The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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No. 31.
To amend Section 3, Article XI. Prohibits consolidation
of competing public utility corporations without per
mission of Railway Commission.
Special Election, September 21, 1920.
To vote FOR any amendment place a cross in the blank space to the left
of the word "YES" opposite the title to such amendment.
To vote AGAINST any amendment place a cross in the blank space to the
left of the word "NO" opposite the title to such amendment.
No. 32.
To- amend Section 5, Article XL Regulates stocks and
dividends of public utility corporations.
I Article VI. I I y.
7"tSix Article I.
YES No. 1.
j To amend Section 6, Article I. Authorizes five-sixths jury
' tq verdict in civil cases.
YES No. 2.
To amend Section 25, Article I. Permits regulation by law
, of property rights of aliens.
YES No. 3.
To add Section 27 to Article I. Declares English language
official language of the state and requires common school
NO branches taught therein.
j :
Article III.
YES No. 4.
To amend Sections la, lb, lc and Id, Article III. Initiative
and Referendum. Reduces percentages in number of
NO signatures required.
Make X I
lnthl ...
Column I 20. O.
I To amend Section 2, Article III Legislative arportion-
j YES ment. Requires that counties entitled to two or more
j representatives or senators shall be divided into districts,
i each district to elect its own member, and omits state
NO census.
YES No. 6.
To amend Section 3, Article III. Permits increase of state
jtq senators not to exceed 50.
YEst 7
j To amend Section 4, Article III. Fixes compensation of
j jtq members of the legislature.
YES No. 8.
To amend Sections 10 and 11, Article III Relates to
legislative procedure.
YES No. 9.
To amend Section 13, Article III Prohibits appointment
jq of members of legislature to state offices.
YES No. 10.
To amend Section 16, Article III. Prohibits raising salaries
during term of office.
YES No. 11.
To amend Section 17, Article III. Reserves mineral rights
JO m state lands.
Make X
'nh' Article IV.
YES No. 12.
To amend Article IV. Eliminates obsolete legislative appor
jq tionment.
Article V.
YES No. 13.
To amend Sections 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 19, 24 and 26, Article V.
i Continues present state offices; provides an executive
! NO budget and a Board of Pardons.
YES - .
No. 14.
j To add Section 27 to Article V. Creates the office of Tax
i 0 s Commissioner and provides a Board of Equalization.
No. 15.
YES. To amend Sections 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 14, 15, 16
18, 19, 20 and 21, Article VI, and to add Sections 25
I and 26 thereto. Amendments relating to organization,
jO jurisdiction and procedure of th courts,, and the election
of judges.
: : , . ,
YES No. 16. '
To add Section 2a to Article VI, following Sectjon 2WRe
quires concurrence of five Judges of the Supreme Court
NO to declare laws unconstitutional.
YES No. 17.
To amend Sections 4 and 5, Article VI. Provides for elec-
tion of Judges of the Supreme Court by districts.
thi Article VII.
Column I
YES No. 18.
To amend Section 1, Article VII. Provides for equal
YES No. 19.
To amend Section 3, Article VII. Provides for soldier
NQ voting.
Article VIII.
YES No. 20.
To amend Section 7, Article VIII. Provides for distribution
of temporary school fund.
YES ' No. 21.
To amend Section 8, Article VIII. Prohibits the sale of
jsjO school lands except at public auction.
YES No. 22.
To amend Section 10, Article VIII. Provides for election
sjq of University Regents by districts.
YES No. 23.
To amend Section 11, Article VIII. Prohibits state aid to
J0 sectarian institutions.
YES " No. 24.
To amend Section 12, Article VIII. Raises age for reform
jO schools from 16 to 18.
Make X ,
in this I
Column J
No. 25.
To add Section 13 to Article VIII. Provides Board of
Education for Normal Schools.
Article IX.
YES No' 26
To amend Section 1, Article IX. Provides uniform and
proportional taxes on tangible property and fraDchwes;
jq permits classification of other properly and permits
taxes other than property taxes.
YES No. 27.
To amend Section 2, Article IX. Tax exemptions, including
$200 of household goods to each family.
YES No. 28.
To amend Section 5, Article IX. Places county tax limit at
50 cents on one hundred dollars actual valuation.
Article X.
YES No, 29.
To amend Sections 2 and 3, Article X. Relates to changes
jsjQ of county boundaries.
Article XI.
YES No. 30.
To amend Section 1, Article XL Requires public utility
jyJO corporations to report to-Kailwy Commission.
According to dispatches. the
women who are to attend the
women's conference at Christiana
are' cnocerned over Senator Hard
ing's recent declaration that he
would not go into the league of na
tions. Mrs. Philip North Moore,
president of the delegation repre
senting the national council: of
women, herself a republican, is of the
opinion that the women should vote
for the league of nations. Mrs.
Moore says that "the declaration- of
women in a great quandary." Mrs.
Moore further says:
"It has twice been the unani
mous decision of onr council that we
nuiet have the league of nations,
Article Xla.
No. 33.
To add Section 5 to Article XIa. Permits metropolita
cities to adopt present charter as home rule charter.
Article Xlb.
No. 34.
To amend Sections 1, 5 and 6, Article Xlb. Corporation'
sections. Insures co-operative features in certain asso-j
ciations and permits limitation of shares and voting.
Regulates foreign corporations. Stocks and boni to
issue only for actual value. '
Article XIV.
YES No. 35.
To add Sections 4, 5 and 6 to Article XIV. Defines priority)
jq rights in water.
YES No. 36.
To add Section 7 to Article XIV. Protects public rights in
jq use of water power.
Make X
n thir
. Column
No. 37.
YES To add Section 8 to Article XIV. Permit regulation as t
minimum wage and conditions of employment of women
and children.
YES No. 38.
To add Section 9 to Article XIV. Permits creation of
Industrial Commission to administer laws relative to
NO labor disputes and profiteering.
Article XV.
y-pio No. 39.
To amend Section 1, Article XV. Provides that amend-
ments to the Constitution submitted by the legislature
shall be adopted by a majority voting on the question
jO if the affirmative vote be equal to 35 per cent of the
total vote cast.
Article XVI.
YES No-40-
To add a new section to Article XVI. Fixes sahries of
; state officers including Judges of the Supreme and
District Courts, effective until changed by the legis
lature. YES N-41'
To amend Article XVI by substituting new Sections 1 and
2 for Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16,
tq 17, 18, 19 21, 22, 23, 24 and 27. Eliminates obsolete
provisions and provides a continuing schedule.
either as signed at Versailles, or
modified by reservations that pro
tect our constitutional rights. And
now Senator Harding has declared
definitely against the league. Unless
he modifies that attitude- and de
clares himself ready to accept the
league principle, it will be impossi
ble for 10,000,000 women repre
sented in the council, pledged as
they are to- the league, to support
him. . . . There are no suffici
ent reasons why the present covenant
should not be adopted, with reserva
tiosn making the position of Ameri
ca clear and there are a great many
reasons why other countries would
not agree to dispense with the cove
nant in order to accept Mr. Hard
ing's new league. The peace struc
ture has been built up with too
much patient care to permit its read
ily being torn down to make way for
some entirely new edifice which has.
ae yet, nobody's complete approval."
The American women at Christi
ania do not feel like apologizing for
their country to the women "whose
countries have accepted the league
covenant", but will rather stand "for
the women of America as supporters
' of the league." A careful study will
be made or league matters, and a
report will be made later.
There can be no question as to the
great interest of the women in this
important subject. For years -they .,
have been working and praying for
peace, and have thrown their influ
ence In favor of all movements- in Its
half. Naturally they tare uwilling
that the greatest peace plan
posed should be wrecked. Indianap
olis News.
W. T. Richardson, ot Mynard,
writes insurance for the Farmers
Mutual of Lincoln. Phone 2411.
You know what the squirrel said
about the nut: "The shell is bitter,
but the nut is sweet." An old fable,
but always true. Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine tastes also a
little bitter, but the result is very
sweet. It removes all waste matter
from your intestines, keeps your
bowels clean and gives you a healthy
appetite. You feel fine from morn
ing to night. This sweet result made
Triner'a American Elixir of Bitter
Wine so popular that every year re
quires an enlargement of the plant.
Just now two new tanks, 25,000 gal
lons each, were built in the new an
nex, new bottling and labeling ma
chines were installed, and the pro
duction highly increased. Only the
basical slogan remains the same:
"The best is only good enough for
our customers." When coming to
your druggist or dealer in medicines
insist that you must get the genuine
remedy. Triner's American Elixir of
Batter Wine, and refuse all imita
tions. Your dealer has also Triner'a
Angelica Bitter Tonic, Triner's Cough.
Sedative, Triner's Liniment, etc.. in.
stock. Jos. Triner Company. 1335
45 S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. III.
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, will lead to chronic consti
pation. Ooan's Regulets operate
easHy. 30 a box at all stores.'
Yesterday Harry O. Palmer. C. H.
Taylor and Arthur Palmer all attor
neys of Omaha and associated to
gether as a firm of Palmer, Taylor and
Palmer. iwere in Plattsmoutb. having
drove 'down .and were, considering a
settlement of a matter of an estate in
the county court for which they
were the legal advisers.