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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1920)
PAGE TWO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL r ARRESTED FOR OF BOOZE TED LEWIS, CLAIMING NEBRASKA CITY AS HOME, GIVEN JOLT IN COUNTY COURT. From Tuesday's Dally. This morning in county court be fore Judge Beeson, a young man giv ing the name of Ted Lewis and his residence as Nebraska City, was brought before the court charged with transporting liquor contrary to the law of the state of Nebraska. The young man at first was of the opinion that he would enter a plea of not cuiltv. but later decided that he would acknowledge the violation of the law and accordingly was given a fine of $100 and costs which will amount to $125. The capture of Lewis occurred last evening when County Attorney Cole and Sheriff Quinton gave chase to the Ford sedan of the prisoner and overhauled him near the Allison farm south of Murray. The two officers Avere out motoring and while at Mur ray saw the gentleman who was sus pected of being engaged in the trans portation of the contraband juice of the corn andccordingly when Lewis saw the officers he decided that what he needed was solitude and lots of it and accordingly hit for the road in bis car with the officers making a close second. After a race of a few miles the Ford struck its colors and the officers took charge of the situa tion and brought the gentleman on into Plattsmouth to await' his trail In addition to a heavy fine for the transportation of the liquor Mr. Lewis will lose his sedan for having it engaged in this unlawful work. After the trial, the prisoner was remanded to the custody of Sheriff Quinton until the amount due to rettle for his fine is forthcoming, as Mr. Lewis expects to have the amount here by this evening to secure his release. RED GROSS TO MEET AT WEEPING WATER On Saturday Afternoon, October 23, at 3 o'clock Meeting is to Ar range for 4th Roll Call. The various Red Crosses branches of Cass county will meet at Weeping Water on Saturday afternoon. Octo ber 23rd, to arrange for the Fourth roll call and for the election of offi cers for the ensuing year. It is hoped to have a .full meeting at this time in order that the plans for the coming year. It is hoped to have a full meeting at this time in order that the plans for the coming year may be fully discussed. The home service department of the Red Cross is becoming'one of the most important branches of the work and its aid in caring for the sick or needy or unfortunate former service men and their families is something that should be more fully appreciat ed. Every branch of the Red Cross in the county should be well repre rented at the meeting and the hearty co-operation of the public given in the work. Mrs. F. II. Dunbar, secretary of the home service department, was at Weeping Water yesterday, arranging for the meeting and will have the assistance of the Weepinf Water post of the American Legion is arranging for the gathering. HIGH SCHOOL LOSES TO FREMONT ELEVEN To the Tune of 25 to 0 Goes to Weeping Water Friday Legion . Game Here Next Sunday. The Plattsmouth high school foot ball team, playing in Fremont yes terday afternoon, was defeated by the score of 25 to 0. but the game was far more interesting throughout than the score would indicate. The contest was very clean and sportsmanlike in every way and 'the locals, while regretting to lose the battle, felt that they had been treat ed royallv by their opponents and are pleased over the clean and pleas ing manner in which the game was played. For the Plattsmouth team. Hallas. McCarthy,. Schneider and Wescott were the chief stars in making gains for their organization and in block ing the plays of their opponents. The local team will visit Weep ing Water on next Friday afternoon and play the high school team of that city. The Fremont team is one of the best high school teams in eastern Nebraska and one that has made a veiy pleasing record so far thi3 sea- ron and bids fair to be one of the contenders for the state champion ship of the year. Interest in local football circle, also centers in next Sunday's open ing 'game between the newly orga nized-American Legion team, and the Havelock Boilermakers. .7.. , - Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Bitter taste? Complexion sallow? Liver perhaps Deeds waking up. Doan's Regulets for bilious attacks. 30c at all stores. " .' W. T- Richardson, of Mynafd, writes insurance for the Farmers Mutual of Lincoln. Phone 2411. LAND FOR SALE 30,000 acres of land located in the highlands , of Louisiana. See P. O. Egenberger. Agent.' Plattsmouth. : daw. LOCAL NEWS Prom Monday's Dallv i rnntaln Isaac Wiles was a passen ger .this afternoon for Omaha to visit his 'son, T. F. Wiles and family for a short time. fipnree W ' Thomas and wife of Ne braska citv. came ud yesterday from their home to attend the funeral of their old friend. Dr. E. W. Cook, and for a short visit with relatives and friends. Miss Edith Frans, of Avoca, came nn Saturday to visit for the week end here as a guest at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John I. Lyon and with other relatives and friends. August Swanson was a passenger this morning for Omaha, -where he has been taking treatment for. some time with rheumatism. Mr. Swanson has Just recently returned from In dianapolis. where he has been visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs Barney Wampler. Andy Thomsen motored down last evening from Cedar Creek accompan led hv Mrs. fieoree E. Savles am daughter. Mrs. Andrew Fudge of Montgomery. Virginia, and the mem bers of the party visited at the home of County Clerk George It. sayies ana family for a few hours. Mrs J. A. Murray is in the city for a short visit, with her many old time friends. Mrs. Murray is now Hvine at Milford. where she is car ing for her aged parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kearns. and reports that the father is now in very leeDK health and requires the most con stant care.''' "rom Tuesday's Dally. D. J. Pitman cf Murray, was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after a few mat ters of business. Countv Commissioner J. A. Pitz and A. J. Trilety were in Council Bluffs today for a few hours looking after some matters of business. Mrs. J. C. Stevenson of Greenwood and son, Arthur, of Lincoln, were in the city today for a few hours at tending to some matters in the coun ty court. J. G. Meisinger and William Rum mell. were among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours looking after some matters of business. Frank Grauf came up this morn ing from his home south of the city an dspent a few hours attending to some matters of business with the merchants. Frank Wheiler of Madird, Neb., arrived in the city last evening to spend a, short time here attending to some real estate. deals in which he is interested. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray, demot- cratic candidate for representative was in the city today for a few hours looking after some business matters while enroute home from Omaha. W. R. Young, "the auctioneer, de parted this afternoon for Brunswick, Nebraska, where he will have charge of a sale of thoroughbred hogs near that place. Mr. Young has made an enviable reputation in his line thru- out the state and is meeting with great success in his sales. James W. Newell, of Washington, D. C, was a visitor here this after noon with his father, Hon. W. H Newell and family, for a few hours. while en route from the west. Mr Newell is now employed . with the government in the settlement of the railroad administration business.' The name Doan's inspires con fidence Doan's Kidney Pills for kid ney ills. Doan's Ointment for skin itching. Doan's Regulets for a mild laxative. Soli at all drug stores. 4.,;..;..i...,M.4-M ,t. ,,, ,.; t..i ELM WOOD Leader-Echo iieauer-Echo ,ti,fr,H',i,'i"8"ii,t"H"8"M' l"!"l"i"M"fr8-4-i' Mr. and Mrs. Emos Hughes a.nd Mr. and Mrs. Tangeman and Miss. Bishop, all of Gretna, were Sunday visitors at the home of C-G. Bailey and family. Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Scott and daughter, motored' to Lincoln Tues day, and from there continued over land to Chandler, Oklahoma, where they visited Prof. R. E. Conley and lamiiy and no Edmond, Oklahoma where they visited Mr. Scott's broth er. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Creamer have now moved to town and are located in the property they recently pur chased m the northeast part of town Of course Mr. Creamer is a little lonesome for the farm but in all probability he will get used to us fellows around town and will be FOR A FEW HOURS A DAY WE WILL RAISE YOUR PAY TRAIN FOR OFFICE WORK ' Far Vtan A -r. ....... horthand. Bookkeeping. Banking. Civil t i,wiini raining, i eicgrjmhv Business Arfmlnl.,..,i.. poaitiona, 8xl salaries and rapid promo- We find positions for atudnt Qualify. Expanses moderate. Work for oard If desired. Enter any Monday Assure success by- . 8ELECTJOM OF AN ACCREDITED SCHOOL. hi chest standards of teachers and courses. VV rite them for catalogue, menuoninj- BORES COLLEGE Lincoln Business Collet Omaht, Nabi-aaka - Lincoln. Nebraska , YY 1 1 1 1 1 1 & IU illiisa llliuocii ci c fellow of the burg. Last Friday evening was a very hannv occasion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gustin in this city. It was the thirtieth anniversary oi the wedding of these good people and a number of their friends had as sembled at their beautiful and hos pitable home to help them do justice to the occasion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bailey and son, Warren; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wil liams and family; Mrs. Edith Clem ents" and son, Harry; Mr. and. Mrs. A. H. Wallinerer and Mr. and Mrs. Treat, of Calloway, Nebraska. The eyening was spent in a social man ner, the game of somerset ueing in dulged in.. Delicious refreshments were served. On last Friday evening as Thor nnvlso was driving tr Lincoln in his big" Hudson car and while about four miles from that place or near the turn thai goes to Bethany, he struck the cement side of a bridge. The car was going at sufficient speed so that the fenders and running board on the right side of the car were completely scraped off and the side of the body badly dented and scratched. Mr. Boyles was severely injured, being badly cut by broken pieces of glass. A young fellow came along in a Ford car about this time and took Mr. Boyles to a hospital in Lincoln, where his injuries were attended to. While they were very serious, he is .getting' along all right at present. Mr. Long of the garage had the Hud son car brought back- to this place Saturday for repairs. The accident was due to-the feet that a large car passing had stirred up so much dust that Mr. Boyles was unable to see the bridge in time' to miss it. M, ; -K- 'i-i- "'.' ! ? -I'-M' -t' M' EAGLE . I Beacon .g..a..g..g..a..g. .g..;. a-.g. ; ;. ; .; -i-.-fr Mr. 'and Mrs. Gotleib Kockenbach returned last "Saturday from a sum mer spent in eastern Colorado, where Mr. Kockenbach has been working at his trade of plasterer. He reports good crops and prosperous conditions through that part of the country. Walter F. Cook and family re turned last week from Colorado, where they went last spring with the intention of making their future home. Unfortunately they got lo cated in a section of the state where conditions were not the best and crops not abundant, and became dis satisfied. A gloom was cast over the entire community last Thursday evening, when it was learned that one of the most esteemed of our older citizens, J. C. Benz, had suffered a stroke of paralysis, which occurred at about 6 o'clock. He had enjoyed his usual health, and had just returned from a stroll down town when Mrs. Betts, his nearest neighbor, heard a pe culiar noise and ran to his assistance. He evidently realized what, was com ing and rang the telephone but was unable to speak. Mr. Oberle sus pected trouble and hurried up the alley, just as Mr. Betts came home and quickly joined in assisting. Dr. Longacre was called and he was put to bed and made easy. He lingered, conscious, but unable to speak, un til about 0 o'clock Tuesday evening, when the end came peacefully and apparently wijthout pain. Funeral services will be held at the Metho dist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'ejock conducted by the pastor, Rev. Chadwick, and the remains will be laid to rest beside his wife "2n Camp Creek cemetery. t t ntt iji it ifr Ji at eajaaaaaSaaf jajSJaafcayaB i ifa AaHa I nmcvii i r LOUISVILLE f, V-' wll V 1 L, Li Li .J J Courier iaagittaiginfjiianajae The many Louisville , friend of Mrs. J. D. Creel, who was formerly Miss Katherine Richey, will bo in terested to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Creel and little daughter, Polly Lou, moved from their home in Omaha last week to their former home in Pueblo, Colorado, and will wish them every success and happiness. Tom Cromwell, of Grant, Nebras ka, has traded a section of Perkins county land for the Valentine Schram farm near Gretna, consisting of 160 acres. The Schram farm broimht about $375 jer acre and he paid $.100 an acre for the Perkins county land. which is well improved. Mr. Crom well is a former Cass countv resi dent. John A. Ilenuintrs. Sr.. is visifinir his nephew, John Hennings and fam ily and other relatives and friends in Oklahoma and will probably spend tne winter down there for the bene fit of his health. His daughter. Miss Myrtle, is staving with her. sister. Mrs. Mike Tritsch and family, in nattsraouth. during her father's ab sence. x Mrs. E. F. Pettis, son Donald hor cousin and aunt. Mrs. Carrie Pettis and Miss Mary Hebbard, of Lincoln, drove down Sunday to look after mat ters at her farm west of town, where Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinton reside. Airs, rettis two daughters are teach ing in distant states. Miss Dorothy in Kentucky and Miss Marian i n Hplcna Montana. Mr. aird Mrs. G. P. n rnwn and their guest. Miss Josephine Rys, of Plattsmouth. spent Sundav in tho country and were dinner guests of Mrs. Brown's brother-in-law, Law rence Group and family, and sup per guests at the home of her brother-in-law. Llovd Groun and familv They drove to Plattsmouth In the evening io taice Aiiss Kys home, - Ernest Pautsch returned the latter part of last, week from a ei w-ppkn' visit with relatives and old friend3 and neighbors in Wisconsin. On his way home, he visited relatives and friends In M innesota. lanHinc In Louisville on his birthday last Fri day. He had not set the day of his return but Mrs. Pautsch and daugh ter. Miss Lvdia. had his birthdav rak all ready for him in case he reached come in time. Mr. Pautsch does not look it and his friends will find It hard to believe- that ha celebrated kis 58th birthday upon this occasion. . XOT1CK TO CUKDlTOhS The State of Nebraska,' Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Wil liam Jleil, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are- hereby notified. That I will it at the County Court room In IMatts mouth i said countv. on the 9th day of October, 1920, and on the 10th day of January, 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m. of each of said days to receive and ex amine all claims apainst said estate, witli a view to their adjustment ' and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims ugainst state Is three months from the Utij day of October, A. I. 1U20, ami the time limited for payment flf debts Is one vear from said 9lh day Of October, 1920. 5 YVitnesS my hand and tho seal of said County Court, this 4th day of September, 1920. ALLKN J. BlCKfO.W (Seal; sl3-4w. 'County Judye. OTICr. OK Itr.FKItKK'S SAI.K- In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Pcniamin F. Goodman, rialntiiT, vs. llobei t F. Goodman et al, Defendants. Notice is hereby Riven that pursuant to an order of sale issued to me by the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on t'e. 2Sth day of Septem ber, 1920. in action pending In said court In which Henjamin F. Goodman was plaintiff and Kobert F. XJoodman et al. were defendants. I will, on the 9th day of November, 1920, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the south front door of the court house In riuttstiioutii. Cass county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to tiie highest bidder for eash. the following described real' estate situated in the City' of l'lattsniontlt, Cass county, Ne braska, to-wlt: Lois nine, ten. eleven and twelve In Klock ne hundred ten, according to the published ami recorded plat thereof. Said sale, will remain open for one hour. i C A. KAWLS, Keferee. CIIAS. E. MAKT1N, nnl-r.w. Attorney. MITICK TO CltKDITOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Adam KafTenberjrer. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby untitled. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county, on tho 6th day of November, 1920, a-ud on the 1st day of February, 1921. at 10 o'cloek a. m. each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for tho presentation of claims against said estate is three months from, the "th day of November, A. D. 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said I'.th day of Novemher, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said Countv Court, this 1st day of October, 1920. ALLKN J. I"! ICE SON", (Seal) ot-? ' County Judge. IJ'.GAL aotici: Notice to non-resident defendants. To the Free Daptist Foreign Mis sion Society, a corporation: American liiian i Trust Company, a corporation: west half of the northeast quarter of Section twenty (20), Township eleven (11). North Kanjre ten (10). east of the 6th I. M., Cass county, Nebraska and all persons claiming any interes of anv kind in said real estate, or any part thereof: You and each of you are hereby notified that Jienry MelrJurcen, as plaintiff on the 20th day of September, 1920. hied bis petition In the Distric Court of Cass county, .Nebraska, where in you and each of you are defendants the object and prayer of which Petl tlon are that yon :iv7d each of you, and all persons' claiming by, through or under you adversely to plaintiff, be adjudged to have no interest, right estate, or lien in or to: West half of the northeast quarter of Section twenty (20). Township eleven 11, North" Tiantje ten (10), eas-t of the 6th P. M., Cass county, Nebraska or any part or portion thereof, and that the plaint iff Henry Sleirjurpren together with lis grantors be adjudg ed to have been in the adverse pos session of said land for more than ten years last past, and that the letral title thereto hits become fully vested in Henry Meirjurgren notwithstanding the claims at you and each of you or any one claiming by, through or under you. and that the title to said land be forever quieted In the said Henry Melrjurgen. as against you am each of you. and. that each and all o said defendants above named, and those whoso names are unknown, and not stated, be forever barred from claim ing or asserting anv right, tide. In terest or 'estate in and to said real state or any part thereof, and for sncl other and further relief as tx the court may seem just and equitable. You and each of you are further notified you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 22nd day of Jvovember. 1!2'. JlENliY JIKIItJLT.OKN, Plaintiff C. A. KAWI-S. oll-Iw. His Attorney MITICK TO H'lt r.OITOHS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of le estate of tsarah L). Ulack, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room In Platts mouth in said county, on the 10th day or Novemner. a. l. PJ2. ami on tn 10th day of February, A. I. 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day to receive and examino all claims against said estate Willi a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from ttie 10th day of November, .4. I . 1920. and the time limited for payment of debts is one ear ti oni said 10th day or No vein her, - 1920. "Witness my band and the seal of said County Court tills 9th day of ixtouer, lyju. . - ALLKN J- BEESON, (Seal) oll-4w. County Judge, PHIIII Tj" OTtCH In tho County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Sam uel Ailey, deceased. NOTICE To all persons Interested In the es tate of Samuel Allev. deoeased: . iou are herebv notified that on this. the 13th day of October. 1920, the peti tion of Mark AVhite was Hied in this Court alleging that one Samnel Alley, iate a resident and inhabitant of Cass county. Nebraska, departed this lifer at Hock Bluffs, in .--aid countv, on Decem ber 2nd. 1S7-",, leaving an estate to be administered and a Last Will and Tes tament disposing of same, which Is now on file herein, and which was ad mitted to probate in this court on the fith day of January. 1S76, before Wm. H. Newell, then County Judge of said county, rji shown by an order entered on page 210 of Entrv Book "B" a rec ord of paid court, but that by over sight or omission, 'the paid County Judge failed to . endorse his certificate of probate thereon, as required by law, to entitle said instrument to be read In evidence of title to real estate, and praying that said instrument be allow ed, established, probated and .authen ticated, as required by law. You are further notified that said petition and riroofs thereon will be heard at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in Cats county, Nebraska.' on the da- of November, 1920. at. nine o'clock In the- forenoon, at which time all persons interested may appear, and content the same.- and unless ob iectlonr. are filed on or before said day And hour of hearing, Ui Court may grant the praver of said petition. Dated October i' 1920. f ALLEN- J. BEESON, ol4-3w. ! t County Judge. cOeDioit I?uQir (Steffi) "Famous Wherever Corn Established 1851 The fj c The Joliet Cylinder ) Corn Shellers possess all the advantages of other cyl inder corn shellers and are free from their defects. , . They do not require a man to stand behind them in the dust to keep back the unshelled ears of corn. In fact, these shellers are as nearly automatic as any machines can be that require adjustment for different kinds of work. We have these shellers in stock. Come in and look them over. PHONE NO. 1 MITICK In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. M. Irury, Plaintiff, vs. Henry J. St nil": H. J. Stoll; Wm. V. Kropp, De fendants. The object of the above entitled fic tion In wjiwli u summons is herewith served uponaillenry J. Stull, H. J. Stull and V. F. Kropp, and all persor.3 un known who may have or -;laim to have any right, title or interest in and to the North half of the Northwest Cjiirr ter (NVi NW'i) of Section two (2), Township ten (10), Hange twelve (12), Cass county, Nebraska is the fore elosurer of Tax Certificates No. 4616 owned by M. Drury, plaintiff, and cov ering the, above described .tract of land. That on or about the fith day of October, I9l!i. the plaintiff hied her petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, and the above nam ed defendants are hereby notified that unless they answer within thirty days of the completed service of this notice. exclusive of the day of such service, the petition of said Plaintiff filed against them In the Clerk's otlice of said Court, such petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered ac cordlngly. M. DliUIlV, By Plaintiff. K. L. PltURY. oil-? Her Attorney. I.KilAI, XOTIC'K otlce in Non-ltwilut Defendant To Silas Huff. Defendant: You will take notice that on the 9th day of October, 1920, the plaintiff herein, MPS. A. C. Huff, tiled her petl tion in the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska, against said defendant, Silas Huff, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certificate duly issued to the plaintiff on the 4th day of November, 1918. by the treasurer of Cass countv. Nebraska for the taxes due and delinquent on Lots 631, 632 and 6:;:t in the Village of Louisville, Nebraska, for the sum of $S.3S. and for the sum of S7.27 sub sequent taxes paid during the year 1918 and $8.02 subsequent taxes paid by plaintiff for the year 1919. That the above described real estate bo -.charged with the above amount with lawful interest thereon, and that plaintiff be awarded foreclosure there of, and that equity of redemption and all other interests of the defendant Silas Huff be forever barred and fore closed, and that said real estate be sold to satisfy the amount of the lien due thereon, and for such other equi table relief. You are required to answer said Pitition on or before the 22nd day ot November, 1920. Dated this 11th day of October. 1920. MRS. A. C. HUFF. Plaintiff. C. A. KAWLS. oil-? Attv.-for Plaintiff. ROAD NOTICE To all whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to open n. Democratic Candidate for Governor Four Year of Faithful and Economical Management' Speaks for Itaelf! A Vote fo r Mo rehead Means Less Taxes and Waste! Cylinder Machines BUILT TO SHELL IIUSXED CSRH T. H. Pollock Garage, a road beginning eighty rods east of the southeast corner of Section nine teen. (19 Township eleven, (11), Range fourteen, (14) in Cass county, Nebras ka; thence running due west to the southwest corner of Section nineteen, (19) Township eleven, (11) Range four teen, (14) width of said road to be forty (40) feet, has reported in favor of the opening thereof; and all objec tions hereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or before noon on the 20th day of November, 1920, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. GEO. R. SAYLES, s!6-4w. County Clerk. 1 3 .OTlCE TO CHKDITOUS State of Nebraska. Casa. county, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ann White, deceased. , y To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said county, on the- 15th day of October. A. D. 1920. and on the 16th day of January. A. D. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. in. each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment add . allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said estate is three months from the lath day of October, A. D. 1920, and the time lim ited for payment of debts Is one year from said 15th day of October, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 15th day of September, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) s20-? County Judge. MITICK TO CHKDITOUS State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. In the County Court. In tho matter of the estate of John Kraeger, deceased: ' To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth m salU county, on me znin uay of October, A. D. 1920, and on the 26th dav of January. A. D. 1921.-at ten (ltn o'clock a. m., each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for . pre sentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 26th day of October, A. D. 1920. and the time lim ited for payment ot debts Is one year from said 26th day of October, 1920. . Witness my hand andl the seal of said County Court, this 25th day of September, 1920. (Seal) s27-4w. 1 County .Judge. XOTICK TO CUEDITOltS, . The ' State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. " . . In the county :oun. In the matter of the estate of David Tourtelot, -deceased. ,;' To the creditors-or said estate: Yon are herebv notified. That I will sit at the Countv Court room in Platts mouth in said county., on the 6th day Economy and Efficiency will be secured in the state government by voting for jk9UIr Grows" Incorporated 1867 PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. of November, 1920, and on the 1st day of February, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the fith day of November, A. D. 1920 anl the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 6th day of November, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 1st day of Oc tober, 1920,' r ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) oi-? County Judge. INSURANCE See F. G. Egenherger or Vfck Kri vanek for all kinds of insurance. Of fice in the M. W..A. building, Sixth street. tf. THE UNIVERSAL CAB OUR NEW LOW PRICES ox Ford Pleasure, Cars, . Trucks and Fordson Tractors Runabout, without startor $465.00 Runabout, with starter 538.30 Tquringr, withont starter 512.25 Touring, with starter 585.15 Coupe, with starter 829.85 Sedan, with starterr S 8 1.90 One-ton truck with grain and stock body S00.00 Fordson, f. o. b. Detroit 790.00 We are taking signed orders for above models, which will be filled in the order in which they are taken, and as onr allotment of cars will not supply the demand at these greatly reduced prices, do not, delay giving us your signed orders if you want prompt delivery. ' T. H. Pollock Garage Authorized Ford Dealer Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT I 1 n. ji