The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 14, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
' 1, PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1920. I Reductifoini -IN- Goodrich Tire Prices! In order to reduce our very large stock of Good rich Ford sizes, and to keep abreast of the times, we are offering: 30x3 plain $14.25 30x3l2 non-skid 18.50 These are all Goodrich 6000 miles guaranteed none better. Belter hurry these casings will sell fast at these prices. 6 i Phone No. 1 Pollock Garage. Plattsmouth, Neb. i.i:;i. mtki'. olic- on-ltrilmt' DrfrudHiit To Silas Muff. I lefendant: You will take notice tliat on the Jtli dav of Oi-tobtT. lMJO. the plaintiff herein." Mr. A. t. lliiff, tiled hrr peti tion in the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. aK.iinst said defendant. Silas Huff, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certificate luly issued to the plaintur on the 4 1 1 day of November. 1!1S. by the treasurer of Cass county. Nebraska, for the tax-s due anil diiliminent on Lots 31. fi:! and 6:::! in the Village of Kouisville, N'elraska. for the sum of $N.3H, anil for the sum of $7.7 sub sequent taxes paid durins the year 191S and JS.02 subsequent taxes iaid by l!aintiff for the year 1X19. That the above described re-nl estate. be charged with the above amount with lawful interest thereon, and that plaintiff be awarded foreclosure there of, anil that equity of redemption mill all iiiliir interests of tire defendant Silas Huff be forever "barred and fore closed, and that said real estate be sold to satisfy 1 lie amount of the lien due thereon, and for such other equi table relief. You are required to answe-r said petition on or before the Jnd day of .November, l'JL'". Dated this 11th dav of Ortober. 1!J0. mi;s POSTOFFICE AT MURRAY IS BURGLARIZED S-AFE BELONGING TO GOVERN JIENT BLOWN OPEN AND CONTENTS RIFLED. one hearing an explosion during the nijrht. -Saturday night the store of Bow man -& Holmes, at Otoe, five miles south of Avoca was burglraized and a large number of watches and other articles taken and it is thought that possibly the same pang of auto ban dits had enme to Murray and pulled ofT the job at the postoffice. The inspector of the postoffice de partment is at Murray today inves tigating the robbery and checking up the oft ice to fully ascertain the amount of the loss. The village of Murray is appar ently becotninc one of the targets for the gangs of robbers that have been operating in eastern Nebraska, end the I'nited States postoffice at that plate is Ihe latest building to be visited by the unwelcome night callers. Yesterday morning when Postmas ter V. S .Smith came down to his .!rco of business he was surprised to find that the store had been en tered and the safe in which the pos tal Kiipnlies was kept had been blown open iiwl the contents strewn over the interior of the'store. Fortunate ly there had been no cash in the safe and as far as" could be estimated this morning the loss will be in the neighborhood of f 50 worth of stamps. Mr. Smith, however, suffered iuite a loss personally as the visitors car ried away with them all of his pri vate papers, such as insurance poli cies, deeds, abstracts and receipts that were kept in the safe. Kntrance to the store was gained by forcing open one of the windows at the front of the building, after which the robbers apparently male themselves at home, opening all the doors ;o as to afford an easy way of escape in case a hurried exit be cj'!e necessary. The fafe had been blown open by the iim' of "soup." the robbers evi dently having had experience at such job.;, for the Murray case was very complete in its workings. There were no clues at the store th;it might aid in the identification of the robbers and the only fact that might have a bearing on the case was discovered by Sheriff Quin to:i. when it was learned that about 'A o'clock Sunday morning some of the residents of Murray had heard a car going west at a very high rate of speed and it is thought possible that this may have been the robbers. The blowing of the safe was ap parently heard by no one in town, as no report has been made of any- HASTINGS C. C. TO ATTEND RATE CASE Hastings. Neb.. Oct. 1U. The board of directors of the Hastings Chamber of Commerce today instruct ed the traffic committee of which G. J. Olson is chairman to attend the hearing before the state railway commission at Lincoln. October 25. on the petition of the railway car riers for permission to increase freight rates the balance of the au thorized .'55 per cent. Local shippers do not oppose the increase but they say the carriers hive not acted according to the i agreement of August 3 to make ad justments in the rates that will put inland town freight rates on a par ity with Missouri river towns. Unless this adjustment is made the shippers say they will oppose the granting of the permission to in crease by the commission. WILL HOLD MARKET i The ladies of the Liberty IT. B. j church will hold a market at the J. F. VYarga store on Saturday after j noon, commencing at 2:30 p. m. Dressed chickens, butter and eggs will i be sold. oil 3td ltw. NOW USING G0RDS A number of the Cass county cit izens Monday and Tuesday received new Universal cars and are now sporting the late model Fords. Those who are the proud possessors are: Charles I. Spangler, Murray; R. M. Shipley. LaPlatto. Burrel Wolfe and T. H. Tysor. Xchawka, all touring cars. William Jorgensen ot renaw- ika has a new Ford coupe and Alvin i McReynolds of the same place has a 1 . . -. ....... 1 - . C l, 1 I -w- nimlnl Mark Furlong came up this after noon from his home south to the city and departed on the early Burling ton train for Omaha, to visit for a few hours. zrr rr . wt m. rr r EC Wr and et out of ' J H t QUEST: IF YOU'VE NEVER BEEN IN DEBT, KEEP.'OUT OF IT. VOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE A'MILL-STONE AROUND YOUR NECK. THE DAY YOU PUT YOUR FIRST DOLLAR IN THE BANK, IS A DIG DAY IN YOUR LIFE. MAKE IT A PRACTICE TO REGULARLY DEPOSIT SOME THING IH THE BANK AND YOU NEED NEVER FEAR DEBT. DEBT COMES FROM SPENDING NOT FROM SAVING. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. YOU WILL RECEIVE U INTEREST. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT $1.00 PER YEAR. farmers State Sank MTMr. TO CUr.PITOIt Stat" of ;Wlir;i.sli:i, Cass co;inty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John K racier, .license,! : To liie creiiitors of y:lti estiite-: You ;ire hereby notilieil. that I will sit at the County Court room in I'latts niouth in said coiiutv, on the LT.;i day of October. A. 1 . 1 !(, and on the "Mb ibiy of January. A. I . 19JI. at ten lo o'e lock a. m.. each ilay. to ii i-ivo iint examine all claims against said o-tate. with a view to their aljust!iie;;t and allowance. The- time limited for jere-se-nt a t inn of claims avcainst said estate is three monllK from the i't;th clay of ii tuber. A. I . 19Ji. and the time lim ited for iieyment of debts is one year from said Ue-itli day of October, IHl'O. Witness iry Iinnil ntid the seal of said County Court, this .".lli day of September, 1 :-(. ai.i.i:x j. r.i:i:s' s. (Seal) si-tw. County Judge. I 'ft -1 ol 1-? A. A. C. Hfl'L riaintiff. KA VI Attv. for 1'liiintiiT. of Cass cost n- vs. 1'. Henry .1 Kroip, J)o- Mirni: In the District Court ty. Nebraska. M. Irurv, Plaint iiT, Stoll: 11. J. Stoll; Win. fenda nts. The object of the above entitled Mo tion in which a summons is herewith served upon Henry .1. Stull. II. .1. Stull and AV. K. Kroiip, ami all persor. - un known who may have or " to have, anv riKht. title or interest in aed to the North half of the Northwest r ter (X'i 'NW'JI of Section t o CJ . Townshfp ten (10), Kange twelve (U"). Cass county. Nebraska, is the fore closurer of Tax Certificate's No. 4i1i owned ly M. lrury, (ilaintiff, and cov ering the above described tract of land. That on or about the 1 1 1 day of October. 101.', the plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court of Cass county. Nelu-ask:. ami the above nam ed defendants ale lieiely notified that unless they answer within thirty days of the completed service ol this notice, exclusive of the "lay of such service, th" petition of said I'laintilf tiled against them in tin- Chrk's office m said Court, such petition wi'l be taken as true and judgment cordiriKl'. M. DIM 1U oil-? .ndercd ac- "i:v. IMaintill. DUCKY, lit r Attorney. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Notice to non-resident defendants. To the Kree Uaptist Foreign Mis sion Society. 11 corpora t ion : American Loan iV- Trust Company, a corporation, west half of the northeast oiiart.r o; Section twenty ("joi. Township eleven 11). North Kanse ten tlUi. ea.t of the 6th I. M.. Cass county. Nebraska, ami jpll persons claiming any interist of any kind in said real estate, or any part tloreof: 'on anil each of you are hereby notitied that Henry Mt irjtn gen. ;:: plaintiff on the I'Oth day of September, I'.cjii. tiled lis petition in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, where in yon and each of you are defendants, the object and prayer of which peti tion are that you and each ef o i. and all persons claiming by. through or under von adversely to plaintiff, be adjudged to hav.- no interest, right, estate, or lien in or to: West half of the northeast inarter of Section twenty lUm. Township eleven til). North Kange ten tllM. east of the tli I'. M.. Cass county. Nebraska or any part or portion thereof, am" that the plaintiff Henry Mcirjurgon. together with his prrantors be i'djmlg ed to have teen in the adverse pos session of said land for more than ten years last past, and that the legal title thereto tins become fully vested in Henry Meirjurgen not w i thst 1 nd ing the claims of you and each of you. or any one claiming by. through 01 under" yon. and that the title to sab: land be forever quieted .in the said Henry Meirjurgen. as against you ami each of you. and that each and ail of said defendants above named, and thus whose names are unknown, anil not stated, be forever barred from claim ing or asserting any right, title, in terest or estate in and to said leal estate or any part thereof, ami for such other and further relief as to the court 111:1 v seem just and equitable. You and each of you are further notified you are reouired in answer said petition on or before Monday, the ".'.'ml dav of November. H-l' i. JIKNKY MKii:.)ri::KN. I'laintiri". C. A. KAWI.S. oll-lw. Hi-; Attorney. MITK K TO ric i:irrn:i The State of Nebraska, Cass comi ty, ss. 1 11 the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Sarah I. P.lack deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notifh-d. That I will sit at the County Court room iti I'lat's moutli in said county, on the Kith da" of November. A. D. 1 !.'(). and on the loth day of February. A. D. l'.c.M. at 1" o'clock a. ni. -'ach day to nc'ie and examine oil claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The N lime 'united for tie presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the lot i i dav of November. A. D. 1!.'D, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said Kth day of No vember, 1!)J0. Witness my hand and the seal of said Count v Court this lth dav ef October, 1 :)'H. AI.I.KN .1. BKKSON. Seal) oll-lw. County Judge. ftTit i: of si.i:. In the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. I'.eti iam in F. tbyodman. Plaintiff, vs. Kobert F. floodniifn et al. Defendants. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale Issued to me by the District Court of Cass ooutitv, Nebraska, on the 'S'th clay of Septem ber. 1!)J0, in an action pending in said court In which Hen.iamin F. ioodman was plaintiff and l:ob--rt F. Hood man et al. were defendants, I will, on the !tli day of November, P'L'O, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day at the south front door of the court house in Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate situated in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, to-wit: Kots nine. ten. eleven and twelve in I'dock one hundred ten. a ccord i n g " t o th published anil recorded plat thereof. s.ale will remain open for one hour. C. A. HAYVI.s, He fere p. CI! AS. K. MAKTIN. no4-5w. Attorney. f)TH t: TO t 1111)1 ots Tbn Stnte or Nebraska. Cass comi ty, ss. In the County Court. In tl e matter of the estate of Adam KafTenbei ser. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notifbd. That I will sit at the County Court room in Pla'ts mouth In said county, on the 6th dav of November, 19i"f), and on the 1st da" ef February. 1M.1, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their ad.luvtnv-nt and allowance. The time limited for the prtsentat Ion of claims a-Aalnst said estate js three months from the 6th dav of November. A. 1). "in, a-vl the time limited for payment of debts is on ytar from a' t -ttU da" of Novtmber. jy.'O. V:t m" har.d ari the s-al of Court, this 1st day of Ocjober, (Seal) o-l Count" 1920 The mum t: to iti.iiniiits State f Nebraska, Cass coiiii- KM 1 ty, In the County Court. ! In the matter of Hie estate of David; Toiiltelot, deceased. j To the creditors of said estate: Yoi are hereby notitied. That I will' sit at the County Court room in Platts- ; mouth in said county, on the tllh day' of November. P'Jn, and oil the J;;t davj of February, l'.'-l, at ID o'clock a. in. j each ib.y to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with ; view; to tin if adjustment and allowance. The; time limited for the presen tali :i of, claims against raid estate is three, months fn 111 the ilh dav of November,: A. I . llil'" and the time limit. t for pa' nieiit of debts i-: one i ar from j said Mil day of November, l:t'u. I Witness my hand and the seal of J said County Court, tins 1st day ot Oc tober, lit JO. a 1.1.1 :n .1. i:i:i:shn, (Seal ol-'.' County Judge. mitici-: to iM'.m roits State of Nebraska. Cass c ounty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ann White, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That j will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth. in, said county, on the l.'th day ol October, A. D. P'-lt. and on tin- 1Mb tay ot January, A. I . pijt. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day. lo receive and catuiue ;,ll claim:; against :;;id cstal", with a i-w to their ad.iu-tmeiit an I allow ance. The time limited for I he pi c s i.l itimi of claims against said estate is liilic months fn. in the" i.",tli day of eiclobi-r. A. D. '.-. and tin- time lim ited lor payment of eh Ids is one year from said 1 Mil ' la y of October, lHJn. Witness my hand ai:d the seal of .-aid County Court, this Kith day of Scpteml'e-r, K'-'O. A LI. FN J. P.FKSON. lS-aD fill-? I'oiinty .Ir.itge. .1 1 - - i: v Minn: To all v. hoin i! ma coiic rn: Tie I 'oiniiiissioii.-r appojtiti'd to open 1 l oad l cgihiiii:g e ighty rods i ast ol the- sou t h ,-.i -1 corner of Section nine teen, e 1 :i i 1", i n.-hi eleven, ill). Jiange !;. il"in. ei.l III Cass county. Nebras ka: the-nee running elm- e. I to the southwest l-oi lier of S- i tion l illelel n, IKM Tow nslii p ele tl, (lie Kangv lot,r-ti-e-n. (Ill width of said road to be forty (l .'l le. I. i:.: Ii-iioite.i ..1 l.lXOI of the- ope ning t!o of; and ail objection.-, h-ie-to, or claims tor damages, mil-it b- tiled in the County Clerk's oil i. e on or h-t ore- noon on lb.- Jnth da of November, P'ii', or sued Will be e,;ie-U-d Without lefllelliC tl. lie-to. fU". I'- s.Y'.i:s. si.;- iw. nnty Cb ik. koii Mint i; 'I'" all whom it may concern: 'lie CommnsiotiiT appointed to close a road beginning at e-igl ty rods e ast and about twenty rods north of the southeast corner of Seetion nineteen. 'I'o w us li i p e-ii-M-ii. Kange- fourteen; thcaee- ru ii n i rig west t ii re-e - f m rt hs of one- mile to !:. F. D. route Number one-, has reporte d in favor ef the- e lns-itr;- thereof: a:ui ail objeetions ht-ri-iu. or claims for i-aniagcs. i.iust be bled in the- e'euinty Clerk's office- on or be fore noon mi tin- ii-th day of Novem ber, lnii. or sin h road will be' closed Without Icl'cl'cliee' thereto. GLO. I:. SAYLKS. spi-lw-. Ceuitity Clerk. i.i;. v i. o i m i-: To Thoi.ias i;. I'lidc-rwooil, Defe-n-ela in : You are berel-y notilieil that on the ilul i!;iv of July, pi.'it. Sarah '-. I'mb-r-woo.i. Plaintiff, lil-.l lief petition and commeiiei d an ailimi against ymi in the- l.i.-lriit I'mii I of Cass cmitilv. Ne braska, the ol jei t ;ind prayer of w hich are- to obtain an absolute divorce- from o;i n tin- .ground of extreme cruelty, without pros oca t e :i or fault upon the part of the piaintilf. You ;iie ie- i u is t i-i 1 to answe r said pel n ion on or In-fore the iLMh day of Novell! her. P'JO. sa!:aii i:. fndi:i: wood. ?- hv. Plaintiff. 5 III liCtl! lolts Nebraska, Cass coun- -tate of Wii- o'cSock a. m. f le-ce-ive atu ex- MlTlfK T!ie- State of ty. ss. In the- County Court. In the m.itti-r of the c I hi III He il, deceased. To the- creditors of said estate-: You are- hereby notilieil. That 1 will sit at the- County Court room in Platfs moutli in said county, on the i'th day of tictober, P.ijo. and on the loth day of January, Kil'l. at lo eaeli or said ila.s to I amine all claims against s;iid estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time.: limited for the pre-.-e-nt a t ion of claims against said cs state is three- months fieitn the lith day of October, A. D.'O. and the time limited for payment of debts Is one- year from said nth IT'JO. itio ss my hand s.-id Cou'ity Court, Mincuiinr, lyiu. alli;n j m:i:s()N, (S-a!) slU-lw. County Judge dav of October, and this the I Hi .seal day of of riiim i i; m i i i : In flu- Cotinlv Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Ill the matter of the. estate of Sam uel Alley, deceased. NOT I CI : To all persons interested in the es tate: of Sainuel Allev. deceased: You are hereby notitied that on this, the loth day of October, 1 !!'), Hie peti tion of Mark White was tiled in this Couit alleging that one Samuel Alley, lap- a resident and inhabitant of ("ass conri! Nebraska, departed this lite at Pock HI u !'!'-, in said county, on Decem ber iml, lx7.", Ie-aving an estate to be administered and a Last Will and Tes tament disposing (,f same-, which is now on lib hot em, and which was ad mitteet to probate m this court on the elay of Januaiy, 1S7!, befort Wm. H. NeM-eli, then Couitv Judge of said county, as shown hv an orde r entered n pace ilo of Kntry Hook "B" a rec ord of s;tjf court, but that by over sight or niulsrion. the; said County Judge failed to endorse hi;s certificate of probate thereon, as reeiuired by law, te entitle said iie trument to be read in --vi.e-i;e-e of title- to real estate, and praying H-nt said i ti;.t rumer t be alleew ed. f-ta 1 .1 1 died, pi abated and authen ticated, as reipmod bv law. You are further no'titb-d tliat said petition and i-roofs thereon will be lizard at the County Court room in Platurno'.ith. in Cass" countv, Nebraska, on the lrith day of November, 13it. at nine o'clock in th forenoon, at which ttm" all persons interested may appear and ennt'.-t the sme. and unless ob jections are tiled on or before said day and hour of hearing, the Court may g:int the cr.ivcr of said petition. Dated October 1 :- 1920. ALLEN J. BKESON. oll-3'.v. County Judge. ALLEN J. BEESOX. County Judge. P. A. Hild am Tvifa froa west of Tlnard. vers in tha-city yesterday afternoon attending to pome ratters cf business. Hrv EXCLUSIVELY This is all we carry in Ladies' Reacly-to-Wear Goods and on this we claim to be in the "front row." You will not find in this city or elsewhere a more comprehensive or stylish showing of ladies' coats. We invite you to see them! Prices guaranteed 20 below ci;y stores! "EVERYBODY'S STORE , r Tl !iii:k or m:itif; on I'rtitioH for loil n t men t of Ailitiliiistriil i ix. of Nelaaska, Cass coun- Stati I n tin- di'intv t 'ou i t. l:i tin- matter of the estate of Aug ust (I. N'olliuir, ilieia sed. ( n leading and tilnm the petition of ib nry 1-'. Noliinj.; a:id I're-elrick C N'oitinr praying flat a d in i n is t in t ion of said e-stati- may be granted to Kathar ine Nottimr as a d m i n is 1 1 a 1 1 i : e irdereel. That Tuesday. Oe tober L't'tb. A. I . 1 :!:. at la o'. loi k a. 11 . is as siumil for l.i arimr said petition, when al! persons i n t i t e s t in said e-state mav apl"'ar at a County I'oiti't to lu lu hi in ami for said county, and show cause why the prave-r of pe-t it inner si,o,,;d not be miauled; and that notice o! t l.i- pe-rob-ncv of said petition and ti-- hearinc thete-of be eiven to all persons interested in said matter by pr 1 I il'iiiK a copy of thio orebr in the I "i.i t ..- moiit h a semi-weekly n wspa pe r printeel in said county for throe in eis-i ve- weeks, prior to said dav of hearing. i'.itcd eictob.-r . 1 1 2". ali.i:n j i'.khson. oi-."v. C-uinty Judc. William luls, one of the old resi dents of the county, came up yester day from his home at Murray to look after .some business matters and vis it with friends. We write bonds, fire, tornado, burg lar, accident and compensation in surance. Let us quote you our prices. ol2 Ira. J. P. FALTER & SON. For Sale: Single comb White Leshorn cockrels. Call Mrs. Henry Starkjohn, Tel. 113-J. 3td lew. FOR SALE You will fiind a fine line of gift stationery at the Journal office. 100 acres on federal road, four miles from Murray, Neb., good im provements, oasv terms. S. O. COLK. Mynard, Neb. If you want good printing let us do your work. Best equipped job shop in southeastern Nebraska. CARD OF THANKS We desire to extend our thanl.s to the many kind friends for their act:; of kindness, for their, sympat by. dur inpr the illness and death of our wife and daughter. Especially do we ex tend to the members of the I-'rat env 1 Order of F,ape, and the workers of the steel ear shops of the Iurl!ir;ton. for their beautiful floral tribute-. Also to the 15. li. C. of A. Mr. John IlaiiKhmau. Mr. fnd Mrs. Win. llos;ll and and family. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. i;,iu:;luii;' n ami family. Cheapest accident inr-untiice - I r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. For burn:-, scalds, cuts and ciiiertiencie-s. All drutists fell it. ::0c and iWV". P.cfore placinc your fire in Mtraw (nil on us a;ui let us explain our new met hod. both on city and farm property. oil' lm. J. P. FALTER fc SON. i-it i'ftikf v r ii u. ' Economy and Efficiency will be secured in the state government by voting for n. JUn JutiUI cllbolU, Democratic Candidate for Governor Four Years of Faithful and Economical Management Speaks for Itself! A Vote for Morehead Means Less Taxes and Waste! Menu here's a genuine saving to you- 20 off from regular prices pn any suit or overcoat in stock. The prices were right, and with this liberal discount you are able to buy your winter suit at from 25, $32, $35, $40, $50 Nothing reserved nor held back. Every suit or overcoat is included in this sale. , Some surprises await you here! , -s. jau .af---'.;-- -wl-' i .n Sll