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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1920)
( I 'THTJ.SDAY. SSPTZaEBXS 23, 1920. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEELY JOTTEUAX PAGE THP.3 Union DeparHmmeimt Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. J. B. Riddy, of Omaha, came down to visit with home folks a short time last Saturday. Jacob Ehlers is building a shed for his implements and another for his stock, the lumber being purchased of Frans Brothers. While L. G. Todd was absent, the ofioie f th Farmers Elevator com- au u' -1 w -- ? pany were looked after by James E. Owen Kinder and wife visited sev eral days lately at the home of Mrs. Kinder's parents. John H. Osborn and wife, of Union. R. E. Foster was a passenger to Omaha last Tuesday, where he went to look after some business matters at the live stock market. W. B. Banning was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Sunday, being ac companied by Mrs. Banning, and to gether they spent the evening with friends. Will Burbee. the garage man, was a business visitor in the county seat last Monday afternoon, driving up to see about some business matters connected with his garage here. John Shepherdson and wife, of Car penter, Ohio, were visiting in Union during the past week, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marks, who were their former friends and neighbors back east. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schurat and daughter. Miss Elizabeth and Miss Irene Frans, of St. Joseph, Mo., were visiting relatives in and near Union during the past week. They are re lated to James Frans. Frank Anderson, who is in the em ploy of W. B. Banning, accompanied by "Chub" LaRue, went to Platts mouth last Wednesday with a truck load of apples, which were disposed of to II. M. Soennichsen at $2 per bushel. Rev. D. K. Kirkwood, of Philadel phia was sent to Union to hold Sun day services by the state secretary of the Baptist church and preached both morning and evening. Those who heard him speak, pronounce him an excellent minister and a devoted Christian worker. II. H. Becker, who is in the west with his threshing outfit, where he I has also been engaged in plowing for ranch owners, has leased a quar J ter section of land there and is bus ily engaged sowing it to wheat. I Harry Vantine, of near Nehawka. was in the city a short time last Monday evening, having some work done on his car at the Willis garage. i where he says he always finds exeel ) lent workmen and gets good service. J D. C. LaRue. who has been at j Akron with the family, driving out I in their car to their farm to see about the seeding of wheat, return j ed home last Wednesday. While there he looked after the seeding of an even hundred acres to wheat. They report excellent roads going, but say I they found them pretty rough on the way home. The crops everywhere l were in excellent condition. i John Keys, who resides south of wn, is constructing a shed for hous g his cattle during the cold winter montns, ana also providing more crib room for his corn, as he has l read the "handwriting in the corn- ! fields" and knows full well that the crop is going to exceed that of years past. In farming as in everthing else, preparedness is half of the bat r tie. and so Mr. Keys should come out , near the head of the list. Husking Gloves and Mittens PRICED RIGHT! .New Shipment of Army SIH1 R. D. STINE, -:- NEBRASKA UNION -:- With a bumper corn crop coming on, now is the time to start that corn crib. The uncertainty of cars makes it doubly neces sary for you to have ample storage room. Corn is very valuable property and should be properly cared for. If you would help reduce the H. C. of L. save every ear. Build now, and let us furnish the ma terial. We appreciate your patronage. Frans C. W. Clarke was a visitor in the county seat Monday afternoon, driv ing up in his car. Miss Jessie Todd, who has been visiting with friends at Alma for the past three weeks, returned home on last Saturday. Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter. Miss Rachel, who are living at Uni versity Place, visited with friends in Union over Sunday. Mrs. Frank G. Kendall departed a few days ago for Des Moines, Iowa, where she will visit for some time at the home of her brother, W. F. Jones. W. H. Porter, who is remodeling his home, has had the structure stuccoed, which adds much to its appearance and will also greatly in crease its worth. County Clerk George R. Sayles, of Plattsmouth, came down Saturday evening to deliver the supplies to be used in the Constitutional conven tion election Tuesday. Mrs. W. A. Taylor is spending a short time in Omaha, as a guest at the home of her brother, Wm. Chase and wife. Mrs. Taylor will remain for some ten days and will attend the fall festivities while there. Robert Eaton and Bruce Wolfe were in the Plattsmouth Red Sox line up last Sunday when they help ed to defeat Thurman by the close score of 2 to 1. They also played with Plattsmouth at Ralston the day before and helped to win that game. Fred Clark and family visited with friends in Plattsmouth last Sunday, and while there Mr. Clark took ad vantage of the opportunity of at tending the fast ball game between the Plattsmouth Red Sox and Thur man. During the time when Miss Mary Becker has been away, Mr. Becker secured the services of W. A. Taylor as his assistant. Mr. Taylor makes a good man for the place and assists greatly in handing the volume of business transacted by the Becker store. L. G. Todd, who has been visiting and looking after business matters in the northwestern portion of the state, returned home Monday morning. Mr. Todd owns some land in Sheridan county and visited at C'badron. and also on his return stopped off at the ranch of Harry Todd, in Keya Paha county and returned home Monday morning. Ed Lewis was a visitor in Platts- I mouth Monday, going up to search for a suitable place to live, it being his intention to move to the county seat for the winter, in order that the children may have the school advantages. He has an offer of em ployment in the Burlington shops, but the matter of hi3 moving hinges en tirely on his ability to secure a suitable place in which to live. It is claimed they are very scarce in the county seat Just now. Union Not Without Joy Earl Wolfe and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a son at their home. The youngster came last Monday morning to give happiness ' and comfort to its parents. The: whole household is surely happy over the arrival and all concerned are : doing nicely. May the young man te a continual blessing to his parents and all with whom he may come in i contact. Fished in the Nishnabotna E. E. Moore, an employee of the Willis garage, accompanied by his family, John Noel and J. T. Cooper and their families, drove into Iowa; on a fishing trip last Friday. They , crossed the river at Nebraska City and spent three days fishing in the Nishnabotna river In the vicinity of Hamburg, Iowa, and the Missouri state line. The cool weather has stimulated fishing and the crappies are biting fine, so it scarcely seems necessary to state they they enjoyed themselves a great deal, especially when we tell you that they caugh upwards of ninety pounds of hsh. Announces Coming Marriage Cards are out announcing the com ing niarrit-ge of Miss Dee Garrison, of Union, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison and Glen Todd. of. Murray, which is to take place at !the Garrison home on Wednesday, Septrmbr 29th. !ros Lumber Go, Union, Nebraska . Union Plays at Julian With a number of the players gone and others on the sick list, the Union team managed to put up a very good exhibition of the national game last Sunday at Julian, when all the ex-ofi'icio and honorary members were pressed into service, regardless of whether they had had any practice this season or not. Attorney C. L. Graves, manager of the team, was one of those forced to forsake the bench for a more active position and it is reported that he made four home runs, the last just before dark when the car in which they were riding broke down as they were nearing Union and Charlie ran for home and made it. The game was a long drawn out affair and when the score keeper went home to supper the wind blew the book he was using for a tally sheet into an adjoining corn field and it could not be found. From the best account that can be gotten from the players (and they seem unwilling to tell the whole story) it seems that Julian got a basket full of runs, and Union couldn't put all of theirs in a barrel. There will be another game next week at Dunbar, which is supposed to wind up the season, although if J. Frost holds off they may play anoth er one before ringing down the cur tain on the 1S20 season. Accidently Drinks Poison Word was received here Monday telling of the accidental drinking of wood alcohol by Charles Woodward at his home in Crofton, Nebraska. Mr. Woodward had been taking med icine for some ailment and during the night when endeavoring to get the bottle of medicine he made a mis take and got the wood alcohol, a con siderable amount of which he swal lowed. For a time it was feared he would not live, although his condi tion is more promising now. His brothers. Wes and William Wood ward and sister, Mrs. Frank Boggs, left Monday for Crofton to attend the bedside of the unfortunate man. It is hoped by the friends who know him here that he will recover the ef fects of his almost disastrous mistake. Epworth League Gives Picnic That the barriers might be brok en and all given opportunity to min gle at will and become acquainted with each other, the teachers, as guests of honor, and the members of the Epworth League enjoyed a very pleasant evening at the home of Geo. Everett one night last week. Tin big feature of the occasion was a weiner roast, with popcorn balls and toasted marshmallows. which went to make up a very appetising meal. Met With Mrs. Hansel The W. C. T. IT. society of Union met Tuesday of last week witli Mrs. J. C. Hansel, where they enjoyed an excellent program, the leader being Mrs. J. C. Snaveley. The subject was "Temperance and Labor." After a lengthy round-table discussion by the ladies, Mrs. Hansel served a de lightful luncheon that was one of thf crowning features of the afternoon. Attended the Races. R. D. Shine, "Hek" Davis. Derwood Lynde, Wm. Irvin and O. T. Davis drove to Omaha Thursday of last week and attended the Ak-Sar-Ben races, which they enjoyed very much. Public Notice At a meeting of the village board of Union, a complaint having been filed against the practice of coasting on the side walks within the incor porated limits of the town, it was the sense of the Village Board that a request be made to parents and guardians of children that they for bid them from further use of the side walks for coasting. Bv order of 9-2 w. VILLAGE BOARD. THE SWEETEST VOICE The famous French writer. Fonte nelle says that we find no sweeter voice in all the world that that which chants our praise. Among remedies there are a few preparations which can proudly say that they hear such sweet voices every day. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine ha-; belonged to them for thirty years, because everybody who takes it must confess that there is ntr'lietter rem edy for stomach troubles, poor ap oetite. constipation, headaches, etc. On Aug. 7. 1920, Mrs, Katie Serafin wrote us from Weldona, Colo., that: "Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is one of the best medicines I have ever tried. Not only myself, but I have four children who simply cannot stay without it. So please send it as soon as possible." Your druggist or dealer in medicines car ries also other Triner's remedies in stock for the ailments which are now in season Triner's Liniment, and Triner's Cough Sedative as well as Triner's Antiputrin (an excellent gargle for throat inflamation ) are unexcelled. Joseph Triner Company, 1333-45 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. 1 For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doan's Regulets, a mod ern laxative. 30? at all drug stores. I It l) MlTICK To all whom it may concern: i The Commissioner appointed to close a road l.eirinninK at eightv rods east and about twenty rods north of the southeast corner of Section nineteen. Township eleven. Hanaro fourteen: thence running- due west three-fourths of one mi!e to Tl. F. O. route Number one. has reported in favor of the clos ing thereof: and all objections hereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or be fore noon on the 20th dav of Novem ber, 190, or such road will be closed without reference thereto. I OKO. i:. SAYLES, s!6-4w. County Clerk. CASS COUNTY GiRL WEDDED IN HAWAII Ceremony Performed at Fort ShafUr That Unites Miss Mary Hungate and Lieut. F. W. Bennett. An account of the wedding of Miss Mary Taylor Hungate, a graduate of Nebraska university and Lieutenant Floyd Wesley Bennett, which took place September 4, at Fort Shatter ap peared in the Honolulu Star Bulle tin. Miss Hungate, whose home was in Albia, la., was graduated from Ne braska university in 191 r. Slit- is a member of Gamma Phi Bftta. The account follows: One of the prettiest wedding cere monies ever performed at Fort Shaf ter, took place at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the nurses' quarters of the Tripler general hospital, when Miss Mary Taylor Hungate, dietitian of the medical department, U. S. A., and First Lieutenant Floyd Wesley Bennett, U. S. marine corps, were married. Official witnesses to the wedding were Miss Helen C. W. Hart man and Commander Philip Emrhh of Pearl Harbor naval station. The Episcopal ring service was poi formd by Rev. J. Knox Bodel of Schofield barracks, Mendelssohn's wedding march being played by Mrs. William Harding. The bride's only attendant was little Miriam Emrich. daughter cf Commander and Mrs. Philip Em rich, who carried the wedding ring in the center cf an old-fashioned nosegay of pink and white flowers. The color scheme of pink and white was sustained throughout pink car nations and African daisies in the liv ing room. A basket of sweeet peas and Cecil Brunner roses formed the renter piece in the dining room. There were pink candles in crystal holders an da profusion of palms and frns. The bride was dressed in pus sy willow taffeta, embroidered in sil ver. She wore a white angora and panne velvet toque to match, with a corsage of Cecil Brunner roses and or ohids. The gift of the groom to his bride consisted of a solitaire pearl ring set in platinum with diamonds. The bride is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James B. Hungate of Albia. Ia. She received her training as a dieti tian at the stnte universities of Ne braska and Kansas, being graduated from the former with the degree of bachelor of arts in 191".. Enterinsr the army service in the early part of the war with Germany, she served as head dietitian at the American base hospital No. ,1 in France for one year. Upon returning from Eu rope to the states she was sent to the Walter Reed general hospital in Washington, D. C. as head dietitian, being transferred from the national cnpitol to the Hawaiian department mi January of this year. Lieutenant Bennett received his preliminary training for the United States marine corps ct the naval academy in Anna polis. Me.. -and served as captain in the Fifth regiment of the second di vision. American expeditionary forces and is now stationed at i'earl Hart. or. this island. Following the wedding a two-course buffet luncheon was served by Miss Charity Laubender. Miss Gertrude Berry, Miss Ella Law rence. Miss Genevieve lier.'eson, Miss 'Caroline Meyers and Miss Mary J. Gordon or '.tie army nurn corps. i ne guests were officers ami their wives of the medical department, marine orps and navy. They were received by Mis- H. Ruth Reed and MNs Ber tine Stack. As the guetts entered the dining room they were presented with pink and white leis by Miss Sylvia Montgomery. The gift room was in charge of Miss Bemiee Hartz. A Hawaiian stringed orchestra fur nished the music after the wedding ceremony. Yesterday was the thir tieth anniversary of the wedding of the parents of the bride, which fac' made the ceremony all the more note worthy and pleasing. Lieut, and Mrs. Bennett left by the Maua Kea at :: "clock yesterday afternoon for Ililo and volcano of Kilauea. where they will spend their honeymoon. On their return to the c i t they will make their home at 11:0 Anapuni street. For baby's croup. Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mother's sore throat and Grandma's lameness Dr. Thom as' Eclectric Oil the household rem edy. 30? and C0c E. G. Hansen of near Nehawka. came up this morning from his home and was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha to spend a few hours. APPRECIATE KINDNESSES SHOWN THEM WHILE HERE Union. Neb., Sept. 21, 1920. Editor Journal: The twenty-ninth annual meeting of Cass county's W. C. T. V. has -become history" and I wish to ad l my appreciation and thanks to that of the Resolutions committee to all who so kindly contributed to its success; to the press for faithfully advertis ing and reporting its work; to the rpeakers and musicians who furnish ed entertainment for mind and ear; to those who contributed such pro fusion of flowers to please the eye, and "last but not least" the ladies who served such delicious "eats" and at the same time prepared for any emergency inviting as special guests the ministers, sheriff, county attor ney and physician. May our motto, "For God and Home and Everyland" become the world's motto and the time soon come when temperance work will not be needed. The next convention is to be held in Louisville. Flan to attend and assist in its success. M. A. CROSS, Ex. President. Heavy, impure blood makes a mud dy, pimply complexion, headaches, ( nausea, indigestion. Thin blood ! makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound digestion, use Burdock Blood Bitters. ?1.25 at all stores. THREE FORD DRIVERS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY FIND PLENTY OF GRIEF TRYING TO NAVIGATE FIIVVER WITH TOO MANY "WHITE MULES" From Monday's Dal5y. Yesterday morning a craft of the species of "flivver" which was pro pelled by three young men whose er ratic actions were dominated by two strong draughts of "white mule", steered their craft into the middle of Main street and being in a semi-conscious state, drifted about the city until the tounty attorney, who was notified, called otficer Jones, who placed the three under arrest and housed tlitia in the city "Bastile". Or'ictr Jones and Chief Maespeak tr, who iiiLS been on duty during th night v.rie both in bid and when notified, officer Jones got immediate action and placed the men in safe keeping. Chief Manspeaker was soon on the scene as well. One of the men, Humphrey Lynch, had suliiciout money to meet the occasion, invested one hundred and five dollars in Plattsmouth bonds a5 a guarantee that he would appear for trial, when in reality it meant that he would not appear, but would fcrfeit the bonds. In the evening he returned with an other one hundred and live dollars, whiih liberated John Jones and they departed for .Omaha to secure the third levy of like amount to satisfy the dignity of the law in the case of Frank Ryan, who at this writing is still waiting for the necessary coin to give him his liberty. Better fol low the advice of Ralph Waldo Emer son and hitch your wagon to a star and not "white mule.-' FOOTBALL DAYS ARE FAST APPROACHING For First Time in Number of Years This City Will Be the Center of Football Activities. The members of the Plattsmouth high school, who are members of the fool b ill sijuad ar.d a greater part of the boys of the school are interested in a greater or less degree in the work of the team. Mr. Bell, the director cf athletics at the school is busy working out the squad and the line up f"r the opening game of the sea son has now been practically deter mined upon. The opening game will be held on Friday. October 1st. when the Ash land high school team comes down to battle with the local pig skin hand'.ers. and the members of the sc hool are anxiously awaiting the op en'ng game to get a line on the play ;::g abili'y of their team. This i-; the first time since 1&07 that the Plattsmouth hi?h school Iris had a foot ball team and known since 1 : 1 4 that t!i" gan.e has been played in this city as the husky team of that c:isi"i was the In -t effort to maintain the sjKirt htre. and a very fine show ing was made by the team that year. The opportunity of enjoying the ox ci'i:.g sp irt will be very much appre ciated by the lovers of the athletic .'ports. receives appointmen: The announcement is made from Washington. I. . of the appoint ment of Major Buehler Metcalfe, to be an a.-sistant to the attorney gen eial of the United States in the ckari.ig of cases growing out of set tlement of war claims and contracts. Theie have been but few men in the state of Nebraska that have enjoyed the popularity of "Ollie" Metcalfe ?nd as a newspaper correspondent be was very prominent over the country prior to the world war. At the outbreak of the war Mr. Met calfe. who had been on the border in 1116 with the Nebraska national guard, wns commissioned as cap tain in the Gth Nebraska infantry and assigned to the machine gun crmpiny of the regiment, and in which there were a large number of Cas county men. While at Camp Cody Captain Metcalfe was trans feired to the 133rd infantry when his company was made a part of the 12Cth machine gun battalion, and during the remainder of the stay cf the division there Captain Met calfe was acting as instructor in lia son work at the division schools. While at Camp Dix. N. J., he was promoted to the rank of major and sent to the general staff offices at Washington. Captain Metcalfe was very popular with the members of his organization and the associations were vcy pleasant between the men and their commanding officer. $500,000.00 We wish to call the attention of persons having money to invest to tie advertisement in this paper of the Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph company, in which they are offering $.r00,000.00 of their stock (which is paying regular quarterly dividends at the rate of 7 per annum) at its regular and par value of $100.00 per( share. j This is an exceptionally good op port unity to place your savings or, harvest money, be it little or much,! where it will be absolutely safe and bring you an interest check every three months. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Read the advertise ment and send in jour order for shares. Adv. tf-d. i SPRING PIGS FOR SALE Thirty spring pigs for sale from 75 to 80 pounds. 1G 2td 2tv. MARK FURLONG THERE'S NOT A MAN IN THIS COM MUNITY VHO DOESN'T NEED THE SERVICE A GOOD, STRONG BANK HAS TO OFFER. This is a strong, conservative institu tion, and we have an earnest desire to serve you. Call on us at any time with your financial problems, and it will he a pleasure to try and help you solve thm. A Friendly, la ok UNION ATTRACTIONS AT WEEPING WATER LIVE STOCK SHOW Following are features in the amusement and attraction line dur ing County Live Stock show at Weep ing Water next Tuts., Wed., Thurs., Sept. 2S-29-3 0: Base Ball 1st afternoon Wellington Pipes! ATTENTION, SMOKERS! I have a Fine Line of Wellington Pipes Come in and Lock Them Over SELS MARTIN. UNION elow Wholesale Prices! We have decided to sell our entire slock of goods at and even below wholesale prices. As other business is calling for our attention and demanding our time, we will close out our entire stock of goods at a sacrifice. The early purchaser will have the best of the se lection, and at a price which is surely worth while. Remember, the entire stock goes! Nothing will be reserved or held back! This includes clothing, hard ware and groceries. Now is your time to save some money and get some genuine bargains. SALE BEGINS AT ONCE AND CONTINUES UNTIL ENTIRE STOCK IS MOVED. Lan IS Hen flE Sf UNION 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO LAND FOR SALE! We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in Lincoln County, Colorado, at this time. Come, see land, where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Saturday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The be3t land and at a price where any one can pur chase and at prices where ane one can pay. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 That Baby We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the "Baby Overland," which you must see and ride in to appreciate. We also carry Oldsomobile Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full .stock of tires and accesories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or repair work. BERT UNION Serviceable Bank f Union NEBRASKA I Wabash vs. Weeping Water Football 2nd afternoon Ashland 11. S. vs. W. W. H. S. Movies All a nights Prof. Condra's Films Feature Attractions. Dance 11 :: nights Also other attractions, including passenger carrying aeroplane. Daily Journal, 15c a xveek. I NEBRASKA NEBRASKA Union, Nebr. Overland 99 WILLIS, NEBRASKA