The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 04, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1020.
Discusses Recent Letter in Journal
by "A Neglected Wife" and Gives
a Line on Naughty Men
The Journal has received a num
ber of communications from parties
who have given their opinions as to
the question raised in a recent com
munication in this paper from "a
neglected wife" and in which the
question of whether or not' the neg
lect of the htisbands was the cause
of so many of the wives going wrong.
As we are not capable through ex
perience, to judge of whether or not
this is the cause, having no neglect
ed wives hanging around or having
assisted any in going wrong, we
leave it to the readers to make the
decision and several interesting let
ters on this subject have been re
"independent wife" who deals the
naughty husband some jolts below
the belt. The letter is as follows:
Editor of the Journal:
"In reply to the query as to "why
do fo many married women go
wrong," will say that if there is one
answer to this there are a dozen and
all different.
A husband is sometimes neglectful
because he has some other man's
wife to think about, and he doesn't
care for his own wife.
He may be too much of a business
man to be home much, and on the
other hand he may be out dining
with some one else.
Act as if you do not care to go
with him. perhaps he may change
his ways.
Do not think too badly of your
husband. He may care for you more
than you think.
Io all you can for your husband to
make him happy and keep the home
Perhaps you are too good to your
husband and allow him too many
Yes. indeed. I am one who says
that a wife has as much to say about
the h'isiness dealings of the family
as a man. I believe in nothing but
a fifty-fifty proposition as to the
home." But I do not believe in the
woman wearing the overalls. That
means I do not believe in the woman
being boss. Most certainly a woman
should know her husband s business
affairs of she i.s helping make the liv
inir. and 1 call it helping if she is
the wife.
Some men have no thought as to
their wife's pleasure, thinking only
nf their own and I say this without
any desire of being called a man hat
er. These are part of the reasons that
leads to the wives going wrong if
they do according to my view of the
My advke to the wife is to con
tinue to be a good wife aad raise
the family right and there will be
nothing to regret. Be good to the
husband and give him no reason for
faithlessness. If he continues to be
neglectful get up courage and tell
him to go one way and you go the
other. Don't worry about him."
Fast Four Round Go Tonight at the
Legion's Smoker and Lunch
eon at Coates Hall.
An error in yesterday's Journal
relative to the contestants in the
four-round boxing match at the Le
gion's reunion for ex-service men at
Coates hall tonight is corrected by
the substitution of "Battling" Dool
ey. a voting comer in the squared
circle, who will do battle with the
loral padded mitt artist. Smetana.
This alone will be well worth at
tending the meeting to witness. In
addition turning exhibitions, several
short speeches, music by the Eagles
orchestra, a brief business session,
smokes and a buffet luncheon are on
the bill. All ex-;ervice men, wheth
er members of the Legion or not, are
invited and urged to be present.
It is rumored that John Lyons
i renly to challenge the winner of
tonight's go to a similar encounter
at an early date.
Raymond Larson and John Wich
m?n. Jr.. are joint chairmen of the
entertainment committee and the
success of tonight's program will be
largely due to their untiring etTorts.
The friends in this city of Percy
Dimmitt. formerly here with the C.
M. Lowe family, have received an
nouncements of the birth of a fine
little daughter. Mary Anna Agatha,
to Mr. and Mrs. Dimmitt at their
heme in lied fork. Oklahoma. The
friends here are joining in wishing
the little one years of happiness and
the parents their congratulations on
their good fortune.
A suit entitled Mrs. Frances Val
lery vs. Myrtle Belle Marks, et al.
has been filed in the district court
by Attorney Matthew Gering and in
which the plaintiff seeks to have
title quieted to property of which
she is the owner.
M. P. Meisinger. of Madison. Ne
braska, who has been in this city
visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Meisinger and other relatives
and friends for the past week, re
turned this afternoon to his home.
Mrs. Fred Tschirren, Mrs. Orville
Kintz and Jlrs. George Kaffenberger,
Jr.. were among those going to Om
aha this morning, where ,they will
visit for the day and attend to some
matters of business. ,
We can furnish you "blank hooks
of all kinds. The Journal
W. J. Partridge and County Road
Commissioners Are Blasting Por
tion of Hill Along Road
In the movement to widen out
and improve the road that serves to
link this city and the neighboring
state of Iowa, the county is now en
gaged in doing consiaeraDie Diasung
near Rocky Point. For a number of
vears this road has been handicapped
byt the fact that there are several
very dangerous curves along the bluff
side, where there Is an impossibility
of two cars making a passing and
where the road is confined between
the bluff and the river side. The
county commissioner, Mr. J. A. Pitz,
has yielded to the request of the par
ties interested in making the road
better and has had V. J. Partridge,
the expert handler of explosives,
come up from his home at Weeping
Water to take on the Job of blasting
away the hill. The workmen made
two shots on Thursday and one yes
terday afternoon "VFitb. the result
that some 240 feet has been brought
off the hill and there will be more
removed today to make the road wide
enough for all practical purposes.
The amount of dirt estimated to' be
necessary to remove is 380 feet. John
Richardson, the ferryman, who has
had charge of the work of securing
funds for the removal of the dirt
blown up by the county, has received
the greatest of support from the
business men of the city as well as
a large number of the auto owners.
Thoroughbred Percheron stalian.
chestnut sorrel, blazed face, abso
lutely sound, a sure breeder and
very gentle disposition. This horse
represents the best blood in the
Percheron breed and has life certifi
cate, weight 1900 pounds.
30 12 t-d. Cedar Creek, Neb.
The frost is on the pumpkin and
perhaps the fodder is in the shock,
anyway we got the big frost of the
season Wednesday night.
C. P. Hall returned on Wednesday
from Trenton, Neb., where he was
looking after his lane Interests. He
reports crops good there.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hullfish accom
panied their son Harold, to Lincoln
Sunday evening, returning on the
late train. Harold is mail clerk on
the B. & M. from Lincoln to McCook.
John Eidenmiller has raised bush
els of tomatoes and this week no mar
ket on tomatoes he gave them away
and a number of bushels were taken.
That's better than letting them rot.
The mail is being carried from the
depot by horse and buggy now. Wm.
DelcsDernier has fitted up a rig and
has a lively "old Dobbin" to do the
work. So it makes it easy.
The other day a traveling man
came into the Tyson Drug store and
wanted something for the hiccoughs.
Lou said take eight swallows of wat
er without a breath. It worked. Can
you beat it?
Mr. and Mrs. James Payton of
Montana, are visiting at the P. J.
Marshall home this week. Mrs. Pay
ton is a sister of Mrs. Marshall. They
are on their way to Oklahoma to
Ed. Gustin was in the vicinity of
Eagle Tuesday to see crop prospects
on his farm. He brought back some
samples of the corn and left it at
this office. He says he thinks it will
make 60 bushels per acre.
Many friends of Uncle George
Lockie, who is 98 years of age have
asked how he is getting along. He
has been sick for some weeks and
has not improved very much. His
daughter. Mrs. Hi Miller, is helping
care for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketton of
Omaha, were visitors at the I. J.
Fuller home the first of the week.
Mr. Ketton is a son of Mrs. Fuller.
They will move to Dennison. Iowa,
where he has an important electrical
O M E women
have learned
that there are two
ways to care for
clothes. They are
learning to take
care of them.
It is quite a mannerly thiogto take
care of your cl investment and
protect it up to the limit. Having
your clothes carefully dry cleaned
will improve their wear and help to
prolong the life of their stylish lines.
Getting acquainted with our work
means getting in touch with a realg
money saving service.
Goods Called for and Delivered
Courier J
1,,;, , ..;..;.4..;..s..i-......M--l. I
MLs Esther Hart came down from
Lincoln Saturday evening on the
Rock Island to visit over Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs. W. F. Diers and
family. .
Walter Twiss came up from Platts
mouth to spend the night with home
folks Monday, and assisted his sister,
Miss Marjorie, at the telephone ex
change. A great many farmers who have
not as yet sold their old corn are be
ginning to wonder where they are
going to find crib room for the bump
er crop before them.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gobelman
left Sunday for a visit with Mrs.
Gobelman's relatives at Creighton
and will be gone about a week or
ten days.
Ben Metzger, of Sarpy county,
caught a man and women in his po
tato patch helping themselves to po
tatoes. They took to the tall timber
on seeing Ben's portly figure hove in
Ned Walker has returned from a
trip to Lynch, Neb., where he vis
ited his brother, Guy. He also made
a triD to Bonesteel. S. D.. to visit his
sister, Mrs. Charles Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien have
returned from an auto trip to Kan
sas, where they went to visit rela
tives. They were accompanied by
Mr. O'Brien's father. Robert O'Brien
and by Mrs. O'Brien's sister, Miss
Lilly Stander of Omaha.
Mr. Harper of Los Angeles, who
has been here visiting his son, Ray
Harper and family, departed for hi 5
home in the west last Monday. Mr.
Harper has farm interests in western
Nebraska and had been out looking
after conditions on his land.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Latham of"
Dawson county, near Lexington, are
in this vicinity visiting their rela
tives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heim and
Mrs. A. A. Schoeman and families,
the three ladies being sisters. They
also visited Mrs. Latham's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger at Papillion.
Miss Ida Ross of Maitland. Mo., is
here for a visit with her sister, Mrs.
Frank Nichols and her brother, F. F.
Ross and family. Miss Ross is on
her way home from a summer spent
in the Colorado mountains. Her
father, who is still visiting in Scotts
bluff. will return home at Maitland
in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tonack enter
tained three auto loads of friends
from Iowa and Omaha over Sunday
at their hospitable country home
west of town. They drove down on
Saturday evening and wore delight
ed with their visit in the country.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tonack and fam
ily from near Murdock. also drove
over for the d?.y to meet the out of
town visitors.
P. II. Meisinger wife and daughter
and son, Carl, motored in this after
noon to attend the funeral of the late
August Nolting.
Blank books and office accessories
t the Journal office.
In the Iistrict Court of Cuss coun
ty. Nebraska.
Benjamin F. (Joodman. I'laintiiT. vs .
Robert F. (Joodman t al. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that
to an order of sale issued to mo by
the IMstrict Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the L'Ktli day of Septem
ber, 1920, in an action pending in said
court in which Benjamin F. liuodmaii
was plaintiff and Lobert F. (ioodman
et al. were defendant. I will, on the
9th day of November. 1920, at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of said day at the
south front door of the court house in
I'lattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska,
offer for sale at public endue to the
highost bidder for cash, the following
described real estate situated in the
City of I'lattsmouth, ("nss county, Ne
braska, to-wit:
Lots nine, ten. eleven and twelve in
flock one hundred ten. according t'
the published and recorded plat thereof.
Said sale will remain open for one
nol-'iw. Attorney.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of liavi.l
Toiirtelot. 'leceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You arc hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth In said county, on the lit li day
of November, 192, and on the 1st day
of February, 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m.
each day to receive anil examine all
claims against said estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is thiee
months from the tith dav of November.
A. I. 1920 and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 6th day of November, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 1st day of Oc
tober. 192".
(Stall ol-'. County Judge.
The State of
To iti;i)iToiis
Nebraska, Cass
t y. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Adam
Ka ffeti berger. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in 1'latts
month in said county, on the ith day
of November, 192, anil on the 1st day
of February. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m.
eat b dav. to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited tir the presentation
of claims against said estate is three
months from the 6th dav of November,
A. I. 1920. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 6lh day of November. 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 1st da v oT
October. 1920.
tSeall ol-? County Judge.
The State of Nebraska. County of
Cas. ss :
J Notice is lerebv given that bv virtue
; of an order issued by the County Court
j of Cass county, Nebraska. In favor of
'the State of Nebraska and against
Thomas De Wolf end to me diiected.
'I will, at ten o'clock o. m.. on the
11th day of October. A. 1. 19:20. fit the
south door "f the County C-ourt house
of said count", otfer for sale at public
auctiou one Ford Touring car, taken
as the property of Thomas Ie Wolf
on said order.
; i.itri t!;:s tJtli diy of ipten:t.r.
A. li. V)2u.
Sheriff of Cass eounty, Nebraska.
oTin: to cukiiitoks
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
In th; County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ann
White, deceased. ,
To the cnilitors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will ,
sit at the County Court room in Clatts-, j
mouth, in said county, on the lath day!
tf October li in"!) and on the lfith'
day of January. A. U. 1921. at 10 o'clock
a. ni. each day, to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, witli a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said estate
is three months from the loth day of
October. A. 1). 1920. and the time lim
ited for pavinent of debts is one year
from said l.jth day of October, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 15th day of
September, 1920. '
(Seal) s2(-? County' Judge.
ohiiku ok iiKnii
I Nolici- iif Probate of W ill
In the County Court of Cass county.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To Karl Stevenson. Arthur Steven
son ami Charles Stevenson and to all
persons interested in the estate of
James Clement Stevenson, deceased:
On reading the petition of Kdna
St( venson pr.iving that the instrument
tiled in this court on the lth day of
September. 1920. and purporting to be
tiie last will and testament of the said
deceased, mav be proved and allowed,
and recorded "as -the last will and tes
tament of James Clement Stevenson,
deceased; that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to Kdna
Stevenson, as executrix;
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested in said matter,
mav, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said couu
tv. on the ltith day of October. A. I).
1920. at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause,
if any there be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should- not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in
said matter hv publishing ft copy of
this order in the I'lattsmouth Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed ill
said county for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness mv hand, and seal of said
court, this lith day of September, A.
). 1920.
(Seal) s20-3w. County Judge.
The State of
Nebraska, Cass conn-
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Heil. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That 1 will
sit at the County Con t room in I'latts
mouth in said county, on the 9th day
of October. 1920. and on the 10th day
of January. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each of said days to receive ami ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims asainst said es
state is three months from the 9th day
of October. A. 1'. 192". and the time
limited for pavinent of debts is one
vear from said Uth
Witne:-.'! mv l-.nnd
said Count Court,
day of October,
4 til
se;i !
September. 1920.
(Seal! sL'-lw. County Judg
State of
Nebraska, Cass
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob
Valleiy, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth. in -said countv, on the 0th day
of October, A. I). 1920, and on the Sth
day of January. A. IX 1921. at ten
o'clock tn the forenoon of each day,
to receive &hS examine all claims
against said estate. with a view to
their adjust merit and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from tie nth day of October.
A. I). 1920, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said tli day of October. A. L. 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal
said Countv Court. this 1st day
September, A. I . 1920.
(Seal) sC-4w. County Judge
In the liisirict Court, within and for
Cass county. Nebraska.
Alida Blair and Milan L. Blair,
riaintiffs, vs. Ollle Blair. Administrat
rix of the estate of Fred Blair, de
ceased, et al. 1 efei)dar:ts.
To Lloyd Blair; lelhi Harry, form
erly Iella Blair: Victor Harry and
Lot number two hundred and sever.ty
eight I27M in the Village of Green
wood, in Cass county. Nebraska, and
all persons claiming any interest of
,any kind in said real estate or any
part thereof, 1 lefendnnts:
You are hereby notiiied that on the
12th day of June, 1920, plaintiffs. Alida
Blair and Milan L. Blair, tiled a peti
tion in eotiity in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, naming you as
defendants, the object and prayer of
which petition is to compel the spe
cific performance of a contract of sale
of Lot number two hundred and seventy-eight
27S in the Village of
lireenwood. in Cass county, Nebraska,
between Alida IMair and I-red Blair.
said real
for such
anl to quiet the title of
estate in the plaintiffs and
oilier relief as justice may
rt iinre.
i oi sire notitieii to answer
id petition on the 1Mb day of Oc-
tober. 1920
To all whom it may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to open
a road beginning eighty rods east of
the southeast corner of Section nine
teen. (19) Township eleven. (11). Hange
fourteen. (ID in Cass county, Nebras
ka; thence running due west to the
southwest corner of Section nineteen.
19 Township eleven, (11) Bange four
teen. (11) width of said road to be
forty (40) feet, has reported in favor
of the opening thereof: and all objec
tions hereto, or claims for damages,
must be tiled in the County Clerk's
office on or before noon on the 2(th
day of November. 1920, or such road
will be opened without reference
sJ1--4w. County Clerk.
ltOll VOTK'K
To all whom it may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to close
a road beginning at eighty rods east
and about twenty rods north of the
southeast corner of Section nineteen.
Township eleven, Bange fourteen;
thence running due west three-fourths
of one niile to li. F. D. route Numler
one, lias reported in favor or the clos
ing thereof: find all objections hereto.
or claims for damages, must be filed
in the County Clerk's office on or be
fore noon on' the 20th day of Novem
ber. 1920. or sucli road will be closed
witliout reference thereto.
sl-4w. County Clerk.
Notice to non-resident defendants.
To the Free Baptist Foreign Mis
sion Society, a corporation; American
Loan ft Trust Com pan v. a corporation:
west half of the northeast quarter of
Section twentv (20). Township eleven
til). North ten 10). east of
the 6th I". M. Cass county. Nebraska,
and all persons claiming any interest
of any kind in said real estate, or
inv part thereof:
You and each of yoi are hereby
r.otlfiid that Her.f' Mirjurger.. as
plaintiff on the 20t!: day of fceptbsiber.
192 i. filed his petition in the .District
Court of Cass countv, Nebraska, where-
Henry Ford has made it plain that the FORD CAR is the very
best BUY on the market so if you have no car of course buy a
FORD. If you have a BIG expensive car just buy a little Ford
It will serve you faithfully, through rain or shine and will save you
enough depreciation on your big car in one year to pay for a new Ford.
Runabout, without starter $465.00
Runabout with starter 538.30
Touring, without starter 512.25
. Touring, with starter 585.15
Coupe, with starter 829.85
Sedan, with starter 881.90
One-ton truck with grain and stock body. . . . 800.00
Fordson tractor, F. O. B. Detroit 790.00
We are taking signed orders for above models, which will be
filled in the order in which they are taken, and as our allotment of
cars will not supply the demand at these greatly reduced prices, do not
delay giving us your signed orders if you want prompt delivery.
T. H. Pollock Auto Company,
Authorized Ford
in you and each of you are defendants,
the object and prayer of which peti
tion are that you anil each of you. and
all persons claiming by, through or
under you adversely to plaintiff, be
adjudged to have no interest, right,
estate, or lien in or to:
West half of the northwest
quarter of Section twenty (20).
Township eleven (11), North Range
ten (.10). east of the 6tli I. M.,
Cass county. Nebraska
or any part or portion thereof, and
that the plaintiff Henry Meirjurgen,
together with his grantors be adjudg
ed to have been in the adverse pos
session of said land for more than ten
years last past, and that the legal
title thereto has become fully vested
in Henry Meirjurgen notwithstanding
the claims of you and each of you.
or any one claiming by, through or
under you. and that the title to said
land be forever quieted in the said
Henry Meirjurgen, as against you and
each of you. and that each and all of
said defendants above named, and tiiose
whose names are unknown, and not
stated, be forever barred from claim
ing or asserting any right, title, in
terest or estate in and to said real
estate or any part thereof, and for such
other and further relief as to the court
may seem just and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notilied you are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday, the
Sth day of November. 1920.
s27-lw. His Attorney.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Kraeger, deceased:
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notilied. that I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth in said county, on the 2tttli dav
of October. A. O. 1920. and on the 26th
day of January. A. I . 1921. at ten (10)
o'clock a. m., each day, to receive and
examine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for pre
sentation of claims against said estate
is three months from the 26th day of
October. A. I . 1920. anil the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one year
from said 26th day of October, 1920.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th day of
September, 1920.
(Seal) s27-4w. County Judge.
Daily Journal, 15c per week.
secure a manufacturer's sample line of sweaters at a discount of 25.
These sweaters are every whit as good as regular stock sweaters, and
we are passing this 25 saving on to our customers. All kinds. All
sizes. Wen's, women's and children's.
C. E.
Everyone Should Own a Sweater!
They are so convenient, so comfortable, so
practical and so reasonably priced that every
one should have one.
You'll need oae on many occasions. There
are times when a sweater is just the thing
nothing else will take its place.
Here are styles aplenty. Smart styles, " V
neck slip-overs, button up in front and big
husky knitted corded ones that are the last
word in warmth.
Now is the time when you are thinking
sweater and here is the place to find trie
"sweater that's better."
$2.50 to $4.00 in work sweaters
$4.C0 to $17.50 in dress sweaters.
For the "Sweater That's Better.
George S. Smith of near Rock
Bluffs, was a visitor in the city to
day looking after some matters of
Cassius Carey was a passenger this
afternoon to spend a few hours at
tending to some maters of business.
We have been
Wescott's Sons
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
James Leipert was a passenger this
afternoon for Omaha to visit with
Nick llalmes, one of the well
known residents of Weeping Water
was in the city yesterday visiting
with friends and looking after some
matters of business.
able again this year to
iMMMWiii ani'inn