9 TiiySSEAY.. A?3uST 6,' 12Z0. ii .i l.;at As Clean Cut as a Thoroughbred The clean-cut businesslike design of the "Z" Engine results from efficiency in manufacture. A farm engine, to be efficient, must be properly designed may also have graceful lines free from geegaws. Imrcrnselv strong in every part weight where weight is neciIeJ. Every strain foreseen every contact part case l arJir-c- rans carefully, precisely mad: by accurate r.'.jLiuc v.crk therefore interchangeable. Loo; s like a thoroughbred is one. Delivers a steady flow ,t power runs smoothly operates economically. Unit en ' lv. j-recibion methods, and efficient design make it t: ferfeit farm engine. A mighty i.Ieasmg engine to io ,k at. Come in and see it today. Other "Z" features are: Runs on kerosene, coal oil. tops, is well as L'2;o!ine; built in Bosch high tension oscillating iingneto; more than rated power; every pait intercbange--JuU; Ivi:-Uved endurance. Factory Prices: 1 H.P S 75.00 3 H.P. 6 II. P. 125.00 .. 200.00 FREIGHT EXTRA Bcstor & Swatok 1 1 -j. . i t -------- ' .h:i I'. S.itllr was among those i; t iu.il:a this afternoun to ..I ;i lew ! t;r. ;i t t'in!iii to sonu- ! car larirains We have sev-r-- i-i : t p. r;l price.! rish. r. !i. ro:.!.orK atto co. tf. For Sale: Six room hcu.se, full Jasement. all modern at Murray. Pricl ripht for quick sale. Ralph J llavnie. Piattsmouth. telephone ;'".. ' lt-w 3t-d. I'.uv a Ford and save your big car. T. II. POLLOCK AUTO CO. tf. THE STORE FOR THE OLD MAN AND THE OLD MAN'S BOY. Whether it be the newest thing in a col lar, scarf, hat or cap. The latest model in a suit of clothes for the young man, or plain, conservative things for dad you'll be safe in trying here first AT PHIL'S. New Ideas in young men's suits. New Ideas in young men's sweaters. Foxy caps. If it's to wear WE HAVE IT. TRY IT. BURGLARS PAY VISIT TO THE GERING HOME WILL VISIT IN CALIFORNIA From 'Wednesday's Dally. This afternoon E. H. Wescott de parted for lxis Angeles. California, where he expects to enjoy a two or three weeks' vacation at the home of his parents cott. The rntt has not been the best of late and the members of the family in this city have felt some apprehen- From Wednesday's Dally. I sion uvci iue vuuu.y"- ...i Sometime during last nlgnt me anu air. wescon win in.c oama CpHnsr residence on North Sixth; of the opportunity to enjoy a visit (jering resiueuic u. (0iFn,nio rUv with Hip ..ir. n v n iv i iiLiici i : iue v uiuuiuiM ....... Parties Evidently Possessed of Tlurst Force Entrance to TJellar and Make Off With Old Wine PIONEERS OF NEBRAS KA TO HOLD MEETING tj w v.u-,w" - ----- - i i m VMVundi- xi?" S' es' Old Residents of the State Will Meet health of Mr. C. E. Wes-, . . . , . , , ? ' . ' 4u .,.. ,. 1....J at Lincoln SeDtember 7th for at .Lincoln fceptemoer tin ior Annual Pow-Wow, Etc. cti'uoi was who forced their way into tne cenai of the home and secured several bot tles or rare old wine that had been In the possession of the family for the past fifteen years. The entrance was secured uy breaking the lock on the door and was evidently carried out by some nn familiar with the situation and with the fact that a small quantity of the wine was stored in the cellar. The wine had been a Rift to the family from relatives in Italy and had been at the home for the past tirteen years, being used during the uiitc of members of the family and while but very few bottles were in the cellar the excellent ,uaiu and age of the wine makes the Ioks amount to considerable.. From the indications tne auinor ities are of the opinion that it was the work of some one wen auami-t-d with the premises and the loca tion of the wine. It is thought that the entrance was made eitner ver late at night or early this morning . M . . .1. I . . V 11 Tl ( 1 T as mtmoers 01 me iaiiw r " aroused by the entrance of the night oaller. Knm Wednesday's I)a'5y. The pioneer residents of the state of Nebraska are called to meet at Lincoln on Tuesday, September 7th, mother and father. Miss Alice Louise me, can ior tne meeting naviug oet-u Wescott. who has been spending the issued by J. ('. F. McKessen, secre- summer at Los Angeles with the ary or ine state association grandparents, will leave for home on Wednesday, September 1st, in order to be ready to resume ner scnooi work on the opening of school next Tuesday. DEPART FOR STATE LEGION CONVENTION Delegates From Hugh Kearns Post of This City Go to Hastings to State Conventionfl. From Wednesday's Dally. This afternoon the representatives of the local Dost of tne American Legion accompanied by a number ot the membership departed for Hast ings where the convention is to open tomorrow morning at the auditor ium in that city. The delegates rKHrnilni! the uost here are Au- brev Duxburv. Kmil Ilild. Henry i ..t", .! Kdwin A. Fricke. while John Wiehman. tieorgf Conis and Marion Duxlmry accompanied the delegates and to enjoy the big state meeting. At the opening session of the con vention which will called to order hv statp Commander Karl M. ("line of Nebraska City, the meeting will be addressed by National Command er Franklin D'Olier. who has during his term of office increased to twice its former strength the membership of the Legion. The Piattsmouth delegates are In structed to urge on the convention the name of State Commander Cliue for the national commander at the ii'tiionl convention and will en deavor to have the state delegates -so instructed. The pre-convention indications have pointed strongly to the naming of either Edward McDermott or wear ney or T. J. McGuire of Omaha a; the next state commander. VISITS WITH OLD FRIENDS f L I I I ' III I X ii From Wednesday's Dally. Mr. and Mrs. Dave O'Brien of Os mond. Neb., have been enjoying visit at the pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Khmm near Murray, having come down from their home last week to attend the old settler's Dicnie at Union an enlov .in outing amid the once famU iar scenes. Yesterday Mr. and Mis O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. Klimm were in Omaha enjoying a plcmc nartv at Krue nark and a very I delightful time. The visitors re i ' lurneu iu men uuuic wuoj. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien were forme residents of this community, havinn made their home at Piattsmouth soms twenty years ago and from this city removed to Osmond, where they have since resided. It is needless to say their visit was much enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Klimm. TRAVIS IS RELEASED FROM LOCAL CUSTODY Matter of Manufacturing Intoxicating Liquor May Be Taken up by Federal Authorities. From Wednesday's Dally. This afternoon the sheriff released from his custody Jamej Travis, the gentleman who was arrested last Sunday in connection with the hnd- ne of a large amount of corn mash and a still at his home hear the Mis souri river ferry. Mr. Travis wns fined $200 and costs in county court and this amount was settled yester day and -he was released from the custody of the sheriff and allowed o return to his home. The matter of the conducting of the small sized distillery is being investigated today by the federal prohibition enforcement oftice", a representative of the department coming down from umana to m- uiire into the matter and to view the liquor and mash secured by Sher iff Quinton in the raid. That the mash is powerful stuff can readily be discovered by anyone approaching the basement or the Jail where the products of the raid has been stored and it will tie a time-or rejoicing to Sheriff Quinton when the several barrels are allowed to be destroyed.' The meeting will be held at the Grand hotel, commencing at 10:00 o'clock and the opportunity of re viewing old times is one that will be much enjoyed by the old residents of the state. Those who have resided in Ne braska for the past thirty-five years are eligible for membership in the association and a very large number j;re expected to be in attendance. Cass county has some of the old est residents of the state and terri tory in its citizenship and a large number of Dip old rp.idents of the count v will umloiiht el 1 v lip in at-! tendance at the Lincoln meeting. The pioneers' association will maintain headquarters on the bal cony of the agricultural hall during the state fair. ,...ii -T:nn . . .. A-7i- "mJ r'li - . ' ' ' , I mm m w Rev. A. G. Hollowell, wife and family arrived this afternoon from Gillette, Wyoming, and will not take up their residence here where Itev. Hollowell will have charge of the pastorate of the Christian church. Henry Borne was in the city for a few hours today being accompanied by his son Leonard, who several days ago had his hand so severely in jured. The young man is now get ting along nicely. m a p m a fi H a a ii a ii H U n a ANOTHER MOVE IN COLE MURDER CASE Brings Action in Federal Court to Compel State Penitentiary Warden to Produce Men Condemned to Die THE UNIVERSAL CAW SERVICE DEPT. If ycur Ford needs attention, bring It to our shop and ask "BAKKE" Our Shop Foreman for the cost of the necessary repairs. He will give you honest, reliable y advise and a careful estimate of the , v rnn c rami We have trained and efficient Ford mechanics 100 men and you will like our work and Ford prices. KEEP POULTRY CLEAN I Enormous Baby Chick Loss Caused Annually by Lice Our Fall Style Show of CORRECT MILLINERY Ready for Your Approval Friday & Saturday, Aug. 27, 28 After weeks of careful preparation, we invite you to inspect the most complete assortment of Stylish Hats we have ever shown. Most of our very best models will be shown for the first time on these dates. Emma Pease "I would not try to keep poultry without Dr. LeGear's Poultry Rem edies," says Mrs. L. V. Hose of Cuero. Texas. "We have never had any of them fail to do even more I'than you claim for them." l Every year millions of baby chicks 1 are lost because setting hens are not kept clean and free of lice. Dr. Le Gear's Lice Killer quickly rids your flock of lice and vermin. Through his advice and remedies. Dr. LeGear has helped thousands of poultry raisers during his 27 years experience as an Expert Poultry Specialist. It will pay you also to take advantage of Dr. LeGear's ad vice just as Mrs. Rose did and ln- a from your dealer. Use it according to di rections. Satisfaction or money back. Dr. L. D. LeGear Med. Co., St. Louis, Mo. I BEST0R & SWATEK From Wednesday's Dally. A petition for a writ of habeas cor pus on behalf of Alson U. Cole. How ard county murderer, was nled in tne United States district court by At torney John M. Priest. The court is asked to compel Warden T. Fen ton of the Nebraska penitentiary to hrintr the bodv of Cole under its jurisdiction and to restore him to his liberty as a citizen of the state, in is is the second time that an applica tion for a writ of habeas corpus has been made in the same court. The new petition recites that through the errors of the Howard county district court the petitioner. Alson B. Cole, was not given a fair and impartial trial when had cer tain evidence been allowed submit ted in his behalf he would have been a rree man. Th petition charges that the countv attorney and other lawyers interested in the state case deliber ately refused to permit one Gladys Bishop to testify on behalf of the defendant. It is asserted that if the girl had been permitted to give evidence it would have been able to clear up some important details in connection with the conduct of Allen Vincent Grammer. Tt 1a mIIpc-p.1 that the girl would have brought out the real motive of the crime ana wouiu nave ai..... that obtaining money was the only incidential to the real motive ior tne commission of the crime. It is further charged that the pe- tiitoner did not have a fair snow rtnrJnir htc trial Tipcause of the un- . .1 J., F..;-,,11 oMitn.lo. rif tne crowu HI the courtroom and it is declared that the jury was naturally influenced by Iho Ki and nrpturlice 01 Uie moii. - r-'j . j Th. npw npHHnn does not. Ulliei from the old except as to the story of Ihft irirl mentioned. the uisuiu ftppnl rmirt and the United biaitb court of appeals dismissed the other petition for a writ of haneas coii. State Journal. Stop at our Filling Station GASOU A tractor that will fit your farm the Fordson YOU can make your farm produce more at less cost and with less effort on your part by using the Fordson tractor. Not only will it help you prepare your land and cultivate the crops, but it furnishes power for many other farm jobs. C9Mi The Fordson tractor is the result of long study of farming conditions and it has proved a success. Burns kerosene easy to operate and care for practically trouble-proof. There's an Oliver No. 7 Plow for your Fordson Just as the Fordson tractor gives ideal power, the Oliver plow means ideal plowing. It is scientifically designed for tractor service and is backed by a half century of experience in making plows. It buries all trash and weeds at the bottom of the furrow maintains an even depth of furrow and is controlled from the tractor seat. Come in and let us show you this remarkable farm team. Let Us Plow a Day for You - if you are interested. We will run the risk of satisfying you, and it won't cost you a cent for the demonstration. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. Ford and Fordson Dealers Phone 1 Piattsmouth, Nebr. 3 I i crease your poultry profits. Get ! can of Dr. LeGear's Lice Killer fro PER GALLON LUBRICATING OIL 30c QUART Cash Only! T. H. Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 Piattsmouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! WILL BE HARD TO GET ORDER NOW A King & Hamilton Grain Dump or an OTTAWA SHELLER. If you wait till you need them you will not be able to secure them. I also have a few first quality Farm Wagons left at $185.00. Act quickly. A. . AULT Cedar Creek, Nebraska FOR A FEW HOURS A DAY WE WILL RAISE YOUR PAY TRAIN FOR OFFICE WORK Civil For Yean W Have Taught t. . n . . i Rankind, nnnang, DOOKKepi"yt - h Service. Normal Trammo, Business Administration ana other Btu.iie. quail 8 for .cn-fted positions, goo a salaries - -- Buy a Ford for cash or on the pay ment plan. i. ii. i-uuukji. AU1U UU. tr. '" . . ut, who I we nna positions ior f1" .V."v for Miss Margie Walker of Murray. ' Wt KPred" SueTV'y ' Monday, came in this afternoon from Omaha Assure uectas by ..,OBbiteo and stopped here for a short visit selection With friends while enroute home. Tne schools name.! below are ' J"ejnbr. I of tne National Association of APcrwMted Mrs. Ed. Weaver departed on the on.mercfi schooij- and e?unJ aftrenoon Burlington train today for !v?i7Sda Omaha where she will visit with her wn of this paper."""'" - mother and other friends in that tLE C0LLE8E leo1 Busm Coiiei City. Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln. Nebraska THE UNIVEDSAX CAR The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may m a minute be Sanged S anost delightful open car with always a top protecting against the Sm In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rims with 3-inch tires all around. A real family car. Anybody can Sfelv drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation and maintenance. Won't you come in and look at it? r no T. l. Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 Piattsmouth, Neb. mi- -VTT- SWA ? A '"J i a ms& , 1 1 1 1 b IS; 9i 9 i i mm n j i si i ii b i 7 S J i 4 1: T in