The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 27, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Bank of burdock
offers any legitimate inducement which can or may be of
fered by any legitimate bank, to its patrons and customers.
We earnestly solicit your business, and assure you
that we are not only willing, but able to take care of any
reasonable demands for loans which you may request of
Remember, we are the only bank in Murdock, in
which the depositors axe guaranteed by the Depositors
Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your money
is absolutely safe, and you get this free insurance, at no
cost to you. Do your backing with an old, established,
reliable bank, properly and conservatively managed, and
you will never regret it.
The Bank of EV3urdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTKKANN, Cashier
Miss Rena Gilman First Number
The Kture course which is a fea
ture of ti,'. entertainment and in
struction of Murdock for the coming
winter and which a number of the
enterprising citizens have provided,
is to be given by Miss Rena Gil
man, who is an exceptional capable
impersonator, as the opening of the
course which occurs on October 6th.
The subject of this attractive read
er and impersonator is one of much in
terest and as j.opular a subject as is
now carried bv anv Lvceura bureau,
"The Shephard of the Hills."
This book written by Ilerold Bell
Wright, is one which has many an
unique character and Miss Gilman
will make you feel that you are truly
in the "Heart of the Ozarks'' when
you hear her.
The tickets are now selling for two
dollars? for the entire course of five
numbers, wiih one dollar for the
children. Iletter see about the mat
ter and get the ticket before the
opening and secure the entire benefit
of the course. The first number will
be at the M. V. A. hall.
Purchased Ford Cars.
Wni. Heier has just purchased &
new Ford car from E. V. Thimgan
which allows him the reduced prices
at which these cars are being sold
now, making the price much lower
j than formerly. Charles Hartley al
so made a purchase of one, getting it
. through the Eagle agency, he living
: over in that direction.
........--'....TV.t....T. .....
1 1. Y. Toll and wife were vu-iting
;i Omaha for a short time last Fri
day evening.
Miss Margaret Tool who is at
ii nding Lincoln high school, was a
lsitor at home over Sunday.
Miss i "a Murine Tool who is teach
ing Firth, was a visitor at home
;.r over Sunday and she likes her
v. ork in the Firth schools very well.
Mrs. M. r.uslmell of Sruth T.end.
v. n- in Murdock last Wednesday at
tendine a reception of her daughter,
v hose b'rthuay occurred on that date.
John Amgwert and family with
their car. were visiting at the fall
festivity's at Omaha last Wednesday
tvening attending the electric par
ade. Ray Baldwin and wife have had
one of their children and infant
(l.-.ul't'-r very sick at their home, but
which is now reported as being some
what improved.
Mrs. O. J. I'othast was visiting in
Lincoln for the past week in attend
ance at the Rush week festivities of
the Phi-Betta-Phi, a society of the
state university.
Mr. A. J. Tool will be pleased to
place one, of the. golden throated, new
day phonograph, the Claxtonola, iu
our home for trial. Just speak to
li i Tii about the matter.
Mrs. Henry Kruse of Luseuer,
Minn., has been visiting in Mur
doch for some time past, a guest at
the home of her dauphter Mrs. Wni.
Weddell. and has enjoyed the visit
O. J. rctha.-it and wife were guests
at the home of Wni. Bornemeier and
wife at the country heme jun rcrth
( f Klmwood for dinner last Sunday
a::d spending the airrrncon there,
whit, they all enjoyed greatly.
See the ad of A. J. Tool, that
will appear in this paper so. in, cover
ing an entire rge telling some of
thf features of the Claxtonola, which
N a lalkint: machine of extraordinary
merit. Watch for the ad.
Anti.'ft l'aiiska. who has been vis
it i: wiih friends at Pipetone.
Minn., far suu;e time past, returned
hi'iii" lasi Tuesday -having enjoyed
tiie visit at the north very well, and
says iie finds crops enormous and
everybody prosperous.
I.. II. (Jorthey and J. .Tohansen have
been given the contract for carrying
the scholars from the country to and
from the s--iKo',s. there be ins? some
tw n'y-seven from the country and
riUlnce whirli has to be traveled
ing and coining is over thirty miles.
Mrs. II. A. Ton wa a visitor Tn
Omaha last Tuesday at the meeting
of the Red Cross, she being- the dele
gate from t";e ' ranch at Murdock.
Mrs. W. f). S-iHwe and son Mar
wr:e visiting in Omaha one day
last vi'-'k. where they attended the
fall ft-.-tivitit s of the Ak-Sar-JJon.
Charles Bue'.l was looking after
some business and visiting with
friends in EIruwood last Friday eve
ning for a few hours.
Miss Jessie Melvin and mother.
Mrs. George Melvin. were visiting
with friends in ElmwooJ last Friday
morning and also-looking after sortie
business for a short time, driving
over in their car.
Louis Schmidt and family, togeth
er with his sisters. Misses Marie and
Esther Schmidt, aad grandfather L.
C. Eichoff. visited at Omaha for a
day last Wednesday remaining for
the electrical parade.
L,. C. EichcfT of Enid. Oklahoma,
formerly a citizen of Cass county and
for a few terms one of the officials
of this county, is visiting at the home
of his daughter. Mrs. Herman
Schmidt, and other relatives and
Neal McCrorcy of Lincoln, h;is
been in Murdock for the past week
and has been assisting Ivy McCrorey.
market at Murdock some 2,100
bushels cf wheat which he raised
last year and the year before. This
makes a good amount of w heat alone
to market and speaks well for the
productive quality of the soil here.
You do not have to go elsewhere to
raise wheat.
Kenneth Tool, who injured his
knee while engaged in a game of
ball recently, has been compelled to
have the member bandaged and
placed in a plaster cast in order that
it may heal properly. He can walk
but it is with much difficulty and he
is getting around and looking after
his studies just the same. Cut you
knew that is Kenneth's style.
Wm. Lau and Charles Rau and
mother, Mrs. Charles Schneider, were
visiting for seme time during the
past wee's at Chappell and other
points in that vicinity. Mr. Wm.
Lau reports things looking excep
tionally fine in that country. He
returned home last Tuesday while
Charles Rau and mother remained
(hiring the week.
Kmil Kurhn and O. P.auer were
visiting at the home of Leslie Rush
of Primrose, where they were looking
after some business matters. On
their return Mr. Bauer brought some
excellent samples of corn grown
there, which he has on exhibit at
his store. Step around and see it.
Mr. Kuehn and family have been
visiting in Murdock for the past few
days. Mrs. Wm. Knaupe, who has been
visiting for the past few weeks, at
the home of her parents at Drum
niond. Okla., and while there at
tended a weddirg. being accompan
ied by Mr. Knaupe, who returned in
a few days, while Mrs. Knaupe re
mained for a longer visit, returned
home last week, and while in the
outh was a guest t the home of
her rarents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kod-enberg.
Looks Like Everybcdies Work
The road signs which have guided
people to and from Murdock and
which have attended to the enter
prise rf the city and have been re
newed fr;:n time to time, will be
kept in. good condition, but the work
which has been done by Max Duster
hoff has not been a paying proposi
tion to him as it has cost more than
he has gotten out cf it. He will
continue to keep them up though,
but will not ask any one to assist
in the expense. Any one who de
sires to sear? in this work for the
good of the town can do so, but will
not in the future be asked.
50c Ginghams going at 38c
45c Percales going at 35c
Heavy weight Blue Denim Overalls,
Former Price, $3.50 now
iurdock ierGanfile Co.,
Census Slices Murdoch 2C6
Tin1 rnj;;,rS of the department at
Washing-ton show, according to the
census that has but a short time ago
been taken, that the village of Mur
dock contains 20G people. This is
doing iretty well when it is consid
ered the number cf people who have
gone west to live during the past
few years. Murdock is well situated
and has a thriving and energetic
population which will in the end.
make her a town of many times more
in pocr.'.ation a well as of commer
cial importance.
Evangelical Church Progressing
The meetings at the Evangelical
church of this city are being attend
ed by good numbers of people who
are much, interested in the work
which is being done here. The Rev.
I. Laipply is an able minister, de
voted to his work and besides the
er-'ons of the church proper, the
Bible school is in a healthy condi
tion, which also speaks well for the
healthy condition of the church.
Ford car.
Fred Grant left Tuesday evening
for his home in Missouri.
Mrs. A. M. Van Every left Tues
day morning for Nehawka, where
she will spend a few days.
Miss Pauline Miller spent Tuesday
and Wednesday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stander of near
Louisville spent Tuesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gerbeling.
Mrs. L. R. Stanley was a Weep
ing Water passenger Tuesday morn
ing, returning home in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blankie and
daughter, Alma, spent Thursday
evening and Friday at the home of
Mrs. Blankie's brother, II. H. Ger
beling and family.
A number from here attended the
ball game at Louisville Sunday af
ternoon. The game was between
Murdock and Louisville and the score
was 0 to 7 in favor of Murdock.
It. H. Gerbeling and Will Stander
motored to Lincoln Tuesday to meet
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ivers and daugh
ter, Marie. Mrs. Ivers and Mrs.
Corbeling are sisters. Marie will stay
and visit a while longer but Mr.
;T.d Mrs. Ivers will leave Wednesday
evening for California, where Mrs.
Ivers' mother lives.
Kakirg a Good Highway.
With the completion of the grad
ing of the road to Elm wood, this
gives a through road to Lincoln
from clear across the county and
pasa'ng within three-fourths of a
mile of the heart of Murdock. The
road leadirg to this state highway
is good which gives Murdock a good
road either way. east or west. An
Eimwood banker speaking of the
highway, siid "that is the best high
way I have ever seen across Cass
Grave a General Demonstration.
Lest Saturday at the farm of Her
man Kupke. Wm. Gehrts. the imple
ment and garage men. gave a demon--tration
of the utility of the Allis
Chnlniers f-12 tractor, by plowing
with an ordinary gang plow which
is used with horses, and illustrated
in uses in many other ways.
Eack From the Mountains
Herman Kupke and bride, who
have been spending some two weeks
in the west, returned home a week
ago and are taking up housekeeping
at the Kupke home east of Murdock.
They were visiting in Omaha during
the week and while there made pur
chase of some furniture for their new
home. They were accompanied by
A. J. Tool, the furniture man.
Gets Himself a New Car.
Albert Johnson Bauers. the official
drayman of Murdock. and general
hustler, has purchased himself a
Ford car. which he will use in con
junction wi'h his dray and also for
a family car as well. It has been
suggested that he had some idea of
rutting a drag net on the rear axle
and try to thin out the fish in the
Platte river. This would be in com
petition with the many fishers of
Murdock and vieinitv.
Accepts Buick Agency.
Edward Thimgan who knows a
good car wh?n he sees it. has accept
ed the agency for the Buick and last
week wer.t to Omaha, securing one
of thi make brought it to Murdock.
where he has it in his sales rooms.
Anyoti" desiring a demonstration can
have the same by applying to Mr.
Thimgan. See his ad in this issue
of the paper.
n sale at the Journal ofUce.
Says She Wanted Her Sons to Sur
render to Authorities and Sent
Hr. Roiaig to Find Them
Robert Crawford and Horace
Reeves were at Lincoln last Satur
d?y. whero thev drove in Mr. Craw
ford's car and were looking after
rone business matters during the
Philadelphia. Sept. 23. Mrs. Em
ma C. Bergdoll, James E. Romig,
Charles A. Braun. Albert S. Mitchell,
and Harry Schuhm, charged with
conspiring to assist Grover and Erwir.
Bergdoll to evade the draft, testified
today in their trial in the United
States district court. All denied they
had helped the fugitives. Mrs.
Bergdoll, Braun and Romig declared
it would have been easy for the gov
ernment officers to ave found them.
Erwin could be seen almost daily
plowing on his farm in Welaware
county, according to Braun, brother
of the draft dodgers.
Mrs. Bergdcll said Grover lived
here after the armistice was signed
and took her motoring frequently.
"I wanted my boys to surrender,
and I sent Mr. Romig out to find
'hem," she testified. "The govern
ment men were hounding me night
and day, and I did not think they
could be so cruel.'
"When Grover was arrested." Mrs.
Bergdoll continued, "he had been in
our Wynne field house several days
I was going to bring Grover down to
the government men in a few days
after we had fixed up his monjy mat
ters, but the agents came first.
"I never wanted the boys to go
away. I told them to give them
selves up, but they said they wanted
time and they needed a rest.
"That stuff about the 'pot of geld'
was wrong. I and Romig went to
Washington for that gold. It was for
me and not for Grover. It was my
money that was changed. Grover
nor any one else never got a penny
of it. I still have it."
Romig denied he ever told anyone
that after he had exchanged paper
currency at the United States trea
sury. Washington, for $105,000 in
gold he gave it to Grover. "I sup
pose Mrs. Bergdoll wanted tbe gold
because she thought the country was
going bad," he suggested.
And Boldly Answers the ''Inspired"
Questions Appearing in New
Mexico Newspapers.
For Sale: One Parriott tractor,
12-25 in good condition; aho-one
Hubert tractor good as new r.ud only
used a few days. Come and see them.
Prices will be made right,
tf. WM. G42HRTS.
White Leghorn Cockrels
I have for sale a few White Leg
horn cockrels of the famous Thos.
Barron laying strain. The mothers
of these cockrels. under trap-nesting,
many layed 50 eggs during the
winter. Buy while they are cheap,
for the longer you wait the more they
tf M's s-w. Manley, Neb.
Albuquerque. N. M., Sept. 23. His
position on the league of nations was
defined in further detail by Governor
Cox, of Ohio, democratic candidate
for president, in an address here to
night to a large audience at the ar
mory. "I favor going on, to put an end
to war for all time," .said the gov
ernor. "This is my position. I am
determined to secure the earliest
possible entrance into the league of
nations with the least possible delay
and with the least possible reserva
tions needed to accomplish that re
sult. The platform adopted by the
convention at which was nominat
ed permits reservations which will
clarify and reassure our people, and
is opposed only to reservations
which would nullify and destroy.
"I have no doubt that republican
and democratic senators alike will
loyally fulfill the people's mandate
which my election will signify. I
shall endeavor to meet all reasonable
desires for proper reservations which
are offered sincerely, and not merely
presented as trumped up for politi
cal purposes. My heart is in this
fight and I will put forth all effort
and make any reasonable concession
to win it, that we may secure mem
bership in the league for America."
Names the "Scouts."
The governor's statement was
made in response to questions in
local republican newspapers, which,
he said he was informed, were in
spired by two advance agents of
Chairman Hays of the republican na
tional committee. These men, named
Headly and Smith, the candidate said
were "Hays' scouts" and endeavoring
to embarrass and minimize his west
ern campaign, traveling a few days
ahoad of the governor's itinerary.
To one of the local newspaper's
cuestion on prohobition. Governor
Cox also reiterated his position, stat
ing: "No liquor association has ever
contributed a dollar to any of my
campaigns in my knowledge, nor
have I ever owned a share of stock
in a brewery. . I would suggest this
question be asked of the reactionary
"The eighteenth amendment is a
part of the constitution. The presi
dent takes an oath to uphold the
constitution and the law. I will not
violate my oath of office, but will
enforce the law as I have done as
the executive of Ohio, where for the
first time in the history of the state,
under my first term, saloons were
closed on the Sabbath."
Governor Cox challenged the news
papers "to get a single direct an
swer on any subject" from Senator
Harding, his republican opponent.
Charges G. 0. P. Evasion
"He has been definite," the gov
ernor continued, "and he has been
consistent on one thing only, his
championship of the cause of big
business and reaction and his 'defer-
J ence and devotion' to the senatorial
"When a political committee en
deavors to kill the news, when it
dares not meet the issue on which
its candidate wobbles from day to
day, when it seeks to secure the
presidency by use of a huge corrup
tion fund, it is time for the people
to think seriously. I am going back
east after my visit in the west, car
rying this assurance to friends and
foes the west is alive, the west is
alert, and the west is with me in
my fight for the peace of the world
and the progress and peace of our
land and the west cannot be
The league of nations, reclamation
and labor were prominent themes of
the governor's address, his only im
portant address in New Mexico.
Beside, the broader aspects of the
league, the governor speaking to a
large crowd at the armory and pre
senting the league as an achieve
ment of American soldiers and a bond
with the allies, emphasized local in
terests in world stability to open
markets for local products. The gov
ernov s'so reiterated that money
saved by disarmament would be avail
able for greater reclamation work
in the west.
Estray Notice
I have taken up on my farm four
jand one-half miles south of Murdock
a hog weighing about 160 pounds.
' Owner please call, pay for keeping
'ar.d get the hog.
!s.1.3ii- WM WPSTPAtt.
A number of pure "bred Poland
China boars. Telephone No. 3805.
Frank Rosenow and Henrt- Hn. xOK BALE
man. departed Monday morning for
Burlington. Colorado, where they go
;to construct some granaries for the
.caring of the wheat which was Adam Stoehr.
raised by Mr. Rosenow and for the j
snipmejH or which they are not now;
able to secure cars. It seems as;
though the matter of transportation !
which should be as vital to the roads '
as to the shippers, would be solved, j
or allow the roads to go to such a !
Eource as could handle the proposi- i
Good clean rags wanted at the
Journal office. tfd.
Elank book3 and office accessories
We are selling Euirlcs, Dodges and Mitchells. There
are no more reliable cars on the market. Ask for a
demonstration. We are always at your service. A full
line of tires and accessories always on hand. The best
of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
OTime Plow t Paints
Our Rex barn paint, strictly a linseed oil pint,
for barns and cribs. The most economical paint for this
class of work. Will wear longer. See us for estimates
and prices.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
I Keep in mind that we are handling the
famous "TITAN" Tractor, and have a
few on hand that we can deliver cn short
CI Ask us for a demonstration, or any
thing pertaining to thece irzclors or the
work they will do.
The southwest quarter of Section
thirty-four (34), Township ten (10).
Range nine (9), Cass county, Ne
braska. This farm is what is known as
the John H. Weaver farm and must
be sold to close up the estate of John
II. Weaver, deceased.
Possession given March 1st. 1921.
Inquire of H. K. Frantz or Monroe
E. Weaver, Administrators, Eagle,
Nebr. 23-2sw
P. H. Meisinger and wife returned
this afternoon from Fairmont. Neb.,
where they were called a few days
ago to attend the funeral of a sis
ter of Mrs. Meisinger.
If it's in the stationery line, nail
at the Journal office.
j f&i:' I LV
TrT7JSAr x- -A- -x
Ford Has Broken the Ice!
Other things are bound to follow. W- are
pleased that they will. We have hoped to b able
to make lower price?, for under the pres'-nt hij;!i
Trices and existing conditions we have ii"t'
money. .Although we have been working to the
end of lower prices, the high cost of material and
labor has prevented any material reduction.
Just now there is a strike on in Omaha f;r an
increase of 20 in wages. In 1he open market
Or help we must meet the prevailing scale and
feel that we should if we are to secure the better
class of workmen, and we want no other kind.
See us about your work. We will give you
the closest figures possible.
The Dusterhoff Shops
- A. -
Although. Journal want-aas
but little the results they brin
iV viV iv
;at the Journal office.
wonderful. Try them.