The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 02, 1920, Image 1

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    KetaMta State Historl
cal Society
NO. 21
vol. xxx vn.
Overalls and Shirts to the Value of
$300 Being Picked Oat and
Taken by Burglars.
Prom Monday's Dally.
Our neighboring town of Murray
was visited some time last night by
burglars anil as a result of the raid,
the robbers secured a stock of over
alls and shirts that totaled close to
$300 in value
The robbery occurred at the store j
of Puis & Gansemer and was dis
covered this morning when A. L.
Baker, employed in the store, arriv
ed to open the place up for business.
The robbers had evidently made well
arranged plans for the robbery as the
rear door of the store was unlocked
and the stock of goods thoroughly
overhauled and the shirts and over
als taken.
Mr. Gansemer one of the mem
bers of the firm, stated today that as
far as could be judged by a hasty
examination of the stock that had
been gutted by the burglars, the loss
would reach in the neighborhood of
1 300.
As soon as the robbery was dis
covered Sheriff Quinton was notified
and hurried to the scene of the rob
bery, but the night visitors had left
no clue of their identity. The com
pleteness of the job indicates that
it was evidently the work of a well
organized gang operating with autos
to remove the stock of goods.
This is the second tinje this store
has been burglarized, having suffer
ed a similar visit a year ago, al
though at that time the robbers did
not secure as good a haul as they
did on this visit.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
York Dies at Hospital, where
She Has Eeen for Year.
From Tuesdays Dallv.
Yesterday at the hospital in Lin
coln, where for the past year she has
been taking treatment. Miss Grace
York passed away. The deceased lady
was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
C. York of this city and since the
removal of the familv from the old
home in Missouri some twelve vears.the leagne, Rourke continues to give
ago. h;ul made Plattsmouth her home; the far. a poor exhibition of the
until her health became such as to ; national game. But. like anything
make it necessary for her to take else, good ball players cost money,
treatment at the hospital. andRourke believes in hanging onto
For the past several weeks the con- his.
i! it ion of the patient has become Of late years there has been con
much worse and the parents and siderable talk of obtaining a berth
members of the familv have been ! for Omaha in the American associa-
with her the greater part of the time
assisting in the care of the unfortu
nate lady. To the departed the death
messenger came as a relief from the
long months of suffering and while
the end was foreseen many mouths
ago, the death came as a shock to the
parents as well as the brothers and
sisters who have been called to part
with their loved one.
To mourn her death there remain
the parents,. Mr." and Mrs. John C.
York of this city, two sisters. Mrs.
William Gravitt and Mrs. Charles
Jelinek. of Omaha and three broth
ers. Don C. York and Jesse York of
this city and Russell York, residing
in Alaska.
The body was brought to Omaha
this morning and will be taken to
the old home at Watson. Missouri,
where it will be laid to rest in the!
family lot in the cemetery there.
From Tuesday's Dally.
For the past few days Mason Wes
cott has been confined to his home
quite seriously ill and since Saturday
his temperature has ranged at 103
and his condition has given the fam
ily a great deal of apprehension.
The illness seems in the nature of a
cold but has steadily refused to yield
to treatment. The many friends of
the young man are hopeful that his
condition may soon take a turn for
the better and he will he able to take
up hi fchool work at the opening
of the fall term next week.
From Tuesday's Daln.
In the district court of Cass coun
ty a decree of divorce has been en
tered in the case of Robert Shrader.The visitors will remain here for
vs. Margarette J. Shrader and in
which the plaintiff is given an abso-
lute divorce by the court.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wooster, in the west
portion of the city was made very
happy by the arrival of a fine little
son and heir and who is surely a
prize baby in every way. This is
the first boy in the family and the
little one has brought much joy not
only to the parents but to the little
sisters as well. Both the mother and
little one are doing nicely and Joe
is about the happiest man in this
portion of the country, and in their
happiness the parents will receive
the hearty well wishes of the host of
friends for the future welfare of the
young Mr. "Wooster.
tm: t.- j : t.. Vnol
xiiver .uistuvcicu m ikcai ui
May Have Some Connection I
With Store Robbery.
From Tuesday's Dally. ,
While at Murray vesterdav inves-
tisratine the looting of the store of
Puis & Gansmer. Sheriff Quinton dis-J
covered that someone had abandoned ;
a Ford car in the rear of the Murray! According to the state compulsory
hotel and the ownership of the car , law. children under sixteen years of
could not be ascertained. The car age must attend school for the full
had evidently been left there some- period of the school term. Pupils
time Sundav evening as there were Sunder sixteen years of age, who have
no reports of the car having been
seen there during the day. The car
had an Iowa license number that is
being looked upon in the hopes that
it may shed some light on the rob
bery. The manner in which the robbers
entered the store is very puzzling as
the store has a good, modern lock
and one that is extremely hard to
pick or force open and from indica
tion it would seem that in some man
ner a key had been secured that
worked on the lock, as it bears no
trace of any forcing or picking. The
owners and employes of the stores
are practically sure that the rear
doer was locked all day Sunday.
From the fact of the finding of
the abandoned car at Murray it
would seem that there were a num
ber of persons Interested in the Uurg
lary, as theparties undoubtedly made
their getaway by automobile, for the
loot secured was too extensive to be
carried away by individuals with out
some car or truck to haul the goods.
From Tuesday's Daily.
With the baseball season drawing
to a close it is remarkable what
close contests have developed in the
two major leagues and our own West
ern league. New leaders appear at
the head of the National and Ameri
can per centage columns nearly ev
ery day. Of the probable winners
Cleveland has been hardest hit, due
principally to the accidental death
of Roy Chapman, shortstop.
In the Western league the contest
is largely between Wichita and Tulsa
with Omaha third in line, although
considerably behind the leaders. De
spite the fact that Omaha is one of
the best paying baseball towns in
tion, but as yet no one has been
found willing to take quite tne
chance this would entail. But, thanks
be, Rourke has done better this year.
Last year his "Sterlings" finished in
the cellar and with good luck these
remaining three weeks they 'will be
able to hold a place somewhere in
the first division.
Front Tuesday's Dally.
This morning Sheriff C. D. Quinton
departed for Omaha, where he will
visit his sister, Mrs. J. M. Dunbar,
of Avoca. at the St. Joseph hospital.
where she is to be operated on this
morning by Dr. Dermody. Mrs. Dun
bar has been very poorly for some
time and last week it was decided
that an operation would be necessary
to give her relief and the patient
was accordingly taken to the Omaha
Mr. Dunbar is at the hospital at
the bedside of his wife and will re
main there until the patient recovers
from the effects of the operation.
Mrs. J. M. Palmer or .Nenawka, a
sister of Mrs. Dunbar, is at Avoca
caring for the aged mother, Mrs. E
B. Quinton. during the stay of Mrs
Dunbar at the hospital. :
Fmra Tuesday's Dally
The homes of W. J. Hartwick and
M. S. Briggs was made glad yester
day by a visit from their children
who motored down from their home
at Winner. S. D., and made the par
ents a surprise visit. The party con
sisted of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Briggs
and babe and Mrs. Glen Edwards and
little son, Billy and Chester B. Briggs.
time visiting with home folks before
returning to their home In South Da-
' kota.
With the Exception of One or Two
Teaching Vacancies Which are
to be Filled This Week.
From Monday's Daily.
The Plattsmouth city schools will
open Tuesday, September 7th. Child-
ren becoming five years of age on or
before October first may enter the
beginners' class. After October first
no beginners' class will be organized
during the remainder of the school
completed the Eighth grade are not
excused by this law.
Tuition for non-resident pupils is
as follows: High school. $1.50 per
week; Seventh and Eighth grades.
51.00 per week; Grades C, to Sixth,
inclusive. 50 cents per week. All
tuition is payable one semester in
Following is a list of the city
teachers and their assignments:
H. A. Stromberg, principal; Hallie
Lewis, history; Laura Mackprang,
English: Gladys Cad well, commercial,
Estelle Baird. language; Pearl Staats,
normal training; Myra L. Heine, do
mestic science; Jessie Moore, science;
Minnie Stevens, mathematics; A. D.
Bell, manual training.
Seventh and Eighth: Anna Heisel,
principal; Cora Owens; Golda Noble;
Clara Weyrich.
Central: Amelia Martens, princi
pal; Frances Faulkner, 1st and 2nd;
Marie Swoboda, 3rd; Florence Rum
mel. 4th; Elizabeth Roessler, 5th;
Theresa Hempel, Cth; Alice Gilbert,
3rd; Anna Rys, 6th; Mattie Gapen.
4th and 5th.
Columbian: Nettie Hawksworth,
principal and 5th; To be supplied,
4th; Fay Popplewell, 2nd and 3rd;
Ruth Wolford. C and 1st.
Wintersteen: Norene Schulhof,
principal. C. 1 and 2nd; Catherine
Bintner, 3rd and 4th.
First Ward: Adelia Sayles.
South Park: To be supplied.
East Second: Edith Bonge.
West Second: Rose Prohaska.
Mercerville: Vera Moore.
Special: Marie Kaufmann, penman
ship. A
Read the bulletin board in Conis
shining parlor frequently.
Don't forget the executive com
mittee meeting Wednesday evening.
Dr. Caldwell's office at 8.
If the roads continue good pros
pects are favorable to a large dele
gation from here attending the re
union of service men at Krug park
Fridav night, being given by the
Douglas County Post.
Post Commander Shopp is in Sioux
City on railroad business and it is
quite probable will not return in time
for Wednesday night's meeting. This
will give one of the vice comman
ders a workout at presiding.
Plattsmouth delegates stood with
the winning side on all the important
contests at the convention. They sup
Dorted Simmons of Scottsbluff for
state commander right from the be
ginning and also voted solidly to
hold the next convention at Fre
mont. Good work.
The overseas edition of the Stars
and Stripes recently ordered has
been received and is now in the cus
tody of the adjutant. It is expected
some action will be taken by the ex
ecutive committee relative to its
safekeeping until such time as the
post may acquire club rooms.
Delegates to the state convention
came home greatly enthused and it
is contemplated holding a smoker and
luncheon some night next week when
they may transfer some of their en
thusiasm to their less-active com
rades. Definite announcement in re
gard to this will be made following
the executive committee meeting of
Wednesday night.
That special committee chairmen
should attend executive committee
meetings this year is the desire of
j Post Commander Shopp
la so do
aline they will be present to give re
'ports or Information at any time
and, it la believed will receive In
epiration at the hands of the execu-
tive committee which will aid them
in properly conducting the affairs of
their own particular department.
The nice growth of the Legion as
evidenced by the delegations at the
state convention, ' is most encourag
ing. In a little over a year's time
the Legion has reached out to in
clude among its membership more
than half of those who served this
nation honorably and the Legion
wants none other during the world
war. But. like the sheep of olden
times, they should all be secure with
in the fold. Will you. Comrade, do
your part to see that every eligible
person you know is enrolled?
Seven Carriers of State Secure a Re
straining Order Against Nebr.
Railway Commission.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The seven railroads operating in
Nebraska, consisting of the Union
Pacific. Burlington. Chicago & North
Western. Chicago, St. Paul, Minnea
polis and Omaha. St. Joseph & Grand
Island. Missouri Pacific and Rock Is
land, have filed bonds in the office
of the clerk of the United States dis
trict court fcr Nebraska, to cover
the costs of the temporary restrain
ing order asked by these railroad
lines against the state railroad com
mission of Nebraska.
The state commission has held that
on the return of the railroads to pri
vate ownership on the 1st of Sep-
emher the increased rates made dur-
ng the time of federal control cease
and that the status of the fares is
covered bv the state law passed in
907 and which made two cents the
legal fare to be charged in the state
of Nebraska. The railroads in their
restraining order ask that the state
be prevented from enforcing the law
and that the fares remain as they
are at present.
The case is to be heard at Omaha
on Mondav in the district court be
fore three federal judges and upon
their decision rests whether or not
he state law will govern.
This matter is one of great inter
est to everyone In the 6tate as it
would "result in" a considerable less
ening of the fare on the various lines
over the state if the old law is al-
owed to govern. A great deal of
city and Omaha and in this case the
ravel is made each day between this
ity and Omaha and in this case the
saving will be considerable to tne
passengers as the rate at present is
6S cents, whereas under the state law
would be but 3 8 cents.
Joseph Fc-tzer has just r?turned
home from an extensive auto trio
through western Kansas and eastern
Colorado and through the stale of
Nebraska. The trip was maie .y
Mr. Fetzer in company with M. and
Mrs. Jack Patterson of Union in the
car of Mr. Patterson and was one cf
the greatest of pleasure. Mr. fci-
zer reports that they found c :i.-"h!-erable
rain enroute and south of Ara
pahoe in the state of Kansas some ev-
dences cf the hail that has visited
that section. The party also enjoyed
a portion of their time in Denver and
viewing the tights of the mountain
From Tuesday's Dally.
The St. Paul's Evangelical church
of this city which has been without
the services of a regular pastor since
the illness of Rev. J. H. Steger for
the past vear. is to once more have
a resident minister. Rev. H. Kottich
who comes from the state of Kansas,
to assume charge of the church here
is now arranging to locate here and
will in a short time be permanently
settled in his new charge. Rev. Kot
tich comes very highly recommended
to the church here and will at once
resume the church activities that
have been handicapped by the lack
of a minister. Rev. Steger and fam
ilv who have been occupying the
parsonage are now removing to the
Curtis property on North Sixth street.
Fron Tuesday's Dally.
Reports from the Immanuel hos
pital in Omaha state that Roy
Wright, the Iowa boy who was taken
there a few days ago suffering from
a very serious laceration of the left
leg as the result of falling into the
sicle bar of a mowing machine, is
now doing very nicely and the
brightest of hopes for his recovery
and the saving of his leg are now
entertained by the attending sur
From Tuesday's Daily.
Emil A. Lorenz, wife and children
returned home this morning from
Des Moines, la., where they have been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Frank E. Lorenz. While at Des
Moines they enjoyed the many inter
esting sights of the city and visited
at Camp Dodge, the great army can
tonment and also took in the Iowa
state fair that w-as held there last
week. On their trip they found crops
excellent and the appearance of the
country between this city and Des
Moines was for a great crop this year,
xn cnY -pv TTTP CPfkT?T
OF 9 TO 8
Visitors Gather But Few Hits But
Errors Gave Visitors Lead That
They Held for Several Innings
From Monday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the base ball
fans were treated to a long and
drawn out battle oa the local dia
mond when the Red Sox and the
Springfield team mixed in a very
ragged exhibition cf the national
postime and which resulted in a win
for the locals by the score of 9 to 8.
The game was very much in favor
of the visitors in the opening portion
as they acquired a lead cf six to 1
when the Sox began to rap Gottsch
quite freely and secured in the fifth
and sixth innings tallies enough to
tie the score.
For the locals Christie enjoyed a
good day as his hitting was very
heavy, he securing a safe poke at al
most everj' time to bat and adding
to the scoring of his team mates.
George Washington Fenwick, who
played the left garden in the absence
of Mason, who was on the sick list,
robbed the visitors of several long
and hard drives and also made sev
eral hits during his performance at
bat. Connors pitched a much betttr
game than the score indicates and
had the visitors guessing most of the
For Springfield Gottsch proved to
be out of his usual form as the ef
forts of a hard game on Thursday,
was noticeable in his delivery and he
retired from the game in the sixth
nning. being succeeded by Beno,
who gave the Sox several scores
hrough his wlldness and inability to
over the plate.
The Sox registered in the third
nning when Herold hit to center and
was advanced when Christie hit to
he same territory and when O'Don-
nell hit to second and his hit was
uggled, Peter was ahle to register.
In the fifth round of the battle the
Sox renewed their offensive and ad
ded three to their growing list of
scores and threw a scare into the
visitors. Connors opened the inning
with a safe poke to left and was fol-
owed by Herold who was hit by
Gottsch and Meisinger made a
safetv to first. Christie hit to short
and Connors came over with a score.
Meisinger scored when O'Donnell hit
o right and the ball was fumbled by
he visitors, and William Patrick
came Home on a wna neae or
Gottsch. Kddie Gradoville finished
up the activities of the inning by a
wo begger to left.
The sixth saw the entrance of
Beno into the game and his wildness
gave the locals the hopes that vic-
orv would be theirs. Grassnian.
Wolff and Connors were all passed
o first and with the bases full Her
old hit to second and Grassman reg-
stered. Christie made a safety to
left that scored Wolff making two
for thsi frame. Connors was out at
The visitors in the seventh added
another one to the score and once
more assumed the lead but this was
soon overcome in the same inning by
locals who made a one run lead hy
annexing two runs. Gradoville was
hit by one of the slants of the Spring
field hurler and later was caught at
first. Fenwick was safe at first and
Grassnian was put out on a grounder
to second. Wolff had his wrist
slapped by one of the wild heaves of
Beno and Connors, who followed hit
to left tallying Fenwick and on Her-
old's hit to center Wolff registered
The eighth again saw the score
tied up as Springfield secured two
runs as the result of a walk an error
a single and the two bagger of Adair
the right fielder of the visitors.
The battle continued through tne
ninth and tenth innings and it was
not until the last of the 11th that
the locals poked out the winning
run. Two of the Sox had retired
when O'Donnel placed a short ground
er in front of the plate and secured
first on it through the poor throw of
the visitor's catcher. Gradoville
proceeded to cinch the game with a
rip to the left garden mat Drougnt
in O'Donnell.
There were a large number of vis
itors present from Springfield and
thpv comnrised almost half of
the number present at the park for
the game.
From Monday's Dally.
James Kuykendall. manager of tb
local office of the Nebraska Gas &
Electric company of this city, return
ed home this morning from a ten
day visit in the east, having been
at Philadelphia, Chicago and St.
Louis while away. Mr. Kuykendall
found that the power and lighting
companies over the east were all fac
ing the rapidly augmenting cost of
operation with the prices of all ma
terial used going up almost every
day. The eastern companies have an
even greater cost to face than the
smaller companies in the west as
their investments in plants and
equipment is much heavier. In al
most all the cities visited Mr. Kuy-
I kendall found that the companies
were finding: it necessary to ask in-
I creased rates and in many cases these
wore totally inadequate to the cost
of operating the plants and unless
relief was secured in the lowering
of the cost of coal and other fuel
stocks used by the companies that
many would be practically forced to
greatly curtail their plants.
Wiles Pasture Was Scene of Pleasant
Gathering Yesterday
Frorr Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternooi a number of
ladies of the city enjoyed a most
delightful picnic party at the Luke
Wiles pasture west of the city and
one that they will all long remember
for its pleasantness. The event was
in honor of Miss Miua Kaffenberger
of Lincoln, who is spending a part of
her vacation here as well as for Miss
Grace Nolting who is soon to leave
for South Dakota to take up her
school work in that state.
The spot selected for the picnic
was an ideal one with an abundance
of shade and attractive in the greens
ward that made it a fitting place for
the delightful gathering. The af
ternoon was spent in games of all
kinds and at a suitable hour the ar
ray of baskets of the dainties pre-
narea y ine iaui wrre ui our i
r i. i r , r,r I
ainv luncheon. Those w ho were in
attendance were: .Misses Leone
Becker, Grace Nolting. Mina Kaffen
berger. Ellen Nolting. Elizabeth Ba
jeck. Thelnia Wallick. Ethel Tritsch
nd Mrs. John T. Lyons.
'r'm Monday's Dally.
This morning the ottic of County
udge Allen J. Beeson was visited by
gentleman giving the name, of
Benjamin R. Bare of Des Moines, la.,
nd a lady giving the name of barah
. Smith of Chicago. The parties
made the necessary affidavits as to
heir age and previous state of mat-
inouv and were granted permit to
wed and later visited at the home of
Rev. A. V. Hunter, Methodist minis-
er, where they were united in roar-
The bridal party failed to explain
fullv to the judge or the minister
he length of time of the divorce of
he groom, judging from the follow
ing from the Sunday Bee's Council
luffs department:
"A decree of divorce was grant
d vesterdav by Judge O. I. Wheeler
n district court to Benjamin R. Bare
rom Vera I). Bare. They were mar
ried September 6. 1910. and the hus
band based his suit on t he plea of
desertion. He is now living in Des
"All of the matters in controversy
were settled by stipulation. The hus
band agreess to pay all claim
gainst his wife, allow her the cus
tody of their daughter, 7 years old.
and pay $3,000 as temporary and
permanent alimony in addition to
$150 attorney's fees and court costs."
For Sale: G-room house and 2 lots
on North 6th street. Electric lights,
bath, city water and gas in house.
Priced at a bargain.
Miss Neva Latta of Murray, was
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Holmes in this city over Sunday
and Miss Latta gave a delightful solo
number at the morning service at the
Preshyterian church.
What is Back
idening scope of service rendered.
We invite
all times strive
the First NStiokal Bank
Fortunately No One is Injured in Ac
cident That Could Easily Have
Ilesulted Very Serious for All
From Tuesday's Dally.
The peril of the bright and blind
ing lights on the autos have often
been pointed ou tby drivers of cars
as well as the press and public and
the danger is fast increasing as the
number of drivers of cars dash over
the roads with their lights on at full
power and "without regard of the
drivers of other machines that might
be driving on the same road.
Last night as a Ford driven hi
jack Parmele was coming in on the
road north of the Masonic home, a
car going north came along and with
very bright lights that prevented
Jack from clearly seeing the road and
as he turned out as best he could to
avoid the oncoming tar. the Ford
went into a ditch some two feet deep
;at the edge of the roadway which at
this point is none too wide at the
best and as the result the Ford which
belonged to John Wolff, was quite
. . . . , , u ... , . ,..
little outlay to repair.
This ditch is located on the main
road between Omaha and the south
and certainly should be fixed up
fore some serious accident occurs that
will result in some one getting badly
injured and with this the law in re
gard to the excessive bright lights
should be enforced if the parties own
ing the. cars cannot take any eteps
to protect others who may be travel
ing the road. The average auto own
er shows a regard for the rules of
the road by dimming their lights
when approaching another car or
have the cars equipped with special
devices that prevent the lights from
shining in the eyes of the driver of
another mcahine.
The accident last evening was for
tunate in that no one was injured
and in a warning of the danjrer that
lirka out on the highway when the
blinding lights are in use.
Lucille, Three-Year-Old Daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jay. In
jured by Neighbor's Dog.
Krfctn Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday, while Lucille, the little
three-year-old daughter of Mr. ami
Mrs. Leonard Jay was engaged in
playing at her home with a dog be
longing to one of the neighbors, shn
was unfortunate enough to be bit
ten by the animal, although not ser-iouslj-.
The dog has not been show
ing any signs of crossness and while
plaving with the child had evidently
pushed her over and inflicted severe
lacerations from its teeth on the lit
tle one. The child was taken to the
office of a surgeon where the wounds
were dressed and the little one made
as comfortable as possible.
The dog has shown no symptoms
of the rabbles and it is thought that
the child will suffer no ill effects
from the injuries received from the
of Confidence!
When people choose a bank, the basis
of their choice is confidence and the basis
of confidence is age and experience.
This bank points with pride to its 49
years of continuous service and the ever
your confidence and
to be worthy of it.
11 at