The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 11, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    HOBDAY, OCTOBER 117 1920.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir autoed
Lincoln Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wolfe vis
ited relatives in Ashland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and
children were in Lincoln Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch and J.
A. Shaffer autoed to Lincoln Tues
day morning.
Miss Rosalie Johnson and Mrs.
G. P. Foreman spent Tuesday fore
noon in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Appleman at
tended the funeral of Tim Reese in
Greenwood Thursday.
Jesse Hardnock went to Omaha to
buy a bunch of lambs to feed. John
Wood, Jr.. accompanied him.
George Parsell is here from Peoria.
111., visiting his brothers, H. E. and
J. E. Parsell and their mother.
Rev. M. E. Stair presented J. A.
Shaffer a six pound sweet potato
which he had gTown in his garden.
Dr. L. Muir, Alfred Stroemer and
John Yaeger autoed to Omaha last
Thursday to hear Senator Harding
Rev. Knight. John Murtey, Carl
Ganz and Ed Stroemer autoed to Om
aha Thursday to hear Senator Hard
ing speak.
Mrs. Ray Clark and children, of
near Prairie Home, spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Rosenow.
George Kitzel won the 1st, 2nd
and 3rd prizes on his Duroc Jersey
heps at the county stock show at
Weeping Water last week. He sold
two of them at a fancy price.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone and
cousin. Mrs. W. M. Manning, spent
Tuesday with Grandma Stone at her
home in University Place. Grand
ma has been under the doctor's and
nurse's care for six weeks.
Sunday dinner guests at the E. M.
Stone home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Dreamer and son Stanton, of Col
lege View; Mr. and Mrs. Caryell and
son Earl and G. La Verne Stone, of
Lincoln; Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir and
daughters. Carmen and Marguerite.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kitzel and
daughter, Corine; Mrs. A. II. Weich
el; Mrs. W. M. Manning and Mrs.
E. M. Stone spent Wednesday at
Weeping Water visiting the county
stock shiw and were dinner guests
Buying Grain
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
IftHow Ss fthe Time
It's the early plowing that makes the
big wheat yield. We have a full line of horse
drawn plows; also engine plows. We will
be glad to give you a demonstration with the
Titan Tractor if you are interested.
TClIG iHillll
We believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We
are always ready to make good farm loans for long
terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre
pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage
ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which
a farmer must now deal.
Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund
of the State cf Nebraska
The Farmers and Merchants Bank,
. r. BOVI.FA. rrm. DU.F. S. DVLRS Chler FLORA R.GA7., Aut.
A. M. UUVLF.S, Vlcf-Prm. ( ABL O. OAN7, Vlcf-Prrn.
The Alvo
noi i.i:s
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorder.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bornemeier
and son Russell left on No. 38 last
Thursday for Omaha, where they
went to hear Senator Harding speak,
and from there continued on their
way to Bristow and Winner, South
Dakota, to visit relatives for a week.
James Friend accompanied his
father, L. Friend to Brownville on
I Wednesday to have the latter's eye
examined and if possible treated. The
specialist gave no hope of relief and
they returned home Thursday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Powell and
daughter of Lincoln and Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer spent Saturday
night in South Bend with their un
cle, Fred Weaver and family and
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Stander and family, returning home
Sunday evening.
On Saturday, October 3d the
Kitzel family gave their cousin, Mrs.
W. M. Manning, who is here visit
ing from Minneapolis, a picnic din
near on the island at Ashland. Those
present were Mrs. W. M. Manning,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weichel and
daughter. June; Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Stone; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kitzel and
children; Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kitzel
and children; Mr. and Mrs. O. A.
Kitzel; Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Elliott;
Mr. and Mrs. Perle Royer and Mr.
Lee Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Allen and
granddaughter, Ruth, of Fairbury,
and William Scott and brother.
Homer, of Lincoln, spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Moore and daughter. Miss
Blanche. On Sunday they and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Cook and children.
Wayne Swarts. of this place. Ed
Hornbeck and Mr. Toole of Murdock.
autoed to the Will Kleiser farm out
north of Murdock. where they en-
a picnic dinner and a squirrel
bagging fifteen squirrels.
M. E. Church Notes
Sunday, October 10th was rally
day for the Sunday school. A pageant
entitled "The Coming of Truth" was
given during the hour usually de
voted to the Sunday school and
morning worship.
Beginning next Sunday, October
17th. we are to conduct a series of
special meetings, continuing till No
vember 3rd. Miss Jennie Brubaker
and Stock!
Farm Loan Association
i of Omaha, a trained deaconess, will
be with us during the entire time.
Also we are to have with us during
the first week, a minister from one
of our churches in nearby towns, a
different one each night. This will
give you a chance to hear some of
the best talent we have, and 'we
anticipate some stirring messages.
Will you not plan your work so as
to take part in these meetings, and
get all the good for yourselves and
children that they ought to pro
vide? Again I wish to state that this
church and its pastor stand in this
community to be of all the service
possible, in every way possible. If
we can be of service to you in any
way. let us know. we win
do the best we can. It looks
the immediate future holds serious
problems in store for us. We believe
that the things the church stands
for will be of the greatest service
in these critical times. Let us try
God's method of solving and meeting
these things. Sincerely yours,
Got Her Good Health Out of a Bottle
Mrs. Edward Raifsnider, WaLash,
Ind., says that she owes her good
health to Chamberlain"s Tablets. She
suffered from distress after eating
and constipation and was complete
ly cured by the use of these tablets.
From Satarnay's L-aiiv.
Last evening the first dance of the
reason was enjoyed at the Elks club
and the result was very pleasing to
those in attendance and to the com
mittee that has had the event in
charge. The Gradoville, Ledgeway.
Rucker. Burbridge orchestra was on
hand with an excellent program that
was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone
fortunate enough to be present.
The next dance will be on Friday
October 2ith and will be in the na
ture of a halloween party and dance
and the committee will make special
arrangements to see that the event is
one of the greatest of pleasure to
those in attendance.
I.ast week while we were in Elm
wood, we noticed a car standing on
the street, which looked like it was
old enough to vote, and making an in
quiry, we were informed that it was
of the vintage of 1904, and a chain
drive Brush, which indeed looked like
it had had many a brush, with hard
usage and had not entirely recovered
either. Still the Brush was running
and giving excellent service at tha'.
It was said that it was the car which
Dr. Jones, who lived in Murdock a
number of years ago, has owned and
operated when he was practicing med
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at her home, corner Ninth
and Elm streets, Plattsmouth. on
Tuesday, October 12th. household
goods, as follows: One. pair portiers
for double door, four good iron beds,
one double, three single; four bed
springs, one mattress, one gid dav
enport, two kitchen tables, two good
center tables, three kitchen chairs,
eight good sitting room chairs, three
parlor chairs, two rocking chairs, two
good dressers, one good wash stand,
one sideboard good as new, one good
pewing machine, six dining room
chairs, one writing desk, one carpet
sweeper, one oil heater, one oil
stove, one refrigerator, three dozen
fruit Jars, one 5-gal. Jar. one 4-al.
Jar. one 3-gal. jar. forty feet rubber
hose, three good 9x12 bed room rugs,
one stairway carpet, one clock shelf,
one set of dishes and numerous other
articles. Sale starts at 1:00 o'clock
p. m.
Mrs. F. Engelkemier.
W. R. Young, auctioneer.
R. F. Patterson, clerk.
lw d&sw.
George W. Shrader, from south of
the city, who was here yesterday vis
iting with friends, departed this
morning on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, where he will spend
the day.
For Sale: 6-room house and 2 lots
on North 6th Street. Electric lights,
bath, city water and gas in house.
Priced at a bargain,
tf d-w. II. J. HOUGH.
Ford Pleasure Cars, Trucks
and Fordson Tractors
Runabout, without starter $465.00
Runabout, with starter 53 8.30
Touring, without starter f12.25
Touring, with starter 585.15
Coupe, with starter 829.85
Sedan, with starter 881.90
One-ton truck with grain and
stock body 800.00
Fordson, f. o. b. Detroit 790.00
We are taking signed orders for
above models, which will be filled in
the order in which they are taken,
and as our allotment of cars will not
supply the demand at these greatly
reduced prices, do not delay giving
us your signed orders if you want
prompt delivery.
T, H, Pollock Garage
Authorized Ford Dealer
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth
Felt Like She Couldn't Stand Her
Troubles Much Longer, Says
Burlington Woman.
"Since I started taking Tanlac. I
have already gained fifteen pounds
in weight." said Mrs. J. ,M. Madsen,
R. F. 1). No. 2. Burlington, Iowa.
"About seven years a'o I began
to suffer with indigestion and I suf
fered so much .that I was afraid to
eat anything at all. I was gradually
losing weight and going dow n hill
an ine nine. -v nine over a year
ago I had an attack of influenza that
left me almost a nervous wreck. I
was subject to constant sick head
aches and spells of dizziness that
made me so faint I couldn't carry on
my housework. 1 was ery nervgus
and restless and many a night 1
would get up out of l.ej and walk
the floor and in the mornings 1 fcit
completely exhausted. My nerve:;
were so unstrung that I felt I could
not stand it much longer.
"I decided to try Tanlac and with
the very first bottle 1 began to feel
better. I have taken seven bottles
now and I feel like an entirely dif
ferent woman. My appetite is ju-t
fine and lcan eat anything I want,
and nothing ever disagrees with me.
I am tree from those awful sick
headaches and fainting spells, I sleep
like a baby at night and wake tip in
the morning with more energy and
vitality than 1 ever had before in
my life, and it is now a real phas
ure for me to do my housework. I
advise anyone who is in the condi
tion 1 was to take Tanlac. It has
certainly made life worth living far
Tanlac is -;old in Plat tsnioul h by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray lrun company,
and the leading druggist in every
This afternoon the h
and Mrs. E. H. Pontius
was the scene of a very
ding when. Miss Alta J
Or. Guv E. Romans of
:;tne of Rev.
at My nard.
pretty wed
. Geary and
Omaha were
united in the bonds of holy wedlock.
The young people arrived from t he
metropolis this morning and were no-t
here by Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Geary,
the bride-elect being a sister of Mr.
Geary, and they accompanied Un
voting people to th-- home of the min
ister and witnessed tlie ceremony that
joined their heart- and lives as one.
The only attendants at tlie wedding
were Mr. and Mrs. (Iary and Miss
Mary Wetenkamp and the family of
Rev. Pontius. Following the cere
mony the members of the party ad
journed to the C. D. Geary home
where the newly weds will e:ij.y an
over Sunday visit and will return to
their future home in the metropolis
Sunday evening. Ir. Romans is one
of the able young members of the
medical profession in the metropolis
and the young people have a ci.rv
home awaiting their return.
James Manners living southf of Alvo.
James Manner.-:, living south of Alvo,
who it will be remembered, was com
pelled to take the ditch to prevent a
collision, on account of a narrow cul
vert in front of his place, re-port:; hi-:
arm improving somewhat from the in
jury, which he received at the time
of the accident. Mr. Manners and
family had been at Alvo and were
returning home when meeting hi;
auto going the opposite direction,
and to avoid this car, Mr. Manners
endeavored to turn to the rig tit and
was compelled to take the side of the
road where there is a ditch or risk a
collision with the other car. The car
which contained the enUre family of
Mr. Manners being Mrs. Manners, a
daughter ten years of age. and two
boys about a year and a half old. be
ing twins, Jimmie and Robbie. They
were all pinned under the car for a
short time. Other than I hey
were none bf them injured severely
with the exception of Mr. Manners
whose arm was caught under the rib;;
of the top of the car and the steer
ing apparatus. He is getting along
fairly well now. but his arm is far
from being well at this time. He
feels that the narrowness of the cul
vert and the deep hole at its side
was responsible for the accident.
Financial Loss Due To Colds
It is estimated that the average
man loses three days time each year
from inability to work on account
of having a cold. Much of this loss
can be avoided by treating every cold
as soon as the first symptoms of the
disease appear. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has won a wide reputation
and immense sale by its cures of this
disease. Try it. You are certain to
be pleased with its pleasant taste and
the prompt relief which it affords.
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
I M m t9 tono and strengthen
tno organs cf digestien ar.d
elimination, improvj r poet no.
stop sick headachos, rviisvo bil
iousness, corroct ecnstipaticn.
ihcy cct promptly, pleasantly,
m:!dly, yet tfcorcuefciy.
TazraoFrow Alright
Herman Mann shelled his corn last
Frida yand delivered it to the elevator
in Manley.
Mrs. Joseph Mactney, who lias bee n
on the sick list for some lime pa-t is
rt ported being somewhat im
Orris Pchk-ifert was looking after
foil i e t.usini -s matters at the c-oiintv
(seat last Monday, driving i.vt r with
his car.
j Mrs. Cyrus Coon is r ported as. hav-
ing L-en very sick during the pa-t
week. L it is taid to be some better at
thi- time.
Peter Vcgel and w ife were visiting
with friends and also looking after
some business matters in Plat tsmc u t p
last Monday.
Miss Trichy. the teacher of the
Manley echoed, wao a or at her
home at Gretna over Sunday, going
on la-t Fri lav evening.
Ad'dph Steinl-.amp was a visitor in
Omaha la- t Tin day, going up on the
train. vhre he v. a:', looking afs
: :i!e '. u tt e-s niatt-r- for the day.
Mary el Ine tanner:; in the vi
cinity it" Manley w-jie making pi!
grimn to the sou'n into (iK.e coua
'y to buy apples for their winter u-e.
C. I". Moid. nhaupt and wif- were
visiting with friends and alfo lookinr
alt- r some business matters in Louis
ville last Thursday, making the trip
on the train.
Ieid I'.rann and wife were visit
ing in Omaha last Wedne-day. dnvin?
over to the metropolis to h k after
some business and visit with the
many friends as veil.
Win. Hev-ti i- r and f'hiily were vi--it
ine; in Omaha last Monday, called
there to look after some business mat
ters atid a 1 : o whili there they visited
v. ith their many friends as well.
Edward Murphy shipped his hogs
to the Omaha market last TbursiViy.
in conjunction with a portion if a
load which was al.-o shipped by th--enterprising
firm of lleebner V Shee
Messrs. Ce-Ml Ponton and John
Wordell were visiting in Omaha last
Thursday, going to attend the .'-peaking
of Senator Harding and were also
lookinc, after some business matters
as well.
Troy Davis of Weeping Water was
a bu-iness visitor in Manley last
Thursday driving over in his auto to
look af" r some business matters rela
tive to the sale of some land.
Herman !;;!! and 'familv and Mes-ilani-s
I.atra Mann and Paul Flem
ing, were vi-iting and looking after
oine business matters at Omaha last
Tue-dav. driving over in the auto of
Mr. Hail.
Frank P.ergman is to build on a
farm which he has recently pur
chased near the homes of Walter
Mor keiihanpt. and this w ill add nun-h
to the wealth and improvement cf
that portion of the county.
Mr-. Clarke, sister of Mrs. John
Rout'i. is, here vi-iting with the fam
ily of her si-tcr. arriving from her
heme at Irwa Fall, and is enjoying
a fo wdays visit with her many
friends in and near Manley.
Philip Fleniinr. who has been pic-king
some corn for feeding purposes,
ha taken p.-rticular notice and finds
that ;,-"oi a; in-r to the returns from
v. hat h" has t-athcrd tlie corn will
m.k- about sixty bushels to the acre.
Owal.l Miller who hps been work-
ing at tlie hem.
.f It D O'Brien near
e'nlh.m. for some time past, returned
home a few davs atro and is mailing
- rran . rnen f rs for the Pep-inning og
the picking of his corn of which he
has a good crop.
John Fleischman and fatnilv and
Orove-r I. surer-sen were visiting in
Lincoln last Thursday, driving over
in the auto of Mr. Fleischman fid
remaining for the day looking after
come business matters and also visit
ing with friends as well.
Frank Stander and wife of Omaha,
were in Manley for a chort time ls.
week. Mrs. Ptand-r vi-ited at the
home of relatie, while Mr. Stander
went to the western portion of the
cfiui'.ty where he was superintending
the construction of a crib for housing
the present crop cf corn.
Kudedph Uergman and Paul Flem
ing were looking after some business
matters at Omaha and also stopping
it Plattsmouth hut Tuesday, where
they met with the county commis
sioners, and also had some business
matters at the office of the clerk of
the district court.
Granddaughter Has Arrived.
A peculiar light in the eyes and a
hapPY expression, which were char
acteristics of Mr. August Stander for
thr- past f vv days tells of the happi
ness which lie could hardly contain.
The cause of this friendly feeling for
all the world was the arrival at the
home of their daughter. Mrs. Edward
S-iker. living near Elmwood of a
daughter to them and a granddaugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. August Stander
of this place. AVe congratulate them
in their new found joy.
Crip usuallv starts just the same
-p. a cold with n watery discharge
from the nose. You are much more
likely to contract the trip when you
have a cold. For that reason when
grip is prevalent yon should go to
bed as son as you feel that you are
tnking cold and stay in bed until
fully recovered, which should not he
long if you take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Three days in bed now is
better than three weeks later on.
Charles T. Peacock and family have
removed from their farm home to
their residence property in this city
and are now settled in their new
home. They have purchased the pro
pertv on Pcnrl street formerly occu-
niei by Dr. E. P. Cummins and have
I had it remodeled and it is now a most
plea: ant and modern home in every
I way.
August Krecklow and son Louis
and W. H. Frost, were all in Platts
mouth last i'j- .-ilay in attendance at
the meeting of the board of csiiMy
commission r meeting, w hich v as be
ing held at that t in.- .
Joseph Wolperl and sisters, ?di--es
Maggie and Katie and Mis-; Mary
O'Leary. were all visiting for the iav
in Omaha last Tuesdav. diivins- over
in Joseph's sed
splendid tin: s
a n .
. i i)
Making- Improvements on Iiis Home.
Walter Mocke nba ant is havn.
addition made to his Home northw-- '
cf Manley, in the shape of a
which is fourteen by fourteen feed,
with a full Laseme-nr. John Fleiseh
man is doing the woik ar.d v.h n etrai
pleted will greatly add to the con
venience and e.rth of the place.
lleturns From Extended Visit.
John Tishe v.jf. of Unnha.
v e-r. visiting for a ho: t ton- 'it the
heme of ;hir da v.?, h : r. Mrs. Wilt r
.'.i:jcke:ih:iupt. drying down and be
ing :m com p.i n ie(l I -, ibeir tw I'an-h-:rs
M is----s Idllh.n and Arn- Mr.
Tihe and family have j a I it-' urii-il
fianm an extended vi-it coverin;;
' cine five Week-", which was m.nb
in an automobile and covered the
northwestern portion of the st-.iie ami
alo seeing much of Siiilh lakot;i
They enjoyed tin- visit grciifly and
also had an excellent time in their
visit here with their daughter.
Will Construct Residences
KM ward Jo. him i- bavin;
pared for the cons! r ti ' b i
of what i;- known a the (
plans pre-
f a h -ic.c
Id Jocliiin
n l v h icli i- to b
a tno
with all the
c on '. enione-
w b ich t li is
y afford.-. This will
add greitly to the value of the pl .'e
;!i'l make e. ;i ib-nt home for thi.
renial gentle: an and l.i- wife. Kouis
Caeb.-l and w ife- will al-o have a to--a
home on their farm which is to be
erected in a short lime and like th"
other will be a great improvement to
the country, and be another e xcellent
farm home added to the- conimtmiiv.
Was a Double Surprise Patty.
Kast Sunday a week, being the
eleventh birthday of little iK.rothy.
daughter of Mr. and Mr:-:. Wm. title,
a surprise was perpetrated on
little Mi-s and a laij-',e numner of lor
friends ware gathered to assi-l in
properly celebrating the occasion. It
h ing the birthday also of Miss Kiiz.t
heth Sheehan. who was four wars
older .their friends celebrated the oc-
fcffcL CSS33
We are making a sweeping reduction of
most of cur line of Farming Implements.
Wanons from $100 up; see them. Also
Manure Spreaders at a great saving to you.
We are ready at j our call, to go and as
sist in setting up and getting started any kind
of machinery.
Our Corn Elevators will be sold at as
close a margin as possible, but we cannot
promise a very extensive reduction, as they
are sold close.
See us! We will make the price right on
anything in our line you may want.
The Best Lumber for Your Purpose!
We have complete slocks of all grades and sizes
in demand and can make immediate delivery. No long
waits excessive freight charges uncertainty of de
lays. r3-
You can inspect every foot of lumber ycu buy
from us before you pay for it and know that our repu
tation is back of it.
Our aim is the satisfaction of our customers after
as well as before the sale it's a detail of our service
that adds big value without raising the price.
Prepare now to take care of this year's big corn
crop. Let us talk over your building requirements
with you.
Manley, Nebraska
W. H. FROST, Manager
caric n at the same time, There were
twenty-five of the friends of these two
popular young folks gathered togeth
er, each having birthday cake. The
one for Mus Dorothy had 11 candles
to indicate her age, while the one
for Mi.-s Elizabeth contained i-ixteen,
telling of the years she had seen.
iTlit- young pi :.;! enjoyed the atter
: neon greatly and were taken home in
the evening by Mr. Otte iii his' car.
Visited With Friends Here.
La-t Friday Charles Jacobs and
wif- of Omaha, parents of Mrs. E. A.
Curtis of f ' ts mout h. who wire vis
iting at the home of their daughter,
in company with Mr. Is. A. P.urns
and family, drove on r to Manley hi t
Friday evening and visited at the
in :.) .f J. L. Pomes and family for
the e-...nii:g, re-turned home Saioiday.
Attended Funeral ?.t Lincoln.
Mrs. lury Kelly and daughter.
Mi--: Nellie, and Mrs. John Moclien
ha..p. :-.!! of Manley and near here,
v.:- in attendance at tlie funeral c.t
..!r. ;,i .1 Mrs. Mich 1 Kelly cf
coin, v.j
!a--t Tu
by a t r
port io ,
-eeie killed at Ci tee n .-. e-o a
lav afternoon when stru.l:
i :i : crossing in the north
lint town. .Mrs. M;uy
J hn
cousin ot the uiiio;-
.:iir who bet their live-,. Mrs.
Moel eshanp' is also a i.lati-.e
Mr. Ke'Iv and wife.
i Were Guests at Dinner.
j ha ? i'-n:,.:-.y Mi'. ind Mrs. C."n.
I Mot ker.l.aiipt, they h-ing the mo t
hospital le p ople of Manley. had a;
s:m;.- at the elegant home, the Uev.
Father Hi-'s-ins and his mother. M rs
VY. l. His'-Miis as their guests at din
ner. They all enjoyed t he soc iabil i' '
very much, as well as the splendid
Horse Shoeing
and General
Automobile Work, First
Class in All Respects!
Prices Reasonable!
Manley, Nebraska