HCirTAY. AUGUST SO. 1920. JOTTER AL IAGZ 7TTnT7.. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray, Nebr. Charter No. TS in the State of Ne braska at the eloe of business on Aupiut lt. 15ei. resources Loan anil discounts $201.4.77 overdraft 1 f!.inkinr house, furniture and fixtures 3.S30.00 Current expenses, taxes and interest paid S."fiS.lS lue from National anl Stare Lank. . lie.S-M.HC Checks anJ Items .f exchange 161. "7 Currencv 4.:.:i. i;ild coin l.li'D.tej Silver, nickels and ,e:it 613. ST. 122.74S.3S TOTAL r.33. 70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 10.000.00 Surplus fund '.('00.00 l n-iivided profits 4.306.0 Individual deposits subject to check . . $17.". 2(5. f Time certificates of .lj.osit 131.?.44.!4 Cashier's checks outstanding SSS.33 207.:il7.2r. I .epos itor's guaranty fund... 2.110.19 TTA L . . .$J3 2,;2ii.7l. State of Nebraska 1 County of Cass J I. "W. G. Boedeker. Cashier of the a hove named bank lo hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Bureau of Bankintr. W. G. BOKUEKER, Attest- Cashier. FllED L. NUTZMAN. Director. CH A3. C. PAHMELK, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this rsth dav of Aueust. 192". ELYTHE V. KoSKXClLXNS. (Peal) Notary 1'ublic. (My commission expires Jan. 20. 192r. ) CELEBRATE THE OCCASION From Saturday's Dally. The occasion of the final victory of the woman suffrage movement in the United States was observed this noon by the blowing of whistles and the ringing of bells over the broad ex panse of the country. In this city the bells of a number cf the churches were rung in honor of the occasion. The passage of the woman suffrage amendment is one of the most im portant events cf the past fifty years and is a great progressive step in the national life. By the procla mation of Secretary of State Colby the women of the nation can vote at the forthcoming presidential elec tion. Subscribe for the Journal today. 1 Poultry Wanted! Wanted, a car load of live poul try, to be delivered at poultry car near Burlington freight depot, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on Saturday, September 4th. one day only for which we will pay cash as follows: Hens, per lb. 2Sc Springs, per lb. 2Sc Old Cox. per lb. 14c Ducks, per lb. 22c Turkeys, per lb. 2"c Beef hides, per lb. 10c Horse hides, each $5.00 Remember the date. We will be on hand rain or shine. Yours truly, W. E. KEENEY lip Big Labor Day Celebration Plattsmouth, Nebraska Monday, Sept. 6th Given by the Plattsmouth Local Unions : I I Bring the family and plenty of lunch and stay all day. Watch for program later MANLEY NEWS ITEMS Mrs. W'rn. Sheehan and Miss Nellie Kelly were visiting with friends in Omaha last Tuesday. The bridge which has been out southwest of Manley has been re built and is now in excellent condi tion. Miss Margaret Sheehan will soon depart for York, where she will take up her studies in the L'rsuline Aca demy at that place. John Fleischman and family were visiting with friends and looking af ter some business matters in Louis ville last Friday. Mrs, Phoebe Coon was a visitor for a few days last week at the home of Mrs. Alice Jac,kman at Havelock, re maining over Sunday. Wm. Heebner and wife were vis iting and looking after some busi ness matters in Omaha last Friday, having drove up with their car. Joseph Walpert and two sisters, Misses Maggie and Katherine. were viisting last Thursday at Weeping Water and Murdock with friends. Herman Dall the implement man. was a visitor in Omaha and Council Bluffs last Thursday, where he was looking after some business matters, j W. II. Frost and family and Mrs. j A. II. Humble, were visiting with friends in Omaha last Wednesday.; driving over in Mr. Frost's Xash car. Mrs. Rudolph Bergman and little daughter have been visiting in Her-; man at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tighe, where they spent the week. Jack Maple, who is farming south of Weeping Water and who formerly resided in Manley. was in town a few days ago visiting with his many friends here. Edward Kelly and Je Maceney were attending the ball game at Greenwood last Thursday and also taking in the carnival which- was be ing held there. Theo. Harmes and Andy Schlei fert. were looking after the purchase of some wheat at Avoca last Satur urday. driving down in Mr. Schlei fert's auto. C. M. Andrus and Hugh O'Brien are among the new readers of the Journal, they having their names added to the Manley list and will receive the paper in the future. Mis Lena Stander. departed a few days ago for the west where she will visit for some time, being the guest at the home of her sister. Mrs. Julius Bickart and husband of that place. C. E. Mockenhaupt and family are now occupying thei rne whome which has been building in Manley for some time past and after having had the grading done about the place, are well satisfied with the new home. Henry Vogler just a few days ago. returned from a trip to Chase coun ty, where he was looking after some interests and also viewing the lands there. He is well pleased with the country and says that the crops are excellent. L. J. Austin, the blacksmith and family, threw dull care and work to the winds a week ago last Sat urday and went to Union, their old time home where they renewed ac quaintances with the friends of for mer days at the Old Settlers picnic. W. 11. Frost is placing his finger on the popular key when he furnish ed for any entertainment one of his exedlent Claxanolas for furnishing the music for the occasion. He had a Claxanola at the miscellaneous shower at Joseph Millers, Wednes day. Dr. O. F. Gillespie and wife of Aubuen. Mo., the latter the daugh ter of C. M. Andrus. were visiting in Manlay the guests of Mr. Andrus for a few days last week. They were accompanied by the parents of Dr. I Gillespie and uncle James Brath, who were going by auto to Colorado, where they will visit for several weeks at the principle places of that state. Having His Home Painted W. J. Rau the banker, desiring to have his home repainted and done in an excellent manner, cast his eyes about for some one to do the work and as there were few painteds in Manley he sought the counsel and assistance of our townsman, who has the interest of the city at heart and Street Parade at ! 10 o'clock Arthur G. Wray Independent Candidate for Governor, will de liver an address at 1 o'clock. Fa :es, Base Ball, Band Conce -ts, Big New At tractions and Vaude ville. Dancing at 3 P.M. Good Music who is willing and can turn bis hand to any kind of work, Dan Bourke, and was rewarded by having that es timable gentleman work at his house. Mr. Rau is securing an excellent piece of work and as he was sure by employing Mr. Bourke. Gave Miscellaneous Shower Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, south west of Manley, who are of the most popular young couples, last week gave a miscellaneous shower for the coming nuptials of Mrs. Henrietta Earhart and Mr. Earl Quinn. which is to be solemnized on September 1. 1 The occasion was attended by a large number of friends of the young cou ple who are to wed and of the genial host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Mil ler. Music and games were indulged j in and all present enjoyed the oc casion to the greatest extent. The evening's pleasure culminated in a most delicious luncheon which i was also a very pleasing phrase of i the pleasant evening. In departing, besides wishing the young people a . happy journey through life who were . to wed, those in attendance also de clared Mr. and Mrs. Miller most ex cellent entertainers. Now Ready for School. The school board of Manley are pretty well satisfied with the condi tion of the school house which has j just recently been refinished by a, couple of excellent painters fromj Ix)uisville. After having refinished the building on the inside and out, I the gentlemen also scrubbed and cleaned the place thoroughly and the place is in the best of condition for the school which will soon begin. Damaged Both Cars. Last Wednesday, while turning a corner on the road. Leonard W. Wendt and Louis Rau ran together with their cars damaged both very much. Mr. Wendt, who car was a Nash, took the same to Omaha, where he had it repaired and home again on the following Saturday. Will Build in Manley. During last week Fred Fleischman the barber and fine chicken raiser, sold a half acre of land to Dan Mc Cready. a former citizen of Manley, but who has been making his home at Witten, South Dakota, where he has been engaged in farming. Mr. McCready will return to Manley in a short time and will construct a home on the land which he has just pur chased. Will Marry This Week. Mr. Albert Glaubitz of west of Manley and Miss Veronica Boon of near Wabash will unite in marriage at Elm wood during the coming week. They will make their home on a farm between Manley and Murdock. FOR oALE Thoroughbred Percheron stalian, chestnut sorrel, blazed face, abso lutely sound, a sure breeder and very gentle disposition. This horse represents the best blood in the Percheron breed and has life certifi cate, weight 1900 pounds. A. O. AULT. 30 12 t-d. Cedar Creek. Neb l.RCAl, VOTICK In the District Court of Cass eoun ty. Nebraska. The Livingston Loan anil P.uil1ine Association and Tonitha Tiiacker Plaintiffs, vs. O. II. Irish et al, De fendants. To the defendants. O. 11. Irish: the unknown heirs. ilevisees. legatees personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of ) H. Irish, deceased: John O. Havj ami Mrs. John G. Hays, his wife, first anil real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devi.sees. legatees, personal rep resentat Ives, ant all other persons in terested In the estate of John t. Hays, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons Interested in the estate of Mrs. John O. Hays, deceased; . II. Pickens: the unknown heirs ('pvisn-s, legatees, personal represen tatives, and all other nersons inter ested in the estate of W. H. Pickens deceased: Michael K. Bannin and Mrs. Michael K. Hannin, his wife, first and real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, leeatees. personal rep resentatives. and all other persons in terested in the estate of Michael K Ilanrtin. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Michael K. Ban nin. deceased: Kffie Olossard and Charles Oossard. her husband: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other nersons interested in the estate of Kffie Cossard. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, leeatees. personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Charles Oos sard. deceased: Cheever; Sweet & Co.: the unknown claimants and all other persons interested in Lot 7 in Block 3 in Kitzererald s Addition to the Citv of Plattsmouth. Nebraska: Lot 7 in Block 3 In Fitzgerald's Addition to the City f f Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, -nil all persons claiming anv interest f anv kind In said real estate or any part thereof: You and each of von are lierebv no tified that on the 24th dav of August, ' Ii. lSl'O. Plaintiffs filed their peti ''in and suit In the District Court of 'tss county. Nebraska, the object and raver and purpose of which is to :iiet and confirm plaintiffs titles in r nd o the respective tracts of land. i-wlt: The soi-th one-half of Lot 7. i i Block .!. in Fitzgerald s Addition to i he Citv of Plattsmouth. Cass county, "ebraska. and the North one-half of ot 7, in Block 3. in Fltzgerald s Ad I'ition to the city of Plattsmouth, Cass onnty. Nebraska, and to enjoin each ind all of you from having or claim-i-ie to have anv right, title. lien, or i iterest. either legal or equitable, in, to. or upon, said real estate or anv I art thereof and to enjoin you and ench of you from in any manner in terfering with plaintiffs' possession of s.ild respective pieces of real estate, and enjoyment of said premises and tor equitable relief. This notice is given pursuant to an order of the Court. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 11th day of October, 19:n. or your default will be entered therein. The Livingston Loan and Building Association and Tobitha Thacker. Plaintiffs. TIDD & DUXBl'RY, Attorneys. &30- Thomas A. Edison Is quoted as saying that "we do not know one millionth of one per cent about any thing. We are still In the champe zes rfi&te mentally." Whether he actually said it or not there Is a eeM deal of truth in the statement, and nobody understands it better than a man like Edison who himself has made hundreds of thousands of experiments. LINCOLN WOMAN GAINS 15 POUNDS So Much Stronger Since Taking Tanlac that Housework is Easy, Says Mrs. Snyder "I have not only gained fifteen pounds in weight, but am feeling stronger and better than I have in years," said Mrs. Edward Snyder, of 2030 K street. Lincoln, Neb. "Before I started taking Tanlac," said Mrs. Snyder, "I was in such a weak, run-down condition that I could hardly get around the house to do my work. I had no appetite whatever and what little I ate nau seated me and gave me awful pains in my stomach. The indigestion af fected me so much as night that I lost much sleep and in the mornings I was tired and worn out. I was always having headaches and at times felt so dizzy I thought I would fall over. I fell off until I weighed only a hundred and five pounds and I was anxious about my condition. "My sister-in-law had been so much helped by Tanlac that she got me to try it and it did me good right from the start. I now have a fine appetite and although I eat three good hearty meals a day, I am not bothered with indigestion. I am so much stronger that I can do all my work without difficulty and have gained fifteen pounds and just feel good all the time. Tanlac has been such a blessing to me that I wouldn't be without it in the house, and can strongly recommend it to others." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke and Company and the leading druggist in every town. LOYAL WORKERS ENTERTAIN From Thursday's Dally. The parlors of the Christian church were the scene of a delight ful and pleasant afternoon enter tainment yesterday. It was at this time the Loyal Workers entertained the elderly ladies, those who have found it Impossible to assist in the work or attend the meetings of the society regularly, due to failing strength. For the occasion and in honor of their guests the parlors had been made very attractive with decorations of garden flowers. The ladies had arranged a pleasing pro gram which was greatly enjoyed and appreciated by their guests. A por tion of the afternoon was whiled away in the singing of the favored nd familiar hymns loved by the honored guests. This pastime was delightfully interspersed with the relating of experiences in the work of the society by the guests in their days of youth and strength. This proved very interesting to the hos tesses as their guest shad surely ac complished great things. At a suitable time a dainty lunch eon was served which was likewise thoroughly enjoyed. A number of the honor guests were unable to be in attendance on account of illness, but those fortunate enough to be present felt very much indebted to the hostesses for the splendid good time they had enjoyed. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL "mm Friday's Dally. Friends tn this city have received wor dof the return from the hos pital in Omaha of Mrs. Jess Hard nock, Jr.. of Alvo. who with the little babe, is doing nicely and the family and friends in Alvo delighted to see them able to return home1. Mrs. Emma Kunz Clements of Alvo has been taken to the hospital, where she is to be operated on for a severe case of appendicitis. FOR SALE Two pipeless furnaces. Will need some repairs. Price $"5 each. 30 lt-w 3 t-d. E. G. DOVEY & SOX. Blank books. Journal office. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS STATE BANK of Plattsmouth. Charter No. 1430 In the State of Ne braska at the close of business on August 16. lS-'O. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $26S Overdrafts 2 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc.. including all 732.34 S9S.83 government bonds Banking house, furniture and fixtures Current expenses, taxes and interest paid Cash items Imp from National and State banks CI. 900.00 11.S53.36 8.693.22 76.32 596.28 514.00 360.00 f.10.06 Currency Cold coin Silver, nickels and cents.... Liberty lonn bonds held as cash reserve 18.200.00 TOTAI $398,334.41 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 0.000.00 Surplus fund 2,000.00 T'ndivided profits 10,340.25 Individual deposits subject to check i:i:,267.47 demand certificates of deposit 51.250.00 Time certificates of deposit . $1 12.802.43 Cashier's checks outstanding 639.43 Due to National and Mate t.anks 13.417.97 Bills payable 20.000.00 Depositor's guaranty fund... 2.616.S6 TOTAL $398,334.41 , State of Nebraska County of Cass I. T. M. Patterson. President of the above named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Bureau of Banning:. T. M. PATTERSON, Attest: President. , MARK WHITE. Director ; A. J. SCHAFER, Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th dav of Aueust. 1P20. B. A. ROSEXCRANS. (Seal) Notary Public My Commission expires March 24, 1922. ALVO DEPARTMENT Mrs. L. Lauritsen returned from Omaha Friday morning. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hard nock, August 25th, a son. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer spent Tuesday night in South Bend. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyle returned Thursday from their trip to Colo rado. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and Mrs. A. J. Brobst were in Lincoln Thurs- (lay. Ed and Lewis Hornbeck of Mur - doclc were calling on H. Moore last Thursday. Miss Alta Llnch, Mrs. E. M. Stone and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer were in Lin coln Thursday. Mrs. Simon Brackhogge and child ren attended a church convention at Milford this week. Mrs. E. J. Mower and son, Wil liam, of Lincoln, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. Miss Lilian Curyea is spending ten days vacation with her Grandpa Wood and aunt. Miss Grace Wood. Tucker Uptegrove and mother re turned Wednesday from a month's visit with relatives at Sayre, Okla homa. Mrs. Harlen Wolfe of Greenwood autoed over Sunday to visit with her mother, Mrs. Ella Prouty and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barrett and children of Havelock spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroemer and the Misses Mildred Brown, Mary and Agnes Peterson autoed to Lincoln Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Wm. Bobbitt of Tekamah. and her sister. Mrs. George Nickel, were guests Sunday evening at the G. P. Foreman home. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan enter tained at dinner Sunday the 22nd. Mrs. I. J. Jamison of Porterville, California, and Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea. Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea and their guest, Mrs. Jamison, of Cali fornia, were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Foreman. Miss Aurel Foreman returned on Wednesday from Riverside, Califor nia, where she spent the past two months with her sister. Mrs. Paul Thuresson and family. Floyd E. Dickerson and miss Mil dred Godbey were married in Lin coln last Wednesday, August 25th. After a brief wedding trip they will make their home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klyver and children and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyver and their father, Peter Kly ver were guests Sunday at the Laur en Mickle home near Denton. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keefer and family have gone to Plattsmouth to care for the home of their daughter. Mrs. Roy O. Cole while she and Mr. Cole make a trip to Colorado. The Misses Mary and Agnes Pet erson of Goodwill. Oklahoma, came in Thursday the former to visit rel atives here for a short time and the latter to attend high schol here the coming year. Charles T. Foreman and Miss Dor othv McKinnon were married in Om aha last Friday, August 20. 1920. They will make their home with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman, for the present. Mrs. John Campbell and daughter. Miss Frances Campbell of South Uend. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer on Tuesday forenoon. Miss Campbell will teach in the Alvo pub lic schools the coming year. R. F. Johnson and family and mother, Mrs. Paul Johnson, and Miss Mildred Knight autoed to the state fisheries at South Bend Thursday, enjoying a picnic dinner and visiting their old friends. Supt. and Mrs. W. J. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman and Miss Dorothy McKinnon and Charles Foreman returned from Omaha Sun day evening, where they visited with friends since Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Turner McKinnin spent Friday and Saturday in Omaha. Wm. Knicely and family of Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa, came in Sunday evening and with Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir and family and they autoed to Ulysses Monday to surprise Mr. Craig on his birthday. Mr. Craig is an uncle of Mrs. Knicely and Mrs. Muir. Last Sunday visitors at the home J. M. Manners were Mrs. M. J. Mur flin and Mrs. Susie' Smith, mother and sister of Mrs. Manners. Paul Smith, a nephew of Mrs. Manners, and James Lewis and Alfred Harris, all of Havelock were also Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Manners. Mrs. I. J. Jamison of Porterville. California, spent several days last week with Mrs. George Curyea and other friends here. She was taken to Lincoln Monday morning by Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jordan in their car. from where she will go to Wahoo to spend some time with her j sister herore returning to ner nome in the west. ALL WORN OUT l Does morning find you with a lame, stiff and aching back? Are you tired all the time find work a burden? Have you suspected your kidneys? Plattsmouth people en dorse Doan's Kidney Pills. Ask your neighbors. You can rely on their statements. Mrs. F. M. Batman, S. 10th St., Plattsmouth, says: "I have been trou lbed more or less with kidney ail ments for a number of years. While I have never been down on account of this, yet at times my back has bothered me quite a bit. I felt all worn out and weak and had no am bition to do my housework. My kidneys were in a very disordered condition, too. A friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I found them very helpful. The relief was a great one and whenever I have had any such trouble I have always used a few Doan's and they always helped me. I would not be without them for I know they are a grand and good remedy in time of need. I don't believe Doan's can be equalled as a kidney remedy." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Uoan s Kidney Pills the same that urs. tsatman naa. ! oster-iiiourn j ' mrs" "unaio, --N. i. MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE From Saturday's Dally. Last evening at the office of Coun ty Judge Allen J. Beeson occurred the marriage of Miss Leone Dasher of this city and Mr. William E. Iohney of Monmouth. Illinois. The wed'ling was very quiet, the ceremony being performed by Judge Beeson in his usual pleasing manner and was wit nessed by Miss Ruth Moffet of Oma ha and Miss Grace Benson. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dasher of LaPlatte and has spent her lifetime in this city and vicinity while the groom is a young man who has made his home in this city for the pust few months. Cured of Stomach Trouble and Con stipation Rachel Cribley of Beaver Dam. Ohio, was sick for two ye.irs with stomach trouble and constipation, taking one medicine after another, with only temporary relief. "My neighbor spoke so enthusiastically of Chamberlain's Tablets," she says, "that I procured a bottle of them at our drug store to try. A few days' treatment convinced me that they were just what I needed. 1 con tinued their use for several weeks and they cured me. iIow Ss the Time to PI owl ' It's the early plowing that makes the big wheat yield. We have a full line of horse drawn plows; also engine plows. We will be glad to give you a demonstration with the Titan Tractor if you are interested. Co at man ALVO, 4T3k iif y Mis y&3S8fi& . We believe we can render any service to our cus tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We are always ready to make good farm loans for long terms at reasonable' rates. Our officers are well pre pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which a farmer must now deal. Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Tuni of the State of Nebraska The Farmers and Merchants Ban!:, A LVO, N E 11 R A S K A S.r.lMtVI.ES.Prrn. I) ll.K S. III)W.I, imhlrr I I. It It. ii ., A. M. IIOYI.r:, Vice-I're. (till. I. i N .. Icr-I'm. The Alvo National Farm Loan Association S. C. BOYLKS. President 1 ) Li: S. HOY'LLM. St -Tr. a in i.i;; .v ;:z, .tttinicjK-nt-i.aw Buying Grain and Stock! Farming only pays when the man who manages the farm receives at least one half of the net income from the farm. Grain and stock should be bought by individual buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the market. Co-operative associations will never be a success until they sell at least one-half their stock to their managers. Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six years' experience on "market conditions" and "grading up" grain. Free to our customers. Grain and Lumber OftlMMt CI' III VIIIM. l't-litf'n fr A nt meiif f tlmiiiixt r t rl x. TU- State of N e t k a. Cass i',lv, In t'.e County "ni:rt In the matter of t!:e estate of I i-l Ton ttelet. deceased n reading and filing th petitmri ef Charles . T'.;i:teli.t proving i.irninisti atinTi ef s.ri.l estate fiav he framed t 'na Laird, Ad m ; r. 1-- t ra t i i ; ordered. That S-Memt r 15th. A I l'.'l'H. at lO'.n'i o'ei k a. n.. is a--i-ed lor hearir.r said petition, wl.ej, 1 1 persons interest .-d in said matter n..n appear at a C..i:iit Court to !- ' ! I in an. I for sa; I e'euity. :'nd si rause why the praver of pet it ...i.er shouid ii'l be- granted: and t! at !: lice of the peri'h-ney ef said petit. ;,M'l the '.earing lln-ro.f !e u ! all persons intei sfid in said n;..tt I publishing a e..;iv ef this ot ... r ! the I "! a tt stilt. u t h .1 .'ii I'Tia I. a sttni-ue.d--1 newspaper printed in sal i..'iii. i ir three sue. essive Weeks pi let ' said hiv o:' I.e.irn.-u. 1 at.-d An ."O-" w. st t ! i . ALLL'N 1 i I'-;' .1. HKi.S-.N. 'o1 1 li t v J i.i ! i e WILL DEMONSTRATE One Puick 45 Coupe. 3 passenger. ?1. (.("; o!:e AprTsfin 47, touring car. 5 passenger, $4.'y; one Davis " passer.Rer. ?r."0. Tlic-e are in condition; vd tires and t-xtru'; have tlec'rif starters. V Li I NER Ll'ND BERG. u30-2tv. Nehawka, N't J A-1 All r. The reason . m" FRICKE & CO. ardware, NEBRASKA Alvo, Nebraska F. G Curyss,