The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 11, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Goodrich Tire Prices!
In order to reduce our very large stock ot Good
rich Ford sizes, and to keep abreast of the times, we
are offering:
30x3 plain ..$14.25
30x3V non-skid '. .' 18.50
These are all Goodrich 6000 miles guaranteed
nine better.
Better hurry these casings will sell fast at these
T. H. tPoliock Garage,
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb.
At Ronufsfc of State Jourr-ul. Jhn
Murlry Tells cf Candilions as He
Views Them From Experience.
Alv. . '. 7. To tin KiIi'Iit f The
St.-'te Journal: In Xebjaska and all
yrain .urmviiiK slates v.hcn our ninn
try grain i-leva'ors were iiwiioiI ituli-
Rive up tho fisht the farmers' un
ions were organized and came to the
rescue f.f t!u line elevators and
bought the line elevators at a price
of about three times what they had
paid for them years before and line
men madia handsome profit on their
holdings. No'v we have the Farm
ers' union elevators and the indi
vidually owned elevators competing
for the grain and what a change. In
stead of competition and a close mar
gin and grain bought on from one to
thre cent margins as in days of old.
we find the Farmers union elevators
paying any old price sometime five
to ten cents difference in stations on-
had sharp compel i-J ly seven mile apart. They are con-
i'!i:.ili and grain bought by thee!
a; r ow nit v
tiMi. If I hi gr.
CI 'I ' "T il ill
itig town. ii'iy
and all bn .ihe-s
Sin fariTi'-is and
inn im-n oilereil one
less Hian an ::djoin-l.ruihi-r.
i w i:!d join with
s tin grain men
v I w;
u.i:- l-ii
i !. a tor.
f r;i i ti
plan was
!". at i !"s
m i' pmi
Tiny Hi'
prill's ba
the : ; n
s wrong with liim. The sai'ie
v, i "i a town had ohe indi
ow::etl b v itor and '-ne line
In tb" first
bnviri;.' in .'i
trii'd to !-.cej
would Ik; vi
thirty years
braska every
prici-s v hero
a 'mall but
Rut HI plans failed.
d si'-n ding i-'iit cards with
fd on a rhvi margin hut
iif f-vi'r was so strong
in t!ti- grain tltH'Ts that it was im-i;-.'-ibli
to keep thelil lined up. If
!! iiiilividual bini r thought prices
w.ti'l bo higher the tiext week, he
would grab a lot of grain with no
margin at all. lie ran hi own busi
ness and took his chances. Tin net
result was ih: the line elevator mn
soon came to the conclusion that they
could not compete with a man on tfie
ground that did hit own buying and
i:.'M d -t'ld rradel up his rain. The
it'.ilix'ual buyers who owned their
i -wp elevator i.r.-aiae such expert;? in
mixing a!d grading of grain that it
was onu' i n talk among f irmer- that
fiu-y could ge' a ; tin -h fir m ain
:o I lie b. : t wa : Wor:'l. When th
lino men ;:iv. that they could rot com
pete with the in dividunl hovers in
' coii!! i'y liiey gradually yi into j
In, oaitui-' in and terminal bii
nevs in Omaha. Kan.-.-. City and St.
l;:e. where they roiild own and look
after their owe. husines themselves.
There are but a few line eleva
tors in the iati row and most, of
thc;a are for sale. Cut at the lime
the lire elevator leen were readv to
tn lied by a large hoard of dire-tors
who are scattered out in the country
boking after their farms. They have
no time to study grain and market
con!i;ions and why should they?
What object would two hundred good
farmers have in layin.g awake nights
looking after the interests of a little
cf.untry elevator that at best would
only support one man and his fam
ily? They leave it all to a manager
and they tell him when they hire him
that he never can become owner of
but only a few shares, about $2.".0
worth of stock: tliat they are going
to take over ail business on the co
operative socialistic plan; that he lia-
I no chance to in business; that
! they are ,e;.iing to destroy all profits
! in business; that all he can ever ex
pect in life is a Job at an ordinary
salary subject to the decision of the
big 1kss. The net results are that
he follows the lines of least resistance
and the Farmers' union elevators art
no competition at all. They don't
mix ami grade up their grain like an
individual owner would. Why should
they work day and night to make
money for a couple of hundred ri'h
Last year I was in northwestern
Canada. They have colonics of Rus
sian lMiokabors. They own their
farms but all business in their towns
is run on the co-operative plan. Ev
erybody takes orders from the hie
j b;;s. I asked them if their co-operative
plan (it is the same as the Far
piers' union plan in Nebraska) was
'iiecessful. They said it was in Rus
sia but not in America. That the
farmers' boys moved to town to do
business and wanted to own aiid
operate their own business like the
Americans do. They wanted to be j
Americans. The co-operative eleva-:
tor in the country or co-operative ter- J
minal elevator will al.vays be a fail-
tire because the farmers who own it
are not there to look after it. Noth
ing could be more foolish than for
our farmers to think that they could
compete with an individual owner
on the ground looking personally af
ter his business and they with a
man with no interest in the business,
hedging their grain, keeping the
damp grain separate and all the dif
ferent grades and trying to raise the
grade to make money for a lot of men tell him in advance that they
j are trying to keeep him as a laborer
all his life subject to the good will
of a "big boss." The very thought
'of farmers refusing to let their own
j hoys own a small business in a conn
ttrv town is cruel. Our business in
a small town is run by men who were
raised on the farm. They succeed
better in business than the town
boys because their surroundings were
better when they were growing up.
The most charitable view we can
take of our farmers who are follow
ing Gustafson. Townley and other co
operative socialists is that they know
not what they do. Our farmer
could let themselves down easily.
They should surrender their co-operative
charters and a few farmers could
take over the co-operative elevators,
co-operative stores, at each country
town where they have them, at a fair
price and sell fifty per cent of the
i-tock or at least forty-nine per cent
to their manager or some farmer's
son who wanted to do business in
our small towns. Then the manager
would have interest enough in the
business to look after it right. They
could hold them in this way until the
socialistic wave passes over and gra
dually get them ha--k to individual
ownership. A few men own fifty
one per cent of the stock in our brs
country banks, the balance is usually
scattered among up-to-date farmers
Our country elevators and country
stoves ought to be all on a business
basis the same as our banks have al
ways been. - We all hop:, now that
we have woman suffrage, that v.
will have farmers' wives in our legis
lative bodies that will demand the
repeal of the McKelvie. Oustr.fson.
Townley co-operative laws passed by
our last legislature that seek to pro
hibit their children from ever owning
any business indi vidua!! v.
w m m W -- T'AT A f. JW " -
s mm
the Cities
noted that the
from t he eountrv
greatly accen
tor the first
it is
r w j
Draperies arc of greater importance in giv
ing home-like character and style to a room
than any ether detail of the furnishings.
Colonial Drapery Fabrics are designed in
accord with modern ideas in home beautify
ing. Ve are prepared to show you beautiful
fabrics suitable for every room in your home. s
Washington, Oct. 7. The
population of continental Cnife!
States was announced today by the
census bureau as 1 0,.JS:i.l OS. Tin .
is en increase of i::.710.SJ2 or I A.'.i
nor cent since 1010. Today's total
does not include the population
ouflying possessions, which will
announced as soon as the figures for
Alaska and the military and naval
services abroad are tabulated. It i;
estimated, however, thai these pos
sessions have 12.2.-.0'01 inhabitants,
so that the total number of people
living under the American flag is in
round numbers HS.OOO.OOO.
The figures for continental Fniteil
States compare with !il.ft;: "ia; ten
years ago and 7r..0rt-l..r7r Iwentv
years ago. The increase for the last
decade however, fell .'Ki. S tO o-
per cent lielow that of the
ceding decade.
Director Rogers of the census bu
reau, in a formal statement, attrib
uted this reuction to the almost com
plete stoppage of immigration during
the war. an increase in immigration
during the same period, deaths in the
Mifluenza epidemic of 1IH7-1S ami
war casualties.
Trend is to
The statement
trend of population
to the city has been
t waled since HMO. J
Time in tie country's history.
said, more than half 1ho entire
. . 1 4 : ...
in.Mion was living in urban terri
tory. Preliminary tahnPit imw Mr
Hogers said showed that IV 4 . S I 20!
or ;!.;( nor cent nf fh nnitnln
"ing in uicornom I oil nlKs .r
2. noo inhabitants or more and ro.-
Sfifi.SflD. or 4S.1 per cent in rural
ferritorv Tliij. cii.,.,n
j -- - i; itiii it'll ;is iiejir-
! Iv reflected in the fif
in the country which also were made
public today. These placed the total
'f farms at ;.4.tI.0PS, an increase of
only f)S.49t or per cent in ten
years as against an increase of r21.
130 or 10 9 per cent during the
decade ended in 101ft.
Figures Apjiroximately Correct
Mr. Rogers stated that while to
day's figures were prr-liniina ry and
subject to revision, the final official
population as transmitted to con
cress in December, for appointment
purposes, war, not likely to be slight
ly larger through the addition oT
popnlationfor ?;m:1ii portions of ter
ritory claimed not to have been prop
erly canvassed by the census enume
rators in January and which are now
beinr investigated.
"The results or flic cenr-us of pop
ulaton in 1020 at first glance mav
cmw roniewlnt disappointing and
open to question possibly," raid Di
rector Rubers, -but the substantial
accuracy of the enumeration in Jan
uary is fully borne ou thy compari
son with estimates based Upon the
probable excess of births over deaths
throughout the decade and the ex-
ices' of immigration over emigration.
rrom ,-u aval nh e data it mav h
roughly est i iv ted that the annual
exev-s of birth over deaths through
out the linled States Ls
inately one per cent."
The singer:
Miss Betsy fane Shepherd,
famous soprano. '
The test:
A direct comparison be
tween her voice and its Rk
Cbkatiox by New Edison.
The Jury:
185 public audiences, aggre
gating over 100,000 people.
The verdict
( unanimous) :
No difference !
Let U0 ghowyou
made this
record o realism
Come in and tell ua which
voice or instruments "get"
you most quickly. "We'll
give you the "personal fa
vorites" Realism Test. This
test will show you what the
New Edison's perfect real
ism docs, how it brings the
keener, " finer, cubtler joys
in music
I'M 11. Tritscli and wife and daugh
ter, Adelia and Mis-j Lena Moisinger,
were among t hose going to Omaha
this morning, where they will visit
for the -Jay while attending to sonic
ma! tors of business.
Holders of I'. S
of tho second i.
before November
t he iirst i -sue -4 '",
. Liberty 4 7t Bonds
ue should convert
1 ."t h and holders of
I'onds sl ould con
vert before December lath, which
are the last da;s of grace for conver
sion mio l-i'.,; Donas of the re
spective issues.
f-.:t . ...
r. ii. ore o exenange win result in
loss of market value.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
PHONE 53 and 54
!.:; i. mitk i:
NHt- lit Aiiii-Iri.-Iiil ItrOmli
Silils I I III"!'. I l'i-li;i l; t :
"" will t.-iki- iiftnv ttint mi the
.on .la- ..I ii. ,. , I'.'-'O. llu- plninlitt'
i '.tin. ;i:is. .. i-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . nic. l,,.,- pt-ti-
" . i i mi' i'isiiit-1 i t'iui tt -;iss coiin
tv Ni'I'i-iisliii. auainst said lef enita 11 1.
"it.H iiuii, ii,,. ,,i,.ft ami pravei- nf
wiiii-o ;i i(- ii 1 ..i fi .s.- a etiain tax
cei I Ho -ate tlnlv j.u.-.t the "plainUrt"
on iie ini .lay of . o vein, RtlS, lv
the ti. asnrei of Cjiss cminlv. Nt hinska,
" '" t.t.xt-.-, i.. i. si in i .i.-i iiquent on
Lot t;::j j,, t. villaso
. i.oiiisvine. .Nfl.raska. ftr the sum
"i f. ..., an-t . ir the sum of $7.27 sub-
"i"""'s pa hi ituriiitr ihe year
li'is and v . 1 1 - sMhM...Ufiit taxes "paid
iy loamiiii in,- ,, year 19 11.
i . ' a i iiio IU...V. tli'Mi-ri leii ri-al estate
." i i urp'ii wiih the ahove amount
i; i.iwtui int. .rest I hereon, and that
el.-.liit ill" lc a w a f oreclosu re there
of, aiol that etoiity of i e.Iem it ion ami
i'" oin.i nil. lets of the
.Mias i in it i.e liiii-vi-r- hai-red ami fore-
I. ami that sai.l leal estate he
soi. i to satisfy the a mount of the lien
one li.'i i-oii, a inl
I a l it- i c! it f.
Yon are ie.njre.I to
Ittition on or l..f.,re tl:e
.Noveiii I. or, l.'a
l'ate-.l this Hi!, ,;, v
I.I'(.I, mitki:
Notice to iion-resiflent ilefen.lants.
To the Free Haptist Foreign Mis
sion Society, si corporation; American
Loan & Trust Company, a corporation:
west half of the northeast quarter of
Section twentv (20), Township eleven i
(11). North KatiBfl ten (10). eaut of
the 6th P. M., Cass county, Nebraska,!
iinii all persons clniminK nny interest
of any kinl in said real estate, or
any part thrreof:
Vim and each of you are hereby
notified that Henry Meirjurpen, as
plaint iff on the 20th day of September,
l-.'0. tiled his petition In the District
Court of Cass county. Nebraska, where
in you and tvic-h of you are defendants,
the object and prayer of which peti
tion are that you and each of you, and
all persons claiming by, through or
under you adversely to plaintiff, be
adjudged to have no interest, right,
stale, or lien in or to:
West half of the northeast
niartcr of Section twenty (20).
Township eleven 111). Nort h Kanjre
ten (H, east of the 6th P. M.,
Cass county, Nebraska
or any part or portion thereof, and
that the plaintiff Henry Meirjuriren,
together with his grantors be adjudg
ed to have been in the adverse pos
session of saitl land for more than ten
years last past, and that Uie legal
title thereto has become fully vested
In Henry Moirjurpren notwithstanding j
the claims of you and each of you.)
or any one claiming by, through on
under yon. am) that the title to said
land be forever ijuieted tn the said
Henry Meirjurpen. as against you and
eai-h of you. and that each and all of
said defendants above named, and those
whose names are unknown, and not
stated. te forever barret! from claim
ing or asserting any right, title, in
terest or estate in and to saitl real
estate or any part thereof, and for such
other and further relief as to the court
mav seem just and equitable.
Von and each of you are further
notified you are required to answer
sai.l petition on or before Monday, the
22nd dav of November. 1!2'i.
1 1 KNIl V M KI R J URC, EX.
oll-lw. 11 i - Attorney.
Nebraska, (.'ass i-oun-
The Slate of
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah
I . Black, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
inoiith in said county, on the 10th day
of November. A. 1 . 192H. and on the
tilth day of February. A. I . 1!21. at 10
o'clock a. m. each day to receive and
exemine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
present a l ion of claims against said
estate is three months from the loth
day of November, A. t. 1920, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
on.- year from said 10th day of No
vember. 1!20.
Witness my band and the seal of
said County Court this Jt li day of
October. ll20.
I Sral l oll-lw. Countv Judge.
mitick ok Ki-:Ki:iti-:i-:s svi.i:.
In the I list rict Court of Cass coim
t y. Nebraska.
I.en.iamin I-. Coodnian. Plaintiff, vs
Robert F. Coodman et al. Defendants
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
to an order of sale Issued to me bv
th" District Court of ("ass county,
Nebraska, on the 2Mb dav of Septem
ber, i:20, in an action pending in saitl
court in which Henjamln F. (".iioilman
was plaintiff and Robert F. .;oodinan
et al. were defendants. I will, on the
i'tii day of November, 1!20, at 1 o'clock
in tin- afternoon of naitl day at the
vouth front door of the court house In
I'h' 1 1 sinoi; I Ii. Cass comity. Nebraska
offer for sale at public vendue to tl
highest bidder for cash, the following
described real estate situated in the
City of Ptatt"Onoiith, Cass county, Ne
braska. to-wit:
nine. ten. eleven and twelve In
I'lock one hundred ten. according to
the published and recorded plat thereof
said sale will remain open for one
iio-"w. Attorney.
To the Men of Plattsmouth:
If you have been needing a suit,
and will need an overcoat, and have been holding
off for the right kind of weather and right kind of
prices - now is your chance.
We are offering all our high
grade, fancv and staple suits and overcoats at a
genuine reduction of 20. Pick your suit, de
duct one-fifth and pay the balance.
No "fixing" was done for this
sale - all prices are as they were. We are fighting
for cheaper clothing, and for the good of the cause
we are giving you the long end of the profit.
We don't say "come in today
your suit will be gone," but it's good policy for you
to come early and be among the first to choose.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Kraegor, deceased:
To the creditors of said estate: -
You are hereby notified, that 1 will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth In said countv, on the 26th day
of October. A. D. 1920, ami on the 2t;th
day of January. A. D. 1!21. at ten (10
o'clock a. m., each day,, to receive and
examine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for pre
sentation of claims against said estate
is three months from the 2'ith dav of
October, A. D. 1920. anil the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one vear
from said 2Cth day of October, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 2uth day of
September, 1920.
(Seal) s27-4w. County Judge.
The Slate of Nebraska, Countv of
Cass, ss:
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order issued by the County Court
of Cass county. Nebraska. In favor of
the State of Nebraska and against
Thomas De olf and to me directed
I will, at ten o'clock a. m.. on the
11th day of Oitober. A. D. 1920. at th.
south door of the County Court house
of said county, offer for sale at public
aii.liori one I-ord Touring car, taken
as tho property of Thomas De Wolf
on said order.
Dated this 29th day of September,
A. D. 1920.
Sheriff of Cass countv. Nebraska
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Adam
Ka ffenberger. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the th day
of November. 1920. ami on the 1st dav
of February. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m.
each day. to receive and examine all
laims against said estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance.
Tho time limited for the presentation
of claims against said estate is three
months from the 6th dav of November.
A. D. 1920. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
sum Mh day of November. 1920.
Witness my hand -and the seal of
ihl County Court, this 1st dav of
October, 1920.
(Seal) ot-? County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court,
fin the matter of the estate of David
Tourtelot, deceased.
To the creditors of said .state:
You are hereby notified. That I wiM
sit at the County Court room In Platts
mouth in saitl comity, on the I'.th ilay
of November, 1920, ami on the 1st day
or February, 1921. at 10 o'clock a. in.
each day to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a view
to their adjustment ami allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
(laims against said estate is three
months from the 6th dav of November,
A. D. 1920 and the time limited f in
payment of debts is one year from
sai.l 6th day of November, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal' of.
said Countv Court, this 1st dav of Oe
tober, 1920.
(Seal) ol-? County Judge.
hoi mitk i:
To all whom j may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to Hose
a road beginning at eighty rods oa-t
and about twenty rods north of the
southeast corner of Settbm nineteen.
Township eleven. Range fourteen:
thence running due west t h ree-fou i t hs
of one mile to R. F. I . route Number
one. lias reported in favor of the clos
ing thereof: and all objections hereto,
or claims for damages, must be filed
In the County Clerk's office on or !--fori-
noon on the 20th day of Novem
ber, 1920. or such road will be closed
without reference thereto.
c;i;o. r. s.wlks.
slK-'w. County Clerk.
i.i ; m.
mi ri( i:
I'ndi rwiN.d,
1 -fell-
dant :
Vim are hereby mititi.-d that mi th"
2nd day of July, 192". Sarah K. I'n.lei -wood.
Plaint iff. libd her petition and
commenced an notion against yon in
the District Com t of iVss county. Ne
braska, the object and i-ii-yi -r of which
ii ro to ol. lain an absolute divorce from
you on the ground of extreme i-rm Hi,
without provocation or fau't upo'i tl-'-part
of the plaintiff.
You are i i-tuesteil to answer raid
petition mi m- before the 29th day of
November. 192.
o7-lw. Plaintiff.
Tici-: to
State of Ne
I'll i:in IlltS
braska, Cass
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ann
White, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
"You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. inlaid county, on the l."th day
of October, A. I. 1920. and on the Pith
day of January, A. D. 1921, at 10 o'clock
a. m. each day. to receive and examim
an claims against nam estate, with a
view to Jheir adjustment ami allow
ance. ThiT time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against sai.l estate
is three months from the 1.1th day of
Oe tolier. A. D. 1920. and the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one year
from said lath day of October, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 15th day of
September, 1920.
(Seal) s20-? County Judge
To ajl whom it may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to open
a road beginning eighty rods east of
the southeast corner of Section nine
teen, (19) Township eleven, (11). Range
fourteen, (14) in Cass county, Nebras
ka: thence running due west to the
southwest corner of Section nineteen.
(19) Township eleven, (11) Range four
teen. (14) width of said road to be
forty (40) feet, has reported in favor
of the opening thereof; and all objec
tions hereto, or claims for damages,
must lie filed in the County Clerk's
office on or before noon on the 20th
day of November, 1920, or such road
will be opened without reference
sl6-4w. County Clerk.
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the itat.- of Wil
liam ileil, tiece.n.-ed.
To the creditors of s-aid estate;
You are hen by notified. That I v ii!
sit at the County Court loom in I'latts
niouth in said countv, on the 9th dav
of October. 1920. and on t h loth rt.i v
of January. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each of said days to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of against sai.l es
state is three months from the 9th dav
of October, A. D. 1920.- and the time
limited for payment of debts Is one
year from said 91 h day of October,
Witness my hand
said County Court,
September, 192".
(Seal) slS-lw.
a ml
County Judge.
oiii)i:it in- ui-:titi;
I'etltion for (iti lit iim-ji
A .1 mi iri 1 ri.l rl .
State of Nebraska, Cass
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of An.-.. -list
(!. Nolting, deceased.
On . reading and tiling the petition of
Henry F. Nolting and Fredrick
Nolting praying that administration of
saitl estate may be uranted to Kathar
ine Nolting as administratrix:
Ordered. That Tuesday, October 29th.
A. I). 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m. is as
signed for hearintr said petition, when
ill persons interest! d in said estate
may appear at a i . unity I nun i i"
held in and for said countv, and show
miso why the prayer of pet it inii'-rs
should not bo granted: and that notice
of the. pendency of said in-lit nn ami
the hearing thereof b given to all
persons interested in sa id matter by
publishing a copy of this order i'l th"
lattsmoiitli journal. a semi-wi-emy
newspaper printeu in sain c'oith i".
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated October 2. 192".
. . .. i M i .....
oi-:;w. i.ouiuj jy.'-.
If you want good printing let us
do yonr work. Best equipped job
shop in southeastern Nebraska.
Yes! it's true!
such other enui- f?S3
answer said
22nd day of
of l Ictober. 1920.
A. C. 11CFF.
Alt v. for Plaintiff.
In the Di.-diici Com t of Cass coun
ty, Ne'.o-a -ika.
.M Dimy. Plaintiff,
Still I; II. J. Sto!!; Win
ten' ! 'it
The object of the above
ti"n in which a summon.-!'
served upon lle:1,- .1. Still!
and W. F. Kioo,,,' and all
known who may have or 'hum
i.ny light, title irytc-rest in
Fred AV. Ebinger cf Plain view- came i
in last evening to enjoy a few davs ,
vii't here with relatives and friends.
Henry J.
K ropp, De-
on 1 1 1 led or
is herewith
. ii. J. StuII
persoi. un
til have
n oft to
I lie .oriii halt .,f the Northwest i.lif r-
ier i , 0f Sect i in hi'u (2).
lownsmp t-n ilu,. KaMge twelve (12).
i ass county. Nebraska, 's the fore-
i... :'!!-. of fa.- t vrtiti'-atos No. 4616
ownen i.y .M. Driii-v, plaintiff, and cov
ering the above described tract of
id id.
Mat on or nbout the 5th dav of
O-toixr. 1IUI. Ihe tilaintiff filed tier
petition in Cue District Court of Cass
count., ..eiuaska. ami the above nam-
i 'i !i 'eriants are hereby notified that
unless nicy answer within tlitrtv days
ot the completed Fervice of this notice.
exclusive ot tie dav of such Fervice.
the petition of said Plaintiff filed
against thein tn t,, Clerks office of
saia t ourt. such petition w-ill be taken
At- !:'U and j-i;isfrior.t rendered ac-
i oruKifoly.
M. I'Rl'KV.
B'- Plaintiff.
oil-? Her Attorney.
So much of this lower price propaganda
has been merely promise not perfor
mance, that people can hardly believe we have act
ually reduced idothing 20. But, it's true. The
long looked for day is here, and while other things
have not come down, you can buy a suit or over
coat today less than any time in 3 years. Not only
have we reduced clothing, but here are staple items
of work goods at new low levels:
Men's Fast Blue Work Shirts
Men's Union Made Bib Overalls
Men's Finck Overall
Men's Test or Fitz Overalls
E. Wescott's Sons