PAGE TWO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL DEATH OF PIONEER RAILROAD OFFICER Was for Many Years a Resident Plattsmouth. and in Service of Burlington Company. Of Thomas II. Marsland. formerly general baggage master for the west ern division of the Burlington, died at hi-s home in Olympia, Wash., Oc tober 1. Mr. Marsland celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday not long ago. He leaves a widow, five child ren and six grandchildren. His wife and two of the daughters. Miss Ger trude Marsland and Mrs. Chandler Slaon. were known to have been with him at the time of his death. Mr. Marsland was in the employ of the Lurlington for thirty-six years. Bath he and his wife were born in England. His headquarters were at IMattsmouth for some years. About thirty years ago the family located their home in Lincoln at the corner of L and Twenty-eighth street where the beauty of the grounds were a Joy to other people long be fore gardens became? usual around Lincoln homes. The fine elms which now shade that corner were planted by Mr. Marsland. Twelve or fifteen years ago Mr. Marsland resigned from the Burling ton in order to carry out a cher ished plan of making a home in a climate where the perfection of veg etation could be enjoyed. He bought ten acres of land on the shores of a small lake seven miles from Olymia. Wash., where he .pent the years of his retirement in raising wonderful fruits. One daughter. Gertrude, re nvtined at home unmarried. The other children are as follows: Ethel, now Mrs. James Drain of Washington. I). C; Herbert, who married Knby Jones of Lincoln many years ago and now lives at Boston; Frances, the wife cf James Huestes of Seattle: and Klma. wife of Chand ler Sl-ian of New York city. Elma Marsland will be remembered as an accomplished musician and possessor of a soprano voice of beauty and power I:i her early married life at Portland. Ore.. ;:nd later in the east, she at tained musical prominence. The grandchildren are the four daughters and one son of Mr. and Mrs. Drain and the daughter Judith, cf Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marsland. Or.v of the granddaughters. Doris Drain, married in France during the wa r. Mr. Marsland was the first general haulage agent for the Burlington & Missouri river railroad in Nebraska, a tin held the place for a number of vcurs after the B. & M. had become the "lines west" of the C. B. & Q. sys tem. He was one of the very earl employes of the road in Nebraska, rnd for yearns had his headquarters in the depot building of the Bur lington in Lincoln. After retiring frcm the service of the road he moved to t lie west. Mr. Marsland made his home in PlattMiiouth in the early seventies and while hero was the station agent, of the Burlington. He erected the renfence on Mmn hixtn street mat was later occupied by Benjamin El- fon and which at the time was one f the finest hemes in the city. Mr Marsland rt moved from this city to Lincoln where he made his home pri cr to moving west. FUNERAL QF LOREN M'CRARY YESTERDAY One cf the Largest Ever Held in the City Friends Gather to Pay Respects to Departed. Th' funeral of Loren McCrary was held yesterday afternoon from t!'.e late home on South Sixth street. and was one of the most largely at tended that has been held in thir. city in many months. The departed young man was very popular among his young associates in the city and they were present in large numbers at the funeral to pay their tribute to the memory of this splendid young in:1, n. The wreath of floral remembrances upoko silently of the affection in which Lcren had been held in this city where he had resided for the greater part of his lifetime. Itev. A. V. Hunter, pastor of the First Methodist church, conducted trie services giving to those who are left to mourn a sense of comfort in their hour of sorrow. A quartette composed of Kev. Hunter, Don C. York. Mrs. E. II. Wescott and Mrs. Mae S. Morgan sang "Jesus. Savior. Pilot Me" and "The Sweet Bye and Lye" during the services. At the close of the services at the home, the cortege wended its w'ttv to Oak Hill cemetery, where the body was laid to rest in the family lot in ti:at beautiful city of the silent. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY LOCAL NEW S THREE HURT IN GAGE COUNTY ACCIDENTS : From Monday's Daily. "VY. D. Wheeler and son, Percy, came up yesterday to enjoy tne Dase ball game between Plattsmouth and the Armours. Adam Meisinger came in this morning from his home near Cedar Creek to look after some matters of business in the city. Mrs. J. E. Hawksworth of Lincoln, who has been here visiting at the home of her parents, Judge and Mrs. A. J. Beeson for the past few days, returned this morning to her home in the capital city. Dr. B. F. Brendel. democratic can didate for representative from the seventh district, came up Saturday afternoon from his home in Murray and spent a few hours visiting with friends. Frank Levings and sisters, Mrs. Chas Duke and Mrs. Myrtle Edwards, came down yesterday from their home in Omaha to spend a short time at the home of John Waterman and family, and with other old time friends. John W. Gamble, vice president of the First National bank of Omaha, and Mrs. Gamble, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eaton, motored down yesterday from the metropolis to spend a few hours with friends in the old home. w. i'. bitzman and family oi Weeping Water came over yesterday for a visit at the home of Mr. Sitz- man's brother. Paul. Mr. Sitznian and family are expecting to return to this city to live as he will be em ployed on the Journal. Jay Johnson of St. Joseph. Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and family of near Weeping Water, were In the city yesterday visiting'at the home of Mrs. Joe Adams. Mr. Jay Johnson reports that his son who is in service of the U. E. in the army, is home on a fur lough, having Just underwent a serious operation. DRAWS STIFF FINE IN U. S. COURT Last evening the class mates of Miss Donice Vroman decided to as sist that young lady in the proper observance of the Tth birthday an niversary and accordingly they vis ited the Vroman home and carried out a very successful surprise on thfir young friend. The time was passca very aengntiuiiy in games in ttersperced viith music and which made the hours go on wings. Dur ing the evening the guests were treated to a very tempting luncheon, the table being very prettily ar ranged for the occasion with the large birthday cake and the glowing candles representing the years of life of the guest of honor occupying the center. Mrs. L. E. Vroman was as fisted in serving" by her daughter, Mrs. Winnie Grebe of Portland, Ore gon, w ho is enjoying a visit here with home folks. Those In attendance were: Misses Marie Stokes. Jennie Fitch, Norine Wynn, Anna Harris, Leona Runimerneid. Mary Warren. Men Charged With Padding Payroll oi Rock Island in February 1919, Are Given Heavy Jolt. The session of the United States district court at Lincoln, Monday, was the scene of the fining of Wil liam Ossenkop, a merchant of Louis ville, who had been indicted together with Marion Ray Murrill. H. K. An thony. George D. Lee and Herman Gerdes, charged with having padded the pay roll of the Rock Island rail road February 1, 1919. The rail road at that time being under the control of the federal government. Mr. Ossenkop paid the fine as as sessed by the court. He asked leave of the court to change his plea from not guilty to "nolo contenders" which means practically that the de fendant did not care to resist furth er. Judge Woodrough in his order fixing the amount of the fine found Ossenkop guilty as charged in the indictment. The indictment against the five men was handed down by the grand jury at the spring term of court. 'REYNOLDS SENT TO THE HOSPITAL Man Arrested Yesterday by Sheriff Quinton Hurried to Omaha Hos pital for Treatment. E. II. McReynolds. who was arrest ed yesterday by Sheriff Quinton and Officer Alvin Jones, while in the pos session of a small quantity of liquor, both external and internal, and who was lodged in the county jail was taken yesterday with a severe attack of what Is thought to be appendicitis. He was taken to Omaha by Sheriff Quinton and placed in the hospital for treatment and an operation it necessary. Just what steps will be taken against Mr. McReynolds has not been decided on as he is wanted in Sarpy county on a charge as well as facing the charge of possession of liquor in this county. CASS COUNTY STOCK RANKS VERY HIGH Otto and Philip Schafer of Near Ne hawka Posses Large Number of Fine Thoroughbred Hogs. The recent live stock show at Weeping Water demonstrated that Cass county has some of the finest hogs and cattle of any county in the elate and among those who have scored heavily in their lines of thor oughbred hogs is the firm of Schafer Brothers of near Nehawka. composed of Otto and Philip Schafer. These enterprising young farmers have produced some of the finest stock in the county and this fact was recog nized in the Cass county stock show when they were awarded eleven first prizes, three second prizes, two third prizes and one fourth prize. The Messrs Schafer announce through the Journal that they still have a few fine male hogs at their farm that i they are offering to the public. Auto Runs Off Unfinished Culvert Near Cortland Two Cars Also Collide Near the Scene. Beatrice. Oct. 2. Two persons were seriously injured in an auto accident when a car driven by Jo seph Cremny of Elyria, Neb., ran in to an eight foot ditch where a ce ment culvert was being built quarters of a mile north of Cort land on the Gage county side ot the Lincoln-Beatrice road. The injured are Joseph Cremny, the driver, who received bad bruises on his face and shoulders when he was thrown from the car; Phillip Osandowsky, of Burwell. who sus tained a broken knee and minor in juries. Mr. Cremny was taken to Cortland. Mr. Osandowsky is being cared for at the Beatrice hospital. The other three occupants of the car were not seriously hurt. Mrs. Osandowsky and Mrs. Cremny were shaken and are suffering from the shock of the accident. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Cremny, which was held by Mrs. Cremny escaped without injury. The party was on the way to Leav enworth, Kansas. The doctor who was called to the accident, said that no light was put near the unfinished culvert to warn travelers of the ditch. C. F. Buttenback was injured when his car collided with the car of Otto Joehier. north of Cortland in the af ternoon. Mr. Buttenback was thrown against a cement abutment. His in juries were not serious. i.i-:r;i. otici: Notion to non-resident defendants. To the Free Uaptist Foreign Mis sion society, a corporation; American o;in fc Trust Company, a corporation ; west hair ot tiie northeast quarter or Section twenty (20), Township eleven (11). Xortli Ilanse ten (10). oast of the Gtli I". M.. Cass county, Nebraska, unU all persons claiming- any Interest of any kind in said real estate, or any part thrroot: S'on and cacti of you are hereby notitifd that Henry Meirjuipen. as olaintitT on the 20th day of September, 1!2. tiled his petition in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, where in nu and each of you are defendants. it lie object and prayer of wluHi peti tion are that you and eah of you. and all persons claiming by, through or i under you adverselv to plaintiff, be three-I adjudged to have no interest, l ight, ettate. or lien in or to: West h:ilf of the northwest quarter of Section twenty ("1)1. Township eleven 111). North Kantre ten (lo. i-n(-( of the Itli 1 M., Car.s county, Nebraska or any part or portion thereof, and that the plaintiff Henry iMeir;urgcn, together with his grantors be adjudg ed to have been in the adverse pos session of said land for more than ten yearn last past, and that the legal title thereto lias beeon'e fully vested in Henry Mcirjurgcii notwithstanding the claims of you and each of you, or any one churning by, through or under yo;i. r.r.d that the title to said land be f orovi r quieted in the said Henry lleirjurgen. as against you arid e:'.ch of you, and that each and all of s.ihl defendants above named, and those whose names are unknown, and not stated, be forever barred from claim ing or asserting any right, title, in terest or estate in and to said real estate or any part thereof, vnil for such otln-r and further relief as to the court seem just and equitable. You and each of you are further n-ititi.d you are required to answer sai'l petition on or before, the Mli day of November, 1!''0. i 1 1: M C Y JIKIISJUKC K N. Plaint iff. C. A. BAWLS. sl'T-lw. Ills Attorney. SELLS RESIDENCE PROPERTY The residence property of A. O. Moore on Washington avenue and which is now occupied by Mr. Moore and family, was sold yesterday to William Kraeger of near Murray. A. C. Mutz. the real estate man. made the deal which was for the sum of $4,735. Mr. Kraeger will move in from the farm the first of February to occupy the now e which is one of the most pleasant in that portion of the city. One way to relieve habitual con stipation is to take regularly a mild laxative. Doan's Kegulets are recom mended for this purpose. 30c" a bo at all drug stores. Advertising is the most effective method of "drumming up" trade. Oil A vc ntiii:it m iii:aki; Petition !.- A im1 lit llient Aal minlt ralri v. The Stale of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. Jn the matter of the state of list (!. Nolting, deceased. On reading and filing the petition r Henry l- Nolting and Kre.lriek tl. Nolting praying that administration of said estate mav bo granted to Kathar ine Nolting as administratrix: ordered. That Ttiesdav. October 2'.Mh A. I). 1H20. at 1l o lock a. in., is as signed for hearing said petition, whe al! persons interested in said stat in a v appear at u County Court to ! held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petition'-! should not be granted: and that notic of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter bv publishing a copy of this order in lie I'luttsmouth Journal. a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county foi three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Hated October 2. 102". alli;n .i. r.KKsox. ol-:hv. County Judge. It OA n TVOTICK To all whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to open a road beginning- eighty rods cast of the southeast corner of Section nine teen, (1!)) Township eleven, (11). Kange fourteen. (14) in Cass county, Nebras ka: thence running due west to the southwest corner of Section nineteen. (19) Township eleven, (11) Kange four teen, (It) width of said road to be forty (40) feet, has reported in favor of the opening thereof: and all objec tions hereto, or claims for damages, must be tiled in the County Clerk's office on or before noon on the 20th day of November, 1920, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. (JEO. It. SAYLKS, slf-4v. County Clerk. X mitii i; t c!t:niToits Stale of Nebraska. Cass county. In the Countv Court. In the matter of the estate of Join Kraeger, deceased: To tlie creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will si; at the County Court room in IMatts mouth in said countv, on the 2ritli day of October. A. I . T.I20, and on the 2i'-th day of January. A. I. 1H21. at t.Mi 1 o '.clock a. m.. each day. to receive and examine all claim against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for pre sentation of claims against said estate is three months from the LiUh day of October. A. I . l'2''. and the time lim ited for pavment cf debts is one year from said 2Mb day of October, 192. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 2r.tll day of September, 1!2". ALl.KN .1. ItKKSOX. (Seal s27-lv. County Judge. Th. MITM State ill it i:iii nuts Nebraska. Cass coun ty. MITICi: TO ( KKIIITIIKS X I lie M.ue or NeorasKa, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Adam Ka ft" en lierger. deceased. To the creditors of said estate; You are hereby .notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in I'latts mouth in said co-.inty, on the lith day of November. li2l. and on the 1st ihiv of February. 1!21. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited lor the present at ior of claims against said estate is three montli from the fith day tf November, i. la:", anu ine time limited lor payment of debts is one vear from said Kth dav of November. 1'J2". Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 1st dav of October. ly.'O. AI.LKN .1. 15KKSON. (Seal) 4-? County Judge. FIRST ELKS DANCE OF SEASON. FRIDAY NIGHT The Elks will give their first dance of the season for the members and their families Friday night. The music will be furnished by the Peter Gradoville orchestra, and a committee has also been appointed to serve re freshments. This being the first v -Jt ess tier Catherine Harris. Helen Ldbershal event or the season, a good number and the guest of honor, Donice Vro-Jof the members and their families man 'are expected to be there. O M l'l women have learned t hat there are two ways to cam for clothes. Tbey are learning; to take cure of them . Jt is quite a mannerly thing to take care of your clothes investment anl protect it up to the limit. Having your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong the life of their stylish lines. Gettintr acquainted with our work means getting in touch with a realj money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of liavtd Toil ft el ot. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at ti e Co'-nty Court room In IMatts mouth in said county, on the th day of November. 1 1':'", and on the 1st day of February, i:21. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to tlu ir adjustment and allowance. The lime limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the -fith day of November, A. I. 1320 and the time limited for pavment of debts is one year from said fith day of November, 1920. Wltm ss my hand and the seal of said Countv Court, this 1st day of Ic tober, 192a. A I.L.KN J. F.KKSON. (Seal I of-? Counfy Judge. MITM i: TO CHi;lITOHN State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. Ill the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ann White, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in IMatts mouth. in said countv, on the l.'th day of October. A. Ii. r.120. and ei the lrtth lay of January. A. I . 1!21. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day. to receive and examine .ill claims against said estate, with a view to Iheir adjustment and allow ance. The tini" limited for the pre sentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 15th day of October, A. 1). 1!2U. and the time lim ited for pavment of debts is one year from sai.l l.'.tli dav of October. 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 15th day of September. 1920. ALLKX J. mCKSO.V. (Seal) s20-? Countv Judge. ItOVl) NOTICE I To all whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to close , a road beginning at eighty rods east and about twenty rods north of the j southeast corner of Section nineteen. ! Township eleven. Uange fourteen; I I hence running due west three-fourths' of one mile to 11. F. I. route Number., one, has reported in favor ' of the clos-I irg thereof: and all objections hereto, I or claims for damages, must be tiled In the County Clerk's office on or be fore noon on the 20th day of Novem- ) uer, i:iii. or such road will De closed without reference thereto. GEO. 11. SAYLKS. sl6-4w. County Clerk. oiiDKit op n i:niNO and Notice or Prulinte of Will In the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To Earl Stevenson. Arthur Steven son and Charles Stevenson and to all persons interested in the estate of James Clement Stevenson, deceased: On reading the petition of Kdna Stevenson praying that the instrument tiled in this court on the ISth day of September, 192(. end purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, ;d recorded as the -last will and tes tament of James Clement Stevenson, deceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate and the administra tion of said estate be granted to Edna Stevenson, as executrix; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested Jn said" matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to he held in and for said coun ty, on the 16th day of October. A. D. 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in saiil matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 18th day. of September. A. I. 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) s20-3w. Countv Judge. 1 Investment The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company is having an unprecedented demand for more Telephone and Long Distance Service, and .to provide the facilities required is offering to the investing public ?E 00,000.00 of its common stock at par, $100.00 per share, in amounts to suit the purchaser. Since the year 1909 the Company has paid 4G consecutive quar terly dividends on this stock at the rate of 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM This is net to the stockholders as it is free from Nebraska slate, county and city taxes and Normal Federal Income Tax, which means a saving of at least 2 over money loaned on notes or invested in other taxable securities. The issuance of this stock and regulation of the Company's rates are under the supervision and control of the Nebraska State Railway Commission, assuring protection of stockholders' interests. The continuous growth of the Company, a satisfied public, con tented and happy employees and skillful management by well known successful Nebraska business men, guarantee the safety of the investment. 7 is a good rate of interest, and a check for Ili.oO ; $1,000.00 of stock you hold is mailed to your address evt months in July, October, January and April. You may send your check with your order for stock certificate for same will be sent to your direct, or send the your bank to which the certificate may be sent and you for it when received. If further information is desired see Mr. II. K. Cole, Local Manager at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or address The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. every three and the name of can pay TELEPHONE BUILDING C. P. RUSSELL, Secretary Lincoln, Nebraska Subscribe for The Journal OTICE State of III ( Itl'.DITOItS Nebraska, Cass coun The ty. ss. In the Countv Court. In the matter of the estate of Wil Iiam Heil. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the Countv Court room in T'latts mouth in said count v. on the 9th dav of October, l'c'fi. and on the 10th dav of January. lHi'1. at 10 o'clock a. m. of each of said davs to receive and ex amine all claims against s:iid estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said es state is three months from the yth day of October. A. 1 1. 190, and the time limited for payment of debts is one vear from said lull day of October, 19'n. Witness my hand anil the seal of said County Court, this 4th day of September, 192i. ALLEN J. UEESON. (Seal) sl"-4w. County Judge. NOTICE !' IIKH'KIII'.K'S SALE. In the Iiistrict Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. T'en.iamin V. Ooodman. Plaintiff, vs rjobert K. Cioodman et al. Defendants. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale issued to me by the nistrict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 2Mb day of Septem ber. IOl'0, Ln an action pending in said court in which Hen.iamin E. Goodman was plaintiff and Itobert V. Goodman et al. were defendants. I will, on the !'lh day of November. l(t"n, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the south front tutor of the court house in I'lattstaoiit h. Chs county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate situated in the Citv of IMattsmouth, Cass comity, Ne braska. t o-w i t : Lots nine. ten. eleven and twelve in lllock otic hundred ten. according to the published nn,j r.,orded plat thereof. Said sale will remain open for one hour. C. A. KAWLS, Heferee. CI IAS. E. MAUTIN. no I -...'. Attorney. SOTM'i: The S':!te OK of MIKHIKF Nebraska, S KLE County of PHONE V-V00P0SITe I fob SitgJCURNAL OFFICE Notice i: hereby rr'yen that by virtue of an order issued by the County Court of Cass county. .'traska. in favor of the State of Nebraska and against Thomas le WoTf and to me directed. it will, nt -ten ovjoc-k a. in., on the 11th d?.y of October. A. l. l'J20. at the (south door of the County Court house of ssld county, offer for sale at public Sanction one "Knrd Touring car. taken as the -proDet'ty of Thoman I e Wolf l on sii id order. ; tinted this 2!Uh dav of September, A. I. 1!L'0. C. I. QUINTON. ! .-hej IlT of Ca-s, countv. Nebraska. 20 20 20 Reduction ON ALL Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats! This is News When you think of printing, can't help but think of us. yon Starting Thursday morning, October 7th, we will offer every man's Suit and Overcoat in the house at 20 off from regular prices. THINK OF IT 500 Suits and 200 Overcoats at the very starting of the season offered to you at a saving of one-fifth. No reserves, none ditched, all included. Blue Serges, Cassimeres, Worsteds, Tweeds, Handsome Browns, Blues and Greens, almost unnoticeable Lines, Checks and Dashes, Contrasty Colorings. AH our regular stock and the new Fall and Winter clothing already in. THIS IS NOT "A SHUT DOOR SALE" No prices were raised to make this reduction. The sleeve tickets are just as they were. You pick your suit and figure 20' or a fifth off. UNDERSTAND, DEAR PEOPUEr- We are not forced to this by big town stores, nor are we justified in so doing from lower factory or wholesale costs. We contend as always, our normal suit prices are 20'r below Omaha's and as for Factory prices GET THIS STRAIGHT: They are higher right now than at any time in history 25 ', higher than those for last Spring. We have letters today from two of our clothing houses on the clothing situation: "Prices for Spring 1921 will be the same as they were for Fall 1920 no increase or decrease hut the SAME." OUR MOTIVE FOR THIS SALE is two fold to appease public opinion and to start at the beginning to reduce our stock. Public Opinion is a power; it is a power which cannot be reckoned with; it has dethroned kings, has changed destinies of people and countries. It hung a negro in Omaha as it will ultimately hang the higher-ups who are responsible for continued high prices. It is the one thing which will cause prices to fall and Public Opinion demands cheaper olothing. LAST TO RAISE FIRST TO REDUCE The retailer was the last to raise his prices and he is the first to loweT them. The wholesaler and the manufacturer haven't cared if you and I lived or not. ota hut one Rnnke in the wheel, but we are making the for lower prices and will sacrifice our profit and pass it on to you. If we have a suit in the house next &pnng suit or none. Now is your chance Do you need a Suit and an Over coat? Opportunity awaits you here. start it will be a cheaper iVb Alterations! All Sales Cash! I 57