The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1920.
PAGE ftyx.
The Bank of RSHurdock
offers any legitimate inducement which can or may be of
fered by any legitimate bank, to its patrons and customers.
We earnestly solicit your business, and assure you
that we are not only willing, but able to take care of any
reasonable demands for loans which you may request of
Remember, we are the only bank in Murdock, in
which the depositors are guaranteed by the Depositors
Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your money
is absolutely safe, and you get this free insurance, at no
cost to you. Do your barking with an old, established,
reliable bank, properly and conservatively managed, and
you will never regret it.
The Bank of Murdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTIIMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
i. -
Are Your Buildings and
Automobile Insured?
Are your building-and your auto
mobiles insured? Ton cannot afford
to ho without protection. Our rates
are reasonable. AYe represent four
A-1 companies and we know we can
satisfy you.
Let us give you our rates; then
you think it over.
Call on or write
126 South 11th Street
Phone L-4365 LINCOLN, NEB.
A nuir.' of pure 5re,l Poland
China hoar.;. Telephone No. 3S05.
Adam Stoehr. St-Sw.
FOR: 1
Miss Rita B. Ackerman
At E. W. Thimgan's
Kinsoclla Method or others if
John Bremeier concluded the seed
ins of his winter wheat Saturday.
Kenneth Tool is another Murdock
hoy who is attending the state uni
versity at Lincoln this year.
Miss Clara Woitzel went to Omaha
a few days ago. where she accepted
a position paying a very attractive
Rev. O. Laipply, who has been at
Ithaca assisting with the conduct of
a camp meeting for the past couple
of weeks, returned home last Mon
day evening.
Harry Gillespie and James Land
holm visited in Omaha Thursday
evening, driving up in the car oi
Mr. Landholm.
Herman Kupke. who is in the west,
has been having his home refinished
both inside and out. The work is
being done by H. II. Lawton and
Jack Shields.
Wm. Heiers. who has purchased
the residence where A. J. I'.auer now
resides, is having the same repainted,
papered and decorated. Homer Law
ton is doing the job.
Richard Tool is an industrious
young man. as proven by his assist
ing in the Murdock Mercantile com
pany's store at odd times when he
can find opportunity from his school
work. -
?Jiss Eva Sorick of Lincoln, i vis
iting at the home of "her sister. Mrs.
H. H. Lawton and with other friends
in Murdock. Miss Sorick lived here
a long time and has many friends
fn the community.
Happy Robinson and wife, of Om
aha, who have been visiting in Mur
dock for several days, guests at the
home of Mrs. Robinson's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bauers. departed
last Tuesday for their home.
Max Dusterhoff and his assistants
have been busy in the shop during
the past week, refinishing some fur
niture and also working out new
designs and combinations in interior
decoration to offer those who desire
the best in this line.
Don't forget to examine your win
dow sills, sashes, table tops, kitchen
cabinets, refrigerators and floors to
day. Preserve the beauty of the
wood with varnish. "Save the sur
face and you save all paint and
varnish." You will find the right
vrrnish for every purpose at THE
The local elevators are finding it
much easier to secure cars for grain
shipment than it has been for some
time in the past. As a result deliver
ies have more than doubled of late.
If given an outlet to market their
grain, many farmers would let loose
now in order to obtain money to
cancel outstanding and past-due in
debtedness and this alone would serve
to relieve credit tension through the
middle west.
John Amgwert drove to Lincoln
last Thursday.
Edward Thimgan was called to
Lincoln last Thursday to look after
some business matters.
Matthew Thimgan was looking af
ter some business matters in the
county seat Monday, driving over in
his car.
Louicville and Murdock played
ball yesterday, and as both teams are
playing good ball, it must have been
a good game.
John Kruger and wife, who have
been visiting in Murdock for some
days, left the latter part of the week
for their home at West Point.
J. Johansen was a visitor in Lin
coln last Thursday, going to take a
load of hides to market and at the
same time looking after some other
business matters.
Y. (). Schewe and Will Klyse;
were visiting in Omaha last Thurs
day, where they attended the Ak-Sar-Ben
races, which they report as
being rather tame.
Rev. A. Brauehle and wife, who
have been, spending some weeks at
Elcelsior Springs, Mo., returned home
last Monday, after having enjoyed
their stay at the health resort very
John Amgwert and family, ac
companied by the former's mother.
Mrs. Louis Amgwert, were visiting
in Council Bluffs, Iowa, last Sunday,
having driven oven in Mr. Amgwert's
There i.-: always something to pre
serve the building, porch floors, front
doors, implements and many other
things. Let us suggest the right
kind of materials for your purpose.
"S.-'.ve the sifrface and you save all
paint and varnish." Paint for every
purpose at the DUSTERHOFF shop.
Henry A. Tool and Jerry E. Mc
Hugh were in Plattsmouth a few
days since to consult with the coun
ty attorney relative to the matter of
voting bonds for the securing of
elecfic lights in Murdock. They were
informed that the laws permit of
voting of bonds for such purpose if
F. W. Nolting. wife and children.
Ellen and William, were visiting in
Murdock and at the home of Her
man Hornemeier near Alvo during
the past week. They were accom
panied by Miss Grace Nolting. who
is a teacher in the Alvo schools this
year, and who will make her home
with her uncle, Herman Bornemeier
and family, at Alvo.
Henry Guthmann, cashier of the
P;.t.k of Murdock. who with hi-f.-.iniiy
lias been spending some time
in the west, returned home on la?t
Thursday. During their trip they
enjoyed a visit at the home of Mr.
Guthmann's brother, Charles and
family at Poise, Idaho, where the
br::ci;ig inmate and invigorating ;.t
mosphcre afforded them exceeding
pleasure. Their arrival home was
timed just right for the little ones
to get back in school at the opening
of the fall term.
ers have carried the lyceum propo
sition to a successful issue, and no
doubt the present management will
do likewise, although success is as
sured only when the whole commun
ity takes hold of the matter.
Murdock is a good lyceum town
and generally lends its support well
to any wholesome entertainment.
Finished Seeding His Wheat
Louis Bornemeier thinks there is
no danger of getting too much of a
! good thing and has seeded 125 acres
to wheat this fall. He has been at
the job for some time and says both
he and the horses are nearly worn
out. But they got the wheat in just
the same.
Visitors from Oklahoma
Herman Dierks and family, of
Oklahoma, in which state Mr. Dierks
is engaged in the sale of Veile auto
mobiles, recently made a trip to the
factory in the east, and on returning
drove by way of Murdock that they
might visit at the home of J. H.
Buck, of whom they are relatives.
Their stop in Murdock and visit at
the Buck home was one of pleasure.
They left Thursday for their home
in the south, driving a new Veile,
which they had secured at the fac
tory. Mr. Dierks reports conditions
prosperous in the south.
Morgan Believes They Have Clue to
Supposed Radicals Plot Pre
meditated, Mead Declares
Will Have Car of Peaches
The Murdock Mercantile company
announces that it will have a car of
I fancy canning peaches on the Rock
Island tracks Tuesday, for sale at
! exceptionally low price of $3.50 per
'bushels. These will be the justly
' famed yellow Elbertas, and without
i doubt will be quickly gobbled up at
j this price. Those who contemplate
iriiivinp nprhs for Tannine or nrp-
"D ' " " w --' o ' I
serving will do well to get in on these
before they are all gone.
Had Eis Glass Replaced.
The plate which was broken
I in the window at the east side of
jthe office room in E. W. Thimgan's
p;:rar?. has been replaced by the
insurance company, and once more
presents as good an appearance as
ever. The installation work was
done by represontati ves of the West
ern Paint and Glass company, of
Murdock Gets Three Banners
At the state convention of the
Evangelical association held in Lin
coln, the church at Murdock was
successful in capturing three of the
banners hung up for the best work
of various auxiliaries of the church.
The Woman's Missionary society,
which raised something over $2,000,
received a banner for that. The
Young People's association raised
$S40. and for this took the banner
in their class. Then along came the
Message Bearers with a report of
having raised $160, which captured
the banner for their society.
Now it was not just luck that th'
banners all came to Murdock, for it
took work and it took cash to swing
the awards this way. They say
"money talks," and it certainly done
its share of holloring for Murdock.
In all a total of some $3,000 was
raised by the different auxiliaries
during the year and the church is
to be congratulated on having such
willing workers and generous givers.
In this connection it might be well
to mention that a collection box is
maintained at the Bauer store, for
the relief of starving babies of for
eign lands, including all countries
of Europe. One cent will provide
food for a baby one day. How many
can you afford to feed daily?
Hackessack, N. J., Sept. 17.
Identity of the blacksmith who shod
the horse found dead near the scene
of yesterday's explosion In New
York's financial district, is known to
the depirtment of Justice, according
to a statement made here tonight by
William Al. Mead, chief clerk in the
office of J. P. Morgan and company.
This blacksmith he added, claims to
know the man who owned the ani
mal. "We feel that the plot was premed
itated", declared Mr. Mead, "and
that a deliberate attempt was made to
destroy the building of J. P. Morgan
and company and to kill and injure
as many people as possible. The
most likely story of the explosion is
that a red wagon drawn by a horse
stopped at the left side of the curb
facing east on Wall street and direct
ly opposite the nter of the Morgan
building. Aman most likely then
set a large bomb enclosed in the wa
gon to erplode at 12 noon and the
walked away.
"We have found parts of the wa
gon and shoes of the horse. These
shoes are expected to aid in solving
the mystery of the tragedy for we
have found the blacksmith who shod
the horse and who claims to know
the man who owns the animal.
"A peculiar incident of the whole
affar, is that a letter was received
on the fifteenth, the day before the
explosion, warning everyone to stay
away from Wall street between 2 and
3 o'clock on the sixteenth. This let
ter came from Buffalo and was sent
by a lawyer who was believed to have
been in the employ of a prominent
foreign concern."
Fall Season
is here and you will be compelledd to
live inside. You will enjoy a tasisfully
decorated home the more. The rush of
Fall Work
is how near and we are booking work
Fall season.
From Saturday's Dally
This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Short of this city departed for Oma
ha, where they went to be present
at the wedding of their son. Earl
j Short to Miss Irene Craven, which
occurred a three o'clock at the Saint
(Patrick Catholic church. Following
jthe wedding was a reception tender
led to the newly weds at the home of
Mrs. Gorman, at 3320 Douglas street,
. Omaha. A fuller account of the wed
ding will be given in these columns
at a later date.
Do Not Allow
the other person to supercede you, thus
delaying the beautifying of your home.
Better Book Your
Work Now!
George Everett was a visitor in
Plattsmouth today, coming up from
his home at Union in his car.
Frank Schlegle of Rock Bluffs, was
a visitor in the city this afternoon,
coming up to look after some busi
ness matters for a few hours.
J. H. Meyer and Fred McCleve both
of Auburn, passed through this city
j from Omaha, driving to their home
I two cars which are for the garage at
' that place.
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
arc ready to do all kinds of repair work,' including
acctyline welding.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
Will Decorate Their Home
Henry Timm. residing northwest
oi Murdock, has engaged Max Dus
torhoff to paint the exterior of his
country and decorate the interior, in
most approved stylo. When the im
provement is completed and Mr.
Timm sees the changed appearance
he will realize more than ever that
it pays to "Paint and Varnish."
Estray Notice
I have taken up on ray farm four
and one-half miles south of Murdock
Ja hog weighing about 160 pounds.
Owner please call, pay for keeping
and get the hog.
s20-3w. WM. WESTFALL.
A. J. Harris and A. G. Hackenberg
were passengers to Pacific Junction
; this afternoon, where they are ad
vertising the ball game which is to
! re play-l here Sunday afternoon be
! tween the Red Sox and the team from
Thurman. Ia.
LTurdocl: Schools Well Attended
The students attending the Mur
dock schools now total near the one
hundred mark and a. little later the
enrollment will doubtless be further
increased. With the opening of
school last Monday. 27 were enroll
ed in the high school. 2G in the
grammar grades, 20 in the interme
diate department and 20 in the pri
mary classes, making a total of 93,
with some, ten or more yet to come.
The successful consolidation of the
schools here is making it possible to
have bc-'.ter educational advantages
and afford opportunity for students
to g?t a high schol education without
having to go away from home for
if, and that at a minimum of expense.
Stop the Decay.
While driving through the coun
try 1 find many homes and barns
needing painting badly. Ask us for
estimates on work, also see us for
paint if you desire to do the work.
We will cheerfully furnish estimates
either way. New building standing
exposed to weather, unprotected, be
gins to decay at once. Protect them
now. "Save the surface and you
save all." Paint and varnish. This
is a fine time to have your painMng
done, weather being all one could
If it's in the stationery line call
at the Journal office.
For Sale
A black Jack with white
points. Also a black Per
cheon stallion for sale or
would trade for a Ford sedan
or a Buick of 1918 model.
Car must be in good condition!
Murdock, Nebraska
Will Attend State University.
During the past week a nnmber of
young men from Murdock and vicin
ity were at Lincoln, where they reg
istered as students in the state uni
versity for the coming year. Most
of of them were students there last
year. Those to go from here were
Will Meyers. Gaie Glen. John Paul
Pkkwcll and Carlton Zink.
Pronder Than a First "Louie"
Sure, that aptly describes the
condition of Lacey McDonald, car
rier on rural route No. one out of
Murdock at this time. The reason!
Last Tuesday there came to the Mc
Donald home a young American who
calls Lacey father and Mrs. McDon
ald mother. The youth and his
mothrr are getting along nicely
but as to the father. 'although he is
still carrying the mail, we can't say
if he will ever recover completely.
or That Corn !
Dusterhoff Shops"
JK. "V
I iCSwiJi iCwgi (CiiM
J J S?! Si
Taken Up A Lamb
Taken up a small lamb on my farm
near Murdock. Owner please call
Conrad Wehrman. 30 ot m s-w.
For Sale: one Parriott tractor.
12-25 in good condition; also one
Hubert tractor good as new and only
used a few days. Come and see them.
Prices will be made right,
White Leghorn Cockrrls
I have for sab- a few White
horn cockrels of the famous
Barron laying strain. Tin- v
of ih'So cockrels. unrb r tr::p-n-
many layed T.O ei;gs disrltii
winter. Buy while they are
for the longer you wait the tnu:
tf M' s-w. ft Muni.' v. N
for All Purposes!
Painter - Decorator
Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
JTi i Wflf Li VUVf H
Opening Lyceum Number Soon
The Lye".m Bureau series of en
tertainments secured for Murdoch
during the coming winter will soon
opn. the f.rtt nnmber being schedul
ed for October 5th. with others to
follow at regular intervals. A num
ber of enterprising citizens are be
hind the movement, which is headed
by O. J. Pothast. In prior years oth-
This is the year in which we are blessed with
a full crop. The small grains have been
cared for ; some of the wheat you had to put
in the corn cribs. Now look for the biggest
crop of corn in years. Prepare now to take
care of it. We have an abundance of good
crib lumber. Do not allow "Husking Time"
to find you unprepared to properly care for
the crop.
Tool, Neuman & Murtey
Lumber Co
1$ Keep in mind that wt arc handling the
famous "TITAN" Tractor, and have a
few on hand that we can deliver on short
fflAsk us for a demonstration, or any
thing pertaining to these tractors or the
.work they will do.
,;). t ,
t i n g .
: flu-
'if. i p.