The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I'. D. Van Clan" left last week ror ! Mr. ar.d Mr?. W. Scott drove to
Lis "home at Calloway. j Stc nlchurst. Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. Foreman is teaching MLs Lois K.eefer is teaching the
the Belmont school again this year. Eushbcrry school this year.
Mrs. Chas. Strong left Wednesday ; J. W. Kinsingcr cf Milford visited
j fternoon for Fagosa Springs. Colo., ; t ver Suncity villi ('. I). Gjnz a:id Mrs.
! Danz.
M. C. Keofer went to Valparaiso
Saturday night, returning home Sun
day evening.
Miss Alta Linen came down from
L;::'cln, visiting over Sunday with
the heme folks.
A. J. Probst and 11. I). Richardson
wire in South Bend Saturday right,
r t timing heiru Sunday.
Mr. a Mrs. Albert Foreman of
Valparaiso s-pen Sunday v. ith Mr.
and Mrs. John F.u-emaTi.
Mr. and Mr--. Hay Chuk and cliil l
rt u of Prairie Home, s-jit-:: t Saturdav
to visit her daughter.
Simon Ridpath of Halbrook. Neb..
Fpt-nt a few days last week with Ms
sisters. Mrs. J. H. Fore-nun and M:s.
M. O. Heed.
Charles Foreman and Everett Po
land drove ten horses and mules to
Lincoln Friday, delivering them t
the purchaser.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uyan and child
ren of Chappel. art- here visiting
their unties J. II.. i-nd G. P. Fore
man, the past two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roelof-y cf
Lincoln visited relatives here ie -eiit-
lv since their return from Virginia 1 night and Sunday with the heme
Lost Streng-th and Energy Have Re
turned Since He Began Tak
ing Tanlac.
and other points in the southeast.
Roy Chapin and wife took their ;
dauehtr Golda. to Lincoln Thursday
ind had her tcn:ls ar.d adenoid re
moved. She underwent the opera-i
tion in fine shape. Mrs. Chapin re
mained with her for a time.
7?. C. Boyle-, receive 1 a telegram
from Arthur Strickland from Denver,
('(dorado, stating that his mothtr had
died and that he would arrive Friday
afternoon with the remains for bur
ial here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Heath cf Lin
coln autoed duwn Sunday, taking Mr.
and Mrs. Simon Johnson and family
with theun for a days outing in Coun
cil Bluffs, Iowa. They visited Lake
Manawa znd Kruz Pari: also.
Mr. and Mrs. C.
ed (Irandraa Ro
Monday evening.
F. Rosenow visit
no'.v in Klniwiiuii
Ima has been
ill ;-!. veral days but is s'.iwly im-nd-
i n g.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Powell and
(!:!'!"!!'"r, Jean of Lincoln and Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Shafl'er spen Satur
day night and Sunday at the Fred
We iver h' me.
lr. L. Muir and family visited Sun
diy with his Lrother. lr. James
Muir at his home in Milford. he hav
ing' recently returned from his; farm
:;i Wyoming.
M. C. Ktefer and family returned
last Wednesday from a two w-ek-virit
o.i the farm near Mynai 1 while
Mr. and Mrs. Foreman and Mr-. '. their daughter and husband. Mr. and
"Since I began taking Tanlac I
have not only gained thirty pounds
in weight, but am enjoying better
general health than I have in years,
and 1 just can't find words to ex
press my gratitude for what it ins
dure for me," said Charles J. Pau
lert. f-04- Oakland avenue. Cedar
Rapids. Iowa, weighmaster for the
I'.iaktrr Mats coninany.
'1 had always been a strong. heal
thy man up to about three ye :r--" ago.
but at that time I began losing
weight and strength until finally 1
had no energy left and was ia a
badly run-down condition. Although
1 tried many different kinds of medi
cines, 'until I started tnking Tanlac
!l bad never found anything that did
ill!" any rood. My stomach was in
bad condition, 1 had no appetite and
every time I did manage to eat a
little something I would fill up with
gas until I would be in perfect mis
ery fer hours afterward-, and I suf
fered with heartburn so bad just
about all the time that it iiearly
drove ir.e distracted.
"Finally, on the advice of a friend
who had taken Tanlac with f'ne re
sults. I iieitan taking it. Well. 1e a
short while I had a splendid appe
tite and could eat just anything I
wanted wilhout having a sign of
gas. and 1 have not hud the heart-
Kennedy accompany Miss Rachel
Foreman to Lincoln Sunday evening,
where the latter entered the state
university in her second year. The
rest of the party returned home Mon
day on account of the storm Sunday
Mrs. Rov Cole were in Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Wills and five
daughters, of Minneapolis. Minn.,
will occupy the Grandma L":y!'s resi
dence and their children will attend
foh;-. 1 here. Mrs. Wills is a neice of
S. C. i;...yie.$.
Plow is the o Sme
It's the early plowing that makes the
big wheat yield. We have a full line of horse
drawn plows; also engine plows. We will
be glad to give you a demonsralion with the
Titan Tractor if you are interested.
Goatman Hardware
0 P'rfEr?
We believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We
are always ready to make r;ood farm loans for long
terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre
pared to advise on problems cf farm finance, manage
ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which
a farmer must now deal.
Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund
of the State of litlraska
The Farmers and Merchants Bank,
S. r. llllt M S. Prm. 1 . IMiYI.i:. hl-r ri.MH Jt. ti vvz, ..
1. M. ii---I'rt-. Altl I. UINZA lc-I'r-.
The Alvo I4ational Farm Loan Association
S. C. IiOYLHS, Prsi.-nt P.M.K Itoyi.KS. sec y-Titus.
IKil l.l'.s A..;V.,
iiiying Grain and Stock!
Farming only pays when the man who manages
the farm receives at least ope half of the net income
from the farm.
Grain and stock should be bought by individual
buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the
Co-operative associations will never be a success
until they sell at least one-half their stock to their
Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six
years experience on "market conditions" and "grading
up" grain. Free to our customers.
Grain and Lumber
Alvo, Nebraska
burn since taking the first few doses
of Tanlac. 1 continued taking it
and continued to improve until nowi
I feel like a different person. I have
regained my lost weight and strength
?nd feel just simply fine all the
t ir:; am only too glad to h:i-x
this statement published, hoping it
may b of benefit to someone else
v. ho n r.y be sufiering as I was."
Tanlac is s-old in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke ?nd Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray Drug company.
jgreat lover of flowers and plants. He
.says the corn on his place is the
i best that he ever had there, then'
that this was the best season he ever.
experienced and that is saying a lot.
for a man of his age. . I
On Thursday morning a fine baby
daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ed The happy parents are
'receiving the congratulations of their
Charles Marshall, brother of Paul
Marshall, arrived from California
last Thursday for a short visit here.'
He will join his wife in New York
City and from there they go to Eng
land where they will make an ex
tended isit.
On Monday a deal was made where
by A. J. Rosenow sold his barber
, shop building in which Sterling
'peck is now located to 1. M. Liston.
jMr. Liston expects to occupy the
same soon and it is understood may
make some addition,
j I. M. Liston came walking up the
I street on Saturday and his actions
indicated that he was very happy.
Explanation revealed the fact that
, he was Grandad again, a bouncing
boy having been born to Mr. and
'Mrs. O. E. Liston of Omaha this
i Mr. and Mrs. Martin llillfiker, of
jCroftoa, and Mrs. Proser of P.loom-j
lingtun. who had been visiting at the'
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pailey,
1 left for their homes on Friday. Mrs. i
i l'roser is a sister of Mrs. luiiley and
Mrs. llillfiker is a daughter of Mrs.'
On Monday A. W. Xeihart and At
torney J. A. Oapwell motored to Om
aha. Joe went on his way and Rill
got out of the car and stopped just
a minute and then went back to his
car to get his grip. During the short
me he was robbed ot ii is erip, con-
l taining some jewelry and also his
I coat and vest, a total value of $S0.
No clue could be found to the roh-
Rill had to return home
lt t ie
Joseph Maceney visited in the
Murray and Mynard neighborhoods
during the fore part of the week.
Mrs. Norton, of Weeping Water,
was a visitor during the past week
at the home of C. M. Andrus.
Earl Wiles is the first to report
being done with sowing his wheat,
but many are nearly through.
Eddie Slander, who was injured bv
the overturning of a load of hay, is
reported as being fully recovered.
Edward Kelly took Miss Margaret
Schehan to York last Monday, where
she entered school for the coming
Charles Craig was a visitor in
Omaha last Wednesday, where he
went to look after some business
Herman Dadcl was visiting in Om
aha last week, where he drove in his
auto to look after some business
been ill
Need of Eigh School Here
One of the important, problems
facing t h r tov.-u at the presort time
is that of inadequate school facili
ties Juvt now there are nine voting
! bery so
i coat less.
and t la
tow n.
leading druggist
in every
Col. Phil Hall and wife motored
over from Greenwood the first of the
v eel: and spent the evening at the H.
K. Frantz home.
Mrs. Trimble has so far recovered
from her recent illness as to be able
to go to the country luM Sunday for
a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ru
J. A. Hennings and Dae Jardine;
b ft iast Saturday for Oklahoma to,
ivir'U with the lemurs sister, .Mrs.
'August P.omath.
i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrickso;1.. .
; of 11; stings, visited here at the hoiuej
jef Mrs. ilendrickr-on's parents, Mr.;
i and Mrs. August Carlson, oier Sun-1
juay. j
' Mr. ad Mrs. George Wood and 1
little daughter, Leora and Mr. and,
.v;rs. F. II. Nichols drove to omana
j Sunday for an outing.
j Chf.rles Vanscoyoc has purchased
i the McGrew property on peiut h Main
street, which was formerly the Tru
man Hall home, and will take pos
session in the near future. i
I Mr. and Mrs. William Wiles, of'
Munay, drove up Sunday to
.Mrs. Wiles parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Chr.rles Latt. and to take home their
little daughter who had been here
i pn
Mr. ar.d Mrs. George Young and
daughter Mary r turned to their
home at Gothenburg last Monday af
ter a short visit with relatives and
friends here.
George Young, an old time resi
dent cf this vicinity, now riving at
Gothenburg, came in last week to
a'tend the state fair and spent sev
eral days in Eagle visiting relatives
and old friends.
j Last Siturday forenoon one of the
most destructive hailstorms this part
jef the country ever experienced,
; passed four or five miles south of
I Eagle. It is reported that many of
I the hailstones were as large as hen
e::gs. aim even larger, ana hum mucn
damage was done, especially to corn
in the field.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams
I'aughter, Jeanette, returned
Fridav from their visit in the
j for a week's visit with her grund
I parents.
j Mr. and Mrs. Fred O .senkop : v
i Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stiver drove up
nenr the tistieries last miikuv to toe
country home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Nf.voll. whore they enjoyed 'a pleas
ant visit and a splendid chicken din
ner. Mrs. Reuben Jessup, a resident of
Louisville in the early days. w:u: here
recently for a short visit with Mrs.
.1. M. Jackman al the toll house.
'From here. Mrs. Je-sup went to Man
iky to visit her sister. Mrs. Dave
lilrann ami she rlsa visited her son
jin Lincoln before returning home.
I Man-ey is well represented in the
'Louisville high school, those in at
tendance being Arnold Harms. Ralph
''.-on. Rollin Coon and Ellsworth
S'hwalm and Misses Alice Harms,
Creda. Led a and Myrtle Flei.-ckman.
All these young people are splendid
students and will reflect great credit
upon their heme town.
William Stohlman and wife and
tlodr son-in-law atid daughter,
a toI Mrs. Henrv Gaehel and
children, left Tuesday in Mr. Stoh!
man's Studebaker for a trip to Wis
consin, where they will visit rela
tives and friends. They have prom
ised to write to the Courier and their
friends will be pleased to hear about
j ' heir trip.
j Steve Irnka. the young man. who
i vas crushed between a cement pier
a car load of rock which was ac
; idontly dumped upon him at the
j National stone quarry on Tuesday of
; ' st week, died cf his injuries at an
: Omaha hospital hist Saturday. He
j 'iad both legs broken and received
(internal injuries. The hotly was bur-
ed in Omaha.
'hey visited at North Platte
a nil
wesi .
jMr. and Mrs. Henry Ruhga for a
week and then went to Gle:id..
; Wyo.. for another we k with Mr.
' and Mrs. Jay Adams. They report
a fine at both places.
I Ed Olsehlager and family are
j down from the western part of the
j.'tato. Ed looks fifty per cent better
'than when he left here for the west.
; lie has that old natural grin on his
j t ountenance which betokens mis
j thief.
Walter Peterson and family, Wil
j lie Dora n and wife of Lincoln and
j Will Doran with his family visited
'Sunday at the home of G. V Peter
I ton in Eagle.
J Quite a number from this section
-t tended the funeral of J. 1). Ryon.
at Lincoln. last bumiay. lr. ityon
vas for a number cf years a citizen
'f this vicinity, having lived on a
farm northwest of town. It will be
remembered that he met with an ac
cident about lour years ago when :
Mi--soi:ri Pacific train struck his
; utomobile. He moved shortly af
terward to Lincoln, where he resided
till his death last Thursday. He was
a highly respect e citizen.
From Saturday's Iaily.
F. M. Welsheimer and family who
have made their home in Plattsmouth
for a number of years, are today load
ing a car at the Burlington station
with their household goods, for Thay
er, Kansas, . where they have pur
chased a farm and where they will
make their home in the future.
Grandma Bailey was on the sick
list several days the first of the week
ut her many friends are glad to
know that she is better at present.
Mr. C. E. Goodin cf Salt Lake City
arrived Sunday for a visit at the
From Satt.tday'p Dally.
A number of Elm members left
this afternoon for Omaha to attend
the reception being given by the or
der in that place. Among the num
ber were Mayor II. A. Schneider, Ce
cil York. Harry S. Bart hold, George
Luschinsky. Howard Rahlya, W. D.
Smith, C. Jesse. Leslie Neill, Albert
Janda and Ted Clicord.
The social workers ana organiza-
i home of Mr. and Mrs. John
'zales. He is an uncle of Mrs. Gon
; zales: N
j Harold Ilulfish had his orders to
I appear at Lincoln Monday and will
begin work as railway mail clerk,
but was not able to say on what road
at the time of leaving,
i The funeral services of Joseph
Ryan, who lived northwest of Eagle,
were held at Lincoln Sunday after
noon and burial was made in Wyuka
cemetery. The services were tinder
the direction of the Masonic lodge.
G. v Worley has in his yard a
golden glow hush that is 12 foot
high and is a perfect cluster of blos
soms and is very beautiful. He is a
Gon-'tion south of town, will meet at the
home of Mrs. J. L. Stamp where they
will he entertained by Mrs. J. L.
Stamp and Mrs. Jrhn R. Beeson. at
the home of the former on Wednes
day afternoon, September 22. All
members of the society are requested
to be in attendance and to be sure
ltd ltw.
and bring needles and
Maggie OLeary. who
at her home for the
few davs. is reported as being
much improved.
Albert Kraft and Wm. Sch lief erst
were visiting in Mauley one day the
past week, driving over from their
home in Louisville.
John Fleischman and family were
visiting in Omaha a short time last
Tuesday, driving over in their car,
and remaining for the day.
Miss Amanda Grefe, of Omaha, was
a visitor at the home of Herman
Stohlman last week, coining down
Tuesday and remaining for a few
days. W. II. Frost and wife were visit
ing in Omaha for a short time last
Sunday, and took dinner at the
home of their friends, Fred Wolfe
and wife.
C. M. Andrus has rented his farm
for the coming year to a party re
siding near Plattsmouth. and who is
expected to move onto the place in
the near future.
Daniel Dugan, who is employed on
the farm of R. D. O'Brien, near Ced
ar Creek, was a visitor in Manley for
a few days last week, visiting with
old time friends.
Andrew Dietrich, the melon rais
' r. of near Louisville, was in Manley
Thursday for the last trip of the
season, with a load of extra fine
melons which he disposed of to the
local merchants.
Do net forget to vote at th con
stitutional amendment election next
Tuesday. If you believe the amend
ments worthy vote for them, if not
give them a black mark. In any
event do your duty VOTE.
L. J. Austin, who has been having
some trouble with his eye, after con
sulting a number of physicians,
went to a specialist in Omaha, who
found a small piece of
eyeball, and upon its
trouble is disappearing.
Rev. Father Higgins
in Lincoln last week,
meeting of the church
was driven to Murdock
people from Manley attending high
school at Louisville, for whom tui
tion is paid by the Manley district
in a sum approximating $1,000 for
the year. Besides these students are
forced to go back and forth daily or
to beard in Louisville and be away
from home influences and environ
ments in order to gain the common
school education privileges they are
denied in their home town.
Murdock and Wabash, as well as
Eagle, have looked'.to this matter in
a satisfactory manner, through the
medium cf the consolidated school
In additional to its education ad
vantages to the pupils themselves, a
good high school in a town is the
means of attracting anil holding a
class of citizens who would otherwise
go elsewhere to reside,
i The amount of money spent on
tuition for these nine students at
tending the Louisville schools would
go a good ways toward paying the
(salary of one high sehevd teacher..
Children of the community are en-:
I titled to the privileges of a high!
school education and should be able
to obtain it without having to run'
around all over the county in scare
'cf it.
Mrs. Morris Mehren?
daughter, of Blair, came down Fri
day evening for a visit at the l.o: .
f her brother. Rett Reed and
.:v. lr. :.jc!irtns drove uo'.vi. a:
j them Sunday.
J Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cappen
family returned Sunday ev:
from an auto tr:: to t le-t r (
Iowa, where they had spent a !
days visiting the Al Wine he! ;
Harry Coclizer families.
Rev. H. S. Toole, wife and
child, cf Lincoln, were over Sin
visitors at the home ot li;s
Mrs. F. J I . Gorder. J in- w:
well visit t:S Rev. Toole and
l?uve this wet k for their ne
at Repoinf, Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Shepard. !
Carpenter. Ohio, were visit inc with
a v
a i..r.
C)k. ryf
old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Get
Mark the hrst of the week. They cj
here from Minnesota, where tl.y
been visiting. Mr. Shepai'd
some time in the Klondike co,::
as a gold mitter.
Mrs. Thomas Murtev left Tut :'
'eve:,Tr:g f...- Ririntr City, to visit
j j r.:nddau'--"'ter. who had arrived
tt'ay at the home of Mr. and
j Leon Stoke. We can't notice
! Mr. Murt"v looks a (lav older
i he is ;rra t i.
i LP: yd Philpot shipped a car
tools. Mich as tractor,- plows,
drill and other machinery for whof
farming to Garden City. Katies hi?
Mr y
ht r
t hat
! lit
i Snturd
as to 1
rri es.
; years we
; among tk'
m no v. er
Lloyd left Wednesday so
n the ground when tlo- c..r
It is hoped b -l'cre many
v iil b t( lling of Llo 1 a -
big w !
it growers of ti.
Two Cattle Killed
While driving past the home of
Fred Bauer, west of town last Sat
urday, September 11th. two of the
I Earhart boys accidently struck a
coujde of cattle belonging to Mr.
Bauer, injuring them so badly it
was deemed expedient to kill them.
1 he automobile insurance com-1
pany. which carries risks oi this sort.!
finding they were liable for the loss I
t.f the cattle and repairs to the car,1
immediately ordered the loss made!
good and the repairs made. j
Driving along a highway where:
cattle are running loose is a difficult
matter and often results in accidents'
even more serious than this one. The ;
matter of carrying insurance on both j
ones own car, and immunity against ',
damage done the property cf another!
in collisions, etc.. is a very good pel- I
icy, as in this manner losses arej
adjusted satisfactorily to both par-!
ties and without delay.
Members of the Kt-7-he-konc Camp
cf thi Campfre Girls Take a
Hike to B. F. Wiles Heme
Mrs. Hrrry
the campf. re
k Tie. wen t t o
hi.-t eve;
they ha
and ;-m.
Smith, th
girls of (
the limine
.ir g south of the ci
1 their sti; p r out
" t h r e a is '1 id . t
:p K
R. F.
c i ' y .
i :
1 1.
tions in fire buiMit:
a steak over the boufir-. Mr-,
by her inst ruetioti. whi h she
to the candidates, enabled th
cook the steak to a n. : n and a
appe'ites wore (-harp, they surt
joyed the supper. Mr.-. P.. I '.
tame to tlie re-cue with
upper of warm t r i -;.
iul coffee cake, w h i
crowd. T!i Jv.
wife also appeared and
pleasure ot tl.e evci
ret urn o t own tin y
a theater party by
Mrs. Smith.
The camp had f'T
the supper. Mi
k II
:ill of
do .!.-
-:r;i. -
g.. . e
m t
tie ir
V eli-
ht : Hi
n ;i-
d !!
1 chi
i: ti. !
Mc '!u- i.
tided t
'a-j.. On
ere tre.i'etl '
heir guard i.. u
t i
steel in
was a visitor
attending a
officials. He
to catch the
train by Joseph Wolpert. thus being
thle to reach the capital city at a
much earlier hour than, otherwise.
Herman Gansmer, who lives east
of Manley, was in town a few days
ago and took home a load of cement
for use in some concrete werk he is
doing about the farm. Mr. Gans
mer believes in the generous use of
concrete as he says it pays big in
the long run.
Peter Vogler and wife, of Manley,
have been enjoying a visit from a
brother of Mrs. Vogler, who makes
his home at Imperial, where he is
engaged in the banking business.
Mr. Vogler came to Lincoln to at
tend the state fair and upon its con
clusion, came on over to Manley to
visit his relatives here. He left the
latter part of the week for home.
Peter A. Mockenhaupt. of near
Greenwood, was a visitor at the home
of his parents a short time last
Thursday evening, having: been at
Omhaa looking after some business
matters and stopping for a short
visit with his parents, C. E. Mocken
haupt and wife, who have but re
cently moved into their new home.
After tarrying briefly he continued
on his way home.
Go to School at Louisville
The following students of Manley
are attending high school at Louis
ville this year, making the round
trip to and from that place each dnv:
Arnold Harms. Ralph Coon. Rollin
Coon. Ellsworth Schwalm and the
Misses Alice Harms. Creda, Leda and
Myrtle Fleischman. Their going and
coming each day adds considerable
to the local business done by the Mis
souri -Pacific between these towns.
Miss Augusta Frans. of Des Moines,
Iowa, is visiting this week nt the
Will Sperry heme.
Miss Bonnie Ellis left Monday for
Peru to take up her senior work in
the Peru Normal.
Mrs. John Gallagher ami little
daughter of Blair were over Sunday
visitors at the Anton Jensen home.
Dr. F. W. Kruse and family autoed
to Elkhcrn Sunday to spend the day
with Mrs. Kruse's mother and sifter.
W. M. Hiatt and wife of Rising
City drove down Saturday evening
and visited until Sunday afiemo'u
at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. II.
Mrs. Frank Young of Buffalo
county, who had been visiting a few
days at the home of her brother-in-law.
G. R. Reckard. left for her
home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Anderson an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Rosa to Charles A Cobb, of
Omaha. Nebraska, the wedding to
take place in November.
Mrs. George Schroeder and little
son came up from Atchison, Kansas,
Saturday evening and took her moth
er. Mrs. Barbara Davis home with
her Monday morning.
Ernest Young came in from Per-J
kins county last Thursday right. lie'
will get his saw mill ready and a
new cook shack built, for sawing,
lumber again this fall and winter, j
Miss Eva Sperry arrived Friday j
morning from Fort Dodge, Iowa, for
a couple of weeks' visit with home!
folks. She was accompanied by her I
friend. Miss Edith Johnson, ot Fort;
Dodge, who visited a few davs. I
i of the teacher?
r fus t at
s Adeline Steve;. s. t.i.e
of the high seined.
'.. D-u?-r-'-t .. y Pnv i
.--,, - si i c morrow nnrm 5, . i i
ii icmorrowAinmj,,
Jaoksmiili Shop
I havj acquired the blaeksnuth
shop of Herman. Dall and am pre
raxed to do vour smithinc in a fw'st
class marner.
our motto. II
The D-st of woix is Dalls od stand.
ManlGy, Nebraska
In Keeping with the Times
James Murphy is a man with a
large amount of pride for the city
in which he makes his home and in
line with this idea is keeping pace
with the procession by having his
home repainted and decorated, which
gives it a vastly improved appear
ance. The work is being done by
that wizard of the brush, Daniel
Keep Well and Be Happy
If you would be happy you must
keep your bowels regular. One .
two of Chamberlain's Tablets taken
immediately after sunper will fare
a gentle movement of the bowels n
the following morning.
Put on the Work at Louisville
The degree team of the Royal
Neighbors of America from this place
were the ones picked to put on the
work at the county convention held
in Louisville Wednesday afternoon
and evening. The class initiated was
composed of ten, members.
The members of the Manley team
participating in the work were Mrs.
Hugh O'Brien, oracle; Mesdames W.
H. Frost, John Stander, Reno Chris
tiansen, John Carper. Will Carper,
W. F. Otte, Charles Gerlach, Joseph
Miller, A. II. Humble, Jacob Lohnes,
Matias Breckenridge, J. L. Brecken
ridge and Miss Mary Heeney.
Mrs. Rudolph Bergman presided
at the piano during the conferring of
the work. Members of the team, col
lectively and individually, receWed
many compliments on the nice man
ner in which they handled the work.
The Besl Lumber for Your Purpose!
We have complete stocks of all grades and sizes
in demand and can make immediate delivery. No long
waits excessive freight charges uncertainty of de
lays. You can inspect every foot of lumber you buy
from us before you pay for it and know that our repu
tation is back of it.
Our aim is the satisfaction of our customers after
as well as before the sale it's a detail of our service
that adds big value without raising the price.
Prepare now to take care
crop. Let us talk over your
with you.
Manley, Nebraska
of this year's bi corn
building requirements
W. H. FROST, Manager