The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1920, Image 1

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    cal Society
NO. 25
vol. xxxvn.
Message to Mother Here Supplement
ed by Letter At Home in the
Metropolis Nov. 15th.
From Monday's "Dally.
Henry A. Egenberger. who was
born in I'hittsmouth and lived here
most of his life. being away only while
at school and during the past four
years, when he has been employed
by the Nebraska Telephone company
as draftsman in their Omaha ofiice,
is married.
Telegraphic announcement of the
wedding of this popular young man
has been received by his mother,
Mrs. L. 1$. Egenberger.
The wedding occurred at St. Pat
rick's Roman Catholic church in
Los Angeles, California, last Thurs
day, Sep?mber 2nd, the lady
of ;
his choice being Miss Catherine Dor-
sev. of Omaha, who has been visit-
ing in the west for some time and :
was joined there bv the groom.
Since the arrival of the telegram.
Mrs. Kgenberger has also received a
frnn, th .,r,!o rrl v-1 n i
J Y I 1 I I Vlil l V. lit I I"'. V (1 U J i V 14
particulars of the wedding and stat
ing they were having an excellent
time sightseeing.
The newlyweds will remain in the
west for a month or more, and upon
their return will be at home to their
friends in Omaha after November
The groom has a responsible po
sition, with some half dozen assis
tants, and his work is most pleasing
to "hlseriipl6yes of the past four
years. The bride is known to a few
IMattsniouth people and is said to be
a most charming young woman, and
one well qualified to preside over a
home of her own.
The Journal joins with friends of
this popular young couple in extend
ing congratulations and trusts that
their journey through life may be
one of health, happiness and pros
perity, as well as useful service to
Mrs. Wayne Dickson. Formerly Miss
Clee Applegate Dies at Home
of Mother Last Saturday
Mrs. Wayne Dickson, nee Miss Clee
Applegate of Lincoln, die! at the
home which she and her mother. Mrs.
Ida Applegate have maintained at well known by a host of friends in
Lincoln during the summer, she hav- this city, was united in marriage with
ing with her the little daughter. Miss Carie Spurgin of Scottsbluffs.
luis five years of age, have main- They came in an auto from that city
tair.ed since last spring. Mrs. Dick- ' to Flattsmouth on their wedding trip
son will be remembered as the Wiie,and were for a few days the guests
of Wayne Dickson, who died in Or.ia- of friends in this city. It was not
ha on January 27th and whose ie-, until their departure that the fact
mains rest in the Oak Hill cemetery j of their marriage became known to
west of town. Mrs. Dickson has not j the public. They departed this
been In the best of health for some morning for their home in the west,
time, but the immediate cause of , The Journal, with the host of friends
death was due to the rupture of a of this most excellent young couple.
blood ve-cl. she departing life at
Lincoln last Saturday evening about
seven o'clock. Mrs. Dickson fad
many friends in this city and
throughout the county who mourn
her death, she bavins lived during
her yr.uth at Union and was a teach-(vice
er or much ability in the puulc
schools in Plattsmouth before herj
marriage to Wayne Dickson, and lived j
energies of her husband called lii3m
to Omaha to make their home. Tr.e
funeral will be in Flattsmouth and
the la-:t resting place of all that '.-
mortal if this excellent woman will
be besides her husband in Oak Hill
As to the time cf the funeral ser
vices nothing is as yet known but
will be published later.
From Monday's Dally.
Uncle Simon Grueber, who makes
his home between Union and Nehaw-
ka and who has been in a hospital
at Nebraska City for several weeks
where he has been receiving treat
ment, was being brought to his home
in a taxi yesterday morning. ' when
from s'one cause the car went into
the ditch, precipitating the driver
and Mr. Grueber into the depression.
with the wreckage of the car and
mangling him badly. The right ear
was severed while a very severe gash
was cui in nis rignt tnign. lie was
taken to the home of Chris Madison
which is near Wyoming and a phy
sician caUed immediately, who dress
ed the injuries of the pioneer citizen.
who is feeling very much broken up
ana sunenng mucn pain. He was
later taken to his home which is
some seven or eight miles away. Mr.
Grueber is still suffering much from
the effeccs of the accident.
Having been in the hospital for
some time with impaired health, the
injury comes even harder than it
would otherwise have been.
This morning Charles McGwire and
wife departed on the early train for
0?mond. where they were called by
the death of Henry Schlitz of that
place who was stricken with paral
lysis. a few days ago and after a
short time died. llr. Schlitz is uncle
to Wm. Becker, a prominent dentist
of that place, and husband of the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McGuire.
formerly being Miss Mary McGuire.
They will be away for a number of
John Wehrbein and Will Rummell
Families Motor to Northern
Nebraska Last Week.
f "om Mondav'o Dallv
Having the bulk of their farm
work well along. John F. Wehrbein
and wife and Will Hummell and wife
started a week ago Saturday for the
northern part of the state, where a
large number of former Plattsmouth
and Cass county people reside. They
could not have selected a better time
for the trip, as the country all the
,r,J,n ,iert" l" 1 '" ,
,,ne "as a ventible garden filled
wl,,h bountlful cr?DS such as on,-v
Nebraska can produce.
.Even the Cass county spring
chlckens could not excel those of the
nOn 11 in UeilClOUSIieS!,.
Their first stop was at Flainview,
where they saw many former Casj
county people and were so surround
ed by friends that they could scarce
ly realize they were out of their
home vicinity. They found Fred
Ebinger. Fred Weidman and Hans
Goos all engaged in business in the
promising little city of Plainview,
and each doing well. They also met
and visited at the homes of Henry
Falter, Jacob Horn.- Mtehael.-Jacob.
Henry and Louis Hoffard, John
Weber and John and Phillip Schae
fer, as well as Emil Hartsock of that
vicinity and John Hoofer, of Arcadia.
They describe the homes of these
men as being the best, and say that
they have prospered beyond measure.
They found the country very pro
ductive this year, with bountiful
crops everywhere en route. The cool
evenings made the trip a pleasure,
although on one or two ocasions the
nights were a bit to cool and a fear
of frost was expressed. Luckily it
has not yet materialized and all hope
the crops will get to a safety point
! before a freeze comes.
From Tuesday's Dallv.
This morning Henry Kauble and
wife, a bride of some two weeks, de
parted for their home at Scottsbluffs,
where Mr. Kauble is engaged in the
laundry business.
About a week ago Mr. Henry Kau
ble. formerly of Flattsmouth but
more recently of Scottfljluffs, who is
extend their greetings and best wish
es, hoping that in the battle of life
that this new wedded young man and
woman, may be blessed with happi
ness and prosperity and that their's
may be the privilege of being of ser-
in a genuine and best manner to
all with whom they may meet.
ru O I IIRI OTTCn lirnC
Stimpson Hurled Part of Game for
Armours Yesterday Defeated
by a 9 to 0 Score.
From Monday's l'ailj.
The Monarchs. crack negro team
of Kansas City, had little trouble in
winning a double header in Omalia
yesterday afternoon from the Ar
mours, taking the first game 9 to 0
and the second 11 to 5.
Fart of the first contest was pitch
ed by Stimpson. former Plattsmouth
sandlotter who migrated to South
Dakota early this season, but was re
leased several weeks ago. StimsAn
went in to relieve Babe, but was un
able to effectively check the on
slought of the "smokes."
In the second game. Madden,
former Murpny-uid-it nurier was
opposed by Donaldson, famous col
ored twirler of big league ability.
The Monarchs also won the Sat
urday afternoon game against Andy
Graves, by a score of 6 to 1, after it
had remained 1 to 1 up to the first
half of the ninth, thus winning the
series In three straight.
Inability to See Narrow Place
Bottom of Hill Responsible
No One Injured.
From Monday's Dally.
Yesterday morning while Carl
Ohlschlager, make-up man in the
Journal composing rooms, while out
riding in his Cadillac roadster, ac
companied by a Mr. Henderson, met
with an accident ut the foot of the
hill just west of the L. L. Wiles
farm, which although it was the
cause of damaging two perfectly good
cars, was lucky inasmuch as it was
not attendant by loss of life or per
sonal injuries.
Mr. Ohlschlager and companion
had been viewing the country and
were driving at a moderate rate of
speed, and as they were descending
the hill, hidden from vision by the
overhanging branches of trees along
the roadway, a culvert and narrow
place in the road could not be seen
until they were right up to it. It
so happened that at the same time,
coming" from the east was the car of
W. F. Nolting, occupied by himself
and family.
When the drivers were able to
get an unobstructed view of the road
and note its impassibility, the cars
were but a short distance apart and
to stop short fit a collision was im
possible. On the other hand, the
narrowness of Ihe highway precluded
possibility of passing without one or
the other of the cars going into the
deep ditch. The lesser danger seem
ed to be in a headon collission, and
although the brakes were used effec
tively the cars came together with
considerable impact.
Doth cars were large ones, the
one driven by Mr. Ohlschlager being
a Cadillac roadster and that of Mr.
Nolting a Willys-Knight. The cars
were both badly wrecked and will
require the expenditure of many dol
lars to place them in serviceable
condition again. Had either or both
drivers been traveling at a high rate
of speed, the inevitable result would
have been a terrific pile-up, result
ing undoubtedly in loss of life, and
in view of the circumstances the
occupants of both machines can con
sider themselves lucky in this re
spect. It looks as though there might be
a damage claim filed against the
county for recovery for permitting
such a place to remain in the public
highway. The losers in this accident
both feel that they were in no way
to blame for the collision and attend
ant losses which they sustained.
The cars have been taken to the
garage tor repairs, out just wnat
steps will be taken in this direction
has not been determined.
Frank Smith, Journal Reporter, De
parted Saturday Night to Visit
Mother in Missouri.
From Monday's Dally.
Frank H. Smith, reporter for the
dailv Journal, departed on Saturday
night for Pittsburg. Mo., where he
will spend a week at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Claude Everett, in the
pleasant hills of the Ozarks. there to
eat of the peaches and other fine
fruits and enjoy life in its closeness
to nature.
Mr. Smith has labored unceasing
ly since his return from the army
more than a year ago, and the brief
respite from his work will be most
heirtily enjoyed. Upon his return a
fortnight later he will again take up
his work as city editor of tho Daily
During the absence of Mr. Smith
from the staff. M. S. llriggs, field man
for the Semi-Weekly Journal is look
ing after the gathering of news.
position he is eminently qualified to
fill through long-years of service in
this line of work..
We take this way in thanking our
neighbors and friends for their kind
ness during the illness and death of
our. beloved father and grandfather
and for the floral contribution, and
especially the Royal Neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hyde, family
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Jennings, family
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Green, family
Mr. and Mrs. Heston Green, family.
All the popular copyright books
on sale at the Journal office.
From Monday's Daily.
Mr. Ray Rummell of Beaver City,
and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Rummell, formerly of this place,
having moved to the west when about
six years of age. is visiting in Flatts
mouth and vicinity and the guest at
the home of Emil Rummell west of
town. Mr. Rummell likes this coun
try fine and also has much to say of
the land cf his. adaption the western
portion of Nebraska, while like the
east, has an abundant crop of ev
erything which grows this year. Mr.
Rummell will remain for some time
yet. He drove his car through in or
der to get the utmost pleasure out of
the trip and to see the country.
fAnn uv A CPflPT nv nTsrc ,
.. - i j rrv w
vvno were oausucu ami xiiuugut
TheyHad the Worth of Their
Money and Then Some.
From Monday's Dally.
At the appointed hour yesterday
afternoon the game between Louis-
ville and the Flattsmouth Red Sox
was called, vun Doin teams conn-
dent of victory. The weather was
sucn indi no uue luum "'"'i""' i
tne grounds were in
periect coiioi-;sans
At the opening of the game it was
difficult to find an ump, and some
sanied the visi-,
tors was placed in the Judge s posi-
tion, but his knowledge like our own,
was "meagre, and when "in doubt like
Sancho Pansa, he leaned. The gen-
eral opinion of all the crowd was so
pronouncedly adverse to 'his rendi-
tions that his services were dispensed '
... i t it l . 1 , r
with and Jack was asked to f-,
ficiate. He made an excellent urn-1
pire. both for the visitors and for i
the home team
Gobelman, who was first to bat.
swatted the ball on his third strike.
and got as far as second, but Sals
burg. Koop and Ossenkop all failed
on first bag, and he got no further.
For the Red Sox Christie got as far"tcrt-. Canie with the darkening of the
as first, while Herohl, Fen wick and
Smith failed.
Nothing was accomplished until
the sixth inning, when Wagener, of
the visiting team from un the river.
was able to record the only run of
the game. Koop was at third, but u first everv one doubted his own
otherwise the record of the visitors ! ability to judge, but as their prc
was like that of a poultryman Soing.vious proofs Were forgotten in the
to market with his basket. Unell of thfi somr. thev became more
With our team Herold and t'onnors
saw third once, aim t. nrisiie was
there a couple of times. But "seven
of the visitors were able to get to
first while eleven home team men ing. Suddenly the lights were snap
were accorded the privilege. ped on. The audience was aston-
A counle of times it looked like
there was a sure winning in store
for the home team, but the "human
element" was not equal to the occa-
sion and the game ended with thej it was as though two voices with
score 1 to 0. ithe same tone-quality, the same ex-
The line up of the respective
te.ams was as follows:
Ked Sox Herold. 3b; Fen wick,
If; Christie. 2b; Smith, lb; Rockwell,
ss; O'Donnell, cf; Grassman, rf; John
Wolfe, c; Connors, pitch.
I,ouisville Gobelman. 3b; Sals-
berg, ss; Koop. If; O-senkop, c; Mei-
singer, p; Noyes. rf; Snyder, 2b;
Drake, lb; Wagener, Cf.
From Monday's Daily.
Yesterday when J. II. Burton went
to the elevator at Murray, where he
Is employed, to wind the clock, the
driveway being closed making the
place in semi darkness, Mr. Burton.
while knowing the existance of a
hole which led into the dump, step
ped therein, breaking his leg below
the knee. Mr. Burton while in ex
treme pain crawled out of the hole
and dragged himself out of the eleva
tor, so that his cries for assistance
could be heard. Mr. C. J. Tilson
hearing his calls for help hastened to
his assistance and securing help and
a means of conveyance, had the un
fortunate man taken to the office of
Dr. G. H. Gilmore, where the frac
ture was reduced and while the pain
was excruciating, Mr. Burton bore it
manfully and after the ordeal of re
placing the fractured parts and the
dressing was done, the pain subsided
somewhat but still gave much grief.
It is very unfortunate that he should
meet this accident, as he is compelled
to work every day and can ill afford
the idleness as well as the attendant
For Sale: 6-room house and 2-lots
on North 6th Street. Electric lights,
bath, city water -and gas in house.
PTiced at a bargain,
tf d-w. H. J. HOUGH.
Blank books, Journal office.
Replete with Sensations Climax cf
Which Came with Darken
ing of the Theatie.
From Tuesday's Dally
"A miracle concert" was the re
cital at the I'armele the:;tre last
evening by Collins and Harlan, the
known Metropolitan favorite en-!
tertainers. Not two voices, but four,
, tan? to the spellbound audience
, j mS juifiio.iiKuou ...-lump,...-
, .";v -" Ki-m u uu..:ei
. ..u u.. in - .nr
an is-is aim maicneii iiiu perior
mances, note by note, and tone for
I Mr. Harlan sans the initial num-
ber on the program. In the midst of
the number, his lips ceased to move,
.but the song went on. Slowly it
t dawned on the astonished audience
that the artist was no longer t ing-'
ing, though his voice came forth to) a few nights ago Hon. K. M. Pol
them as clear and sweet as before ' lard spoke to a mere handful of vot-
Asraill. lie sailir. aild tile HlldieUCO frmn t ln rmirl liniKU luu-n vlieii
only knew it was the living Mr. Har-j
ian because of the motion of his lip,;,
His Ups ceased but his voice con-!
tinned. The same magical effect was'
obtained when Mr. Collins sang and!
also in the duets which the artists
together. The tones which came
(from the New halison matched those
from the living artists so perfectly
that it was impossible to detect anywith these amendments and then go.
tonal difference. The instrument
produced not an ecno or copy nut tne
real thing -Collins'
voices "untainted by
and . Harlan's
any mechanical
metalic ring.
unspoiled by any
Ti1( instrumental re-creation was
t(0rfect as that of Collins and Har-!
laTVs delightful voices. The re-crea-
tinn wa, nhsolntelv identical with the
orJt:ina jn every particular. Further
numbers in which Collins and Har
lan performed with themselves im
pressed the conviction of one's in
ability to distinguish between re
created art and its original.
The climax of the "Miracle con
room during one of Mr. Collins se
lections. The audience depended
uDcn its powers of hearing alone inithat. all we have to do is to do our
. determining whether his voice came
'in double volume or only from the
New Edison.
: and more convinced ithat no instru-
ment couiu sing as inis voice
singing, and that Mr. Collins was'
making no more pauses in his sing-'
ished to discover that Mr. Collins
was not on the stage and that theiican region has completed arrange-
"New Edison had furnished the song
pression. the same timbre, were sing-
ing together. The effect was some-
how unreal and weird, as though
one artist had been bewitched into
two by some magician's art.
Through the efforts of the firm ot
Wevrich & Hadraba. local represen-
tatives of the Edison phonograph,
; this musical treat was made possible
I for the residents of the community
i pand the result speaks wonders for
the instrument they have placed
within the reach of all, and wtnen
J affords a concert oT the worlds oest
music, rendered by tne worm s Desi
artists, every hour.
From Thursday's Daily.
This morning Mrs. Charles Hass
man and ber daughter. Miss Ellen of
Yaquena. Oregon, where they have
made their home since leaving Platts
mouth a number of years ago, arrived
in this city via the Missouri Pacific
this morning and are the guests at
the home of Mr. Hassman'g sister,
Mrs. J. W. Swanson, living on south
10th street.
It will be remembered that Mr
Hassman was a salesman in the Dovey
Department stores in this city for a
number cf years and with the fam
ily departed for the west years ago.
Mrs. Hassman and daughter in
conversation with a Representative
of this paper had to Bay that they
were making their home on a farm
near the city of Yaquena. where they
have abundant crops and that their
wheat and potatoes are something
great in the production and character
of the crcps. They are making their
home next to Chris Christensen, who
is also well known in this city, hav
ing been an employe of the Burling
ton for many years and worked in
the blacksmith department. Mr.
Christensen has an elegant farm and
one of the finest dairy herds on the
Pacific Coast. Mr. Christensen and
wife will be remembered as an ex
cellent cc.uple and have many friends
here. It is with pleasure that the
Journal has to record the successes
these loimer estimable citizens of.
f..m. Tuesdays imiiy
I We
I chute of two new Sedan model Fords
within the past few davs. one going
(to Miss Mabel F. White and the
other being purchased bv Elmer E.
JKS, V.T!?vSZ. SffXZ
pan" and will undoubtedly give the:r
new owners long ;nd useful service.
Advance Interest is Any Indica
tion. It Won't Take Long to
County the Ballots.
J 1:ir(!rlt!atiu!l jvtMI , reAtivv
(he conijng ei(.ctjun lf September 2
, , amendments to the constitution
.jn hL, vltp(1 discloses the fact
that only one board will be on duty
at each of the poling places, and that
the receiving board. This means the
members of this board will also
t he '
, charged with the counting of
ballots, which task may
not prove so;
; hi as it looks however, on account
j(lf the apparent lack of interest i.i
the junendments.
there should have been manv times
j that number present to hear him.
Of the fortv odd amendments to
come, up, the majority are worth of
the voters support, but there are
now ami then ft few which should be
defeated. In order to best serve thelspoiife to true friendliness extended.
ends of good government everv voter
.ci,,,;)',! str.dv ami familiarize himself
to the noils on SeDtemher 21st and
vote for the good ones and against
the had. ones.
: .
....... ,i,i.
,:...".. ,..,,, ,w "
i in hum Ul it io iiiircrv nunc n it, u im
thinks the frost catching the corn
. ur.. -,..,n i." .....
that there never was a crop of corn
ruined when there was no one who
did not fear that something would
Have a little bit of faith. Cod.
who makes the sunshine, the balmy
winds, the showers anil fits so nicely
the elements to the bringing from
the ftirt ile soil, the well matured
i crops is doing his part, do r.ot fear
j portion and the land will blo-som
and bvr fruit like the Valley of the
Nile The corn is going to ripen,
do not for a moment fear that, a few
roa: ting ears may gef nipper, but
the bulk of the crop will be
The dance committee of the Anir-
ineuts for the giving of a dance Sat-
'urday night at Coates hall to music
furnished by the Eagles orchestra.
The addition of a new Xylophone
to the instrumentation of the orches
tra has greatly improved the music.
and the boys put up a brand of jazz
harmony that is hard to beat.
The Legion is slowly collecting
funds with which to outfit a new
club home, and hopes to increase its
balai ce materially through the me
diuni of frequent dances throughout
the fall and winter.
The Hour of
the First national Dank
Remains Arrive From Lincoln, on
Burlington Train, Sermon by
Rev. II. G. McClusky.
i r'-m TueMlny's Dally.
The remains of Mrs. Wayne Dick
son cf whose death there was a no
tice in jesterday's paper, arrived at
the Burlington station about one
j o'clock and from I here the funeral
cortege proceeded to the First 1'ies-
i byterian church w here the last Pad
rites were celebrated over her mortal
remains. The service was conducted
by the Kev. II. (J. McClusky. pastor
of the church here, who in a very
pleasing manner told of the excellent
(iila'it ie.-i cf character poss..sid bv
this the hravtPt of women. Mrs.
)ick:-on. who knowing forborne tiu-4
that the last days were rapidly ap
proaching, lie. K with a firm f.iith to
the promise of the Ma-tcr. that "I
will never forsake you", wa- ready
when the call cumc to come up high
er. For some six hours h fore the
end came she and all friends knew
of the approach f the death me!-.-e!i-ger.
The sympathising friends, here
with iiuiit in a!is extended to th
bereavde friends their true heartfelt
i svmpath v and it was received with
that true frienii.-hii which is a r
The Moral offerings were very gen-
i .
erom and beautiful betokening the
friendship and respect in all its pur-
ity extended to the one departed a
i wen as a iohen in me in-iu i'.-
maining. The remains now rest in
the quiet 'cemetery 'at Oak Hill be-"
sides those of her late hushnnd who
has so few short months preceded the
wife to the other world.
Cass County Heavyweight Signs for
Ten Rounds with Indian To
be Staged Monday Night
l'rm Ti:eiriay Dally.
Andy Schmader, of Louisville, ex
heavy weight champion of the U. S.
navy, has signed to meet I-amson at
the Omaha auditorium on next Mon
day night, under the promotion of
Jack Lewis. For some reason the
bout is not being staged by the Om
aha Legion post as was at first con
templated. Schmader lost a decision to Lim
son at Walthill on July 4th last, but
has won the right to again meet the
Indian by defeating Alexander and
Schmader's Cass county friends be
lieve he can put the Indian out, but
admit it will be a fight go from the
start to finish. Since last meet'ng
Lamson Aiidy has been undergoing
intensive training under tutorage of
Kid Graves of Omaha, former light
weight title holder and is considered
in much better shape than when be
entered the squared ring at Walthill
on Julv 4th. fresh from the corn
It is quite probable a number from
here will attend, especially if the
roads are good.
Of all the essential cogs in the
world's greatest machine none are more
necessary than capital.
The hour of opportunity awaits
every man who has moneysaved and
safely banked. It is of prime impor
tance that your money be held in readi
ness for your opportunity when it
A Certificate of Deposit at this bank
affords safety and at the same time a
liquid investment for your idle fundi.
Interest at 4'r and a hearty welcome
awaits your account here.