The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1920.
Wijlys Knight Sedan
This Sedan
"Whatever the Weather May Be"
You can enjoy nature in all its moods in this Over
land Four-Door Sedan.
When the wind and dust blow or the rain falls, you
ride on without delay or inconvenience. Wearing ap
parel unsoiled! Full, unobstructed vision!
"Whatever the Weather May Be," you can easily
adjust the windows converting this Sedan into a storm
tight, closed car or a breeze-swept, open car.
Whatever the Roads May Be, Triplex Springs ab
sorb jolis and prevent the usual rough riding. Comfort
for p:ssengers! Protection and long life for the car!
Owing to its light weight and efficiency, the up
keep as well as the first cost of this convertible car is
less than that of the ordinary heavier touring car and
you have in addition its all-season advantages and its
cxtraordinar- riding comfort.
Women especially are enthusiastic over the beau
tiful interior of the Overland Sedan, its many conveni
ences and ease of handling.
Handie Overland and Willys-Knight Cars!
Thesecars will be kept on display at the O-K Gar
age, where appointments fcr demonstration can be
made. The service as formerly will be maintained at
the L. F. Terryberry Garage.
Pollock Parmele,
from Thursday's rai1v.
Chris .Miller of Weeping Water,!
was a visitor in Plattsmouth this
afternoon, having some business at .
kdh Snnirps: ramp in Wednesday
evening to spend a few days at ..the! the county court. I
home of his father. II. T. Squires. I George A. 15. Hicks of Cullom, was ;
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bloodgood a visitor in the county seat this j
and family are visiting at the home morning, looking after some business i
of Mrs. Bloodgood's father, II. T. matters for the day.
Squires. i WnrTWehrbein of near Murray was ;
Carl Cunningham was calling on a business visitor in I'la' tsmoutli tins
friends here a few days last week, .morning corning to look after some.
, i n,, it iinitt snpnt n matters at thtTconntv seat. !
i few days at the home of Mr. nam s
sisters, Mrs. S. A. Jackman and Mrs.
C. H. Gibson, of Weeping Water.
II. T. Squires, son Ben and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Bloodgood and
family autoed to Weeping Water on
Fridav afternoon.
M. S. Briggs. of the Plattsmouth
Journal. vas in town Friday after
noon on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert and fam
ily autoed to Lincoln Saturday.
Mrs. A. M. Van Every is spending
a few days with her son and wife in
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert tand
family spent Friday at the home of
P. T. Ottie.
S. A. Jackman and Homer Sylves
ter painted and did some repair work
on the inside of the school house last
School started Monday. September j
1 nth. The upper room has an enroll
ment of 17. The lower room has an
enrollment of 13. The teachers arc
Miss Edna Wood and Miss Mary
Smith, both of Elm wood
A. II. Hell of near Neliawka, was
a business visitor in Omaha for the 1
day and also attended the Ak-Sar-Ben j
He drove his car to this place and
went from here on the train.
Miss fidith Theile of near Xebuwka
was a passenger to Omaha this morn
ing, where she is consulting a spe
cialist in regard to her eyes, which
have been giving her considerable
trouble lately.
McfJinnes Churchill, who with his
family are visiting at Murray for a
time from their home at Holyoke, Col
orado, was a visitor in Plattsmouth
for a short time last evening looking
after some business.
C. IK Miller of Cedar Creek, was
a business visitor in Plattsmouth for
the day. coming down to look after
some business matters. Mr. Miller
is a carpenter and contractor in Ce
dar Creek and is kept very busy there
most of the time.
Mr. P. B. Dill of South Bend was
a visitor in Plattsmouth for the day,
coming down on the Schuyler train
to look after some property which he
Ella C.erbeiing. Marie uoiueii .u, u . . t,,js I( Mr UiU waa think-
Lois Reese started to Klmwoo.i mi in , of maydng his home in this city
scnom .wonuay mmnins. n. n. ur, ,. - , . nurchased some property here
ling takes them back and forth. 110 I having the same put in excellent con-
aiso nriugs me emmr imm ii ,iitioil ami then as he has property at
school a mile west oi wanasu. i South Bertd which he did not care to
H. T. Squires was an omana visi-,,eavo vacant he concluded not to re-
tor the latter part or last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Caygill and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. Caygill's mother.
Berniee Colbert and P.eula Eittle
From F'Way's Dally.
Mrs. Henrv Johnson of Mynard, is
visiting with friends and looking af
Have you seen
those new Broadcloth
p Caps in our corner win
$ dow? They are made
in beautiful plain shades
of blue, brown and green
silklined, leather
sweats, unbreakable vis
ors, $3.50
e' V
entered the Weeping Water highter s,.,uo business matters in the city
H:iry Thierolf was a visitor in
riatt.-motith this nicnunc. coming in
from his home at Cedar Creek in his
car to look uf,tf r i-onie business mat
ters intthefCourt house.
Mrs. Edward Grassman and Mrs
Wn:. Thomas, o? I-oui -ville. delegates
to the countv W. C. T. U. convention
'held in this citv yesterday, return
led to t'.uir Ionics ia the up-river
town this morning.
Mrs. C. M. Kodgpn and son Clay
ton of r:car N'ehawka. drove up from
their town to meet the train for the
east, an 1 departed for Washington.
Iowa, where thev will visit at the
home of Mrs. liodgen's parents, L. C.
Johnson and othr relatives and
friends for some time.
Mrs. J. Elmer Hallstrom of Avoca
is visiting in Plattsmouth the guest
at tiie home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. It. I-. Propsfrand with the par
flit', and sister Roberta, departed
this morning via auto for Ralston,
where they are visiting at the home
of Thayer I'rorst and family for the
day. They will also look after some
business matters at Om?ha, while
school Monday morning. They go
back and forth on the train.
Dewey Squires spent the first part
of the week at the home of H. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houston and
family of HavHock spent Sunday
at the horn" of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Ed Van Every was down from Lin
coln Tuesday.
P. T. Ottie moved from the Fran':
Colbert place to his own place Tues
day. The Frank Colbert place 5;
known as the old Hay place.
driver Ottie was down from Lin
coln Monday a:.u Tuesday to heL,
his brother move.
Ben Squires was a Lincoln pas
senger Tuesday evening.
I Mr. A. M. Van Every was a Nc
jhawka passenger Wednesday morn
ling. She went down to spend a few
days with her daughter. Mrs. S. A.
Jacobson. v
! Mrs. Jim Taylor left Tuesday even
i iiig lor Iowa to attend the funeral cf
' her brother s only child.
Some of the young men around
here don't like foot-feeds,
j Last Sunday there was an inter
jesting ball game played between the
i Wabash and Union teams. The scor
! n-au on In i in farnr rf W:.tnl-.
, Union sure puts out the right kind,
of an umpire.
: Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman
family spent Sunday at the home of
C. H. Gibson of Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Hinds and son.
Guy, spent Tuesday evening of this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Copple,
of Alvo.
SiMtc .f Nf-1 ! :?:;. I'.iss county, ss.
In tin1 ': lit ' '"tut.
In tin' niiitt.T "'f tli" -sti!t of Ann
!iit--. i!'rc;isi'..
'I" t!if i i liitui s .f estate:
Von .if- hf-rci.v r..itin'.l. Tluit I will
sit ;il t!:' CiiiiTity ''(iiirt room in I'hitts
i ii ' i 1 1 ! . in said 'Mintv, on tli l."tli liy
of O. iol.or. A. 1. !!Jtl. :uil on the Ifitli
day of .latiuai y. A. I . 1fJ1, ait 1 oVWu k
it, ,.:wt, ,l:v tn1',.i,'iv-i
I all claims ami hist said
C. E. Wescott's Sons
We wish to call the attention
persons having money to invest
the advertisement in this paper
the Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph
company, in winch tney are ottering
$500,000.00 of their stock (which is
paying regular quarterly dividends at
the rate of 7 per annum) at its
regular and par value of 100.00 per
This is an exceptionally good op
portunity to place your savincs or
harvest money, be it little or much,
where it will be absolutely safe and
bring you an interest check every
three months. "A word to the wise
is sufficient." Read the advertise
ment and send in your order for
shares. Adv. tf-d.
and examine
tate. with a
kv t tin ir adjustment and allow
ance. Tin- lime limited for the pre
sentation 'if 'l:ti;n .-lira inst said estate
is three months from the loth day of
October, A. . l!t'0. and the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one year
from said c!;v of October, 19l'0. ,
Wit lies my hand and the seal of
said c'omity f'ourt, this l.'ith day of
September, 1!IJ'I.
ai.i.kx j. i:i:i:so.v.
(Seal! s-o-? County Judge.
for Work or for Play
p. .
! -2r - i 111.
-C A. -H .... UK: f. f! -v .X CH
we have the Sweaters that's
Better get out the old sweater it's time. If you
have none to get out, or if you feel you need a new one
this season, we have something to share with you.
&e have made it our business to gather together
the finest assortment of sweaters. Jerseys and slipovers,
for every man and young man who enjoys real com
fortand guards his health.
From work to play kind
$2.50 to $17.50
oitm:it or' iiHAHixi
mid of rlnlc of Will
In the Countv c.,nrt of Cass oonntv,
State of ."cliiii.-ka, County of Cass,
To Karl Stevenson. Arthur Steven
son and Charles Stevenson and to all
persons interevte.1 in tin- estate of
.la nies Clement Sc-venson. deceased:
in reading tlx- petition of Kilna
Stevenson praying tht the instrument
tiled in this in .n the 1Mb day of
September, llijo, and purporting to be
the last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of James Clement Stevenson,
deceased: that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to TTflna
Stevenson, as executrix;
It is hereby oidered that you, and
all pcrsors interested In said matter.
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said cnun
ty, on the ltith day of October, A. I.
1!1'0. at in o'clock a. m., to show cause,
if any there be. whv the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the bearinsr thereof
be ifiven to all persons interested in
said matter by pu bl ish ins: a copy of
tills; order in the I Ma 1 1 sniou t li Journal.
a semi-v.-eel;iv newspaper printed in
said county for three successive weeks
prior to said dav of heariny:.
Witness my hand, arid seal of said
court, tl.ia 1Mb hty of September, A.
ii. i :::.
(Seal) sUK-::w. County Judyre.
I am offering for sale. 1 mule well
broke 5 years old. 2 spotted Shetland
ponies, one 1 H years old. one 5-year-old,
one 4-year-old black mare. 1300
pound. Fordson tractor and Oliver
plow, nst-cl to plon- 75 acres. I will
farm less next year, reason for sell
ing, tf sw.
Pr. Hornbeck is spending ten days
in Chicago.
Dr. Hornbeck has gone to Chicago
for a ten days' stav.
Dr. Hornbeck in Chicago
Br. Hornbeck departed last Sun
day tor Chicago, where he will spend
about ten days looking after some
business and visiting with friends.
Tead- the Journal.
To provide facilities to supply the increasing demand for local
and long distance service, the Nebraska State Railway Commission
has authorized an issue of $500,000.00 of the common voting stock
of the
Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co.
of Lincoln, Nebraska
This stock has paid dividends regularly every three months in
January, April, July and October for the past 1 1 years at the rate of
7 Per Annum
and is now being offered at its par and regular value of $ 1 00.00 per
share in amounts to suit the purchaser, and presents an excellent op
portunity for the safe investment of large amounts or small savings,
and pays dividends from date of purchase.
It is free from normal Federal Income Tax and all Nebraska
taxes, as these are paid by the company.
The stock issues and expenditures of this company are under
the control of the Nebraska State Railway Commission, assuring fair
rates to the public and protection of stockholders' interests.
The stock may be transferred at any time in whole or part on
the books of the company without expense.
Adequate telephone service has become one of the prime and
growing necessities of civilization, which fact gives absolute stability
to telephone stock, and for a regular quarterly income stock in an
established telephone company is the most satisfactory investment
This is an old established company with assets of $9,91 5.000 and
furnishes exchange and long distance telephone service to 64,576 sub
scribers in 118 cities and towns in 22 counties of the fertile lands
and prosperous communities of southeastern Nebraska. Its territory
extends from the Missouri river on the east to the west line of Adams
and Webster counties on the west, and from, the Platte river on the
north to the Kansas state line on the south, having an area of 1 2,500
square miles, with a population of 415,540 people.
Its present revenues amourrt to over $200,000 per month. It has
1,570 employes, and its stockholders and owners are the officers and
employes of the company, hundreds of its subscribers and patrons,
and many investors outside of Nebraska.
The officers and directors of the company are among the most
prominent and successful business men of Nebraska, and are the same
who are responsible for its continuous growth and prosperity.
7 ' j net per annum, paid quarterly by a check for $ I 7.50 for each
$1,000.00 of stock you own, sent to' your address every three months
in January, April, July and October, is a good return on such a safe
and conservative investment.
To secure some of this stock, send your check with your order
for the number of shares you desire to purchase, and stock will be
sent direct to you, or send the name of your bank to which certificate
will be sent, and you can pay for it on receipt.
Reservations may be made for stock to be taken up within
60 days.
If further information is desired, see Mr. H. R. Cole, Local Man
ager, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or address
Lincoln . Telephone and
Telegraph Company
Telephone Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr.
C. P. RUSSELL, Sec'y.
Call Telephone B-6531
(At our expense)
From Saturday Dally.
L. r. Miller, who has been at
Cedar Creek for a short time, came
home this morning.
V. G. Boedeker. of Murray, was a
business visitor in Plattsmouth this
afternoon, driving up in his car.
Attorney J. A. Capwell of Elmwood
was in the city this morning looking
after some business matters at the
office of the clerk of the district
C. II. Warner has been in Murray
for the past feu- days, where he has
been working on the farm with his
son Fred, and looking after some
J. II. Brown of southwest of Mur
ray, was in the city last evening, ac
companied by the family, coming in
their car to meet their daughter. Miss
Catherine, who will spend a week at
home before returning to Lincoln
where she is attending a business
Chronic Catarrh
Our manner of living makes us
very susceptible to colds and a suc
cession of colds causes chronic ca
tarrh, a loathsome disease wuu
which it is estimated tnat nineiy-
five per cent of our adult popula
tion are afflicted. If you would
avoid chronic catarrh you must avoid
colds or having contracted a coia,
get rid of it as quickly as possible.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i
highly recommended as a cure for
colds "and can be depended upon.
Residence for Sale!
The fine down-town residence known as the Walk
er home, located corner Fourth and Oak streets. This
is the last of the desirable down town properties that
can be secured at a price that will net big returns on the
investment, only half block from Library, Court House,
Post Office and business district. Four fine lots, high
and sanitary, fine shade and lawn, good well, cistern.
City water, good barn, brick house partly modern, pol
ished oak floors in living rooms, some repairs needed.
Will make a splendid home for retiring farmer, or any
one desiring a high class residence property, or for in
vestment, would make fine, high-class rooming house;
close to city, restaurants.
Out-of-town owners of this property have request
ed me to dispose of it at once. y I will therefore offer it
for one-fourth of its replacement value, and nominal
amount of cash down will take it.
L. C. Sharp IVlfg. Company,