Jr. ti ri-MTSTTOUTn Sr.Tin-Wr.ETTLY JOTTSTTAL THURSDAY. AUGUST 26. 1020. TOWEL SHOWER FOR i NEWS NOTES FROM MISS EDITH RAMGE CITY OF NEKAWKA 1 ' mj i --------W i ! . . ? l . t n rr ! rv f v r. a ! Mrs. Lloyd Younkcr En'trtaiacd Number of LaJy Friends Lasi, Ev er.iuc? in Honor of Bride-to-Bc From WI ; v s Maiiv I.;:-1 Vlli:i-: tli'.' hi?JH of M Uovd You'iker was 11:.' m-ii ot feasant juiiintTiiii;. ii i-r ii ,. ! at lire t i a lowei s.;.m.-. '' ,f Ui-s i:i:th K.imui'. vv'.m- ir;:i'A!' ? Mr. J. Mt-i-iinrr will V i:ir-Jay. S. ptt in'u. r s. r:-; wer.' ' ;r-ttilv ;ir :::!..! in i(--nr:i: ii l'.s oi" sw" ' -.1 .. till- -I :! pN'.i'-ili.H 'o tlW Ti; t-i.ir.tt wa spout in .ii iaris at . iiini u-ni-u i:i ii- :i t; Rrcrr.tiy i:i'orvov?.tcd tasc County Tcv.fi Otrcri IMuc'i of Interest .Tour;-a 1 Hcauc-rs. ; V.'. S. Xorris a visitor in Lin- coin last YVt'd'K' -itiiy. wlK'i'f In 'ii'ipvc in Ki,.s alit-r ;-oiiH' business matters for tlio t'ay. rt ! rnin -r i" th evon-itiK. J. W. Murdn'k is just iM'irinniiiy: j the ;-o!st i ut ion of i inaf'l:iiu shed jj a sin. p. t ho l.uilvlini; lifin? for j tlie liouin.i; oi his t lire.-liinj; o'tttit J i.inl ot'.ier niafhinery on tlu farm. I :nl to sTl'l'onl a plaee n which ho can io the necessary repair work in i.l"iital to keeping the machinery i in repair. :, ;is!ir- was lUriveil l.y t tie r.tei:i i,. r. i t ihc party. The uesi ! j i , ; ; i r I'.e'vei! SHU)!' r.V l)e;i'.lt, fll! s pu-'.pl.r.ti.te:. !' m t he fr;e!.ls tliat nil! Ie t r.'.:.-iire I iy lis r in lier ne.v . . . . l i. At . . Hour a.MUTv ii.-.is re'.'resh.iai nts v.'i re hat atPP i! to ti:-' t! ' ii,m' in :. m "una :'. ' ' i' i Mi..-.-..'.-. Xi-rii-e .-i-inulif-f. Kth. 1 jit !ir. i u ii! hav ;Ic.-l?niizjay His Horn? Is '.. V. SivaiPr is i-ettina aloniv iiiclv with the extensive repairs he is ii!::kin.fc on his house, including t:;e addition l" l.atii rootn facilities. ervd-atid which is i n rea-ins the value of h.'n.e aad inakin: it a much more lie a new root placed on me t i:e ev- . tl. U' .rao"' j.i;ie in '.mhii u iii-. Ilertnic S; I.:iura .Aieisiimer. Ko.-eu;i e ('eaiuer. i-'::: a es Marti::. Kior- ;!!iv :,.u: M.!!.v K."e:i her.-r aad -Mrs Alvir. KaniRe. TO VISIT WITH SISTER i r. ir. ami a! nave me enure e painted nisid" ami out. A new heatintr plant is included in the mod-e.-niati'.n process (:' this home. Hav? -ddod Ki::br of E-id;s Amoii'i the new readers who have hi "ii .i I P il to tho Journal list re centlv in the Xehawka vicinity are '.limine Sr. John. Win. Jorenser and winter, iauuui maid Fl.-Mi 'A. da'-sdi v Hull Vesteniay afternoon Itoh.rt Tnop i ..-:. ,l . . M.irr Tninti ii.-- : , v" .I,;. nL. v:: Willis. The Journal held man 'II (T'l '"I ..... .... I !:r;:te to Co;; I Valley. Illinois, at , : ...i.:..;. ..I...... ilii.r -in. tn :it 1l.e'"l W II M.I I'i.n i i. i'- j i, ;.;,.- VTrw J-'iii Cnlir.or , P' Ti ll ;uilif- t'i .i . , .Mrs. Connor i- now past her nineti- --,n,.v niitini-4 it.:.' o vi-lie. l a numaer oi rcaueis. an vhi in lie found busy and pros- ? tl"- honie o" A. J. Koss interview villi his small son ,"'t-i'v.nr and it is t he desire .f Mr.''-rli'.'-: brought ..u the information Tn,:,, and hi- sM-r to visit with the' that he expects ,., :, farmer am! Styles for School Girls and Little Ones Juntas tiioughttuiiy 0-1:1", c.refuily tailored, and richly tenured : ; fi-.- Ycutr;ir.nre garments ! liiose iA r.yj'.'e Jiintuic yc.s "DAINTY MAID" is ti.o idea! name for this ieautifut line. . . . 1 1 ... 1.. .ii.ii -. ;it 1 .in- sue iiasses w v. 1 . ' I....... ,.,.,! vw.. Mr IVlethi ds i f luakir. tin keepi'r-;- his mind It has been matiy years since Air. j T 11 p was back in Illinois as he wa.- ' " r reared to manhood in Davenport.! I.Ici ry-Co-Roind XeJi.Sini'ton Iowa, and came from there west to j ladies .f tn-rt h west of N't Nebraska, and h" is :it icipat i;i: a hawka. who are members ai'Tt 'o farm pa; 01 Hnnounctng New Fall Style Li-aai ies sl misses uais PLU.SH. VELOUR. CHEVIOTS, KERSEYS. POLOS, SILVERTONES Willi or without fur collars. Your inspection invited. C. E. Wescott's Sons "Everybody's Store' ICE CREAM SOCIAL HOGS FOU SALE (That daintiness which you 30 a-l-rc in Children's ' - . ... tn every ;i.ie garment m our the clothes is ptser! showings. ) assortncnt :s at -rv pleasant visit with the members ; r.n-rry of his t 'ices Iowa. o-ri'iiml kensinuton. met last family and eld time aoipiain-! Wednesday at tin- home 1.1 Mrs. W . in that part of Illinois and ORIGINAL" Uon I del I, v in ' our selection: hzsl riunt now. Fred P. Ousch, Mgr. ADIES' TOGGERY r 1 O , t-. . Indications are always flattering i'cr the original preparation. Tiny are ;: convincini; proof that the origi nal r-!n dy enjuy a j;reat popularity. Nobody will imitate a product to which the public is indi i'l erent . IP.n any wi.-e man will be shy t.f imit.i iaiions and will stick to tlo- origi nal r niedy. that is. in case of stom al h troubles, to Triner's American Kiixir of Hitter v.'iiir. Tiiis genuine remedy represents many years of most careful studies, innumerable tests and painst a k i nt; experiments which have resulted in reaching the present perfect ncss of Triner's Ame r ican Kiixir of Hitter Wine. IK- who knows its results easily finds the mi.: t enthusiastic words for it. like Mrs. A. Ilamza. Ilonte J. Alt mar. N. V.. who wrote us on June 14: "I cannot do without it. Triner's Hitter V.'i:;-- is the hi --t remedy, nothing; can beat it." Your druggist or dealer in medicines has also other Triner's remedies in stock. ask him about them! Jos. Triner Company. ',.', -4". S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. III. RESIDENCE FOR SALE A. S'oli. when- they enjoyed a most ;de; s;u-:i : ocial aft'-rnoon. and while their nimble liners plied the nee. IP's in ti. ir "ork. t'.ey were also busy d.-- i-i:-: plans for the li"t!"rni'lr,t of Tin i - soci.ty. and for more elective n-etpods iti extending: tho scope of their labors. They have in mi nil a considerable r . tension of their area of r ociahilit v. The hostess proved herself an excellent entertainer and alt were delighted with the delicious lun '. on served at tho close of the ni'iunsr. The coinmodiaus brick residence in rial tsmuuth Iuim 'a u as tl:e Wc kbacl. -Walker home located a' 4th and Oak trceu Thi. property i." tie 1: "THE 30CK Tih.T WILL TEACH YOUR DDY M0a 1 HAH AtiY OTHER BOCl'., IS A BF.KK BOOK. IT WILL TEACH 1UM THt VALUE Or r.ONEf THE BEST LESSON A BOY CAN LERRN. IT WILL IMSPIRE YOUR BOY TO WORK AND tAVE AND SOME DAY HAVE A BUSINESS OF HIS OWN. START A P.aNK ACCOUNT FOR YOUR SOY. FIJI YOUR MONEY IN CUR BANK. YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 , INTEREST ON SAVING'S ACCOUNT SAFETY DEPOSIT ECXES FOR fcfcMT. $1.00 PER YEAR. the l.e.-t down town properties ihat t.in be secured at a reasonable price. (:i!y half bloc I; from pe t office, li brary, cooit ki,i:.-e nnd h.opp;nj; dis trict.;. About lour line lots, is hi.'i. .:u :;:. au l sanitary, iir.e shade anil ia !'. ;jijci well, cistern, city wat'.-r, i.a.s uooil bar:;, partly moclern. jiol i.l;cd oak lhor in living room. The :Ia;:e needs some repair; will n;aV; s-pleirdid home for retiring f;:riii'.r or any one ibsirin:; ;t sub. ;,i nt ial in vestment or high class residence prop erty. Out-of-tow n owners of thi, property have reipiestc'l me to dis pose of it at once I will therciorp offer it for about one-fourth of actual replacement value. L. C. SHAIil' M Ft;. (,)., M-F l'lattsjnouth. Neb. Mrs. I'.roy Christ and little son departed this mornin-x for Omaha. j where they will spend a jevv hours attending to some matters of business. H armer PL RTTR MOUTH. Nt?;rfl.SKP Popular copyrighted fiction at the Journal office. jm -a MacMnery ! Vv c carry a full and complete line ol the reliable in Jie farm machinrrj-, and arc icady to fill your oxd-: r iin;:.!cments of ail kind, as vc anything' in our Wivs. Plows i-.v.d corn fr.nnina II ha3rii! and harvest ing machinery. Also threshers' necessities. WARE ROOMS ON SOUTH SIXTH STREET FLATTSMO'JTH NEBRASKA P0ULTI1Y WANTED! 1 , WE WILL BUY CHICKENS AT ED LUTZ'S SI QUE Gli Secnring- Valuable Information The rn.iversity of N'ebraska. tiiru the sii p. rim ender.t 1 -i' schools is bav in v. -ibiilated a T.un:ber of facts tonchini; on far:.i:nur conditions in this vicinity, as p.Mt of a data uath . pbin t i a ' is -tatwi.Jo in its sc-.pe. H-.retofore .isiricultcral ci- eli e ii., ; iieeii larili'ly dependent for its ; 1 : o: ::! .: i m np-r.-n eastern compil ers. l'H on a.co'itit of no' beinr a applicable to N"i -'.ra-ka conditions :.- that si cured here at home, the I'ni vorsity is embark in upon this pro ject. The quesiioii blanks provide for the secirinu of information rel ative ?o each 01 1 : ; i.:.;ny tilings of interest in mo.lerii tarnu'im. and the su ;er i u t e mleti t the Xenawka pub lic schools. I'rof. Hceston. h.as bTcn ius intervievv iiiu the ruralists for tii" ro'j'iirid ini'erinat ion. and has in 0:1 very suceeful so far. Farmers v. ill do w. ;i in a.-.-i-t him in every mariner possible, for in doinir so they are cont ribut insr to the development of the state, and indirectly assisting t ht-mse! vc-. UK POUT OF 'IT IK COXDITICX or thi: BANK OF GASS COUNTY of Plattsmouth. Nebr. Ciialter Ni eiasKa t tl. the state ..- of Pi.siii f Nc- Tiie ladhs' aid socie'v of l he ly- Ki;ht Spotted Poland China lin.s;.'. nard 1". II. church will pive an ice I Came of Ke-i tored stock. Hot !i boars cream social next Friday evening, j and iui'.rs. Call phone 3102 or see Au.sU.-t I'Tti:. at the V. T. Kicaar.i- ' .'. ii. Tottd. PIatt-r:io;nli. 2t-w. lw-d. st. 11 home in .Mynard. Tii" Otterb. in j K'.nKl mils will give a pauant en- i , rirle.l '-Tiie Missiimr.rv liinir" l"v. I r or lalys .roup cuts anil 1. rinses. 11101 tiers sore tkroa'. grandma's lameness -lr. Thomas' Kclecti-.- Oil the household remedy. :;oc and f.nc. Journal want ads pay. Try them. Willie's dailv iiyhody invited to be present. lt-w lt-d. To lel a:.-; d: :h.v life. strong, hav-- :e.-tioil. s-le-ti : use lPirdoci; -cu appe c"i:Mi!y and iMoud p.ir- ! r 1 .2 famil v .-vs.. m Tonic Pri- Popular copyrights. Journal office I.o.-t: Saturday night, between ("has. C.-.ok's place and Piatt, mouth, a small brown sacliel. Finder please return to Chas. 1-). Cook and re ceive reward. rt&w tf. Orange Model 2d i for sale, also some good soring boars at $50 to $65, while they last. S. RAY SIYjETH Plattsrnouth, Web. Tel. No. 3422 t: !:! iri:cr:s l. ..Hi-- ioel .1 s.-..,i,, el 1! , ., 1 ts is. ... ,.i .t 1 :: on--. . ,-., 1 ;,, yovei nnietit 1 r: i i '.a n k i r.u i 1 . u . -. f i tiM nr.-s 4 i ! : : l-i .1 ! . .- I ;i I . . I' M n m e:.. n.-es. ' interest p.o.l I'asii items I -'.-1.111 X.I t i.lln i laiiks I ' ! i e i K s ;i lei i t ins , i -i :! em - i'ei'l I'oiti '"' S: I -. ei , i, j, .;. is a !i.; .! u men I s. iiair all i ; lire and ., i s a let Old State f exeh'ne i .-His .... i. 1-. a. a im ::'.."..! J ;!' Til IT l.'.e.l pi. r.r. i'n. iici jii.MM.nn l, ::. n;s.-s Ti iTAl ?7ss,r..i i.i.nii,i th:s . . .$ i 'a : i ! i ! ; t . k pa i.i -tl . 1 1 I" I O I s 1 I ! , . I 'in! i v I pri .!i t s . . " I el l ..Oi l ! ,1. ; , . ii 1. j.-i t ei ii ! ' L''i Tl'lle i . It i tie., t es . , I ' , a . I II . s i t . ' I rai.nfi'i (iii ::n. iinii no :;iij:.'.7.-i I I .hi I s t a no iii a . .1 Slate l.'.i.'is.sS 1 ' .7n7.'i' .j::,iinuit) ii.or.s.7 i 'aslij.-i 's i I : .... ; !"' .';! i.. n l.itih.s IPIls pa . i l.l.. I i. ; ..is : t . i is ;i.-:i-,;I,u. lull. I.. Tli'lWi, ?7s s,r,j7.'.' Z Stall.1 of .Vei.raska i ! ss. i . . i; 1 1 1 " ni' i 'a I. P. K. I'att.-iv,,,, c'ashif-r of the al.ove luone ! Lank .i.i lierePy swear lliat li.o uliove statement is a CMICit ::!!'l ti-.,e -)!- ,. ,i ,,.inrt mailo to t!:-- State liaieau nf J'.aiiUinK'. l:. K. l'ATTKKSi V. Att.sf Cashier. 'I IAS. c-. I'AtlMKi.i:, lirector. JACOK TPlTSi.'ll iMieetor Su lis, -i-i 1. 1 .1 t!.is -:;i, ,la 10 ANM WiLl. PAY Kens, per lb Srrings. per lb Old Roosters, per lb SWIFT & COMPANY .26c -14c (Sea! ' i My i -1 in m issinn , oel sweiTi t l.pfore mo of Aii-iisI, ANNA WAKGA, Notary 1'u li ic. di es Ilel- V f V f f r r v r r r r Y t t f ' ' ' ' ' - i -1 i j j jji bo 11, Every mother vants her children to be attractively and appropriately clad while in pursuit of knowledge. There fore, we know she wiil be very much interested in our displays of attractive fabrics for school dresses at "MONEY SAVING" prices. i Plenty of tub clothes are necessary, and the first thing one thinks of is Gingham Pretty plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors at per yard 50c, 60c, 65c The "Ycung Man," too, will need some new Blouses, for which there is no bet ter material than our 36 in. shirtings at 50c, 60c. And plain and striped cheviots at 50c. f vl J w Children's Hosiery or fine dependable rM quality are hard to get M these days. We buy our hose from mills who stand back of their pro ducts, and for that reason can offer you the best in hose for an exceed ingly modest price. In Brown, Black and White, sizes 5V to 10, at 50c, 60c and 65c PER PAIR Notions on Hand Save Inconvenience and time. And with fall sewing being planned it is very advisable to look to one's Notion needs. Sewing Silk, all colors, 12c per spool; best Needles 15c per paper; Pins 5c and 15c per paper; Snaps 7c per card; Buttons 10c per dozen and up; Tape Measures 15c; Elastic Belts for camisoles, waists and petticoats 18c each; VyH'tf Crowley's ready-made inside belts 25c each; Real 'CAiifc' Hair Nets, all colors, large size 15c each; Elastic Webbin", black, white, all widths; Shoe Laces, Oxford Laces; Darning Cottons, Etc. a. X UotP Sciirel of Murilock, wa a visitor in the ri!y yesterday u 'rrnnrin r.-ilii-n-, , .1.' ,r-c ,-if Coun ty Supenn'endent Mi;s Alpha Peter- sen. Miss Scheel u u member of the v . tenching force of the county. ' H M rvcmembcr Saturdi: Lutz's Store Fine stationerj', Journal office. OENNICHSEN Call Phones 53 and 54 (1 4 t t V f 3 i f f y f y V y y y y y y y y y y f in