The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1920, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
vol. xxxvn.
NO. 27
Gamef Was Watched by a Good Na
tured and Interested Crowd
of Enthusiastic Spectators.
From Monday's Dally.
One cf the best games of the season
was played at the local park yester
day afternoon, when the team from
Thiirman came here to try for the
second time this season the merits of
their respective teams with the Red
Their centerfielder, Martin, wafi
able to see first, but was put out
there while the inning went one, two.
three, the only one of the team to get
past first was Paul in the second in
ning, until in the ninth, when Mar
tin was able to score and the only
one that they were able to make.
Holloway was substituted for Cloyd
in the eighth inning and went out
on a fly.
With the Red Sox. Herold, Fen
wick and Wolfe went out and left
Christie to die on first. In the fifth
Fen wick made a run and it looked
like for a moment that the Iowa peo
ples chances had gone to the races.
The interest was intense when in
the ninth the visitors tied the tally.
Poisall went to bat and was walked,
while Bob Eaton got a hit and when
the ball was thrown to third to catch
Poisall it was passed and Poisall roll
ed up the winning run. Thurmaa
one. Plattsmouth two.
From Monday's Dally.
This morning Robert Troop and
wife, and Miss Mary Troop of Farn
ham, who has been with her brother
and wife in their visit to the east,
returned on the early train this
morning after having visited for the
past month at the place where they
spent their youth In and near Daven
port. Iowa.
They were called to Cole Valley,
Iowa, which is a shor tdistance from
Davenport, by the illness of a sister
of Mr.
fnmn hiH rpm9inl rtnrinf
the'ex'treme illness of the sister. She
was remarkably improved at the time
,.f !,,.!- .lof.o. fr. V, a XT-
Troop, who goes back to Davenport f rand secretary Fred Robinson of Du
after an absense of some forty vears. buque. Iowa, were also among those
hnils kc Kin Va 11 Winkle, another.1"
conimunily with all the old time
places vanished and a new modern
and populous manufacturing and
commercial city in the place. He
was surprised to see a city of one
hundred thousand after having left
one of twenty thousand or less at
that tini.
From Monday's iMllv
John McD.iniel. formerly a resi
dent of Plattsmouth. but who now
makes his home at Glonwood, Iowa,
where he is employed by the state
as an engineer at the institution, has
been taking his vacation during the
past two weeks, spending most of
the time at the home of his son, Geo.
McDaniel. at Chadron. where the lat
ter is in the employ of the North
western railway. He returned home
Sunday and tells of excellent crops
in that section of the state. Mr. Mc
Daniel brought back with him some
samples of corn for J
i. taiter, j
on a farm which Mr. Falter recently;
owned near Chadron, and which were
excellent specimens. Mr. McDaniel
returns this afternoon to Glen wood to
resume his duties at the state ir.sti
t nt ion.
From Monday' Daily.
Miss Edna Morrison, who has had
considerable experience as a sales
lady in the jewelry line, has accepted
an offer cf a position as clerk in the
house of the Smith Wholesale Jewel
i v house. Miss Edna went to Omaha
this morning on the early trail to
tnke up the duties of the work. Miss
Morrison should make an excellent
employe for this concern with her
natural ability and aptitude for the
work in hand.
From Monday's Dallv.
J. J. Gustin of Murdock and J. M.
Teegarden of Weeping Water and
Miss Alpha Petersen, county super
intendent of schools of Plattsmouth,
are today meeting as a board to con
sider the problems which are ccming
to them for solution, regarding the
conflicting desires of the people over
the county as to arranging the di
viding lines of the districts as they
are and are to "oe. The board U giv
ing as careful and particular riiew
of the facts oa they are 'presen'-Ml
and laboring to adj.iot the matters
as well for the good of all as it is
From Monday's Dallv
For the first time this year Con
ductor B. M. Louverin, who has been
with the Burlington for the past
thirty-five years, made the trip over
his accustomed run from Lincoln to
Pacific Junction, as the conductor
of the passenger train that passes
this point at 1:12 and returns at
i:58. Mr. Lauverin was taken with
the "flu" at that time and was con
fined to his bed for some time and at
tempted to get out again and finally
had to have all of his teeth taken out
and new ones gotten before he began
to mend. He is feeling pretty fair at
this time but is weak yet, and also
thin. He hopes now to be able to
gain and be something like himself
again in the near future.
At Elks' Initiation, Banquet and Pa
rade in Omaha Saturday A
Good Time Enjoyed.
From Monday's Dally.
Fully two score of Plattsmouth
Elks represented the local lodge at
the initiation, banquet and parade in
Omaha Saturday afternoon incident
to the taking in of a class of more
than 500 members by Omaha lodge
No. 39. The Plattsmouth "Bills,"
went by rail. auto, and in fact ev
ery way but by aeroplane.
At 4:30 the parade began forming
at the auditorium, and after some
delay moved up Farnam to Nineteen
th and thence north to the Masonic
temple at Nineteenth and Douglas,
where arrangements had been made
to hold the banquet and initiation.
The more than 1200 candidates, visi
tors and members of Omaha lodge
were seated in the spacious banquet
rooms on the third floor and a very
delectable feed was served, although
the size of the gathering swamped
the waiters and volunteers from the
ranks donned aprons and assisted In
the work. At least one Plattsmouth
man was in this crew that had access
to the kitchen, which may account
for his not yet having reached the
hunger state.
Following t the banquet the mem
bers and guests repaired to the as
sembly room on the fifth floor and
proceeded with the lodge work prop
er, which included the initiation of
this large class.
After the initiation had been con
cluded, numerous speeches were in
order, the first of which was by our
distinguished and oratorical towns-
'allew ueiing. iu past
i . i t a.
Brand exaulted rules, one of whom
i was the well known Nebraskan Mr
IlilUK 1.4. Ul filllUUrv, H.I1U wie
Mayor H. A. Schneider and Teddy
Clifford, of Plattsmouth lodge, occu
pied a prominent place on the stage
reserved for visiting past exalted
It was some past the hour of mid
night when lodge was adjourned, and
the Plattsmouth members who went
via rail were left to either come home
on the train or remain over night.
From Monday's Daily.
Ruby Van Guton and wife of
Kansas Cit, Mo., are visiting in the
jiv fo a short time, the guests at
the heme of Mr. and Mrs. T. FatU-.-son.
Mrs. Van Guto.i was foriuer'y
Miss Frankie Stiles if I'iattsmout h
and will be remembered by the older
people of the city. Mr. Van Guton
and wife are taking their vacation at
this time and came to Plattsmouth to
see the places which were familiar to
the wife in the years that are gone.
DusjnetS all his life and has been lo-
(cated in Kansas City for a number
or vears past, tells of people from all
sect'onj of. the country speaking of
the wondtrf'il crops of all over the
country, saying ihat it has exceed sd
anything f?r
Earl M. Short is spending a few
days at Omaha where he has been
: taken to undergo a slight operation
caused by the tearing of the liga
ments of the hip last week while at
his work in the Sharp machine
works in this city. Mr. Short was
engaged in helping lift a cone ma-
J chine and while lifting sprained or
tore tne ligaments in some way mat
has made the operation necessary.
The case is not serious however and
the patient expects to return home
by the last of the week.
The many friends in this city of
Mrs. Dick Edwards of Glenwood will
be pleased to learn that this lady Is
' now doing very nicely at the Imman-
uel hospital in Omaha, where she
was taken last Friday and operated
, on Saturday. Mrs. Edwards has not
. been well for some time and her con
dition became such that an operation
I became necessary. The late reports
ind'eate that the patient is doing as
well as could possibly be expected.
Will Eurbee of Union was a vis
itor in Plattsmouth this afternoon
coming to look after some business
matters and driving up In his car.
Mrs. Emil Meisinger Arranges Sur
prise on Mother, Mrs. Allie
Todd, Near Ashland.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The natal day of Mrs. Allie Todd
falling on Saturday, September 18th,
her daughter, Mrs. Emil Meisinger
decided to make the anniversary one
to be long pleasantly remembered by
the mother and accordingly invited
the neighbors of the family near Ash
land as well as the old Cass county
friends to join in the pleasant occa
sion. The visitors arrived on Sunday
at the Todd home, which is one of
the most pleasant in the eastern por
tion of Saunders county, and here
they found a cordial welcome that
they knew of old from the many
years pleasant associations in the
old Cass county home.
The event was a complete surprise
to Mrs. Todd, but recovering from
the "invasion," she at once entered
into the spirit of the occasion and
made the guests at home.
During the afternoon. Forest and
Vernon Raikes gave several very
pleasing numbers on Hie violin and
cornet, the accompaniment being
played by Mrs. Henry Nolting in
her usual accomplished manner. Mrs.
Ralph Raikes also gave a few vocal
numbers that were much enjoyed by
the members of the party.
Those in attendance were: Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Born and children, El
vira, Donald and Leonard Born; Mrs.
Ida Tritsch, Walter, Fritz and Elmer
Tritsch; Mrs. Henry Nolting; Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Nolting. Will Nolt
ing, Miss Ellen Nolting; Ella Tschir
ren; Margaret, Albert, and Adelia
Tritsch: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller
and Darold Miller; Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Meisinger and children, Alice,
Virginia and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs.
L. G. Meisinger; Ellen Nora Mei
singer; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Raikes;
Forest, Vernon and Ralph Raikes;
Mr. and Mrs. John Hammer. Amy,
Sarah. Marie. Carl. Elvira, Emma,
Minnie, Martha and Jacob Hammer;
Mr. and Mrs. Walton; Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Miller and daughter. Fern;
Mr: and Mrs. C. E. Schwab and
Frank Schwab; Mr. and Mrs. Dixon;
Richard and Cleone Dixon; Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Todd and Richard and
Raymond; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Todd
and son, Chester.
From Tuesday's Dally.
A reunion of the Stander family
was hell at the beautiful country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stan
der west of Louisville last Sunday in
honor of the 57th birthday of Mr.
Stander. which occurred September
14th. and that of their daughter. Mrs.
Louis Rreber, which occurred Sep
tember 7th.
Forty-five relatives were present
and the different families came with
well filled baskets and the splendid
chicken dinner was fully enjoyed by
all. The table was set artistically
in the flower garden and Mrs. Stan
der has a beautiful collection. of flow
ers to relight the eye, so that it
was a veritable feast, indeed, with
plentv of music to liven everyone up
and aid digestion. The birthday
cake was the center of attraction on
the table and was decorated with
the ages of the honored members.
It was baked by the daughter-in-law
of the family, Mrs. Cecil Stander. and
she received many compliments on
her work of culinary art.
Those present were Peter Spangler
and family of Weeping Water, George
Stander and family of Plattsmouth.
Cecil Stander and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Roeber and family of South
Bend, Peter Stander and family. Ar
thur Stander and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Wv A. Cleghorn, Mrs. Bedella
Stander and two daughter and Mr.
and Mr. William Stander, all of
Louisville. One brother, James Stan
der of Louisville, was not present as
he was attending the Methodist con
ference at Omaha. All the other
brothers and sisters who live in this
vicinity, were present and will long
remember the happy occasion.
Louisville -Courier.
Daughters of American Revolution
Entertained at Home of Mrs.
W. S. Leete Last Nite.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The members of Fontenelle chap
ter, Daughters of the American Revo
lution held their opening meeting of
the year last evening at St. Luke's
rectory where they were guests of
Mrs. W. S. Leete, the regent of the
chapter. The ladies are entering on
their fall and winter work with the
greatest of enthusiasm. The plans of
the organization were discussed at
some length and the ladies are plan-
Ung to take up the study of Ameri
can history In Its different phases
during the coming season.
Mrs. Hugh Cecil and babe of Dun
lap. Ia., who have been here visiting
with relatives for the past month, de
parted this afternoon for their home
From Tuesday's Dally. I
Ed Stava and his father. Martin!
G. Stava went to Omaha this morn-j
ing. where Ed will submit to an!
operation on his foot and ankle, j
which he had the misfortune lo trac-'
ture about a month ago. A clear
break of both bones resulted, one
of which has since healed, but the
other shows no signs of knitting.
Ed and his sister. Miss Eva, were
in Omaha yesterday and had an X
ray picture taken of the injury, from
which the physicians concluded the
proper course would be to encase the
broken bone in a silver plate, in or
der that it may heal. The opera
tion will be performed this morning
and unless unforseen difficulties
arise, his recovery should now be
rapid and complete.
H. M. Soennichsen Awarded Verdict
for $100 and Costs as Result
of Killing of Horse.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The suit in the bounty court in
which H. M. Soennichsen was the
plaintiff and Riley and Maggie Hud
dleston of Omaha were the defen
dants, was tried yesterday in the
county court before Judge Beeson,
and as the result of the decision of
the court, Mr. Soennichsen recovered
judgment in the sum of $100.
This case is the outgrowth of the
damage which was inflicted on a
horse of Mr. Soennichsen. This horse
was being led at the rear of the de
livery wagon of the plaiptiff at the
time of the accident and it was claim
ed that the auto of Mr. Huddleston
ran into the horse and injured it so
severely that it was necessary to kill
the animal.
After the filing of the case in the
county court in which Mr. Soennich
sen asked for. damages in the sum of
$201, the defendant filed a counter
petition asking damages to his car
in the sum of $200.
The interests of Mr. Soennichsen
were represented by Attorney A. H.
Duxbury of the firm of Duxbury &
Ttdd, while Mr. lfultfleson was rep-
. - r , f -v i.
resented Dy rveiso morgan oi vmimia.
In the decision of the court the ac
tion against Maggie Huddleston was
dropped while the husband. Riley
Huddleston was assessed damages
and costs of the action.
From Tuesday's Dally
Phillip H. Meisinger and wife, re
siding west of town, left this morn
ing for Fairmont, where they were
called by the sudden death of Mrs.
Nicholas Lutz, which occurred yes
Mrs. Lutz' maiden name was Mag
gie Schaefer, her early home was
it Pekin, Illinois, and she was the
mother of a family of twelve child
ren all of whom are living and grown.
She was 63 years of age and a sister
of Mrs. I. H. Meisinger and Mrs. J.
P. Falter of this city.
The funeral will occur at Fair
mont tomorrow and interment will
be in the Fairmont cemetery. It
was not known by the relatives here
that Mrs. Lutz was in poor health,
and the message telling of her death
came as a great suprise.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The forthcoming Legion show for
members and ex-service men general
ly promises to be a big success. The
event will take place on Thursday
evening of next week, September 30.
and will be in the nature af a lun
cheon, smoker, "get-together' rnd
booster meeting in commemorat'on
of the anniversary of the local post's
charter being issued. Coatcs ha!l
will be the scene of activities.
A four round boxing match is be
ing negotiated for, as well as other
interesting and pleasing events. C.
F. Brome, Omaha attorney, will be
among the out of town speakers, ad
dressing his remarks to some more
popular subject than what the Legion
has done or expects to do. The post
commander and adjutant of the
Hamburg, Iowa, post have also writ
ten they will be present and a num
ber of members from Omaha are ex
pected to accompany Mr. Broaie.
A cafeteria style luncheon and
smoker will also be provided.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The friends of Road Commissioner
C. F. Vallery have wondered at the
unusually broad smile that has been
flitting over the countenance of the
genial road boss, but there is a well
founded reason for this smile and
this is the fact that a young man
answering the name of Vallery has
arrived at. the home of Mr. and Mrs
Maxwell Vallery. near this city and
who is now calling Coon, grandpa.
The mother and little one are both
doing nicely and the father is about
as happy as it is possible to be. The
many friends will extend to the par
ents their best wishes for the future
welfare of the little man.
Miss Irene , Craven and Mr. Earl M.
Short United in Marriage at
St. Peter's Parish House
On last Saturday afternoon at the
parish house of St. Peter's church in
Omaha occurred the marriage of Miss
Irene Craven of that city and Mr.
Earl M. Short of Plattsmouth. The
marriage ceremony of the Catholic
church was celebrated by the rector,
the ring service being used.
The bride was very charmingly
gowned in a costume of blue silk and
carried a bouquet of American Beau
ties. The groom was garbed in a
suit of dark blue serge. The bridal
couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Sharp, Mrs. Sharp being a
sister of the bride. ,
Following the wedding a reception
was tendered the happy young people
at the home of Mrs. Wade Gorman,
sister of the groom, at :):20 Buggies
street, the rooms being arranged in
a color scheme of Ak-Sar-Ben colors,
red, green and yellow and which
added a bright touch to the charm
ingly arranged rooms.
The young people will make their
home in the future in this city, as
they have apartments awaiting their
coming, in the south portion of the
In their new found happiness, Mr.
and Mrs. Short will receive the well
wishes of a host of friends in their
old home in Omaha, as well as in
this city where they are well and
favorably known to a number of the
young people.
The bride is one of the popular
young ladies of the metropolis and a
leader iu the younger social set of
that city, while the groom is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Short of this
city, and a young man of the high
est standing in the community.
W. F. Hunke, New Head of Local
Store department of Burlington
Reaches City With Family '
From Tuesdays Dallv.
The new head of the Burlington
store department in this city. Mr. W.
F. Hunko with his family, has ar
rived in Plattsmouth and are now
seeking a suitable residence wherein
to make their future heme. Mr.
Uunke comes to this city from Have
lock where he has been in the em
ploye of the store department of the
Burlington and his excellent service-'
have been recognized in his promo
tion to the position in this city. Thp
community will weloume Mr. llunke
and family as a part of the citizen
ship and assure them of a hearty wel
come in i he new home.
Mr. H. R. Duncan, the . retiring
store keeper has been promoted to a
position as traveling storekeeper and
will have his headquarters at Chi
cago, although he will make his home
at Aurora, a short distance out of
the windy city.
Mrs. C. L. Creamer and little son,
Leroy, who have been spending some
time on the Pacific coast, returned
home Sunday evening, after a most
delightful outing that covered the
greater portion of the attractive
cities of southern California.
The greater part of the time was
speiit at the home of Mrs. Lucy
Martin, mother of Mrs. Creamer, at
San Jose, and the mother was found
to be enjoying very much the life in
the west. Mrs. Martin has reached
the ripe age of 82 years and is suf
fering somewhat from the effects of
the advancing years, but sends back
to the old friends in Cass county.
where she made her home for so
many years, her kindest regards and
Mrs. Creamer spent a short time
at San Bernardine, where she was
a guest of the F. P. Brown family
and found them in the best of health.
She also visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hesser and with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Boeck at Los Angeles
and found them in excellent health,
and Mr. and Mrs. Boeck are feeling
fine and very happy in their cozy
home in the latter city.
The many friends of Mrs. Frank
E. Schlater throughout the county
will be pleased to know that she is
doing nicely and the condition of the
patient, following the operation last
week at the Immanuel hospital in
Omaha, is the very best that could be
expected. With the present improve
ment, the recovery of the patient
should be very rapid.
From Tuesday's Dallv.
This morning J. J. Lohnes, living
southwest of Mynard, was a passen
ger to Omaha, where he had some
business to transact at the stock
yards in South Omaha incident to the
sale of a car load of cattle from his
feeding lots. He expects to buy a
car of sheep while there, for fat
tening during the early fall.
Recently Constructed Craft Has Not
Yet Been Christened Several
Names Are Offered.
From Monaay's Dally.
The boat which has been under
construction for some time and upon
which Fred Wynn and Bert Coleman
have exerted their skill, coupled with
the expert advice Nadie Schultz could
offer in the way of engineering, has
behaved nicely since being slid into
the waters of the Big Muddy on
Labor day. While the engine has
not got fully limbered up . yet, it is
performing nicely and the .boat slips
along over the water with the agility
"she" might be expected to have con
sidering the time and labor that was
expended in her construction.
We refer to it as "she" although
it has not yet been christened. How
ever, Mr. Wynn is in favor of naming
it. "She-Broke-l's." Whether this is
a fact or not, we do not know.
Mr. Coleman has suggested call
ing the bark "Driftwood," and Miss
Garnet Cory proposes it be named
"The Swallows," because of the ease
with which it glides over the water.
In Colorado University Summer
School Miss Golda Noble of This
City Wins High Honors.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Plattsmouth has been more than
proud of the achievements of the la
dies of the community who have
taken up school work as a profes
sion and in almost every case they
have more than made good in their
chosen vocation and their work has
been recognized." One of the latest
to be so honored is Miss Golda No
ble, now one of the teaching for-a
of the city schools. Miss Noble was
in attendance at the Colorado uni
versity summer school at Boulder
this y?ar and in her work there re
ceived an honor that certainly speaks
well for the ability of this lady. The
history class of the summer school
was attended by some of the bright
est teachers of the west and in fact
nver several states of the union and
in the reward of the standing of the
class Miss Noble was given second
place, being parsed by one of the
leading educators in one of the east
ern colleges. Of the class member
ship more than a third were not
passed and this makes the honor to
Miss Noble even more significent of
her excellent work.
A number of the former service
men residing in this ciy and vicin
ity have received the certificates of
honor issued by the war department
for the men in the service who were
wounded during their time of ser
vice. The navy department is also
sending out these certificates to the
former sailors and marines. These
certificates express the appreciation
of the service of those wounded men
by the written expression of their
This morning a hearing in the
estate of Frank Towle. deceased,
was had in the count y court, before
Judge Beeson. This estate comes
from near Weeping Water and the
value of the estate is in the neigh
borhood of $250,000. Clarence E.
Tefft of Weeping Water is appearing
in the action as the attorney.
All the popular copyright books
on sale at the Journal office.
What is Experience?
during those years.
The First national Bank
All Amendments Carried with the
Thirty-Eighth Running Low
est Over the County.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The result of the special election
for the constitutional amendment
which occurred yesterday was one
of the lightest in the number of
votes cast in the state in yr.ars and
indicated tiiat the voters in general
had given but little thought to the
changes made In he organic law of
the state.
;The vote indiactes that only
thirty per cent of the voters availed
themselves of the opportunity to
make an expression of their desires
at the bullot box and in the county.
Tipton precinct indicated the great
est interest as 106 votes was cast
there out of a voting strength f
over :500.
The only one of the proposed
amendments that had been subject
ed t': any organized light was that
of article ZS. which proposed the
creating of the means of an indus
trial courc to settle labor disputes
and matters arising between the em
ployers and the employes. In this
city i:'.4 men and :?7 women voted
for the amendment and 1"3 men
and seven wi men against which gavrj
the amendment a majority of ;io in
the city. In the country precincts
the amendment ran much better as
it was opposed largely by laboring
interests and will carry the county
although by a smaller majority than
that of the others.
Article No. 2 which gave the right,
to regulate by law the property
rights of the aliens was vot?d
against heavily in the country dis
tricts but will carry the co mty.
---From Teporf- over the state from
the few counties reporting it seems
that the changes made by th" con
stitutional convention will be car
ried by substantial majorities and
will become the law of the state in
the future. As a whole the changes
made are beneficial and will give
the state a much more modern in
strument under which to operate.
James 11. Short, of this city, pres
ent district deputy grand patriarch
of the I. O. O. F. iu this district,
has received a very pleasing compli
ment in being endorsed by the lodges
of his district for the position of jun
ior warden at the, forthcoming state
encampment to be held at Hastings
on October 19th. Mr. Short is one
of the live wires in the three link
fraternity and his every thought is
for the advancement of the order to
which he has devoted years of effort
and thought. Certainly if the rec
ognition of service is. given our friend
will receive the office as his labors
in this "district, has fled to the ad
vancement of all the 'lodges.
Yesterday afternoon at the court
house occurred the marriage of Miss
Eihel Tierney and Mr. Rieman Pun
lap, both of Union. The ceremony
was performed by County Judge Al
len J. Beeson and was witnessed by
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hill of near thi
citv. The young people will reside
at Union where (lie groom is en
gaged in work for the Missouri Pa
citic railroad. I
Experience does not depend solely
upon years but upon what transpires
During the 49 years that this bank
has been doing business, it has enjoyed
a comprehensive and diversified experi
ence which enables us to be of valuable
assistance to our patrons in solving their
financial problems.
When your account is placed here,
it .enjoys the benefit of experience.