The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 21, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal
conservative institu-
earnest desire to
This is a strong,
tion. and we have
serve you.
Call on us at any time with your financial
problems, and it will be a pleasure to try
and help you solve them.
A Friendly, Serviceable Bank
Mis Grace Loenrief 'was a visi
tor at her home in Elmwood over
Gorre Sherwood left Monday for
a short trip to Colorado to look after
some land interests.
Mrs. T. T. Smith and mother. Mrs.
M. Grimes visited in Omaha and
Conpcil H5 'iff last Friday.
M. It- WVssell and family of Ne
braska City were ipiests at the borne
of L. G. Tod 1 and wife last Sunday.
driTine up in their car.
R. E. Ta!or shelled and delivered
his corn lat Monday, in order to
pet the cribs emptied for the abiin
dunt itld he will pather this fall.
i;rr. W. A. Taylor was a visitor
In Wabash last-Sunday, where he
preached both niornins? and ereninp
to lrrse anl-apprcciative audience.
Attorney V. V. Moran. of Nebras
ka City, who is a candidate for state
finaJor on the democratic ticket, was
in Union one day last week making
a IiTely canvass for Totes.
Mis Minnie IVters visited her
parents in Lincoln "Sunday.
Georce St rouble, of Nebraska City,
was a visitor in I'nioti last Friday,
Coniir: to look after some business
matters and to accompany a candi-
late fur the legislature on his tour'
of inspection. -
ri.irriipp llnWi- nrf .-nt r-.i tlA'l
position of janitor in the city M.1100I
ind will tuaKe an excellent "inan for
he place. Clan nee can take care o
the position in excellent manner.
J. C. Snaveley. who has been-in
he east locking after some bushiest
matters at his old home in Virginia,
returned last week. He was accom
panied by an aunt who will make
L. R. Upton, wife and two children,
accompanied by Grandma Upton, are
visitinsr at the home of Mr. and Mr.
Karl Upton at Harwell, having driv
en out a few days since in the ccr
of Iloy Upton.
"That Baby Overland
We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the
'Baby. Overland." which you must sec and rid-j in to appreciate.
We al .0 carry OLlomobile Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and
Truck.,. We have a number of ood mechanics ready for any work
that may be offered in the repair line. We al-so carry a full stock
of tires and accesorics for all makes of cz.n. See us for cars or
repair work.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
30,000 Acres
We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in
Lincoln County, Colorado, at this time. Come, see
land, where in many instances one crop will pay for
the Jand. We are making trips every Saturday. Call
and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars.
The best land and at a price where any one can pur
chase and at prices where ane one can pay.
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
I Robert Willis was looking after
; some business matters in Nehawka
! Monday morninjr.
j H. S. Raymond arrived in the city
! Monday for a short visit at the home
j of his son, James Raymond, east of
Isaac Dye threshed his oats last
: Monday, that bein? the first time he
has had opportunity to get at the
John I.loyd and son, of Nehawka,
. were looking after some business
'matters in Union one day during the
. past week.
! I). W. Foster was a visitor in
FMatt-siiiouth last Saturday, being
iiallol there to look after some busi
;noss matters.
j Victor Krivanek. of Plattsmouth,
1 was a visitor in Union last Monday,
Icomingr down to look after some, in
'surance business.
j JS F. Hoback. of near Nehawka,
was a .cuest at the home at the home
I of his daughter. Mrs. Frank Ander
ion and husband.
I F. H. McCarthy, wife and little
child went to Auburn last Sunday,
driving down with 'their car for a
short visit with friends..
C. S. Stottler attended a sale aj
Avoca last Monday and declares that
although the cattlo sold fair, the
'.implements went for a song,
j IK-'an Austin began the harvesting
1 of his corn crop last Monday and
I says the corn is in prime condition
! and the yield will be excellent.
County Commissioner C. F. Harris
was in the county sat last Monday,
driving up in his car to look after
sonre county matters in company
with the other members of the board.
Mrs. J. E. Talkington is visiting
at the home of her children near
Surprise, having departed for there
.a nuninor 01 nays a'o. witn me ex
Ipecfation of remaining for some time.
C. S. Vallery. highway commis
sioner, was a visitor in Union , last
Monday moaning, coming down to
look after some road work and also
to confer with County Commissioner
C. F. Harris.
Earl Keedy and wife visited in
Omaha last Sunday, driving up in
their car. They were guest siL the
home of Mr. Kecdy's parents and
t.'.st of Attorney C. H. Taylor, who
is a brother of Mrs. .Keedy.
Joe banning and family were in
Plattsmouth last Sunday, being in
attendance at the funeral of the late
Dr. E. W. Cook. They drove up in
their car and returned at the conclu
sion of the services at the cemetery.
George and Joseph Hill have rent
ed farms across the river in Iowa and
will move there in the spring. They
; have lived on the farm of W; I.
I.Stine for some time. Charles Hill
will occupy the farm they vacate
(the coming season,
j Miss Gertrude Thorpe, the nurse
j who was in of Warren I'ears
( iey when he was in the hospital some
tune ago, visited at tne rearsley
home over Sunday, enjoying a very
pleasant stay and finding a warm
welcome from the former patient as
well as the other members of the
family. r
Mont Robb who spent Sunday in
Union was a brief visitor at the home
.- his son. Hush Robb, in Wyoming,
before departing for Crete and the
western part of the state. .Mr. Robb
is field representatives of the Haynes
Grain company of Omaha ami hi.?
riusiiits.s calls him to divergent lo
calities over the state.
1 A letter from the son of Judce
Goorse H. True, who lived in the
neighborhood 01 l 11 ion for" a num
ber of years, and who moved to the
northern part of the state some tight
years aco. tells of an auto hitting
the rig in which Judge True and his
i,iTi tt-f.rp l-iHinf hot li hnino- iniiiriw!
'very badly. Judge True hail a wrist
and leg broken, while the son escap
ed with a fractured rib.. Roth are
getting along nicely, although the
elder True is suffering considerably
as a result of his injuries.
wa. in the city from Saturday until
Tuesday, delivering two very able
addresses last Sunday. In the even
ing the house wys crowded to its ut
most capacity to hear this eloquent
speaker. Iast Sunday was rally day
at the Methodist church and as such
it proved a great success. The beau
tiful weather bid for a share of the
crowd, but there were still enough in
attendance at all the meetings to
comfortably fill the church.
The subject for discussion next
Sunday will be "Seven Years Spent
in the Black Hills." During this
time Dr. Cartes often met "Sitting
Dull,' the famous Indian chieftain,
and his discourse promises to be a
very interesting one and should be
heard by air who can well attend.
Exhibits Some Potato
There is on exhibition at the
Farmers store a large potato, which
bears a label on which one reads that
it was raised by County Commission
er C. F. Harris and weighs 2 pounds
;nd 10 ounces. Just where the good
natured commissioner grew the pota
to we are not informed, but it may
be that he raised the tuber like the
nigger did the beets just took hold
by the tops and pulled.
Many Will be There
Ex-service men here who are mem
bers of the American Legion post at
riattsmouth have received notice of
a big dance which the legion will
give at Coat es hall in the county wat
next Wednesday night. October 27th.
Music will be furnished by Eamps
orchestra of Omaha. tl"i boys .ho
plav at Krug park during the sum
mer, and one of the leading musical
aggregations in the state. Many from
Union will be there to enjoy the
evening, especially if the roads are
irood on the scheduled night.
Will Help Pick Corn
M. Tucker of Iconium, Mo., who
has been in the western part of the
-tate daring the past Rummer, ar
rived in Union Sunday and is visit
ing at the home ot menus, 1. i-.
Crunk and family, who live north cf
town. Mr. Tucker will remain here
until after corn picking. when I.
will return to his home in Missouri.
Backed by Much Wealth
School district number seventeen,
which comprises Union and vicinity,
ha? an assessed valuation f $l.lli,
2 4-". which is a good sized sum from
Ahich to secure funds tor carrying
on tne scnooi worn.. mc
,re are known for their proficiency
md the manner in which tne are
maintained and those who atu-iKi
iiave the opportunity of gaming a
good, practical education right here
;t home. Such advantages are not
often available in towns of this size
and our citizens and taxpayers should
Lake pride in the school system th.vt
has been built up here.
The district has an excellent build
ing, which was ouiii.uoi wB
and the bonds on which will be paid
off in the near future. When these
are liquidated the financial condition
ji the district will be in excellent
shape and such as to permit ine te-
curing of even better facilities ior
fi!:ientin our bovs and girls who.
bv the way, will be the men
vomeii of tomorrow.
Went Into the Ditch
A man named Markhani, accom
panied by two grown daughters
while driving along the roadway near
tUe home of Winfield Swan, had the
mh-ifortune to go into the ditch last
Sunday, and Had to be pulled out
iwith a tractor. They then returned
to their home at Wahoo, having had
enough joy riding for the lime.
Winter Coming!
Cold weather will soon be here and you should
be prepared for it when it does come.
Fix up the old house before a northwesterner
haits you.
You need some new floors. They are as cheap
as a rug and will outwear two or three.
How about that closed in back porch you have
been promising the family for years? Build it now!
The roof no doubt needs patching. Better
hurry! L
We appreciate your patronage.
Ires'. Lumber Co.,
Union, Nebraska ,
Met With Miss Elsie Taylor
I lie toadies Aid society of the
Methodist church met last Tuesday
evening at the home of Miss Klsie
Taylor, where they held a purelv
business meeting. The meeting was
well attended by a large number of
(the members, who gave strict atten
tion to the work of the society in a
very business-like manner.
Resigns Her Position Here
Miss O'Sullivan, who has been
j instructor of science and language
in the union schools, has resigned
her position to accept a position in
the schools at Stanton. Miss O'Sulli
van was well liked here and was
uj os . capauic leacner. as vet no
one has been secured for the position
j although a Miss Donniher. of Lincoln
;has been employed temporarily until
a permanent teacher can be obtained
Had Hand Severely Mashed
.v.. it. canning, wnue assisting in
loading a pressure tank at Weeping
(Water for use in the new home he is
having constructed in Union, had
the misfortune to cr-f hij hnnt hn.
itween the tank and a two by four lan? jvvill remain he
Paul and Miss Margaret Swan were
tn attendance at u;e iooiuan fcnuic
at Lincoln last Saturday.
Miss Verna Harris was a visitor
over Sunday at ti e home 01 ner
friend, Mrs. Vivian Rhoades.
Karl Hathaway returned home last
Friday from Grant, where he nau
been visiting for some time.
Mies Lva Shackky, a teacher in
the Union schools, was a weeK cm
Kiiest of Miss Vern.i Shuey, of Ne
braska City.
Miss Kdith Frans was a visitor
. ... . 1 .
over Sunday at tue Home 01 tri
uncle, C. It. Frans and family of
Jack Duegan and wife of Fremont
were looking alter some buiit
matters in Union last Monday, driv
ing over in his car.
Mr. and Mrs. Derwood Lynde vis
ited at the' home of Mrs. tynues
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall,
at Nebraska City last Saturday.
C. W. Clark and wife, grana
laughter, Beulah, and Mrs. Vesta
Clark visited in Lincoln fcunuaj.
driving over in their car to spend
the day.
H. 1). Stine; who began picking
corn last week ana wno is luaivms,
good progress, was a business visi
tor in the county s.-at last Monday
afternoon, going thtre to dispose of
a car load 01 apples.
George and Augus t Bollnian were
in Union last Sunday; driving up
from their home at Falls City to
visit with friends aid relatives here,
and were guests at the W. L- Ho
back home for the! day.
K. U. Smith, of S-enie, South Da
kota, arrived iu Uliloii a few days
ago and is visiting' at the home of
M mntlior t r T-V Smith and his
trMiidmnlhPP Mrs V M GrinieS. He"
will remain for sorte lime,
her home here in the future.
Wm. Krvih. who vent to the west
ern part of the stale to drive home
the auto of Orvillei McQuinn. arriv
ed last Saturday, jlle reports find
ing the roads in vety fair condition,
and was able to 4ake the trip in
good time. j
Joseph Hall, a conductor on the
Missouri raciOc, wis the loser of a
number 'of liberty bi.nds worth $400,
when he placed thei in his grip and
left them in the caV while he went
into the eating hoii;e at Omaha for
a few moments. j
James Lewis, whi has been spend
ing the summer In the northern
part, of the state, ri turned Saturday
for the present
I w hich wa being used as a lever, and ' f P8,rt5nff w,th lne farvestms
crushed. Mr. Banning is not able tb!cin'ty has Prodc.e4
- .. , , 1 ... .. ; Mrn tlnnrv Curt
'use the injured hand, but reports it!
13 improving and he hopes will soon
!be entirely well.
Mrs. Henry Gigtere and little
: daughter nf I.inrolh visited at the
1 home of A h. AiiKrtn Aver Sunday.
i W. C. Carraher. Uho has been-, at
Had Large and Interested Audience case of summer flujis able to be at
I Rev. J. B. Carnes. of University the store and give bis attention to
Place, who is at present supplying business a?ain. alttousrh he is not
for the Methodist church of Union. ftiin? Hn.tnn aa t-t
!i I
! ! i
t 1
: I':
Dnameter tnd road test of Zelnieker Ever-T$te Piston
Rings in Ford Engine by Thos. A. Edison engineers.
Edison's, engineer says
"With Zelnieker
Ever-Tyte Piston Rings
the following improve
ments in engine .were
shown over the old ring:
12 more power
25 more compression
12 less gasoline used
35 less carbon deposit
10 less wall friction."
Thc Zelnieker Ever-Tyte
Piston Rings have been tested
on a block dynameter and on
the road fcr 2300 miles in a
Ford car and have proved satis
factory in every respect. I
reccmrnend them very highly
to the trads in general."
H. W. Almquist, Automotive
Engineer, Thos- A. Edison, Inc.
The remarkable standing of the
Zelnieker Ever-Tyte Ring among
mechanical engineers is due to
its eight years record in every
type and size of engine . under
every conceivable condition.
Engineers recognize it as the
only ring whose construction
has made practical the use of
"three point expansion."
3 polnl eMpan$lot
Right-Angle Intetbdt.
SI 1
The Ecer-Tighi Piston Ring Co.. St. Loaii, U.S.A.
Ak fof Zelnick! Er-Tyte Piston Rings at
any garage or repair sbop or get tbem from us.
J.F. Wolfs Garage
i !
You Can Eat !
We are carrying
Fresh Groceries
and Canned Goods!
Also Working Clothes and
Boots and Shoes!
We will have Fresh Meat from
' this date on. A
Bring in Your Fresh Produce
You Can Save Money
For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt "and
General Hardware. Now is the time to do that Painting.
We have it now. Better take advantage of the oppor
tunity. You know what it may mean to be without.
Our Store Will Save YOU Money
iil !
: '