The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 14, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TEuTLSEAY, OCTOBEP. 14. 1920.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People
Great Oaks from
l l'L
Four pr cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All buiinets transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Harry Wright visited with friends j
last Saturday and Sunday at and
near Elmwood. j
C: W. Clark of Union was a vis-j
itor in Murray last Tuesday after-
noon looking after some business f
matters. j
Frank E. Vallery was a visitor in j
Murrav drivine down to look after
some business matters last Tuesday
Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter.
Miss Margarie, were visiting with
friends for a short time at Platts
mouth last Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Eliza Young who fell down
stairs at t'nion some time aero and
thereby received some very serious !
In )nr:pa la T-A-inrf fr1 r. 5 FPtlinc filnnr !
While sawing wood at his home
east of Murray last week. Frank Reed
had the mi-fortune to get a particle
of sawdust in his eye. which caused
him much suffering until he was able
to get to the office of Dr. Brendel
who extricated the particle, and
brought relief. The eye is very sen
sitive; yet.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 428 Plattsmouth. Exchange
BDamiket Tomme!
is coming soon, and now is a good warning to look
up those old fellows and make sure of comfort during
the cold nights that are fast approaching. You can
keep warm with a couple of these good ones we price
Gray cotton blankets, good weight Size
Gray cotton blankets, heavy Size
Gray cotton blankets, big size Size
Wool nap blankets, plaid Size
Wool blankets, weight 5 lbs. A bargain Size
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
"LI1. .. - - U, I 7l
The best credential any young
man can offer is proof of a good
savings account.
It signifies good habits, ambi
tion, thrift and perseverance
all worthy characteristics that
employers appreciate.
A savings account is not only
a good character reference, but it
is also a good business investment.
So decide today not to delay.
Little Acorns Grow
La?t Monday, Mrs. Ernest Milburn
departed for Lincoln, wheer she will
spend a week visiting at the home of
ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
Mrs. Joseph Macenry of Manley.
who has been 111 for several weeks
at the home, is reported as being
consiaeraDie oeixer. ana iu pio
pects of further advances.
Messrs. Hiatt and Tutt are putting
in a new furnace for the heating of
the store room, the one that has
been on duty for the pat few years
being pretty well over its period of j
service. j
Miss Mable Jorgenson. the oper- ;
ator a the
telephone station and
one at that, who has
been visiting at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. feter jourgenson.
near Avoca. returned a few day3 ago
to take up her work.
On Monday. Ivan DelesDener will
begin the picking of his corn and
will be assisted by Walter-Anderson,
has been working for the sum
at Grant, in the western por
of the state.
C. C. Carroll is building a new
crib for the reception of the crop,
that he raited this season and was
for the past few days being assisted
in the construction by his son Ernest
Carroll. Messrs Wm. Smith and W.
i H. Hendricks.
! Foreman Thomas Swoboda of
Plattmouth, of the Lincoln Telephone
company, and accompanied by Ray
Schiappacasse and Harry Forbes,
were in Murray looking after the
changing of some poles in town and
arranging for the unloading of two
car loads of poles, which will be used
in the rebuilding of the linse in Mur
ray, work on which is expected to
begin In a very short time.
Pair $4.50
Pair 7.00
Pair 5.50
Pair 7.50
Pair 12.00
. Tutt,
Mrs. Peter Campbell, who has
been feeling poorly for the past week,
is reported as being somewhat im
proved. Mrs. T. S. Barrows was a visitor
with friend in Omaha and was look
ing after some business matters last
A. A. Young commenced picking
his corn last Tuesday and the crop
is promising good returns of the
best Quality.
John Miller of Plattsmouth was a
visitor in Murray and west of town
last Tuesday looking after some
business matters.
J. W. Edmonds repaired the walk
near the Woodman hall last Tuesday,
thus preventing a chance of some one
being badly injured.
Searl Davis and family were vis
iting with friends and looking after
some business matters at Omaha on
last Tuesday, driving up in their car.
Mark Burton and family of Ne
braska City, were in Murray last
Sunday as the guest of Mr. Burton's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burton.
George H. Becker representing the
Standard Oil company of Platts
mouth. was in Murray last Tuesday
looking after some business matters.
L. H. Puis and wife were guests
at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Freidrich last Sunday and enjoyed
the day nicely with their host and
L. H. Puis and Mrs. Louis Freid
rich and Miss Helen Horn were vis
iting with friends and looking after
some business matters at Omaha last
Chris Parkening of west of Platts
mouth. was a business visitor in
Murray last Tuesday, coming up to
look after some trading with the
Murray merchants.
Raymond Henry and family were
looking after some business matters
and also visiting with friends in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon,
driving over in their car.
H. K. Frantz and wife were in Mur
ray last Tuesday looking after his
political fences, he being candidate
for state representative, as against
our townsman. Dr. B. F. Brendel.
T. J. Brendel was a visitor in Om
aha last Tuesday, where he a.c
called to look after some insurance
matters connected with the line hu
company carries on automobiles.
W. S. Swope. of Nebraska City,
was a visitor in Murray a short time
last Tuesday while on his way to the
J. E. Wiles farm, where he went tc
move a house for Mr. Wiles from
Manager Cole of the Lincoln Tele
phone company, for-. Plattsmouth
office, and Albert Cotner. lineman,
were in Murray looking after some
trouble on the toll lines running be
tween Murray and Plattsmouth.
It is a pleasure to be able to re
port the fine improvement of J. H.
Burton, who was injured several
weeks ago, and it is thought will be
able to leave his bed for a short time
by next Sunday.
Messrs and Mesdames W. H. Puis,
Wm. Puis. Sr., Fred Lutz and Otto
Puis, and Mrs. A. Gansmer were in
attendance at the sale of Mrs. Fred
Englekemeier which was held in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon.
August Engelkemeier and wife and
George Engelkemeier and wife were
in attendance at the sale of house
hold goods held by their mother. Mrs.
Fred Engelkemeier at her home in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon.
Leo Bavok, wife and daughter.
Miss Bayliss and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bennett, all of Omaha, were guests
for the day at the home of Toney
Klimm last Sunday, driving down in
their car and returning home in the
Postoffice Inspector W. W. Cobble
of Omaha was a visitor in Murray
last Tuesday, coming down to check
up the office here, following the rob
bery of Sunday morning and deter
mine just how much had been the
Last Monday W. G. Boedeker and
little son, Charles, accompanied by
their family physician, were visitors
at Omaha, where they were consult
ing a specialist regarding the con
dition and treatment of little Charles
who has been in poor health for some
w eeks past.
Miss Vera Yardley, who is employ
ed in Omaha, where she is a sten
ographer, was a visitor at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Yardley, last Sunday, arriving home
Saturday evening and returning in
time to take up her work Monday
L. H. Puis shelled his corn a few
days ago and shipped it through the
Farmer's elevator of Murray to the
market at Omaha. Just what the
corn brought was not known at the
time of the report. The corn was in
excellent condition and of the best
grade. It was shipped last Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Barrows, who
were visiting for a few days at Mil
ford, where they expect to make their
home for the winter, returned home
last Saturday evening, having en
joyed a very nice visit there and
met many friends whom they know
there. They will make their home
here for a short time before going to
Milford for the winter.
J. W. Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Burton of Arlington. Oregon,
who has been visiting at the home of
his parents in Murray for pome time
past, departed for his home a few
days ago. Mr. Burton is an electri
cian and painter and on his return
stopped at Plattsmouth to visit for a
short time at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Howard Graves, and family.
If any of the readers of the
Jouraal tenor of any social
erect, or item of Interest in
tliis vicinity, and will tnall
xmt to this ofhee. it will ap
pear under this heading. e
want allnewalteais EiiiToa
Tonie Klimm delivered hi? hogs at
the market at Plattsniouth last Mon
day, having them transported in a
Charles Ratcliff of near Union,
was a visitor in Murray last Sunday,
being a guest at the home of A. A.
Young and wife.
Mrs. Will O. Joiner and children
of Nebraska City, were the guests
at the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Burton, remaining over
Emmett Stone, who Las '-.een re
siding near Grand Island during the
past summer returned home 1m a t
week and will assist with the corn
Andrew Campbell, living east of
Murray, was called to Plattsmouth
last Monday, where l:e hud some
business matters to look utter for
the day.
Dr. B. F. Brendel and Fred Hild
were visitors in Nehawka last Tues
day, where they went to look after
some business matters.
AlKiiPt V ti r--l U .m ier -,f i
l?tifr.U-i.nit.iop livMllP" t-;evrul inil.t:!the
west of Murray, was in town on htft
Tuesday with his little son. who Lad
been ?ick for several days.
Frank Reed, living east of town,
is making preparations for the com
ing of cold weather, and has had A.
C. Long saw him up a large pile of
wood with his power saw. for fuel
during the winter.
Dr. E. E. Crosier, or Weeping Wat
er was a visitor in Murray last Tues
day, coming over to see and inter
view T. J. Brendel, and together they
looked after some business matt is
in the country.
Mrs. W. H. Rainey and daughter.
Miss Wilma, Miss Alpha Petersen
ind Miss Leach, all of Plattsmouth.
were in Murray last Friday in at
tendance at the teachers' welcome
?iven by the Community club.
Injured His Back Badly
Last Friday, Albert Satchel, of
Leigh, accompanied by his wife, ar
rived in Murray. Oscar Nailor. who
lias been employed by Mr. Satchel,
ind who recently sustained a serious
iccident when he attempted to reach
from the wagon to the mail box. up
ending the spring feat and throwing
him to The ground and severely in
uring li is back, came with thorn.
He is still unable to do any work and
t will be some time yet before he re
covers sufficiently to do much, al
hough he is planning cm puking
uTn a little later in the season.
' Mr. and Mrs. Satchel left Sunday
for home, but Mr. Nailor, - having
concluded his summer's engapement
it Leigh, will remain lure.
All Enjoyed the Occasion
The Missionary society of the Pres
byterian church of Murray met last
Friday at the beautiful home of Mr
and Mrs. Glen Perry, where they held
the monthly meeting and looked : f
er the business of the society as it
is connected with the church. The
ifternoon was very delightfully spent
with the business in hnad and social
conversation and was brought to a
most delightful ending by one of
the prettiest luncheons which was
provided by the hostess. Mrs. Periy.
An All Home Meeting
On October 2L'nd the Murray Com
munity club will meet in the Pul,
hall and will hold a meeting for the
'onsi deration of thincs pertaining to
the welfare of the club and town,
Mid lay plans for entertainment fea
tures during the winter. They will
hear reports of the committees now
in the field and devise plans for the
successful conduct of the work. It
is required that all bring their sand
wiches as a luncheon will be served.
Let everybody get out and attend this
meeting and enjoy the fellowship of
the bej.t people of the community.
Mrs. Shrader Home Again
The many friends of Mrs. Homer
Shrader. who for the past few weeks,
has been at the Ford hospital in Om
aha where some time ago she un
derwent an operation for the removal
of a tumor, and from which she has
been recovering nicely, was able to
return home the latter part of last
week. Mrs. Shrader's cafe being a
very delicate one, her rapid recovery
is pleasing to her many friends and
it is hoped that she will continue to
improve and will soon be in her ac
customed good health and strength.
Spent Sunday in Murray
Last Sunday Charles Ferguson and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan p.alfoW and
Robert Ferguson were guests at the
home of Wm. Sporrer and family,
driving from their homes near Union
to this place, and after spending the
day very pleasantly, returned home
in the evening.
Here After Many Years
M. It. Ilasley, who a number of
years ago worked in the hardware'
store opened by E. A. Burton and I
later disposed of to Arthur Laker and
j afterwards disposed of by him to
! Pitman & Davis, is again in this
neighborhood working at his trade.)
though 26 years have passed since he:
left. Mr. Hasley is doing some car-1
penter work at the Lome of O. T.
i Levda west of tefwn.
Murray Christian Church.
Services as follows for next Lord's
Bible school at 10 a. m.
Praachirfg at 11 a. m. Subject.
"Some Open Books."
The public is cordially invited to
attend these services.
A. G. Hollowell. Minister.
Entertained Murray Teachers
Last Friday evening the Commun
ity Club of Murray gave an enter
tainment in Plus and Gansmer hall
in honor of the teachers of the Mur
ray schools, and all the districts
surrounding Murray. The Caldwell
orchestra of Plattsmouth, entertain
ed with several numbers of delight
ful music. The v. eat her that eve
ning was delightful for joy riding,
making it possible for the people
from the surrounding districts to be
present on this occasion. It war.,
perhaps, the largest number of peo
ple ever gathered in the hall.
Mrs. Pauline Young gave the ad
dress of wtlcom"- and .Miss Van Ini7
en, our principal, responded felici
tously. Mis:; Peterson, county superintend
ent, talked on the subject of "Par
ents and Tachers Club Meeting?-."
Mr. Demi Hiatt gave a short but
very appropriate talk on 'o-opt-ration
of parent?, teachers and children.
Refreshments Were terved after the
"bread line" to make it possible for
the waiters to serve all the gue' t?..
! Nearly all the members of the
i boards of six districts were present.
lend were honored with front teats.
' All the ten lady teachers pre .en?
were seated on the platform; and
may we be permitted to say, present
ed a fine appearance. '
The ladies of our community de
serve much praise for getting up this:
joyful reception for our teachers,
vvi.o :. re imparting knowledge to our
children that will be useful to them
through life.
An expression of thanks was given
Caldwell orchestra for their part
in making this entertainment a suc
cess. Collision of Cars at Crossing
At the same time McGinn is
Churchill was driving east and pas
sing the crossing where Frank Reed
lives, nearly a mile east of Murray,
the road maintaining truck was eo
ing south and they collided at the
crossing with the results that the
liejit car driven by Mr. Churchill.
:s caught on the side and pushed
some twenty feet, before the truck
could le stopped, as the brakes fail
ed to work promptly. Considerable
damage was dene to the car .but as
the truck was heavier and was not
struck in a vital point, was unin
jured. Enjov Pleasant Afternoon
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Christian church of Murray, were
very pleasantly entertained at the
home of Mrs. C. '. Carroll end as
sistant hostesses. The afternoon was
occupied by the ladies in looking af
ter the work of the meeting and de-
vioniT !.!.-) n-, for the . ork Ot I tie
church. A delightful program was
had and the very pleasant afternoon
brought to a delightful ending by
one of the most exquisite luncheons
that could be served. Something
near seventy members of the society
and their friends were in attendance.
Cars More Plentiful.
With the decline of the prices of
grains, there is no more cars for the
moving of w hat is offered. Last
Tuesday for the first time. Manager
T. S. Barrows of the Farmer's Eleva
tor company of Murray, was not
wanting cars for shipping grain, it
being the first time tor more than a
! year.
Grading Done For Walks
Through 'be kindness of Frank
,r.d Jo-eph Matsek. W. H. Puis.
George Nickles. John Karris. G. M.
Minford. and W. G. Boedeker and
others, the r'rip of land on which
the walk leading to the school, was
graded last w eek and placed in read
ine s tor the laying of the cement
walk which is to be built.
Home Again and Mac Happy
Mis. G. W. McCrackeu and little
daughter Elizabeth, who have been
vi-iting at 'their former home at Ori
ent for the past two or three weeks,
returned home last Saturday evening
and were met in Omaha by Mr. Mc
Crackeu. who could not see much
jo in life running to the drug store
and home without seeing, the wife
and little Elizabeth. All is serene
now and life goes along like a song.
Man Schafer is Here.
T'hillin Schaeffer. that wholesoul-
ed young man. who is always the
embodyment of good naturae, is a
bit more blithe than usual just now,
anfl all on account of the arrival of
an eight pound boy which arrived
direct from his storkship last Satur
day evening. Both the father and
mother are happy and the baby is
doing nicely.
Mrs. Harry McCarroll Eettcr
Mrs. Harry McCarroll. who has
been very sick at her home near
Union, is reported as being consider
ably improved, but still suffering and
not as yet well. It is hoped by her
many friends that this good lady will
continue to improve and that she
may soon be enjoying her accustomed
Will Erect Tanks Here.
The Standard Oil company has
unloaded tanks at Murray and will
have foundations therefor construct
ed as soon as they can rt their
mttsons here to do the work. When
this work is completed. they will
open a general distributing station
here. It is not expected a filling sta
tion will be installed for the time
being, as the cars will be unloaded
and the tank.s looked after in the
beginning by representatives of the
I'lattsmouth office.
A Boy and Some Joy.
Frank Marler. who was a member
of the SSth division and occupied a
position as wagoner, one of the really
dangerous places in army life, is re
joicing over the arrival of a young
American, ho has come to call him
father. There is sure joy in the
household over the arrival of this
youngster and all concerned are Ret
ting along nicely. '
Lost anything fouia anything:
Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
Come in and
our fall and winter line, which
you will (ind complete- Prices are
in accord with today's market.
Cj We still have
ot Lincoln Paint
will close out at
Some colors are sold out but still a
good assortment to choose from.
t Corn husking will begin in a few
days. We have a ood husking
lotion for the hands, and liniments
and bandages for sprains, etc. Bet
ter get lined up on these gopdr. now.
Notice to Our Patrons
Owing to the constantly increasing
costs in operating we have made ar
rangements whereby the Murray
State Hank will collect all of our
accounts in Murray. Hy paying your
accounts at the bank the inconven
ience and expense of mailing aine
to us will be eliminated. The above
is effective with the September l?:o
Nebraska Gas Electric Company.
I am offering for sale, for inline- !
diate delivery, two pure bred t-hort
horn bulls and a number of pure bred
Duroc Jersey boar:-, all readv for s r
oft Ot sv. Murray. Ndi.
The ladies of the Liberty V. U.
church will hold a market at the J.
F. Warga store on Saturday after
noon, commencing at p. m.
Dressed chickens, butter, eggs. !.t'-ad.
roll.-;, cake; and doughnuts wiil be
sold. oil .'d It w.
Give Your Wife
a Chance!
what we
need of a
ranges is unsurpassed. Come
to offer you.
r l .
e time lor neaiing
ing. Do not wait until it is cold and then make the
family suffer while you come in to look after getting a
stove. Preparedness pays, you know.
Remember, we carry a full line of the best shelf
and heavy hardware which we sell at prices that will
not nnlv nprmit but encourage it's
Drs. IWach & RffachrThe Dentists
JmrJF F'lmula
w"" timr.
C hloroform. Kthr or othr itetieriu ai.rwii..
u-e A cure ruar-nwd (n every c.-o a-.-e,.t,.1 f -r tre. tme m. a ml no ;
pard until cured. Wine for 1 k on lo-rtul h nnn. - and testimonial
of more than ooo ,,ron,ln.r,i pe.-r.le l,n have ln T..rn,w..e.,tly ".r1
UK. K. K.
TAKICtV KnimWM-inni. I elern
lr. K. . Jultusiuii.
let us show you
a mall
on hand
that we
$3.75 per
Drag Co.
Estniy Notice.
Taken tip. on the farm of Herman
i'. Kins, three miles north of I'nion,
one estimated four year old .steer of
tie ilerfiitd breed, and having the
following marks and brand: "i'K"
on left -h..ulder; '-I'' on left hip
.an I "K" on back. Weight about
11'tni pounds atid in very fair condi
tion, (twiorcan have same by prov
ing prop-rty, paying damaer. ami
cost s iu( uri eil.
i. 1 4 -::w HERMAN c. uoss.
Estray Notice,
up at the farm
Taken up at the farm cf lxum
Rchoemaker. three and a half miles
north of Nehawka. a Jersey bull
calf, a little over a year old. spotted
brown and white. Owner can have
the same by proving property, paying
damages and costs incurred.
Louis Schoemaker.
:it T sw. Nehawka. Neb.
Although Journal want-nfl coat
but lii tie the results they bring art
vcTiderful. Try them.
new cook stove?
Our as
and see
Unusual values!
. fi.
stoves is aisu ijm
The largest and best equipped dental others m Omaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod
erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just Lie tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using.
Pay When Cured
iryfltrm of treatment tnax tum r uw
. . ni t
ind other Rectal I Ied- in uori
ilthout a evtre miryu-ai opernun.
i ru mu. ' -