The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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1 !
1 1 ;
and -Mrs. Glen
liiri were in
Sliger and Miss
Lincoln Satur-
dav. . ...
Grandma I'ptegrove is visiting her
?on. William, in Portsmouth. Iowa,
t'.is week.
1 I Van i Have, 01 i diiua,
.ptnding a few days nereuu uro.
Foreman ana oiner iru-nus.
Miss Frances Campbell and friend.
M lis
Lucy (Ireen, 01 soiun itn.i.
were in Aivo saiurua mitrm-m.
Otto Ingwerson and family. of
Wayne are visiting K. M. Coalman
and family. Mr. Ingwerson is an
uncle of Mrs. Coatman.
Mrs. I. Kennedy and nephew. Ver
non Hindhansh, spent Sunday ;,nl
Monday visiting in University Place
and taking in the state fair.
II. Moore was in Lincoln Monday.
Miss Alta Linch went to Univer
sity riace Sunday evening to visit
her brother. Verl Linch and wife.
Among those attending the state
fair Monday were A. I. Uird and
familv; ( Rosenow and family:
Mr. and Mrs. I'has. F reman and
Miss Aurel Foreman.
Mrs. F.e'.le Hennett r'yrnH how
with her daughur. Mrs. George I".
Foreman. Jr.. of Valparaiso, who,
with her husband spent the day
here. Mrs. Bennett expects to te
eone two weks.
Miss M3ri? Stroemer returned
home Sunday evening r.fter spending
the summer in Chautauqua work
which took her to many points in
Nebraska as well as some in Colo
rado. Kansas and Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Cuinming and Mr.
and Mrs. L. Whitehead, of New Mar
ket. Iowa, who have 1 een visiting
the former's daughter, Mrs. Ed Stroe
n:er for several days, left on Monday
for a visit with relatives at Diller.
Thev are traveling by autc.
Plow is the Time
to Flow!
It's the early plowing that makes the
big wheat yield. We have a full line of horse
drawn plows; also engine plows. We vill
he glad to give ycu a demonstration with the
Titan Tractor if you are interested.
Coatman Hardware,
The lank of Senice"
We believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We
are always ready to make good farm loans for long
terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre
pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage
ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which
a farmer must now deal.
Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund
of the State of Nebraska
The Farmers and Merchants Bank,
!. f. 1MIV frw. II I.K S. ltori.ES. 'nhler FI.OHA It. N7.. Aaat.
.. M. HOI l.i:s, lf--IT-. P.I, I. ii NZ. lrr-Pre.
The Alvo National Farm Loan Association
tv C. BOYLHS. President
HOI I.KS A. (; ,
Buying Grain
Farming only pays when the man who manages
the farm receives at least one half of the net income
from the farm.
Grain and stock should be bought by individual
buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the
Co-operative associations will never be a success
until they sell at least one-half their stock to their
Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six
3-ears' experience on "market conditions" and "grading
up" grain. Free to our customers.
Grain ard Lumber
Mrs. C. O. Bucknell was in Lin
coln Tuesday forenoon.
Miss Doris Arnold was a passen
ger to Lincoln Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Appleman. of
Liberty, were visiting relatives here
this week.
Dr. L. Muir and family autoed to
Council Muffs Sunday to spend a
couple of days with W. Knicely and
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rosenow spent
Sunday with their daughter Mrs.
Ray Clark and family near Prairie
Arthur Skinner is in Chappell
looking after his farm interests. He
estimates his wheat will make about
20 bushels to the acre.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wolfe and
children and brother, John Skinner,
autoed to Fremont Sunday to visit
relatives a couple of days.
Rev. C. K. Connell. of Bladen, was
in Alvo the first of the week en
route to Omaha to attend the con
ference of the M. E. church held
P. W. Nickel and wife and daugh
'"7. Miss Katie, went to Lincoln on
Monday, the letter going to attend
the teachers' institute and the form
er the state fair.
W. R. Burlingame and family have
moved here from Pawnee City and
will occupy the Wiu. Taylor resi
dence. Mr. Burlingame is a painter
in the employ of the Rock Island.
Among those going to the slate
fair Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs.
John Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. John
Weichel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wei de
man, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Godbey,
Ellis Coon and son, P. J. Linch. Joe
Armstrong and Chas. Kirkpatrick.
Wednesday night as James Man
ners and family were returning
home from town, an approaching car
DALE S. BOYLKri. S-i y-Ti fax.
Adiirurj n-nt-l.n w
and Stock!
Alvo, Nebraska
blinded Mr. Manners until he could'
not see the road, and turning out,
he dropped off the end of a culvert
quite badly shaking up the occu
pants of the car but not seriously in
juring anyone.
Mrs. G. P. Foreman was in Lin
coln Wednesday.
P. J. Linch attended the state fair
at Lincoln Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Whitney
spent Thursday at the state fair.
The state fair was well patronized
by the people of Alvo and vicinity.
Fred Weaver of South Bend spent ;
Wednesday night with J. A. Shaffer.
The Coatman hardware delivered a
Titan tractor and John Deere plow
to J. C. Smith recently.
J. D. Wills and wife of Minneap
olis. Minn., and T. II. Doyles and
family, of Weston, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles a few days
last week.
Mrs. Joe Armstrong visited Thurs
day with her daughter, Mrs. Elmer
Barrett and family at Havelock and
her mother, Mrs. Angie Hurlbut, at
It is reported that thieves enter
ed the Elmer Klyver home during j
their absence from home the first of
the week, taking their silverware
and Mrs. Klyver's watch. i
The Misses Mary Taylor and sis-j
ttr. Florence, Golda Bird, Mrs. H. A.
Bailey and son Kenneth. Mrs. J. A.
Shaffer, and Mrs. Chas. Foreman
were state fair visitors Thursday.
The Alvo schools open Monday,
Sept. 12th with the following fac
ulty in charge: R. V. Kelley. Supt;
L. D. Clements, principal; Doris Ar
nold, assistant principal; Gladys
Lewis, home economics; Katherine
Anderson. 7th and 8th grades; Ellen
K. Nolting. second intermediate;
Frances Campbell, first intermediate,
and Marie Stroemer. primary.
Louis Krecklow, of Manley, went
to Omaha Saturday to meet his wife,
who was returning from a visit at
her old home in Milwaukee, Wiscon
sin, for several weeks.
Mrs. Fred Schliefert went to Om
aha last Thursday for a few days'
visit with her sister, Mrs. Harry
Jcnes and family and Mr. Schliefert
and the children drove up after her
on Saturday.
Ned Walker had the misfortune to
receive a serious injury to his eye
one day last week. Ned keeps bach
elor quarters and while toasting some
bread, a small particle of the toast
ed bread few in his eye and in brush
ing it out. he scratched his eye and
it tiecame very sore and inflamed.
He is under the doctor's care and is
getting along all right and will not
suffer any permanent injury.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paulsen and
fon and daughter, of Lahoma, Okla
homa, who drove through here two
weeks ago on their way to visit at
their old home in Minnesota, return
ed through here on Wednesday of
last week en route to their home.
They report a fine visit and a splen
did trip. They remained over night
with their cousin. August Pautsch.
slid departed early next morning on
their homeward journey.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hartletl. of
Glenwood, Iowa, who have been visit
ing their nephews. C. E. and J. It.
Noyes and families, returned home
Sunday. They were taken home by
their nephew. C. K. Noyes and wife,
driving by auto via the Plattsmouth
ferry. Mrs. P.artlett is a sis.ter of
the late Mrs. Priscilla Noyes and
the only living relative of that pio
neer lady. Mr. Bartlett is a survivor
of the Civil war in which he was ac
tively engaged and fought through
many battles without receiving a
scratch, although his clothing was
pierced by bullets.
Mrs. Huff has been doing a land
office business this summer since her
apples have been ready for market
and from about a dozen trees she has
sold about seventy dollars worth of
apples. These trees were planted
over thirty years ago by August H.
Landergren, who later sold the place
to Mrs. Huff. For years they did
not bear enough to pay for the trou
ble of keeping them pruned, but this
year they have been fine. The apples
are large and of a fine quality and
on account of the scarcity of apples
this year, Mrs. Huff has found a
ready sale for all she has to spare.
Orpheus Polk, of Lincoln, visited
over Sunday with his friend, and
overseas buddy, Harvey Koop. He
reports his father. Dr. L. F. Polk in
poor health and that he had been
bedfast the past week. The many
friends of Dr. Polk will be sorry to
learn of his illness and hope for his
"peedy recovery. Their daughter,
Mrs. Mary Shockey, has. returned
from her Chautauqua work as solo
ist and accompanist, in Kansas and
Oklahoma, and has taken up a ten
weeks' Lyceum course that will take
her on an extensive trip into the
larger cities of Canada. Orpheus ex
pects to enter the University of Ne
braska again this fall.
The State of NVIiraska. Cass rmin
t y. s.s.
In Hie County Court.
In thf matter of the estate of Wil
liam Heil, deceased.
To tlie creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth In said countv. on the 9th dav
of October, l2f. and on the .10th dav
of January, 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each of said days to receive and ex
amine all claims against said estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said es
state is three months from the 9th dav
of October, A. 1 . lido, and the time
limited for pavment of debts is one
v-ar from said 9th dav of October.
Witness my hand a-nd the seal of
said County Court, this 4th day of
September, 1920.
(Seal) sl3-4w. County Judge.
Lost: Tan rain coat between B.
& M. Ehops and cemetery. Please
return to Journal office. 13-3t-w.
Blank books and office accessories
at the Journal office.
Says Tanlac Has Wonderfully Bene
fitted Both Himself and
His Wife.
"Tanlac has not oniy completely
restored my health, but I have gain
ed ten pounds in weight since I
started taking it." said Abraham L.
Davis. 519 South Tenth street. Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, a prominent real es-.
tate dealer.
"Five years ago I began suffering
from stomach trouble. My appetite
became very poor and even when I
did manage to eat a little something.
I could seldom retain it. Finally I
got so bad I had to confine myself
to a diet of breakfast food or milk
toast; but even this caused me to
bloat up so badly with gas I was
in misery. It was absolutely impos
sible for me to eat anything solid,
for I always suffered with such in
tense pains in the pit of my stomach
afterward I could hardly stand them.
There was always a bad taste in my
mouth and I had such terrible head
aches they became almost unbear
able. Quite often these headaches
came on me suddenly while at my
desk, everything became blurred be-
what I was doing, go home and go I
to bed. I began losing weight, my J
nerves became so badly shattered I
could get but little sleep and always
got up with a draggy, tired-out feel
ing. Then, in addition to my other
troubles I suffered with rheumatism
in my knee-joints so bad I could
hardly walk and just had to drag
my feet.
"Although I have taken only six
bottles of Tanlac, I have as good an
appetite now as any one could wish,
eat just anything I want and never
have any bad after effects. I sleep
like a child and always get up great
ly refreshed, feeling like an athlete.
The rheumatism has almost entirely
gone out of my knees and I can get
around as well as ever. I have not
had a headache since I began taking
Tanlac and just feel good all the
time. My wife had also suffered for
a long while from stomach trouble,
and is improving every day since she
began taking Tanlac."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray Drug company
and by the leading druggist in every
j$,.I,.il,j,,i,,i-i..j..M"'Ml M
W. J. Philpot was in town Monday
getting a wagon tongue repaired
and took it home on his Ford. Will
slid he was going to attach the
tongue to the Ford and' put the
horses to work and beat the high
price of gas.
Mrs. Otto Mogensen. northeast of
town met with the misfortune Sat
urday of getting both bones of her
right leg broken above the ankle.
The accident was peculiar. While
engaged in washing clothes she slip
ped and fell on the floor in such a
manner as to cause the break.
George Mark returned on Sunday
from his auto trip to Perkins coun
tv. He reports roads terribly bad.
The worst place was between Hold
rege and McCook, where a rainfall
of ten inches was reported to have!
fallen within just a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kough andj
iwu sous ui itfKcimit came in i UK
day evening and went out to the J.
J. Donlan home, their visit here at
this time being to attend the wed
ding of Miss Elizabeth Rough to Mr.
Albert Benson of Oakland. Neb. The
wedding took place at the home of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Rough near Nehawka Wednesday
All the equipment for the new en
gine and generator set at the light
plant is now here at last and in a
new outfit will probably be in ser
vice by the last of this week. In
view of conditions in the machinery
world we can indeed feel thankful
that we have the stuff on hand and
installed at this early date, and Mr.
Gorder and the council are to be
commended for their tireless efforts
in getting the equipment.
The latest bungle on the name
Weeping Water is "Creeping Water,"
this address being used on a latter
received by Rev. W. H. Riley. Our
chamber of commerce should' advise
the offender that our town is some
what beyond the infant stage, and
certainly is not so slow as to be
creeping. Other bungles that have
been perpetrated against our town's
name are "Weeping Willow," "Weep
ing Waters," "Sleeping Waters"
"Whispering Waters," etc.
Mrs. Harry Barthold and daughter.
Miss Muriel, departed this morning
for Omaha, wheie they will visit ever
Sunday in that city with friend-? and
look aftc some inuters of business.
Miss Minnie Evers, who has been
in the city, visiting with relatives
and friends for the past few days,
departed this afternoon for her home
in Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Bertha Ahl of Louisville, who
has been spending a few days at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Born
near this city, returned this after
noon to her home.
Mrs. C. S. Sage departed this af
ternoon for Omaha to visit over Sun
day with relatives and friends and
will be joined this evening by Mr.
Sage for an over Sunday visit.
Frank Beeson. wife and daughter,
Jane, of Alliance, arrived in the city
j-esterday for a visit here at the home
of Mr. Eeeson's mother, Mrs. Eliza
Beeson, and with the brothers and
Oliver Stevenson and John Stocker
of Nebraska City were business vis
itors in this city yesterday.
Fred Lamson was attending the
state fair at Lincoln last Thursday.
John Fleischman and family drove
out to the state fair last Thursday In
their car.
J. L. Eurnes was called to Omaha
last Wednesday to look after some
business matters, going over on the
W. J. Rau and wife, accompanied
by Dan Bourke. were looking at the
exhibits at the state fair last Wed
nesday. Charles Gerlich spent two days at
the state fair at Lincoln last week
where he was looking after some
business as well.
Miss Mary Murphy was a visitor ,
in Omaha last Friday with friends. !
I going over to the metrooplis via the
I Missouri Pacific.
Joseph Wolpert and his two sisteis,
Misses Maggie and Katie, were at
tending the state fair last wek,
driving out in their Sedan.
Albert Glaublitz and family of
Channell. have been visiting wth
j friends and relatives in and ne:.r
Manley ior the past few days.
Dan McCurdey of Winner, S. D..
who has been visiting in Manley for
several davs past departed for his
home in the north last Thursday.
Roscoe Owens was looking after
some business matters at Lincoln
last Thursday and was also in at
tendance at the great Nebraska fair.
Dan Bourke has the home of W. J.
Rau ana wife about painted and
through the green of the trees we
find it presents a very pretty pic
ture. Business called Wm. Heebner to
the state capitol last Thursday, he
driving over in his car where he and
Mrs. Heebner also attended the stale
E. A. Burnes and family drove
over from the county seat to viiit
for a short time at the home of his
parents, J. L. Burnes and wife of
this place.
Mrs. Thomas Keckler spent the
week and. will also remain for some
time longer at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E. D. Schaeffer, at
Falls City.
Herman Hall was a visitor in Oma
ha for a few hours last Friday, driv
ing over with hi3 car and looking
after some matters with the whole
sale houses.
Theo. Harmes was a visitor in Om
aha last Friday where he was looking
after some business matters in con
nection with the business which he
conducts in Manley.
Miss Mable Cook, was in attend
ance to the state fair and also was at
tending the teachers institute in Lin
coln during the week and returned
home last Thursday.
D. D. Brann, president of the Far
mers Elevator company, was a vis
itor in Lincoln for two days, going
last Thursday and remaining over
until Friday evening.
Thomas Keckler and wife were
visiting in the country east of town
and drove over as far as Murray in
their car finding some excellent roads
and the country looking fine.
Mr. C. E. Mockenhaupt, while os
tensively retired from farming, got
tired again a number of times last
week when he was assisting his son
John in making hay on the farm.
The relatives of J. S. Brecken
ridge and family, who have been
visiting at their home for the past
few day-;, departed for their home
in the western part of the state last
Friday morning.
The farmers elevator was busy last
Friday leceiving corn which was be
ing shelled, while at the elevator of
Mr. Kelly, he was looking after some
wheat which the farmers were haul
ing from their bins.
Mrs. Catherine Earhart with the
children were in Lincoln last Tues
day attending the state fair and vis
iting also with friends there as well
as looking after some business mat
ters as well.
Victor Thimgan of Murdock, was
over to Manley last Friday after
noon hauling brick for which he and
his father. Matt Thimgan, are using
in constructing the new house of
Charles Long at Murdock.
L. J. Austin, the blacksmith, and
by the way who is able to take care
of anv reDair job. is having some
trouble with his eye, having gotten
some rust in it which has made it
very sore for the past few days.
James Murphy and wire were pas
sengers to Omaha last Friday, where
they were visiting with friends for a
short time, being the guests at the
home of their daughter and also
looking aftre some business matters
Fred Fleischman, who has been
making arrangements for entering
the farming game the coming season
and will farm on the Frank Bergman
place just west of Manley, was put
ting up hay for the future needs last
August Krecklow, highway com
missioner, and an excellent man for
the place, as he has the stretch of
highway between Murdock and Mur
ray in excellent condition nearly all
the time, was a visitor in the county
ceat, where he was meeting with the
board of county commissioners last
Miss Minnie Peters, whose home is
at Talmage and who for the pist
was one of the instructors of the
Manley schools, but who will teach
at. the Union schools for the coming
year, was a visitor at the home cf
friends in Manlev for a few days lat
v.p'k returning this way after having
attended the teachers institute at
Lincoln during the first of last week.
Prepare for Corn Crop.
See the new ad cf Frost, Curyea
and Murtey. which apoears in this
issue and think also that the time
of harvesting this enormous crop of
corn is near at hand and some pre
paration for storing the same must
re made, if not already made. Mr.
V. H. Frost, who is the manager of
the yard of Manley. is well equipped
with a large stock of the needei
lumber for the construction of crib
room. Better see about it at this
time and not have to dump the gr;.;n
on the ground. This yard has a
pood assortment ot all kinds of lum
ber for f 1 1 purposes.
Back From the West.
J. A. Englekemeier iiiid famMy.
who have been in tiie west for the
past week visiting at the h;me ol
friends in and near ami i
Ayr, returned home last Friday and
report an excellent time while away.
They drove overland with their car
and enjoyed the rcenery along the
way. Mr. Englekemeier reports an
excellent prospect ior crop- of u'.l
kinds all along the v.av.
Your.g Man Seriously Injured
Last Tiiursdav while Eddie Stn-
der was hauling hay. and pasfinu
over uneven ground the load was
upset. As Mr. Stanader endea vo: i d
to prevent being covered by the .av
climbed to the top cf the over turn
ing load and jumped to the gr
injuring himself considerably,
was aLle to he up the following
but was feeling very :e and
Mr. Frank Stander, his lather.
called from his home iii Omaha.
ing clown to see his --..n.
Moved to Weeping Water.
Mrs. J. Miller and family move
to Weeping Water during last v e
where they will make their home i
the future. The family have in id
their home in Manley for some tin.
and the old neighbors will miss thti
friendly greetings which have char
acterized this family, but what will
be a loss to Manley will be the ga ii
of Weeping Water in the seciri
of an excellent family.
Found Some Eain.
Mrs. C. M. Andrus went to Mary
ville. Mo., the first of last week, driv
ing in her car. where she visited 1" v
a few days with her daughter. Mrs.
Flo Gillespie, wife of Dr. Gille.-pie of
that place, but when she was ready
to return home the weather v..;-.
rather wet and the rain continue:! 4
fall, which caused her to have to re
turn on the train and lea;e hcjr car
for another trip.
Boys Are Happy Again.
W. M. Frost and A. 11. Humbl?
who have been leading a pretty 1 irk
some life for the past week, are hap
py now a? last Friday evening they!
went to Murdock, where they met 1
their respective wives, who had be j
spnding the week in Lincoln where j
they visited and attended the slaiej
fair. Mrs. Humble was als attend-
ing the teachers institute, which was ;
being held at Lincoln, she being
elected the principal of the Manley
. !
schools which begin this morning
appreciation of the services
pastor, W. L. Scott, the Chi
people have raised his sal:
$1200 to S1S0O. Rev. Scott
;rv 1
we l
tly ;
a fine pastor and preacher and
know this raise in salary is grea
appreciated by him. !
Last week a deal was made where-:
by Ollie Spratt traded his eighty. ;
five miles south of. town for a farm 1
of 179 acres near Douglas. Nebraska.!
Ollie will move to his newly aco.uir-
?(1 farm some time next spring.
Mr. George ltocKenbaueh and Miss
Maude Stokes were visiting in Pen
der from Saturday until Wednesday,
also Mr. John Stokes and Miss Mag
gie Stokes. While there they lud
dinner with ex-Governor Morehead
at the county judge's home, Mr.
Frank Flynn and family.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Pitney were visi
tors in Elmwood a short time Tues
day. They farmed the E1 Poole J-0
acres near Elmwood over 20 years
ago and moved to Invale in Webster
county, Nebraska, where they are
farming a half section of land. They
went out to see the old farm where
they first begun farming. They re
port crops in Webster the best in
the history of the county.
Supt. R. E. Conley has been pack
ing his household goods recently
The Bes! Lumber for Your Purpsse!
We have complete stocks of all grades and sizes
in demand and can make immediate delivery. No long
waits excessive freight charges uncertainty cf de
lays. You can inspect every foot of lumber you buy
from us before you pay for it and know that our repu
tation is back of it.
Our aim is the satisfaction of our customers after
as well as before the sale it's a detail of our service
that adds big value without raising the price.
Prepare now to take care of this year's big corn
crop. Let us talk over your building requirements
with jrou.
Manley, Nebraska
W. H. FROST, JVIanager
PAGE thee:
(preparatory to nioving to
, a town of
I over four thousmii! people.
Chan. Her.
where he
have the p
cf the :u
at a fine
? 0.0 0 0.0 0
sition cf superintt '.
hlic i-c!i'!s or lhat
salary of something
rer ve;i r. il.c
friends of 1
are sorry u
munitv, bu
s. or C'ln'.ey ar. 1
th i: ie.i o',:r i
i see
l w i .
them ;: ' i.i
bert in their rev. hen
On last Friday W
in Ok!:;!,.
E. May.
v. n
' -:.
bu-ine-is ;.ear Eimwoo.I t
n to drive over to the t. v.
Lis hirth to spen
,o l-.ok s.t the o
I a lew hours
!-! home-i. ;. J J.
a '
which is know!)
iphty. He left
1 I t'r.r 'ozal
niiile his home.
as the i. V. riyii.u;
v it h his pa r lit
where h- has .miic
His faih' r's nai.
ar. 1 he wa know a
e.M.-r inhaMtariT-.
Iir;il'."l Ill I:;-
e. s at '(j:'.i 1 a::u
tii" cl-.thki'-' hii-i-looked
up M iae r'
3 " '
Omaha Auditorium
Tuesday Evening, Oct. 12th
- 1
1 on don t need t
wait till the jricat
tenor nets litre.
You can
the Yictrohi now
same selections
will sing in concert.
Then when 3011 do
go to the Caruso con
cert, you'll be fam
iliar with the arias
and enjoy them ever
so much more.
Come i:i today
that suits you.
iiiv Ti.::e
j. w.
Blacksmith Shop!
I hav; acquired tl.e blacksmith
diop cf Herman Dall and en
paxed ta do your Emithing- in a Mrsi
class manner. The bst cf work is
cur motto. Herman Dalls old iX.iml.
Manley, Neb-3ska
I was O. S. May
'lv i..:.i:v of th
! Th" viiiiniM-r Ma v is
Jr-Ll estate Iva-i
j v.-as formerly ;m
ne s there. He
the people that I.i- hiMi.-r '' '
!;:,o-v m:d had ;: nice vi-dt w.ih '!:.
t;H-t-kf&sri m a h s ft -:
1 1- i-mmm mm