PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL TAGE l'lVE MONDAY, OCTOBEH 11, 1920. 'A i i i I "it i J ni -i r f ' s - J n k n The Bank of burdock The wise man, and the successful man, invariably is veiy careful in the selection of his bank and his doctor. He knows that his life may depend on the judgment and ability of his doctor. He fully realizes that the life and success of his business, be it professional, merchandising or farming, may depend on his banker. There is no question but that we shall pass through an adjustment period, bordering on a panic, within the next few years, present conditions foreshow this, and the man who has not already tied up with an established, re liable bank a bank whose officers have successfully with stood times of stress, may shortly regret his lack of judg ment. Select a bank that is able to take cere of you in times of plenty, as well as in times of famine, and you can then rest easy. Remember the solid, dependable things of life are not based on promises, but cn deeds. Our past record is what counts. We have the above necessary qualities to oiTer our customers, besides personal services whenever our opinion is desired on business or personal matters of our friends. All deposits in this bank is guaranteed by the depos itors guaranty fund of the State of Nebraska. The Bank of burdock "The Bank where You Feci at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMA1III, Yice-Prcs. H. A. GUTHMANT7. Cashier IV j!.' ti(k advantage of the low prie f linsf' d oil. offered by the i iMerhnff Slio;s. sv tf. There is always sonic' Inns ; 1" ?;:v(i. i. Mi i ym:r ;nlv:rt:tcc by huy ir.g :!." I iswrh.T Shop. sv tf. -v;Ile Ingerseii was locking after s lnii7vss ma'tprs at Elmwood f'T his r mployer. Win. G'krt--, l.ivt Kri.lya. Mrs. !'r;iv.k I'.ticll was a vi-itor in fna'.!:i l;i: Tuesday anil Wednesday of l.i-; week. whre she was the gue:-i of friend;- for a time. Henry Meierjurjien. who has jiut compb ted the threshing of his clover t-erl. having s'-me thirty p.crcs. re-r-eiveii about MMy bushels. K. L. I'dt h :ist and wife wi'h their daughter drove over from the state capital la.-t Wednesday to visit at the !.'n: of o. J. Pothast and wife. Win. Gehrts was looking after some hu-incs- matters in Omaha lai-t Thursday and Friday, coing on the .hrsr y and returning on the evening train Friday. Jacob Iluenic-lay of Crab Orchard hii. bor visi' ir.p at the home of hi biMt her-in-la w. August Panska. and boMi !:( arifl visitor enjoyed the oc-ca.- ion gr ally. .-"ui"TiTi'":o' r.t .T. TI. F.urv.-ll of t;:-' M"i-!'"U public sc;;' !s and Geo. IV ."a i the principal and t:ieher of H.e Inch srlic'l. d(p:irtea last Fri d. v evening for tleiy hornr-s at T.:n r, ir and 1 Diversity Place. rejpe t i ve iy. whore they spent the Sunday va cation wi'h their families. A new 'irtuptne- has arrived at the , .!!!' of Mr. ;ii:d Mrs. August KI mine livinc ''in'1 five miles west of .Mir dork a fid th' household is happy, they rejoicing over the new happiness f the home. Ti.ere is also some happi ness at the home of grnndf.i'her and gra ndrnot (er Krriup" as well. Mrs. Charles Schneider, who has bi Ai.-itinn in tiie ivwi the pa-t f. w ks and b-in sn' at the h rr f lo r d n URh! ' r. M?s. Arthur Kic "! 'happd!. rturped hon last Ti.nrsdi; y. afie- having had an excel lent time wliilo in the f-t. !rs. ShTH'idr says th..t the west is a pre-at ri. re anH she enjoys livinc Ho re. tint aisi .-ays tha: home ic"nis pre'ty nice afKr one has been away. , With evfj-y ;,:tirlo of paint you Tiireha:-e. yt.u hef'-'fjl lv er.r know- It :!'". and e?. pri'-nr e. w e k n o w what is best. The I ;'.-:terhrlT Shops. sv.'.tf. The Kind that Wear! Large Sizes $2.25 $2.50 $3.0 Murdock Mercantile Co., MURDOCK, NEBR. 0K DEP. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Iva Wapner (f South Uer.d. was ;; visiior in MuriiiM-k last Friday, look in p: after some business iiiaiters ami doinp soui. tradhij with the mer chants. Cris Ki:p' Sr., is rej orte;! ;s lu inp very sick p.t his home ne:r thi.--city mid it is the desire of his many friend.- iieie as wen ;is hrriimhoti tiie county that he may have :.n early and 'permanent recovery. Mrs. Homer Hess of lit rn. Kar. sas. with her little 411. KJpar. wer .-peidir.p a number of (lays at t iu hi me of her parent. ('. M(inry and o.!fe of Murdook. and ;;1si isiiin--with nu;:.f:-"us friend:- in ami near Murdoi k. Mis-s M;'hle liuel! is reported as havinc been tnkon wiili the mea;-le ami is r.t lier home wre.-tlinp wi!h the and with the hopes of her many younp; friends that, she may come out the victor. Kdward IJrownhow ;.n;"i wife, wlio have be-.-n in the east for tne few weeks visitir.p with relatives if. O'' in. ami Ituliaiiii. art'; w!:er" : h y had an excellent time, returned h last week t:rd report that the east ;:s well as tlie west is enjoyinp, ai. cxcfllent srop. Herman Schmidt was a visit -.r ir. I'irftTsmrut li last Tuesday meetinp wi'h the tfi;'rd of county commi--si-)ners. and advising as to the work in this district and ai.-o found that all of his work had been o. k'd by the board, as beinp of first quality. Tl oe who have hat! occasion if travel the h'uiiway mimliVr 1'4. poir.p fr 1:; Murray west, noticed a short narrow culvert near tiie h me ( f H. I'. Ienninu:. wi.ich has been r. nunr.ce to 'he traveler and esp-!v tiiose who have had oec-uion to rnnke the trip Sit nip'it. Last week Mr. I'eniiir.e: widened otit the place, which has added much tn the safety and comfort of those traveling t In road. V- always knew t P t Fred Stock wa: a eood natureri rnan and always found him Fmilinp. but n little broad er was his smile a few days apo. rrobuMy owing to the fact that a uraiids'-rj had rnmr it the home (if Wm. Stick, ir. male his homo and r.i::ke the others l.nppy. Of course. "W" ill and wife are rejoicing and well !): could for the fine son. but the P rentes! evidence f S'a.d ness is seen on ti:e face r. Grandfather Fred Stock. 8SVI 8 ia fc 8 k a Be H M B C & T MR TMEMT Charles Stroy shelled corn last Fri day, which wiiH delivered at the ele v.itor in Murdock. Mrs. Georpp Towle of Lincoln was a visitor at the heme of her daugh ter. Mrs. J. 1".. McIIugh. for a few days last week. "harle Scliafer was n visiter in Greenwood last Friday evening. a here he vas visiting and looking .ii'.tr some li;is:,r.e'-.-t. John Gakei: i i, r ;as recently pur chased a liaif section of lard some eight miles nor.h of Ashl:nd f(r which he puid $100.twi!. A letter from W. ). Gillespie who is in 'he west cutting ftiif ".00 acres of wceat. and is-pi tting along nice ly, but will be kept to the work for some time vet. Mrs. Kate of Falls City, mother of J. F. Mclluph of Murd )ck. has been visiting at the home of her son and family for the past few days. 11. 11. I.awton (if 15;is place is on Kyirig a vi-it from his brother-in-law I. G. H.itnmond of Davenport, lowp. and also from his brother, L. L. Law ton of Wolf Kiver. Montana. Win. Rturtian of Omaha. son-in-law of G. Ui'iir will in short time, begin work o-t t!;e Fvangelieal As sociption par'-onage at Elm wood and which is to cr.-t eight thousand dol lars. Mrs. Grare of Wahasli. who has been in the employ of the Mur doch. Hotel for som ? time past resign ed and returned to her home at Wa bash, as the tjnie for whih the hotel will cont'.fue as such is. but shott now. the pr.-seni management expecting to cease the hotel business a the e'id of this month. Thomas Cromwell of Grant Neb., w: s a isitor in Murdook last Fri dttv evening looking after some busi ness matters and also interviewing John Gakcmeier. who is also an officer of the Cromwell Land Company of Grrnt. Mr. Cromwell was accom panied by Arthur Morrison of Oma ha, who wa also looking after some business ma'tere. Joi n Amgwert. who was injured while pioving bail some two 'weeks apo. is. making iiiiprttveinents and pestinir li'-tt. r vith the xception of the place when- he struck the fender (f the auto, by hi; a h.l . which remains very lender and has a hard ened ridge extending across the bow el, whic h it ' f. ard may yet restil ir. a p..rmsT!";t ir.i'.iry unless much car" is exercised for some time. There are virnishes for every pos sible purm ". floor wax. and paints of the higiiest quality. Dusterhof; S:(jis. sw if Are Takinp- Real Steps for Lights The vill-'P" h; rd at a recent meet ing appointed a committee. .consist ing of H. A'. McDonald and August I'ar.ska. enu.e.w ered to go to the coun ty seat a. ml tee about the matter of crllinp a villas:-' election for the pur pose of votitig on bonds for the se curing "f e'ei'rie lights for the vil lr.go of Murdock. This is a step in the ritiht direction for petting at the que-ti n ;:r.:I will result in the ach ieveni"!it of the desins of those who 1 .van' th Itphts. or will settle the ouesiion the other way. It n:w lno1.:--Lke the matter of lichts for Mur .!( ck was a step nearer. Surprised on Eirthdny. Mrs. O. .1. i'otl-ast. who is looking for the lost way to make people hap py, con:- ; ved the plan of giving her husband a suri ri- ? on his bjrthdtty which came 0:1 Vt iIxt ;th. and in vited some 2 of his brothers of th" Fraternity Society of the state univer si'y to their h- tue. ihey dyrivinp over i -1 some eicht cars from Lincoln t'i celebrate the event. It was indeed 11 furpris-- v.h'eii was one cf the n,c pb-asant r. Hairs. EHnks Will Clore. O-i accoitnl of Columbus Day the banks will ' se ::t Murdock f(r the day at'fi viil o' -serve- the day on which Coiumhus discovered America. It would be a pretty good day for a number of p'-otde who have spent a go(Hi nriiiy ytars lire to discover Americp. F'-mo who have lecn born beer as well as ot'aers. G-are r.n E::c-:lli rr.tertainrr.0Tit. Mt-s Ren;! ".iltuau. who gave the iiniial ntiniL'-r of the lecture course which is to bless Murdoch this sea sin, w;;. indeed a favorite, long be fore the dose of the entertainment. .M:ss ;iln-,un won the favor and ad miration of her large and apprecia tive audience early in the evening":; entertainment. This talented artist handled every character in the "Sbephard of the Hills" in a way I that be-neke lo r ability as a reader and impersonatrr of the first das1;, sail greatly pleased those who were fortun?te enough to hear her. The net number which is to be a musical number will be given on Novem'"-. s-econd. A Kcar Serious Collision. Just eaM of th" homo of H. C. Baekcmyer. live?, several miles northwest t.i .Murdock, a few days ago -while Walter liackemeyer was coming one way and Simon Sehlater was g-!r. g the other, and both turn ing a cortiT, bcir.g unabie to see each c'lur on ftrroujt cf abstruction, they go' together with the result that they both had s iTiie damage to repair on Their cars. Fortunate, it is indeed, that th?y were no running at a rapid rate or not aone nrre damape would have re.fted. but the probabilities are that they both would have been severely injured. These dangerous places should he cleared away. Attended tli-. Ivistern Star. ' La?t Monday the ladies cf the East ern Par lodge at. E'.mwood. which composes Elmwood. Wabash and Mur dock. were entertained by the ladies which are members of the order at Murdock. they scunj: frcra here, and were composed ol Mesdames H. W. Tool, H. V. McDonald, Kenry A. Tool, George Mills, A. J. Tool. A. K. Horn beck, Harry Gillespie and Ada Tool. Spending Some Time in South. I. G. Hornbeck, the capable and affable agent of the Rosk Island at this place is away on a two weeks vacation and is spending a portion of the time at Fort Worth. Texas, where he will remain for some time. The position is being filled during his ab sence by Lloyd O. Morrison of Dcn-vt-r. Will Give Major Program. The men of the churches of the Evangelical Association, which are located at Callihan. Ehnwood. Louis ville and Murdock. are now in prac tainment which is to be given on tice for a great chorus for the enter Sunday evening, October 17th. at which this chorus will sing. There will be a large number of promin ent speakers at the meeting among which will be the Rev. 1. Laipply of Murdock, and Revi Ezra Sohl, presid ing elder of the district, living at Lin coln. Sells Land at Good Profit. 11. P. Denning, who some tnree years ago purchased some land in the west for which he paid 35 per acre, lias but recently disposed of a half section at $70 per acre and getting some 200 hundred acres of wheat. He has also received three good crops from the land. Now Has a Beautiful Home. Henry Timm. living northwest of Murdock, where the land is produc tive and the air balmy, with pelnty of sunshine, has just had his home refinisbed, both inside and out but the artists from the Dusterhoff shops and with the completion of the work presents about as pretty a picture as one cculd well care to look at. It pays to have a home well cared for, the painting of the home and refin- ishing of it inside, not only makes the place beautiful and a joy to live in. hut preserves and adds years to t:ie life of the building. Young: Married People Made Merry The young married people of Mur dock enjoyed a gathering at the home of H. W. Tool and wife last Friday (veiling, whore the evening was spent in social conversation, cards and a " i t r ! e dancing. Those who were in attendance enjoyed the occasion ptvativ and ate generous in their praise of the genial host and hostess Having a Furnace Installed .1. E. McHugh. manager of the Murdock Mercantile company, is hav ing a new furnace installed in hi home, getting ready for the winter which is coming. A. J. Tool is doing the work. This will be a great bene fit to the home and will make th' place more comfortable. Gave Teachers a Reception. The citizens of Murdock, acting in (he true apirit of sociability and community good, last Monday gave the faculty of .the new school a recep tion and get-acquainted-meeting. The evening was spent in social good feelc.wship and enjoyed an excellent program. H. W. Tool gave a special number, while Joseph Wutchuknech! and Max Dusterhoff also gave an in strumental duet. Miss O'Halleran gave a reading which caught the crowd and was enjoyed by all. Ad dresses were made by Superintendent J. H. Rurwell.- who congratulated the school on its having gotten to gether for n better condition. Geo H. Warren, the principal, ateo mr.d" a very pleasing address in which he challenged the attention and interest of the people in the future of the schools. The personal of the teach ing force is as follows: Superintend ent. J. H. Burwell. principal. Geo. R. Warren: high school. Miss O'Hal leran. and grades. Miss Rushness. while another Miss Rushness has charge charge of the primary. The board of education is fortunate in having a very efficient faculty for the year. Have Bettered a Bad Place. Those who have had occasion to travel over that portion of th? read v est of Murdock near A. A. Linden's farm will be pleased to know that under the direction of Mr. Herman SchmioV. that the siding p'.rce that was rutty and a menace to ail who endeavored to travel over it. This piece of road had been reconstructed and brought under control and is now in good condition. The matter of road-making is one that requires considerable study and much ability as a road maker as well as plenty cf hard work. Has Built a Crib en Farm. Ixuis Hornbeck. who has a quarter of a seqtion of land west cf Murdock. pome time ago had a new crib con structed and before he had gotten it (sufficiently anchored, a land breeze ihit the structure and it was leveled to the ground. Louis had it erected again and this time before it had j an oppoijtunity to become wrecked, braced and anchored it sufficiently j and has it secure for the crop of corn (which he will gather in a short time. Loses Valuable Horse. Leo Rikli, who secured one of the best prizes at the pure bred stock f how at Weeping Water, only last week had the misfortune to lose one cf his valuable animals, which he would have refused $1,000. The an imal was a pure bred two year old Percheron mare and one of the best pnd had won the first prize at the fhow but recently. The horses that recently took the premiums by Mr. Rikli were a two year old stallion. "Geromono". which took the grand champion and also first premium; a two year old filly. "Gayetta" and a. yearling stallian "Joshua". J. Joaan son also had a stallion named "Del- mar" that took the grand champion prize. Young Peoples Association. The Young Feoples Association, an auxiliary of the Evangelical Associa tion, held a meeting at the home of Henry Oehlerking last Tuesday, at which (the regular monthly business of the society was first transacted, after which the young people, likf all young folks, had an excellent time. The time was spent in games, mu sic and an excellent program, and as a reminder of the hearty welcome which was extended to this in at tendance, a mosjL delightful luncheon was served by the hostesses, and a cordial invittaion given for a return in the future for another jolly time. Gave an Excellent Program. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Evangelical Association, gave a miscellaneous missionary program nt the church last Sunday evening, at which a large number were in at tendance. WABASH HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hinds and 1 son autoed to Lincoln Saturday. Earl Wilson spent Friday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. Wilson. Miss Sylvester is visiting with her brother and family. Homer Sylvester. Guy Hinds came home on Friday evening. He Is now husking corn for W. T. Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Norris and son I spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. ' Norris parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, j Mrs. L. C. Todd, cf Long I'.each, California, took dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gerbeling last Friday. j Mrs. Emme and daughters came one day last week. They are going to move on the Itichwd place one half mile west of town. ! Mrs. Sawyer and children and Miss Anna Berger spent a few minutes at the home of Miss Derger's cousin, Mrs. H. H. Gerbeling. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman and family autoed to Rising City Friday afternoon and returned on Monday noon. They visited at the home of Mrs. Jackman's folks. Fred Towle, Walter Wood, Marie Ivers, Ella and J. D. Gerbeling mo tored over to Mr. and Mrs. William Stander's home near Louisville Sun day evening in Walter Wood's car. The evening was spent in Weeping Water and everyone enjoyed the time very much. A number of young folks were in vited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. '1. Gerbeling Tuesday evening to a good time party. The evening was spent in out-door games and Edison music. At a late hour water melon was nerved, after which all depart ed for their homes. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jacobson and baby and Miss Esther Jacobsn mo tored up to Mrs. A. M. Van Every s Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mr.". 5. A. Jacobson returned the same evening. Miss Esther stayed and is going to help Mrs. Albert Pool for a while. A number from here attended the ball games in Murdock Sunday af ternoon. There were two games played. The first was between the Louisville and Weeping Water teams and was won by iouisville. The sec ond was between W-H-ping Water and a team composed of Murdock and Wabash players. In this the latter aggregation was victorious. The Ladies aid met at the home -f Mrs. M. E. McDonald Wednesday a'ternoon. A large number attended. monrr the out of town guests were Mrs. George Colbert and Mrs. How end Brown and children, of Juniata Mr.'. Clarence Pool. Mrs. Eugene Colbert. Mrs. Dowler and Mrs. Glenn Atchison, of Weeping Water; Mrs. L. L. Caygill of Elmwood: Mrs. S. A. Jacobson and baby of Nehawka: Miss Esther Jacobson of Oakdale and Miss Marie Iver:-. of Colorado. WATCH YOUR KIDNEYS Inhaling the fumes of turpentine and white lead often weakens the kidneys. That's one reason why so many painters have bad backs and . sick kidneys. Exposure, frequent ! colds and chills and the strain of climbing up and down ladders help start the trouble. If your back aches, if sharp pains strike you in the back when stoop ing, lifting or working; if you have headaches, dizziness, rheumatic pains if the urine is discolored or pass ages painful and scanty, try Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy so widely used and so well recommended by men in the painting trade. Here's a Plattsmouth man's testimony: M. Lauderback, contractor, paint er and paper hanger. Locust street, says: "I had lumbago and kidney trouble a few years ago. I believe the turpentine fumes from the paint is What waij responsible for it. I could hardly bend over or lift any thing and I couldn't even turn over in bed without help. I had no con trol over my limbs, it seemed and when I tried to walk, I could not lift them, just had to scuff them along. My kidneys acted irregularly; the secretions were highly colored and passed with a burning sensation. I usd Doan's Kidney Pilla and before finishing the first box which I got at Fricke & Co's. drug store, I felt bet ter in every way. I used in all three or four boxes and they gave me fine relief. I had another little attack this spring, but I went to Doan's the first thing and they straightened me out again in quick order." (iOe. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn I Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. For Sale: One Parriott tractor. 12-25 in good condition; also one Hubert tractor good as new and only v iused a few days. Come and see them. Prices will be made right, tf. WM. GEHRTS. 1 THE S7 Wc arc scllir.g Buicks, Dodges and Mitchells. 'Ilirre are no more reliable cars on the market. Ask for a demonstration. We are always at your service. A full line of tires and accessories always on hand. The best of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in. Phone 35-3 The TITAN TRACTOR 1 Keep in mind that we arc handling the V famous "TITAN'' Tractor, and have, a few on hand that we can delirer on short notice. Ask us for a demonstration, or any thing pertaining to these tractors or the work they will do. WM..GEHRT rdocK 1 t Rex 6 Pure linseed oil paint jiv:;f uet-t and longest ser vice, because IT IS a pure linseed oil paint. PAINTS AND VARNISHES The Dusterlioff Shops, MURDOCK Estray Notice I have taken up on my farm four and one-half miles south of Murdo'k a hog weighing ebout 1 fin pounds, Owner "picas? call, pay for keeping and get the hog. s20-ow. WM. WESTFALL. Blank books and office accessories at tli a Jnrmal ivffi.-e Daily Journal, lic per week. Pare Bred Black Polantf-GSuna EES GIYEM BY Weeping Water, aturday, October 30th 13 Head of Boars 17 Head of Gilts Catalogs will soon be ready. If interested, viile for one. COL, W. R. YGUNC A Wht DUNN, Aueta. BEST S I i Murdock, Neb. s Nebraska IS 33 ft ! mmmi am ramii NEBRASKA FOR SALE A nun bor of pure bred Poland i hir.a b-n-rs. Telephone No. :or. Adam Stec-hr. M-Sw. ISuroc Hops Tor Sale. Pure l r-d imn- bo. us. oi l enough ' ir i r ic", "Critic" and "lllu.-i.ii;- breeding, for $ T.i. Albert V(i!,ii::. Murray. N.'b. AT r t -. -