The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 27, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MflluTl k v CT'T1TTTI"BT'T rt 1 Art
King h
b lamilion Oram Dump
or an OTTAWA SHELLER. If you wait till you need
them you will not be able to secure them. I also have
a few first quality Farm Wagons left at $185.00.
Act quickly.
Cedar Creek,
The campaign is livening up some
what. x
The majority of women have
r.civis and that is what it takes to
wear the new styles.
The entire constitution was adopt
ed Tuesday. Not a section defeated.
Governor Cox will be in Omaha
Monday. The Ohio governor will be
greeted by a big crowd.
Local Evidence
Evidence that can be verified.
Fact is what we want.
Opinion is not enough.
Opinions differ.
Here's a Plattsmouth fact.
Vmi ran test it
J. li. "I'atridge. Sth and Locust'
streets, says: "Seme years ago I was
bothered a great deal on account of
the bad condition of my kidneys,
caused by hard w okonrtehhrdmhf
caused by hard work on the farm in
my younger days. My kidneys acted
very freely, at times causing me to
get up a great deal during the night.
At these times I was so bad I could
hardly straighten. I had to walk
with the aid of two canes. Not
long after I commenced using Doan's
Kidney Pills, I was well and I have
not needed to take them any more.
My kidneys were strengthened and
acted regularly again. It has been
several years since I have had to use
a kidney remedy and I give Doan's
the credit for the condition of my
kidneys today. I got Doan's at
Mauzy's drug store."
Price 60o. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Patridgo had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Cbc plattsmouth journal
Kntered at l'osioffico, Plattsinoutli. Neb., as stcond-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
To provide facilities to supply the increasing demand for local
and long distance service, the Nebraska State Railway Commission
lias authorized an issue of $500,000.00 of the common voting stock
of the
Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co.
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
This slock has paid dividends regularly every three months in
January, Ap il, July and October for the past 1 1 years at the rate of
7 Per Annum
and is now being offered at its par and regular value of $ 1 00.00 per
share in amounts to suit the purchaser, and presents an excellent op
portunity for the safe investment of large amounts or small savings,
and pays dividends from date of purchase.
It is free from normal Federal Income Tax and all Nebraska
taxes, as these are paid by the company.
The stock issues and expenditures of this company are under
th e control of the Nebraska State Railway Commission, assuring fair
rates to the public and protection of stockholders interests.
The stock may be transferred at any time in whole or part on
the books of the company without expense..
Adequate telephone service has become one of the prime and
growing necessities of civilization, which fact gives absolute stability
to telephone stock, ancf for a regular quarterly income stock in an
established telephone company is the most satisfactory investment
This is an old established company with assets of $9,91 5.000 and
furnishes exchange and long distance telephone service to 64,576 sub
scribers in 1 1 8 cities and towns in 22 counties of the fertile lands
and prosperous communities of southeastern Nebraska. Its territory
extends from the Missouri river on the east to the west line of Adams
and Webster counties on the west, and from the Platte river on the
north to the Kansas state line on the south, having an area of 12,500
square miles, with a population of 415,540 people.
Its present revenues amount to over $200,000 per month. It has
1,1)70 employes, and its stockholders and owners are the officers and
employes of the company, hundreds of its subscribers and patrons,
and many investors outside of Nebraska.
The officers and directors of the company are among the most
prominent and successful business men of Nebraska, and are the same
who are responsible for its continuous growth and prosperity.
T,o net per annum, paid quarterly by a check for $1 7.50 for each
$1 ,000.00 of stock you own, sent to your address every three months
in January, April, July and October, is a good return on such a safe
and conservative investment.
To secure some of this stock, send your check with your order
for the number of shares you desire to purchase, and stock will be
sent direct to you, or send the name of your bank to which certificate
will be sent, and you can pay for it on receipt.
Reservations may be made for stock to be taken up within
60 days.
If further information is desired, see Mr. H. R. Cole, Local Man
ager, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or address
Lincoln Telephone and
telegraph Company
Telephone Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr.
C. T. RUSSELL, Scc'y.
Call Telephone B-6531
(At our expense)
No matter what happens you will
always find plenty of people who pre
dict it.
The Atchison Globe says women
who wear knee watches don't care
anything about what time it is.
: o :
Nearly everybody claims to possess
"horse sense," but what we need is
more folks who have automobile
The eighteenth amendment covers
wine; the nineteenth covers women.
What will the twentieth amendment
do to song?
The singular thing about that New
Yorker who left a fortune to his
landlady is that the landlady loft him
any fortune to leave.
: o :
A New York doctor proclaims that
Scotch snuiT is a sure cure for hay
i fever, but carelessly neglects to give
the antidote for Scotch snuff.
ivnoiner uimcuny me Italians iniu
in becming a bolshevik is the trouble
i he has making his long mustache
j spread upward in all directions.
A Massachusetts man celebrated
j. ins lUlst birthday oy unnKing a
juart or whiskey ana smoking ten
cigars. Well, boys will be boys.
It is. from at least two points of
view, unfortunate that the hair done
vo compactly down over the feminine
ears is not so joundproof as it looks.
The Polish statesman (Jrabisky,
who wants another American loan,
has a name calculated to make any
finance minister in Europe turn
green with envy.
Sometimes we stop to wonder what
people did with their extra time be
fore the day of the picture shows,
for one thing, they didn't have so
much extra time.
Rest and play seem to be about
properly divided. The average man
ought to be able to recover from the
effects of a vacation of two weeks by
fifty weeks of hard work.
Uncle Sam says that y.OOO.O'ju
funis and individuals are paying in
come taxes, but he says nothing
whatever about an almost equal
number who, ought to be paying, but
do not. "
Now and then you find someone
who is taking quite au interest in
the campaign. Others regard it as
the A. E. 1 did the war "Well'
it's a heluva war, but it's, the only
rights and privileges against Ger
many." If Elihu Hoot is to be cast into
outer darkness William H. Ta ft must
keep him company. Neither is sound
in the old guard faith,
in the old guard faith. -New York
one we got.
-o: o-
About the time a follow begin
to feel a personal interest in the
young lady he sees in a dozen or so
corset ads one month, the new maga
zines arrive with another girl he
never even met.
Italian scientists are reported to
have discovered a way to make broad
out of grapesT It will be regarded
in many parts of this country as a
sad perversion" of the usefulness of
a most useful fruit.
Women don't eat salads altogether
because they are dainty and messy,
and a lot of trouble to fix. Some
salads are really quite wholesome
and much better under certain cir
cumstances than a full meal is pop-
jular with men folks.
'.'Women can vote as intelligently
as men,'' says a contemporary.
That's a very doubtful compliment.
If they cannot vote witli more intel
ligence than has been shown by some
men of Plattsmouth at some recent
events, the sun" rage for women i
useless. :o:
"It seems no longer ago than yes
terday that you used to toddle over
to our houseand sit on my lap." the
elderly man was telling the young
lady, who was blushing furiously.
"And", added the old gentleman,
"vou were wearing short skirts then,
Having duly convicted Klihu Knot
of heresy, the Sun and New York
Herald proceeds to read him out of
the congregation of republican
The permanent court of- interna
tional justice i the cause of Root's
t downfall. Having helped to make it
Ian integral part of the machinery of
theTeague of nations, as was inevit
jable. Root's "thought does not rcp
j resent the youth and vigor of the
(party. He1 is not in touch with tha
people and is nto in their world. He
'does not represent them and is not
in sympathv with them." No inter
'national court is genuine unless the
front porch is blown in the bottle.
Hut if Root is a heretic, what is
, Taft? Many days before the plan
for the permanent court was made
public the former republican pre?
ident rather brutality
What is iife worth living?
A different answer will be given
by every class of individuals.
Call the drunkard to the stage
and he will tell you that the life
worth living is a jag. His dream of
bliss is contained ia the sparkling
wine and the flowing bowl.
Tho gambler wiil tell you that
the life worth, living is a jack-pot
and the shrewdest guy gets the
stake. His life is im the whirl of
racing horses, the click of telegraph
instruments, tiie mad charge of
The politician will tell you that
the life worth living is graft. His
conception of being is the political
caucus. The highest dream he has
is the dream of oflice. The sweetest
longing of his soul is a yearning for
The hopelessly ricli will tell you
that the life worth living is money.
The thing that stirs the souls is the
jingle of gold. The sparkle of the
diamond is the only glitter they can
see. and to them commerce is simply
a means of increasing their posses
sions and civilization but an agent to
Lrirg them profit.
The debutant wiil tell you that
the life worth living is dress and
show. Iier dream of bliss is a new
bonnet. Her ideal old glory is a
stunning gown. Her field, o con
quest the ball room.
But such do not represent the re
alities of life.
Tiie mere lapse of years is not life.
To eat, to drink, to sleep, to be ex
posed to light and darkness, to pace
round the mill of habit, and to turn
thought into an implement of trade,
that is not life. Knowledge, truth,
beauty, goodness, faith, these alone
can give vitality to the mechanism
of existence; these are elements of
The laughter of mirth that vibrates
through the heart; the tear that re
freshens the dry waste within: the
music that brings ehcildhood back;
the prayer that calls the future near;
the doubt that makes us meditato;
the death that .startles us with its
mystery; the hardship that forces
us to struggle; the soul that throbs
with the immortality; these are
things that make life worth living.
A man's life is a million times
more important than a man's work.
Nearly everyone plans how to do his
work effectively, but only a few
pend time in planning how to live
their lives beautifully. Education is
good because it enlarges vision, con
structs new worlds in which we live,
multfplies the possibilities of use
fulness and infallibly creates the
conditions wherein the joy and sat
isfaction which men desire shall be
realized. The man who sees only
so much electric power in the dew
drop and vexes his soul because Ki
agria is for the most part unharness
ed may get dollars but it is not like
ly to get dollars, but is not likely to
get vision.
After all, visions are worth most.
Wealth is a good thing but the man
who strives for it alone thinks
about it, lives simply to create it
is the man who degrades his soul and
who puts a barrier in the pathway
of his real life. To look upon edu
cation as a means simpjy to larger
rapacity to achieve and to pay to it
the tribute of admiration for this
reason, is to be guilty of misplaced
The intellect is no better than a
pick or shovel if it is nothing more
than an instrument to produce food
to eat, a house in which to live, or
bonds to place in a deposit vault. He,
therefore who would fill a large
place, rejoicing daily in living; who
would catch beautiful visions, bear
harmonious sounds, come into touch
with large thoughts and find him
self continually amid a new and more
perfect environments must enlarge
his soul in the broadening outlook
of religion.
Yes. life is worth living, but it is
right living that makes it so. There
is something to do. A world is to be
reconstructed. The nations of the
earth shattered in their ideals, brok
en in th? social and political es
tates, with hearts crying out for sym
pathy and help, are to be reinstated
in the family of . brotherhood.
Never before in the history of the
world was it so important that this
thought should be impressed upon
youth. If life today is more strenu
ous than it ever was before, it is also
fullest of possibilities of the higher
Chronic Catarrh
do fMs ?
' cd our store
Ask for your favorite kind of music instru
mental or vocal. Seat yourself with your back
to the New Edison. Close your eyes. In
short, let us give you Mr. Edison's
Realism Test
This makes an actual musical experience oat of a de
monstration of the New Edison. It brings back your
previous musical experiences. You compare the present
experience with your musical memories, and determine
how listening to the New Edison compares with listen
ing to the living artist.
Let us tell you, at the same time, about our Budget
Plan a "letter business" way of paying for your New
Edison. (Note : the New Edison has advanced in price
less than 15 since 1914. This includes War Tax.)
Weyrich & Hadraba
I ' mil
Solitude is better than company
when the company is not congenial.
, o:o
The World-Herald towline is boom
ing right along. Give a dollar if
you can't give five or ten.
Great crowds are greeting Govei
nor Cox wherever he goes.
:o: 1
Pretty girls who bob their hai
seem never to have "got" the stor
about Samson and Delilah.
Having rented the farm we will offer for sale on
the E. L. Shoemaker farm, 2 miles south of Union and
1 1 miles north of Nebraska City, on the Omaha-K. C.
auto road, on
Our manner of living makes us
very susceptible to colds and a suc
cession of colds causes chronic ca
tarrh, a loa-thsome disease with
which it is estimated that ninety-
informed fve per cent of our adult ponula-t
Harding that his scueme to revivu tion are afflicted. If you would
The Hague tribunal as a substitute avoid chronic catarrh you-must avoid
for the league of nations was " rub- J colds or having contracted a cold,
bish. As faft bluntly phrased it! , Ret rid of it as quickiy a3 possible.
"No one can suppose that the chamberlain's Cough Remedy is!
principal allied powers will consent highly recommended as a cure for:
to a new association or league when
t Colds anil ran lip (Ipnpnrtoil unnn
3 the old one is part of the treaty of j ,
U Versailles; and it viouia ne iooum. If you want good' printing let US '
3 for Mr. Harding to insist on thb', " , & - , . .
4 whPn rrnli- hrmiirh a ratiScatlOn Ot J-"" v.ui.. i.cs.1 cuupcu -J!.
j the treaty can he make secure our -shop in southeastern Nebraska.
. i ussday, October Sth, I 920
Commencing at 10:00 O'Clock Sharp
the following property, to-wit: ,
Sandwich hay loader (continuous carrier); Sandwich Fide de
livery hay rake; dump rake; 2 mowers, extra cycles; 14" gang plow;
lG-inch sulky plow; 16-inch walking plow; garden cultivator; 2
row loose ground disc lister; riding lister; walking lister; corn
planter; corn drill; single row wheat drill; single row alfalfa and
clover drill with 1-horse single row harrow; 3 riding cultivators;
2-row listed torn cultivator; 3-section iron harrow; 16-disc harrow;
tandem disc for tractor use; top buggy; cushion tired roadster
huggy; carriage; low wheel wagon with bo::; low wagou and hay
rack; Sheldon cement mixer hand or engine power; 2 h. p. gas
engine; corn stalk cutter: two gasoline drums; kerosene drum;
hand corn sheller; hog oiler; bucket hog spray; galvanized hog
fountain; 15-barrel galvanized water tank; block and tackle; 100
feet hay fork rope.
FORDSON TRACTOR On which has been installed an $R6
Bosch magneto; also $40 power pully. Oliver gang plow goes with it.
FORD TRUCK With tight lower box and hog rack. In good
MINNESOTA BINDER New this season; first clas3 shape.
Span black horses, coming 4 years old. well broke; driving
and saddle mare with colt; 5 milch cows; 3 Holstein heifers, 2
years old; 4 heifers coming 2 years old; 10 steers coming 2 years
old; 3 yearling steers; 3 calves; Ilolsteia bull (eligible); 7 head
of sheep; 15 old sows; 60 spring pigs. ,
DUROC JERSEY SOW Registered; with litter, 6 boars and
4 gilts. From Top Sensation strain. Farrowed May 10th. (Above
.sold separately and registration papers furnished.)
Work harness and single harness; two largo solid oak combi
nation folding beds, with plate glass doors, shelves, drawers and
writing desk; one roller top office desk.
K BRYAN & HALL, Auctioneers.