The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, SEfT. 22. 1920.
Murray Department
Prerred in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
jffif jflN. Vfef " limn
PI tlj
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four par cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All businets transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Andy Campbell was in I'lattsmouth
M on .lay. t Iood was a guest of Jim !
Fitrli. Sunday. !
Jie Hathaway spent Sunday at j
the Charles Wolfe home.
Miss Vera Yardley is spending her
vara t ion with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNatt were
I'lattsmouth visitors Monday.
Mr. Dob I'ropst was down to his
farm caM of Murray. Monday.
Julian McNatt was in I'lattsmouth
Sunday. going in to meet the school
Miss, who now is teaching the Ken
osha school.
I.-!vey Klir.iin is hi'uling his lum
ber lo erect a new corn crib, bavins
a much larger crop this year requires
more crib room.
Mrs. Harris C. Brown and daugh
tr. Father of Omaha, have been vis
it inr Cue past week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Klimm.
Mrs. Chas. Wolfe entertained at
dir.'xr Wednesday, Mrs. Harris C.
J? row n and daughter. K:iher from
Omaha: Mrs. Jennie Klinun and Un
tie George Siirader.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511
Unrr.iv Ex a cangr
Oh, You Ford!
Here is a chance to put new tires on that Ford
car and save a nice little piece of money. These are
the American-Akron, first grade and new stock. We
want to close them out quick. v
30x3 ribbed casinng, $14.50
30x3s non-skid, $17.50
A few 32x3 Red Rubber Tubes,
Saving is a matter of habit.
And the habit grows, just like
the savings.
To acquire the habit when
young with small sums is to
practice the habit when older
with larger sums.
So encourage the little fel
lows to start a savings account
with us at once, and watch
the habit grow.
l"e Powell of l'latlsmouth is em
ployed at the licrger hotel as assis
tant cook and man of general work.
G. W. Cheney of near Union, was
looking after some business matters
in Murray for a few hours last
Kugene Whitaker rf Nebraska
City was a visitor in Murray for a
short time and was doing some elec
trical for I.. H. Puis.
Luther 1. Turner of Platt-mouth
representing the Plattsmouth Has
and l,igYiting company, was looking
after some business matters in Mur
ray last Tuesday.
C. H. Hunker of Malvern, shipped
a car load of walnut logs the latter
part of last week and has another
car ready for shipment and is wait-
i ing for the car to ship them in.
; Pen Noel purchased a Viele of the
Puis garage and having been with
the firm and knowing well the value
of a car. Mr. Noel has selected th
Viele vorai e of the knowledge of The
! worth of the car.
Miss Ethel Tritsch. daughter of
County Treasurer Mike Tritsch and
'wife, was a visitor in Murray for a
i few days this week, being the guest
at the home of I'r. 15. F. Uremic! and
; sons and families.
Troy Shrader was a visitor in Mur
ray for a short time last Tuesday
locking after seme business matters
and reported that he had completed
the seeding of his wheat crap, which
.amounted to some fifty acres,
j Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long, who
have been visiting at Holbrook,
i where they were called some time
jago by the serious illness of sister
(of Mrs. Ixng. Mrs. Orley Perry, but
! who has greatly improved, returned
! home last Sunday evening. They
' report excellent weather conditions
I and Immense crops in the west.
. Tutt,
Dr. I?. F. Erendel was a visitor in
Union last Monday, where he wa
called to visit a patient.
Frank W. Tilliott, the oil man, had
his wagon irLWurray distributing oil
and gasolin.last Tuesday.
Rev. Li. Massie of Vermillion. S. D.,
was a visiter at the heme of Dr. G il
m. re and wife last Sunday.
G. M. Minford and H. C. Creamer
shipped a car of hogs to the South ;
Omaha market last Monday.
John Fppings, James Tilsor. and
Harry McCullock are constructing a '
cave" for Dr. J. F. Hrendel at his
W. G. Boedeker and family were in i
Plattsmouth last Monday evening go- j
iug to attend the picture show at j
that place. j
Chester Snorer is attending thei
high school at Plattsmouth, being a
senior anil will complete his term
this school year.
A. Gansnier and family spent last
Sunday and took dinner at the home
of Herman Gansmer and family
northwest of Murray.
A. M. Peverage is the possessor of
;! new Ford car which he bought a
short time ago from the T. If. Pol
lock auto company.
Worth and Daniel Click were look
ing after some business matters in
Omaha last Monday, driviag over iii
the car
Mr. ;
of Mrs. Worth Click.
md Mrs. Albert Schaeffer of
California, who departed for
City last Friday to visit with
returned last
Monday eve
Phillip Kei!.
Weh r be in and
a car of wheat
to the Omaha
from Platts
mr.rket last
Tuesday, having the wheat trucked
to the county scat for loading.
J. H. Lrendel and Karl Amicl:
drove to Omaha Monday night where
they attended the fight- between
Schmader and Lamson. the Walt hill
J. H. Purton. who some lime ago
had the misfortune to have his leg
broke, is getting along as well as
could be expected and while kept in
his bed is resting easy.
Frank Schlectmeier
in town i'ri.m near
were doing some
and wife were
Nehawka and
trading. Mr.
S. hlictiiH ier declares he has a very
large cirn crop this year.
Mrs. Fred Morgan was a visitor
with friends in Murray last Tuesday
afternoon for a shott time cominc
down to see Iter friend. Mrs. K. S.
Tutt and Mrs. W. G. Poedeker.
Fred Hild and Harry Wright
were assisting in hauling wheat
with two tru:ks of L. II. Puis to
Plattsmouth for loading for shipment
to Omaha for Will Wehrbein and
Phillip Keil.
Albert Schlagle of Plainview. with
the faniiiy. arrived in Murray a few
days ago and are visiting with rel
atives here, being guests at the iioi'n
of Frank Schlegle, Charles Carroll
and Win. Hendricks.
W. C. P.oedeker and faniiiy. Mrs.
Flora Sans and daughter, Heulah.
Charles Sans, and T. S. Harrows and
family, visited in Dunbar last Sun
day the guests at the heme of Mr.
and Mrs. Duke Frar.s.
C. A. Kliassonost and wife of Mur
ray, are rejoicing over the arrival of
one of the sweetest, little blue eyed
baby girls imaginable at their home.
Their happiness is unbounded and
all are getting along nicely.
Gust Splitt. who has been visiting
in the west and a guest of his broth
er. Will Splitt of Grant, for the past
ten lays. returned home last Satur
day well pleased with the country
and finding excellent crops where he
Mrs. J. A. Walker, who has been
visiting at the home of her brother,
La fa vet te Simpson of Purnside. Ky..
for the past few weeks, returned
home last Sunday after having had
;:n excellent time visiting, at her old
. Meninness Churchill is selling a
new device which prevents the steal-
ins: of an auto and also as to save
some thirty per cent of the fuel usd
in cars. On tens made for a demon
stration one quart of gas run a Ford
car 5 3-4 miles.
A letter from W. M. Puis, who
with Paul Iiichter. Cameron Calliey
and Fred Lutz. arc now touring Uie
west sav that they are getting along
nicely and enjoying a good time with
t heir friends,
abundance of
Thev are finding an
rood crops along the
J. H. Hrendel was a visitor in
Louisville last Wednesday, where he
was looking after some matters in
the insurance line. He was in con
sultation with W. C. Cleghorn, who
is the representative of the insur
ance company at that point which
he represents.
Last Tuesday morning J. W. Ed
monds and Martin Sporer. departed
via the car of Mr. Edmonds for Plain
view, where they went for a visit at
the home of Mr. Edmonds daughter,
Mrs. Homer Miller. Thev expect to
I be away for a week or more.
j Gust Mannier and son Walter were
' visiting and looking after some
i bus'ne-M matters in Murray last
Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Gust Man
nier was nursing one of his hands
which had been given a spat by a
Ford which had become unruly,
j W. C. Hodges, living near Avoca.
i was in town for a short time Tues
day afternoon and was telling of a
twin corn stalk which is a very
curious freak of nature, in that the
stalk grew abnormally large at the
but and for some eighteen inches,
when it branched and formed two
very perfect ears on them of good
size One of the branches having
Just one more blade tiian the other.
If my of the readers of the
Journal knor of any social
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
i use to this office, it will ap
pear under this beidlnjr. We
want all news Items Editoh
Perpetrate Surprise on Birthday
The friends of Fred Hild organ
ized for the purpose of surprising
him on his birthday which occurred
last Saturday and with the prepara
tions for one of the best of times
they appeared at his home as the
shades of evening were falling and
turned lys quiet home into a scene of
merriment, such as was very unex
pected to Mr. Hild. There were
good things to eat, carefully tucked
away in the bodies of the touring
cars which made, when the time ar
rived, a spread fit for a king. A
most sociable time was had and on
the departure of the guests they all
wished Mr. Fred Hild a prosperous
journey through life, and many more
such friendship demonstrations. To
Phillip Hild also was extended the
Fame manifestations of friendship.
Those to assist in making this most
pleasant time were: Messrs and
Mesdames and their families, Phillip
Hild, Amos Wright, L. H. Puis, A.
Gansmer. Henry Wolf. Will Woir,
of near Avoca; George Hansen, Her
man Wolforth, Mike Hild, Fred
Lutz, George Hild, Leslie Smith and
John Parkening and wife. Grandma
Mrs. Adam Hild, and Albert Schaef
fer and family and Mrs. E. L. Jahrig
of Plattsmouth.
Makes Purchase of Essex Car
Last Monday L. H. Puis of the
Murray garage and Mr. Glen Perryv
living north of Murray, went to Om-'
aha where they selected a new Essex
car for Mr. Perry. The one select
ed was one of particular beauty and
a car which will make one of the
most serviceable that can be bought.
Mr. Puis is making a specialty of
these cars and meeting with a good
demand for them, as well might be
expected from the excellence of the
cars, also he is able to make very
prompt deliveries which is an added
feature in the handling of a car. Mr.
Perry exercised good judgment in
the selection of the Essex as it is a
car which has demonstrated its ex
ceptional qualities in the perform
ances which it has made at all com
pedative contests as well as the ser
vice it is giving thousands of owners.
Ear of Corn 13 Inches Long
W. C. Gilniore come in with an ear
of corn which was grown on the place
of Mrs. J. A. Walker which measured
13 inches in length and is perfectly
filled. With ears of this size it
would not be difficult to get an extra
large yield. Any way Mr. Gilmore
knows just how to raise corn and
he has the right farm on which to
grow good corn. Now let the next
man come along with something bet
ter if he can produce it.
Delighted With Arrival
Dr. J. F. Brendel has to report
the arrival at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Grover Hopkins of a son and
heir, who was greeted with the most
delighted reception and if there is
a happy home in Cass county it is the
one where Grover Hopkins and wife
live. They have awaited the arrival
of this young American and were
more than delighted when he came
bringing a happy smile and good
cheer for the household. Mr. Hop
kins was stiil wearing a smile and
promises that it will not wear off.
We are hoping that the young man
may add comfort and solice to the
parents as the years roll by.
Will Visit Northwest.
Lee Nickles and Misses Etta and
Hertha Nickels departed last Wed
nesday in their auto for the north
west, where they will visit for about
ten days and will include in their
trip, a stop at the home of J. D.
Dcrthmn and wife who have their
home near Leigh. After having
spent some time there, they will go
on to Plainview where they will visit
with J. Crosser and family, and later
go to Greighten where they will be
guests at the home of Frank Albin
and family. The wives of these gen
tlemen being sisters of Lee and Miss
Etta Nickles.
Celebrate Your Own Birthday
The opportunity is here to cele
brate vour own birthday and have a
merry time with your m?ny friends
as they celebrate theirs as well.
The invitation is extended as you
will see by a notice in another col
umn of this paper. You are cor
dially invited to come and bring as
many cents as you are years old, for
concurrent expenses.
Have a Birthday of Your Own.
You are invited to attend a birth
day reception at the Presbyterian
church. Murray, Neb., Friday, Octo
ber 1, 1920, from 6 to 10 p. m.
T. H. Pollock, the representative
of the Ford automobile, was a busi
ness visitor in Murray last Tuesday.
Thomas Swoboda of Plattsmouth,
representing the Lincoln Telegraph
and Telephone company, was in town
last Tuesday looking after some work
for th company.
Morton Bartlett was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Sunday, where he
was attending the ball game be
tween the Red Sox of that place aud
the team of Thurman. Iowa.
Will S. Smith and wife were vis
iting in Dunbar last Sunday the
guests of their uncle and aunt, Wm.
and Betty Holmes, and enjoyed a
very excellent time while there.
A. Li. Baker departed last Sunday
fcr Indianapolis, where he will at-
1 tend the National Encampment of
1 the Grand Army of Republic, the
Woman's Relief Corps and the Sons
'of Veterans. He will make the trip
! via Chicago, Detroit, Marshalltown,
, la., and other places. He will be
away for some ten days.
Although Wages of Ford Employes
Will Not be Reduced Oppor
tunity to Buy Now.
Detroit. Mich.. SeDt. 21. Re-es-
. 1. 1 : i . : 1 1 '
a ui imi men i ui pie-vtai pi ites uii an
products of the Ford Motor com
pany, effective immediately, was an
nounced today by Henry Ford.
The price reductions range from
approximately 14 per cent on motor
trucks to 31 per cent on small auto
mobiles. In announcing the decision of the
company, Mr. Ford, in a formal
statement said:
"Now is a time to call a halt on
war methods, war prices, war profit
eering and war greed. It may be
necessary for everybody to stand a
little sacrifice, but it will be most
profitable after all, because the soon
er we get business of the country
back to a pre-war condition, progress,
prosperity and contentment will oc
cupy the attention of the people.
"For the best interests of all, it
is time that a real practical effort
was made to bring the businss of
the country and the life of the
country down to normal. Inflated
prices always retard progress."
The announcement said the price
reductions were made despite un
filled orders for 14 6.0G5 vehicles.
There will be no reduction in
wages at any of the Ford plants, it
was announced.
In line with the above announce
ment, the T. H. Pollock Auto com
pany of this city, authorized distribu
tors of Ford cars and accessories for
Cass county has a half page ad else
where in this issue announcing the
new schedule of prices, delivered, for
each of the different models.
This Sure Was Some Game
The young men of ball playing
inclinations, residing east of Murray,
have organized two teams, one known
as the Rock Bluffs team and the oth
er as the Kenosha team. They ar
ranged last Sunday to play on the
grounds owned by Captain Harrison
Gayer, and while Earl Hutchison
looked after the management of the
Rock Bluffers, Fred Neal did the
same for the team from Kenosha.
The game was an exciting one from
start to finish and no one could say
that he had spent his time in vain
watching the boys roll up the runs,
r.s they were very unsuccessful dur
ing the first eight innings. An then,
when it looked like the game might
have to be prolonged into the night
in order to determine the winners,
the Kenoshaites came to bat and
made a dash for victory, being suc
cessful in getting some twenty-one
runs, and felt rather safe as pennant
winners. But the Rock Bluffers
would listen to no such noise, and
in their inning piled up some twenty-two
runs before they could be
headed off.
The contesting teams will try it
again next rummer.
J. R. C. Gregory Home Again
It will be remembered that J. R. C.
oregory was injured by a horse kick
ing him and that he had submit to
an operation for relief from the ef
fects of the injury, but a relapse oc
cuiredand he was compelled to go to
a hospital at Omaha later where five
separate incisions had to be made
in his leg to remove the clotted
blood and restore the limb to its
normal condition. He is getting
along very nicely now, having re
turned home last Sunday evening.
Tractor For Sale.
I have an excellent used tractor of
the Helder Company make, which I
a moffering at a right price. In first
class condition, with three 14-inch
bottom plows. Size 12-20.
tf. Murray, Neb.
Thoroughbred Percheron stalian
chestnut sorrel, blazed face, abso
lutely sound, a sure breeder and
very gentle disposition. This horse
represents the best blood in the
Percheron breed and has life certifi
cate, weight 1900 pounds.
30 12 t-d. Cedar Creek, Neb.
Edward Lewis from Union, was in
the city this afternoon endeavoring
to find a house to rent, that he might
become a citizen of Plattsmouth. We
are glad to welcome Mr. Lewis to our
city, as we are sure he would make
an excellent citizen.
John Gauer, James Terryberry
and Adam Stoehr of near Cedar
Creek were here today for a short
time enroute to Glenwood where
they participated in a shoot being
held there this week.
D. J. Pitman and son, Dick, drove
up this afternoon from Murray to
look after some maters of business
at the county seat.
A. B. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek
was in the city today attending to a
few matters of business. -
Carl and Will Meisinger were
among these going to Omaha thi3
afternoon to attend the electric parade.
k Comolete
Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of the
Family will be Found at Our Store
Boys' work shirts ji
Men's broad, long work shirts
Boys' union suits
Men's union suits
Men's Hatch One-Button union
Boys' Hatch One-Button union
Also Local Agent for the Famous Singer
Sewing Machines.
The Service Store
L. D. Hiatt of Murray was a visitor j
with relatives yesterday and also at
tending the ball game.
Mike Rys, the genial blacksmith of j
Murray, was a visitor in Plattsmouth. J
spending the week end holiday with i
his family. I
C. C. Bernard of Mynard, was a j
viistor in Plattsmouth this morning, j
driving in with his car and looking j
after some business. i
Mrs. A. F. P.oedeker and son Dewey ;
of near Nehawka. were in Platts-!
mouth this morning looking after j
some business, driving over in their
John Sutton cf south of old Rock j
Bluffs, was a business visitor in ;
Plattsmouth for a few hours and was !
renewing his acquaintances of which
he has a number here.
Fred Gorden of Weeping Water,
wasa visitor in Plattsmouth for the
day, driving over this morning with
Messrs. J. J. Gustin of Murdccn r.r.d
Mr. J. M. Teegarden of Weeping Water.
0 Per cent. Off on Tires
Beginning with September 1st, I will offer any and
all tires in my exfensive stock at a discount of 10 per
cent. These tires are all of standard makes, as car
ried by the best houses.
Better secure what tire you are needing
while this reduction lasts.
Free Specials This Week!
The only way we can get you to realize what a
wonderful difference there is between the "GOLDEN
THROATED" Claxtonola and other makes of "talk
ing" machines, is for you to come in and hear it play.
It is in a class by itself, but you will never know its real
excellence until you hear it with your own ears.
See our Oil Stoves for This Hot Weather
Our cream separators are the best, and you will say so your
self when you see how much they will save in a year. Come in
and see us when you want one.
Our line of shelf and heavy hardware if replete with your
every day wants. The stock contains all that any good hardware
store should carry.
"Titan" and "Waterloo Boy" Tractors and
All Kinds of Gang Flows
WL !H3.
Chloroform. Ether or '.tlu-r general sna'rthmu
used. A cure Guaranteed In cve'jr case accepted for treatment. a:.J no mony to
raid until cured. Write for book on Rectal l'i'C", with ian..- and taiimoma.a
of more than l.oOO prominent people who have en Permanently e'lre-l
Dg, E. K. TAKUV, S.nnjtoriun. Peter. Trnt liliic 15ee 15M'.. OM.1UA. AtB,
Lr. U. . Jolintou. MeOicai Dirertor.
Drs. IVJach & IV3achrThe Dentists
mnr r areniirv
suits Q
? 1 . 1
fiOe and up
.$1.00 and up
Fred Gardner and C. W. Stoehr of
northwest of town, were in the ciiy
this morning attending the trial
which is being heard in the county
court between H. M. Soeiinichsen and
Ililey Hudelson.
Dr. B. V. Hrendel of Murray, was
a visitor in Plattsmouth for a short
time last Saturday evening while re
turning f-oin a professional visit at
Omaha, where he was visiting at pa
tient at the hospital.
Ernest Milburn of west of Mur
ray, was a passenger to this
morning, driving to Plat Ismout it and
taking the train for Omali:'. to secure
some rep-airs for his farming ma
chinery. II. 11. Siirader of cast of Murray,
was a visitor in Plattsmouth this
morning, coming to l.t.k after some
business matters and al.-o having
some business affairs to look after
in Omaha took the early train for
that place.
L. H. Puis of Murray and Glen
Perry of near that place were in
Plattsmouth this afternoon for a
short time while on their way to
Omaha where they were both looking
after some business matters for the
aft ernoon.
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild svKtern of trmtmenf that cur's rtlpa.
Fistula urnl other F.?cta! Iioa.-3 in a nort
uiihnnt pl vf-r HiiruKB.1 operation. Nn
The largest and best equipped dental ofuces in Omaha.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod
erate Price. Porcelain fillings just like toolh. Ia-au-
str-"-'!?-d n'ter UEIHZ. s