The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 27, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ircrtmt. sxptxxbzb 27. 1920.
Chris Eichmann was in Platts
mouth on business last Wednesday.
C. C. Bucknell took the election
returns to Plattsmouth Wednesday.
Dr. L. Muir and George Braun
autoed to Omaha to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone spent
Sunday the 19th at the S. O. Cole
home near Mynard.
Uncle George Cook and Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Kitzel visited Sunday at
the W. D. Wheeler home at Oakwood
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copple. of
Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. Will
Copple spent Wednesday and Thurs
day in Omaha attending the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kitzel and
Mrs. E. M. Stone were in Lincoln
Wednesday to visit the latter'a son.
G. L. Stone.
La Verne Stone who Is attending
the state university at Lincoln was
in town Thursday to visit briefly
with his parents.
Miss Lois Keefer has entered the
Wesleyan conservatory of music,
where she will take voice each Sat
urday. Miss Keefer is teaching the
Bushbury school.
Sherman Wolfe and sister. Mrs.
Harley Toland were called to the
bedside of their father at Ashland
Wednesday forenoon. Mrs. Sherman
Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wolfe
alio went over to be of assistance in
caring for Mr. Wolfe.
Wm. Scott and brother. Homer
Scott, of Lincoln, were dinner guests
Sunday at the Herbert Moore home.
Miss Frances Campbell was a pas
senger to Lincoln Thursday evening
cn No. 37. where she Is taking music.
She returned on the Jersey.
P3ow is the Tonne
to PBowS
It's the early plowing that makes the
big wheat yield. We have a full line of horse
drawn plows; also engine plows. We will
be glad to give you a demonstration with the
Titan Tractor if you are interested.
Coatman Hardware,
We believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We
are always ready to make good farm loans for long
terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre
pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage--vn:,
accounting and on the legal matters with which
a farmer must now deal.
Deposits in This Bank axe Protected by the Guaranty Fund
of the State of Nebraska
The Farmers and Merchants Bank,
A. M. BOVLES, Ylrc-Pre. CARL D. G ANZ. Vice-Pro.
The Alvo National Farm Loan Association
B. C. BOYLES, President DALE S. BOYLES. Sec'y-Treas
BOVLES A GANZ, A ttornrj -t-Lr
Buying Grain
Farming only pays when the man who manages
the farm receives at least one half of the net income
from the farm.
Grain and stock should be bought by individual
buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the
Co-operative associations will never be a success
until they sell at least one-half their stock to their
Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six
years experience on "market conditions" and "grading
up" grain. Free to our customers.
Grain and Lumber
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson autoed
to Lincoln Friday evening.
Mrs. John Murtey returned last
week from a visit to her mother at
Clay Center. -
Ed Stroemer attended the Farm
ers Union managers' convention in
Omaha last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroemer at
tended the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities in
Omaha last week.
Prof. Willis and family, of Lin
coln, spent Sunday evening at the
George P. Foreman home.
: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleman
spent Wednesday and Thursday In
Omaha attending the Ak-Sar-Ben.
George Ryan and family left Fri
day morning for their home at Chap
pell after a three weeks' visit with
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea. Mrs.
John Murtey and Mrs. Clarence
Curyea autoed to Lincoln Friday to
bring Morgan Curyea home with
them, as he is not as well as usual.
Dr. L. Muir and A. N. Myers auto
ed to Lincoln Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell, of Lin
coln and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with friends in South Bend.
George P. Foreman took quite sick
Monday evening of last week and has
been confined to the house for sev
eral days. Strong symptoms of pto
maine poisoning were present. He is
improving slowly and is now able to
sit up some.
George P. Foreman lost three val
uable milk cow3 one day last week.
The wind blew down a tree which
fell across the pasture fence, letting'
the cows into the sweet corn. This:
happened while Mr. Foreman was 111 !
in bed and could not be about to see
after things.
of Sge'udgg
and Stock!
Alvo, Nebraska
James Pilkington and Doug Stev
ens were Ak-Sar-Ben visitors Thurs
day. Joe Foreman was down from Lin
coln Wednesday visiting with home
Mrs. Jake Forsythe, of Lincoln, is
visiting Mrs. Emma Cashner this
The Alvo schools are progressing
nicely with an attendance of 1S5
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Rosenow
visited the former's mother in Elm
wood Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleman at
tended the Ak-Sar-Ben in Omaha
last Thursday.
The Misses Mary Taylor, sister
Florence, and Marie Bird are work
ing in Lincoln.
Lyal Miller, Lennox Ensign and
Elmer Rosenow were passengers to
Omaha on the Jersey last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroemer,
Miss Marie Stroemer and Miss Mil
dred Brown were Lincoln visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Linen, of Uni
versity Place, and sister. Miss Alta
Linch, autoed down Saturday and
spent Sunday with the home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan, Mrs.
George P. Foreman. Mrs. Isola Ken
nedy, Vernon Hindbaugh and Rosa
lie Johnson autoed to Lincoln last
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Keefer and
daughter, Mrs. Oris Foreman, visited
at the M. C. Keefer home last Fri
day. They autoed down from their
home at Valparaiso.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Andle
and children, of Lincoln, Miss Eva
Linch, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linch and
Clyde Linch. of University Place,
autoed down to the George P. Fore
man home Sunday.
C. H. Kirkpatrick has been visit
ing at Platteville. Wisconsin for sev
eral days, not having had opportun
ity for some time of seeing his rela
tives there. He is enjoying the oc
casion of his visit very much.
Carl Johnson and family were
visiting in Omaha part of last week,
and took In the fall festivities, re
maining for the electrical parade of
Wednesday evening, which they pro
nounced as being very good.
Mrs. Belle Bennett and daughter,
Mrs. Arzilla Foreman, came down
Saturday night from the latter's
home at Valparaiso, spending Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bennett.
Mrs. Foreman returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Foreman.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foreman, Donald
McKinnon and Mr. and Mrs. George
Ryan and three children of Chappell.
were week-end visitors in Valparaiso,
with the families of Albert. Oris and
Geo. P. Foreman, Jr.
Arthur Strickland arrived on No.
6 laot Friday from Colorado, with
the body of his mother. She was laid
to rest in the cemetery south of
Alvo beside her husband who passed
away some years ago. The family
formerly resided on a farm south of
The team of boosters out advertis
ing the live stock show which is to
be held at - Weeping Water during
the present week, were in town last
Thursday with their band and cre
ated considerable enthusiasm. No
doubt there will be a large number
from here attend the Weeping AVat
er celebration.
Lest You Forget
Let us remind you that Chamber
lain's Tablets not only cause a gen
tle movement of the bowels but im
prove the appetite and strengthen
the digestion.
We wish to call the attention of
persons having money to invest to j
the advertlsemert in this paper of!
the Lincoln Telephone &
companv, in which they are offering
$500,000.00 of their stock (which is
paving regular quarterly dividends at
the rate of 7 per annum) at its
regular and par value of $100.00 per
This is an exceptionally good op
portunity to place your savings or
harvest money, be it little or much,
where it will be absolutely safe and
bring you an interest check every ,
three months. "A word to the wise j
is sufficient." Read the advertise-,
ment and send in jour order for
shares. Adv. tf-d. j
Having: decided to leave the farm,
I will sell at Public Auction at my
(place a mile and a half south of
Plattsmouth, known as the Tarns
place, on
Saturday, October 2d
the following property, to-wlt:
One gray mare, smooth mouth, wt.
about 1200; one brown mare, smooth
mouth, wt. about 1200; three good
Holsteln milk cows, all young; two
red milk cows, two years old; two
red bows, not bred.
Two wagons, one large, one small;
one upright gasoline engine; one Mc
Cormlck mower, good shape; one
hay rake; one cultivator; one five
j tooth cultivator; one harrow; one
j buggy; one light spring wagon; one
jseed sprouter; about one hundred
milk bottles; one cider press; one
full set of carpenter tools; one bar
rel churn; one drill; some hay and
some posts; some furniture, all in
good. shape; lots of other things too
numerous to mention.
Sale Commences at 2 O'Clock Sharp!
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand. On sums over $10 a credit
of six months will be given, purchas
er to give bankable note bearing in
terest at the rate of 8 per annum
from date. All property must be
settled for before removal.
COL. BYERS, Auctioneer.
Onaha Wonan Had to Spend Much
cf Her Time in Bed Tanlac
Brings Back Health.
"It certainly is wonderful how
quickly the right medicine v. ill get a
person to feeling right again." said
Mrs. Rosa Abersfeller, 3011 South'
Ninth street, Omaha, in relating her
experience with Tanlac.
"There's no doubt about Tanlac
being the right thing for me. for I
am now feeling Just fine, but before .
I took it 1 was so weak and felt .so
bad I had to remain in bed a great
deal of the time and hire someone
to do my housework," she said. "I
was in such a badly run-down con
dition on account cf indigestion that
I was barely able to get about. 1
could not eat anything but what
caused severe pains in my stomach
and chest, and at times 1 felt so j
stuffed-up that I could scarcely
breathe. My head ached every day
and sometimes bo bad I was almost
frantic. I often had such dizzy
spells I had to catch hold of some
thing to keep from fulling, never
knew what a good night's sleep was
and that tired, worn-out feeling was
with me all the time. I felt achy all
over and was so weak i he least ex
ertion would completely exhaust me.
"But I had not finished taking my
first bottle of Tanlac before there
was a wonderful improvement in
my feelings. My appetite returned
and I was soon able to eat Just any
thing without feeling a touch of in
digestion. My strength gradually
came back and it wasn't long until
I was able to do all my housework.
I never have a headache now, dizzy
spell or a pain of any kind and
sleep soundly all night long. I have
also gained a great deal in weight,
and am like an entirely different
person. All the thanks, praise and
gratitude for the splendid health I
now enjoy belong to Tanlac."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray Drug company,
and the leading druggist In every
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kitzel. Georpe
Cook and E. Hendricks motored to
Murray Sunday. The three former
went to visit at the home of Mr.
Cook's brother-in-law. Wm. Wheeler,
who was sheriff of the county for
two terms, while the latter visited
his brother. Wm. Hendricks.
On Friday P. W. Nickel brought
to this office it freak in the way of
a squash. It seems to be a twin
squash, two perfectly shaped squash
grown together. In fact the way it
has grown It looks like a baby car
riage without the wheels.
Last Saturday afternoon Harry
Tolhurst returned from a two weeks
trip to Livingston. Gardiner and Hi?
Timber, where he visited his uncle.-:.
Tom and Frank Tolhurst and other
relatives. He included in his visit
a trip through Yellowstone park and
taking it all together had a fine anil
interesting trip which he thoroughly
Last Sunday Adolph Fleischman.
who works for Chas. Fleischman and
was driving the latter's Ford car.
when near the Wm. Schick farm west
of town took a dash off the culvert.
He applied the brakes and both rear
tires were ripped off. The front
wheels and axle were bent and the
windshield broken. It Is said that
a young man riding with him was
thrown cut and landed on the hood.
No one was hurt.
James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Turey
Wall, who live near Eagle, was op
erated on for appendicitis. His was
a critical case and he is improving
but slowly. The Wall family have
had a very severe time. A few years
ago they lost a little boy. A short
time ago their house burned and
they had to fit up a granary to live
in until they should be able to have
another house built. It is hoped that
their little son will speedily recover.
Elmwood, Nebraska, sends a large
contingent of fine young people to
Nebraska Wesleyan in University
Place this fall. They are Harry Clem
nients. Clariece Cook. Wilma Cock,
Edna Oehlerking. W. C. Jackman,
Elsie Kunz, Catherine Lorenz and
Cora Williams. They find the pretty
campus alive with college spirit.
The attfudance has greatly increased
and many more students are arriv
ing daily. A number of additions
have bet-n made to the faculty ro
that the university is able to offer
its students unusual advantages in
their preparation for happy and use
ful lives.
Return from the West
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Quinn, who have been In the
west since their marriage where they
spent a number cf weeks viewing
the wonders cf the mountains and
visiting at the noted places, returned
from Denver and while they were
away had a very pleasant time. They
will farm for the coming year on one
of the farms of Mrs. Catherine Er
hart. the mother of Mrs Quinn.
Jlew Readers Added
Among the new readers that have
recently been added to the list of the I
Journal in this neighborhood and
who will receive the paper in the
future, are A. H. Humble. Mrs. Cath
erine Erhart, Wm. Sheehan. John
Murphy. Michael O'Leary, Clarence J
Akeson. Frank Ronne and J. L
Some upland prairie hay for sale
at $12.00 per ton in the windrow.
Elmer Wetenkamp, Mynard.
Mrs. L. J. Austlng has not been
feeling the be?t for the past few days
but it is hoped that she will be im -
proved soon.
David Brann and Thomas Keckler
drove over to Lincoln last Friday,'
where they went after some repairs
for a car.
J. L. Breckenridge and family and
also son and daughter, were attend
ing the electrical parade at Omaha
last Wednesday.
Mrs. Wm. Smith of near Elmwood.
was a visitor for several days at the
ohme of her mother, Mrs. Michael
Bourke at Manley.
Paul Murphy, who has been visit
ing for some time in the west, re
turned last Friday after having had
an excellent time.
L. J. Austing has just overhauled
and placed in good condition a car
for Wm. Srieehan, which he has turn
ed over to the owner.
Orris and Arnold Schleifert and
family, were guests of friends at Ne
braska City last Sunday where they
spent the day pleasantly.
Willie Harms, who was sick for
a few ddyd last week, is reported at:
being some better and able to be
about and at his work again.
Charles Gerlich disposed of a Ford
car which he recently took in on the
sale of a larger car. to Fred Kahler
cf the eastern part of the county.
Andrew Stander was over to Man
ley for a short time last Friday from
his home west of Louisville and was
looking after some business matters.
Mrs. Charles Craig. Charles Ger
lich and wife, C. M. Andrus. Walter
Mockenhaupt and wife, were attend
ing the parades at Omaha this week.
Eli Keckler is having a time with
some boils on his arm. the same kind
that are quoted at $i per. But Eli
cannot see the real value in the
Theo Harmes and family were the
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Schleifert for dinner last
Sunday, all enjoying the occasion
very much.
Joseph Wolpert was a visitor in
the county seat last Wednesday
morning .driving over to take the
election returns, making the trip in
his Ford Sedan.
Ozro, Oswold and Joe Miller de
parted last week for Minneapolis,
where for a short time, they will
visit at the heme of a sister, who is
making her home there.
Miss Vera Gerlich will attend
school in Omaha this year, having
departed last Monday for that place
nd was accompanied by her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerlich.
The election board who cared for
the ratification of the constitution
for Center precinct, were .
Bountcn, Joseph Wolpert. J.
Breckenridge. George Coon and
J. Livingston.
Father Hisgins made a trip to
Marys. Kansas, where he introduced
Henry O'leary as a student, assist
ing in making the list of his studies
and otherwise getting him started in
his r-hool work at St. Mary's college
at that place.
While returning" from a visit at
the county seat and with his parents
west of Mynard. Frank Bergman, had
the misfortune to have some one run
into the rear end of his car. doing
some damage, but not hurting any of
the occupants.
IUnry Reuter, who is an admirer
of fine "stock, while at the state fair
purchased a fine blooded Duroc boar
for the heading of his herd of fine
hogs at his farm a new miles west
of Manley. the animal arriving the
first of last week.
Mrs. Louis Krecklow and children
who have been visiting in the east
for some time past, being guests at
the home of her parents at Mil
waukee, where they had a very plea
sant visit, returned home last week.
They were away about three weeks.
l! J. Austing was a business vis
itor in Weeping Water and Louis
ville as well last Friday evening,
where he went for repairs for a car
which he was overhauling. Mr. Aus
ting is doing considerable work cn
autos and also giving good satisfac
tion. I. fist week Charles Gerlich sold a
1521 model Buick and which is a
fine car of the roadster pattern, to
Marion Schleifert, which h deliv
ered. This is an exceptionally fine
car and will make one which will
trive ultimate service and satisfac
tion to the owner.
Mips Minnie Peters, who is teach
ing this year at Union, was a visitor
over Sunday at the home of Theo
Harms and wife, coming to Weeping
Water on the train and being met i
by Joseph Wolpert and sister in j
their car. It will be remembered.
that Miss Peters taught here last
Dan Bourke is surely making this
town look better, as he has painted '
a number of bouses which has added J
not alone to the appearance but has j
een a substantial benefit as well.
He is Jnst completing the heme of ;
James Murphy which is benefitted In
appearance and added to in material j
value as well. !
Mr. Ozro Miller, who for the past
three years has been making his
home near Chanpel, where he pur- j
chased a quantity of land for 530
per acre and which is at this time j
wirth $70. arrived In Manley with
his familv and is visiting with rela- j
tives and friends. He raised and ;
marketed some two thousand bushels !
cf wheat last year. j
Boosters for the Pure Bred Stock
show, that is to be held at Weeping
Water three days of this week, were
in the city with a band and plenty
of music as well as care and a Jolly
good natured. energetic crowd of
live citizens of Weeping Water and
near that place, telling of the good
things that would come to tho?e
who observed the idea cf raising only
the better breeds of live stock.
About 30 tons of prairie hay at
$15.00 per ton in the stack. Phone
August Stohlman and family and
Wm. Rodanz and family enjoyed the
j electrical parade in Omaha Wednes-
dav evening, driving up in their cars
W. H. Frost and family and Mr.
and Mrs. A. 11. Humble took in the
electrical parade at Omaha Wed
nesday evening, driving up in Mr.
Frost's car.
Fred Fleischman, who will farm
the coming summer, has been select
ing eeed corn for planting next spring
and has a good quantity of fine curn
put away for this: purpose.
When you read the page ad of the
Claxtonola talking machine, which
will appear in an eaily issue of thL;
paper, make haste to see W. 11. Frost
about having one placed in your
Watch for the full pape
advertisement which will appear in
an early issue of the Journal. The
Claxtonola is sold by W. H. Frost of
the Frost. Curyea and Murtey Lum
ber company.
Frank Ronnie is turning bis head
to the feeding of sheep and has just
recently purchased and place;! on his
farm a fiw miles from Mauley four
cars which he will put on short feed,
and will endeavor to put them on the
market as soon as possible.
Mark Wiles of Weeping Water
and M. R. Gamlin. who lives on the
farm of Mr Wiles, formerly the John
Tighe place, have just completed the
seeding of some one hundred and
sixty acres of wheat for the coming
Miss Mary Trihy. of Gretna, who
has been teaching in place of her
sister, Miss Clara Trihy. during the
latter's illness, and who has been
staying with Miss Margie O'Leary,
departed last Friday for home, her
sister being able to resume her work
the first of the week.
Michael O'Leary was a visitor in
Omaha last Monday, going to attend
the sparring match between Schmad
er and the Indian Lamson, and line
most of the people who witnessed the
bout, was dissatisfied with the ;e
cision of the referee. Those who are
acquainted with Schmauer know he
is an able and clever man, and to
see the affair go the way it did was
in no way satisfactory.
W. H. Frost and wife and little
daughter, Raniona. were spending a
few days the past week at Central
City, where they lived for a number
of years before moving to Manley.
They made the trip in their Xah
car and had an excellent time, find
ing everyone glad to see them, and
also good crops all the way along
the line.
We are making a sweeping reduction of
most of our line of Farming Implements.
Wagons from $100 up; see them. Also
Manure Spreaders at a great saving to you.
We are ready at your call, to go and as
sist in setting up and getting started any kind
of machinery.
Our Corn Elevators will be sold at as
close a margin as possible, but we cannot
promise a very extensive reduction, as they
are sold close.
See us! We will make the price right on
anything in our line you may want.
The Best Lumber for Your Purpose!
We have complete stocks of all grades and sizes
in demand and can make immediate delivery. No long
waits excessive freight charges uncertainty of de
lays. You can inspect every foot of lumber you buy
from us before you pay for it and know that our repu
tation is back of it.
Our aim is the satisfaction of our customers after
as well as before the sale it's a detail of our service
that adds big value without raising the price.
Prepare now to take care of this year's big corn
crop. Let us talk over your building requirements
with you.
Manley, Nebraska
W. H. FROST, Manager
Has Tonsils Removed
1 Alhin. the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Vogler, living a few
miles from Manley, and who has
been having trouble with his tonsils
for some time, was taken to Omaha
,.one day last week and there under
went an operation for the removal of
; Lis tonsils. Tue father, who aceom
panied him, reports the lad as get
jting along nicely and his friends are
I hopeful that he will toon be vell
, again.
Makes the Town Better
Rudolph Bergman, who is enter
prising in a way that counts, has
just had Robert McCleary and his
force of bridge carpenters construct
a crossing extending both north and
west trom his store, across the two
htreets. This will indeed prove a
treat benefit to the townpeople as
well as those from the surrounding
country. We like to take note of
such progressive spirit.
Ir.ijettc Parish House and Church
John Bauer. th plumber of
Plattsmouth. was in Manley last Fri
day and iniaie a critical examination
of the j'hui.ding and heating of the
parish i t. me and St. Patrick's Catho
lic cliuicli. He will have his for e
i.f workmen come over this week
anrl look after placing the heating
aid plumbing of both places and see
that they are in good condition.
Mrs. Charles Gerlach and James
Murphy and wife were visiting in
Omaha last Tuesday evening and re
turned home the following day.
C. M. Andrus was a business vis
itor at the county seat Wednesday,
driving over in his car in the after
noon. Horse Shoeing
and General
Automobile Work, First
Class in All Respects!
Prices Reasonable!
Manley, Nebraska