1 f -1 PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1920. 0 V araim mice Said! "The American People Like to be Fooled." There still seem to be a lot of manufacturers and dealers who believe that is true, and base their business getting schemes on that belief. At frequent intervals a "Talking Machine" with a new name only, finds its way on the market, and it is usually announced with a lot of claims that later are disproved, but not until a lot of people have been fooled. One of the pet claims is that the machine can play Edison Re creations satisfactorily and many times the claim is even made that they can play them better than the NEW EDISON. This is manifestly absurd, and you can save yourself from hew fooled by insisting that you hear an Edison Re-Creation played on the "Talker" and on the NEW EDISON, insisting that the NEW EDISON and the "Talker" be placed side by side. We will furnish the NEW EDISON to prove the claim, and wc will at the same time prove to you that the NEW EDISON and RE-CREATIONS finest combination to be found today, regardless of price. ilSSOORi ; PACIFIC HAS ACCIDENT! MEMBER OF EXTRA GANG AT UNION KILLED AS THROWN FROM HANDCAR. This morning August Rohn, a 31 v1 . 1 irc the a Joins Piuoir orm taller it Famous Wherever Corn Grows Established 1851 The Weyrich & Hadrada: member of an extra gang employed j on (he Missouri I'acifie out of Union,! uret his death when he fell from a , hundcar and was run over by the , car. i Mr. llohn war, little known in Union, having been there but six 'days as a member of the gang of lif : teen men employed in road work and ; this morning with the other mem bers of the party started for liieir i work several miles south of Union. The party was luing two handcars for transportation and the unfortu nate man was one of the five men ' occupying the hist car. Whn about a mile south of Union the members ,of the party noticed the stranger acting as though taken with a said i den stroke and a moment later he ; fell forward from the car onto the ! track. Itefore the car. which had (reached quite a high speed, could be ! checked, it had passed over his bodyigj canning imd.int death. The dead man was brought back Jlhv his rmnnanions to the depot at Union and tlie remains left there to : ..l.:......... ... i..n.. r which point l e had come to Union. liiere is iittl" known ot ?.r. IColin by his companions a.nd he was ap- Jiiparentlv in the neighborhood of tiftv ri i : .. , , , , ins oi iie aim i supmisfn io lit1 Incorporated 1867 Cylinder Eilachsnes BUILT TO SHELL HUSHED CORN LATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA 11 ;: iiariTi i LAND FOR SALE highlands of Ioui.,iana. See F. ! Kgeiibcrgcr, Agont, Plattsrr.out h. G.! IS MAKING RECORD nn in irried. So far no trace of his ! family or relatives has been learned. ugh railroad officials at 1'alls ISg' ...... J3 ! find sonm relative of the unfortunate tof . l li 11 lVrfaffifl j The accident occurred at 9::',t jjmt before the arrival of the early j j i;ori! i !ig siitli bound passenger! train. ' xUimmmk- i -' The Joliet Cjdinder Corn Shellers possess all the advantages of other cyl inder corn shellers and are free from their defects. They do not require a man to stand behind them in the dust to keep back the unshelled ears of corn. In fact, these shellers are as nearly automatic as any machines can be that require adjustment for different kinds of work. We have these shellers in stock. Come in and look them over. T. Hn PolSook Garage, ;:;,t!0 acre? of land located in the da .v. Hon. GEORGE A. DAY -CANDIDATE FOR Supreme Judge (Now Serving on Supreme Court) Fi T seventeen years Jud.e of District Courr, Fourth Judicial District (Omaha.) Formerly on Supreme Court Commission. 36 years a resident of Nebraska. Under the lvv tl.a names of all candidates for judicial offices will appear on separata ballcW. without party designation. C'ection November 2. 193. Vi.-tr,- Sliirm. son of A. 1 . Stlirill. 1 :'.-''"'i .-'no.. m,v,m , ,.r V.-t o on, i w KiuiliMit r.t -Mi cri I'j-ciiic rcurr'.l at Auluirn V:i!o f-olleire. is now nlaviir' fullback f.i,.,n t.,m ,.f tu-At irmit !'" M- I. Nelson, roadrnaster of oir.,-,i itKiitniimi in the 1-all.; ( ity division of the road the recent panic between Yal and ( i'.iirpritv n;" VnrtH arolina.i Mr Sturm diinsuished himself in train and death .c-unvd instantly, the plavins of his position and thelThe .let-i!- cf th incident are very nr,, t'.ifn ts on tho miiic pi vc ! '! n i i o. Mr. Nelson is a resident i T.'.:ivr.r of TiiarK-.oi ran v hi ni'i lucmv.i. sl.ortiy afi-T tin; accident at I'nion. was Killed in the yard there by brins; struck !.v !, locomotive of a work PHONE NO. 1 -:- PLATTSMOUTI I, NEB. mJ. v.mww i in him creat credit as el ability. I'rior to entering l ale. Mr. Pturni was a student at Kxeter college in New Hampshire. ! W. T. Kichardson, of M n ir I. writes insurance for the Farmer: ! Mutual of Lincoln. I'honc 2111. Journal want ads pay. Try them. (ohe UUUVj ul Event of the Season 1 J J Lj p -w 9 I LOCAL NEWS From Ttmrstlay s 1'itlv. Sheriff ". I), (iuinton va out in tlie vicinity of j.'le today attemliiiA to some ina ters'for the county for a few hours. . J. S. Henschottcr was anions the business vi: itors in Omaha today for a fev hours attending to some niat fers of importance. Pert rhilnot, of Weeping Water, was in the ity yesterday for a few hours enroute home from Omaha, where he bus lueu looliin after some business nr.i 1 1 ejs. FJalph Larson, of Louisville, was a v" -i t . ? r in th.e ciiy over ni?."ht. a Ruest at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. (I. t.i'.rsoa. relurnin,; to his duties this afternoon. From Kriil.t v's I'ai'y 5 aid w ip; V: up The return of these clever musicians .1 a 9 a Si boil imnm ouue v id which played this season at Krug Park, in Omah.i, are coming here to entertain you, at PLATTSMOUTHEB, sdav Evenin 21 Gents, $1.50; Spectators, 50c; Lady Dancers Free; Lady Spectators, 25c These prices include the war tax. Given by Hugh Karnes Post American Legion. hist evc- !"i:'i; fr.'in .Miirray to attend the per form, nn- of "Tlie "'isliips Kins" at the Tarmele tiie;tter. Vv". Veenk:iini) departed this at'ioriioon for Omaha to spend a few hours seciirins .--or.ie repairs for his e;ir t i: .it h:oj been put out of commis sion. Fred Niit.ma'.i of near Nehawka. candidate for repre:cntat ive on tlie republican ticket, was in the city yesterday ;flerneo!i looking after his political fences. This morning a license was is sued at the ollice of County Judpe Allen .1. llecson ti Mr. Lindsay L. Kaymond and Miss Hazel Hunter, both of Pacific Junction. (Jecre Merriweathcr and wife of Valley, Neb., who have been here vis it ins at the home of Mrs. Z. Niel and family for tlie past few days, depart ed titis morning for their home. Mrs. Henry J. Meisinjxcr was a m on r: those goinj; to the metropolis this morning where she visited for the day. Mr. Meisinger motored in from the farm with the wife and vis ited hce for a few hours. Merritt Kur-r.ell and Frank Do mingo, tvo of the rustling young busine s men of Weeping Water, mo tored up last evening to spend a few hours here visiting with friends and lor king after some matters of busi ness. John dry and J. II. Short return ed this morning from Hastings, at which place they have boon attend ing the grand encampment of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Cory was rather under the weather during the encampment and did not. enjoy it as much aa he had anticipated. Financial Loss Ime To Colds It is estimated that the average ram loses three days tme each year from inability to work on account of having a cold. Much of this loss can be avoided bj' treating every cold as ro'in as the first symptoms of the di.ear,- appear. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hps won a wide reputation and inime'i F.ile by itr. cures of this disease. Try it. Von Pie certain to he plea; ed with, its pleasant tase and the prompt relief which it affords. If von nrc. finirinr- on entertaining for ilaTlowcY;i, call at the Journal, fcr your execrations. j E51 Halllowe'eBi Eq Thursday Evening, October 2Bh COATI S GIVEN QY K ny She MUSIC BY EAGLES' ORCH ASTRA Good Time Assured! , Everybody Invited! Admission 35c, plus war tax. Ladies Free! ouvenirs for Everybody! TV' m '"" THE UNIVEDSAi- CAH The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be changed to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, coldrproof. Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rims with 3H-mch tires all around. A real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation and maintenance. Won't you come in and look at it?. T. II Pollock Oarage Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb. 5J i k 1 J i N (I