The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1920.
The Bank of dHurdock
The wise man, and the successful man, invariably is"
very careful in the selection of his bank and his doctor.
He knows that his life may depend on the judgment and
ability of his doctor. He fully realizes that the life and
success of his business, be it professional, merchandising
or farming, may depend on his banker.
There is no question but that we shall pass through
an adjustment period, bordering on a panic, within the
next few years, present conditions foreshow this, and the
man who has not already tied up with an established, re
liable bank a bank whose officers have successfully with
stood times of stress, may shortly regret his lack of judg
ment. Select a bank that is able to take care of you in
times of plenty, as well as in times of famine, and you can
then rest easy. Remember the solid, dependable things
of life are not based on promises, but on deeds. Our past
record is what counts.
We have the above necessary qualities to offer our
customers, besides personal services whenever our opinion
is desired on business or personal matters of our friends.
All deposits in this bank is guaranteed by the depos
itors guaranty fund of the State of Nebraska.
little Girl Getting Along Nicely
Miss Ruth Neitzel, who was in
jured when the car which was being
driven hy her father some time ago
turned over and broke her arm, is
fret tint; along nicely and it is ex-
iected that she will continue to im
prove as it is tne uesire 01 ner
The Bank of LVJurdcck
"The Bank-where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
Ducks Are Getting Ripe.
La-t wtek Harry Gillespie, 11. A.
Tool and Louis llornbeck were visit
ors at the Pintle river and stopped
for a hunt at Pawnee Iodge and
which it was still warm at that
time, they succeeded in getting two
ducks, while II. H. Lawton also
found a chance ' to kill two at the
lake southeast of town on the land
of Henry Schlcuters. "With the com
ing of a little cold weather there
should be plenty of good shooting in
;this neighborhood of the river. Not
: much can be expected until we have
Ucrae cold nights and fresh mornings.
Were Guests at the Reinke Home.
J. H. ileinke and wife entertained
at their home last Sunday, a number
cf their friends who were made to
feel at home and enjoyed the occas
ion greatly. The day was spent in
social conversation and visiting with
friends, who always enjy a day at
this hospitable home. There were
present on the occasion, Mr. and
Mr. Arthur Otte, Misses Mina Dowl
i:ig. and Ruth Konlmeier, Ervin
Heiers, Allen Kohlmeier and Charles
Maxner, all of Lincoln. They drove
over in the morning with their car
and after a most pleasant day return
ed in the evening.
John Amgwert was a visitor in Lin
coln la.-t Monday driving over in his
car to Icok after some business mat
ters. Laeey McDonald and Charles Long
were in attendance at the foot ball
;;tme lat Saturday, driving over in
their auto.
Misses Ro.--e and Anna Schell were
vi.-itcrs at the home of their parents
north of town over Sunday, enjoying
the vi.-it greatly.
John Miller has accepted, a posi
tion as a harvester of corn for Wm.
lieicr. Sr.. and has been gathering in
the golden ears.
r;lbr I'M began picking corn for
Irvin Heier last week and expects to
make a good record of bhueking dur
" ing tl;e ."rason: "
A. J. Ntitzcl and family were visitor:-,
in Lincoln lact Friday, driving
ot in I heir car to yep about the
arm of their little daughter.
J. K. MrH ugh and Fred Towle
re lsiting with friends and looking
after some business matters in Oma
ha last Wednesday, driving over in
the car cf Mr. Towle.
(Just Wendt was a visitor in Oma
ha last Friday driving to Sonth Bend
and from thTe going to Hie metro-p...!i.-
where he was looking after
iciiie business for the day.
Irank it--.en-v." and Henry Heine
man, who have been in the west for
snme time past, where they were
h;iiblitiK granaries on the land of Mr.
Ro:-cinv near Kai.arado, returned
h"me last Monday.
Charh F. Hite, the carpenter, lias
been busy for the past week working
on some carryais for the purpose of
carrying children to and from school
in case the weather gets so that the
au'os cannot run.
Ilenry Heineman has been con
structing a cave for Win. Weddell
that it may b out of the way when
Mr. Weddell begins the construction
of the new home which he expects to
erect in the coming spring.
Wm. Holka. living west of town
purchased a corn elevator from the.
extensive and reliable stock of Wm.
(Jehrts, which he has just completed
installins on his farm and is now
ready for the picking of h' crop of
corn in eLrnet.
The boys at the home of Gust
Wend succeeded in capturing an
opossum which they now have at the
farm. The 'pos.somsb.ip would be in
danger if some of the darker popu
lation of Lincoln or Omaha should
happen to enmc in contact with the
Jack S lirles and Frank Frahm.
who were painting this season with
Max Dust :-r holt', are now working in
Omaha, having accepted a position
there recently.
Fred Lau and wife were visiting in
Omaha for the day last Thursday,
where they were the guests of friend-?
nd were looking after some busi
ness. Miss Rose Amgwert of Council
ilMufls, was a vi.-.tor at the ho:'e ot
her mother in this city for over Sun
day la.-t week, and returned to her
work at the Iowa city the Lame eve
ning. Tne young people of the soliftol had
a meeting last Thursday for the pur
pose of getting better acquainted and
thereby enjoying the society of the
others. The meeting was productive
of pood results in making all better
acquainted with the others.
Dan P.ornemeier who is employe. 1
in the bank of Manley. was a visitor
in Murdock over niciit last Thurs
day, having been looking after some
business matters at Omaha and re
turned home this way. visiting at the
home of Martin J'.ornemeicr.
The schools are being equipped
with more or he neded supplies and
is being better conditioned for the
best work. The high school is in
possession of a piano for their music,
while at the other building the dif
ferent grades are supplied with Vic
t rolas.
A number of the farno rs near Mur
dock have found that much of the
wheat is cut off andespecia lly on the
poorer ground, seemingly an inch
or two under the ground. The com
ing of the rain seemed to revive the
crop-- and it is hoped that nothing of
a serious nature will come of the
apparently injuries effect of the con
dition. Dr. R. F. J 5 rend el of Murray, who
is a candidate for representative for
the .state legislature, was a visitor in
Murdock last Wednesday from his
heme in Murray, and met a large
number of the people of Murdock in
the cause of his candidacy. Dr.
Brendel has many friends living in
and near Murdock.
The grade cards for the first test
show good progress made by all of
the classes and is a matter of grat
ification both to the parents who are
desirous that their children should
progress and to the teachers who have
worked hard to make the schools a
success, the students being really the
winners as they are the ones who
are deriving the most benefit.
Has House Now Completed.
The completion of the home of L.
II. Gorthey and wife, which has been
in progress for some time past, is now
finished, the painting and interior
d( -orating having been completed
last week by Max DusterhotY and hi.-:
worthy assistant Joseph Wutchenick.
: Mr. Gorthey h:s now one of the finest
of homes and has the satisfaction of
knowing that the work was all done
the be.-4. the carpenter work having
' been the product of Mr. Depner.
Frank Melvin and C. F. Hite. while
!the decorating was done by Mr. Dus
terhoft" and Joe Wulchineck.
The Matter of Election.
The election which is to be held
on November 2, is a matter of some
concern to the election board, as
there are for their use only five elec
tion booths and as there is now es
timated to be over 400 voters for this
precinct, with the women now vot
ing. This will make some 80 votes
for each booth. Giving ten minutes
for each voter to make their ballot it
will take ten hours continual vot
ing for the entire number to get
.their work done. The board has
made request that those who live in
town, to vote during the morning,
as this will leave the afternoon for
others, tut who ever is in town dur
ing the morning it is desired that
they vote as rapidly as possible, in
order that all may have an oppor
tunity to get their ballot in before
the closing of the poles.
Visits With Brother Here.
John Baur of Kimball county, was
a visitor in Murdock for a number
of days last week and a guest of
his brother G. Baur of the firm of
Baur & Kraft. Mr. John Baur, who
is a farmer in the west, says that
he was surprised when he came to
Murdock to visit and he had found
here one of the richest places in the
whole country, with a town which
had an active and energetic set of
business men and surrounded by a
community of farmers having much
wealth. He had expected to find in
Murdock. electric lights, water works,
a sewerage system and many other
things which would make the town
have more pep. He told of the com
mercial clug of their town going af
ter things which would make more
life and business in the town and they
generally got it also.
Unique and Attractive Display of
Celebrated Medicine in Window
of Fricke Drug Store.
Home jtrom Across the Tond.
i Jacob Goehry and wife, who have
been spending the summer in Europe,
where they visited for some time at
' the home of their childhood in France
and Germany, returned home last
j week. They were away since last
j April and while they found many
friends whom they had known in
years that are gone when they were
young, they found a changed condi
tion which did not appeal to them
land the village of Murdock looked
; pretty good to them as they alighted
jfrom the train.
j Have an Excellent Number.
' The lovers of tnirfh and fun are
exceptionally fortunate in the fact
that i" November there will be given
:'M entertainment by the Kd;-o com
pany which if- composed of five young
. ladii s w ho are indeed fun makers
and who will favor the citizens of
Miirbxk with some of the cleanest
! fun ind mirth than is afforded by the
present day.' The company which is
. fnrni-hing the entertainment for t lie
jseason i one which have with them
exceptional talent. and all who have
not heretofore purchased season tick
ets should do so and get the full bene
fit of the entire course.
Celebrated Fifty-Fourth. Birthday.
The children cf Wm. Rush cele
brated at his home the birthday of
their father last Sunday, when they
had a most enjoyable gathering. Mr.
Rush being the guest of honor at the
gathering at which there were in at
tendance, besides Mr. and Mrs. Rush.
Miss Mary, who lives at home, Messrs
and Mesdames John Burt and Harry
Roessig of Omaah. the ladies being
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Rush.
Misses Leona and Mable Rush and
Messrs Ewald Green and Eldo Mil
ler of Lincoln. They all drove over
to Murdock in their car:; and the oc
casion was a family reunion as well
as the celebration of Mr. Rush's fifty
fourth milestone.
Very Interesting Meeting Being Held.
The Evangelical Association, who
worship at the Callihan church, are
holding a series of evangelical meet
ings at their church for the week
which is developing much interest
and are being attended by a large
numbcj- of people in and about Mur
dock. The meeting isVnder the di
rection of th pastor. Rev. Ezra Cole,
who also ministers at the Elmwood
church, and he is assisted by the
f( Mowing divines: Rev. I. Laipply.
iiiev. rscnumnacK ana new a. uaeucnie
all of Murdock; Rev. F. Beskmen of
Elmwood: Rev. F. S. Weegert of Mil
ford, and Rev. Henry Hoesch of 4he
western portion of the ntate.
Keep Wairm!
Electric Lights look More Surs
The electric light question which
has been considered by the people
of Murdock for some time, with every
slen seems to be getting near a reali
zation than it has before. Last Mon
day a committee sent by the city
board. consisting of August Panska,
Harry V. McDonald and J. E. Mr
Hugh went to the county seat where
they consulted with the county at
torney regarding the best manner of
proceedure to secure the funds neces
sary by a bond election. After the
consultation he committee returned
and proceed?'! to call an election for
November ?.. when they will vote to
issue some $8,000 for the purpose of
securing the electric lights for Mur
dock. There is still a considerable
work to go through, but with the
exercise of care which will be done,
the end is nearer than it has been
heretofore. That the city may have
the much needed and desired service
is a fact which they are to be con
gratulated upon, after having over
come so many difficulties.
With every article of paint you
purchase, you benefit by our know
ledge and experience, as we know
what is best. The Dust erh off Shops.
, sw ff.
iscount on All
iurdock Mercantile Co,
Makes Address at High School.
The P.ev. A. H. Schwab who for
merlv was the minister at Murdock.
' but who is now located in Omaha,
'was a viistor in Murdock for a short
time one day last wek. coming to
'see about the grades of his daughter
j as they are attending the schools at
Omahr. While in the city Rev.
Schwab made an address at the high
school that was well received and
enjoyed by the large number of stu
dents, many of whom are personal
friends of Rev. Schwab.
Made a Good Eecord.
Th ball team of Murdock who got
a little bite tart. made good never-
j thelss. as in the sixteen games
'which they played, they won twelve,
which gave them 750 per cent. They
are feeling prejty good over the suc
jcesr.fnl termination of the summers
j series, but they- say they will exceed
; the coming season.
I Mis.? Mary Rush whs a visitor in
Lincoln yesterday where she was the
guest of her sisters. Misses Leona
and Mable Rush, for the day.
; John Sehell and mother, with oth
ers of the family, were visiting in
Lincoln for the day last Tuesday.
John driving the folks over in his
Fort Wayne. Ind.. Oct. 14. At
tack on the league of nations policy
of Senator Harding and of former
President Taft w-as continued today
by Governor Cox in another strenu
ous day's campaigning in Indiana.
That there was a conspiracy to de
ceive the American jury by depriv
ing it of the facts in this great case
through failure to print the league
covenant in "reactionary" papers
and in the republican national cam
paign book, also was stressed by the
candidate. He issued a statement
calling upon the league supporters
to raise a fund for printing and dis
tributing the covenant.
i Governor Oox addressed, crowds
aggregating many thousands at Del
phi. Loansport, Peru. Wabash. Hunt
ington and here, where he closed
with a street meeting tonight. At
most of the cities today the gov
ernor spoke from especially built
stands on court house squares. Win
dows and ledges of the court house
and adjacent buildings were filled
with spectators. At Logansport the
candidate spoke to a large crowd on
a corner lot.
"These great crowds." the gover
nor said to one of his audiences, "tell
me that the soul of Indiana is
Regarding the stand of Senator
Harding and Judge Taft" on the
league, Governor Cox repeated the
charge that the senator was "vacil
lating" and declared that the repub
lican candidate's recent Marion
statement was his eleventh change
of position. '
"Poor Judge Taft," the governor
continued, "tries to apologize for him
(Senator Harding) and tries to de
fend him. hut he moves so fast that
Taft can't keep up with him."
' The governor said that there was
a great tidal wave oT sentiment
sweeping America for .the league,
and declared that America was
aroused." He said many republicans
forsook Senator Harding when he
disapproved the league at Des Moines.
At Delphi the candidate -reiterated
there was a conspiracy to change
the federal reserve act and that "big
business was opposing him in every
state and in every county."
An advertising display which has
attracted unusual interest, has been
placed in the show window of F. G.
Fricke & Co.. the South Sixth street
druggists in this city, who are local
agents for the well-known and high
ly successful proprietary medicine,
The. display is not only interesting
from an advertising standpoint, but,
is educational, combining in an at-1
tractive and artistic manner beauti-j
ful scenes from many foreign conn-1
tries where the ingredients of this ,
preparation are obtained. I
It has occasioned such favorable '
comment in the city that the pro-i
prietors of the store state that it will j
remain in ineir winaow several nays
Work of Great Artist
The display is the work of one of
America's greatest lithographic ar
tists and the manufacturers of Tan
lac state that the total cost will ex
ceed sixty thousand dollars, which
is said to be a record price for win
dow displays. It is in ten distinct
and natural colors and presents
scenes from the Rocky mountains, as
well as from Europe, Asia, Peru,
Egypt, and other foreign countries.
The natives are seen in their nat
ural habitat and environment, gath
ering the roots, herbs and barks that
form the medicinal ingredients of
Tanlac, packing them upon the backs
of camels, elephants, llamas and
other beasts of burden for transpor
tation by land and sea to the im
mense laboratories at Dayton, Ohio,
and Walkerville, Canada.
One of the most striking features
of the display is the reproduction of
the magnificent laboratory at Day
ton. Here the artist has very effec
tively and impressively portrayed the
popularity of Tanlac by introducing
a group of people in all walks of life,
who are looking at the Tanlac labora
tory with expressions of confidence,
plainly indicating their belief and
faith in the medicine.
Another distinctive feature is the
bulletins accompanying the display.
They tell briefly and concisely of the
marvelous growth and development
of Tanlac, until today it has the
largest sale of any medicine of its
kind in the world. These bulletins
also nuote various standard medical
authorities as to the therapeutic
value and physiological effect of the
60,000 Bottles a Day
' From these bulletins one also
learns that the new Tanlac labora
tories at Dayton and Walkerville
have a combined daily capacity of
60.000 bottles and that the medicine
is now selling at the rate of approxi
mately 10.000.000 bottles per year.
That Tanlac is a preparation of
exceptional merit has never been dis
puted, which accounts for its tre
mendous popularity and large sales
throughout the country. It is a
powerful reconstructive tonic and
body-builder and has a far reaching
and most beneficial effect upon the
entire system. Many strong local
Vndorr.oiaontr-. from those who testify
as to the benefit they received, have
appeared in the columns of this
pa per.
The manufacturers of Tanlac are
firm believers in newspaper adver
tising and have forcibly presented to
the public the merits of their pro
ducts in this way. Their total an
nual appropriation for newspaper
r.pace exceeds one million dollars.
Their copy appears in practically all
the leading daily and weekly news
papers throughout the United States
and Canada.
We are selling Buicks, Dodges and Mitchells. There
are no more reliable cars on the market. Ask for a
demonstration. We are always at your service. A full
line cf tires and accessories always on hand. The best
of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
J Keep in mind that we are handling the
famous "TITAN" Tractor, and have a
few on hand that we can deliver on short
Cf Ask us for a demonstration, or any
thing pertaining to these tractors or the
work they will do.
For Sale: One Parriott tractor.
12-25 in good condition; also one
Hubert tractor good as new and only
used a few days. Come and see them.
Prices will be made right,
Estray Notice
I have taken up on my farm four
and one-half miles south of Murdock
a hog weighing about 160 pounds.
Owner please call, pay for keeping
and get the hog.
s20-3w. WM. WESTFALL.
Grip usually starts just the same
as a cold with a watery discharge
from the nose. You are much more
likely to contract the grip, when you
have a cold. For that reason when
grip is prevalent you should go to
bed as son as you feel that you are
taking cold and stay in bed until
fully recovered, which should not be
long if you take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Three days in bed now is
better than three weeks later on.
Tomorrow Alright
MR Tablets stop sick headaches,
relieve bilious attacks, tons and
regulate the elirninative organs
maka you fas I fine.
"Batter Than Pills For Uver Ills"
Blank books end office accessories.
at the Journal offics. j
Get a
25c Box.
Rex I
Pure linseed oil paint gives best and longest ser
vice, because IT IS a pure linseed oil paint.
The Dusterhof f Shops,
Read the Daily Journal
nn is 9 . w
i'i i lian i i ir if h ei (
has been celebrated for many lonjj years
and offers a delightful opportunity to
call friends together.
is celebrated because of our bountiful
blessings. This is another occasion on
which we all love to meet each other.
of all times, appeals most to our hearts.
The folks all come home -then; friends
' delisrht in meeting friends in sociability.
We all like to have our friends with us and to
offer them the best our hemes afford. The season is
near at hand when friends will be pouring in. Is there
not a room or two in your home that will need touching
up and putting in condition to enhance the joyous
pleasures of these "homecoming" meetings?
We have the best of materials and the most ex
perienced and best qualified artisans to place your rooms
in just the condition you would like to have them for
your gatherings.
The Ousforlioff Shops,
fly 1 "1 117 T?I
ifSe .aii