The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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And Ignored Repeated Warnings by
Referee Fitzgerald 'Against
New Type of Foul.
Putting up an offensive type of
fight from start to finish, and even
alter Referee Fitzgerald had raised
the hand of his opponent. Andy Sch
mader, of Louisville, lost to George
Lamson, the Walthill Indian (n the
fourth round of a ten round bout at
the Omaha auditorium last night. It
is estimated that upwards of '200
I'lattsmouth people saw the bout.
The Louisville lad faced consider
able punishment in the first two
rounds as a result of taking the in
itiative and failing to guard as well
as he should. .At one time he took
a count of six or seven but came up
smiling, and fought harder than be
fore. The third round was the really in
teresting one, as Schmader opened
with a furious fusilade of blows on
the Big Chief and had things prac
tically his own way throughout the
three minutes of fighting that com
prised this round. In the last 50
seconds of the round he floored the
Indian twice, and had the gong not
interrupted would have surely put
over the "haymaker" in short order.
The round proved, at least, that
Lamson can't stand punishment, al
though he does possess considerable
fighting ability. At the end of this
round both be and Schmader were
somewhat groggy as a result of 'their
nine minutes milling.
At the opening of the ftmrtlf the
Indian was disposed to fall into
repeated clinches, and in forcing a
break Schmader flung him to the mat
twice, each time being warned by
the referee, but it seems the ex-navy
lad lost his head for he continued,
and the third time Fitzgerald held
up the Indian's hand in token oi' a
decision. At the same time Schmader
thinking to resume the fight as soon
as Lanison regained his feet contin
ued the offensive, both he and Lam
son swinging wildly" at each other in
the heat that comes from loss of
coolheadedness. Police were in the
ring in a moment and separated the
fighters. Considerable howling oc
the decision was heard. .but in justice
it must be said that Fitzgerald gave
Schmader warning in advance, and
had the Louisville lad not lost his
head he might today be undisputed
The questionabTfe result of the go.
may mean the bringing together at
a not far distant date these two con
tenders, in which event it will be a
genuine battle from start to finish.
People generally and friends of
Schmader in particular would wel
come the opportunity of testing the
ability of both to stand up through
ten regulation rounds in the squared
For the first time he has been sub
jected to punishment before an audi
ence of mid-west fans, Schmader per
formed well, and with one eye par
tially closed in the first, stood up to
the gaff until he successfully turned
the tide of battle and sent the Big
Chief's stock tumbling groundward,
only to lose the match on the techni
cality of a foul.
A good four round preliminary,
followed by the six round semi-wind-up
between Eddie Hart, of Chicago,
and Kid Schlieffer, alias Jack Kyan,
an Omaha lad, were also on the bill.
In the latter, Ryan was wmnor, al
though the bout went the full six
rounds. Hart entered the ring at
15 pounds more weight than the
tenacious little Jew, who was able
to more than hold his own with the
big boy.
To Jack Lewis, who promoted and
managed the fight, is due much of
the credit for the smooth manner in
which everything went off. Boxing
is a perfectly legitimate sport under
right management. while on the
other hand it would soon revert to
rowdyism under less able control.
The army brought it into favor
and it is up to such promoters as
Lewis to keep it there and secure the
necessary legislation for legalizing
the longer round bouts.
Cass County Organized in Preparation
for Drive for State Re-Organization
Movement Next Month
No doubt it will be interesting to
know that the methods of the Sal
vation Army have been readjusted
which have given them a standing
throughout the United States that
will enable them. to do more efficient
work than ever before, if such things
State Advisory Boards, composed of
business men from all walks of life,
have been organized in 26 states and
efforts are being put forth to include
all; following the state organization,
ccmes the county and on down to
the precinct.
Nebraska and Cass county are
among the number, for Nebraska is
always, among the first. Cass coun
always among the first. Cass coun
ty officers are: D. C. Morgan, chair
man. Plattsniouth; C. E. Pratt, secre
tary. Plattsmouth; F. M. Bestor, trea
surer. Plattsniouth, together with one
or more members in each precinct.
The duties of the Advisory Board,
among other things, is to report all
cases in their neighborhood that can
be handled by the army, its simply a
method of working cut the pro
gramme from the outside territory
where help is needed. It will also
be the duty of the board to make
drives for money to finance and carry
on the wcrk, to build homes, such as.
rescue homes. maternity homes,
boarding homes for needy working
girls and various other items and by
this method the "street corner beg
ging" will forever disappear, you
will never see it any more, thus it
will enable these people In uniform
to exert their energies to more im
portant work. It simply means that
this organization, laboring as they
have been for fallen humanity, have
"come unto their own" and by the
business men throughout the United
States coming to their assistance
will give them a standing in society
they have justly earned. ( '
The work of the army is marvel
lous; there is not a case so low or
so degraded but what they are seek
ing and their standing appeal is that
if you have a case in your commun
ity, tha nobody wants and that ev
erybody shuns, send them to us. "We
want them.
Ask the service men cf their work,
especially overseas, they can tell and
best of all, they are in sympathy.
There could be no more worthy
cause to aid in every way possible,
both in work and with money, for
you may rest afsurred your efforts
will not. be without their reward.
Last, evening the stork paid a fly
ing visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Laughman and left in their
care a fine little eight-pound son and
heir and the little one is the object
of the greatest admiration from the
happy parents and other of the relatives.
Three new actions have been filed
in the office of Clerk of the District
Court James M. Robertson, in the
past two days. Henry Meierjurgen
vs the Frt'c Baptist Foreign Mission
ary society is one of the causes of
action and in which the plaintiff asks
to have title to certain real estate
quieted. C. E. Noyes. et al vs. Ruth
Hunter, et al. is another of the suits
filed and in which the plaintiff asks
the decision of the court as to the
'telling of certain real estate in which
the defendants are interested in order
i that the shares in the Pricilla Noyes
estate in which the defendants have
a part, rjay be settled. A suit for
; divorce entitled Nora Huff vs Clyde
I luff, has been filed in the court and
in which the plaintiff asks for a de
cree of divorce and the custody of the
minor child of the parties. Attor
ney C. A. Rawls of this city appears
as the representative of the plain
tiffs in the causes of action.
Fine line of stationery and cor
respondence paper at the Journal
Human opinions vary as much as
do the types of beings in whose
minds they are conceived. Especial
ly is this noticeable in sportsmanship,
wherein prejudice often enters and
becomes a paramount feature. There
are certain followers of has-beens
and would-bes who can't be quite fair
minded when to do so would, mean
acknowledgement of certain points
of superiority not possessed by their
"champion." Then there are others,
who though they may want to see
the reverse of what actually happens
in a fistic battle, a wrestling match,
or what not, can be fair-minded and
see things as they really happen.
Claims and counter-claims are in
order following the Lamson-Schmad-cr
bout last night, very few if any
of which come from prejudiced minds
and are not absolutely accurate.
Even the sports writers on the
Omaha papers disagree over many
details of the scrap; which only goes
to prove thai it is human nature to
err in judgment, not to say anyrtiing
of the. perverted opinions that come
from looking at things through the
spectacles of prejudice.
O M E women
have learned
that there are two
ways to care for
clothes. They are
learning to take
care of them.
It is quite amannerly ihingto take
care of your clothes investment and
protect it up to the limit. Having
your clothes carefully dry cleaned
will improve their wear and help to
prolong the life of their stylish lines.
Getting acquainted with our work
means getting in touch with a real
money saving service.
Goods Called for and Delivered
Oedar Creek Reader of the Journal
Adds a Few Thoughts on the
Lonely Wife Question.
J0URNAL orricE
The communication appearing in
the Journal several weeks ago from
"A Lonely Wife" appears to have
struck an acho in the minds of many
of the readers of this great family
organ and it has revealed that there
are others "more lonesome than you".
The following from one of the read
ers of the Journal from the vicinity
of Cedar Creek. gives a few more in
sights on the loneiromeness of the
To the Journal Editor.
Here is an answer to the letter
published in the Journal September
13th, regarding the neglect of hus
bands. Please publish it for the ben
efit of this lonely-Avife.
My Dear Friend:
You sure have my sympathy. I
imagine your heart must be broken.
Now you ask why so many married
women go wrong?
Here's another question concerning
the same matter, this is fifty-fifty.
Why do so many married men go
wrong, after leading a good, clean
life and always had u respectable
reputation perhaps, before and after
the first six months or year of their
married life. I think it is because
either side has been fleeced and
haven't the required attentions they
desire and not the right one at home
to atract'and hold them there.
Why does a man neglect his wife?
Most men .are alike, and do you sup
pose that if a man was running to
catch a street car, and after ho
caught it, he'd keep on running?
Chances are your hubby caught the
first car and then decided it wasn't
the one he wanted, so he is running
to catch the second one.
You ask why a husband leaves his
wife without as muck as a goodbye
to her?
Do you ever bid him goodbye and
ask him when he will be home to li li
ne r or supper?
Cheer up. you're not the only one.
there are thousands of wives in the
same boat, but they hadn't thought
of it. I think I have a case almost
as serious as yours.
I'm a wife with a very loving dis
position and nobody loves their hubby
nor enjoys kissing him better thin I
do. I'm exactly like Beatrice Fairfax
on that point; to me a kiss is a sacred
symbol between two who love, but
hubby never kisses me, and when
ever I make any effort to kiss him ho
treats me as cold as a cow does her
calf at weaning time, when its wear
ing a spiked muzsle.
Hubby very seldom leaves home,
he's a regular home lover and he just
loves home, but from all sign I don't
think he loves me at all, or perhaps
he isn't much of a lover. That may
be your case too.
Perhaps your hubby isii't home
enough to give you these attentions
you require, those kind words and
kisses you long for, but supposing
he didn't give you any of these de
sired attentions if he did stay home?
Your hubby has a pretty good excuse,
but can anyone tell me why my hub
by even objects to me kissing hint?
You ask why he does not think of
your happiness? Perhaps he doesn't
know but what you are happy.
Do you keep it to yourself? Do
you ever tell him you are not happy
and long to be with him more? If
he is a business man or a laborer he
is very likely to be too busy to rea
lize your unhapiness and chances
are like most women, when he comes
home from his office you put on a
long face, instead of greeting him
with a kiss or a friendly hello, and
he gets the impression you are mad
and not satisfied with his company,
that's why he stays down town and
don't come home more often.
There is always two sides to every
thing. If you have a husband, it is
your place to make some of those ad
vances as well as him. No doubt
your heart is breaking when you sit
home alone grieving and pining it
away, but nine chances out of ten
it's a woman's own fault when she
sits home alone all the time, if she
never expresses any desire to go
along, he thinks you don't care to
go along and he gets in the habit of
going without you.
The reason why a man tells his
wife she isn't like some other man's
wife, is because she isn't. That's a
favorite expression among all men.
Perhaps he means you don't look like
her. dress like her, or thinks you
don't act like her. or best of all.
maybe ha means he likes your looks
better and it don't exactly impose
upon you because he sympathises
with some other man's wife, perhaps
he sees some other man's wife that is
having a real bard time and really
needs sympathy. That's another nat
ural expression.
Yes, I think a wife should know
her husband's business dealings, but
if there is anything he needs in the
line of supplies to run his business
with. I think he ought to have the
right to buy or sell them.
I am unable to answer all of your
questions, but the best, advice 1 can
give you is this:
Tell your husband of your nnhap
piness and your longing to be with
him and go with him more. Show
your affections for him aDd try and
win him over by making yourself,
more youthful and attractive and
take more pride in yourself each day,
and if he still loves you, surely he
will give you more attention.
Some r.ien tire of their wives be
cause she sometimes looses all her
pride and doesn't care how she looks
or acts after she is married a while.
Then they go away from home to seek
ether companv that suits them bet
ter. Well, here's the whole thing sum
med up in a nut shell. I think the
men are changing with the ways of
the world and so many men are al
ways busy loving some other man's
wife when he ought to be loving his
own. If you can't win him over
with these suggestions and he won't
ask you to go with him, go anyway.
Pros your hair in the latest castle
bob or antonette curls and go to the
movies more often and make it a
point- to get home about the same
time hubby does.
Go to other sociable affairs more
often and perhaps your hubby will
realize the fact that you are not asleep
and that you have a little pep left in
your body and he'll get the idea that
he has to stay at home and watch
you and maybe he will ask you to go
with him once in a while. If you
can't win him over this way, well,
then, I've got nothing more to say.
A Journal Reader.
orin-: to t iu:i)itous
Suite of .Nil.iaska. Cass county, ss.
In the County Court.
In fii.- iu::tt-r of tin- estate of Ann
"Wbitc. t!o ( a.-.-d.
To the creditors of sa i! .est a t :
You ;uv lie it-liy notified. That I wil!
t il at the County Court room in Platts
ni.i:tli. in saiil i-ounty, on the JM!i day
it ( let .il' r. A. I . 1 !!'', and o-i 1 1 : 1 1 1 1
clay of January, A. i . 1!-1. at 10 o'clock
a. in. .i -1 i day. to n ivivc anl examine
all claims against said estate, with a
ii-w to their adjust me-nt and allow
ance Tin- time limited far the pre
sentation of claims anainst said estate
is thiee months from the 1 Otii day of
Oc -toiler, A. 1 . 19l'0, and the time lim
ited for payment of dehts is one year
from said ir.tli day of October, HCMi.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Count y Court, this loth day of
September, lit JO.
(Seal)'sJO-? County Juilj-'c.
:itm:K of iii:m(i;
iiml oiic-v ot Probate of Will -
lit the County Court of Cass county,
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To -Karl Stevenson, Arthur Steven
son and Chaibs Stevenson and to all
pel-sons interested in the- estate- of
James Clement Stevenson, deceased:
On reading the petition of Kdna
Stevenson praying that the instrument
lilc-ii in this court on tin; lMJi day of
September, ltijo, and purporting to be
the last will and 'testament of the said
dec-cased, may be proved and allowed,
and rc-eoiiled as the last will and tts
lament of James Clement Stevenson,
deetased; that said instrument be ad
mitted to prohiite and the administra
tion !' said estate he ) runted to Kdna
St veiisi n. as executrix;
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all Jursniis interested in said matter,
may. and !, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the day of October, A. I).
l:tJO. at 1" o'clock a. in., to show cause,
if any there be. why the prayer of the
pel it inner should not be granted, and
teat notice of the pendeney of said
netiiion ami that the hearinir thereof
be j-iven to all persons interested in
said matter by pu 1 I is h iiijr a e-opy of
this order in the I I tsmou t h Journal,
a --I'm i - 'ec k ly newspsi per printed in
said county for three suee-essive Weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my Land, and seal of said
court, this lxth dav of September, A.
I . Hi JO.
a i. lion J. ni:i:soN.
(Seal)' sjo-uw. County Juilm-.
I.!:; i. MiTi .:;
Court of Cass coun-
l.o.iii ami lSisihlin--'i'obitha
'f hacker.
J!. Irish et al, be
lli the District
ty, Nebraska.
Tin- 1.1 villus) on
Association and
I 'a i n i i it s, vs. O.
f e-tlila n t s.
T.i the defendants, o. 1. Irish; the
unknown hei;s, ilevisee-s, legatees,
personal representative.-;, and all other
persons interested in the- estate of O.
II. Irish, dee-oast d; John !. Hays and
-Mrs. Jnhii ;. Hays, his wife, lirst and
real name- unknown; the unknown
heirs, elcvisec-s, legatees, personal rep
resentatives, and all other persons in-te-n-sted
in tls-t- estate of John el. Hays,
ii(itased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
lciratoes, personal representatives, and
all other persons interested in the
estate oi Mrs. John ti. Hays, deceased;
W. I!. 1'ickens: the unknown heirs,
devise-es, legatees, perVonal represen
tatives, and all either ""persons inter
est el in the estate if YV. II. I'ickeus,
deceased : Michael K. f;annin artel Airs.
Michael II. JIannin, his wife, lirst ami
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, eb-visi-es. legatees, personal rep-rese-n
ta t ives, ami all other persons in
terested in the estate of .Michael K.
r.anniu, deceased; the unknown lie-irs,
devisees, lesa tecs, personal representa
tives, and all other persons interested
in the estate e Mrs. Michael K. Ban
nin, deceased: KfTie Ciossard ami
Charles (lossard, her husband; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all other
persons, interested in the estate of
KITie- tjossard. ii --ease! ; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
reset; tat ives 1 and all other persons in
terested in the' estate of Charles Uos
sarei, deceased; Cheevor Sweet & Co.;
the unknown claimants and all other
persons interested in Lot 7 in Hlock .5
in Vitv.xi raid's Addition to the- City of
l'lattsmoutli. Nebraska; Lot 7 in Uloek
in Fitzgerald's Addition tee the City
uf I lattsnjouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
ami all persons claiming any interest
of any kind in said real. estate or any
part thereof:
You and each of you are hereby no
tilied that on the Jltli dav of August,
A. I). litJO, Plaintiffs filed their peti
tion and suit in the listrlct Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, t he ebje-ct ami
prayer ami purpose of which is to
epnet and eonliiut plaintiffs' titles in
and to the respective tracts of lanel,
to-w it: The south one-half e"f Lot 7,
in Itloek ;i, in Fitzgerald's Addition to
the City of l'lattsmoutli, Cass county,
Nebraska, and the North one-half of
Lot 7. in Klock in Fitzprerabl's Ad
dition to the city of l'lattsmoutli, Cass
county. Nebraska, ami to enjoin each
and sill eif you from having or claim
intr to have any risht, title, lien, or
interest, either h-fjal jr equitable, in,
to. or upon, said real estate or any
pait thereof and to enjoin you and
each of you from in any manner in
terfering with plaintiffs' possession of
said respective pieces of real estate,
and enjoyment of said premises and
for equitable relief.
Thfs notice is irivcn pursuant to an
order of the Court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 11th day of October, 19J0.
or your default will be entered
The Livinpston Loan and
Huildine; Association and
'i'obitha Thacker.
a30-? Attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of, the estate of Wil
liam lleil, eleceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notilieel. That I will
sit at the County Court room in l'latts
moutli in saiel countv, on the Stli day
of October, liijo, ami on the 10th day
of January, l'JJl, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each of said days to receive and ex
amine all claims aprainst said . estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims apainst said es
state is three months from the 9th day
cf October, A. D. 1920. and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 9th day of October,
19J0. '
Witness my hand and the seal of
.-aid County Court, this 4th day of
September, 19J0.
(Seal) sl3-4w. . County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob
V.. Vallery. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You ate hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts-
iJiwi oHimif l Amu (d IhtLcjz
'Spurs are There
All you men folks who have tired of cigarettes that
lack snap and go cigarettes that are like flat tires on
the road to smoke'enjoyment
listen to this:
away out in the Orient grow
rich aromatic tobaccos. A long
buying arm reached over and
brought them to the U. S. A.
then combined them with our
homegrown fulj'bodied tobaccos.
Out of the blend was born Spur
That rare, rich old-time tobacco
taste and .aroma is winning right
and left. Besides, Spur Cigarettes
have imported paper, rolled with'
out paste. The crimped scam macs
Spurs burn slower, draw easier, and
taste better.
And that smart brown and sil
ver package is threefold to keep
Spurs right. You just can' stay on
the fence once you have "met up"
with Spur's good tobacco taste.
Liggett & Myers Tobac5co Co.
mouth, in said county, on the' 6th day
of October, A. I). 19J0, and on the 8th
day ef January, A. 1. 1921, at ten
o'clock in the forenoejn of each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against saiel estate, with a view to
the-ir adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from tlie Ktli day of October.
A. I. 19J0, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said titli day of October. A. 1. 19 JO.
Witness my hand and the seal of
sid County Court. this 1st day of
September, A. I. 1920.
(Seal) st-iv. County Judge.
In the District Court, within and for
Cass countv, Nebraska.
Alida Hlair and Milan I. Blair,
Plaintiffs, vs. Ollie Blair, Administrat
rix of the estate of Fred Blair, de
ceased, et al. Defendants.
To Lloyd Blair; Delia Harry, form
erly Delia Blair; Victor Harry and
Let number two hundred and seventy
eiKht 27S) in the Village of Green
wood, in Cass county, Nebraska, and
all persons claiming" any interest of
any kind in said real estate or any
part thereof. Defendants:
You are hereby notified that on the
12th elay of June, 1920, plaintiffs. Alida
Blair and Milan L. Blair, filed a' peti
tion in equity in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, naming you as
defendants, the object and prayer of
which petition is to compel the spe
cilic performance of a contract of sale
of Lot number two hundred and seventy-eight
(27S) in the Village of
Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska,
between Alida Blair and Fred Blair,
deceased, and to quiet the title of
said real estate in the plaintiffs and
for such other relief as justice may
require. You are notified to answer
said petition on the litlt day of Oc
tober, 19J0.
s8-4w. Plaintiffs.
To all whom it may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to open
a road beginning eighty rods east of
the southeast corner of Section nine
teen. (19) Township eleven. (11). Range
fourteen. (14) in Cass county, Nebras
ka; thence running due west to the
southwest corner of Section nineteen,
(19) Township eleven, (11) Itange four
teen, (14) width of said road to be
forty (40) feet, has reported in favor
of the opening thereof; and all objec
tions hereto, or claims for damages,
must be filed in the County Clerk's
office on or before noon on the 20th
day of November, 1920, or such road
will be ejpened -without reference
sl0-4w. County Clerk.
Read the Journal.
JUST a few blows with a sledge ait you have a fence post that
is well bedded in the ground and braced against all side pull.
In one hour you can drive a whole line of AI'EX fence. This is
the Time-Saving Feature of Apex Posts. Another advantage is that
They Last Twice as Long
as Wooden Posts
The first cost of Apex posts is slightly more than of cheap wooden
posts, but they can be driven so rapidly and easily that a steel
fence line is actually cheaper than one of wood costs. And there
are no rotten bottoms and sagging fence to contend with.
Take no substitute for the genuine
Apex Post. It is several steps
ahead of all competitors. Let us
show you the difference.
Sold by
Cedar Creek Lumber Co.'
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
fflt GtOMi