The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 30, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    , ..... . . , ... .
Cbc plattsmoutb lournal
Kntered at PostofTice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
Cing & Hamilton Grain Dump
R. A. BATES, Publisher
DynameUr and road test of Zelnicker Ever-Tyte Piston
Rings in Ford Engine iy Thoa. A. Edison engineers.
Edison's engineer says
this: "With Zelnicker
Ever-Tyte Piston Rings
the following improve
ments in engine were
shown over the old ring:
more power
more compression
12 less gasoline used
less carbon deposit
less wall friction."
"The Zelnicker Ever-Tyte
Piston Rings have been tested
on a biock dynameter and on
the road for 2000 miles in a
Ford car and have proved satis
factory in every respect. I
recommend them very highly
to the trade in general."
H. VV. Almquist, Automotive
Engineer, Thos. A. Kdison, Inc.
The remarkable standing of the
Zelnicker Ever-Tyte Ring among
mechanical engineers is due to
its eight ycerc record in every
. type and size of engine under
every conceivable condition.
Engineers recognize it as the
only ring whose construction
has made practical the use of
"three point expansion.'
3 point expansion
Right-Angle -ftrfodfe.
The Ever-Tight Phlon Ring Co., 5. Louis, U.S.A.
Ask for Zelnicker Ever-Tyte Piston Hir.;s C.
any garage or repair shop or get them from uo.
J. F. Wolf s Garage
Phoenix Hosiery
$1.80 and $2.25 Per Pair
The Ladies Toggery
F. J. Ilennings and wife motored
in this morning from their farm home
to look after a few matters of busi
ness in the city.
James M. Teegardan and Troy L.
Davis motored over this morning
from Weeping Water and visited here
for a few hours attending to some
business matters.
Louis Leiner was among those go
ing to Omaha this afternoon to visit
for a few hours looking after some
matters of business.
Andrew Schmader of Louisville,
was in the city yesterday for a few
hours visiting with his friends. Andy
is preparing for another boxing
match on the 14th, when he will
meet Bob Roper or Johnnie Suden
berg at Omaha and the Cass county
boy is confident of being able to
handle either of these boxers.
Harmony does not seem
dominate in either party.
fc pre-
Ceremony was invented by a wise
man to keep fools at a distance.
Take care of your pennies and let
the profiteers take care of themselves.
The more shiftless a man is the
more he shifts from one job to an
other. -:o:
Nebraska produces more farm
wealth per capita per year than any
other state.
The petrolium production of this
country last year amounted to 356,
000,000 barrels.
The Chinese are said to have some
fruit far superior to anything on
this, side of the globo.
It is hard to tell who will carry in
Ohio Cox or Harding. But it is
no doubt a republican state.
The country will not go to the
bow wows under either Harding or
Cox. Both are true Americans.
Cox has been elected governor of
Ohio three times, but, in a presi
dential election it is very doubtful.
This is a free country, thank God,
and no one is deprived of his liberty
when they become American citi
zens. :o:
Mothers-in-law, don't seem so ob
jectionable since high rents freed
many young couples to live with the
old folks.
Unless a man cai see a slight im
provement in himself it's impossible
to convince him that the world is
growing better.
"Girls are prouder of their skins
than their ears," Siys an exchange.
Yes, and if they wculd uncover their
ears they would hear a lot that is
being said about tteir skins.
The Germans dm't like Wilson,
and Cox's endorsement of the presi
dent will drive a freat many to the
support of Hardin?. But Cox could
not do otherwise than endorse the
president defeat r no defeat.
A man has asket for a divorce from
his wife who slapjed him because he
refused to eat her pie. The divorca
is the result, pnbably, of his manli
ness in not stricing back with her
standing ther, molding the pie.
JImmie Cox has demonstrated to
the noplft that he is a great cam
paigner, an- If he is not elocted it
will not be his fault. Defeat is no
dishonor to anjone who has worked
as hard as Mr. Cox. It is better to
be right and honest with his people
than to be president.
Seems that the red agitators who
were shipped back to Russia! from
this country in the "soviet arch"
were given the choice by the bjlshe
vik authorities of going to wok or
to prison. What an awful dilemma
to present to the reds, who naturally
hate prison with a fierce inteifcity.
but who hate work still more
Farmer-Labor candidate for ptsi-
dent says: "My conception of liier
ty is the right to think wrong." tes.
to be sure; but because a few cralky
people insist on their right to tli Vik
should do the same thing; somebBy
has to think right. One man in
rock a boat and make it dangerois
for all; that may be his "concepti
of Liberty,:' but the others in t
boat have something to say about i!
Used car bargains We have sev
eral re-built Ford priced right.
The slump in sugar and coffee i
but a straw that shows which wa?
the wind blows. The people o
America have been ridden by higl
prices for the past three years, but
the signs of the times point to th
fact that the break is about due, ami
it may be expected that other foot!
commodities will shortly tollow.
The prudent merchant is buyin
very cautiously. Big stocks are not
being laid in as is the usual custou
at the beginning of every fall anc
the reason is obvious. The merchant
doesn't want to be caught with ;
high priced stock on his hands iij
low price times.
While further removed from th
seat cf war conditions in Kurope w
are told by returning tourists to th
more settled than they are therd
Prices are nearer normal and industj
ry is moving with greater energy
The speculators in Europe did n
have the chance to oppress the re
Die there like they did here, for tl
very simple reason that the peep
there did not have the money to p
the exorbitant prices asked on th
side, and to sell their wares tit
European dealer had to come dow
to a more common sense plan.
While the indications point
lower prices, we need not to expe
to see anv radical tumble. Kaw m
terial is lower now than it has be
for some time and it will continue
fair for some time to come, but t
finished product was manufactui
from high price dmaterial and who
salers will not lower their prices
any appreciable extent until this
off their hands. It is about time I
the new sugar and coffee crop to
nlaced on the market, hence the d
in prices, and the same thing viy
be expected as products from itw
crops make their appearance.
It keeps prohibition enforcers on
the jump responding to still alarms.
If things don't come your way,
perhaps it's because you are not in
the right.
Sugar came down just after it
too late for use on fruit crop in
Education, to be worth anything
must give tools to the hand and
wings to the mind.
It will be the season for wearing
vests again and a man can carry a
pencil without trouble.
Warren G. Harding evidently be
lieves in Paul's admonition to "be
all things unto all men."
or an OTTAWA SHELLER. If you wait till you need
them you will not be able to secure them. I also have
a few first quality Farm Wagons left at $185.00.
Act quickly.
Cedar Creek,
An unterrified democrat is one who
recalls that the republicans also car
ried Maine in September, 1916.
Wanted Men to gather corn.
These who have had experience with
a hook and ladder truck preferable.
A New York man weighing 142
pounds has married a woman who
weighs 412 pounds, and we'll bet he
calls her "baby", too.
You can't always tell, lots of times
the smoothest waltzor on the floor
had to hustle like blazes to raise
the price of his dance ticket.
The mayor of New York says he
has been without a cook for more
than a month. The Lord Mayor of
Cork has been in the same fix.
If the telephone folks really be
lieve in the widest publicity they
bhouhl be willing to tell us why it is
so hard to get the right number.
Hosiery mill employes have ac
cepted a cut in wages. Do you be
lieve that hosiery will drop now in
price .
Neither does anybody else.
The honeymoon is definitely ended
for June brides when she has to get
up these September mornings, build
a fire and cook breakfast for hubbie.
Republican candidates for state of
ficers defeated in the recent Minneso
ta primaries, have filed notice that
they will run anyway, such a little
thing as party indorsement not de
terring them in the least.
Great crowds greeted Governor
Cox at everyone of his eleven speech
es in Nebraska. He is a stemwinder
when it comes to campaigning as is
evidenced from the fact that he lias
pulled Senator Harding from his
front porch in Marion.
What's become of the fellow who
used to prove the Bible isn't so by
declaring nobody could fast forty
Wisconsin will lose about $2,000,
000 in revenue from the manufac
ture and sale of beer, wine and li
quors. :o:
Poland has made an appeal to the
United States for soap. Good idea!
One of the quickest cures for a bol
shevist is to give him a bath.
Will somebody please explain why
a wage increase of 50 cents per ton
for the coal miners means an increase
.of $5 per ton to the consumer?
Don't be ashamed io .say, "I can't
afford it," which is another way of
admonishing us to speak the truth.
: o :
A Kansas woman says she has dis
covered hens lay so fast that they
have two nests, and. judging by the
way seme automobile experts charge,
they have two clocks.
For Highest 'Fcssibe Quality at Jc&cst "Pcssiblc Pricc
E Your Own Guest of Honor
Lay your money on the dealer's counter and say
"Spurs." You just can't go wrong, not even by a puff.
That brown -and -silver trip!e-wrapped package gives
ycu confidence. It's smart: and dignified.
Open it up. Get a whiff". Right again. Good old
time tobacco. Nothin but. Sharpens your smoke taste
for a little banquet with just you as the guest of honor.
Sit right down to it.
Light up a Spur. Take a long puff and you'll
go right to that old-time tobacco taste. It comes from
the pick of Turkish, blended with Burley and other
home-grown tobaccos. Crimped seam not pasted
means slower-burn, longer-smoke, better-taste.
Try the only crimped cigarette in America.
it's Spur.
Liggett sc Myers Tobacco Co
v..,.. SS".