THURSDAY. SEPIZSISIR 23. 1320. PAGE ST? irtfirJ"' . i-k 3 PIATTEKCTTTH SOU-TTEEZLT JOTTItSAL L1 With Electric Starter! Roadster, : Touring, : Coupe, Sedan, Old Prices Delivered $ 704.88 : 730.91 : 939.16 : 1069.31 New Prices Delivered $538.30 .15 THK UNIVERSAL CAR 1-Ton Truck no starter, 709.94 Fordson Tractors, factory 850.00 881.90 612.60 790.00 ST THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Motor Company Makes the Above BIG CUT in Prices of Ford Cars, Ford Trucks and Fordson Tractors! Effective Wednesday, September 22, 1 92Q in the face of the fact that the Ford Motor Company now have 146,000 unfilled orders for immediate delivery on hand these new low prices will mean a very large temporary loss to the Ford Motor Company while using up materials on hand, hot at the the high prices, but Henry Ford is willing to make the sacrifice in order to assist in bringing business back to a GOING condition as quickly as possible and to re-establish the BUYING POWER OF THE DOLLAR. " ,a vow? V If I Y. y Henry Ford says there is no sense or wisdom in trying to maintain an artificial standard of values and for the best interests of all it is time a real practical effort was made to bring the life of the country and the business of the country down to regular PRE-WAR basis. We are at your command with a force of trained Ford mechanics to insure reliable FORD SER VICE and we are eager to fill your orders for NEW FORD CARS at the NEW FORD PRICES. Do not overlook the fact that at these greatly reduced prices every Ford dealer will be flooded with orders for new cars for immediately delivery and our monthly allotment will not nearly supply the demand, so phone us or call at once and place your orders if you expect to get immediately delivery. t . hnla Frd Phone Wo. 1 Plattsmouth, Web turn ryu 1 FIRST MEETING OF THE CAMPAIGN Snator W. F. Kirby of Arkansas. Will Speak in This City on Tuesday Evening;. LETTER OF APPRECIATION FROM GREENWOOD FIRM Thp :m nou nceinent is marie bv the democrat ic state committee of the1 ppeaking date for Senator William F. Kirby of Arkansas, who will be in this" city on Tuesday evening. September 2Mh, and speak for the democratic national ticket. This -s the first meeting of the campaign and the Arkansas senator is one well fitted to present the cause of democracy to the people as lie is a forceful and effective speak er. Kverv voter regardless of politics should attend as the meeting will ! l.e interesting and instructive to all. The final arrangements have not l.een completed but it is thought it will be held at the court house. FARM FOR SALE. quarter of Section Township ten ( 10 ). , (.'ass county, Ne- The southwest thirty-four ( :'.4 . Hance nine ( f hraska. This farm is what is known as the John II. Weaver farm and must b' sold to close up the estate of John II. Weaver, deceised. Possession given March 1st. 1921. I n .'mi ire of II. K. Frantz or Monroe K. Weaver, Administrators, Eagle. To our friends and patrons of! Greenwood and vicinity: At this time we take the opportun-j ity to thank you for your generous patronage during the season just passed. Since we are better equipped with our newly installed machine and our up-to-date business methods, we ex tend a hearty invitation to you for your continued patronage and we will render our same unexcelled ser vice. Come in and place your order for the winter's supply of 'fruits and vegetable. As we purchased heav ily before the sharp advance in staples last spring, we are amply prepared to take care of your needs. We have just unloaded a car of salt, consisting of crystalized blocks, barrel, table and a specially prepared salt for the curing of meats. Thanking you again, we are. At vour service. NKWKIKK MEAT MARKET. AUTO DAMAGE CASE . UP IN COUNTY COURT H. M. Soennichsen Brings Suit for Recovery on Loss of Horse Counter-Claim Made. SURELY IS LUCKY FOR SALE The S. E. Hall residence in South I 'ark. Eight-room house, city wa ter, partially modern. Three lots and surroundings, fall at the home. 21 5td. FOR SALE Xebr. 23-2sw Earl IJabbitt, Ethel Babbitt. Mabel Copenhaver and Ruth Jacks, of l'lattsmouth have registered this fall at Nebraska Wesleyan in University IMace. They find the campus alive with college spirit, a large increase in attendance and more students ar riving daily. Many additions also have been made to the faculty; en abling the university to offer its students unusual advantages in their preparations for life. , Ten acres of good prairie hay, 3 miles west and one mile north of Murray. Inquire or R. C Hitchman at Pollock's Auto company, or phone number 58, Plattsmouth. Neb. 13 2t-sw. Mrs. Eugene Maurer and children departed this afternoon for Council Hluffs where they will visit at the home of Mrs. Maurer's mother in that city. From Monday's Dally. This morning in county court was heard a case wherein II. M. Soen nichsen brought suit again3t one, Riley Hudelson, who resides north west of Plattsmouth and works in the packing houses of South Omaha. The case grew out of the killing of a horse belonging to Mr. Soennichsen some time ago, while the animal was being lead behind a delivery wagon also the property of Mr. Soennichsen, and which was struck by the car of Mr. Hudelson. Damages in the sum of $200 are asked by Mr. Soenichsen as the value of his horse. Hudelson offers a counter claim of $250 which he al leges is due him for damage done his car, claiming that the horse was being led by a rope of such length that it endangered traffic and was the cause of the accident, which pre cipitated the case now in court. Hearing of the case occupied most of the forenoon, numerous witnesses offering testimony before County Judge lieeson. Aubrey Duxbury, one of Platts mouth's fast rising young attorneys is in charge of the plaintiff's side of the case. As we go to press the case is still occupying the attention of the court, and there are a number of witnesses yet to be examined. The outcome of the controversy will doubtless be known tomorrow. Yesterday the announcement was made through the Journal of the fact that County Road Commission r C. F. Vallery was the happy grani rarent o a fine hoy born to Mr. and Mrc. Max Vallery, but that is only part of the story as Mr. Vallery is grandfather to a" fine little daughter that was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spence near Stockville, Neb., on Sunday last. The two happy occasions has proved almost too much for the genial road com missioner and he feels that his cup of joy is well near full to overflow ing. Mrs. Spence was formerly Miss Josephine Vallery of this city. RETURNS FROM THE HOSPITAL CELEBRATED SIXTH BIRTHDAY This afternoon Mrs. Frank Dill of Murray returned home from Om aha where for the past several weeks she has been at the St. Joseph hos pital, recovering from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Dill was in Omaha today and ac companied the wife home and it is needless to say that the return of the wife is the source of the greatest of pleasure to the family and many friends of this estimable lady over the county. CATCHES TWO YOUNG MEN Movies each night and dance each night Live Stock show next week, Tues., Wed.. Thurs., Weeping Water. REDUCTION SALE I am offering for sale, 1 mule well broke 5 years old. 2 spotted Shetland ponies, one 1 M years old. one 5-year-old, one 4-year-bld black mare. 1300 pounds. Fordson tractor and Oliver plow, used to plow 75 acres. I will farm less next year, reason for sell ing, tf sw. LOUIS KEIL. For Sale: 6-room house and 2 lots on North 6th Street. Electric lights, bath, city water and gas in house. Priced at a bargain'. tf d.w. II. J. HOUGH. Allie Meisinger of near Cedar Creek, was in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some matters of business while enroute home from Omaha. Frank Dill departed this morning for Omaha, where he will accompany his wife home from the hospital where she has been for several weeks. L. R. Upton-of Union and Mrs. Upton, were here today for a few hours hours visiting with friends, Mr. Upton bringing In the election returns from Liberty precinct. C. G. Bailey of Elmwood motored in this morning from, his home bringing with him the election re turns from Stove Creek precinct. He was accompanied by Mrs. Bailey who visited in Omaha for the day at the Red Cross committee meeting. Blank books! Yes you can. get most any kind at Journal office. VISITING HOME FOLKS Yesterday afternoon Mrs. William Gilmour returned home from Sioux City, Iowa, where she has been visit ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hester Butler, and was accompanied back home by the daughter. Mrs. Butler has been In very poor health for several weeks past and is now gradually recovering from the effects of the illness and at the quiet farm home of the parents near this city will spend a few days resting. Orange Model 2d is for sale, also some good spring boars at $50 to $65, while they last. S. RAY SMITH Plattsmouth, Neb. Tel. No. 3422 Last evening two young men were discovered in the Burlington railroad yards engaged in prowling in one of the cars standing on the side tracks find in this act they were seen by W. T. Mlbern, one of the section bosses and the matter reported to Chief of Police Manspeaker, who with Officer Alvin Jones hastened to the scene and placed the young men un der arrest. As there had been noth ing taken from the car or the fact that the boys had not broken into the car established, they were re leased from custody. FOR SALE 12 Acres with a lovely 7 room bungalow, electric lights, furnace and water, built 4 years ago by the own er for a home and not for profit, lo cated on the K. T. & W. Highway, 3-4 mile south of Plattsmouth post of fice. Most Ideal location in all the state. Only 19 miles from Omaha stock yards, a splendid place for dealer In lambs, pigs and calves, or the best poultry place on earth, hun dreds of farmers pass this place daily. This place is level, rich black soil, 500 bushel of corn, plenty pota toes and very large garden goes with it; fruit of all kinds; possession at once: all in finest shape. Will take good Omaha property as part payment, good terms to right party, 6 per cent. This is where the two avenues meet. C. B. SCHLEICHER. 1912 Vinton St.. Omaha ltd ltw. Tyler 905. Fine stationery-Journal office. Krum Monday's Dallv Little Charlotte McLeod celebrated at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLcod, lu-r sixth birthday with eclat and all the cere monies. There were twenty of the little folks and Mrs. MeLeod as assistant hostess, well knows what makes the hearts of the little ones happy and had all manner of games for their delectation and the twenty litile folks entered into the spirit of the oc casion. With the shouts of merri ment and the ringing laughter was indeed a delight for the older folks to listen to the niin their play. The birthday cake was in evidence and all enjoyed the occasion to the ful lest extent. The assistant hostess provided a delightful luncheon of candy, ice cream and cake for the little one s. There were there to make the occasion merry of little Cha rlotte's passing her sixth birthday, the following: Helen Jane West, Win. and Minnie Henricksen, "Buzzer" Walling. No dine Cloidt. Katheryn I lowland. Ves tetta and James E. Robertson. Louis Eunice and Dorothy Burbridge. Edith and Eunice Bradway, Minnie Kearnes Arthur Moreland, El wood Yonker, Mott Brady. Enice, Charlotte and Kathryn McLeod. VISITS IN OLD HOME Mrs. W. II. Woliver of Onawa. Ia.. who has been visiting in this county and city with old time friends, de parted yesterday afternoon for Platts burg. Missouri, where she will enjoy a short visit. Mrs. Woliver was for merly Miss Garnet Mann, and resided in the vicinity of Rock Bluffs some thirty-five or forty years ago and in the visit back amid the once familiar scenes found much pleasure. While here Mrs. Woliver was a guest at the D. A. Young home, Mrs. Young being a sister, and the members of the fam ily enjoyed a trip over the hills near where the youthful days had been spent. Mrs. Woliver was a guest here yesterday for a short time of Mr. and Mrs. John Cory, old time friends. George M. Hild and brother-in-law. Lester Smith of El Reno, Okla homa, returned this morning from Perkins county where they have been in company with Frank Vallery look ing over the fine crops in that locality. John Alexander and wife and daughter. Elizabeth and Mrs. Moore, mother of Mr. Alexander of Spokane. Wash., and who have been here vis iting at the home of Mrs. J. H. Halde man. departed this afternoon for a short trip through Iowa and Kansas prior to returning home. For any itching skin trouble, eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, head, herpes, scabies, Doan's ment is highly recommended, a box at all stores. piles, scald Subscribe for The Journal YERLAN Daily Journal, 15c per week. Vvri!ys Knight Seddr This Sedan "Whatever the Weather May Be You can enjoy nature in all its moods in this Over land Four-Door Sedan. When the wind and dust blow or the rain falls, you ride on without delay or inconvenience. Wearing ap parel unsoiled! Full, unobstructed vision! "Whatever the Weather May Be," you can easily adjust the windows converting this Sedan into a storm tight, closed car or a car. Whatever the Roads May Be, Triplex Springs ab sorb jolts and prevent the usual rough riding. Comfort for passengers! Protection and long life for the car! Owing to its light weight and efficiency, the up keep as well as the first cost of this convertible car is less than that of the ordinary heavier touring car and you have in addition its all-season advantages and its extraordinary riding comfort. Women especially are enthusiastic over the beau tiful interior of the Overland Sedan, its many conveni ences and ease of handling. Handle Overland and Willys-Knight Cars! Thesecars will be kept on display at the O-K Gar age, where appointments for demonstration can be made. The service as formerly will be maintained at the L. F. Terryberry Garage. Pollock Parmele, PLATTSMOUTH - - NEBRASKA V i