The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Son Has Arrived.
A? the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jo- I
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Specially for the Journal Readers
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four pr cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Krnest Milburn and wife were
vi.-itinff with friends and looking af
tfr sgiuo business matters in Platts-.
m. ,uth last Tuesday afternoon.
t H. Warner of Plattsmouth. was
a visitor in .Murray and at the home
of his daughter. Mrs. Hoy Howard,
and wm Fred Warner, southwest of
I., o. Miner, representing the Pol
lck Auto company of Plattsmouth.
was a business visitor in Murray last
Tuesday afternoon.
Cuy Wilfs of southwest of Murray,
was a visitor in Platt.smouth last
Tuesday afternoon looking after some
hu-iness matters for a short time.
MoGiniH s f'hurchill and family, ar
rived in Murray a few days ago and
ar visiiink with friends here. Mr.
Churchill may conclude to remain
here and have the children attend
vchonl here until the coming of
Parker Chriswtisser a,nd wife of
Bennet. Colorado, came to Lincoln
to attend the state fair and after
the closing of that institution, came
on down to Murray, where they have
bt-.n visiting for a few days with
friends before they returned to their
home in the west.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511
Murray Exa'sange
LvJeaH' Dresses
The nicest line we have seen on ths market. They
are made of good ginghams, in neat plaids and stripes;
belted and plaited, fancy buttons, all with pretty col
lars and cuffs. All made full in sixe and a real bar
gain. Ages 3 to 6, $2.00 to $2.25
" 7 to 14, $2.50 to $2.75
Hiatt m.
Saving is a matter of habit.
And the habit grows, just like
the savings.
To acquire the habit when
young with small sums is to
practice the habit when older
with larger sums.
So encourage the little fel
lows to start a savings account
with us at once, and watch
the habit grow.
! Mrs. Ernest Carroll, who has been
I visiting in the west for some time
..past; returned home last Friday, hav-
j ing had an excellent time while
I away.
! L. D. Hiatt and wife, with their
daughter, Alice Louise, went to
! Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon,
1 where Miss Alice was the guest to a
, party which consisted of the Sunday
school class of Mrs. F. K. Gobelman
which was held that day.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore and wife, and
Mrs. G. W. McCracken. were visit
ing in the county seat last Tuesday
afternoon, driving there in the car of
Mr. Gilmore. During their absence.
Master John Gilmore and Elizabeth
McCracken were the hosts of Mr. Mc
Cracken at the drug store and assist
ed in the conduct of the business.
Jesse Chambers and Sanford Un
man were in I'nion last Monday af
ternoon, called there by the report
that Union was burning. True
there was a tire in I'nion. but bv
the excellent efforts of the Union cit
izens, the flames were extinguished
before the arrival of the Murray
men. Nevertheless they demon
strated their willingness to go to
the assistance of a neighboring town.
James Chapman and wife, while
returning from a trip "to northern
South Dakota, had car trouble just
out of Muray and had to have some
assistance from the garage here. In
I conversation with a representative of
i the Journal. Mrs. Chapman said that
I they were from Breckenridge, Mo.,
;and that their farm and that of the
parents of Hev. J. II. Salsbury,
joined, and they knew him like a
i book. When they had quit the farm
they purchased the home in' town
which Mr. Salsbury's father owned.
They told of the. older Mr. Salsbury,
not Itev. Salsbury. having gone to
New York and had married recentlv.
i -I
i utt.
Uncle "Bee" Berger has begun the
harvesting of his corn, cutting the
fodder for the fedding of his cows
this winter.
Last Sunday W. G. Boedeker and
1 ; l . . I. A .1 .. . . sn 111., t. . 1 .
luimiy Mpcui liirr uj in i iii 1 1 .-iiiuu 1 11
as guests of J. . Holmes and wife,
driving up in their car.
J. W. Edmonds was a visitor in
Plattsmouth both on Monday morn
ing and also on Tuesday afternoon
looking after some business matters.
T. S. Barrows disposed of his Veile
auto to a man named II. M. Best of
Spooner Wisconsin, the purchaser
driving the machine to his home in
the east.
Miss Callie Carlson who has been
at Avoca. where she has been nurs
ing for some time, came over to Mur
ray a few days ago and is taking a
much needed rest for a short time.
Ludwig Hallis. the young book
keeper in the Murray bank, wis a
visitor in Plattsmouth last Wednes
day evening, called there to look
after some business matters with the
Word from II. C. Long and wife,
who are at Holbrook. tell of the im
provement of Mrs. Oila Perry, a sister
of Mrs. Long on account of whose
illness Mr. and Mrs. Long were call
ed to the west.
Guy Burton of Palmyra, was a
visitor in Murray for the past few
days, coming to see his father, J. H.
Burton, who is confined to his bed
with a broken leg, the upper bone
being fractured near the hip.
Mrs. Glen Vallery and little daugh
ter. Genrdue. returned Thursday eve
ning from Waterloo. Ia., where they
have been visiting at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Kurtle. Mrs. Hur
tle is a sister of Mrs. Vallery.
Dr. B. F. Brendel and Wm. Scy
boldt were visitors in Plattsmouth
last Sunday driving over in the car
of Mr. Seyboldt and while there at
tended the ball game, which was a
very close one and nicely contested.
Last Monday J. W. Stones. living
northwest of Murray, marketed a car
load of wheat in Omaha, having the
same delivered by truck to Platts
mouth where it was loaded on the
Burlington and shipped to Omaha.
Daniel Click is a rustler and is
always busy, being a very valuable
hand for his employer. Mrs. I). C.
Rhoden. He has assisted Mr. George
Nickels of the firm of Nickels and
Banning in the unloading of five cars
of lumber, sand, cement, coal and
brick this week.
Mrs. Howard Graves, who has been
in Murray attending her father Mr.
J. H. Burton, for the past few days,
returned home last Tuesday after
noon. Mr. Graves who is the mail
carrier on route one out of the
county seat, was down Tuesday af
ternoon to visit with Mr. Burton.
Wm. Puis of the Murray Hardware
store, was a visitor in Omaha during
last Monday, where he was looking
after some business matters and in
the evening he and Mrs. Puis went to
Plattsmouth to attend the recital
which was given at the Parmele and
they were well pleased with the ex
cellence of the production.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. ();to
Puis, living just northwest of Mur
ray, was celebrated last Sunday at
their home the first anniversary of
the birth of their son Joseph Puis
who was one vear old on September
There were gathered to celebrate
the passing of the tirst milestone,
some seventy of the relatives and
friends of this young man. A sump
tuous dii'ner was served at the n.n
hour and one of the very pronounced
ly popular features of the occasion
was the birthday cake, which con
tained just one little white candle.
Fortunate indeed were those who se
cured a piece of this delicious cake
Besides the celebration of the pass
ing of the first milestone of little
josepn mis, was the trienuly socia
bility of the large circle of friends
who gathered for the occasion
Among tnose wiio were present were
the. following. Messrs and Mesdanies
W. II. Puis and family. L. H. Puis and
family, Wm. Puis and daughter. Miss
Laura. Alfred Gansmer and family.
Fred Lutz and familv, P. A. Mild
and family. Jacob Kreager and fam
ily, Charles Englekemeier, Julius
Englek?meier. Henry Englekemeier
and families. James Tigner and
wife. Otto Puis and family, Gladvs
Marasek, and Jessie Carroll.
Schools Are in Session.
The Muray schools have begun
their work for the present year and
have enrolled sixty-five students. The
faculty which will look after the
instructions to be given the younger
popultaion of Murray, are as follows:
Miss Bessie Van Duesen, principal;
Miss Waunita Geer, who will have
charge of the 7th and 8th grades.
Miss Gladys Wilson will teach the
4th, 5th and fith grades, while Miss
Beulah Sans will look after the pri
mary department. With all the
school is well equipped for the in
struction of the scholars this year.
Are Visiting in Missouri.
Thomas Ruby and family departed
a few days ago for Windsor. Mo.,
driving Mr. Allen Land's ear down
for him and will remain for some
time to visit. Mrs. Ruby and the
former Mrs. Land were sisters.
Thoroughbred Percheron stalian,
chestnut sorrel, blazed face, abso
lutely sound, a sure breeder and
very gentle disposition. This horr.e
repreeeat3 the beet blood in the
Percheron breed and has life certifi
cate, weight 1900 pounds.
30 12 t-d. Cedar Creek, Neb.
If tny of the readers of the
Journal knor- of any social
event or tteoi of interest In
this vicinity, and will
time to ibis oftlee. it will ap
pear undtr this headlnn. We
want all uewsitema Editor
Gets His Tires After Months
On April first. Robert Good was
struck by a Missouri Pacific train
near Nebraska City and was badly
injured, as well as his truck being de-
' . . .
Ho was taken to Nebraska
City for treatment and some lnisoe
ant stoj the tiles from the wrecked
truck. While Mr. Good knew the
tires were gone and that he had an
excellent idea where they were it was
not until last Tuesday that he was
so as to go and get his property.
Saw Fine Country.
Last Friday Joseph Campbell and
family who have for the past ten days
been in the west and were accompan
ied by his brother Peter Campbell,
they all visiting at Grant and lin
ptrial as well as a number of places
in Wallace county. Kansas. Mr. Jo
seph Campbell was well pleased with
the presentation of the west and
their excellent crops,
some places where the
injured by hail.
He tells of
crops were
Returns Prom the West.
Glen Perry and wife, who have
been viewing the west by auto, vis
iting at the many noted places in
the mountains of Colorado for the
past three weeks, returned home last.
Saturday, having had a very enjoy
able trip.
They spent some time in Estes
park, which is one of the noted plac
es for the summer in Colorado, it be
ing deliriously cool there when it is
sweltering hot elsewhere. They
found an excellent prospect for a
corn croi even away out in the state
and approaching the Colorado line,
but the prtispects at some places
were marred by streaks where hail
had cut the vegitation badly. With
all the wonders of the west and the
coolness of the mountains the home
land looked very inviting as the
wheering of the au'o wheels brought
them nearer home. In fact the
home looked the best of all the plac
es which they visited.
Made Purchase of Car of Feeders
Last Monday. W. G. Bnedeker of
the Murray Stale bank, and L. Puis
of the Murray garage and A. Gans
mer of the service store of Murray,
and interested in a number of farms
in this neighborhood, one of which he
is conducting himself, were passen
gers to South Omaha, where they
looked over the storkers with a view
of the purchase of a few for feeding
on the farm of .Mr. Gansmer. After
satisfying himself of the quality of
the cattle offered Mr. Gansmer made
the purchase of what is considered
an excellent car qf cattle and had the
same shipped to Murray and will put
them on feed t be returned to the
South Omaha r.nrket, at such a time
as the prices and the cattle shall jus-
t i f y.
Departs for the West.
Starting today W. II. Puis. Fred
Lutz. Cameron Cat hey and Fred Mei
singer departed for the west by auto
and expect to remain for several days,
perhaps a week or more. They will
go to Imperial and Grant, having
friends in both places. They will
look over th- country, but as to
whether thev make anv purchase of
the land depends upon how the conn
try appeals to them.
Visiting in West.
Gust Splitt departed last Sunday
from Plattsmouth for Imperial, where
he went to look over the country and
was accompanied by W. E. Roscn
crans and while there they will visit
the homo of Wm. Splitt. brother of
Gust. Mr. Will Splitt. in the west,
has prospered nicely during the past
year, his wheat of which he had a
large acreage, produced some forty
"bushels per acre.
Will Make Trip to the East.
A. L. Baker will soon depart for
a trip in the east which will include
a stop at Chicago, where he will
spend a few days and thence to In
dianapolis, where he will attend the
National Encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic for two days
and retunring will stop at Detroit
for a short time and will go to Mar
shaltown, la., where he will visit at
the home of his sister, Mrs. J. D.
Reed and familv for a while and af
terwards will proceed to Eldora. Ia.
where he will be the guest of another
sister, Mrs. Robert Smith and fam
ily before returning home.
Are Getting in the Clear
Many of the farmers are getting
ready for the immense crop of corn
which is every dav maturing and
every u y is getting nearer to the
safety line when the first frost sha"
come. Siarl Davis having lumber
hauled for the construction of addi
tional crib room, and Wm. Seyboi It
is also building him more room, .is
well as others. This looks like a wise
Will Construct a Dwelling
B. M. Clir.e. living east of Mur
ray, is the first tor some time to Aot
out of the woods and is airansvui.j
:o have a new h uie constructed in
the near fu'ure. He will have th.
wvk done by thr. competent work
r.fn. J. A Seottei and Ralph Kenne
dy. The lumber is being pnrch ised
frcui the yard of i.nning and Nickels
Tr.e dwelling will be one story and
of a bungalow pattern and will '.le
Z I by ?S feet in dimentions.
Confined to Their Beds.
W. Stones i reported bv
t 'iviiciau as hein- rr-nfined to his
ivH I
nitn a case of sciatica, or rheumat'srn to Fridaj-. Auto races Saturday. Take
wu ch f? attended wi- verv excerci v- ' Leavenworth street car. Auto en
no pains. " i trances: 67th and Center or through
Mrs. Grimes of near Union is also Elniwood park.
VL-ry eick with the same malady. AK-SAR-BEN FIELD
seph Hill, near Murray, the stork
last Friday brought a little American
who is already calling Mr. Hill the
"old man" and speaking of his moth
er in the tenderest terms. The
mother, son and the father also are
getting along nicely.
Artists at Parmele Monday Night
Expelled Least Doubt of Im
possibility of Test.
Probably a number of people who
attended th- recital given last Mon
day night by Collins and Harlan at
the Parmele theatre were at !i rnt
puzzled and disappointed when thv
discovered a phonograph cabinet oc
cupying the center of the state.
They hardly were reassured when
Mr. Reed appeared on the stage and
commenced about "Re-Creations." It
finally became apparent that the
phonograph was at least to receive
assistance from the singers, but
even then the mental outlook was not
exactly bright.
Mr. Reed explained that the pur
pose of the recital was to illustrate
that Thomas A. Edison, after years
of work had achieved his ideal of
perfecting a musical instrument
which would actually re-create music
so that the re-creation would be in
distinguishable from the original.
This was a broad claim, but it
was established before the evening
was over, for the artists actually
stood beside t lie new Edison phono
graph and performed in unison with
Mr. Edison's re-creation so called
of their performances. This would
have proved little as the artists might
easily have overbalanced the tone of
the instrument swallowed it up
so to speak; but they did more or,
to be accurate, less. They paused
from time to time, apparently at
random and permitted their re-created
performances to be heard alone.
This gave an opportunity to com
pare one with the other and it is not
more than just to state that there
was no discernable difference in tone
There must have been a slight dif
ference in volume when the artist?
stopped singing or playing, but it
was not noticeable for the tone which
came from the cabinet was round
and luscious with all of the vibrant
pulsating quality of that which
came directly from Collins' or Har
lan's throats. It was only by watch
ing the singer's lips that one could
be sure when they sang or played
and when they did not.
This proof was convincing. If it
were not, another proof was offered
After .Mr. Collins had commenced to
sing one number the lights were
turned off ostensibly so that the
audience could not watch the sing
er's lips.
It did not seem difficult to deter
mine m the dark when the singer
sang and when he did not. The
writer was pretty sure about it him
self until the lights were turned on
again and Lt was discovered that the
New Edison alone had been heard.
The annual county convention of
the Royal Neighbors of America, an
auxiliary of the Modern Woodman of
America, are meeting in Louisville
this afternoon and evening. Many
ot the membership of the society are
attending this afternoon and more
are expected to go this evening. Mrs
Jennie Tulene is the delegate from
the lodge here to the county conven
tion, but many more are going. The
local lodge here is very strong and
has an active and earnest working
team. Among those to attend from
here are Mesdanies J. W. Tulene, Jo
seph McLeod. A. C. Tulene. A. I)
Christ and John Henry. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs. Nadie
Schultz and Miss Garnet Corv will
depart this evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Cheval will also drive out
this evening for a short stay at the
Tractor For Sale,
I have an excellent used tractor of
the Helder Company make, which
a mo fieri ng at a right price,
class condition, with three
In tirst
bottom plows. Size 12-20.
tf. Murray, Neb
Poland China male pigs. Phone
3S02. 1 P. Holmes and Sons. St-sv
Accidents will happen, but the best
regulated families keep Dr. Thomas
Eclectric Oil for such emergenci3s
Two sizes, 30? and 60, at all stores
Daily Journal, 15c a week.
Omaha, September 14-18
Single C. 1:59!, fastest pacer in
'America and over 200 other famous
trotters, pacers and runners, iuesaay
, a . . .
Complete Line
Of Summer Apparel
Family v. :!! be
Boys' work shirts
Men's broad, long work shirts
Boys' union i-1 1 i I s
Men's ii n ion Knits
Men's llateh One-Button union
Boys' Hatch One-Button union
Also Local Agent
The Service Store
Ering Back the Bottles
To those who have purchased pop,
beer and other soft drinks, taking
home the bottles, we ask the-rn to
return the same and get their credit,
as we have to return all bottles by
September 10th. Be sure and get
those in your possession in by that
s2-2w. Murray, 'Neb.
This afternoon Edward Sperry of
Weeping Water, accompanied by Alex
Cleans and polishes. Is a high grade polish for Pianos,
Victrolas, Furniture, Automobile and all Leather Goods.
Sold on money back guarantee by
10 Per cent.
Beginning with September 1st, I will offer any and
all tires in my exfensive stock at a discount of 10 per
cent. These tires are all of standard makes, as car
ried by the best houses.
Better secure what tire you are needing
while this reduction lasts.
Free Specials This Veefc!
The only way we can get you to realize what a
wonderful difference there is between the "GOLDEN
THROATED" Claxtonola and other makes of "talk
ing" machines, is for you to come in and hear it play.
It is in a class by itself, but you will never know its real
excellence until you hear it with your own ears.
See our Oil Stoves for This Hot Weather
Our cream separators are the best, and you will say so your
self when you sec how much they will save in a year. Come in
and see us when you want one.
Our line of shelf and heavy hardware if replete with your
every day wants. The stock contains all that any good hardware
store should carry.
"Titan" and "Waterloo Boy" Tractors and
All Kinds of Gang Plows
W- HI-
Chloroform, Biner or jhi-i- -", - -
UK. r.. k. Ur R Jhngton, Medical Director.
Drs. Marti & IV.ach,The Dentists
ffh Srrrkw crate Pnc-
ments caretully sterilized after using.
for Every Member of the
Found at Our Store
50c and up
$1.00 and up
suits dp
suits dv
for the Famous Singer
Patterson and Alice V. Nash also of
Weeping Water and with Miss Au
gusta Franzen of Des Moines, arrived
via auto from Weeping Water and
going to the office of the county
judge, secured a permit, which en
abled Mr. Edward Sperry and Miss
Agusta Franzen to wed, were soon
united by the accommodating Judge
A. J. Beeson. The witnesses to sign
the certificate were Mr. Alex Patter
son and Alice R. Nash. They de
parted for their home at Weeping
Water and with them goes the best
wishes of the Journal for a long and
happy life.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
Off on Tires
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mIM lyatem of treatment that cure PI'
Fistula and other RectaJ Disease tn a """J
time, without a severe surgical operation. No
The largest and best equipped dental ofhees in (Jmaha.
Experts in charge ci all work. Lady attendant. Mod-
Porcelain fallings just fake tooth. Instru
; Vi
1 ,