago in speaking
to railroad men here about his nnitor
car remarked that it "would be the
death of him s -:111c cf those days."
Weeping Water Republican.
Kstrayed from my farm seven
miles west of Plattsmouth a light
red Duroc Jersey sow weight abut
250. Phone No. 2531.
2td 2t-sw. J,. A. MKISINGKK.
on Hen's Overcoats!
20 Off
on Hen's filaefcinaws!
i T
i !
r 1 ii
ex Mj'rypiu; ai uunu iu get me
lIMES have chauced since you bouehr
any one store, simply because von "aiwnv! ,i .1 ..
all merchants are doing von
best values at ih inwout nr.
it.. ...... 1 , . . 1. : .. . . : . .a , , .
ve c ainc iu una MiuiiKiii, ana Know tnat a merchant's repu
tation should not caue him to take himself too seriously you
customers and friends 110 longer go back further than quality vou
KNOW and prices you APPRECIATE. 1 '
Market conditions were never more upset, nor prices on a
given article more varied, but if it's a saving vou are looking for
you will find SOME things in this store for sale cheaper than we
or any other merchant can replace for the fame monev
i i
20 Off
on fcn' Suits.
Splendid Time is Had at Annual Hal
lowe'en party Held at the Church
Parlors Thursday Evening.
The Hpworth league enjoyed a
very delightful time at their meeting
on Thursday evening which was in
the nature of a Hallowe'en social
and one that was enjoyed to the ut
most by everyone who was present.
The church parlors, which were
the scene cf tfie pleasant gathering
had been very tastefully arranged
with the decorations of the Hal
lowe'en season, in a color scheme of
black and orange and carrying out
the spirit of the occasion in a very
pleasing way.
The evening was given over to a
delight fill program of games as well
as musical 11 umbers and recitations
that served to pass the time most
delightfully. Instrumental numbers
were given by Mrs. John T. I.yon
and Miss Helen Wescott as well as
Edgar Wescott in a drum solo while
vocal selections were given by John
I.von, Rev. A. V. Hunter and Jesse
Perry. Miss Gladys Elliott and Mrs.
Triverly were present and favored
I he company with two splendid
The program had been arranged
to include many of the well known
Hallowe'en games and bobbing for
apples as well as the rendition of
ghost stories served to keep the mem
bers of the party in a very merry
mood until the hour for departure
Miss Velma Elliott, 4th vice-president
of the league had arranged the
entertainment and in the serving of
the refreshments of apples, popcorn,
doughnuts and sweet cider, was as
sisted by Miss Freda Otterstein.
The gathering was one of the
inovt delightful that the society lias
enjoyed for many months and it was
with regret that the members of the
party witnessed the passing of time
that brought the pleasant gathering
to a close.
j 1 gt
i I v
oitii;u or iii:kim;
mid Notice (.11 IVIItimi for Set
tlement of Ari'iiiinl,
In tbe t'liinily Court of Cass couii
t y. N( bra ska.
Stall- f Nebraska. iViss county, ss.
To all nersons i n tc rest eil in the es
tate ( iiijyer James Cilson. le-eased:
n rerniim; the petition of Sarah
Kilcn C.iison. ailm i n ist ra I rix, praying
a iinal settlement ami allowance of
her account tiled in this Court on the
t ;th l.i- of October. l!L'i, and for dis
tribution of the residue of faid estate:
It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested iu sabi matter may.
and do. anneai- at the Cotintv Court to
ie held in and for said county, on th
lit!; dav of November. -. i . P.J0. at
1 11 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any
there be. why the prayer of the peti
tioner should' not be granted, and that
notice of t1(. pendency of said petition
and the hvarins thereof be piven to
:ll persons interested in said matter
I'V pnhlishinr-r a copy of this order in
the Ply I tsnioutl, Journal, a semi-week-lv
newspaper printed in said county,
for fine week prior to said day cf
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand ami the Seal of paid
C'MMt tliis :tfith dav of October, A. L.
tSal County Judge.
T. Richardson, of Mynard.
insurance for the Farmer,
of Lincoln. Phone 2411.
If It is a Silioua Attack'
Take three of Chamberlains tab
lets and a quick recovery is certain.
Famous Wherever Corn Grows
Established 1851
Incorporated 1867
Cylinder Machines
The Joliet Cylinder Corn Shellers possess all the advantages of other cyl
inder corn shellers and are free from their defects.
They do not require a man to stand behind them in the dust to keep back
the unshelled ears of corn.
In fact, these shellers are as nearly automatic as any machines can be that
require adjustment for different kinds of work.
We have these shellers in stock. Come in and look them over.
T. H. Pollock Garage,
PHONE NO. 1 -:- -:- -:- -:- PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.
From Wednesday's Palty.
C. II. Hoedeker of Murray, was in
the city today for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business.
II. K. Krantz of Eagle, candidate
fcr representative on the republican
ticket. w-:s in the city last evening
for a short time.
Hon. W. II. Puis and children mo
tored up from Murray last evening
and spent a few hours visiting with
friends and looking after some mat
ters of business.
Fred H. (iorder, democratic candi
date for county commissioner, was
in the city last evening looking after
some matters of business and visiting
with his many friends.
Frun Thursday's Dally.
Lee J. Mayfield. editor of the Cour
ier, and August Paulsen, motored
tlown yesterday afternoon from
Louisville and spent a few hours in
Plattsmouth, with friends.
Mrs. C. N. Palmer,- of LeGrand,
Colorado, who has been here visit
ing her aunt. Mrs. Thomas Wiles, de
parted this morning forWier home in
the west and was accompanied as
far as Omaha by Mrs. Wiles.
Dr. (J. I!. Oil more of Murray, was
in the city today enroute home from
Omaha where he has been at the hos
pital where the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. lister Shrader was operated on
for an injury sustained to one of her
limbs a few weeks ago.
Ward Smith, of Florence, Nebras
ka, was an over night visitor in this
city as a guest at the home of his
sister, Mrs. T. B. Bates, being en
route to Malvern, Iowa, where he
goes to accompany his wife back
home, Mrs. Smith having been there
visiting her parents prior to their
departure for Florida for the winter.
Mr. Smith made the trip by auto.
From Friday's Dally.
Edward Murphy of San Francisco,
is in the city enjoying a short visit
at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary
Murphy and with his sister, Miss
Sheriff Quinton Discovers Owner of
Car That Was Stolen From Oma
ha last Tuesday Evening.
George W. Thomas of Nebraska
City, was in this city today for a few
hours coming down from Omaha,
where he has been visiting his fath
er, Thomas Thomas, and going on to
his home this afternoon.
160 acres on federal road,
miles from Murray, Neb., good
provemeiits, easy terms.
Mynard. Neb
Marriage license kssued to Fernly
Bates, son of Lemon Bates, of Platts
mouth, and Miss Katherine Wheeler,
daughter of the late Mark Wheeler
of Omaha. The marriage ceremony
was performed yesterday afternoon
by Judge Bischof. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mayhee of Plattsmouth, wit
nessed the ceremony. Nebraska City
The ownership of the Ford sedan
that discovered abandoned on
last Wednesday near Murray, ha.;
been settled by Sheriff C. I). Quin
ton, who has discovered that it was
the property of Guy Furness. of 1715
Douglas street, Omaha. The ar
was stolen from the street when it
had been parked, fonic time Tuesday
evening and had evidently been
brought on to j'iatsmouth where a
number was stolen from the tru!
of John Wolff end placed on th
stolen sedan. For some reason the
car was abandoned by the parties
taking it, a short distance south of
Murray where it was found by Sher
iff Quinton and brought on to this
city. The three young men who
were reported to have been .seen in
that city vicinity on last Wednesday
morning have so far tailed to put in
any further appearance.
All parties having accounts rr
notes are requested to call and settle
same at the old stand with C. K.
Bestor or myself. John F. Gordcr.
t f d & w.
We do all kinds or jon printing.
The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an
enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be
changed to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the
sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof.
Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and
demountable rims with 3i-mch tires all around. A real -family car. Anybody can
safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy
which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation
and maintenance. Won't you come in and look at it?
-V ft
T. El. Pollock Garago
Ffhone No; l' Plattsmouth, Neb.
V f
;'-i -