The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc-plattemoutb journal
I :n t . i f-l i;t r.sli.fTi o, riattMnout!:, Xel., as secoiul-elass mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
It ."-"OOIl
in tr furs.
will be too cool for sum-
AW'xioo .-till
pot for plots.
seems to be a garden
: o:
Those v lu tliuu
avoid the bier.
woo;! alcohol will
Postal .savings
l.v ? ;i0.yH) July
posits increased
: o :
l'.;.!;c- Ituth L always in the lime
livii;. lie is no', running for ot-lio-.
'fox Told Half Truths'- llead
li'i . Give tlu- devil his dues. How
at i"if l .iaii Hays?
it ; j
Sinee 177;. noarly :;."". 000,000
I. (.j.I rave arrived in the United
Slates rfotn foreign lands.
o : o
n. w divides earth-
and th
When Governor Cox accused the
republican bosses of a purpose to
"Newberryize the country" he coined
a phrase not soon to be forgotten.
How Michigan was Newberryized is
a matter of political, financial, judi
cial and criminal record.
In 101S the task set for the gold
diggers was the election of a con
gress opposed to the president of the
I'nited States. Michigan was a weak
spot in the line, owing to the candi
dacy of Henry Ford. To gain con
trol of the senate all republican seats
had to be kept and several democrats
displaced. A supreme effort in be
half of Truman H. Newberry was
therefore necessary in Michigan, and,
as it turned out, his purchased elec
tion was what gave the republicans
a majority, enabled them to pack the
committee on foreign relations
against the league of nations and
made it possible for Mr. Ixidge to
kill the treaty of peace.
Persons whose memory is good
will recall the fact that when Mr.
Fud complained that the election
had been bought, Mr. Newberry and
all his agents were as vociferous in
their denials as Chairman Hays and
Treasurer I'phani now are. They
said the charges were preposterous.
They threatened counter-exposure.
They made light of indictments and
sneered at the lav.-. Yet Senator
Newberry and sixteen others were
found guilty of criminal conspiracy,
and the judge who sentenced them
said: "If such conditions are to be
endured the hopes and aspirations of
every man for political preferment
I. id "!. v. who is now studving musi ne measureu uy me mzc 01 ins
Th- t-r':.' of his emlith divorce v l-
tiin. tirol. will persist in bis At the trial it was shown that.
in h i.f a s--ood true woman who I to New bcrrvize Michigan, inonev was
wiil - tile down and make a home. distributed lavishly not only in reg-
-:o: j ular party channel.s but through pri-
Tli- discouraging thing about tell- vate organizations, churches and
ing a fri nds about an ir.t' iesting i class publication. Fifty-dollar bills
thin: like our own troubles is that i were placed in books which were giv-
tilt otwo kinds
i Ls Angeles
Why v. e. are not an admirer of Mayor
'!'! tnp"ii (,f Chicago, but it seems to
I).- d.-c e.'t dog between him and Gov-
t:kt I.owdeii. Let tm light.
'Trii.-t the people!" is a good mot
to. When a country does otherwise,
trub!e 'A ill arise. Pnying presi
d 'it. the p r.ple will not stand.
The Pi.ittsniouth theaters are put
ting on the very best pictures. No
t i . - tai i utdo the managers on this
: c 'ie. 11 iIim s one great good to
. !id an hour at these places.
o : o-
r ci i nfls him
:i ::! nt t in m
his and I
i if anyb!
Te' lesi bosii
w.'M'd !!-;in a
oily had the
pro'-lamat ion
wimlil fn.d m
ry. jays nn exchange,
great saving. If we
nerve to admit it, a
for toolcss hosiery
.my of us a 1 reaily in
nas 'o en away,
cared, j t hose who
i instance a
th threat
"IiOans" were made to
asked for them. In one
litigant was coerced by
of an adverse court de-
At a recent police convention in
New York I be motion picture inter
est WM" asked to stop burlesquing
the police. The request might be
made more reasonable by the police
agreeing to emit burlesquing the
The new airplane mail between
tie I i t States and Cuba will car
ry pa- kams up to four pound j at "
ins an i'. nice, which would be
'In-ap I ough. only it emphasizes
pounds not quarts.
One reason the Mexican el.-cMon
was quiet Steins to have been that
General Olinson bad no opposit ion.
Th re was another candidate, to be
sure, but be seems to have been put
up merely to make the election legal.
Labor day was also notable in Hie
fact that no word was received from
llal.e Uutli denouncing the interna
ls nal pt'ss. The circumstance that
P.. ib fanned out three times in the
morning game may have had some
thing to do with this curious situa
t ion, bow ver.
: o :
will high prices
it verv common
Which m
i o ry day. Our reply is
We remember after the
let up?"
some day.
civil war.
urii es wTe extremely biirh and gra
dually disappeared as the prices be
came lov er. IV n 't worry the con
sumer v ill get his inning after
Avh ile.
"1 Vw
OME women
have learned
that there are two
ways to cure for
clot lie s. They are
learning to take
care of them.
It i.sf.uitcamanncrly '.hingtotake
cit e of your cljtl es investment and
protect it up to the limit. Having
your clothes careful;? dry cleaned
will improve their wear and help to
prolong tt.e life of their stylish lines.
Getting acquainted w;th our work
means getting iu touch with a real
money saving ser ice.
Goods Called for and Delivered
166 V
cision. Money was spent to develop
regular democratic opposition to
Ford. TJie defense finally admitted
the expenditure of $ ITS, 000. but
Rood judges estimated the cost of
Newberry's campaign at from $.r00,
000 to $1. 000. 000.
When Michigan was Newberryized
the state was districted at party
headquarters and funds apportioned
according to the assumed needs of
each locality. This corresponds with
the quota system now practiced by
the republican national committee
for the collection of the millions to
be spent for the election of Senator
Harding. In 1!1S the county and
district committee in Michigan were
asked by Newberry's managers to
make their official reports of receipts
and expenditures one-tenth of the
actual amounts. That is about the
proportion of their quotas which in
some cases young .Mr. nays agents
ire willing to admit this year.
The United State; senate has been
Newberryized. The league of na
tions has been Newberryized. The
treaty of peace has been Newberry
ized. Ily reason of our continuance
in a state of war, with most of the
war laws still in force, the industrial.
economic and judicial systems of the
country have been Newberryized.
The presidency only remains. Is
that also to be Newberryized? New
York World.
Senator Harding pronounces the
league of nations " a failure and a
wreck heyonu the possibility or re
pair, ar.d Senator Lodge character
izes it as "a battered hulk."
What are the facts?
1. The league of nations is now
composed of thirty-nine member na
tions, representing seven-eights of
the people of the globe. Practically
all the nations of the world have
joined except United States, Russia,
Mexico and the ex-enemy countries
It seems probable that Germany and
Austria will be admitted at the meet-
inf of the assembly of the league to
be held at Geneva in November. It
is significant that the Germans par
ticipated fully at the International
Seamen's Conference of the league
at Genoa, and not only the Germans
but the Autrians, Hungarians and
Bulgarians have been invited to the
International Financial Conference of
the league at Brussels on Septem
ber 24.
2. The range of the league's work
may be indicated by the following
schedule of Its meetings. Parentheti
cally, it should be noted that the
leagues policy is to hold its meetings
in as many different countries as pos
sible. The council of the league hns
held sessions in London, Paris, Home
and San Sebastian; the International
Labor conference of the league met
at Washington, the International
Seamen's conference at Genoa, the
Jurist's Advisory committee at The
Hague, the International Health
conference at Iondon, the Interna
tional Ports and Waterways confer
ence at Paris, the Armaments com
mission at San Sebastian. The Fin
ancial conference will soon meet at
Brussels and the Transit conference
at Barcelona.
3. The Armaments commission of
the league (provided for by Article
'IX of the covenant) has t-?en organ
ized and is now at. work on the be
I ginning.? of a plan of universal dis
armament for submission t othe na
tions of the world. Obviously, the
; United Ftates is not represented on
this commission.
4. A permanent Mandates com
mission has been appointed, as pro
vided for in article XXII of the cov
enant, to supervise the administra
tion of the territories and peoples
freed from German and Turkish rule.
The application of this new princi
ple Is vitally important to us, not on
ly frtmi the standpoint of freedom of
trade for American commerce, but
still more from the standpoint of es
tablishing a system of justice which
will prevent backward countries
from being the tinderbox of future
5. The plans for a permanent
Court of International Justice have
been completed and are ready for
submission to the assembly of the
league at its meeting in November.
Mr. Boot served as a member of this
particular subdivision of the league's
6. The council will place before
the assembly in November the pro
posal for a joint committee to work
out the plans and principles of eco
nomic blockade as the strongest
guarantee of world peace and the
greatest restraint on a bandit nation
that the countries of the world have
ever agreed to put into effect. Un
less the I'nited States is a member
of the league it cannot join in forg
ing this powerful weapon.
7. The Financial conference call
ed the league of nations for the last
of this month is the most important
international gathering since the
conference of Versailles. The league
has brought together a mass of in
formation on world economic matters
such as has never been available
before, covering such subjects as in
ternational finance, credits, cur
rency, exchange, etc. At this con
ference, which touches the interest
and well-being of every nation of the
world, the United States will not be
oiliciallv represented.
S. Single-handed in Poland, with
funds provided by Its members, the
league is fighting the typhus epidem
ic, doing its best to keep back from
the rest of the world the flood of this
fearful scourge. The estimated cost
of this work is S 15.000.000. The
United States has no part in the fin
9. The league is understanding
the task of repatriating the half mil
lion prisoners " of war Russians,
Germans, Poles, Hungarians. Ruman
ians, etc. who, due to lack of trans
it facilities, are still retained in en
emy countries. It is estimated that
100.000 of these men will be re
turned to their homes before Christmas.
10. The league has established an
International Health ottice. a bureau
to light the international exploita
tion of opium and other drugs, and a
division to suppress the international
trade in women and girls.
These points represent the main
activities of the league in the seven
months of its existence. It is far
from "wr ecked." It is going abend
most courageously, rapidly organiz
ing its work, regardless of the United
States. We cannot destroy it, nor
can be substitute another league in
its place. Indeed, the latter con
tention is the sheerest absurdity. We
have only two choices to stay out
side of a community of nations or
ganized for co-operation and peace
and thereby lose our whole place in
the worlfl, to say nothing of our own
soul as a nation, or to come into the
league (with reservations, if we
think necessary) and put our shoul
der to the wheel in all those great
movements for which American for
eign policy has always stood.
Springfield Republican.
sure pick
From Thursday's Dally.
Quotations, on staple food stuffs
have shown considerable break dur
ing the past few days, which listens
mighty pood to the ultimate con
sumer, who. like Jones, "pays
freight." Sugar has shown a
longed and steady decline, and it
tickles us alnitst to death to
up the paper and read where some
"sweet stuff" baron stands to lose a
few million because of the drop. A
decrease of a nickel a pound in the
price of coffee also means, we hope,
that a few other "get-rich-quick"
guys stand to drop a few of their
ill-gotten dollars. The only way to
feirce prices down, as this writer has
always maintained, and its an eco
nomic problem age-old in applica
tion, is to lay off buying. Perhaps
the time will again come when sales
men from the wholesale centers will
vie Mith each other for orders, in
stead of walking in, stating the
price, and maintaining a "take-it-or-leave-it-alone"
attitude as they now
do. And then, as in days of yore,
real salesmanship will count and half
of the Knights of the grip now on the
road will be back on grand-dad's
farm hoeing potatoes for that is
where they belong. Yes. we saw a
couple of their kind in Plattsnio'ith
today. Talk about inspiration, we
could write a column of this subject.
u IVllllon for A ppolntment nt
. (I in i ii 11 rn rl v.
The State of Nebraska, Cass county,
In the County Court.
in the matter of the estate of David
Tourtelot. deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Charles V. Touttelot prayltix that
admiiiistiittioti of said estate may lie
granted to Ona Haird, as Adminis
tratrix; Ordered. That September loth, A. I .
I!i2(i, at 10:00 o'clock a. in., is assign
ed for hciirinsr said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
said county, and show
the prayer of petitioner
be Ki'a.ited; and that no
pendency nf said petition
and the hearing thereof be Kiven to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing: a copy of this order in
the I'lnttsmoutli .Ton ma I. a semi-week
ly newspaper printed in said county.
for three successive
said dav of hearm;;.
J luted August l't,
in and for
cause .why
.should not
tice of tin
weeks prior to
A. 1). Irtl'O.
.1. HKKSoN,
County Judge.
i,r.;i, aotick
In the District
ty. Nebraska.
The Livingston
Association and
1 'lain lift's, vs. O.
fenda n t s.
To the defendants, .
unknown heirs, devise
persona I represent a t i ves.
persons interested in th
H. Irish, deceased: John
Court of Cass conn-
From Krldny' Dally.
1-2 mil I'.oruenieier has been holding
around rather slow like for a few
days. On Friday be was cleaning the
drain pipe in the basement of his
tine country home and water had es
caped on the cement floor making it
rather slick and in the process of his
work in some manner he slipped au 1
fell with a lot of force striking on
his side a large jar with the
that one of his ribs was broken. The
doctor was needed to patch him up
and he will be a week or to layed on
the shelf, so to speak, but be is
thanking his lucky star that mailers
are no worse than they are. Elm
wood Leader-Echo.
Boost for your home post.
A smoker and luncheon are plan
ned for Sept. 30th at Coates hall.
Aubrey Dtixbury will write your
application for a Victory medal free.
Take him your discharge papers.
The overseas edition of the Stars
and Stripes is at the office of Dr. A.
D. Caldwell, where it may be read
by Legion members.
The Douglas county post netted a
neat sum on their Krug park festi
vities and added to it with the pro
ceeds realized from their Labor day
boxing match.
The Athletic activities committee
expects to get busy toot sweet on a
program of athletic events through
the long winter months. Raymond
Larson is chairman of this commit
tee and Edward Kelley and Harry
Winscott members thereof.
The CTimniittee on club rooms ex
pects to have a detailed report ready
by the time of the next scheduled
meeting on the evening of September
30th. Desirable locations are hard
to find, but the committee is going
after the matter systematically.
The post adjutant has secured a
supply of stationery for use of the
members in personal correspondence.
This will be sold at the bare cost of
printing, namely, one cent a sheet,
in lots of 25 sheets or any multiple
thereof. Comrades can advertise the
post, and at the same time secure
tome cheap writing paper. Leave
your order with the post adjutant.
Arrangements are progressing in
fine shape for the anniversary cele
bration of the granting of this post's
charter to be held Thursday night.
September 30th, at Coates hall. This
event will be open house to all ex
service men, whether members of
the Legion-or not, and none will be
asked to join against their will. A
luncheon will be served followed by
a smoker and general good time. A
prominent out-of-town speaker will
make a short talk. which instead of
being dry and statistical in its na
ture will be spicy and replete with
witticism. Other features may in
clude several athletic events, so set
the date apart now and watch for
further developments through these
columns and the bulletin board in
Conis' shining parlor.
From Friday's Daily.
The deal has just been closed by
the real estate lirni of J. P. Falter
H. Son whereby the residence of Airs.
Frederick Engelkemeier in the north
part of tiie city has been sold to Mr.
Crant Wetenkamp of Mynard. The
consideration of the property was
$i;.r(00. This is one of t lie most
pleasant homes in the second ward
and was formerly owned by C. W.
Baylor, prior to the removal of Lie
family to Colorado. The residence
is well situated and thoroughly mod
ern in every respect.
I.oan anil T'uildini?
Tobitha Thaeker.
II. Irish et al. De
ll. Irish: the
es. legatees,
and all other
estate of
C Jiavs an. I
Mrs. John J. llavs, his wife, tirst and
real name unknown: t!e- unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives, and all other persons in
terested in the estate ot .John I. H::ys,
deceased; the unknown h"irs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives, ami
all oilier persons interested in the
estate of Mrs. John !. Hays, deceased;
W. 11. Pickens; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives, and all other persons inter
ested in the estate of V. 11. Pickens,
deceased: .Michael 10. Bannin and Airs.
.Michael K. Pannin, bis wife,' tirst and
real name unknown: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives, and all other persons in
terested in the estate of .Michael -;.
P.annin. deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tis. and all otix r persons Interested
jin the estate of Mrs. .Michael I'. U:-n-i-n
in,- deceased: Kifie iJossard sunt
I Charles Jossard, her husband: the un
I known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all other
persons interested in Hie estate of
Kffie Cossard, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Charles Cos
said, di ceased; Cheever Sweet t Co.:
the unknown claimants and all other
persons interested in Lot 7 in Itloek o
in Fitzgerald's Addition t the City of
I 'la 1 1 snion t h. Nenra.-ha: Lot 7 in liloek
: in Fit .gerabl"s Addition to the City
of I "la I t.viuoiit ii. Cass county, Nebraska,
and all persons claiming any interest
of any kind in said real estate or any
part thereof:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the -J Ith dav of August,
A. 1. 19ii. Plaintiffs tiled their peti
tion and suit in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer and purpose of winch is to
ouiet and confirm plaintiffs" titles in
and to the respective tracts of land.
to-wit: The south one-half of Lot 7,
in I'.leek :;. in Fitzgerald's Addition to
the City of Pla I fsinoiit h, Cass county.
Nebraska, and tiie North one-half of
Lot 7, in P.lock ;:, in Fii;.geralds Ad
dition l the city of Pla 1 1 smou t h, Cass
county. Nebraska, and to enjoin each
and all of you from having or claim
ing to have any right, title, lien, or
interest, either legal or equitable, in,
to, or upon, sab! real state or any
part thereof and to enjoin you and
each of you irom tn any maniifr in
terfering with plaintil'ls' possession of
said respective pieces of real estate,
and enjoyment of said premises and
for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of the Court. You are required
to answer said petition on or before
.Monday, the 11th day of October. !;",
or your default will be entered
t herein.
The Livingston Loan and
Puilding Association and
Tobitha Thaeker.
a30-? Attorneys.
The commodious brick residence in
Plattsmouth known as the Week bach -Walker
home located at 4th and Oak
streets. This properly is the last of
the brst down town properties that
can be secured at a reasonable price.
Only half block from post office, li
brary, court house and shopping dis
tricts. About four fine lots, is high,
sunny ar.d sanitary, line shade and
lawn, good well, cistern, city water,
has good barn, partly modern, pol
ished oak floor in living room. The
place needs some repair; will make
splendid home for retiring farmer or
any one desiring a substantial in
vestment or high class residence prop
erty. Out-of-town owners of this
property have requested me to dis
pose of it at once. I will therefore
offer it for about one-fourth of its
actual replacement value.
m-f Plattsmouth, Neb.
We can furnish you "blank "books
of all kinds. The Journal.
Fiom Thursdays Dally.
J. R. Stine has just completed the
deal for the purchase of the Lorens
residenc epropert yon North Sth
street while A. II. Shindelbower, who
has been living in the property has
secured the residence of Mr. Stine
on west Main street. The change in
ownership will be made at once and
the new owners take possesssion of
their property.
A Grateful letter
It is in trying conditions like
that related below by Mrs. George
L. North of Naples, N. Y., that proves
the worth of Chamberlain's Colic and
Dfarrhoe:i Remedy. "Two years ago
last summer," she says, "our little
boy hid dysentery. At that time we
were living in the country eight miles
from a doctor. Our son was taken
ill suddenly and was about the sick
est child I ever saw. He was in ter
rible pain all the time and passed
from one convulsion into another. I
sent my husband for a doctor and af
ter he was gone thought of a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy in the cupboard. I gave him
some of it and he began to improve
at once. By the time the doctor ar
rived he was out of danger."
Victor Sherwood and wife depart
ed this morning for Omaha, where
they will visit over Sunday with rel
atives and friends.
to -iti:nrroits
N c 1 1 r a s k a , Ca s s
The State oi
t y, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob
11. Vallcry, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby untitled. That I
sit at the County Court room in 1 "I
mouth, in said county, on the ',fh
of October. A. I . liJ0, und on the
con n-
day of January. A. I . lUl'l. at ten
o'clock in the forenoon of each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against 'said estate,
their adjustment and
time limited for the
claims agaitist said
months from the Mil
A. D. 1920, anil the
pavmcnt of debts is
said fith dav of October, A. I
Witness my hand and the
said County i
September, A.
(Seal) sS-lw.
with a view to
allowance. The
presentation of
estate is three
lay of i let o her,
time limited for
one year from
1 !;.
seal of
ourt. this 1st day of
D. r.20.
Cou nty J udge.
In the District Court, within and for
Cass county, Nebraska.
Alidu ISlair and Milan L. Plair,
Plaintiffs, vs. OMie I'.Iair, Administrat
rix of tiie estate of Fred JUair, de
ceased, ct al. Defendants.
To Lloyd Ulair: Delia Harry, form
erjy Delia Blair; Victor Harry and
Lot number two hundred and seventy
eight (27S in t lie Village of Creep
wood, in Cass county, Nebraska, and
all persons claiming any interest of
any kind in said real estate or any
part thereof. Defendants:
You are hereby notified that, on the
11" th day of June, lili'O, plaintiffs, Alida
Ulair ami -Milan I. Mlair. tiled a peti
lion in equity in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, naming you as
defendants, the object and prayer of
whicn petition is to compel the spe
eilie performance of a contract of sale
of Lot number two hundred a.nd sev
entv-eight C!7S in the Village of
(reenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska,
oetween .Anna Ulair and ! red Hlai
deceased, and to quiet the title of
said real estate in the plaintiffs and
for such other relief as justice may
require. You are notified to answer
said petition on the ISth day of Oc
tober, 191'0.
s6-Iw. Plaintiffs.
Chronic Catarrh
Our manner of living makes us
very susceptible to colds and a suc
cession of colds causes chronic ca
tarrh, a loathsome disease with
which it is estimated that ninety
five per cent of our adult popula
tion are afflicted. If you would
avoid chronic catarrh you must avoid
colds or having contracted a cold,
get rid of it as quickly as possible.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
highly recommended as a cure for
cold3 and can be depended upon.
Ben Windham, who is engaged in
traveling through South Dakota in
the interests of the Henry R. Gering
Co., of Omaha, came down last even
ing for a short visit here with hi.;
father and other relatives and
Stop in
!yjyi 'vU-X
this plan
youre passing
pend wisely
and own
"Th Phonograph with a ShI"
There's a way of spending money
that spreads incomes over bigger
Big business calls it financing.
Government calls it nudget-making.
We call it the Budget Plan.
Would you like to own a New Edison ?
Our Budget Plan will show you how to
Mving' the purchase, without cutting in
on your present necessary expenditures.
Now is a good time to buy. The New
Edison has advanced in price less than 15
since 1914; this includes War Tax. Mr.
Edison has kept prices down by absorbing
increased costs out of his own pocket.
I 8
Krotn l-'rioay's Dally.
This morning Kditor J. May
field of the Louisville Courier and
wife, accompanied by Klder G. W.
Maylield and wife, mi rents nf Mr
Mayfield. were in the city for a short
time cnrouie bv ear tn Olenwnnd
where they are to be met by George
MayficPl. auolhtr vow, of J-:i(i"r and
Mrs. -Mayfield, and who will tak
his parents to his honi" at Ran
dolph, la., where they will enjoy vis
iting for some lime. !.! ami Mrs.
Maylirli! will return from Glen wood
back to their home and i xpett to
travel bv the way of Omaha.
Fine stationery. Journal office.
Farm Machinery!
Wc carry a full and complete line of the rcliublef
John Dccrc farm machinery, and are ready to fill yotn
order ior anything in our line. Plowo and corn farming
implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest
ing machinery. Also threshers' necessities.
King & Hamilfsn Grain Dump
or an OTTAWA SHELLER. If you wait till you need
them you will not be able to secure them. I also have
a few first quality Farm Wagons left at $185.00.
Act quickly.
Cedar Creek,
r" n
J Lisa es
I am back from the western part of the state,
where I have been employed draining lagoons and
have taken up my work blowing out stumps, hedges
and trees of all kind. Let me prove to you with my
ten years experience that I can do a cheaper and bet
ter job than any other methdd.
Weeping Water,